Projects and Interests

Current Projects/Interests/Collaborations

Therapeutic Bibliodrama

Individual therapy sessions informed by the he Italian association of Bibliodrama's methodology.

Aimed to create a creative space to engage with selected biblical text to deepen self understanding, to acquire personal insights and facilitate healing. 

Bibliodrama for groups (Online or in person)

Bibliodrama group sessions are aimed to create a creative space to engage with selected biblical text to deepen self understanding and to acquire personal insights and support personal growth. 

This is promoted by the use of diverse art materials and techniques for example drawing, picture resonance, imaginative meditation, and drama, informed by the psychosyntesis, gestalt and psychodrama therapeutic approaches.

Bibliodrama for professionals 

(Metal health, nurses, GP, religious leaders...)

Support individuals or groups of professionals informed by the Italian association of Bibliodrama's methodology.

Monthly meetings where participants can explore personal needs and experiences relating to helping others.

The aim is to facilitate a safe space in which to share any difficulties encountered professionally and where participants can be nurtured through the exploration of biblical passages. 

Free to be me

16 weeks programme of Holistic Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (HCBT)

Offered to groups (about 12 participants).

Caring for carers

 Support groups for carers attending to the needs of people with any disability (e.i. mental, physical or both), as family member, or as professionals. Carer Groups have the aim to encourage sharing the load between participants, to improve community networking, and  explore strategies to prevent burnout.

Female mental health wellbeing

Group discussions on cycle awareness, female emotional wellbeing and normalising individual experiences.

Young and mature female groups to create a confidential and nonjudgemental space where to ask, to talk and be heard. 

Perinatal mental health wellbeing

Groups and individual therapy sessions for perinatal wellbeing.

Post natal depression or PTSD.

Motherhood and parental challenges, including disability and loss.

I have a personal experience of being a mother of young children,  and a thorough clinical experience grown by participating to toddler groups, by leading  support groups for new mums, as well as by offering therapy to several clients struggling with issues related to parenthood. This area is currently one of my personal interest and expertise.

EMDR therapy

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy.

Attachment Informed EMDR (AI-EMDR).

Past Projects/Collaborations

Still The Hunger

Support groups for people with diverse mental health issues in collaboration with Still the Hunger.

BDD support groups

Support group for people with BDD in association with Sill the Hunger and the BDD Foundation

EMDR and BDD webinar.

Bibliodrama as support to therapy

Support group for individuals engaged in personal therapy with the use of Bibliodrama methodology in association with Still the Hunger and the Italian association of Bibliodrama.

Mums in Mind

Support groups for mothers in association with Home-Start Reading.

CBT seminars at WPF