18 July 2024

Gideon Polya, “Racist & Lying Australian & Western Mainstream Disappear 186,000 Gaza Genocide Deaths”, Countercurrents, 18 July 2024: .

On 5 July 2024 the prestigious medical journal The Lancet reported an expert estimate of 186,000 Palestinian deaths from violence and imposed deprivation in the ongoing Gaza Massacre and Gaza Genocide. Not content with complicity in this genocide, US Government – and Zionist-perverted Australian and Western journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes have largely removed this shocking information from public perception…

Children killed in Gaza include (a) 0.356 x 37,000 = 13,172 (children killed violently) + (b) 0.356 x 8,000 = 2,848 (children killed under the rubble) + (c ) 0.7 x 149,000 =104,300 (under-5 deaths from deprivation) + (d ) 0.356 x (149,000 – 104,300) = 15,913 (5 years and older avoidable deaths) = 136,233 or about 136,000 children in total or 136,000 x 100/1,500,000 = 9.1% of the 1.5 million Jewish children killed by the Nazis in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust. The rate of killing of children by Zionazi Jewish Israelis in Gaza over 8 months  = 136,000 children / 8 months = 17,000 children killed per month, whereas the rate of Nazi German killing of Jewish children in WW2 (74 months) = 1,500,000 children/74 months = 20,270 children killed per month). Nazi is as Nazi does. Terrorism is as terrorism does. In 2021 I published “A shocking list of 52 Zionist- & Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons”. The utterly unforgivable Jewish Israeli mass murder of over 136,000 children in Gaza  makes a 53rd shocking comparison…

My Letters to Australian Mainstream media have not been published but I have done my duty and informed Australian Mainstream media and politicians who nevertheless continue to ignore this horrific death toll of nearly 200,000 Gazans, 136,000 being children. Ditto my circa 1,000-word Letters to English-speaking journalists, academics and activists  around the World. The Silence is Deafening. Silence is complicity and those not speaking out about the Gaza Genocide – the Australian, US and Western Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, and academic presstitutes – are  “complicit in genocide,” a punishable offence under Article 3e of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide


15 July 2024


Dr. Gideon Polya, “Zionist-Perverted Western Mainstream Media Ignore 186,000 Palestinian Deaths In Apartheid Israeli Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 15 July 2024: .

Readers of about 110 progressive Alternative and Global South media are familiar with the shocking revelation on 5 July 2024 in the top medical journal The Lancet of an estimated 186,000 Gaza deaths from violence and violently-imposed deprivation. This huge news was spread globally at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) but a week after publication only 4 Western Mainstream media have unequivocally reported this horrific estimation.

In stark contrast, while several further Western Mainstream media have equivocally reported and criticized the estimated 186,000 deaths, for the rest there is an appalling silence from Zionist-perverted US media  and from Zionist-perverted Western media in general. Morally degenerate, egregiously mendacious, and  genocidally  racist  Apartheid Israeli, and  Zionist and pro-Zionist media in general have predictably engaged in fervent genocide denial, holocaust denial and false accusations of “libel”, “blood libel” and “anti-Semitism” in relation to The Lancet report.

Of course those denying the horrific global reality of  massive avoidable deaths from war-, occupation- and hegemony-imposed deprivation (an ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust and the basis of The Lancet report) are simply lying. In short, global avoidable deaths from deprivation have totalled 1,500 million since 1950 and in 2020 global avoidable deaths from deprivation totalled 7.4 million with 70% being of under-5 year old infants as variously set out in the 2007 and 2021 editions of my huge book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”…

Meanwhile the mass murder continues while the world looks on. The death of 69 Africans in the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre led to the immediate global response of boycotts and sanctions that ultimately led to the fall of South African Apartheid in 1994 with the formation of a united, non-racist, secular democracy. Surely the unforgivable mass murder of 186,000 Palestinians (mostly women and children) will elicit a massive global response. The World must impose comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) on mother- and child-killing  Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, companies and countries supporting this genocidally racist and neo-Nazi pariah state. 


9 July 2024


Dr. Gideon Polya, “The Lancet: 186,000 Palestinians Killed By Violence And Imposed Deprivation In Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 9 July 2024: .


On 5 July 2024 the prestigious medical journal The Lancet reported that deaths from violence and imposed deprivation in the ongoing Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Massacre may total up to 186, 000 or even more. Famed Palestinian writer Susan Abulhawa has estimated a minimum figure of 195,000. However the Gaza Genocide-complicit, fervently pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Western Mainstream only reports 40,000 violent deaths and backs the ongoing slaughter.  These shocking estimates are of nearly 200,000 Palestinians deaths (so far) in this over 9 month Gaza Massacre of which about 45,000 are violent deaths and the remainder avoidable deaths from war- and siege-imposed deprivation. The key data and  arguments are set out below….

Numbers matter and for 3 decades I have been reporting  science-informed estimates of “avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation” in Global North-violated Global South countries. The essential argument is that whether a child dies from imposed deprivation or from bashing, bullets or bombs the death is just as final and the inescapable moral culpability of the perpetrators just the same. Using 1950 onwards UN Population Division data I was able to determine “annual avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation” for every country in the world that totalled 16.0 million in 2003 [1] and 7.4 million in a pre-Covid estimate for 2020 [2]; the corresponding under-5 year old infant deaths totalled 10.6 million (2003) and 5.3 million (2020) [1, 2]. Thus under-5 infant deaths were about 70% of total avoidable deaths, and 99% of these avoidable deaths occurred in non-European countries i.e. poverty kills.  About 1,500 million people have died avoidably from deprivation since 1950 (1,050 million of them under-5 year old infants) on Spaceship Earth with the rich and merciless  Global North in charge of the flight  deck in an ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust [2]….

As far as I am aware, the findings published in The Lancet have not been published by Western Mainstream media. Zionist-subverted Western Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes continue to lie by omission about the horrific deaths in the genocidal US War on Terror and the ongoing Palestinians  Genocide [28]. This horrendous and ongoing carnage demands immediate action by the World. After 69 Africans were killed in the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre the World galvanized and emplaced Boycotts and Sanctions  against  Apartheid South Africa that eventually led to the downfall of Apartheid South Africa by 1994. 186,000 Palestinians  killed in the ongoing Gaza Genocide demands that the World urgently applies rigorous and comprehensive  Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and indeed against all unforgivable people, parties and politicians, collectives, companies and countries (notably the US, UK, neo-Nazi Germany and Australia) supporting this genocidally racist, egregiously mendacious, child-killing, women-killing and neo-Nazi Apartheid rogue state.


6 July 2024

Dr. Gideon Polya, “Heroic Julian Assange Free But Western Mainstream Silence Over The War Crimes He Exposed”, Countercurrents, 6 July 2024: .

 Most Australians have rightly welcomed the return to Australia of Australian and world hero and journalist  Julian Assange from 12 years of incarceration in London  for the asserted crime of truth telling about US and US Alliance war crimes. However non-specific mention of US war crimes and the much-shown video of the US Apache helicopter atrocity aside, there is shocking Western media silence over the actual horrendous extent of the Iraqi Genocide and the Afghan Genocide.

There is no limit to the mendacity of Western Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes, and Mainstream  coverage  of the return of Julian Assange is no exception. The Western Mainstream media coverage I have seen refers to Julian Assange’s exposure of US war crimes and the Baghdad Apache helicopter atrocity in particular, but that is as far as they are prepared to go. The rest is silence. The horrific US-imposed post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide and the  Iraqi Holocaust and Afghan Holocaust in particular are resolutely ignored by racist and mendacious Western media [1-7].

At the outset we must be clear about what our hero and the world’s most famous journalist did to so upset the serial war criminal Americans and their Western allies to the extent that he was punished by 12 years of awful incarceration in London and threatened with life imprisonment and death in the notoriously evil and corrupt US justice system. As a journalist and publisher Julian Assange had invaded the sanctum of US secrets – it was crucially this per se that upset the lying Americans because, like their Western allies and pathologically mendacious and child-killing neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel,  they have so much to lie about, from who actually did 9/11 [8] to the details of the millions of people they killed in the subsequent War on Terror [7]…

This awful complicity is simply summarized in the following Letter I sent on 5 June 2024 to the editors of  9 major Australian Mainstream  media (however the Silence has been Deafening):The arithmetic of Australian decency that children can understand: of 227 Federal MPs  (151 MHRs [Members of the House of Representatives], 76 Senators) only the 15 Greens, Lidia Thorpe, Dr Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie  have voted for an immediate and permanent Ceasefire in the devastated  Gaza Concentration Camp. Now Senator Fatima Payman, decent Australia’s wonderful  Joan of Arc, has left the pro-Apartheid Israel and hence Apartheid Labor Party (ALP) demanding recognition of the State of Palestine (actual Labor Party policy but not implemented by the unforgivably mendacious, cowardly, Zionist-perverted, US lackey and Gaza Genocide-complicit  Australian Labor Government) and decrying the ongoing Gaza Genocide (45,000 killed so far including 16,000 children, 10,000 women, 19,000 men, 500 health professionals, and 152 courageous, truth-telling journalists). There are presently only 19 decent MPs unequivocally opposing the mass murder of children by Apartheid Israel but one can only hope that  by this time next year there will be 227 with the unforgivably genocide-complicit Labor, Coalition, Teal, and other MPs removed from public life by decent Australian voters who will also put Labor last (Labor is in government and has trashed Australia internationally by making it complicit in the Gaza Genocide). Australia needs de-Nazification. Silence is complicity”.


13 June 2024

Dr. Gideon Polya, “Gaza Genocide Complicity: 27 Nations Join Genocidal Apartheid Israel & US In RIMPAC Naval Exercises”, 13 June 2024: .

The mass murder by US-backed Apartheid Israel of Palestinians in the Gaza Concentration Camp (44,000 killed including 16,000 children and 10,000 women by 13 May) is utterly intolerable and unforgivable to decent people  who consequently urge detachment from any dealings with the perpetrators including joint military exercises. Thus the coming US RIMPAC naval exercises involving 29 nations including child-killing Apartheid Israel will provoke  fierce global opposition.      

The Commander, U.S. Third Fleet Public Affairs: “ Approximately 29 nations, 40 surface ships, 3 submarines, 14 national land forces, over 150 aircraft and more than 25,000 personnel will participate in the biennial Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise scheduled June 26 to Aug. 2, in and around the Hawaiian Islands. RIMPAC 2024 is the 29th exercise in the series that began in 1971. As the world’s largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC combines force capabilities in a dynamic maritime environment to demonstrate enduring interoperability across the full spectrum of military operations. The theme of RIMPAC 2024 is “Partners: Integrated and Prepared.” To promote a free and open Indo-Pacific, Exercise RIMPAC is the premier joint and combined maritime exercise, utilizing and preserving a world class maritime training environment. With inclusivity at its core, RIMPAC fosters multi-national cooperation and trust, leverages interoperability, and achieves respective national objectives to strengthen integrated, prepared, coalition partners. This year’s exercise includes forces from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, the United Kingdom and the United States… During RIMPAC, integrated and prepared partners train and operate together in order to strengthen our collective forces and promote a free and open Indo-Pacific. RIMPAC 2024 contributes to the increased interoperability, resiliency and agility needed by the Joint and Combined Force to deter and defeat aggression by major powers across all domains and levels of conflict”[1].

It is very instructive to systematically analyse the country participants in this US-led, Indo-Pacific naval exercise in the interests of “national security” that also includes Israel – the genocidally racist, nuclear terrorist, serial invader, serial war criminal, grossly human rights-abusing, child-killing, women-killing, neo-Nazi pariah state of Apartheid Israel that has been involved for 8 months in the horrific Gaza Massacre and Gaza Genocide (as of 13 May 2024, Day 220, 44,000 Palestinians killed, including 16,000 children and 10,000 women) [2]…

The World responded to the killing of 69 Africans in the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre by imposing (ultimately successful) comprehensive Sanctions against Apartheid South Africa. Unless they withdraw, the Gaza Genocide-complicit  RIMPAC nations  will surely face similar  Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and government punishment at the ballot box for complicity in the utterly horrific mass murder to date of 44,000 Gazans, 16,000 of them children and 10,000 women.

In my country Australia, reprehensible RIMPAC participant and ruled by a pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Labor Government and an even worse Coalition Opposition, decent anti-racist voters will put Labor last in Australia’s  preferential voting system [68-70]. Nazi is as Nazi does. Neo-Nazi is as Neo-Nazi does. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Please inform everyone you can. 


6 June 2024

Dr.  Gideon Polya, “Trump First Convicted Felon Former US President But 45 War Criminal US Presidents Remain Un-convicted”, Countercurrents, 6 June 2024: .

Misogynist, sexist, racist, ultranationalist, neo-fascist, crook  and pathological liar,  former US president Donald Trump, has been convicted as a felon over a victim-less dishonesty. What is resolutely ignored  in the flood of reportage by US and US-beholden Western Mainstream media presstitutes is that Trump and 45 other US presidents remain un-convicted for deadly war crimes and other horrendous genocidal crimes committed by genocidally racist America since 1776.

The fundamental core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth but these key moral  imperatives  have been grossly violated by all 46 US presidents  from genocidally racist slave owner and pathological liar George Washington to the present child mass murdering and egregiously  lying US president, child-killing geriatric Joe Biden.

The 2 unbroken themes of the United States over the last 248 years have been (1) the violent and genocidal theft of the land and resources of other peoples, and (2) egregious lying to variously whitewash this history  of  theft and mass murder as “Christian”, “civilization”, “freedom”, “liberty”, “justice”, “progress” , “democracy”, “the rule of law”, “responsibility to protect” , “the will of the people”, and “the rules-based order”.  Out of 46 US presidents, 32 US presidents had previous military experience, 9 were generals in the US Army, and  27 presidents were previously lawyers [1] i.e. in addition to all presidents exercising presidential executive authority as commander in chief, most US presidents were actively involved in the genocidal killing machine and the whitewashing of the crimes.

The 3 greatest contributions of America  to the governance of Humanity are (1) representative  parliamentary  democracy, (2) the First  Amendment to the Constitution (guaranteeing freedom of speech that is vital for an informed democracy) and (3) the proposition that  “all men are created equal and have an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. However there is a huge gulf between American practice and these great American ideals as outlined below…

However as sketched here, all 46 are guilty of the murder and dispossession of  people of other nations. Indeed for all his mendacity and ideological awfulness Donald Trump is the least bad by far in this respect – the other 45 are all complicit in war crimes and racist mass murder.   America and Joe Biden are irrevocably stained with the blood of 16,000 murdered Palestinian children. Decent people around the World will urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against child-killing Apartheid Israel, child-killing, pro-Apartheid America  and all people, parties, corporations and countries supporting these child-killing neo-Nazi states. 

In my country, Australia, ruled by a Gaza Genocide-complicit, US lackey, pro-Apartheid  Israel and pro-Apartheid Labor Government, and with an even worse Coalition Opposition, decent people will (a) put Labor last  in Australia’s preferential voting system, and (b) demand that Australia leave the nuclear-armed and region- and world-destabilizing  AUKUS Alliance.


6 June 2024


Gideon Polya, “Trump First Convicted Felon Former US President But 45 War Criminal US Presidents Remain Un-convicted”, Countercurrents, 6 June 2024: .

Misogynist, sexist, racist, ultranationalist, neo-fascist, crook  and pathological liar,  former US president Donald Trump, has been convicted as a felon over a victim-less dishonesty. What is resolutely ignored  in the flood of reportage by US and US-beholden Western Mainstream media presstitutes is that Trump and 45 other US presidents remain un-convicted for deadly war crimes and other horrendous genocidal crimes committed by genocidally racist America since 1776. The fundamental core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth but these key moral  imperatives  have been grossly violated by all 46 US presidents  from genocidally racist slave owner and pathological liar George Washington to the present child mass murdering and egregiously  lying US president, child-killing geriatric Joe Biden. The 2 unbroken themes of the United States over the last 248 years have been (1) the violent and genocidal theft of the land and resources of other peoples, and (2) egregious lying to variously whitewash this history  of  theft and mass murder as “Christian”, “civilization”, “freedom”, “liberty”, “justice”, “progress” , “democracy”, “the rule of law”, “responsibility to protect” , “the will of the people”, and “the rules-based order”.  Out of 46 US presidents, 32 US presidents had previous military experience, 9 were generals in the US Army, and  27 presidents were previously lawyers [1] i.e. in addition to all presidents exercising presidential executive authority as commander in chief, most US presidents were actively involved in the genocidal killing machine and the whitewashing of the crimes. The 3 greatest contributions of America  to the governance of Humanity are (1) representative  parliamentary  democracy, (2) the First  Amendment to the Constitution (guaranteeing freedom of speech that is vital for an informed democracy) and (3) the proposition that  “all men are created equal and have an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. However there is a huge gulf between American practice and these great American ideals as outlined below…

Out of 46 US presidents only one, Donald Trump, is a convicted felon, albeit in relation to procedural and victim-less crimes. Richard Nixon escaped impeachment by resignation and Bill Clinton was acquitted.  However as sketched here, all 46 are guilty of the murder and dispossession of  people of other nations. Indeed for all his mendacity and ideological awfulness Donald Trump is the least bad by far in this respect – the other 45 are all complicit in war crimes and racist mass murder.   America and Joe Biden are irrevocably stained with the blood of 16,000 murdered Palestinian children. Decent people around the World will urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against child-killing Apartheid Israel, child-killing, pro-Apartheid America  and all people, parties, corporations and countries supporting these child-killing neo-Nazi states. In my country, Australia, ruled by a Gaza Genocide-complicit, US lackey, pro-Apartheid  Israel and pro-Apartheid Labor Government, and with an even worse Coalition Opposition, decent people will (a) put Labor last  in Australia’s preferential voting system, and (b) demand that Australia leave the nuclear-armed and region- and world-destabilizing  AUKUS Alliance.


26 May 2024

Gideon Polya, “Comparing Mass Murder of Prisoners By Japanese (Australians, WW2) & By Jewish Israelis (Palestinians, Gaza)”, Countercurrents, 26 May 2024: .

War crimes are indefensible and war criminals must be punished to make the world safe for decent Humanity. Particularly awful  crimes are the mass murder of prisoners by their captors. “People killed per day per million of relevant prisoner population” was 22.9 (Japanese killing of Australian prisoners of war in WW2) versus for Jewish Israeli killing of Palestinians in the Gaza Concentration Camp 86.2 (total population), 132.3 (men), 66.7 (children), and 76.3 (women)… To illustrate the methodology, one can consider that the 34,000 Australians who died serving in WW2 [1] included 8,031 killed out of the 22,376 Australian POWs held by the Japanese from 15 February 1942 to 12 September 1945 (15,706 days) [2]. “People killed per day per million of POW population” = (8,031 killed x 1,000,000) / (22,376 total POW population x 15,706 days) = 22.9…

Likewise, as of 13 May 2024  (Day 220 of the present Gaza Massacre) Israel has killed 43,640 Palestinians in Gaza (this including  17,287 men, 15,971 children, and 10,382 women [3] out of a population of 2.3 million including 1,087,900 children [4],  1,212,100 adults, 618,171 women,  and 593,929 men. “People killed per day per million of total Gaza population” = (43,640 killed x 1,000,000) / (2,300,000 total Gaza population x 220 days) = 86.2. Thus “People killed per day per million of relevant Gaza population” is presently  86.2 (for the total population), 132.3 (adult male population), 66.7 (child population), and 76.3 (adult female population) or 3 to 6 times greater than the 22.9 for the utterly awful killing of Australian prisoners of war by the Japanese in WW2.”

[ 9 January 2010 Formal Complaint by Dr Gideon Polya to the International Criminal Court (ICC) re US Alliance Palestinian Genocide , Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide, Muslim Genocide, Aboriginal Genocide, Biofuel Genocide and Climate Genocide: .]


Gideon Polya, “Put Labor Last: Traitorous Australian Labor Government Deceives Australians For US & Genocidal Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 21 May 2024: .

“The key ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth but in the context of the horrific ongoing Gaza Genocide by Apartheid Israel  these 2 core moral imperatives  are grossly violated by the Australian Labor Government, the Coalition Opposition and indeed all but the decent Greens and 4 other Federal MPs. Orwellian, mendacious, traitorous and US lackey Labor is complicit in the Gaza Genocide and has utterly betrayed Australians for AUKUS-backed Apartheid Israel.

As of 13 May 2024 (Day 220 since the Palestinian Breakout from the Gaza Concentration Camp on 7 October 2023, and considering some 8,000 buried under the rubble),  Palestinians  killed by genocidal Jewish Israelis  in Gaza totalled 43,640 including 39,675 civilians, 15,971 children, and 10,382 women, with 81,560 injured [1]. In the face of this horrific and ongoing atrocity, as of mid-May 2024, after over 7 months of mass murder of Indigenous Palestinians in Gaza  by genocidally racist and Nazi-style Jewish Israelis, the only Australian MPs to have voted in Federal Parliament for an immediate and permanent Ceasefire are 15 Greens, ex-Green Senator Lidia Thorpe, and Independents Dr Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie – a mere 18 out of a total of 227 Federal MPs (76 Senators and 151 Members of the House of Representatives) [2, 3].

The Australian Labor Government  is deeply complicit in the ongoing Gaza Genocide and has thus made Australia and Australians complicit in this utterly appalling, Nazi-style atrocity in 20 ways [4].”


[Gideon Polya, “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” on Amazon:   ]


 Gideon Polya, “Breakthrough: Australian Labor Senator Fatima Payman Condemns Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide, Human Rights Denial & Occupation”, Countercurrents, 17 May 2024: .

“Under Labor (presently in government) or the Coalition (presently in opposition) Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted and US lackey Australia is second only to America as a fervent supporter of racist and mendacious Apartheid Israel. Only the Greens MPs and several Independent MPs have opposed Apartheid Israeli crimes. Now  Labor Senator Fatima Payman has come out alone with the Greens to  condemn the  Gaza Genocide, human rights denial  and the Occupation.

Labor Senator Fatima Payman showed great moral clarity and great moral courage to come out alone among her Labor colleagues to protest the Gaza Genocide, the Occupation and gross denial of Palestinian human rights. Fatima Payman is 27 and is  the first Afghan-born and hijab-wearing female Muslim politician in the Federal Australian Parliament [1, 2].

As of 13 May 2024 (Day 220 since the Palestinian Breakout from the Gaza Concentration Camp on 7 October 2023, and considering some 8,000 buried under the rubble),  Palestinians  killed by genocidal Jewish Israelis  in Gaza totalled 43,640 including 39,675 civilians, 15,971 children, and 10,382 women, with 81,560 injured [3]. In the face of this horrific and ongoing atrocity, as of mid-May 2024, after over 7 months of mass murder of Indigenous Palestinians in Gaza  by genocidally racist and Nazi-style Jewish Israelis, the only Australian MPs to have voted in Federal Parliament for an immediate and permanent Ceasefire are 15 Greens, ex-Green Senator Lidia Thorpe, and Independents Dr Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie – a mere 18 out of a total of 227 Federal MPs (76 Senators and 151 Members of the House of Representatives) [4, 5].

Labor Senator Fatima Payman’s courageously coming out, breaking ranks with her Labor colleagues and cogently condemning the ongoing, Jewish Israeli-imposed  Gaza Genocide, Occupation and gross denial of Palestinian human rights. means that there are now 19 existing MPs that decent, anti-racist Australian voters can vote 1 for in future elections.”

[PHOTO: ].


Gideon Polya, “Put Labor Last: End Anti-Jewish Anti-Semitic & Gaza Genocide-complicit Australian Labor Government”, Countercurrents, 9 May 2024: .

 “The Australian Labor Government is racist, militarist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, holocaust-denying, genocide-complicit, cowardly, ignorant, mendacious,  corrupt, traitorous, child-abusing, mother-abusing, women-abusing, anti-Indigenous, nuclear terrorist, climate criminal, ecocidal, speciescidal, Humanity-betraying, and thus utterly rotten to the core. Labor is utterly unfit to rule – in Australia’s preferential voting system decent voters will put Labor last…

This essay is largely confined to documenting just ONE (1) of these TWENTY (20) horrible realities, specifically Australian Labor Government anti-Jewish anti-Semitism. It should be noted that anti-Semitism occurs in 2 equally repugnant forms, anti-Jewish anti-Semitism (against 18 million mainly culturally Semitic Jews) and anti-Arab anti-Semitism (against 300 million ethnically and culturally Semitic Arabs and 2,000 million mainly culturally Semitic Muslims in entrenched Western Islamophobia)…

The utterly unforgivable anti-Jewish anti-Semitism of the Australian Labor Government is systematically summarized below: (1).  The Australian Labor Government (ALG) falsely conflates genocidally racist Zionism and Apartheid Israel with all Jews… (10). The Zionist-subverted, US lackey Australian Labor Government remorselessly fosters Global anti-Jewish sentiment by hiding Jewish Israeli crimes around the world and by being  fervently pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid…

The crucial argument is that Labor is presently in power and must be punished for its complicity in the Gaza Genocide – the only way to punish the genocide-complicit Australian Labor Government is at the ballot box and anything less means they get away with genocide complicity (a punishable crime as set out in Article 3 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” [73]. Accordingly, decent anti-racist  and anti-genocide Australian voters will vote 1 Green (or like-minded humanitarians) and put Labor last.”

