Compile Repeatation

After doing any changes in .cc file;

From terminal:

go to:-> cd ns-allinone2.35/ns-2.35

run:-> make clean



sudo make install


Detail Procedures are in Following :


How to re-compile NS2:

NS2 need to be recompiled in two cases.

1. When modifying the existing algorithm

By using same header and source files

2. When adding new files/Protocols

By adding new header and source files

Modifying the Existing Algorithm:

Step 1: Change the existing algorithm.

Step 2: execute the following command

make clean

make depend


Compilation will be success if there are no errors in the modified code and NS will be created.

Step 3: Run TCL script for the modified algorithm.

Adding New Protocol:

Step 1: Create new header and source files for new proposed algorithm.

Step 2: Put these files inside respective folder /home/user/ns-allinone-2.--/ns-2.--/

Step 3: Need to place that information in (in ns-allinone-2.--/ns-2.--/). Open using any editor (usually vi or gedit) and add the folder information to the OBJ_CC variable)

Step 5: Put new proposed algorithm information anywhere inside the OBJ_CC variable

For example: "propalgo/propalgo.o \"

Step 6: After editing the file entry, follow these steps:

1. Go to /home/user/ns-allinone-2.--/ns-2.--/

2. ./configure // replace Makefile with modified one.)

3. make clean //(*optional) use this, If you want to recompile the whole ns2.

4. make //this will make all object files which are missing

Compilation will be success if there are no errors in the modified code and NS will be created.

Step 7: Run TCL script for the new protocol.


$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get upgrade

$ sudo apt-get install


$ cd ns-allinone-2.35/

$ ./install

$ cd ns-2.35

$ ./configure (replace Makefile with modified one.) or next line

$ sudo make install

if any problem, then

$ make clean (*optional - use this, If you want to recompile the whole ns2.)

$ make (this will make all object files which are missing)

$ sudo make install