
2020 - present Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh

2013 - 2020, Senior Lecturer, University of Aberdeen

2009 - 2013, Lecturer, University of Aberdeen

2006 - 2009, Postdoctoral research, Unversity of Liverpool

2004 - 2007, PhD in Psychology, University of Leipzig, Germany (Dr.rer.nat., Summa cum laude)

2003 - 2004, research assistant, University of Liverpool

2002 - 2003, MSc in Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (distinction), University of Liverpool, UK

1995 - 2001, Dipl.-psych., University of Belgrade, Serbia

After graduating from my first degree in psychology, I spent a year volunteering as a trainee neuropsychologist in Belgrade, testing both children with neurodevelopmental disorders and adults with various types of neurological deficits. This experience made me realise that I want to pursue further education in cognitive neuroscience. I did a taught masters at the University of Liverpool in order to learn more about this area of psychology and my masters project investigated episodic memory using fMRI. To get some pocket money, I volunteered for colour psychophysics experiments and subsequently developed an interest in colour vision and a fascination with the precision of psychophysical methods. I stayed on in Liverpool for an extra year as a research assistant in the colour psychophysics lab, continuing the line of work for which I had volunteered as a participant in the previous year. I contemplated doing a PhD in either visual or auditory neuroscience. In the end, I got funding for both, and decided to move to the University of Leipzig to study visual object recognition. After my PhD I returned to Liverpool and to colour vision research - I stayed there for three more years as a postdoc before taking up a lecturer position in Aberdeen in 2009. In 2020, after 11 years in Aberdeen, I moved the colour vision lab to the University of Edinburgh.