[Australian Financial Review, “Letters to the Editor”, 5 May 2024: .

“Silence on the Palestinian plight is complicity

As an anti-racist Jewish Australian scientist, secular humanist and humanitarian writer, I applaud the student protests at many Australian universities for Palestinian human rights, and particularly the Palestinian right to life. Thus Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor estimated (April 23, 2024) that taking into account the dead under rubble, 42,510 Palestinian had been killed in Gaza, including 15,780 children, 10,091 women, 38,621 civilians, and 137 journalists, with 79,240 injured, and 2 million out of 2.3 million displaced.

The indignant but peaceful protests for Palestinian human rights by anti-racist non-Jewish and Jewish Australian university students have been falsely condemned as “social cohesion”-threatening and “antisemitism” by Labor and Coalition politicians and by mainstream media, this being faithfully reported by the taxpayer-funded ABC.

There is real and damaging anti-Jewish antisemitism in Australia that is directed against the very best of Jews, the anti-racist Jews who believe in all human rights for all, “never again to anyone”, and are utterly opposed to the unforgivable mass murder of children by US- and US alliance-backed apartheid Israel. Silence is complicity.

Gideon Polya, Macleod, Vic”]

Gideon Polya , “How To Free Palestine: End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation And Palestinian Genocide”, Countercurrents, 2 May 2024: .

“Anti-racist  supporters of Palestinian human rights call for a Free Palestine that can be accomplished by the World effecting  an end to Apartheid Israel, human rights denial, the Gaza Massacre, the utterly unforgivable  child killing (16,000 children killed so far by US- and Germany-armed Jewish Israelis in Gaza), the 57-year Occupation and the century-long Palestinian Genocide through draconian Sanctions against the Gaza Genocide-complicit US Alliance and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel. I have addressed this in a huge book detailing the circumstances of the sorely oppressed Indigenous Palestinians that I have just published and entitled “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” [1] (for a prior very detailed and exhaustively documented account  of the Palestinian Genocide see [2]). These key moral  imperatives and how they must be effected through global Sanctions are briefly summarized below…

The core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth but this is grossly violated by genocidally racist and egregiously mendacious Zionists and their US Alliance backers. About 16,000 Palestinian children have been killed so far, and words fail to describe the sheer unforgivable evil of this atrocity. “Free Palestine” concludes that “The World contains  2 kinds of people, those opposing the mass murder of children, and the unforgivable others. Silence is complicity… If Western governments continue to support the mass murder of Palestinian children – the unforgivable worst of crimes – then anything goes”. The world is existentially threatened  by nuclear weapons and climate change, and present criminal political inaction foreshadows unimaginable horrors  this century on a scale vastly greater than the Palestinian Genocide – the young must revolt and effect removal of the unforgivably pro-Apartheid and genocide-complicit Western political Establishments. We are all Palestinians.”

***[Gideon Polya Countercurrents articles”, Palestine Genocide Essays: .  ]


***[ Dear fellow humanitarian,


NEW BOOK by Gideon Polya:  “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” (29 April 2024).  


The subtitle of the book summarizes what the World must urgently do to stop the over century-long, Western-backed and ongoing Palestinian Genocide  by genocidally racist Zionist settler-colonialism that wants all the land of Palestine (plus land of its neighbours) but not the Indigenous inhabitants.


For details of “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” by Gideon Maxwell Polya (Korsgaard Publishing, April 2024, 761 pages) see Amazon: .


“Free Palestine” largely involves a selection of Palestine-related articles from 645 detailed and exhaustively referenced articles published by Gideon Polya in the humane and progressive web magazine Countercurrents over the last 2 decades: “Gideon Polya Countercurrents articles”, Palestine Genocide Essays: .  


“Free Palestine” is bookended by a detailed Preface and final extensive Concluding Comments, and in 36 chapters in 13 sections covers a wide range of key Palestine-related matters from Chapter 1 (“Summary: Century-long Palestinian Genocide from British-ruled Palestine to Apartheid Israel’s present Gaza Massacre” ) and Chapter 2 (“Palestinian Me Too: 140 alphabetically listed Zionist crimes expose appalling Western complicity and hypocrisy” to Chapter 35 (“Comparing Gaza Genocide with other atrocities: Ceasefire Now, End Occupation and Boycott neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and US Alliance”) and Chapter 36 (“Democratic, secular, non-racist and just one-state solution (unitary state, binational state) for post-Apartheid Palestine”).


It is a shocking testament to censorship and self-censorship by Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted and US-beholden Western Mainstream media that much of the content of this huge and exhaustively referenced book is ignored or largely ignored by Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat  presstitutes who instead endlessly parrot utterly false Zionist propaganda. “Free Palestine” exposes the Awful Truth of genocidal Zionism. Thus, for example,  Chapter 3 (“Apartheid Israel excludes Occupied Palestinians from all provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”), Chapter 4 (“And then they stole the falafel”),  Chapter 15 (“Gaza Massacre: 35 ways Zionist-perverted US, Australia and West Lie for child-killing , neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel”), Chapter 26 (“A shocking list of 52 Zionist- and Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons”),  and Chapter 34 (“IDF killed Israelis on 7 October 2023 enabling 9/11-style excuse for horrendous Gaza Genocide” ).   


Meanwhile the World simply watches while the mass murder of Indigenous Palestinians by US- and Germany-armed Jewish Israelis continues. Decent people are utterly shocked by the ongoing Gaza Massacre by West-backed Apartheid Israel. Euro-Med Human  Rights Watch has estimated the horrific extent of the  carnage as of 23 April 2024 (Day 200  after the Palestinian Breakout from the Gaza Concentration camp on 7 October  2023): Taking account of dead under rubble, 42,510 killed (including 15,780 children, 10,091 women, 38,621 civilians, and 137 journalists), 79,240 injured, 2,000,000 displaced, 131,200 completely destroyed houses, 281,000 partially destroyed homes, 178 destroyed/damaged press headquarters, 445 damaged schools, 2,271 destroyed industrial facilities, 65 damaged mosques, 3 damaged churches, 905 health professionals hit (356 killed, 549 injured), 322 health facilities hit (29 hospitals, 72 clinics, 221 ambulances), 203 heritage sites hit, 203 civil defence people hit (42 killed, 161 injured), and  3,661 detained/ forcibly disappeared).   


Gaza is one of the world’s most ancient cities but has now been reduced to rubble. Before  7 October 2023 the hermetically sealed  Gaza Concentration Camp  had a per capita GDP of $1,000 (versus $55,500 for the occupier Apartheid Israel) and suffered deadly blockade and periodic bombing for 16 years. Despite this deadly  imposed deprivation the heroic Gazans achieved bare survival with minimal infrastructure, businesses, schools, hospitals and universities – but that has now been destroyed by the genocidal Jewish Israelis. 2.3 million Gazans have now endured over 200 days of siege, bombing and substantial US- and US Alliance-backed Jewish Israeli denial of water, food, shelter, sanitation, fuel, electricity, medicine, and medical care.


The core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth but this is grossly violated by genocidally racist and egregiously mendacious Zionists and their US Alliance backers. About 16,000 Palestinian children have been killed so far, and words fail to describe the sheer unforgivable evil of this atrocity. “Free Palestine” concludes that “The World contains  2 kinds of people, those opposing the mass murder of children, and the unforgivable others. Silence is complicity… If Western governments continue to support the mass murder of Palestinian children – the unforgivable worst of crimes – then anything goes”. The world is existentially threatened  by nuclear weapons and climate change, and present criminal political inaction foreshadows unimaginable horrors  this century on a scale vastly greater than the Palestinian Genocide – the young must revolt and effect removal of the unforgivably pro-Apartheid and genocide-complicit Western political Establishments. We are all Palestinians.


Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya, Melbourne   


Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (2003). He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2021), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (1998, 2008, 2022), “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020), “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” (2024), and contributed to Soren Korsgaard (editor) “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published – Dangerous Deception Exposed!” (2020). For images of Gideon Polya's huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see:  .]





Gideon Polya,  “Gaza Genocide-Complicit Western Mainstream Media Lie For War Criminal Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 24 April 2024: .

 “Zionist-perverted and US-beholden Western Mainstream media are complicit in the ongoing Gaza Massacre and Gaza Genocide by forcing  their journalists to self-censor and lie about the unspeakable atrocities  being committed by genocidally racist, US- and US Alliance-backed, and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel in the Gaza Concentration Camp. However decent journalists, writers and artists  have been speaking out about this disgraceful perversion of the Awful Truth.

The key moral imperatives of Humanity are Kindness and Truth  but these are grossly violated by genocidally racist and egregiously mendacious Apartheid Israel, the US, the US Alliance, and by the similarly  perverted and Gaza Genocide-complicit  Western Mainstream media. Before outlining this genocide-complicit Mainstream media censorship, the sheer horror of the Jewish Israeli-imposed genocide and child-killing in Gaza should be summarized.

According to Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor,  by 3 April 2024 (Day 180 of the Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Massacre) the Jewish Israeli-besieged and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp (2.3 million inmates) had suffered the following: 42,000 Palestinians had been killed (233 killed per day, and counting those dead under rubble) and  including 38,000 civilians, 15,000 children, 10,000 women, 349 health workers, 196 aid workers, and 136 journalists, with 77,000 injured [1]. Meanwhile the World looks on, the US Alliance and Australia back US-backed Apartheid Israel, and the US Congress is close to approving a further $26.3 billion for Apartheid Israel and its ongoing Palestinian Genocide in the Gaza Concentration Camp.

Lying comes in 2 repugnant forms, lying by commission and lying by omission. Lying by omission is far, far worse than lying by commission because the latter at least permits public refutation and public debate. A notable and widespread  variant of repugnant lying  by omission is government secrecy, ostensibly in “the interests of national security” [2-5].”

Gideon Polya, “Australian Bears Witness: Open Letter to Victorian MPs re Israel’s Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 16 April 2024: .


Open Letter to Victorian MPs re Israel’s Gaza Genocide 


Dear Honorable Member,


Set out below are some key, Mainstream-ignored  realities of the century-long Palestinian Genocide and the  horrific and ongoing  Jewish Israeli-imposed massacre of children, mothers, women and men in the Gaza Concentration Camp.  


(1). Deaths and deaths per day. The breakdown of Jewish Israeli-imposed deaths in the Gaza Concentration Camp as of Day 180 of the Gaza Massacre (7 October  2023- 3 April 2024) are as follows: 41,496 (including those presumed dead under rubble), including 15,370 children, 9,671 women, 37,676 civilians, 349 health workers, 196 aid workers, and 136 journalists [1]. The average deaths per day are as follows: total deaths (230.5), civilians (209.3),  children (85.4), women (53.7), health workers (1.9), aid workers (1.1), and journalists (0.8). By way of comparison, of 22,376 Australian POWs under the Japanese,  8,031 died over the 15,706 days from 8 February 1942 (fall of Singapore) to 2 September 1945 (Japanese surrender) i.e. an average of 0.5 Australian POWs were killed per day by the Japanese war criminals [2].


(2). The killed,  injured and displaced in totally devastated Gaza.  77,250 Occupied Palestinians have been injured in Gaza over 180 days ( i.e. 429.2 per day) and 118,746 have been killed and injured out of a population of 2.3 million (i.e.  659.7 per day) [1]. Water, food, electricity, fuel, shelter, medicine and medical care have been largely eliminated in a war criminally besieged Gaza by the merciless Jewish Israeli IDF (99% of the IDF are Jewish Israelis). The awful destruction: 2,000,000 displaced, 122,500 completely destroyed homes, 269,700 partially destroyed homes, 177 destroyed/damaged press headquarters, 443 damaged schools, 2,219 destroyed industrial facilities, 647 damaged mosques, 3 damaged churches, 869 health professionals killed (349) or injured (520), 869 health care facilities damaged or severely damaged (29 hospitals, 69 clinics, 203 ambulances), 200 heritage sites destroyed, 198 civil defence workers killed (42) or injured (156), 3,889 detained or forcibly disappeared. And then consider the 10,000 Palestinians highly abusively imprisoned in Israeli military prisons and a total of 5.6 million Occupied Palestinians highly abusively  held hostage by Jewish Israelis. Empathy exercise: just imagine this happening to part  of Melbourne such as my beautiful City of Banyule (122,3236 citizens  in 63 square kilometres with all modern services) versus 1.5 million starving Gaza refugees with nothing in 60 square kilometers of Rafah and threatened with further IDF invasion and mass killing).


[the Australian  Labor Government is complicit in 20 ways in the Gaza Genocide and it and its supporters are culpable for genocide complicity under Article 3(e)  of the UN Convention of the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide  (see: ].


Gideon Polya, “Unrepentant Neo-Nazi Germany Complicit In Palestinian Genocide & Ongoing Gaza Massacre”, Countercurrents, 11 April 2024:  .

“Germany has a shocking 8-century history of involvement in pogroms and genocides that culminated in the Nazi Germany- imposed WW2 European  Holocaust (30 million Jews, Slavs  and Gypsies killed). Post-WW2 Germany was supposedly de-Nazified and repented of its horrific WW2 crimes. However in reality a neo-Nazi Germany became intimately  involved in horrific  US Alliance crimes, from the Afghan Holocaust  to the ongoing Palestinian  Genocide in Gaza. These German crimes are systematically summarized  below for the following periods: (A) pre-WW2 and WW2 crimes, (B) post-WW2 crimes (8 May 1944-6 October 2023) , and (C) the current genocide in Gaza (7 October 2023 onwards)…

The only MPs in the Federal Australian Parliament to support an immediate and permanent Ceasefire in Gaza have been the Greens, ex-Green Lidia Thorpe and the highly principled Independents Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie.

Genocidally racist and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and its unforgivable, racist Western supporters besmirch the wonderful Jewish humanitarian tradition that includes wonderful contributors such as  the Ten Commandments, Jesus’ “love thy neighbour as thyself”, Baruch Spinoza (a Father of the  Enlightenment), and wonderful present-era Jewish scholars from Hannah Arendt to Howard Zinn. Likewise the neo-Nazi Germans besmirch the wonderful German  contributors to civilization from Gottfried Leibnitz to Albert Einstein, from Heinrich Heine and Friedrich Schiller to Franz Kafka, Bertolt Brecht  and  Günter Grass, from Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and George Frideric Handel to Johannes Brahms, Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Ludwig van Beethoven, Felix Mendelssohn, Anton Bruckner, Max Bruch, Gustav Mahler, Richard Wagner and Richard Strauss…

What can decent Humanity do to help stop the Apartheid Israeli Occupation and the genocidal killing in Gaza? Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against  neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and all people, parties, politicians, collectives, corporations and countries supporting  genocidal Apartheid Israel and hence the evil crime of Apartheid. In particular the World must apply BDS against  the genocidally racist and neo-Nazi states of Germany, US, UK and  Australia that are stand-outs in Western complicity in the  unforgivable, ongoing, and Jewish Israeli-imposed Occupation and Palestinian Genocide in Gaza.  We are all Palestinians.”

Gideon Polya, “Review: “On Civilizing Capitalism” by Brian Ellis – Competition-Based Capitalist Welfarism Or Socialism?” Countercurrents,  3 April 2024: .

“Melbourne philosopher Brian Ellis (Professor Emeritus in Philosophy, La Trobe University and former Professorial Fellow, University  of Melbourne) has published “On Civilizing Capitalism” that argues for a pragmatic, humane and science-based approach to economic theory as opposed to the currently dominant neoliberalism that in recent decades has supplanted the post-WW2 Keynesian welfare state models, and socialism that has been supplanted by free market capitalism  in Russia and China…

As set out in a number of recent books including “On Civilizing Capitalism” Brian Ellis advocates altruistic Social Humanism as an alternative to the current dominant and greed-based neoliberalism [1-7]. I have reviewed 3 of these books and by way of disclaimer note that Brian Ellis has pointed out (page 31 [1]) that I and other  colleagues, namely Tony Lynch and Greg Bailey, contributed sections to his 2019 book  “The New Enlightenment. On Steven Pinker & beyond” [6]. Neoliberalism seeks to maximize the wealth of the smart and advantaged by competition-based markets, with an asserted “trickle down” of wealth to the poor and disadvantaged. Unfortunately recent decades have seen a widening gap between rich and poor with a “trickle up” wealth transfer from the poor to the rich.  In contrast, Social Humanism in general (and in various manifestations of socialism, eco-socialism, human rights cognizant communism, pluralist and competition-based socialism, the welfare state and Universal Basic Income) seeks to sustainably maximize opportunity, dignity and flourishing human happiness for everyone through culturally-cognizant and evolving international and intra-national social contracts. Professor Ellis plumps for a democratic, human rights-observant “nice capitalism” i.e. a  humane, Nordic-style, private property-, competition- and market-based pluralist capitalist-socialist hybrid…

“On Civilizing Capitalism” seeks a more equitable, science-informed and sustainable world. Likewise humanely motivated French economist Thomas Piketty argues that the growing wealth inequity is bad for the economy (the poor cannot afford  to buy the goods and services they produce) and bad for democracy (Big Money controls media, public perception of reality, and hence votes and political power) [8-14]. Presently the top 1% has about 50% of the world’s wealth and the bottom 50% about 1% of  the world’s wealth [15]. According to Oxfam: “The world’s ten richest men more than doubled their fortunes from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion —at a rate of $15,000 per second or $1.3 billion a day— during the first two years of a pandemic that has seen the incomes of 99 percent of humanity fall and over 160 million more people forced into poverty” [16]…

In Chapter 11 Brian Ellis summarizes notable “social contract” theories and then dismisses them all as untenable (for the detailed arguments read the book): “There is a long tradition of founding states theoretically on mythical social contracts. In the modern era, Thomas Hobbes , John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Rawls, Robert Nozick and Robert Dworkin all provided such theories to justify the kinds of states they preferred. Hobbes used his theory to justify Leviathan – a ruler with absolute powers. Locke provided the foundations for liberalism, more or less as we know it today. Rousseau’s social contract was widely influential in the construction of the French Republic, following the revolution of 1789. Rawls and Nozick built on Locke’s fictional theory to construct their own models. Rawls sought to provide theoretical foundations for a state that was not only liberal , but also socially just. Nozick defended what he called the minimal, or nightwatchman, state, which is the kind of state that is generally preferred by today’s neoliberals. Dworkin used it to construct a theory of social equality. However, none of these theories are tenable” (page 185 [1])…

“On Civilizing Capitalism” by  Professor Brian Ellis is an important, science-informed  and humane analysis of collective human morality that should be in every school, local, state, university, institutional, and national library.  Brian Ellis has systematically and cogently argued for  a science-informed economic system that, crucially, addresses present circumstances, and argues for a democratic,  market-determined, competition-based, private  property-based and social humanism-based  capitalist system (put simply, the Nordic-style welfare state) that  seeks to sustainably maximize flourishing human happiness (eudaimonia, the highest human good), opportunity and dignity for everybody through culturally cognizant, and evolving  international and intra-national social contracts. Great, but our circumstances have changed for the worse in the 21st century. 

We are now in dire times and, as Brian Ellis argues, our systems need to adapt to changed circumstances. The world is existentially threatened by man-made climate change, the ideal Paris Agreement target of no more than plus 1.5C has effectively already been reached, and a catastrophic plus 2C will be exceeded before 2050 – yet atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) levels are at record highs and increasing at record rates. In the absence of requisite urgent action it is predicted that 10 billion people will die this century in a worsening Climate Genocide en route to a sustainable human population in 2100 of only 1 billion. Capitalism has brought Humanity to this precipice. “Nice Capitalism” is   not enough, and the new horrendous circumstances demand intelligently and humanely applied Socialism – in  the presently worsening and inescapable Climate Crisis, billions will perish unless we properly and sustainably share declining life-sustaining resources. There is no Planet B.”



Gideon Polya, “Climate Genocide, 1.5C Exceedance, Gaza Genocide & Global Inaction: West Censorship & Boiling Frog”, Countercurrents, 28 March 2024: .

“As reported by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 1.45C of warming occurred in 2023 due to greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and El Nino. The Paris Agreement’s  ideal target of no more than 1.5C will be exceeded in 2024.  The catastrophic plus 2C will be exceeded before 2050. Yet atmospheric GHG levels remorselessly increase, Palestinian deaths in the Gaza Genocide now exceed 40,000 while the World watches due to censorship and boiling frog ignoring.

Humanity is existentially threatened by nuclear weapons (a post-nuclear exchange Nuclear Winter would decimate Humanity and the Biosphere) [1] and climate change  (in the absence of requisite action to stop global warming as many as 10 billion people are expected to die this century in a worsening Climate Genocide en route to a sustainable population in 2100 of only about 1 billion [2, 3]. Eminent theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking: “We see great evil if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and the prevent further climate change” [4].

However  the nuclear threat remains and is worsened by the Ukraine-Russia War that could conceivably transmute to a nuclear armed NATO versus nuclear-armed Russia conflict. Atmospheric GHGs are at a record  maximum and increasing at a record rate. Presently 7.4 million people die annually from deprivation [5] and in Jewish Israeli-occupied Gaza the killing continues  with over 40,000 Palestinians killed so far, 15,000 being children, while the World looks on. This horrible carnage and unconscionable inaction by the World evidently arises from (a) Mainstream censorship  in the interests of the Western One Percenter Establishments and (b) the human equivalent of the boiling frog syndrome (the frog in water tolerates a slowly increasing temperature but would leap out immediately if thrown into boiling water).”

Gideon Polya, “34 Ways To De-Nazify Australia & Sanitize A Zionist-Perverted, Genocidally Racist US Lackey”, Countercurrents, 20 March 2024: .  


“As a UK and thence US lackey Australia has invaded about 85 countries, in 30 cases genocidally. Today US lackey and Zionist-subverted Australia is deeply complicit  in the horrendous Gaza Massacre (40,000  killed so far including  15,000 children) and is second only to the US as a supporter of genocidally racist, neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel. Australia urgently needs de-Nazification and set out below are 34 ways this can be effected. Before doing so a quick outline of Gaza Genocide-complicit and Kid-Killing-Komplicit (KKK) Australia is necessary. The genocidal British  invaded Australia on 26 January 1788 and the Indigenous (Black, Aboriginal) population fell from about 1 million to 0.1 million in a century due to killing, dispossession, deprivation and introduced disease. The violent killing continued until about 1930. Of about 350-700 unique languages and dialects pre-1788, today only about 120 survive with all  but 25 seriously endangered, this making the Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide qualitatively the worst in human history. Many of the survivors were effectively slave labour on White Australian farms (known as “properties”). The ongoing Aboriginal Genocide was assisted by forcible removal of about 100,000 Aboriginal children (especially mixed race children) from their mothers (the Stolen Generations) but despite a famous national Sorry by PM Kevin Rudd in 2008 this removal is continuing  at a record high rate, assisted by massive and 10-fold disproportionate Indigenous incarceration rate…

Noting that Nazi is as Nazi does, set out below are 34 ways neo-Nazi Australia can and must be de-Nazified. (1). Australia must dissociate itself from the utterly horrific US- and Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Genocide… (34). Australia must stop taxpayer-funded brain-washing of innocent Jewish children (intellectual  child abuse and egregious anti-Jewish anti-Semitism)... Of course Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted, US lackey and neo-Nazi Australia will not do any of these things, and thus no de-Nazification of Australia will happen. However decent folk can do something by informing everyone they can.”

[Gideon Polya, Exposing the 10 Biggest Zionist Lies re Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Genocide”, Dissident Voice, 16 March 2024: .]

