RSSD-DealScan Database Linking Table

  • Content: 44,224 links between RSSD lender identifier-years from FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) or FED/NIC (Federal Reserve Bank/National Information Center) databases and companyid lender identifier-years from the Thomson Reuters DealScan Facilities file. Files can be linked with this table using the variables RSSD (the FDIC and FED identifier), companyid or ultimateparentid (the DealScan identifiers), plus the year variable for all files involved.

  • Coverage: 93% or 652,772 of 701,435 of all lender-facility observations in which DealScan loans were issued by U.S. non-FIRE companies between 1987 and 2016.

  • Referencing: Augmentations to the DealScan-Compustat Link are obtained from Jan Keil's website; first presented in "Jan Keil, Do Relationship Lenders Manage Loans Differently?, Working Paper, 2018" [BibTeX].

  • Download: A technical documentation, and CSV files linking DealScan lenders and ultimate parents. Files contain only companyid, rssd and FDIC/FED flag variables. Lender names, information on lenders and loans must be obtained from the FDIC, the FED, and DealScan. The latter requires a paid subscription.

U.S. Industry Concentration Data

  • Content: Concentration ratios, Herfindahl Index, number of establishments for manufacturing and non-manufacturing U.S. industries, from 1935 to 2012.

  • Sources: U.S. Census Bureau at the U.S. Department of Commerce and Bureau of Labor Statistics (for additional sales, payroll and employee variables). Files are assembled from raw data that can be freely obtained by the respective U.S. government bodies. Raw data are not readily usable for a quantitative analysis and must be either collected by hand, requested, or scraped from websites. Please reference to the original sources that hold the copy rights, my website and the publication in which I used the file first.

  • Referencing: U.S. Census and BLS data compiled by Jan Keil; first presented in "Jan Keil, The Trouble with Approximating Industry Concentration from Compustat, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2017" [BibTeX].

  • Download: Stata 14 .dta files with original industry classifications, with translated, most recent classifications, with two fitted Herfindahl Index variables, and a description.