Dr Monia Conforti

Counselling Psychology Services

Type of services

Psychological support, mental health wellbeing or supervision.

Individual personal therapy  or Group therapy.


Time-limited or open ended personal therapy, 50 minutes for individual weekly sessions.

Time-limited group therapy up to 90 minutes for group sessions. 


English, Italian.


To book a first assessment, please, get in touch:

email: drmoniaconforti@gmail.com       

phone:  0044 7909501982.

The first assessment will help you explore how the service I offer can serve your needs and clarify potential goals for therapy. There will be space to identify the therapeutic approach which would be the most beneficial for you.

The day and time for the weekly appointments will be mutually agreed.

Working hours 

Monday to Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm.

Limited evening and weekend appointments.

Reading (UK) School Term-time only


In person indoor, or outdoor:

Telephone call.

Online audio/video call.

Confidentiality and Data protection

Fully confidential, more details on the Privacy page . 

Registered with the ICO under the Data Protection Act.

I do not offer out of hours service.

Please, contact a local emergency number in the case of urgent need.

Sito In Italiano