***Gideon Polya, “Exposing 10 Major West-backed Zionist Lies Re Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 15 March 2024:

The core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth but this is grossly violated by genocidally racist and pathologically mendacious Apartheid Israel. Huge Zionist perversion and subversion of the  West  has enabled massive and  false Jewish Israeli propaganda to become the dominant  narrative  in the West. As set out below Google Searches reveal  the shocking extent of the adoption of 10 major Zionist lies about the Gaza Genocide in the Zionist -perverted US and US Alliance countries. Military service in the Israel Defence Force (IDF) is compulsory for Jews and the Arab Druze (both men and women) and for Circassians (men only) [1, 2]. Race-obsessed Apartheid Israel permits Muslim Bedouin and Arab Christians to volunteer to “serve” in the IDF and several hundred have done so [3]. Non-Jewish Israelis may represent only about 1% of the IDF [4]. There are considerable economic incentives for approved Indigenous minorities in Israel to volunteer to serve with the Palestinian-killing IDF but against this are obvious social pressures in communities suffering awful discrimination by Jewish Israelis (notably Bedouin being forced off their land in the West Bank and in the Negev of Israel by racist Jewish Israelis) [5, 6]…

The 10 million citizens of Israel proper (i.e. behind pre-1967 lines)  include 7.21 million Jews (73.3%), 0.55 million non-Jewish non-Arabs (5.6%)  and 2.08 million Palestinian Israelis (21.1%). However the 15.44 million Subjects of neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel that rules all of Palestine (plus territory of Lebanon, Syria and Jordan), include the 7.21 million Jews (46.7%), 0.55 million non-Jewish non-Arabs (3.6%) and 7.68  million Indigenous  Palestinians (49.7%) [10]. Thus the Jewish Israelis that rule all of Apartheid Israel only constitute 47% of the population while the Indigenous Palestinians represent about 50% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel –  and this despite a century-long Palestinian Genocide  (about 2 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, and imposed deprivation, 1.9 million, with this atrocity involving successive mass population expulsions,  0.8 million in the 1948 Nakba, 0.4 million in the 1967 Naksa, and 2 million Palestinians expelled from their homes in the 2023-2024  Gaza Genocide [10].  It is also important to update the ever-worsening  horrendous crimes of Jewish Israeli war criminals  in the ongoing Gaza Genocide. Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported Jewish-Israeli-imposed deaths and destruction in Gaza for the period  7 October 2023- 5 March 2024 (i.e. by Day 151): taking into account those buried in rubble, 39,178 killed, (14,622 children, 8,896 women, 35,490 civilians), 73,300 injured, 132 journalists killed, 2,000,000 displaced [out of 2.3 million Gazans], 106,000 completely destroyed homes, 250,000 partially destroyed homes, 175 press headquarters destroyed or damaged, 432 damaged schools, 2,120 destroyed or  industrial facilities,  621 damaged mosques, 3 damaged churches, 756 healthcare professionals killed (306) or injured (430), 279 healthcare facilities destroyed (28 hospitals, 65 clinics, 186 ambulances), 199 heritage sites destroyed, 197 civil defence workers killed (42) or injured (155), 3,350 detainees/ forcibly disappeared [11]. As reported by the ABC “Four Corners” on  Monday 11 March  some Israeli military expect the killing to continue for several years [12]…

However in the present Gaza Massacre by Jewish Israelis in the Gaza Concentration Camp has made Apartheid Israel the world leader by far in terms of “children killed per year per million of total territory population”. Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor  reported 14, 622 Gaza children killed by Jewish Israelis in the 151-day period of  7 October 2023- 5 March 2024. This converts to (14,622 children killed /151 days) x (365.25 days/ year)/ (2.3 million people in Gaza) = 15,378 “children killed per year per million of total territory population”, this being 203 times bigger than the previous World’s worst,  Honduras (75.7 “children killed per year per million of total territory population”). This utterly appalling and utterly unforgivable crime demands comparison  with the horrific  WW2 Jewish Holocaust in which 5-6 million Jews were killed by the German Nazis [29, 30], with 1.5 million being children [31]. This converts to 1,500,000 Jewish children killed /6 years) / (280 million people in Nazi-occupied Europe [32]) =  893 “children killed per year per million of total territory population”. The 15,378 Gaza children killed per year per million of total territory population is 17.2 times greater than the 893 Jewish children killed per year per million of Nazi-occupied Europe population.”

[Dear Editor,

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported the Israeli-imposed death and destruction in Gaza for the period  7 October 2023- 5 March 2024 thus: taking into account those buried in rubble, 39,178 killed, (14,622 children, 8,896 women, 35,490 civilians), 73,300 injured, 132 journalists killed*. Horrifyingly, as reported by the ABC “Four Corners” on  Monday 11 March, the killing may continue for several years.

Just after the Israeli killing on 11 May 2022 of veteran Palestinian American journalist  Shireen Abu Akleh, in her memory I estimated the per capita rate of  killing of journalists in various countries and territories over recent decades. The “average number of journalists killed per 10 million of population per year” was Occupied Palestine, 2.77;  Mexico, 0.75; Colombia, 0.37; the World, 0.084.


Since 7 October  Israelis have killed 132 journalists over 5 months in Gaza, a territory with a population of 2.3 million. The “average number of journalists killed per 10 million of population per year” in Gaza over the last 5 months has been 1,377, or 3,722 times more than for cartel-dominated Colombia and 16,393 times more than for the World. Journalists must report this, silence is complicity.


Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya [contact details]

*Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor report of deaths for 7 October 2023- 5 March 2024 on X: ]

Gideon Polya, “UK Persecutes Bengali Australian Star Sam Kerr, Ignores UK-Australian WW2 Bengali Holocaust”, Countercurrents, 9 March 2024: .

“The story that has pushed the Australia-complicit US-Apartheid Israel-imposed  Gaza Genocide off the front page of  racist and mendacious White Western media is Bengali Australian football star Sam Kerr facing criminal trial in the UK for allegedly calling a UK policeman  a “stupid white bastard”. Forgotten by generations of White Anglosphere journalist, politician and academic  presstitutes is the UK- and Australia-imposed WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which  6-7 million Indians died. The core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth but in gross violation of both of these key moral imperatives the White Anglosphere Establishments and Establishment-serving Mainstream media are resolutely committed to lying by commission and lying by omission  about Western-imposed genocidal atrocities, and hence are deeply complicit in such crimes. Silence is complicity.Summarized with documentation below are details of (a) the Sam Kerr non-story of alleged momentary verbal intemperance (allegedly saying “Stupid white bastard”) that is dominating the Anglo media, and (b) the forgotten WW2 Bengali Holocaust and other Western atrocities over the last 80 years (i.e. within living memory) that are variously minimized and excused by genocidally racist and egregiously lying White Anglosphere journalist, politician and academic  presstitutes…

Indeed “stupid white bastards”  might be a quite mild descriptive for  the racist  White-dominated Anglosphere political duopolies – the US Democrat/Republican, UK Conservative/Labour and Australian Coalition/Labor duopolies – who have an appalling record of support for horrendous and genocidal post-WW2 US Alliance crimes outlined here, and for genocidally racist, neo-Nazi, Jewish-ruled Apartheid Israel and (a) its  ongoing Occupation (millions of Indigenous Palestinians  kidnapped for 56 years without human rights and now numbering 5.6 million), (b)  its century-long Palestinian Genocide (90% of Palestine ethnically cleansed, 2 million dead from violence and imposed deprivation, and now 3 major Indigenous population expulsion atrocities in 1948, 1967 and in 2023-2024),  and (c) its ongoing Gaza Genocide (most of Gaza reduced to rubble, over 14,000 children killed, over 100,000 Palestinians killed, missing or injured, and most Gazans facing starvation and death from disease and deprivation through lack of water, food, shelter, sanitation, medicine, and medical care [47]). Disclaimer: I was readily able to dissociate myself  from and oppose the criminal complicity in US Alliance crimes of US lackey, Zionist-subverted and racist White Australia because my dear late wife of 52 years, Zareena née Lateef, was a Fiji-born Bengali and our children, like Sam Kerr, are Bengali Australians.

 Gideon Polya , “20 Ways Anti-Semitic Australian Labor Government Complicit In Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 5 March 2024:  .  

“The Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government fervently supports Apartheid Israel by lying, diplomacy, key arms supply, massive military purchases, intelligence, missile targeting, and Nazi-style brain washing of Jewish children and is thus deeply complicit in the ongoing Jewish Israeli mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza. The Coalition Opposition is even worse. In Australia’s compulsory and preferential voting system decent Australians ask: put the Coalition or Labor last?

Under either the extreme Right-wing  Liberal Party-National Party Coalition (presently in opposition) or the Rightist-dominated Labor (presently in government) Australia is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel, and for 76 years has fervently supported Jewish Israeli-imposed genocidal atrocities applied mercilessly to the Indigenous Palestinian inhabitants.

At the outset it should be made clear than both the dreadful Labor Government and the even worse Coalition opposition are anti-Arab anti-Semitic (variously actively supporting Jewish Israeli-ruled Apartheid Israel’s mass murder of Arab Occupied Palestinians)  and anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (by falsely conflating these awful genocidal crimes with all  Jews, this falsely  including decent, anti-racist Jews upholding a wonderful multi-millennial humanitarian Jewish tradition).

Indeed decent, anti-racist Jews say that the conflict can be ended  right now by simply according  15 million Indigenous Palestinians equal rights and all human rights (unfortunately the Labor-backed genocidally racist Jewish Israelis won’t agree to this proposal that is obvious and unexceptional to all decent Humanity)…

Australians must act likewise and punish the complicit politicians. The Far-Right Coalition don’t know any better and are in opposition, whereas Right-dominated Labor is in government and knows that mass murder of children is wrong. Even though Labor is slightly kinder to the disadvantaged than the fervently neoliberal Coalition it must be  punished for its complicity in this horrendous Gaza Massacre and Gaza Genocide. Decent and informed Australian voters have a dilemma –  Coalition  or Labor: who to put last in Australia’s  preferential voting system in which voters must  numerically indicate preferences for all candidates and the preferences are considered if a candidate fails to win 50% of the vote. What is clear is that the primary vote for the unforgivably genocide-complicit Labor and the even worse Coalition must plummet. Only the Greens and 3 Independents have voted for an immediate and permanent Ceasefire. The Coalition and Labor are complicit in the Gaza Genocide, are pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid. They are thus utterly unfit for decent human company, public life and public office.  ”

*** LETTER. [Dear fellow humanitarian, etc

Zionist-subverted, US lackey, anti-Arab anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish anti-Semitic Australian Labor Government complicit in Gaza Genocide

The Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government fervently supports Apartheid Israel by lying, diplomacy, key arms supply, massive military purchases, intelligence, missile targeting, and Nazi-style brain washing of Jewish children and is thus deeply complicit in the ongoing 99% Jewish Israeli mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza. The Coalition Opposition is even worse. In Australia’s compulsory and preferential voting system decent Australians ask: put the Coalition or Labor last?

Under either the extreme Right-wing  Liberal Party-National Party Coalition (presently in opposition) or the Right-dominated Labor (presently in government) Australia is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel, and for 76 years Australia has fervently supported Jewish Israeli-imposed genocidal atrocities applied mercilessly to the Indigenous Palestinian inhabitants (Apartheid Israel wants all the land of Palestine and parts of neighbouring countries but not the Indigenous inhabitants).

For an extremely detailed and documented account of 20 ways the Australian Labor Government is complicit in the ongoing, century-long  Palestinian Genocide (2 million dead from violence, 0.1 million, and imposed deprivation, the rest, and 3 mass population expulsion atrocities in 1948, 1967 and 2023-2024) see Gideon Polya , “20 Ways Anti-Semitic Australian Labor Government Complicit In Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 5 March 2024:  .  A summary is given below.


(1). Arms supplies from Australia to Apartheid Israel.


(2). Crucial arms supplies (e.g. key F-35 bomber parts) and dual citizen military from Australia to Apartheid Israel.


(3). Apartheid Israeli military co-research with Australian universities and companies.


(4). Labor made a shocking near-billion dollar deal of Australia with Apartheid Israeli military Elbit Systems during the Gaza Massacre.


(5). Apartheid Israeli arms and related systems acquired by Australia have been obscenely and war criminally “pre-tested” on defenceless Occupied Palestinian,  Arab and Muslim populations.


(6). The Australian Labor  Government permits America to supply raw intelligence on Australians to Apartheid Israel.


(7). Under the US lackey Australian Labor  Government the joint US-Australia Pine Gap electronic spying base in Central Australia targets individuals and Israeli and US missile strikes in Gaza and the Middle East.


(8). The callous Australian Labor Government on Apartheid Israeli advice has suspended aid to UNRWA that is desperately trying to save Palestinian lives in the blockaded, starving and devastated Gaza Concentration Camp.


(9). The Labor-complicit  Gaza Genocide is the penultimate outcome of Labor-backed Jewish Israeli Apartheid (the ultimate outcome is complete ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Palestine).


(10).)  In the Federal Parliament the Greens, ex-Green Lidia Thorpe and 2 Independents (Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie) have voted for an immediate  and permanent ceasefire in Gaza but  genocide-complicit Labor and the Coalition voted no.


(11). The US lackey Australian Labor Government is unforgivably second only to the US Government in supporting Apartheid Israel and has betrayed Palestinian human rights and Humanity in 85 ways.


(12). The preferential voting-elected Australian Labor Government opposes an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza i.e. it unforgivably backs the continued mass murder of Palestinians (presently over 14,000 children killed and over 100,000 Palestinians killed, missing or injured).


(13). The ability of Labor-backed Apartheid Israel to commit  genocide in Gaza while the world watches derives in major part from  its possession of 90 nuclear weapons (Nobel Prize-winning ICAN).


(14). Labor’s huge diplomatic and military support for Ukraine subject to war criminal Russian invasion is in stark contrast to its unforgivable, racist and anti-Arab anti-Semitic support for Apartheid Israel’s 76-year and ongoing genocidal invasion and devastation of Palestine.


(15). Racist and mendacious Labor falsely supports belligerent Occupier Israel’s International Law-rejected “right to self-defence” and falsely rejects  the legitimate right to self-defence of the cruelly invaded and subjugated Indigenous Palestinians.


(16). The Australian Labor Government  lies for Apartheid Israel in 15 key areas as detailed in my huge Submission to the Australian National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) – “governments lie” but lying for an inimical foreign power is treason.


(17).The Zionist-subverted Australian Labor  Government refuses to recognize the State  of Palestine, supports Jewish Israeli Apartheid, and falsely delegitimizes Occupied Palestinian resistance as “terrorism”.


(18). The  Labor  Government fervently and despicably supports Apartheid Israel and its past and present genocidal crimes by adopting the racist and fraudulent IHRA Definition of anti-Semitism that  is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic and anti-Arab anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish, Palestinian, Arab and Muslim critics of  Israeli Apartheid and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide) and near-comprehensively holocaust denying (by ignoring all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust and indeed some 70 other genocides and holocausts).


(19). The anti-Arab Semitic and anti-Jewish anti-Semitic Australian Labor Government is complicit in the horrendous Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide by fervently supporting and aiding Apartheid Israel, accepting the mendacious Jewish Israeli narrative and ignoring a huge global body of expert humane opinion. Instead it blindly accepts the utterly false narrative of Kindness- and Truth-violating, genocidally racist, egregiously mendacious and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and its fanatical and neo-Nazi Zionist supporters around the world. Labor massively  funds the genocidally racist  Zionist brainwashing of innocent Jewish children (horrendous intellectual child abuse) and minimizes the horrendous Gaza Genocide by hugely playing up repugnant verbal anti-Jewish anti-Semitism.   


(20). The Labor Government endlessly espouses the “rules-based order” but fervently supports genocidal Apartheid Israel that rejects the ICJ ruling on genocide in Gaza and, like successive war criminal Australian governments, grossly violates numerous International laws and conventions, most notably from a genocide perspective the UN  Genocide Convention and Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention that demand that an Occupier must provide its conquered subjects with crucial, life-sustaining food and medical requisites “to the fullest extent of the means available to it”.


Mai Hamed (Free Palestine Melbourne activist helping organize huge rallies for Gaza in the Melbourne CBD every Sunday at 12 noon State Library since 7 October): “Our government has been complicit in this genocide”. Birchgrove Legal on its recent, 100-lawyer-backed, huge Submission to the International Criminal Court (ICC): “Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been referred to the International Criminal Court as an accessory to genocide in Gaza, making him the first leader of a Western nation to be referred to the ICC under Article 15 of the Rome Statute”. Indeed  I made a Submission in 2010 to the ICC on US Alliance involvement in the Palestinian Genocide and other ongoing genocides. The Coalition and Labor are complicit in the Gaza Genocide, are fervently pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid. They are thus utterly unfit for decent human company, public life and public office in a non-racist, equal human rights, law-abiding, and one-person-one-vote democracy like Australia. 


Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya, Melbourne. END LETTER]


[Dear Editor,


As a Jewish Holocaust–impacted, anti-racist Jewish Australian scholar with a sole national allegiance to Australia I am inescapably bound by the core moral messages from the WW2 Jewish Holocaust and indeed from all holocausts and genocides, namely  zero tolerance for lying, zero tolerance for racism, never again to anyone, and bear witness – tell the truth for the voiceless.


We truthfully say that ”The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor” without  quibbling about the 3.5% Korean conscripts in the Imperial Japanese armed forces. Likewise, compulsory military service for most Jewish Israelis means that except for 1% non-Jewish volunteers,  only Jewish Israelis are killing Palestinian children, mothers, women and men in the ongoing Gaza Genocide – irremovable shame on the child-killing war criminals, the Jewish Australians among them, and their Jewish and non-Jewish Zionist supporters. 


After 5 months of the Jewish Israeli-executed Gaza Genocide, over 14,000 children killed and over 100,000 Palestinians killed, missing or injured, in the Australian Federal Parliament only the Greens, Lidia Thorpe, Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie have supported an immediate and permanent ceasefire. The Coalition, Labor and like-minded other MPs unforgivably support child-killing Apartheid Israel. Decent, child-loving Australian voters must ask:  Coalition or Labor, who to put last?


Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya [contact details].]


Gideon Polya, “Game-changing Muslim, Arab & Young Voter Backlash Against Western Politicians Complicit In Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 21 February 2024: .

“Democratically elected Western politicians overwhelmingly support Apartheid Israel and hence not just the evil crime of Apartheid but also Apartheid Israel’s genocidal crimes. However they are facing a backlash from Muslim, Arab and young  voters. All those who support Apartheid are utterly unfit for public life and public office in one-person-one-vote democracies as indeed are all those who support Apartheid Israel in its present  genocidal mass murder of children, women and men in Gaza.

The Western political duopolies – notably the US Republican/Democrat, UK Conservative/Labour, and the Australian Coalition/Labor duopolies – have common ground in fervently supporting Apartheid Israel and hence are complicit in its appalling human rights-violating and genocidal crimes.

Thus the century-long Palestinian Genocide has been associated with about 2 million deaths from imposed deprivation and violence, with the violent deaths now totalling about 0.1 million [1, 2].  

According to the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem 10,712 Palestinians and 1,330 Israelis had been killed from 2000 to before 7 October 2023 [3, 4].

According to Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, from 7 October 2023 -13 February 2024), Palestinians killed by the Jewish Israeli Occupiers in the first  130 days of the latest Gaza Massacre totaled 36,671 (including 14,031 children, 8,122 women, 127 journalists and 317 life-saving healthcare professionals [5]. In addition  1,500 Palestinian fighters were killed in Israel on 7-8 October and 300 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank for a total of  49,183 Palestinians killed violently from 2000 onwards [5, 6].  

1,200 Israelis were killed on 7 October with perhaps 650 killed by high explosive shells and missiles fired by the IDF [6] i.e. 2000 onwards Israeli deaths totaled about 2,000.  The 2000 onwards Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio  = 49,183/2,000 = 24.6 or about 25 as compared to the 10 ordered by Nazi Germany leader and mass murderer Adolph Hitler in 1944 and effected in the Ardeatine Massacre in Rome [7].”

[Gideon Polya, “Western Media and Politician Complicity in US-Israeli Massacre of Palestinian Children”, Dissident Voice,  8  February 2024:   ]

[(1). Australian House of Representatives, “Middle East”, Hansard, 7 February 2024:  -

 “Mr Bandt (Melbourne - Leader of the Australian Greens) (10:26): I move:

That so much of the standing and sessional orders be suspended as would prevent the Member for Melbourne from moving the following motion immediately—That the House:

(1) notes that since the House resolution of 16 October 2023 concerning Israel and Gaza, which supported the State of Israel's looming invasion of Gaza by stating that the House 'stands with Israel', the following have occurred:

(a) an appalling and increasing toll of deaths and injuries caused by the State of Israel's bombing and invasion of Gaza;

(b) a growing humanitarian catastrophe caused by the State of Israel's blockade, bombing and invasion of Gaza; and

(c) the State of Israel is the subject of recent International Court of Justice orders in South Africa's case regarding the prevention of genocide; and therefore

(2) does not support the State of Israel's continued invasion of Gaza and calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire; and

(3) calls on the Australian Government to end its support for the State of Israel's invasion of Gaza.

Ayes (6): A.P. Bandt, S.J. Bates, M. Chandler-Mather, E. Watson Brown (Greens) , H.M. Haines, A.D. Wilkie (Independents).

Noes (91): [details]”.  ]


Gideon Polya, “Lying Australian Media & Labor Government Complicit In US-Israeli Massacre Of Palestinian Children”, Countercurrents, 7 February 2023: .


“The 2023-2024 Gaza Massacre has continued now for nearly 4 months while the World looks on. The  Zionist-subverted and US lackey  Australian Labor Government  has fervently assisted Apartheid Israel diplomatically, with  key arms supplies, intelligence, weapons targeting and now with cessation of support for UNRWA – racist Labor is complicit in the US-Israeli massacre of  Palestinian children. Zionist-subverted Australian Mainstream media are complicit by lying for Apartheid Israel.

(A). Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government  is complicit in  Apartheid Israel’s Gaza Genocide.

As of mid-January 2024 after 100 days  of the Gaza Massacre 100,000 Palestinians were killed, missing or wounded, and 31,497 Palestinians had been killed  including  12,345 children [1]. The ostensible Israeli “excuse” for this horrendous mass murder of Palestinians by neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel was the Israeli-asserted Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on 7 October. However Apartheid Israel and its US, Western and Australian politician and media supporters consistently violate the core ethos of Humanity, specifically Kindness and Truth, by  genocidal Racism and pathological Lying. The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) responded on 7 October with tank shelling and high explosive missiles from helicopter gunships, killing about 1,500 Occupied Palestinian fighters inside Israel and a presently unknown proportion of about 1,200 Israelis killed on 7-8 October. The huge death toll and evidence of mangled and incinerated cars, buildings and people suggest that the IDF was actually responsible for most of the Israeli deaths in Israel after the Breakout [2]…

 (10). Action now – if the UK- and Australia-backed  US and Apartheid Israel continue to get away with mass murder of children in Gaza then  we are all existentially threatened. What should deeply concern all of Humanity living under the threat of a catastrophic Climate Genocide and a near-terminal, Humanity- and Biosphere-devastating Nuclear Holocaust is that if US Alliance-supported, genocidally racist and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel is permitted to continue grossly, criminally,  murderously and genocidally violating its presently 52% majority Indigenous Palestinian Subjects then the same thing can happen to us all. If them then us – there but for the grace of God go I. Indeed if Western governments continue to support the mass murder of Palestinian children – the unforgivable worst of crimes –  then anything goes.”

Gideon Polya, ““John Pilger (1939-2023): Outstanding, Truth-telling Journalist & Documentary Maker Dies”, Countercurrents, 2 January 2024: .

“The UK-based, expatriate Australian journalist, writer and film maker John Pilger died on 30 December 2023 aged 84. He had a life-time of well-researched truth-telling  for the sorely oppressed people of the world without a voice including the people of Vietnam, Cambodia, Timor Leste, Diego Garcia, Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine  as well as  the Indigenous People of Australia. He inspired  several generations of people to write for the voiceless victims of US imperialism.

John Richard Pilger (9 October 1939 – 30 December 2023) was born in Bondi, Sydney, Australia. He started life as a journalist  in a four-year journalist trainee scheme with the Australian Consolidated Press and worked for various Australian tabloids before going overseas.  From 1962 he was mostly based in London, UK, as a journalist, writer, author, war correspondent, scholar and documentary filmmaker exposing the evils of Western imperialism and US imperialism in particular [1, 2]. He is survived by his son Sam and daughter Zoe.

As a gifted writer, journalist and documentary film maker he knew the power of words and images. He operated within Mainstream  Western journalism albeit on the so-called “Left” but fundamentally on the side of humanity and truth-telling. Because of his honest reportage about the policies of the US, US lackey Australia and the UK he was evidently unacceptable to oligopoly Mainstream media in US lackey and look-the-other-way Australia in which about 70% of newspaper readership  has been acquired by the generally mendacious, pro-war and pro-US imperialism Murdoch empire. Indeed I believe that the term “Murdochracy” was coined by John Pilger to describe Australian democracy that is woefully perverted by the racist and mendacious US-owned Murdoch media empire.”

[REPORT on ANTISEMITISM in AUSTRALIA 2023, 1 October 2022 – 30 September 2023: ]


[A week after the Gaza Massacre began I wrote this in Green Left ( ):  “In March 1944, Nazi leader and mass murderer Adolph Hitler responded to the killing of 33 German soldiers by Italian Partisans by ordering the execution of 10 occupied men for every German soldier killed by Partisans — that is an occupied/occupier reprisal death ratio of 10… As of Day 7 in the current violence, Israeli deaths total about 1300 and, adopting the average occupied/occupier death ratio of 20.8 [from Gaza massacres in 2008-2022], one can predict 1300 Israeli deaths x (20.8 Palestinian deaths / 1 Israeli death) = 27,040, or about 27,000 Palestinian deaths. I conservatively predict the Israeli response could ultimately involve 27,000 Palestinian deaths, 100,000 Palestinians injured, complete demolition of Gaza (one of the world’s oldest cities and presently home to 2.3 million Palestinians) and a huge number of avoidable Palestinian deaths from deprivation, totalling in the order of 100,000 deaths. This would be mass murder, and a massive contribution to the century-long Palestinian genocide” . This assumed that the US-backed Zionazis would stop the killing but they haven’t and deaths now exceed 29,000 (see Euro-Med , 27 December, Day 82: ).]


Gideon Polya,  “IDF Killed Israelis On 7 October Enabling 9/11-style Excuse For Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 31 December 2023:  .  

“The 7 October Breakout of lightly-armed Occupied Palestinian fighters from the Gaza Concentration  Camp was to acquire Israeli hostages to swap for 10,000 Occupied Palestinian hostages held by Israel. The Israel Defence Force (IDF) responded with tank shelling and missiles from helicopter gunships, killing about 1,500 Palestinians in Israel and a substantial proportion of the 1,200 Israelis killed in Israel, but lying Western media  falsely report a Hamas terrorist massacre. 

The US ABC News reported that about 1,500 Occupied Palestinian fighters were killed along the Israel-Gaza border, and initial reports were of 1,400 Israelis being killed inside Israel [1], although this was later revised to 1,200. Eye-witness testimonies, evidence of many charred and mangled bodies, and photographs of twisted car wreckage,  and buildings reduced to charred rubble, all indicate damage inflicted by high explosive shelling from Israeli tanks and  high explosive missiles from Israeli helicopter gunships that were deployed to the scene in the hours following the Breakout. The huge death toll and evidence of mangled  and incinerated cars, buildings and people suggested that the IDF was actually responsible for most of the Israeli deaths in Israel after the Breakout.

Analysis of the Israel dead from detailed photographic and statistical data provided by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz yields the following breakdown of Israelis killed: Of the 1,200 Israelis killed 84.2% (1,010) were 18-39 years old (i.e. were current Israeli military, conscripts  or reservists), 13.3% (160) were 40 and older (with most being former or existing military), and  2.5% (30) were aged under 18 (children) i.e. about 97% of those killed were legitimate military targets as past or serving Occupying forces [2]. Further, the firepower of the IDF (shells and missiles) vastly exceeded  the firepower of the lightly-armed Palestinians. If deaths in the fire zone are proportional to firepower then most of the Israeli deaths on or about 7 October were due to the IDF…

As documented here a number of decent journalists  and writers (some of them eminent and award-winning)  have concluded from a wealth of evidence that the massive tank and helicopter firepower deployed by the  Israel Defence Force (IDF) on 7 October must have been responsible for many of the 1,200 Israeli deaths. These deaths have been used by the mendacious and genocidally racist Zionazis as a 9/11-style excuse for  the physical destruction of much of Gaza,  and the killing (so far) of over 32,000 Gazans including  11,500 children, with nearly 2 million out of 2.3 million Gazans rendered homeless. Unless the World can stop the Zionazis it seems likely that a third major mass population expulsion from Palestine will occur  (into the Sinai desert of Egypt ) [21] in addition to the  1948 Nakba (or Catastrophe (0.8 million expelled from Palestine) and the 1967 Naksa or Setback (0.4 million expelled) [45].

The post-9/11 US War in Muslims was associated with 32 million deaths from violence (5 million) and deprivation (27 million) in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance after the US Government’s  9/11 false flag atrocity that killed about 3,000 innocent Americans [47, 48]. Then as now the morally degenerate, Zionist-perverted and  US-dominated West simply looks the other way. The violence of the Apartheid Israeli Gaza Massacre is already spreading with Israel and/or US bombing of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, with Iran under acute threat.”

[(1). Gideon Polya, “Featured Letter – Present-Day Massacre of the Innocents”, Tasmanian Times, 21 December 2023: .

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of the wonderful Jewish Palestinian Jesus who articulated the core ethos of humanity as kindness and truth.

We are reminded of the Biblical nativity narrative of how the Rome-backed Jewish King Herod “When he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under” (Matthew 2: 16-18).

Today this Biblical fable is matched by the horrible reality of over 10,000 Occupied Palestinian children killed so far in US-backed apartheid Israel’s ongoing Palestinian Genocide in the Gaza concentration camp (Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, 15 December).

The taxpayer-funded ABC has trashed kindness and truth by forbidding use of the terms ‘apartheid’ and ‘genocide’ in this context, and by sacking humanitarian journalist and radio host Antoinette Lattouf for protesting this ghastly present-day Massacre of the Innocents.

Memo for Christmas gatherings: the world has two kinds of people, those opposing the mass murder of children, and the unforgivable others. Silence is complicity.

– Gideon Polya, Macleod (VIC)

(2).  Gideon Polya, edited Letter defending  Antoinette Lattouf entitled “Trashing our core ethos” in “The ABC is tied in knots by social media comments”, The Age, 21 December 2023: (firewalled). ]”… Memo for Christmas gatherings: the world has two kinds of people, those opposing the mass murder of children, and the unforgivable others. Silence is complicity.”

Gideon Polya, “John Pilger (1939-2023): Outstanding, Truth-telling Journalist & Documentary Maker Dies”, Countercurrents, 2 January 2024: .

“The UK-based, expatriate Australian journalist, writer and film maker John Pilger died on 30 December 2023 aged 84. He had a life-time of well-researched truth-telling  for the sorely oppressed people of the world without a voice including the people of Vietnam, Cambodia, Timor Leste, Diego Garcia, Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine  as well as  the Indigenous People of Australia. He inspired  several generations of people to write for the voiceless victims of US imperialism… I was inspired for decades by the outstanding example of my fellow Australian and leading humanitarian journalist, John Pilger, and treasured his message to me to keep up the good work. We both contributed to a multi-author book published in London entitled  “The Plight Of The Palestinians. A Long History Of Destruction” [14, 15]. I was also honoured and humbled that in Palestinian scholar Professor  Mazin Qumsiyeh’s Honor List of people speaking out against Israeli occupation, oppression, and apartheid, and for their truthful stand for peace with justice, the name John Pilger is followed by Gideon Polya [20].”


Gideon Polya, “IDF Killed Israelis On 7 October Enabling 9/11-style Excuse For Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 31 December 2023:  .

“The 7 October Breakout of lightly-armed Occupied Palestinian fighters from the Gaza Concentration  Camp was to acquire Israeli hostages to swap for 10,000 Occupied Palestinian hostages held by Israel. The Israel Defence Force (IDF) responded with tank shelling and missiles from helicopter gunships, killing about 1,500 Palestinians in Israel and a substantial proportion of the 1,200 Israelis killed in Israel, but lying Western media  falsely report a Hamas terrorist massacre… Analysis of the Israel dead from detailed photographic and statistical data provided by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz yields the following breakdown of Israelis killed: Of the 1,200 Israelis killed 84.2% (1,010) were 18-39 years old (i.e. were current Israeli military, conscripts  or reservists), 13.3% (160) were 40 and older (with most being former or existing military), and  2.5% (30) were aged under 18 (children) i.e. about 97% of those killed were legitimate military targets as past or serving Occupying forces [2]. Further, the firepower of the IDF (shells and missiles) vastly exceeded  the firepower of the lightly-armed Palestinians. If deaths in the fire zone are proportional to firepower then most of the Israeli deaths on or about 7 October were due to the IDF. ”

 [ For context: (1). Gideon Polya, “Featured Letter – Present-Day Massacre of the Innocents”, Tasmanian Times, 21 December 2023: .

  “At Christmas we celebrate the birth of the wonderful Jewish Palestinian Jesus who articulated the core ethos of humanity as kindness and truth.

We are reminded of the Biblical nativity narrative of how the Rome-backed Jewish King Herod “When he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under” (Matthew 2: 16-18).

Today this Biblical fable is matched by the horrible reality of over 10,000 Occupied Palestinian children killed so far in US-backed apartheid Israel’s ongoing Palestinian Genocide in the Gaza concentration camp (Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, 15 December).

The taxpayer-funded ABC has trashed kindness and truth by forbidding use of the terms ‘apartheid’ and ‘genocide’ in this context, and by sacking humanitarian journalist and radio host Antoinette Lattouf for protesting this ghastly present-day Massacre of the Innocents.

Memo for Christmas gatherings: the world has two kinds of people, those opposing the mass murder of children, and the unforgivable others. Silence is complicity.

– Gideon Polya, Macleod (VIC)

(2).  Gideon Polya, edited Letter defending  Antoinette Lattouf entitled “Trashing our core ethos” in “The ABC is tied in knots by social media comments”, The Age, 21 December 2023: (firewalled).

Trashing our core ethos

At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the wonderful Jewish Palestinian Jesus who articulated the core ethos of humanity as kindness and truth. We are reminded of the biblical nativity narrative of how the Rome-backed, Jewish King Herod slew all the male children under two years old. Today, this biblical story is matched by the horrible reality of more than 8000 Palestinian children killed so far in Gaza, according to Hamas.

The taxpayer-funded ABC has trashed kindness and truth by forbidding use of the terms “apartheid” and “genocide” in this context, and by sacking radio host Antoinette Lattouf for protesting against this ghastly present-day massacre of the innocents.

Memo for Christmas gatherings: the world has two kinds of people, those opposing the mass murder of children, and the unforgivable others. Silence is complicity.

Gideon Polya, Macleod]

Gideon Polya, “Comparing Gaza Genocide & Other Atrocities: Ceasefire Now, End Occupation Now & Boycott Israel & US Alliance”, 20 December 2023: .

“The horror of the Gaza Genocide continues to worsen. As of Day 70, and considering the 8,000 buried in rubble, Occupied Palestinian deaths totalled 34,000 including 13,000 child deaths. This ever-worsening atrocity is succinctly compared quantitatively below  to genocidal  WW2 and post-WW2 atrocities. Ceasefire Now is insufficient –  humanity demands that the World must enforce an immediate end to the US-backed Israeli Occupation by Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)… Euro-Med Human Rights (15 December): “Israel has killed nearly 25,000 Palestinians, including about 10,000 children, during its 70-day genocide against civilians in the Gaza Strip that was launched on 7 October, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor estimated in a statement issued on Friday. As of Thursday 14 December, 24,711 Palestinians had been killed, the human rights organisation said. 92% of those killed in the Israeli air and artillery attacks on the Gaza Strip were civilians, including 9,643 children, 3,109 women, 210 health personnel, and 83 journalists. Meanwhile, 50,112 Palestinians have been injured, with hundreds of them being critically wounded, said Euro-Med Monitor… The Occupied/ Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio = 34,211/ 1,200 = 28.5 (nearly 3 times greater than the Occupied/ Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio of 10  ordered by Nazi leader Hitler and carried out in the 1944 Ardeatine Cave Massacre [4]). Nazi is as Nazi does.13,163 Palestinian children have been killed in reprisals for 30 Israeli children killed on 7 October i.e. 439 Palestinian children killed for every Israeli child killed (noting that many Israeli children may have been killed by the IDF in the overwhelming tank shelling and helicopter missile IDF response).Children killed per day was 1,000 (for Jewish children in WW2) and is 13,163/70 = 188 (7 October – 14 December 2023 for Occupied Palestinian children in Gaza).”



Gideon Polya, “Free Palestine: Australian National Union Of Students (NUS) Condemns Apartheid Israeli Occupation, Human Rights Denial & Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 14 December 2023: .

“On 12 December 2023 the NUS unanimously passed a formal motion standing with Palestine at its annual National Conference, at which 156 delegates represented 23 university campuses across Australia. The motion condemned the 56-year Israeli Occupation, the Israeli  collective punishment by siege and genocide in Gaza, persecution of staff and students, the destruction of schools, universities and educational institutions in Gaza, and the deadly deprivation of water, food and medical services… On 13 December 153 countries voted for the latest UNGA Resolution for a Ceasefire in Gaza []. The 10 countries that voted against the resolution were : Austria, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Israel, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, United States. The 23 countries that abstained were:Argentina, Bulgaria, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Malawi, Marshall Islands, Netherlands, Palau, Panama, Romania, Slovakia, South Sudan, Togo, Tonga, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay.”



Dr Gideon Polya, “The Merciless Realpolitik Crimes Of Serial War Criminal Henry Kissinger (1923-2023)”, Countercurrents, 8 December 2023:  

’” The world has just marked the passing of serial war criminal Henry Kissinger (1923-2023) who devoted most of his 100 years to supporting pragmatic and cold-blooded realpolitik exercise of deadly power around the world by the US that has invaded all but 3 countries in the world, invaded 52 countries since WW2, and otherwise achieved regime change in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific. His worst crime was to normalize such crimes for America and its Western allies… Kissinger’s  normalization of evil means that while Humanity is existentially  threatened by (a) climate change and (b) nuclear  weapons [51],  the West simply looks on as (a) the  2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference known as COP 28 is presently hosted by the UAE which is among the world’s leading fossil fuel exporters, and (b) an out-of-control nuclear terrorist and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel reduces Gaza to rubble in its ongoing Palestinian Genocide (in just 2 months killing 22,000 Indigenous Palestinians including 9,000 children, wounding 40,000, and rendering most of the 2.3 million Gazans homeless and mercilessly deprived of water, food, shelter, medical requisites and medical attention) [52].  However  a glimmer of hope that Kindness and Truth (the core ethos of Humanity) may eventually prevail is provided by the wonderful School Strikers who have left their class rooms to demonstrate  for climate change action now and immediate cessation of the mass murder of Occupied Palestinian  children.  In the impoverished Developing World,  that is subject to deadly Kissinger-style American  realpolitik, presently 7.4 million people die avoidably from deprivation each year  and most of the dead are children [4]. The world contains  2 kinds of people, those who oppose the active and passive killing of children and the “others”. At this time as Apartheid Israel continues to massacre starving and helpless children, the “others” also include America and its depraved Western allies  like Australia who refuse to support an immediate Ceasefire and an end to the genocidal killing in Gaza. Humanity cannot tolerate such ongoing violent massacres and the  horrendous Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust. Decent people around the world must  (a) inform   everyone they can, and (b) urge and apply stringent Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting the child-killing and murderously greedy “others”.



[Context: Gideon Polya “Feature Letter – How Mainstream Media Lies for Apartheid Israel”, Tasmanian Times,  26 November 2023: : “As a holocaust-impacted, anti-racist Jewish Australian/Tasmanian humanitarian I am inescapably bound by the key messages of the WW2 Jewish holocaust of ‘never again to anyone’, ‘bear witness’ and ‘zero tolerance for lying and racism’. applaud the ethical Australian journalists for their timely open letter (Tasmanian Times 24/11) protesting outrageous mainstream media bias in reporting on Palestine and demanding provision of truthful historical context in reporting the latest horrendous and war criminal Israeli massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. I recently published a very detailed and documented analysis of 35 outrageous lies shockingly perpetrated and perpetuated by apartheid Israel, Zionists and pro-Zionist Western mainstream media and politicians*. The world has two kinds of people: those opposing the mass murder of innocents, and the others. Decent Australians will reject the Coalition, Labor and independent ‘others’ unforgivably opposing immediate permanent ceasefire and immediate cessation of the killing, the occupation and the century-long Palestinian genocide. The core ethos of humanity is (a) kindness and (b) truth. However this is grossly violated by apartheid Israel that per capita based on the population of the Occupied Palestinian Territory leads the world in (a) the killing of children and (b) the killing of journalists.

*Gideon Polya, ‘Gaza Massacre: 35 Ways Zionist-perverted US, Australia & West Lie For Child-killing, Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel’, Countercurrents, 23 November 2023: .”]



Gideon Polya, “Gaza Massacre: 35 Ways Zionist-perverted US, Australia & West Lie For Child-killing, Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 23 November 2023: .

“The core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth, and science-based medicine rejects doing harm and lying, but this is violated by the genocidal racism and pathological mendacity of  Zionists  and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel. Set out below is a summary of 35 ways in which US  and US lackey Western and Australian Mainstream  journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat  presstitutes flagrantly lie  in support of genocidally racist and serial war criminal Apartheid Israel… (1). The Lie that “Israel is a Jewish state” (333,000 Google Search results):… (35). The massive Lying  by Zionists and pro-Zionists that almost completely ignores “anti-racist Jews” (800): … There are 2 kinds of people in this world, those opposing the killing of innocents, and the others. Zionism is genocidal racism and Nazism without gas chambers but with 90 nuclear weapons, and one of the world’s biggest  high technology militaries and arms industries. All human rights for all Palestinians! End the Occupation! Free Palestine! From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free! Ideally there must be a secular and democratic state in Palestine as in post-apartheid South Africa and involving peace, equal rights for all, reconciliation, economic justice for all, secular democracy, security, freedom of movement for all, and return of all refugees. Decent people around the World must act by (a) informing everyone they can, and (b) urging and applying comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and also against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting genocidally racist, nuclear terrorist, serial war criminal, grossly human rights-abusing, child-, mother- and women-abusing  and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel. ”



Gideon Polya, “Ceasefire Now To Stop Mass Murder Of Palestinian Children By Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 14 November 2023:  .

“As of 10 November 2023, after over 4 weeks of Israeli bombing the rate of violent killing of Palestinian children in Gaza is 172 children killed per day, this being in stark contrast to 16 Israeli children killed violently per day on 7-8 October when the Israeli IDF killed 1,500 Palestinians fighters as well as a possibly a large proportion of the Israelis killed in the Occupied Palestinian breakout from the Israeli surrounded, blockaded, and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp. While decent Humanity has a core ethos of Kindness and Truth, in stark contrast genocidally racist and pathologically mendacious neo-Nazi Apartheid  Israel, backed by  its similarly perverted and morally degenerate neo-Nazi Zionist and neo-Nazi pro-Zionist  supporters, want all the land of Palestine (plus some) but not the impoverished Indigenous Palestinians inhabitants still clinging to the 10% left of the land continuously inhabited by their forebears for over 3 millennia. The century-long Palestinian Genocide has been associated with 0.1 million deaths from violence and 2 million deaths from imposed deprivation. Of about 15 million mostly impoverished Indigenous Palestinians, there are 7 million Exiled Palestinians (deriving from prior mass population expulsions and illegally  prevented by the Zionazis from returning to the land continuously inhabited by their forebears); 5.7 million Occupied Palestinians (unable to vote for the government ruling them, denied all human rights specified in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and highly abusively confined  under brutal Israeli military rule to ever-diminishing West Bank ghettoes (3.4 million) or to the blockaded and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp (2.3 million)); and 2 million Israeli Palestinians (able to vote for the government ruling them, albeit as Third Class citizens under 60 Nazi-style, race-based discriminatory laws) [1-5]… The World has 2 kinds of people, those who oppose the killing of innocents, and the others. The others are thus complicit in the mass murder of the children in the Gaza Concentration Camp. The genocidal Gaza Massacre is a pivotal moment for the World  – decent human beings cannot support any people, politicians or parties thus complicit in the mass murder of children.”


Gideon Polya , “Summary: Century-long Palestinian Genocide From British-ruled Palestine To Apartheid Israel’s Present Gaza Massacre”, Countercurrents, 10 November 2023: .

“Genocidally racist Zionists from Zionism’s psychopathic founder Theodor Herzl to present war criminal Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu have explicitly stated that they want all the land of Palestine but not its Indigenous Palestinian inhabitants. Below is a convenient Summary for peace and human rights activists of  the century-long Palestinian Genocide from British-ruled Palestine to neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel’s present US Alliance-backed and genocidal Gaza Massacre… The genocidal Gaza Massacre of innocents continues. 47% of the inmates of the Gaza Concentration Camp are children and over 72% are women and children. The World contains 2 kinds of people, those who condemn the killing of innocents, and the others.

Those complicit in the Gaza Massacre include not just the Israeli perpetrators  but also the Western Mainstream politicians  and  media who overwhelmingly fervently support neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel. Thus 120 mainly non-European nations supported the UNGA Resolution for a Ceasefire in Gaza but this was opposed by 59 countries, mostly European US Alliance countries with a minority of poor and easily “bought”  non-European countries [24]. The big BRICS countries of Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa voted Yes but Modi’s India  disgraced India’s fine record of leading the World in the fight against Apartheid by opposing the Ceasefire Resolution (ideological reasons for this betrayal of Humanity by pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Modi India become apparent when one reads Arundhati Roy’s book “Azadi. Fascism, Fiction and Freedom in the Time of the Virus” [25].

What can decent people do to stop the war criminal carnage inflicted by neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel on the besieged, bombed and devastated Gaza Concentration Camp?...

 Decent people around the World must (a) inform everyone they  can of these ongoing atrocities, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against child-killing,  neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations, and countries supporting this genocidally racist and child-killing Apartheid rogue state. ”






Gideon Polya, “491 Sins & Gaza Genocide: Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel Leads World In Killing Children & Journalists”, Countercurrents, 6 November 2023: .

“The Western World is saturated with false Zionist propaganda in support of genocidally racist, neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel, but horrendous mortality data reveal that after one month of the latest genocidal Gaza Massacre by Israel, and as averaged over the last 16 years for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Israel is equal worst in the World with crime-wracked Honduras for annual killing of children per million of population, and is worst in the World by far for killing journalists.  As outlined below, I have made these quantitative estimates by including data from the Gaza Massacre over the last month. One can only hope that Western journalists who surely (a) love children and (b) feel an obligation towards fellow journalists will find the courage to expose the horrendous, World-leading  killing of  Occupied Palestinian  children and of journalists by out-of-control, neo-Nazi, genocidally racist, and serial war criminal  Apartheid Israel…

There are 2 kinds of people in this world, those opposing the killing of innocents, and the others. Zionism is genocidal racism and Nazism without gas chambers but with 90 nuclear weapons, and one of the world’s biggest  high technology militaries and arms industries. Free Palestine! All human rights for all Palestinians! End the Occupation! From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free! Ideally there must be a secular and democratic state in Palestine as in post-apartheid South Africa and involving peace, equal rights for all, reconciliation, economic justice for all, secular democracy, security, freedom of movement for all, and return of all refugees [17]. ”



Gideon Polya, “59 Countries Invite Global Sanctions By Backing Apartheid Israel’s Genocidal Gaza Massacre”, Countercurrents, 3 November 2023:

“The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution on 27 October 2023 calling for an immediate humanitarian truce between Israel and Hamas and demanding aid access to Gaza. A total of 120 decent pro-Humanity countries voted Yes for the resolution. However 14 indecent and pro-Apartheid countries voted No and  45 cowardly, unprincipled and pro-Apartheid countries Abstained, this inviting global Sanctions as were successfully applied to Apartheid South Africa.The UN Press Release stated in part (27 October 2023): “Calling for an immediate and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities, the General Assembly today demanded the unhindered provision of essential aid to civilians throughout the Gaza Strip… “… A total of 120 decent pro-Humanity countries overwhelmingly voted Yes for the UNGA Ceasefire Resolution, but 14 indecent and pro-Apartheid countries voted No and  45 cowardly, unprincipled and pro-Apartheid countries Abstained.  Shockingly, 34 countries or 58% of the 59 countries opposing the UNGA Ceasefire Resolution, were rich, US-allied  European countries united in their support for nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, serial war criminal, grossly human rights-violating, child abusing, mother-abusing, women-abusing,  and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel.

With the obvious exceptions of rich Japan and rich South  Korea that are militarily heavily allied to the serial war criminal US, poverty and hence susceptibility  to pressure from pro-Apartheid America and Apartheid Israel was evidently behind the 25 non-European countries opposing the Ceasefire Resolution (42% of the 59 countries opposing the UNGA Resolution).  How did your country respond to this present genocidal attack on Humanity?

Apartheid is among the worst of crimes as set out in the UN International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [77-79]. Decent people around the World  must unite against neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and its neo-Nazi pro-Apartheid supporters by (a) informing everyone they can, and (b) urging and applying Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians and parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting this genocidally racist and  neo-Nazi rogue state.”



Gideon Polya , “Horrendous Death Ratios, Child Deaths & Palestinian Genocide Demand Immediate Cessation Of Gaza Massacre”, Countercurrents, 30 Octoher 2023: .


“The 7 October  2023 breakout of Palestinian fighters from the Gaza Concentration Camp was apparently aimed at capturing Israeli hostages to be exchanged for 10,000 Palestinian prisoners held by Apartheid Israel. The response of Apartheid Israel to 1,400 mostly military Israeli deaths has been disproportionately huge so far with about 10,000 Palestinians killed, Gaza devastated, 1 million homeless, and a catastrophe looming  due to Israeli bans on water, food, fuel, and medical requisites.     

Apartheid Israel’s third major ethnic cleansing of Palestinians after the 1948 Nakba and the 1967 Naksa is underway in the Gaza Concentration Camp, with Israel also bombing Lebanon and Syria, and the US bombing Syria and Iraq and threatening Iran. The excuse for genocide  in Gaza has been alleged child-killing terrorism as hysterically purveyed by mendacious, racist and Zionist-subverted Western media. Yet  the 7 October Gaza outbreak was evidently permitted by world-leading Israeli and US intelligence, with 84.2%  of the 1,400 Israeli dead being 18-39 year old soldiers, conscripts and reservists, 15.8% under 18 and 40 and over, and 2.5% children.

The core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth yet this is grossly and regularly violated by neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and by pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid America with  Genocidal Violence and Orwellian Mendacity that turns Truth on its head. The US has always been at war and has always needed excuses for war dressed up as Liberty and Freedom by the Yellow Press, but after nearly 250 years  of American Wars and Lying [1, 2] the excuses are sounding extremely hollow. Similarly, a century of Zionist-imposed Palestinian Genocide and 75 years of ethnic cleansing  of Palestine by neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel [3] has been enabled by the racism and mendacity of Western Mainstream media (MSM)…

120 decent members of  the UN General Assembly has overwhelmingly voted  for an immediate cessation of the killing, but this was opposed  by Apartheid Israel , the US and 12 other countries (the No voters including 8 countries involved in genocide in living memory), and with  45 unprincipled countries (including  many members of the war criminal US Alliance) abstaining [68]. The horrendous and ongoing Palestinian Genocide by neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel in the Gaza Concentration Camp has divided the world into 2 groups intra-nationally and internationally, those that oppose mass murder and genocide by neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel (notably the serial war criminal US Alliance) and those that don’t.”.


Gideon Polya, “Neo-Nazi Australia Backs Genocidal Israel & Says No To Indigenous Australians & Palestinians”, Countercurrents, 23 October 2023: .

“As a UK or US lackey, a racist White Australia has (A) invaded 85 countries with 30 of these invasions being genocidal, and in the last fortnight alone neo-Nazi Australia has further exposed its rejection of Kindness and Truth by (B) voting No in a Referendum to recognize Indigenous Australians as First Nations People in the Constitution via an  advisory Voice, and (C) overwhelmingly supporting neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel’s horrendous Palestinian Genocide in the Gaza Concentration Camp.

The core human ethos can be simplified down to adoption of 2 key principles, namely Kindness and Truth. However Kindness is  horribly violated by war, occupation,  subjugation and genocide inflicted by powerful Nation States  on defenceless Indigenous Peoples [1]. Truth is horribly violated by governments routinely lying by omission and  commission, noting that lying by omission is far, far worse than lying by commission because the latter at least allows for public refutation and public debate.

The ostensibly democratic countries of the all-White Anglosphere (the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) falsely boast possession of a moral exceptionalism because they were among the first countries to adopt one-person-one-vote parliamentary democracy {albeit variously initially involving race-, wealth- and gender-based exclusions). However the exceptional wealth of all 5 countries is  based on the remorseless genocide of the Indigenous Peoples as well as horrendous violation of much of the world by the British and American Empires. Thus the British have invaded 193 countries, Australia 85, France 82, the US 72 (52 after WW2), Germany 39, Japan 30, Russia 25, Canada 25, Apartheid Israel 12 and China 2 [2]..

As of 23 October 2023, 2 weeks after the commencement of the Israeli Palestinian Genocide in Gaza on 7 October, confirmed  Palestinian casualties in Gaza total 4,650 deaths with 14,000 wounded. A further 1,500 Palestinians were killed in Israel as compared to 1,400 Israelis. The Occupied  Palestinian /Occupier Israel reprisals Death Ratio is presently (4,650 + 1,500)/1,400 = 4.4. However Apartheid Israel has promised to “annihilate” Hamas (16,000 fighters) and Islamic Jihad (1,000 fighters) and this promises an Occupied/Occupier reprisals Death Ratio of (17,000 /1,400 = 12.1, already greater than that of 10 ordered by Nazi mass murder Adolph Hitler in 1944 and immediately carried out in the Ardeatine Cave Massacre [19, 20, 29]..

The average Occupied Palestinian/Occupier Israeli  reprisals Death Ratio for 1 January 2008 – 19 September 2023 was  6,407/308 = 20.8, which predicts 20.8 x 1,400 = 29,000 Palestinian deaths in the present atrocity. However humans can survive only 3 days without water and a fortnight  ago neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel  immediately cut water, food, fuel, and electricity (for hospitals and water desalination) to impoverished Gaza. Half the population are already homeless.”


 [Context: Gideon Polya, “Stop Apartheid Israel’s Palestinian Genocide in Gaza”, Green Left, 28 October 2023: ].  


Gideon Polya, “Stop Genocidal Gaza Massacre: World Must Boycott Apartheid Israel & Its Racist Western Supporters”, Countercurrents, 13 October 2023:  .

“The desperate and heroic Occupied Palestinian breakout from the bombed and blockaded Gaza Concentration Camp has been associated with the deaths of over 1,500 Palestinian fighters and over 1,300 Israelis, mostly civilians.  Serial war criminal and genocidal  Apartheid Israel has responded with collective punishment of the 2.3 million barely subsisting Gazans by cutting  food, water and, massive bombing rendering 250,000 homeless and so far killing about 1,300 Palestinians in Gaza.

In addition to the deaths of 1,500 Palestinian fighters in Israel after the breakout on 7 October, the death toll by Day 5 (11 October) of this latest Gaza Massacre by genocidal Apartheid Israel has been reported thus by Egyptian Streets: “The escalation between Israel and Palestine, dubbed as a war with Hamas by the Israel Defense Forces [IDF], has entered its fifth day since Hamas’s surprise attack on 7 October. Death tolls on each side continue to rise as the Israeli siege on Gaza escalates, and as Israel hints at a potential ground invasion…Conflict between the two sides is still on the rise, as the death toll reaches 1,078 Palestinian deaths and over 1,200 Israeli deaths. An additional 5,200 Palestinians and 3,000 Israelis are injured… Egyptian trucks on their way to provide food and medical aid to Palestinians trapped in Gaza were forced to turn back after airstrikes damaged roads connecting the Rafah crossing” [1].

Palestinian deaths from violence and deprivation are set to rise enormously as the war criminal Israelis have cut food, water, fuel and medicine to Gaza, stopped electrical power, are systematically destroying  Gaza rendering over 250,000 homeless [2], and have foreshadowed total ethnic cleansing of densely populated Gaza with  the war criminal IDF echoing serial war criminal Israeli PM Netanyahu in repeatedly telling Palestinian civilians to leave [3-7] – yet the only possible exit is via the Egyptian border that has been closed by Israeli bombing [1]…

The US-based and anti-racist Jewish group Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) has issued the following statement [47]:“The Israeli government has declared a genocidal war on the people of Gaza. As an organization that works for a future where Palestinians and Israelis and all people live in equality and freedom, we call on all people of conscience to stop imminent genocide of Palestinians.”” 


Gideon Polya, “Australian National Anti-Corruption Commission Rejects Submissions Re Huge Australian War Crimes and Carbon Debt”, Countercurrents, 2 October 2023: .

For nearly 30 years I have been researching and writing about horrendous war crimes and climate criminality of the Anglosphere (US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) but a dozen years ago was rendered effectively invisible in war criminal, climate criminal and look-the-other-way Australia. Now my detailed  and documented Submissions on Australian war crimes and Carbon Debt to the newly formed  Australian National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) have been rejected.

Australia is a Federation of 6 States and 2 Territories that variously have anti-corruption bodies. However the most newsworthy anti-corruption body has been that of the biggest state New South Wales (NSW). The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has great powers for compelling witnesses, phone-tapping, other investigative measures, secret hearings, and public hearings. Thus, for example, a  conservative Coalition NSW Premier resigned after ICAC investigations revealed that he had forgotten to disclose the gift of a A$3,000 bottle of wine. A further conservative NSW Premier resigned after ICAC made public a private phone conversation in which the Premier told a very close friend with business interests “I don’t want to know about that”. It must be stated that neither of these well-regarded, upstanding and effective premiers was indicted for any crime…

In stark contrast, the excellent Brereton Report (headed by the same Judge and Major-General Paul Brereton now heading NACC) found evidence that 39 Afghans had been unlawfully killed by Australian soldiers, one solder has been charged, and a further soldier has been declared to have committed such crimes by a judge in making his decision in a reportedly A$30 million-cost defamation proceedings. However successive Australian Governments and their public servants have grossly violated  Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention by criminally rejecting their unequivocal demand for Occupier provision to the Conquered Afghan Subjects of life-sustaining food and medical services  “to the fullest extent of the means available to it”. Now 6,000,000 (Afghans passively murdered by the US Alliance including Australia) / 39 (Afghans allegedly unlawfully killed by Australian soldiers) = 154,000 i.e. the passive mass murder of 6,000,000 Afghans (mostly women and children) by Australian and US Alliance politicians is 154,000 times worse than the alleged unlawful killing of 39 Afghans by Australian soldiers [2].

Of course all war crimes should be thoroughly investigated and the perpetrators tried and punished, but in my opinion no Australian soldier should be tried for any of these 39 alleged unlawful killings of Afghans before the politicians complicit in the 154,000 times greater war crime (the passive mass murder of 6,000,000 Afghans) are exposed and tried (several veterans have privately strongly agreed with me).


Gideon Polya, “Key Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Likely To Collapse In 2025-2095”, Countercurrents, 25 September 2023: .

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) moves warm water from the Indian Ocean, the Southern Ocean and the South Atlantic into the North Atlantic where it cools, sinks and flows south. However global warming and Greenland ice melting has the tendency to suppress this system. Potential AMOC collapse has worried climate scientists and now the latest research published in Nature Communications predicts a devastating collapse of the AMOC in the period 2025-2095.

In a recent very detailed paper in Nature Communications  Peter Ditlevsen (professor in physics of ice, climate and earth, University of Copenhagen) and Susanne Ditlevsen (statistician and professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen) have reported the likelihood of such collapse this century…

Professor Rahmstorf and colleagues (2019) listed the following 9 key tipping points in the worsening climate crisis [5]…

Of course if the “we are tackling climate change” assertion  of politicians has any substance it must involve decreases in key parameters associated with greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution. However from a global perspective this is simply is not happening. There is no decrease in our presently peak global production of coal and methanogenic cattle. The atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) are remorselessly increasing, as are oil and  gas use.  Greenhouse gas (GHG) producing cement, steel, and iron ore production are all increasing. Humanity should be radically decreasing these terracidal activities but, political rhetoric aside, is damning the planet through  catastrophic global inaction. The biodiversity loss is increasing catastrophically with a species extinction rate (speciescide rate) that is 100-10,000 times greater than the background extinction rate. While the rate of deforestation has decreased 3-fold since 1980, and net re-afforestation of temperate forests is now occurring, the deforestation rate in tropical forests levelled out to an appalling 50 million hectares per decade over the last 2 decades. Unless something radical happens we are doomed, the planet is doomed, and Humanity and the Biosphere face decimation [14].

Faced with an ever-worsening climate crisis what must Humanity do? We must (a) inform everyone we can, and (b) apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) to all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries disproportionately involved in deadly and terracidal climate criminality.”


Gideon Polya, “Submission To Australian National Anti-Corruption Commission, NACC: Mainstream Media Lying”, Countercurrents, 21 September 2023: .

Australia was among the world’s first countries for democracy, unions, human rights, female suffrage, and for free, compulsory and secular education, noting that democracy ideally requires an informed electorate. However there is a very dark and ongoing Australian history that is deliberately hidden by an entrenched Mainstream culture of looking the other way that is maintained by massive, corrupt and fraudulent  Mainstream media  (MSM) lying by omission and lying by commission.

At the outset it must be noted that lying by omission is far, far worse than repugnant lying by commission because the latter at least permits public refutation and public debate (subject, of course, to the will of Mainstream media gate-keepers) [1-3]. Democracy ideally requires an informed electorate but driven by ever-increasing wealth inequity Western democracies have become kleptocracies, plutocracies,  Murdochracies. lobbyocracies, corporatocracies and dollarocracies  in which Big Money purchases public perception of reality, votes, more political power and hence more private profit. Indeed famed French economist Thomas Piketty has described how wealth inequity is bad for the economy (the poor cannot afford to buy the goods and services they produce) and bad for democracy (Big Money buys votes) [4-6].

(A). Some key critiques by leading Australians about false Mainstream media (MSM) reportage…

(19). Australia can be saved from fraudulent MSM in part by (a) publicly exposing and listing MSM falsehoods, and (b) banning foreign MSM ownership. As summarized  above Australian MSM are involved in egregious lying by omission, lying by commission, censorship, fraud, corruption and treason. Failure of Australians to deal with this dangerous moral morass will compound the problem. It is bad enough that educated and informed Australians do not have effective free speech because of censorship laws, egregious whistle blower persecution,  and MSM gatekeepers, but even worse because a mountain of MSM lying is unaddressed. I would offer 2 suggestions: (1) an uncensored and indexed Internet-based public record correcting public falsehood (this submission is merely a tiny example of what needs to be publicly exposed), and (2)  foreign ownership of MSM must be prohibited  in the public interest  (in 2010 Frank Bainimarama introduced such a law in Fiji that meant  that the Murdoch-owned Fiji Times had to be sold to Fiji citizens).

This was written in the public interest.”


Gideon Polya, “Australian Labor Government Lying On 50th Anniversary Of  9/11US- & Australia-Backed 1973 Chilean Coup”, “Countercurrents, 13 September 2023: .

“On 11 September 1973 the democratically-elected Chilean Government was removed in a deadly US-backed Coup by the fascist Chilean military. The Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) was involved as a US proxy after the Chilean Government kicked out the US CIA. The present racist, mendacious and US lackey Australian Labor Government is an accessory after the fact of the crime by still refusing to release un-redacted documents about the Chilean Coup.

The consequences of this US- and Australia-backed Coup were horrendous: up to 200,000 Chileans arrested, 30,000 tortured, 3,000 killed, about 1,000 disappeared, and  Chileans having to endure 17 years (1973-1990) under fascist dictator, gross human rights abuser and  mass murderer Augusto Pinochet [1-5].

(A). Australian involvement in the US-backed 1973 Chilean Coup, the other 9/11…

In general individual, corporate and government lying and deception is criminal fraud if it results in financial benefit. However if the lying and deception is in the interests of foreign government it is treason, an awful crime which typically attracts draconian punishment. The egregious lying by omission by successive US lackey Australian governments (including the present Australian Labor Government) over Australian involvement in the 1973 Chilean Coup and numerous other US crimes is itself criminal. Decent, law-abiding Australians will punish these conservative Coalition and unprincipled Labor criminals at the ballot box in Australia’s world’s best compulsory and preferential voting system – they will vote 1 for the humane and truth-telling Greens and Socialists, put the Coalition last and put Labor second last (the Coalition is even worse than Labor).”


Gideon Polya, “Review: “The Future Is Degrowth” - How to Stop And Replace Terracidal Capitalism”, Countercurrents, 10 September 2023: .

“Mindless, blind growth driven by neoliberal capitalism is destroying the Biosphere and the very basis of Humanity’s existence. “The Future is Degrowth. A Guide to a World Beyond Capitalism” summarizes the wide-ranging ideas of numerous Degrowthers who seek to replace terracidal capitalism with degrowth for a happy and sustainable future for Humanity.”“The Future is Degrowth. A Guide to a World Beyond Capitalism” by Matthias Schmelzer, Andrea Vetter and Aaron Vansintjan [1] is a highly referenced and documented summary of the views of proponents of economic degrowth as an urgently needed replacement for capitalism that in just the last several centuries out of 200,000 years of human existence has brought Humanity and the Biosphere to the brink of catastrophe. Some of the propositions are inevitably arguable but this is an important book  and should be in every library…

The direst predictions are that in the absence of requisite urgent action 10 billion people will die prematurely this century in a worsening Climate Genocide en route to a sustainable human population in 2100 of only1 billion [6, 58].

Nevertheless decent folk must do everything they can to make the future “less bad” for future generations. “The Future of Degrowth” is an important book that addresses this terminal condition of Humanity. Of course there are areas for debate (notably over the need for negative population growth) and indeed therein lies the utility of this summary of the thought of Degrowthers. Accordingly this important book should be in every local, institutional and state library. Unending growth on a finite planet has always been seen as an impossibility from 18th century Malthus onwards. Cessation of growth and indeed massive implementation of degrowth are urgently demanded by despairing scientists as we race towards the precipice”.


Gideon Polya, “Submission To Australian National Anti-Corruption Commission: Huge & Fraudulent University Fees Exposed”, Countercurrents, 2 September 2023: .

“Education is a basic human right and all education should be free for all. However the commodification and corporatizing of higher education has meant that free university education presently only obtains in about 25 countries. Australian universities charge impoverished local and overseas students hugely excessive tuition fees when Accredited Remote Learning (ARL) can deliver top quality, reading-based courses and accrediting examinations essentially for free.

(A). How Accredited Remote Learning (ARL) can deliver top quality, reading-based courses and accrediting examinations for free.

All societies and nations need to have a complement of expert scholars and scientists for variety of economic, health, national security  and national prestige reasons. However, one must ask why impoverished, circa 20 year old undergraduate students barely out of childhood  should have to pay for this complement of experts that disproportionately and  immediately  benefits the society-dominating, mature adult population and the richer and older citizens in particular…

Corruption is defined as dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, this  typically involving bribery and financial advantage. Australian National Criminal Lawyer (NCL): “What is Fraud/Obtain benefit by Deception? A person who, by deception, dishonestly obtains property belonging to someone else, or obtains a financial advantage or causes a financial disadvantage, is guilty of fraud. Section 192E of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) covers the majority of conduct falling under the general umbrella of “fraud” [31, 32]. As outlined in this Submission the present system involves over-charging impoverished students for tertiary education by a factor of about 100 – by any reasonable standard this is egregiously dishonest  fraud….

There are probably millions of stories that can be told about the fraudulent Australian University Fee system and the benefits of ARL. Just a sample from my personal experience: (a) a science professor described the great benefits from self-study as a child at home after the German invaders seized his local high school as a barracks (WW2); (b) another  Australian scientist describes enjoyable studying of the prescribed texts when the lecturer failed to say anything (nearly everyone else failed)  (1960s); (c) another Australian scientist was a South East Asian refugee and could read and write English well but simply could not understand his lecturers – he passed brilliantly by reading the prescribed texts (1980s) (d) a severely disabled student attended a competitive entry top high school for just 1 day and developed life-threatening foots sores from the travel involved – because of this he was forced to go to a local university instead of to a distant  top university in his area of study (1990s); (e) a smart student was forced for economic reasons to suspend studies at a top university (2023); and (f) scientists and technologists routinely need to master new equipment and technologies by reading manuals and books”.


Gideon Polya, “Review: “The Palestine Laboratory” By Antony Loewenstein – Apartheid Israel Exports Surveillance Nightmare”, Countercurrents, 29 August 2023: .

“Anti-racist Jewish Australian writer  Antony Loewenstein’s latest book “The Palestine Laboratory” describes how genocidally racist Apartheid Israel mercilessly uses high technology weapons, fences, and comprehensive surveillance to comprehensively control the 5.5 million sorely oppressed Occupied Palestinians, and how it exports this obscene technology of neo-Nazi occupation to countries around the World, from the EU and Anglosphere democracies to brutal dictatorships… Chapter 3, “Preventing an Outbreak of Peace”, commences with a description of horrible sophisticated electronic targeting of Palestinians so that “Killing or injuring Palestinians should be as easy as ordering a pizza” (p61 [1]). It goes on to describe the genocidal racism of Israeli leaders and the succession of mass expulsions, Gaza massacres, and proposed total ethnic cleansing of Indigenous Palestinians (for an alphabetically-organized  compendium of genocidal Zionist statements over 130 years see [34]).  Loewenstein describes the chilling Israeli Unit 8200 involved in highly intrusive mass surveillance of Occupied Palestinians. The information garnered includes information on illicit affairs and homosexuality that is used to blackmail Palestinians into collaboration with the neo-Nazi Occupiers. This technology is being sold to the World – and thus we are all becoming Palestinians…. ”

Antony Loewenstein’s “The Palestine Laboratory” is a powerful and humane book that should be in every library. Anti-Apartheid and world hero Nelson Mandela famously stated that “The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians” [33]. “The Palestine Laboratory” describes how Apartheid Israel is hugely profiting by exporting the high technology instruments of violent subjugation, mass incarceration and surveillance to the rest of the world. We are all set to become Palestinians.


Gideon Polya, “Submission To Australian National  Anti-Corruption Commission: Corporations & Governments Ignore  Huge Carbon Debt”, Countercurrents, 19 August 2023: .

“Australia is among world-leading climate criminal countries in many areas. Corporations, governments and Mainstream media conspire to fraudulently ignore Australia’s huge and inescapable Carbon Debt that totals about $5 trillion and is increasing at up to about $0.7 trillion each year. This is appalling intergenerational injustice because this ever-increasing and inescapable Carbon Debt will have to be paid by our children, grandchildren and  future generations.

This Submission to the Australian National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is concerned with gigantic Carbon Debt from non-application of a damage-related Carbon Price applied to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) pollution, and is arguably the biggest fraud in Australian history after “terra nullius” (the notion that a continent inhabited by 350-700 Indigenous nations was empty until the British invaded in 1788). It involves the 2 major Parties, the Australian Labor Party (presently in government Federally) and the Liberal Party-National Party Coalition (presently in Opposition), and major fossil fuel corporations (with substantial foreign ownership), and has been made possible by variously cowardly, dishonest and corrupt lying by omission and commission by Mainstream media (heavily foreign owned) including the Australian Broadcasting Corporation  (the ABC, Australia’s equivalent of the publicly funded UK BBC) and by the political, corporate and academic commentariat…

Finally, this saga of horrendous mendacity and fraud could be simply dismissed as business as usual (BAU) for corporations and successive dishonest, corrupt, neoliberal and complicit governments in Corporatoracy Australia on the basis that the law must be obeyed even though the law is made by and for the rich. However our children, grandchildren  and future generations will have the immense burden of gigantic and inescapable Carbon Debt (thus if sea walls are not built cities and arable land and will disappear). In relation to the full Carbon Price of $200 per tonne CO2 that is only presently applied globally at $2 per tonne CO2, the young readily understand that when the waiter brings a bill for $200 one pays the full $200 and not a mere $2. The young will sensibly question why corrupt corporations and governments run up a Carbon Debt for future generations of about $0.7 trillion each year in Australia whereas  an honorable state premier resigned for forgetting a gift of an A$3,000 bottle of wine before an anti-corruption commission. The young demand justice.

This was written in the public interest.”

[Context: Crikey has published my 14 August 2023 comment on Maeve McGregor, “Labor’s defence of American empire, Israel and a shrinking nation. Australia has devolved into a US client state — and it seems the Albanese government has little interest in reversing this trend”, Crikey, 11 August 2023: :


“Dr Gideon Polya

My view is that “we are all created equal”, that those who fervently support Apartheid Israel (like the Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government and Coalition Opposition) are supporting the crime of Apartheid and are thus utterly unfit for public life in a one-person-one-vote democracy like Australia.

The core issue is Palestinian human rights that are denied by genocidally racist Apartheid Israel: 7.5 million Indigenous Palestinians represent over 50% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel but the 5.5 million Occupied Palestinians cannot vote for the government ruling them and are denied all the human rights set out in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (i.e. they are subject to egregious Apartheid). 2 million Israeli Palestinians can vote for the government ruling them  but only as Third Class citizens under 60 Nazi-style, race-based discriminatory laws (for details and documentation see my Submission to the NACC: Gideon Polya, “Submission To National Anti-Corruption Commission: Australian Labor Government’s Lying For Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 22 July 2023: ).

All that decent anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians can do over fervent Coalition and Labor (Lib-Lab) support for genocidally racist Apartheid Israel  is to vote 1 Green or Socialist, put the Coalition last and put Labor second last.”]


Gideon Polya, “Review: “Rethinking Our World” by Maja Göpel – Too Little Too Late To Save The Planet”, Countercurrents, 10 August 2023: .

““Rethinking our World. An invitation to rescue our future” by political economist Dr Maja Göpel is a well-written, powerful, cogently argued and very useful book that everyone should read. However as Europe and North America swelter and burn in a new normal, as a new El Nino foreshadows further extremes, and as scientists continue to offer despairing warnings, this book ultimately fails to deliver on how to “rescue our future” and deal with over-population in particular. Thus in Chapter 1 ,“An Invitation”, of “Rethinking Our World” [1], Dr Göpel describes an Extinction Rebellion action to halt the morning rush hour trains, but then in a footnote states: “I expressly dissociate myself from individual statements made by the leaders of this movement in England” (page 2 [1]).  Yet whatever the Mainstream is doing to “save the planet”, it is simply not working. Dr Göpel is very influential: she was a former secretary-general of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WGBU)…

“Rethinking our World. An invitation to rescue our future” by political economist Dr Maja Göpel is a well-written, extremely readable, and cogently argued case for action on the worsening climate crisis. However it is aimed at a generalist audience and is obviously not meant to be a textbook on climate change. It should certainly be in every personal, local, school, university and institutional library.

However, as set out in this careful and detailed review, numbers matter, and many crucial quantitative matters (notably technical partial solutions) are missing from this otherwise excellent book, and particularly so from the final chapter “Thought and Action”. Perhaps my review could serve as a useful adjunct companion to reading Dr Maja Göpel’s book.

Even though it is too late and the One Percenters who run the world won’t permit it anyway, a useful suggestion would be to publicly list on-line, on hoardings and public monuments the damage-related Carbon Debt run up by the World (about $250 trillion in total), by billionaires, corporations, and governments. At least ordinary folk could use this information to make voting and consumer choices (for what good it will do their children, grandchildren and future generations  unless there is a Climate Revolution, non-violent of course) [40].”


.Gideon Polya, “Submission To Australian National Anti-Corruption Commission Over Huge But Ignored Australian War Crimes”, Countercurrents, 2 August 2023: .

“The excellent official Brereton Report found evidence of 39 unlawful killings of Afghans by Australian soldiers. However utterly ignored by successive  Australian Governments over many decades have been millions  of Indigenous avoidable deaths from deprivation in Australia-occupied countries (6 million in Occupied Afghanistan, 2001-2021), evidence of horrendous violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention by politicians  of  Australia and the US Alliance. Thus as a member of the US Alliance Australia has variously been involved in the invasion, devastation and occupation of numerous countries since WW2. Australia was involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation [1, 2]. While US Alliance war dead are carefully recorded to the last man, US General Tommy Franks declared “We don’t do body counts” on Indigenous Asians and Muslims violently  killed in US wars. Further, Western media, academics and politicians resolutely ignore the millions of Asian and Muslim deaths from deprivation (mostly of children) in countries devastated by US Alliance invasion and occupation since WW2 [1]. Thus avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation have totalled about 3 million (variously  bombed, sanctioned, devastated and occupied Iraq, 1990-2011) and about 6 million (Occupied Afghanistan, 2001-2021 ) [1].

This carnage is key evidence of gross Australian and US Alliance violation of Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War) which state that an Occupier must supply life-sustaining food and medical services to its conquered Subjects “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” [1]…

Now 6,000,000 (Afghans passively murdered by the US Alliance including Australia) / 39 (Afghans allegedly unlawfully killed by Australian soldiers) = 154,000 i.e. the passive mass murder of 6,000,000 Afghans (mostly women and children) by  Australian and US Alliance  politicians  is 154,000 times worse than the alleged unlawful killing of 39 Afghans by Australian soldiers.

Of course all war crimes should be thoroughly investigated and the perpetrators tried and punished, but in my opinion no Australian soldier should be tried for any of these 39 alleged unlawful killings before the politicians complicit in the 154,000 times greater war crime (the passive mass murder of 6,000,000 Afghans) are exposed and tried. Several highly-trained Australian veterans have privately agreed with me. However before even that happens it is necessary to expose the corrupt,  mendacious and racist lying about these matters by Australian politicians in the interest of (a) themselves (egregiously corrupt lying) and (b) of other war criminal US Alliance politicians and governments (treason)…

However the most fundamental of human rights is the right to life. Presently (2020 data) each year in Afghanistan (population 39 million) about  76,000 under-5 year old Afghan infants die and 106,000 Afghans die avoidably from deprivation, as compared to annual deaths of 1,100 under-5 year old infants and 1,600 avoidable deaths from deprivation in Australia (population 26 million)  [1].

The present Australian Labor Government and its Lib-Lab predecessors must be exposed for their war criminal and corrupt complicity in  what is a continuing Afghan Genocide and Afghan Holocaust associated with  loss of life (about 7 million deaths from violence and deprivation) that is presently greater than that of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million deaths from violence and deprivation) [49-51].”

22 July 2023


Gideon Polya, “Submission To National Anti-Corruption Commission: Australian Labor Government’s Lying For Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 22 July 2023: .

“This submission to the newly established Australian National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC)  describes  how the Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government (ALG) lies egregiously and corruptly to the People and Parliament against the interests of Australia and in the interests of (a) themselves  and (b) Australia-violating Apartheid Israel and its fanatical lobbyists. Outstanding anti-racist Jewish American journalist I.F. Stone (author of “The Hidden History of the Korean War”) famously told US journalism students: “Among all the things I’m going to tell you today about being a journalist, all you have to remember is two words: governments lie” [1, 2]. Governments lie but government lying in the interests of inimical foreign governments is generally regarded as treason. When such egregious falsehood results in huge personal and collective benefit one can reasonably refer to corrupt and traitorous  lying. Lying occurs in 2 major forms: lying by commission and lying by omission. Lying by omission is far, far worse than repugnant lying by commission because the latter at least permits public refutation and public debate (subject, of course,  to censorship by vigilant Mainstream media gate-keepers) [3]. In Australia about 70% of daily newspaper  readership has been captured by a US corporation. Massive and obsessive government secrecy (lying by omission) is typically assertedly “justified” on the basis of “national security”, “commercial in confidence” and “personal privacy” reasons. As a result of public hearings before an Australian state anti-corruption commission a state premier resigned over receipt of a A$3,000 bottle of wine, and another state premier resigned for not wanting to know about a partner’s dealings. Now Australia has a Federal National  Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) and this present submission to the newly established NACC is about vastly more serious matters involving lying of  a Federal government (the Australian Labor Government or ALG)  in the interests of (a) members of the government, and (b) inimical foreign governments (i.e. potentially treason, one of the very worst of crimes). Nobody likes to be deceived, and  deceit, lying and spying in the interests of foreign powers is typically regarded as treason, among the worst of crimes, and punishable by the most draconian of penalties…

The ALG could act otherwise: it could follow the advice of former Coalition PM Malcolm Fraser and former Labor PM Paul Keating and develop an independent foreign policy. Instead the Zionist-subverted ALG has chosen to alienate 2 billion Muslims from Africa to South East Asia in its ugly and violent anti-Arab anti-Semitism (indeed in the last 80 years Australia has variously violated all Indo-Pacific countries  [10, 11]). As a lackey of Zionist-subverted America the ALG has chosen to threaten our biggest trading partner, engender  Sinophobia here and abroad, and make Australia a prime  nuclear target in any escalating nuclear conflict involving Australia-based US and UK nuclear terrorism [63]. As a first step the ALG should follow Australian Labor Party policy. Eminent physicist Professor Stephen Hawking has stated: “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [64]. Unfortunately a cowardly,  nuclear terrorism-complicit and climate criminal ALG  is comprehensively acting contrary to this expert advice [65]. Similarly, in relation to Australia-violating Apartheid Israel the ALG could take the advice  of eminent anti-racist and hence anti-Zionist Jewish Australians from Sir Isaac Isaacs (the first Australian-born Governor General) to world famous  Professors Peter Singer and Dennis Altman  today, but has chosen to ignore Foreign Interference Legislation, and against the national interest cravenly obeys the orders of  mendacious, traitorous and virulently  racist Zionist nobodies who fervently support a nuclear terrorist and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel to the detriment of Australia. This Submission to the Australian National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) sets out how a cowardly, corrupt, traitorous, Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government (ALG) lies egregiously and corruptly to the People and Parliament against the interests of Australia but in the interests of (a) themselves and (b) Australia-violating Apartheid Israel and its fanatical lobbyists. One notes that the Liberal Party-National Party Coalition (presently in Opposition) is worse than the ALG. One hopes that the NACC will expose these horrendous realities that are vastly more important than a A$3,000 bottle of wine, and go to the very survival of Australia as a sovereign and human rights-observant democracy, and indeed to the very survival of Australia in a world existentially threatened by nuclear weapons and climate change. This has been written in the public interest.”


20 June 2023

Gideon Polya, “Swastika Ban Exposes Pro-Apartheid Israel, Pro-Apartheid, Zionist & Neo-Nazi Australian Labor Government”, Countercurrents,  20 June 2023: .

The Australian Labor Government will punish display of the Nazi swastika with lengthy imprisonment  and huge fines, attempting to obscure its appalling neo-Nazi-style conduct in 6 key areas notably (1) voting No for the UNGA Anti-Nazi Resolution, (2) fervently backing the anti-Semitic IHRA, (3) fervently supporting neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and hence neo-Nazi Apartheid, (4) funding the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, (5) no sorry for war crimes, and (6) terracidal nuclear and climate policies. By way of key background, under a new Labor Government Australia remains a craven lackey of Zionist-subverted and Zionist-perverted America and second only to the US as a supporter of neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and hence of the neo-Nazi crime of Apartheid  that is condemned by the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [1-4]. Over the last century racist White Australia’s fervent support for race-based and racist colonization of Palestine has come not just from the deeply racist conservative Right  and Far Right (the present Liberal Party-National Party Coalition that is currently in  Opposition) but  also from the ostensibly pro-worker but deeply racist,  neoliberal and Centre-Right Australian Labor Party (presently in Government)…

The Australian Labor Government’s proposed swastika ban is flagrantly disingenuous. Public display of the swastika for non-religious and non-scholarly reasons is highly offending to many but can be dealt with by existing laws covering offensive behaviour. However any such ban is dangerous political censorship, and this is made worse because the leading proponents are fervent supporters of neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel, neo-Nazi Apartheid, and censorship  of Australian university academics and students via adoption of the anti-Semitic and holocaust-ignoring Zionist IHRA Definition of anti-Semitism that has been rejected by over 40 anti-racist Jewish organizations. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck it probably is a duck. The present analysis documents extensive and shocking  neo-Nazi traits in 6 major areas of a mendacious, racist and war crimes-complicit Australian Labor Government. A neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel applying neo-Nazi Apartheid to the Indigenous Palestinians? Yes, indubitably so. A neo-Nazi Australian Labor Government? You be the judge and act accordingly. What can decent people do? Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can , and (b)  urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and otherwise involved in neo-Nazi-style activities. Decent anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians with a sole allegiance  to Australia simply cannot vote 1 for Labor in Australia’s excellent compulsory and preferential voting system – they will vote 1 Green or Socialist, put Labor second last, and put the Coalition last because it is even worse than Labor.”


15 June 2023

Gideon Polya, “Serial War Criminal, Sinophobic & US Lackey Australia Versus Peaceful, Anti-racist  & Industrious China”, Countercurrents, 15 June 2023: .

China has conquered and incorporated 2  countries in the last millennium whereas Australians as UK and thence US lackeys have invaded 85 countries in the last 2 centuries. Yet Mainstream Australia hysterically  proclaims peaceful China (Australia’s  biggest trading partner) as a serious military threat to sovereignty and security in the Indo-Pacific. However careful quantitative comparisons reveal the utter falsity of these war-mongering and Sinophobic Australian claims. The endlessly subverting, war mongering, and war-making US has been busy surrounding Russia and China with nuclear weapons-capable bases. Eminent expatriate Australian journalist and film maker John Pilger has interpreted  this threatening build-up as “The coming war on China” [1, 2]. To further that end the US  recently established the nuclear-armed Australia, UK and US (AUKUS) Alliance. Unlike the UK and the US, Australia does not actually possess nuclear weapons but will host nuclear armed US  B52 bombers and nuclear armed US and UK warships on a US “we will neither  confirm nor deny” basis. The US has inveigled India and Japan into the merely consultative  but intrinsically anti-China Quad also involving the US and US lackey Australia. However India obviously wants peace and cooperation with China and indeed with everybody, is wary  of the US- and military-installed new Pakistani Government, and, like China, is neutral over Russia and the endlessly  US-provoked but nevertheless utterly awful and war criminal Russian  invasion of Ukraine…

(b). Per capita militarization ranking yields Australia #2 compared to China #20: (1) Apartheid Israel (2.0290), (2) Australia (0.5882), (3) Taiwan (0.5462), (4) Canada (0.5305), (5) Poland (0.4497), (6) Thailand (0.2292),  (7) Germany (0.2148), (8) South Korea (0.1365), (9) UK (0.1325), (10) Italy (0.1322), (11) Turkiye (0.1186), (12) Egypt (0.1173), (13) France (0.0919), (14) Indonesia (0.0695), (15) Pakistan (0.0498), (16) Japan (0.0316),  (17) Russia (0.0137), (18) India (0.0036), (19) US (0.0030), and (20) China (0.0021).

(c).  Military expenditure in “US$ billions per million of population” ranks Australia #4 as compared to China #15: (1) Apartheid Israel 2.46, (2) US 1.82, (3) South Korea 1.21, (4) Australia 1.02, (5) France 0.95, (6) UK 0.89, (7) Russia  0.58, (8) Italy 0.56, (9) Germany 0.48, (10) Taiwan 0.45, (11) Canada 0.42, (12) Japan 0.33, (13) Poland  0.25, (14) Turkiye 0.22, (15) China 0.15, (16) North Korea 0.12 , (17) Thailand 0.077, (18) Egypt 0.043, (19) India 0.036, (20) Pakistan 0.032, and (21) Indonesia 0.025…

Numerous careful quantitative comparisons between Australia and China in relation to  invasions of other countries, threat based on past and present conduct,  and per capita-based estimates of militarization in many specific  areas reveals that contrary to US and Australia assertions,  a climate criminal and war criminal  US lackey  Australia represents major threat to the Indo-Pacific whereas China offers peaceful economic advance that hopefully will be compatible with effectively tackling the worsening climate crisis.”


8 June 2023

Gideon Polya, “Terracidal But Ignored Carbon Debt From Gas Exploitation By The World & Climate Criminal Australia”, Countercurrents, 8 June 2023: .

In Humanity’s present slow-motion suicide the World resolutely ignores the immense and ever-increasing Carbon Debt due to fossil fuel exploitation. In particular the inescapable  Carbon Debt from gas exploitation alone is increasing annually by $3.0 trillion for the World and by $118 billion for climate criminal Australia, or by about 3.1% and 7.6%, respectively, of the GDP of $96.5 trillion and $1.55 trillion for the World and Australia, respectively. If they only knew, the  young would be unquenchably angered by this horrendous  annual increase in an inescapable Carbon Debt that they will have to pay. While conventional debt can be evaded by default, bankruptcy, running away or printing money, Carbon Debt is inescapable – thus, for example and  as understood by Bengalis in particular, cities, towns, villages and arable land will be inundated unless sea walls are built in response to global warming, increasing sea levels and increased ferocity of storms and storm surges [1-5]. If they only knew, the bottom 99% of Humanity would be unquenchably angered by the reality that this horrendous annual Carbon Debt  is run up for the benefit of the One Percenters who run the world. According to Oxfam: “The richest 1% hold 45.6% of global wealth, while the poorest half of the world have just 0.75%” [6] i.e. in round figures  the top 1% of the world have about 50% of the world’s wealth whereas the bottom 50%  have about 1% of the world’s wealth. Further, the disproportionate acquisition of wealth by the One Percenters continues at an ever increasing rate [6]...

The inescapable Carbon Debt of the World is about $200-250 trillion and is increasing at about $12 trillion each year [22]. For climate criminal Australia the total Carbon Debt is $5 trillion and is increasing annually at about $0.664 trillion  [23, 36]. Proper accounting for Carbon Debt due to gas exploitation reveals that for the World the annual Carbon Debt from gas of $3.0 trillion is 25.9% of the total annual Carbon Debt of $11.6 trillion,  and is 3.1% of the World GDP of $96.5 trillion. For climate criminal Australia the annual increase in Australia’s Carbon Debt from gas of $117.7 billion is  17.7% of Australia’s total annual Carbon Debt of $664 billion and is 7.6% of Australia’s GDP of $1,553 billion. The disproportionate climate criminality of Australia (that is among world leaders in exporting GHG pollution) is revealed by the following key statistics: total  annual Carbon Debt as a percentage of GDP is 12.0% for the World but 42.8% for Australia. Most Australians welcomed the defeat by Labor of the mendacious, corrupt, incompetent, climate criminal, and racist Australian Coalition Government in the 21 May 2022 elections. However the Australian Albanese Labor Government, while vastly better than its awful predecessor, is egregiously neoliberal, cowardly, pro-Zionist, pro-Apartheid, US-beholden and pro-fossil fuels, and has so far failed on nuclear weapons, poverty and climate change that are the 3 key existential threats to Humanity [1, 5, 9, 11, 12, 39-49].

In short,  the endlessly deceptive, spin-driven, mendacious, climate criminal, neoliberal, nuclear terrorism-complicit  and US lackey Australian Labor Government (a) has refused to sign and ratify the crucial Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) despite this being Labor Party policy, and hugely expanded military links with the nuclear terrorist UK and US through the AUKUS (Australia, UK and US ) Alliance, including hosting potentially or actually nuclear-armed B52 bombers and US warships, and a $247 billion plus commitment to get 8 US and UK nuclear-powered submarines [39, 44, 45, 50, 51];  (b) has committed to $170 billion in tax cuts to the rich despite widespread poverty, economic stringency and homelessness in one of the world’s richest countries [49]; and (c) has committed to massive coal, gas and iron ore exports and to over 100 new coal and gas projects (the International Energy Agency (IEA), the United Nations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and scientists globally have called for an end to new fossil fuel development as fossil fuels are the key driver of the climate emergency) [40, 41, 43, 46]). The World is badly running out of time to act in a worsening climate crisis. The approaching latest El Nino event will mean highly likely exceedance of the Paris target of plus 1.5C in 1 of the next 5 years [5]. No decrease in record GHG pollution and  gas, oil, coal, cattle, cement, steel and iron ore production means that a catastrophic plus 2C temperature rise is now effectively inevitable [1, 9, 39].”

31 May 2023.


Gideon Polya, “Indigenous Australians & Palestinians: Treaty, Truth, Voice, Referendum & Senator Lidia Thorpe”, Countercurrents. 31 May 2023: .


“This year Australians will vote in a Referendum for recognizing Indigenous Australians in the Constitution by giving them a Constitutionally-enshrined  Voice to Parliament. Out of respect for First Nations People  I will vote Yes, a position supported by the Labor Government, the Greens and some others, but opposed by the Coalition Opposition. However First Nations Senator Lidia Thorpe also demands action on Treaty, Truth-telling and awful Indigenous disadvantage. This Australian Referendum for a Constitutionally-enshrined  Voice to Parliament arose from  a remarkable and representative gathering at Uluru (the gigantic  rock in the heart of Australia) of Indigenous Australians (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, First Nations peoples) in 2017, that issued the Uluru Statement of the Heart: “We, gathered at the 2017 National Constitutional Convention, coming from all points of the southern sky, make this statement from the heart: Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign Nations of the Australian continent and its adjacent islands, and possessed it under our own laws and customs…


We seek a Makarrata Commission to supervise a process of agreement-making between governments and First Nations and truth-telling about our history. In 1967 we were counted, in 2017 we seek to be heard”. One notes that Indigenous Australians were only finally counted as citizens of Australia after a 1967 Referendum… There is shocking 9- and 28-fold  difference in  annual per capita avoidable mortality from imposed deprivation among Indigenous Palestinians and Indigenous Australians as compared to their  non-Indigenous Rulers, Apartheid Israel and pro-Apartheid non-Indigenous Australia, respectively. While Indigenous Australians have full human rights in rich Australia, their deadly disadvantage is such that their  “annual per capita deaths from deprivation” is 2 times greater than that for the sorely oppressed and impoverished  Indigenous Occupied Palestinians who are excluded by Apartheid Israel from all the human rights set out in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The World must demand  a Free Palestine with all human rights  and a decent life for the still sorely oppressed Indigenous Palestinians. In rich but morally compromised Australia one hopes that an overwhelming  Yes vote in the 2023  Referendum for a Constitutionally-enshrined  Indigenous Voice to Parliament will change the national spirit and rapidly lead to removal of deadly disadvantage.”




25 May 2023.

Gideon Polya, “Censorship Of Stan Grant, Indigenous Australians & Palestinians, Julian Assange & Truth Tellers”, Countercurrents, 25 May 2023: .

“Eminent Australian and Indigenous journalist, Stan Grant, was driven   to resign from the ABC (the Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) as compere of the high-rating Q+A TV program by a flood of devastating racist abuse  after he participated in a  frank and truthful ABC discussion of the British  Crown and colonialism that prefaced the ABC coverage of the Coronation of King Charles III. Stan Grant, please come back, decent Australia loves you and needs you. Stan Grant announced his departure in a powerful article published by the ABC several days before his final Q+A program: “Since the King’s coronation, I have seen people in the media lie and distort my words. They have tried to depict me as hate filled. They have accused me of maligning Australia. Nothing could be further from the truth. My ancestors would not allow me to be filled with hate… Not one ABC executive has publicly refuted the lies written or spoken about me. I don’t hold any individual responsible; this is an institutional failure…This is the last column I will write for the ABC for a while. On Monday night I will present my Q+A program, then walk away. For how long? I don’t know”…

Eminent Australian and Indigenous  journalist, Stan Grant, was in this past week driven from his top job with the  ABC by vile racist abuse arising from objections to the ABC coverage of the Coronation of King Charles III. This is just the tip of the iceberg in Australia which has a huge and continuing (if now minority) culture of racism, intolerance and warmongering. As documented above, I have done my duty as a citizen and tried to defend  8 decent Australians being victimized for exactly that: being  decent. Racist White Australia  reveals its true colours by cowardly and unprincipled  inaction through to vile racism and vilification on social media. And it is not just journalists, academics and writers being punished for daring to speak out. Thus outstanding  Indigenous Australian Rules footballer Adam Goodes was driven from a stellar career by mass racist booing by thousands at football matches, and now brilliant Indigenous Australian Rules footballer  Buddy Franklin (who has kicked a record over 1,000 goals) is suffering the same mass racist abuse  treatment.”



19 May 2023.

Gideon Polya, “WMO Warning: 1.5 Degree C Warming Breach Very Soon & With Increasing Frequency. Act Now!”, Countercurrents, 19 May 2023: .

In 2015 the Paris Climate Change Conference decided that the world must take urgent action to ideally contain global warming to plus 1.5 degrees Centigrade (plus 1.5C) and to less than a catastrophic plus 2C. The present warming is about plus 1.1C. However the  World Meteorological Organization (WMO) now reports a 66% probability of 1.5C being exceeded for at least 1 year between  2023 and 2027. Climate catastrophe is now upon us but the World still refuses to act. According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO): “Global temperatures are likely to surge to record levels in the next five years, fuelled by heat-trapping greenhouse gases and a naturally occurring El Niño event, according to a new update issued by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). There is a 66% likelihood that the annual average near-surface global temperature between 2023 and 2027 will be more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels for at least one year.  There is a 98% likelihood that at least one of the next five years, and the five-year period as a whole, will be the warmest on record” [1, 2].Indeed the Executive Summary of the detailed WOM Report states: “Latest predictions suggest that: the annual mean global near-surface temperature for each year between 2023 and 2027 is predicted to be between 1.1°C and 1.8°C higher than the average over the years 1850-1900.The chance of global near-surface temperature exceeding 1.5°C above preindustrial levels for at least one year between 2023 and 2027 is more likely than not (66%)…

The World has been given dire warning by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO that global warming between  2023 and 2027 is  “predicted to be between 1.1°C and 1.8°C higher than the average over the years 1850-1900” [2]. Indeed the direst predictions by various scientists is that in the absence of requisite urgent  action about 10 billion people will perish this century in a Climate Genocide en route to a sustainable human population in 2100 of only about 1 billion [3, 35]. The World must act now! Decent humanity must act by (a) informing everyone they can, and  (b) urging and applying Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries  disproportionately involved in the climate criminality that is killing our planet.”



16 May 2023.

Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel Among World’s Leading Countries For Militarization, Violence, Abuse And Genocide ”, 16 May 2023: .

“Nuclear armed, serial war criminal and international law-violating Apartheid Israel is a genocidally racist settler-colonialist obscenity, and ranks on a per capita basis  among the world’s top  militarized countries in 30 key areas of military capacity and ghastly application of military power. On a per capita basis it ranks number 1 in terms of military expenditure, tanks, warplanes, US military aid, killing journalists, population expulsions, and genocide. How Apartheid Israel ranks among the worst in military assets, militarism, invading, abusing, and killing people in 30 areas is set out below. (1). Business Insider India on some overall, multifactorial assessment basis ranks Apartheid Israel as #14 out of the world’s 20 strongest militaries. Thus (2020 population in millions, m, in brackets): (1) US (331.0 m), (2) Russia (145.9 m), (3) China (1,439.3 m), (4) Japan (126.5 m), (5) India (1,389 m), (6) France (65.3 m), (7) South Korea (51.3 m), (8) Italy, (9) UK (67.9 m), (10) Turkiye (84.3 m), (11) Pakistan (220.9 m), (12) Egypt (102.3 m), (13) Taiwan (23.8 m), (14) Apartheid Israel (6.9 m non-Palestinians), (15) Australia (25.5 m), (16) Thailand (69.8 m), (17) Poland (37.8 m), (18) Germany (83.8 m), (19) Indonesia (273.5m), and (20) Canada (37.7 m)… (30). Apartheid Israel is #1 in the world for intended and effected genocide. Article 2 of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (UN Genocide Convention) states: “In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group…

This account has merely sketched how Apartheid Israel is either #1 in the world or among world leaders in 30 areas of militarization, killing, gross human rights abuse and genocide.  Citizens of other top military  states will no doubt be interested in how their country ranks. A detailed and comprehensive account awaits a latter-day equivalent of the post-WW2 Nuremberg War Crimes Trials. Just as mendacious and genocidally racist Zionists have got the Zionist-subverted Western Mainstream to remorselessly ignore the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, so they have persuaded Jewish Israelis to ignore what is going down on the other side of Apartheid Wall and of the barbed wire shutting off the blockaded and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp. Thus a ranking of Happiness based on a three-year-average 2020–2022 ranks Apartheid Israel at  #4 in the world: (1) Finland, (2) Denmark, (3) Iceland, (4) Apartheid Israel, (5) Netherlands, (6) Sweden, (7),Norway, (8) Switzerland,  (9) Luxembourg, (10) New Zealand, (11) Austria, (12) Australia, (13) Canada, (14) Ireland, (15) U,; (16). Germany, (17) Belgium, (18) Czechia, (19) UK, (20) Lithuania, (21) France,  (22) Slovenia, (23) Costa Rica,  (24) Romania, (25) Singapore… (99) Palestine… (136) Lebanon and (137) Afghanistan [55]. The core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth but genocidally racist Zionism has perverted this to Racism and Mendacity. Decent folk  must act by (a) informing everyone they can (the journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes of the Zionist-subverted Western Mainstream certainly won’t),  and by (b) urging and applying rigorous Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against  neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and all its evilly pro-Apartheid supporters.



9 May 2023.

Gideon Polya, “Charles III Coronation Ignored Imperialism, Colonialism, Genocide, Trauma, Deadly Colonial Legacy & Palestine”, 9 May 2023: .

Perhaps billions around the world saw at least part of the coronation of King Charles III  and marvelled at the pomp, the pageantry and the glorious choral music.  The colourful military uniforms and the final parade of thousands of British and Commonwealth military forces testified to past  imperial glory. However the lavish circa $200 million coronation ignored  the ongoing deadly British imperial legacy  in the  Americas, Africa, Palestine, Asia,  Australia and the Pacific. Socialists, anti-monarchists, Indigenous People, and former Subjects of the British Empire around the world  used the occasion of King Charles III’s Coronation to protest the horrendous and genocidal  past wrongs of English and thence British imperialism over the last millennium involving invasion, subjugation, dispossession, slavery,  genocide, and colonisation [1].  Indeed 52 anti-monarchists were arrested by  British police for demonstrating for a Republic and “Abolish the Monarchy” at the Coronation parade [2]. Prefacing its coverage of the Coronation, the Australian ABC ( the taxpayer-funded Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) had a panel discussion at which prominent Indigenous ABC journalist Stan Grant Grant (a Wiradjuri, Gurrawin and Dharawal man) and a prominent Indigenous lawyer Teela Reid (a Wiradjuri and Wailwan woman) protested both the Aboriginal Genocide of the past and the deadly impact of genocidal colonisation, trauma and dispossession that continues today in Australia. Of course the right-wing and “king-making” Murdoch media empire and its adherents slammed this truth-telling by Indigenous Australians…

The 7 million Exiled Palestinians are cruelly excluded from returning to their multi-millennial homeland  and  from full human rights. The 5.5 million Occupied Palestinians are denied all human rights as set out in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) [47-49].  2 million Israeli Palestinians are subject to 60 Nazi-style, race-based discriminatory laws. The first step that the world should insist on immediately is return of full human rights to all 15.5 million Palestinians, noting that half of them are children and three quarters women and children. Unfortunately  the genocidally racist, neo-Nazi Zionists and their neo-Nazi, pro-Apartheid Mainstream Western  supporters will almost certainly not allow this. However already 25% of American  Jews acknowledge that  that Israel is an Apartheid state [58]. Decent anti-racist folk around the world must (a) inform everyone they can (the Zionist-subverted Western Mainstream  journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes certainly won’t), and (b) armed with the  example of the removal of Apartheid in South Africa, urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting this nuclear terrorist, serial war criminal,  genocidally racist, grossly human rights-abusing, and child-abusing Apartheid rogue state.”


4 May 2023.


Gideon Polya, “Open Letter To Australian MPs Re Horrendous US Alliance Lying, War Crimes & Regime Changing ”, Countercurrents, 4 May 2023: .


“Careful accounting reveals 85 instances of the US attempting to overthrow foreign governments since WW2 and that the US was successful in 50 instances, with craven US lackey Australia being involved in 8 of these regime changes. A detailed and documented summary of this gross and criminal US violation of Humanity has been sent as an Open Letter to all Australian MPs and thence to a huge number of MPs and media globally. The Silence has been Deafening in the global US Empire. This Open Letter about this horrendous catalogue of US and Australian criminality was not simply about “bearing witness” about  immense crimes but was also by way of an experiment to explore the extent of Western Mainstream lying by omission about huge US Alliance crimes. So far the result has been utter silence – not a pip from MPs and media in Australia and around the world. This is a shocking demonstration of the extent of American  “fake news through lying by omission” not just in the US but in US lackey Australia and the US-dominated English-speaking world in general.

The Open Letter to Australian MPs re US Alliance war crimes is reproduced below


Dear Senator, Honorable Member, fellow humanitarian etc,

Open Letter to Australian MPs re US Alliance war crimes

Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation. War is the penultimate in racism and genocide the ultimate. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Set out below  is a summary of US, Australian and US Alliance violation of other countries since 1945…

The US, UK, Australia and all the 35 IHRA countries need de-Nazification. All those who support Apartheid Israel are supporting the crime of Apartheid and are thus utterly unfit for public life and public office in one-person-one-vote democracies like Australia.  In Australia’s world’s best compulsory and preferential  voting system decent, anti-racist Australians will vote 1 Green, put the fervently pro-Zionist  Coalition last, and put  Labor second last (the key merit of the present Labor Government is that it is not as bad as the unspeakable former Coalition Government, the Coalition being described by Australia’s top human rights lawyer as “ideologically opposed to human rights” ). Decent anti-racist Humanity will urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and all its supporters. Foreign attempted overthrow or actual overthrow of the government of another country is among the worst of crimes. The perpetrators should be identified,  investigated by Interpol, and at the very least simply publicly identified. However as illustrated by this Open Letter experiment, the US and US lackey Australia utterly ignore the numerous such  crimes in which they have been involved. Silence is complicity, and Mainstream Western politicians and media are accessories after the fact of these vile, deadly and racist crimes.”

25 April 2023

Gideon Polya, “2023 Paradox: 75th Anniversary Of 1948 UDHR Launch & Start Of South African & Israeli Apartheid”, Countercurrents, 25 April 2023: .

“2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the launch of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. Unfortunately in 1948 inhumanity prevailed with the launch of Apartheid in South Africa by the newly-elected neo-Nazi Afrikaaner National Party, and of genocidal Apartheid Israel in Palestine by the neo-Nazi Zionist settler-colonialists who murderously  depopulated Palestine of over half of its Indigenous Palestinians in the 1948  Nakba (Catastrophe). 1945 saw the end of the WW2 atrocity in which about 90 million people had died from violence and war-imposed deprivation [1]. The world wanted peace, human rights and self-determination, and the UDHR was a carefully considered  expression of those desires and ideals [2]. Unfortunately the defeat of the genocidally racist fascist dictatorships by the Western democracies resulted in rule over much of the world by a new global American Empire that quickly  illustrated the truism that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely…

In Palestine one envisages a secular,  democratic and multiracial post-Apartheid reality akin to that in post-Apartheid South Africa, and involving return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, one-person-one-vote, justice, goodwill, reconciliation, economic justice, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security initially based on the present armed forces, and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of Palestine [11, 25]. It can and should happen tomorrow. However the fundamental requirement that should be implemented immediately is that all  the human rights set out in the 30 Articles of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) be immediately restored to Indigenous Palestinians. Exclusion of Palestinians from the all the human rights set out in the 1948 UDHR has meant 75 years of appalling abuse that I and other decent folk have been calling out for decades [1, 10, 26-28]  In the absence of such immediate restoration of all basic human rights to the Palestinians, decent humanity will continue to urge and expand  comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting this evil,  genocidally racist and neo-Nazi (Zionazi) ethnocracy.”


19 April 2023

Gideon Polya, “PC Racist Australia: Voice For Indigenous Australians But Censoring Supporters of Indigenous Palestinians”, Countercurrents, 19 April 2023: .

“Politically correct racist (PC racist) Australia ignores a shocking reality: while 60% of Australians rightly support a Constitutionally-enshrined Recognition and Voice for Indigenous Australians,  pro-Zionist MPs are advocating adoption by Australia’s 43 universities of the anti-Semitic International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Definition of anti-Semitism that threatens  the freedom of speech of academics and students in relation to the human rights of Indigenous Palestinians. The irony of this bizarre and offending  scenario is that  the most resolute Australian supporters of the human rights of the sorely oppressed Indigenous Palestinians are indeed the Indigenous Australians (in addition to the decent Australian Greens and the Socialists)… At the time of the genocidally racist British invasion of Australia (26 January 1788) there were about 1 million Indigenous Australians (aka Aborigines, Aboriginals, Black Australians, First Nations Peoples, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) whose occupation of Australia dates back over 65,000 years, the oldest continuous culture in the world. Within 100 years the Indigenous population decreased to about 0.1 million through violence, dispossession, deprivation and  disease. The last massacres of Indigenous Australians occurred in the late 1920s in Central Australia. Of about 700 distinct languages and dialects in 1788  today only about 120 survive with all but about 20 endangered, one of the worst Ethnocides in human history. Aboriginal deaths in the over 2 century and continuing Aboriginal Genocides total about 2 million, with 0.1 million from  violence (0.1 million) and the remainder from imposed disease, dispossession and deprivation. Forcible removal of about 100,000 part-European children from their mothers contributed massively to the Aboriginal  Genocide and Ethnocide that from a qualitative perspective is one of the worst in world history…

The Zionist-subverted Coalition, Labor and Australian media are soiling Australia in the interests of several nuclear terrorist  foreign powers, namely Apartheid Israel, pro-Apartheid America and pro-Apartheid UK,  serial war criminal neo-Nazi states with appalling records of subverting Australia and violating Australians and Australian institutions. Just one example: world hero Julian Assange has now  been imprisoned for nearly 11 years in London for truth-telling about  US Alliance war crimes. Decent humanity must act by (a) informing everyone they can about the US Alliance commitment to  nuclear terrorism, war, occupation, racism, genocide,  Apartheid, human rights abuse and lying, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting genocidally racist  Zionism (Zionazism). Decent Australians will refuse to vote 1 for either Labor or the Coalition in Australia’s preferential voting system. Because the Coalition is worse than Labor they will put the Coalition last and put Labor second last.”


14 April 2023

Gideon Polya, “Lying US & Australian Labor Governments Falsely Deny Apartheid Israeli Occupation Of Palestine”, Countercurrents, 14 April 2023:  .

“The Zionist-subverted, US lackey, mendacious and traitorous Australian Labor Government has followed the Zionist-subverted American Government in falsely and extraordinarily denying the horrendous actuality of Apartheid Israeli Occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) that is acknowledged by the other 3 members of the Anglosphere 5-Eyes Club, the UK, New Zealand, and Canada, by major EU countries, and indeed by most countries.This extraordinary, blatant, in-your-face, Orwellian lying  and denial of reality by the Australian Labor Government and the US Government in the interests of a nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist, serial war criminal, and grossly human rights-abusing neo-Nazi state, Apartheid Israel, demands exposure, censure, and sanctions by the world, and indeed by the  citizens of  Australia and the US in particular…

Presently the Australian Labor Government’s only merit is that it is assertedly not as bad for the poor as the unspeakable Coalition. However with a growing inequity gap, expanding poverty, a worsening climate crisis, an increasing nuclear threat, and a Gross National Debt of A$1 trillion, the Australian Labor Government   is committed to giving A$250 billion in tax breaks to the rich, spending A$358 billion on UK/US nuclear-powered submarines that will be readily detectable sitting ducks for smart  missiles in coming decades, making Australia a nuclear-armed US base and a prime nuclear target, and permitting vast expansion of new coal and gas extraction. Decent Australians will act against a racist, mendacious, pro-war, pro-nuclear weapons, anti-science, climate criminal, pro-Apartheid, pro-Occupation, IHRA-supporting, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, holocaust-ignoring,  genocide-ignoring, human rights-betraying and Julian Assange-betraying Australian Labor Government by  rejecting both the mendacious, racist and traitorous Labor Government and the even worse Coalition Opposition at the ballot box – they will not vote 1 for either Labor or the Coalition, and will put the Coalition last and Labor second last. Decent humanity as a whole will (a) inform everyone they can about the US Alliance commitment to  nuclear terrorism, war, occupation, racism, genocide,  Apartheid, human rights abuse and lying, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting genocidally racist  Zionism (Zionazism)”.


11 April 2023

Gideon Polya, “Zionazism: Genocidally Racist Apartheid Israel Is Presently Attacking 5 Countries”, Countercurrents, 11 April 2023: .

“Western  Mainstream media (MSM) are reporting the  Israeli police violence against  worshippers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, token rocket responses by Palestinians, and horrendously disproportionate Israeli bombing  of Gaza, Lebanon and Syria. While the West rightly condemns  the Russian invasion and occupation of 20% of Ukraine,  it fervently supports genocidally racist Zionazi Apartheid Israel that in 2023 is violently attacking 5 other countries and still illegally occupying the territory of 4. By way of comparison, before its genocidal invasion of the Soviet Union (USSR) in 1941 that would ultimately kill 27 million Soviet citizens, Nazi Germany had invaded 10 countries (Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Britain) and occupied all but unconquered Britain [1]. Indeed a  shocking 52-item list  of appalling abuses and human rights violations  by genocidally racist, Nazi-style and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel,  its leaders and its supporters compels qualitative and quantitative comparisons with the conduct of genocidally racist Nazi Germany before and during WW2, and with racist fascists, fascoids, and neo-Nazis in general [2]…

The core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth. Unfortunately neoliberal greed and remorseless lying by commission and lying by omission  have perverted this ethos to one of Exclusion and Lying. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. These deficiencies of the American Empire and its creation Apartheid Israel are most glaringly exposed in the horrendous, genocidal and ongoing maltreatment of the Indigenous Palestinians who represent a litmus test for humanity. Indeed Nelson Mandela, Nobel Laureate and hero in the successful fight against South African Apartheid, stated (1997): “The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians” [29]. What can decent people do? Decent folk must (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) urge and apply  Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against genocidally racist and neo-Nazi  Apartheid Israel and all  people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting this nuclear terrorist and grossly human rights-violating Zionazi state.”


3 April 2023

Gideon Polya, “2023 IPCC AR6 Summary For Policymakers: Last Warning”, Countercurrents, 3 April 2023: .

The Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) has recently been released including a detailed 36-page Summary for Policymakers. Section A summarizes what is known of the observed warming, its causes and impacts. However just three short quantitative sentences allow readers to determine that there are only about 10 and 20 years to go before we reach warming of plus 1.5C and plus 2.0C, respectively, at the present rate of unchecked greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution. Further, with the  continuing  global “Business As Usual” (BAU) the remaining 500 GtCO2-eq (500 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent) “carbon budget”,  determined in 2020 for “a 50% likelihood of  limiting global warning to 1.5C” [1],  will be used up in a mere 7 years (i.e. in 2027 or in 4 years’ time). These quantitative estimates show that we are very badly running out of time to deal with the worsening climate emergency. Indeed atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) levels continue to rise at a record rate [1, 2]…

As estimated here using data from the IPCC AR6 Report Summary for Policymakers, the 1.5C limit will be exceeded within 10 years if BAU continues. Despite 6 major Reports since the foundation of the IPCC in 1988, the atmospheric CO2 and CH4 continue to  rise at record rates. A despairing world await the year when  the atmospheric levels of these greenhouse gases (GHGs) will have finally started to decrease. The atmospheric CO2 is presently at a record level of about 420 parts per million (420 ppm) and increasing at a record rate but numerous scientists  demand a return to the pre-Industrial  Revolution level of about 300 ppm for a safe and sustainable  planet for all peoples and all species [2, 22, 23]. Articulate climate heroine Greta Thunberg has been reduced to a famous  and indignant “How dare you!” and more recently to “Blah, blah, blah” in relation to the politicians who are destroying the planet. Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can, and (b)  urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries disproportionately involved in  the ongoing climate criminality and  terracide, the destruction of ecosystems and life on this planet. There is no Planet B.

31 March 2023


Gideon Polya, “Israeli Protests: Racist Western Mainstream Media Ignore The Palestinians”, Countercurrents, 31 March 2023: .

The Western Mainstream media (MSM) are extensively covering the massive Israeli protests against threats to judicial independence by the new extreme right wing Netanyahu government. However the pro-Zionist, pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid  Western MSM maintain the obscene myth of asserted Israeli democracy and overwhelmingly ignore the gross abuse of the human rights of 16 million Exiled, Occupied and Israeli Indigenous  Palestinians.We all know from example after example that the pro-Zionist Western governments routinely lie and that Zionist-beholden Western MSM are deeply complicit in this appalling culture of lying by commission and lying by omission. For a classic analysis of this entrenched mendacity in the US see “Manufacturing Consent” by Professors Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky that details the role of US MSM as agents of US Government propaganda…

This Western ignoring of the horrendous, century-long violation of the Palestinians (50% children and 75% women and children) recalls  Hughes Mearns’ poem “Antigonish”: “As I was going up the stair, /  I met a man who wasn’t there! / He wasn’t there again today! / I wish, I wish he’d go away” [46]. Indeed  a member of the new fascist Israeli Government,  Bezalel Smotrich (Israeli finance minister) has falsely and offensively opined: “The Palestinian people are an invention from the last century. There is no such thing as Palestinians because there’s no such thing as the Palestinian people” [35]. However history says otherwise – the Palestinians and their forebears have continuously inhabited Palestine back to the Agrarian Revolution in the Fertile Crescent. Indeed Greek historian Herodotus (circa 484-425 BCE) refers to Palestine (land of the Philistines) as does the Holy Bible in relation to the non-Biblically uncorroborated story of the exodus from Egypt in circa 1000 BCE (Exodus Chapter 15, verse 14 ). The Palestinians are not going away. What can decent people do? Decent anti-racist folk committed to Kindness and Truth must (a) inform everyone  they can, (b) eschew mendacious Zionist-subverted Mainstream media, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against  Apartheid Israel and all  people, politicians , parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting Apartheid Israel and hence the utterly vile crime of Apartheid”.


19 March 2023


Gideon Polya, “Iraq Invasion 20th Anniversary: 5 Million Dead In Iraqi Holocaust”, Countercurrents, 19 March 2023: .

“The 20th anniversary of the war criminal US, UK and Australian invasion of Iraq in 2003 will fall on about 20 March 2023. On this occasion mendacious and racist Western media will at best remember the Iraq War as a US policy mistake. However decent people will remember the carnage. From 1990 onwards Iraqi deaths from US-imposed violence and deprivation have totalled about 5.0-5.5 million, similar to deaths in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust ( 5-6 million)… One notes that “holocaust” implies a large number of deaths whereas  “genocide” is precisely defined by Article 2 of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the UN Genocide Convention) thus: “In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group”…

In 2005, when first expert reports on the growing carnage in Iraq were emerging,  anti-racist Jewish British writer Harold Pinter in his Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech stated: “The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law. The invasion was an arbitrary military action inspired by a series of lies upon lies and gross manipulation of the media and therefore of the public; an act intended to consolidate American military and economic control of the Middle East masquerading as a last resort all other justifications having failed to justify themselves as liberation. A formidable assertion of military force responsible for the death and mutilation of thousands and thousands of innocent people. We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it ‘bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East’. How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just that Bush and Blair be arraigned before the International Criminal Court of Justice” [31]. 5 million? Surely enough, I would have thought.”


16  March 2023


Gideon Polya, “85 Ways Zionist Australian Labor Government Betrays Palestinian Human Rights & Humanity”, Countercurrents,  16 March 2023:  .

“The new Australian Labor Government was elected in May 2022 with the help of Greens preferences in the Australian compulsory and preferential  voting system. However despite pro-Palestinian moves by the Labor Party membership, the US- and Zionist-beholden Labor Government has grossly betrayed Palestinian human rights, Australian voters, Australia, and indeed Humanity in 85 ways that make Labor  utterly unfit to govern and trash Australia’s International  reputation. Most Australians were pleased that the Centre-Right Labor Government replaced the corrupt , dishonest, mendacious, racist, anti-science, anti-environment, climate criminal, war criminal, and human rights–violating Right-extreme Right Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Government. Indeed the eminent lawyer and former Human Rights Commissioner Professor Gillian Triggs condemned the Coalition as “ideologically opposed to human rights“. Anti-Apartheid hero and Nobel Laureate Nelson Mandela famously stated “The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians”.However as summarized  below, under the new Australian Labor Government Australia continues to shockingly betray Palestinian  human rights, and  human rights in general,  in 85 ways…

Australia has a world’s best compulsory and preferential voting system (for a valid vote one must mark all candidates numerically in order of preference  – if  a candidate fails to get 50% of the vote, the winner is determined by taking preferences into account). Labor’s sole merit is that it is arguably better than the utterly appalling, corrupt, incompetent, climate criminal, war criminal, racist and mendacious Coalition. Enough is enough. Faced with escalating existential threats from nuclear weapons and climate change, decent, anti-racist  Australians  will put the Coalition last and Labor second last – they will find it impossible to vote 1 for either Labor or the Coalition. The racist, mendacious, climate criminal, war criminal, Zionist-subverted, traitorous, and  US lackey Australian Labor Government has betrayed the Labor Party, Australia and humanity, and is utterly unfit for public office and public life….

Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds”. He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2022) and “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (1998, 2008, 2023). He has recently published “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), and “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020), and contributed to Soren Korsgaard (editor) “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published – Dangerous Deception Exposed!” (2020). For images of Gideon Polya’s huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see:  .”


7 March 2023


Gideon Polya, “Zionists & Pro-Zionist, US Lackey Australian Government Threaten Australian Academic Free Speech”, Countercurrents,  7 March 2023: .

“Academic free speech is under great threat in Australia (and elsewhere) from authoritarian university managers of corporatized universities, state and federal  governments, secret government, foreign governments (notably the US and Apartheid Israel and their lobbyists), mendacious oligopoly Mainstream  media, and lack of a Bill of Rights guaranteeing free speech.Back in 2001 I gave a paper entitled  “Current Academic Censorship and Self-Censorship in Australian Universities” to a conference of academics concerned with preservation of core values of the public university. My paper was published in the Public University Journal, 2001: . My paper commenced “The core academic ethos involves commitment to truth, reason and free speech and these elements are operationally intimately intertwined in the concept of academic freedom… Academic freedom is presently under attack in Australia and paradoxically this constraint is coming from within our universities. This situation must be urgently reversed.” 22 years later the situation is far worse with the corporatizing of Australian universities, Codes of Conduct  limiting academic free speech, extensive government interference, and most recently the adoption by Melbourne University  of the  false, racist, defamatory, anti-Semitic and holocaust-ignoring Zionist IHRA Definition of anti-Semitism, a move that threatens the free speech of academics and students at Melbourne University and potentially at all Australian universities (Gideon Polya, “Melbourne University Adopts Anti-Semitic & Holocaust-Ignoring IHRA Definition Of Anti-Semitism”, Countercurrents, 5 February 2023: )...

What can be done to protect and maximize free speech and particularly academic free speech in Australia and the world?

(i). Ideally everybody should be able to say what they want as in the US, with freedom from prosecution except in cases of the most egregious and damaging falsehood.

(ii). Academics should have free speech protection akin to the Parliamentary Privilege of MPs.  MPs benefit from lying especially in the new global culture of political lying (Jack Profumo resigned from Parliament  over 1 white lie; George W. Bush told 935 lies about Iraq; and Donald Trump told 30,000 lies in 4 years as president ) (see Bernard Keane, “Lies and Falsehood”). In contrast, academics who abuse the system by lying would lose their invaluable reputations.

(iii). The only punishment for public falsehood should be the ignominy of expert public exposure (ideally by expert-informed judicial findings in serious cases).

(iv). Australians (and people in similarly  abused countries) should resolutely expose and oppose censorship of academics and students in the interests  of mendacious, genocidally racist and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel.

(v). We should publicly  assert that universities that censor free speech are unfit for our children.”



28 February 2023


Gideon Polya, “Abulhawa, El-Kurd, Palestine & Ukraine: Zionists Attack Australian Free Speech”, Countercurrents,  28 February 2023: .

The acclaimed Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd were invited to the Adelaide Writers Festival but have encountered a storm of false defamation from Zionists, pro-Zionist Mainstream media  and pro-Zionist politicians. Abulhawa has also been falsely defamed for her sensible views on the Ukraine War. The eminent anti-racist Jewish Australian Festival Director Louise Adler is standing firm against this further ferocious Zionist attack on free speech in Australia. The author of hundreds of carefully documented humanitarian articles and 9 huge books, I have been largely rendered “invisible” in Australia in the last decade due to false Zionist defamation, and (I further surmise) due to Australian Intelligence and Mainstream media gatekeepers. However the leading Australian newspaper The Age (Melbourne) published a powerfully succinct,  edited rendition of my views on the false defamation of Susan Abulhawa and Palestinian poet Mohammed El-Kurd: “Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd have been falsely defamed for alleged “anti-Semitism” and “hate speech” for criticising the century-long genocidal abuse of indigenous Palestinians by Zionists. Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism” [1]…

People supporting Apartheid Israel and hence the vile crime of Apartheid are utterly unfit for public life in one-person-one-vote democracies like Australia. Decent anti-racist and anti-Apartheid Australians simply cannot vote 1 for  either Labor or the Coalition in Australia’s compulsory and preferential voting system. Abolition of any foreign ownership of Australian media would stop subversion of presently Murdochracy Australia by the dominant and fervently Zionist US Murdoch media empire.

Presently only 2 out of 43 Australian universities (Melbourne University and Wollongong University) have endorsed the false, anti-Semitic and holocaust-ignoring IHRA Definition of anti-Semitism, and thus threaten the free speech of all their staff and students. More may follow. Free speech and truth are core values of decent universities, and staff and students  around Australia are voicing their anger over this worsening threat to academic free speech and the academic ethos. No decent overseas students will study at Zionist-subverted  Australian institutions committed to Racism and Lies instead of the academic and humanitarian  ethos of Kindness and Truth. Wake up Australia before it is too late!


19 February 2023

Gideon Polya, “Zionist Australia’s SBS Suspends Renowned Pro-Palestinian Journalist Essam Al Ghalib”, Countercurrents,   19 February 2023: .

“Australia’s Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) provides excellent globally-oriented TV and radio services to Australia, and particularly to exceptionally multicultural Australia. However SBS has succumbed to foreign and local  Zionist pressure and suspended renowned Arab journalist Essam Al Ghalid for unexceptional tweets made 10 years ago which offended local Zionists and a foreign,  pro-Israel,  Israel-promoting and Zionist media monitoring website called HonestReporting…

The racist Zionist attack on renowned Arab journalist Essam Al Ghalid is a further example of  the attack on humanitarian and truth-telling journalists, academics, and anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish  writers and activists opposed to the genocidal crimes of nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel. The Zionists have a successful formula involving egregious falsehood, falsely weaponizing the WW2 Jewish Holocaust, and falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish  critics of genocidal Israeli Apartheid  as “anti-Semites”.  The horrible reality is that Zionism is genocidal racism and Nazism without gas chambers but with high technology violence and subjugation, and 100 nuclear weapons. Anti-racist Jewish American scholar Professor Bertell Ollman has stated that: “The Zionists are the worst anti-Semites in the world today, oppressing a Semitic people as no nation has done since the Nazis” [44].  Indeed the horrible Zionist maltreatment of 15.5 million sorely oppressed  Palestinians aside,  Zionism represents a fanatical and mendacious attack on the core values of academia and Humanity, namely Kindness and Truth. The noble ideals of Kindness and Truth will not prevail on their own as Humanity speeds towards climate catastrophe. Decent people around the world must defend all humanitarian  truth-tellers from Australian SBS’s Essam Al Ghalid to Australian and world hero Julian Assange now in his 10th year of abusive incarceration in Britain for telling the truth about American atrocities in the Muslim world. Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can, (b) resolutely support humanitarian truth tellers, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against genocidally racist  Apartheid Israel and all its Zionist supporters.”


14 February 2023


Gideon Polya, “20th Anniversary Of Huge Demonstrations Against Impending Iraq War”, Countercurrents,   14 February 2023: .

On the weekend encompassing Friday 14 February to Sunday 16 February 2003 in Australia, coordinated mass protests against the impending Iraq War occurred around the world in over 600 cities. This global mass protest was described as the largest protest event in human history. According to the BBC 6-10 million people protested in a total of about 60 countries. In Italy the Rome protest involved about 3 million people, and in Spain the protest in Madrid involved 1.5 million people. On Friday 14 February the protesters totalled  150,000 people in my city Melbourne (I and family were there with highly visible black on white STOP WAR placards). On 16 February 250,000 people protested in Sydney, and 100,000 in Brisbane. About 600,000 demonstrated against the impending Iraq War in cities around Australia [1-5]. Between January 3 and April 12, 2003, 36 million people across the world globe participated in some  3,000 protests against the Iraq War [5]…

The US Coalition invasion of Iraq was illegal and thus was an egregious war crime. The 2.0 million Iraqi avoidable deaths (mostly children) since the 2003 invasion are evidence of the gross violation by the US Coalition of Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War) that demand that an Occupier is obliged to supply its conquered Subjects with life-sustaining food and medical requisites “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” [36]. John Valder (former Federal president of the conservative Australian Liberal Party) has commented thus on the former Liberal PM of Australia, John Howard, who led Australia to war in Iraq: “Bush, Blair, and Howard, as leaders of the three members of the coalition of the willing, inflicted enormous suffering on the people of Iraq. And, as such, they are criminals. I believe the only deterrent to a repetition of the Iraq situation is punishment in some form as war criminals” [41]. Likewise, anti-racist Jewish writer and 2005 Literature Nobel Laureate, Harold Pinter: “The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law. The invasion was an arbitrary military action inspired by a series of lies upon lies and gross manipulation of the media and therefore of the public; an act intended to consolidate American military and economic control of the Middle East masquerading as a last resort all other justifications having failed to justify themselves as liberation. A formidable assertion of military force responsible for the death and mutilation of thousands and thousands of innocent people. We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it ‘bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East’. How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just that Bush and Blair be arraigned before the International Criminal Court of Justice” [42]. 5.5 million? Surely enough, I would have thought. All war crimes should be properly investigated and all those responsible must  held to account. However the politicians who sent US Coalition soldiers to Iraq should be arraigned for grossly violating the Fourth Geneva Convention in their complicity in millions of Iraqi deaths from imposed deprivation. Indeed these politicians should be arraigned for horrendous mass murder before any soldiers are indicted for unlawful killings of individual Iraqis. However while the politician war criminals remain free, Australian and world hero Julian Assange has been abusively imprisoned for a decade  for truth telling about US Coalition war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Expose the war crimes! Indict the war criminals! Free Julian Assange!”


5 February 2023


Gideon Polya, “Melbourne University Adopts Anti-Semitic & Holocaust-Ignoring IHRA Definition Of Anti-Semitism”, Countercurrents,  5 February 2023: .

“In 2022 Melbourne University (MU), formerly Australia’s top university, succumbed to racist Zionist subversion by falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish staff and students as anti-Semitic for criticism of Israeli Apartheid. MU has now adopted the false, racist and defamatory International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Definition of anti-Semitism that is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, and near-comprehensively  genocide-ignoring and holocaust-ignoring. Not content with merely falsely defaming anti-racist  students and staff as “anti-Semites” for criticizing Israeli Apartheid crimes [1], the Melbourne University Management (MUM) administers a Code of Conduct that now implicitly includes the false, racist, defamatory, anti-Semitic and holocaust-ignoring IHRA Definition of anti-Semitism [2, 3]. The MUM thus threatens the free speech of academics and students at MU. Because MU has been regarded as the top Australian university this  attack by MUM on the core academic ethos of Kindness, Truth and free speech also constitutes a grave attack on the reputation of all 43 Australian Universities and indeed of Australia. MUM is a relevant acronym because MU students and staff are now being threatened into lying by omission i.e. into ”keeping mum”  over the repugnant crime of Israeli Apartheid. Indeed this academic perversion has occurred because of a culture of silence over Israeli war crimes in the Zionist-subverted West, including US lackey Australia…

Of the 15.5 million mostly impoverished Indigenous Palestinians, the 5.5 million Occupied Palestinians surviving 56 years of highly abusive military rule are still variously deprived of all the human rights set out in the UDHR [102, 103]. The 2 million “lucky “ Israeli Palestinians still exist as Third  Class citizens under 65 Nazi-style race-based laws. The 8 million Exiled Palestinians  remain excluded from the land continuously inhabited by their forbears for over 3 millennia [35]. The IHRA Definition of anti-Semitism  is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Jews critical of Apartheid Israel), anti-Arab anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims critical of Apartheid Israel, and indeed by supporting the horrendous genocidal racism of Zionism, of Apartheid Israel, and of the Zionist-beholden US Alliance engaged in a genocidal war on Muslims), and egregiously holocaust denying (by ignoring all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust, and indeed ignoring about 70 genocide and holocaust atrocities). Zionism is genocidal racism in awful theory and appalling  practice. Indeed Zionism is Nazism without gas chambers but with high technology war  and subjugation, and with 100 nuclear weapons  plus delivery systems including Germany-supplied submarines.  Indeed Moshe Menuhin (anti-racist Jewish scholar and father of famed anti-racist and anti-Zionist musician Yehudi Menuhin) opined: “Jews should be Jews not Nazis” [24].


28 January 2023


Gideon Polya, “Why Australia Should Quit  Military Links With Serial War Criminal America”, Countercurrents,  28 January 2023: .

“Australia became a fervent ally of the US after the fall of Singapore to the Japanese in 1942. Australia was thence involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities  associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and imposed deprivation. Now, as a US lackey Australia absurdly and dangerously beats the drums of war against a peaceful and non-expansionist China, it is time for urgent re-assessment. Australia should quit the Asian-killing and indeed Australian-killing US Alliance.The US Alliance is the sine qua non of Australian politics. It is blindly accepted by the 2  major political groups, the centrist to right  Labor Party (that presently rules Australia) and the conservative right to far right Liberal Party-National Party Coalition (that is presently in opposition), and who are collectively known as the Lib-Labs. Various Independents also fervently support the US Alliance. However the Greens want a renegotiation of the US Alliance. Australia has an excellent compulsory and preferential  voting system in which voters have to vote for all the candidates in order of preference. If a candidate fails to get 50% of first preference (primary) votes then the second preference votes are considered. The Greens being a left-centre  party, most of the Greens’ second preferences go to Labor [1]. In the 2022 Federal election, Labor got 32.6% of first preference votes, the Liberal-Nationals 35.4% , the Greens 12.3% and the minor parties and independents  19.7%. In 2022 Labor was elected with the help of  Greens’ preferences, gaining a “2-party preferred vote” of 52.1% as compared to the Coalition 47.9% [2]… Jordon Steele-John (Greens Senator, Greens Peace spokesperson) (2021): “The Greens are committed to reducing defence spending, this will make $312 billion available over the next decade for essential services our community needs. We can build 1 million homes, ending homelessness. We could improve ventilation in schools, making our kids safe. We could get dental and mental health into Medicare. We could increase income support so no one in the country needs to live in poverty. Our Australian Greens Towards Peace plan will renegotiate our alliance with the United States, close all foreign military bases in Australia, reduce defence spending and prioritise peaceful efforts in our region to tackle the climate crisis… [Re Afghanistan] We must never again participate in a colonial war of aggression. Our goal must always be peace. Our community does not want our future to be at the behest of the United States of America. The Australian Greens are committed to re-negotiating the ANZUS alliance, we will not proceed with the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarine deal, and we will close all foreign military bases across Australia” [103].”


13 January 2023

Gideon Polya, ““Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” – Expose Ignored Holocausts & Genocides”, Countercurrents,   13 January 2023: holocausts-genocides/ .

“History ignored yields history repeated, and ignoring genocides and holocausts yields repetition of such atrocities. My book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability” (1998, 2008, and 2023 editions) exposes 2 centuries of British-made and British-ignored famines in India, and argues that ignoring such atrocities and the worsening climate crisis will yield horrendous mass mortality in the 21st  century. My eclectic, exhaustively-referenced and passionately humane 1998 first edition of the book covered a span from the sublime to the horrendous. My book initially dealt in great detail with the life, times and works of the brilliant, exquisitely truthful, and foundational English novelist Jane Austen. Notably, I detailed my literary discovery that Jane Austen’s most Indian novel, “Sense and Sensibility”, actually tells the story of  the adulterous seduction in India of Jane Austen’s Aunt Philadelphia by Warren Hastings (later the first Governor General of British-ruled India), the product of the union, Jane Austen’s lively cousin and later sister-in-law Eliza, being the model for the more lively female characters in Jane Austen’s exquisitely written novels [1]. This Indian Connection of Jane Austen’s family, connections and works, and Jane Austen’s ideal of  Kindness and Truth, segued on to a detailed account of the British conquest and occupation of India, and in particular to a succession of horrendous man-made famines in British-ruled India  from the 1769-1770 Great Bengal Famine (10 million victims) to the 1942-1945 World War 2 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine; 6-7 million Indians starved to death by the British with food-denying Australian complicity in Bengal, Bihar, Assam and Odisha) with hundreds of millions perishing from deprivation in between…

In 2022 I embarked on a further update of “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (published on  2 January 2023) as a grossly unresponsive  and reality-ignoring world found itself in an even worse mess from disease, deprivation, war in Europe, increased nuclear threat, huge coal, oil, gas, fertilizer and food price rises, famine in parts of the global South, and an ever-worsening climate crisis [9]… I have a mantra that I have repeated endlessly for 2 decades: “Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity”. Lying by omission is far, far worse than repugnant lying by commission because the latter at least permits refutation and public debate [34, 35].  Yet while the Western Mainstream media continue to ignore, lie, and prosper, the world’s most famous journalist, Julian Assange, has been imprisoned for 10 years and remains imprisoned for truth-telling about US Alliance war crimes. The 2023 updated 3rd  edition of “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” concludes with the following pleas: “18.20. Speak out! History ignored yields history repeated. Genocide ignored yields genocide repeated. Holocaust ignored yields holocaust repeated. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Zero tolerance for lying by commission and lying by omission. We cannot walk by on the other side. All people are created equal. Love thy neighbour as thyself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. All human rights for all. All species and ecosystems are priceless. We are responsible for what we do and for what we do not do. We are running out of time. There is no Planet B. Bear witness. Tell everyone you can. Make noise! Speak out! Speak out! Make Kindness and Truth prevail!””


7 December 2022


Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel, Genocidally Racist Zionism & Key Existential Nuclear, Poverty & Climate Threats”, Countercurrents,   7 December 2023: .

The 8,000 million people in the world today are acutely and existentially threatened by nuclear weapons, deadly poverty and ever worsening man-made climate change. Yet as set out below, nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist,  climate criminal and racist Zionist Apartheid  Israel, ruled by a mere 6.8 million racist Zionists, is hugely and disproportionately involved in  these 3 key existential threats to Humanity and the Biosphere. Of course I hasten to add that a numerous and growing body of anti-racist Jewish humanitarians (including myself) are resolutely and unequivocally opposed to the appalling and ongoing crimes of a nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, serial war criminal, grossly human rights-abusing, child-abusing, mother-abusing, women-abusing, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, democracy by genocide and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel. A Zionist-subverted and racist West ignores the present horrible realities that Apartheid Israel rules all of a now 90% ethnically cleansed Palestine (plus ethnically cleansed parts of Syria and Lebanon), and of its 14.4 million Subjects 6.8 million (47.0%) are Jewish Israelis, 0.4 million (2.8%) are non-Jews and non-Arabs, 2.0 million (13.9%) are Palestinian Israelis (subject to 65 Nazi-style race-based laws), and 5.2 million (36.1%) are Occupied Palestinians living under highly abusive military  rule and with zero human rights [1]. A further 8 million Exiled Palestinians are excluded from the land continuously inhabited by their forebears for millennia. Despite a century of a Palestinian Genocide involving killing, deprivation and repeated mass expulsions (800,000 Palestinians expelled in the 1948 Nakba and 400,000 more Arabs expelled in the 1967 Naksa; 2.2 million Indigenous Palestinians killed by violence, 0.1 million, or imposed deprivation, 2.1 million, from WW1 onwards), Indigenous Palestinians still represent 50% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel in Palestine, but over 72% of the Indigenous Palestinian Subjects of Apartheid Israel are excluded from voting for the government ruling them i.e. they are subject to egregious Apartheid. About 50% of the Occupied Palestinians are children, and about 75% women and children. In 2022 the per capita GDP is a deadly $3,500 for Occupied Palestinians and $55,300 for Israelis [1-3].The world is existentially threatened by (a) nuclear weapons (a post-nuclear holocaust nuclear winter will wipe out most of Humanity and the Biosphere) [4-6], (b) poverty (7.4 million people, mostly children, already die avoidably each year from imposed deprivation ) [7], and (c) man-made climate change (unless requisite action is taken, 10 billion people will die this century en route to a sustainable human population in 2100 of merely 1 billion) [8, 9]. Indeed one of humanity’s greatest minds, Stephen Hawking, has stated “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [10]…

The world is existentially threatened  by nuclear weapons, poverty and climate change [4, 7, 77]. As detailed above, nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist and exceptionalist Apartheid Israel not only treats Indigenous Palestinians appallingly, it also  makes a disproportionately high contribution to these acute and existential threats to the whole of Humanity. Decent people around the World concerned for present and future generations must (a) inform everyone they can, and (b), urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its racist supporters.”


20 November 2022

Gideon Polya, “Cowardly US Lackey Australian Labor Government Betrays Promises, Australia, Palestine, and Humanity”, Countercurrents,   20 November 2022: .

A new Australian Labor Government was elected in May 2022, replacing an appalling Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Government. However after a mere 6 months decent, progressive, pro-environment and pro-peace Australians have already been disappointed by a cowardly and unprincipled Labor Government not meeting its pre-election rhetoric on matters ranging from banning nuclear weapons to strong action on climate change. Set out below are details of 15 key areas in which the new Australian Labor  Government has failed decent, informed progressive Australians and the Kindness and Truth test for political decency: (1). The Australian Labor Government reversed Coalition recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital but with false and anti-Jewish anti-Semitic conflation of all Jews with Apartheid Israel and its policies, and stating fervent support for Apartheid Israel and Australian Zionists but not for Palestinian human rights… The principal merit of the Australian Labor Government is that it is better than its utterly appalling, variously corrupt and  mendacious predecessor, the Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Government. Indeed their policy positions born of  political cowardice and innately corrupt electoral considerations  are so similar that they have been collectively referred to as the Lib-Labs. Australian has an excellent compulsory and preferential electoral voting system  (if  a candidate fails to get 50% of the vote then the second  preferences  of the voters are taken into account). The New Australian Labor Government’s failure on matters #1-#15 as set out above means that decent, anti-racist and humanitarian Australians cannot vote 1 for either the cowardly and unprincipled Labor or the utterly appalling Coalition, and will vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.”



13 November 2022


Gideon Polya, “COP27 Ignores Carbon Price, Climate Costs, Carbon Debt, Full Reparations & Global South”, Countercurrents,   13 November 2022: .

“The COP27 Climate Change Conference is underway in Egypt but failure born of neoliberal greed is already apparent. COP27 is ignoring the fundamental  realities of Carbon Price, Carbon Debt, and the need for the social and environmental cost   of greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution to be fully borne by the polluters. This failure condemns the climate change-impacted global South to horrendous Climate Genocide. International law demands that a country must make “full reparations” for the harm it has caused through internationally harmful acts. However as demonstrated by COP27 and all its predecessor climate conferences, countries disproportionately responsible for greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution ignore this legal obligation. Indeed one surmises that general recognition and public acceptance of the legal requirement for full reparations would have constrained GHG pollution. In vain disproportionately climate change-impacted countries of the Global South are demanding a partially compensatory “loss and damage fund” but climate criminal countries like the US and Australia reject this, offers made so far by a tiny number of global North countries are derisory, and terracidal GHG pollution will continue to inexorably increase. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres gave a stark warning at the November 2022 COP27 conference: “We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator”... This estimate of a post-1750 global Carbon Debt of about $260 trillion is consonant with  the estimated $250 trillion cost of returning the atmospheric CO2 to the pre-Industrial Revolution level of about 280 ppm CO2 from the present circa 420 ppm CO2”.



8 November 2022


Gideon Polya, “Zionist-Subverted, US Lackey Australia Rejects TPNW, Backs US, UK & Israeli Nuclear Terrorism”, Countercurrents,  8 November 2022: .

The cowardly, unprincipled, Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government, not content with betraying the poor and Palestinians, has betrayed Humanity and the Biosphere by refusing to support the latest UNGA vote on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Nuclear weapons existentially threaten Australia, Humanity and the Biosphere, but Australia is deeply complicit in US, UK and Apartheid Israeli  nuclear terrorism Australia-backed and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel has 100 nuclear weapons, Germany-supplied submarine delivery systems, and other delivery systems. However the  newly-elected Australian Labor Government has blatantly broken its election  promise to follow Labor Party Policy and support the TPNW nuclear weapons ban. In stark contrast, the Australian Labor Government resolutely and repeatedly declares that it won’t break its election promises to implement A$250 billion in tax cuts for the rich and A$200 billion for US or UK nuclear-powered submarines when 3.8 million Australians are living in poverty and 100,000 Australians are dying preventably each year from “life-style choice” and “political choice” reasons. Before the 21 May 2022 Australian Federal election, the Labor Party Leader Anthony “Albo” Albanese was very public  as a supporter of the TPNW…

The singular merit of the Australian Labor Government is that it is “less bad” than the previous utterly appalling, mendacious, bottom-of-the-barrel and Right-extreme Right Coalition Government. What can decent people do? Decent people committed to Kindness and Truth, and to science-informed  rational risk management will (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all those people, politicians, parties, corporations and countries disproportionately involved in the key existential threats to Humanity and the Biosphere. Australia has an excellent compulsory and preferential voting system, and decent Australians will reject both Labor and the Coalition, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.”



28 October 2022


Gideon Polya, “Zionist IHRA & US Alliance rejected UNGA Anti-Nazi Resolution”, Countercurrents,  28 October 2022: .

“Nazi is as neo-Nazi does, and 51 countries by abstention (49) and No vote (2) refused to support  the UNGA’s 2021 Anti-Nazi Resolution for “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”.  All of these countries except Japan were European. Excepting Argentina and Israel, the members of the all-European, and US-allied  Zionist IHRA rejected the Resolution. This astonishing refusal of the Zionist US Alliance and International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) member countries to support the UN General Assembly’s Anti-Nazi Resolution demands exposure and analysis. The details of the UN General Assembly Anti-Nazi Resolution and how countries voted are presented below [1]:

“Title Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly…

Voting Summary

Yes: 130 | No: 2 | Abstentions: 49 | Non-Voting: 12 | Total voting membership: 193

Vote date 2021-12-16…

Decent anti-racist folk utterly abhor the war criminal and genocidal violence of the Nazi German regime, and the repugnant racism of present-day Nazis and neo-Nazis. However this astonishing refusal of the Zionist US Alliance and the Zionist International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) member countries to support the UN General Assembly’s Anti-Nazi Resolution sets these countries apart from the rest of Humanity. The horrible reality is that the Zionist IHRA is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic and holocaust-ignoring, and has been condemned by over 40 anti-racist Jewish organizations.  Zionism is genocidal racism and Nazism without gas chambers but with 90 nuclear weapons and delivery systems. Indeed there is  a shocking and detailed list of 52 Zionist- and  Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons [13]. Nazi is as Nazi does, and neo-Nazi is as neo-Nazi does. The genocidally racist and egregiously violent US Alliance needs de-Nazification. Decent anti-racist folk will apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all countries refusing to support the UNGA Anti-Nazi Resolution. Please inform everyone you can.”


23 October 2022

Gideon Polya, “Political Lynching Of Lidia Thorpe & Huge Failure To Report In Zionist-Subverted Australia”, Countercurrents,  23 October 2022: .

“Courageous and forthright Indigenous Australian Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe is presently subject to hysterical  bipartisan political lynching for her failure and the failure of others to report to her Leader her friendship with a fellow First Nations person who formerly led a motorbike club and has no criminal convictions. However there is massive failure to report gigantic government crimes in war criminal, climate criminal, Zionist-subverted, and US lackey Australia.

To avoid possible perception of conflict of interest, Senator Lidia Thorpe, a former member of the joint parliamentary law enforcement committee, and some public servants in the know  should have reported her friendship with a former Victorian motorbike club president to the Greens Leader and the Government. Indeed both Senator Thorpe and the Greens Leader Adam Bandt have stated that  this failure to report this friendship was an error of judgement.However, as systematically set out below, while there is no evidence that this “error of judgement” in failing to report (1) actually damaged  law enforcement, there is massive and extraordinary “failure to report” extremely serious matters in war criminal and climate criminal Australia, including  30 really serious and variously deadly matters set out in Section C of this essay…

Outstanding Indigenous Australian Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe is a forthright advocate for the right to a decent life for Indigenous Australians and other Indigenous People, including the sorely oppressed Indigenous  Palestinians.  However Senator Thorpe is being subject to a political lynching  over the “failure to report” her friendship with a First Nations (Maori) person who has no criminal record but was formerly the president of a motorbike club. Senator Thorpe was formerly a member of a joint Parliamentary law enforcement committee. Various public servants also failed to report this to the Greens Leader Adam Bandt. The Senator and her Leader have acknowledged that this was an error of judgement, and Senator Thorpe is no longer the Deputy Leader in the Senate. Coalition Opposition MPs are calling for her to be thrown out of Parliament. However listed above are 30 serious and indeed variously deadly matters that are resolutely ignored in Zionist-subverted, US-beholden, and look-the-other-way Australia. Australians should inform their media and political representatives about these 30 instances of serious “failure to report”, and indeed about  Zionist subversion of US lackey Australia. Please inform everyone you can, because Zionist-subverted and US-beholden Mainstream Western and Australian politicians and media certainly won’t.”


16 October 2022

Gideon Polya, “Planet Doomed: No Decrease In Record GHGs & Gas, Oil, Coal, Cattle, Cement & Steel Production”, Countercurrents,  16 October 2022: .

“The 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference committed to ideally less than a plus 1.5 degree Centigrade (+1.5C) temperature rise, and to no more than a catastrophic +2C. The  2021 Glasgow Climate Change Conference committed to “net zero emissions by 2050”. However there is no decrease in our record greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, gas, oil, and coal use, or cattle, cement, steel and iron ore production. We are surely doomed by remorseless inaction. There is no decrease in our presently peak global production of coal and methanogenic cattle. The atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) are remorselessly increasing, as are oil and  gas use.  Greenhouse gas (GHG) producing cement, steel, and iron ore production are all increasing. Humanity should be radically decreasing these terracidal activities but, political rhetoric aside, is damning the planet through  catastrophic global inaction. The biodiversity loss is increasing catastrophically with a species extinction rate (speciescide rate) that is 100-10,000 times greater than the background extinction rate. While the rate of deforestation has decreased 3-fold since 1980, and net re-afforestation of temperate forests is now occurring, the deforestation rate in tropical forests levelled out to an appalling 50 million hectares per decade over the last 2 decades. Unless something radical happens we are doomed, the planet is doomed, and Humanity and the Biosphere face decimation. In vain the climate scientists and biologists report the worsening realities, and plead for action with increasing desperation. Nuclear weapons and climate change are the 2 key existential threats to Humanity and the Biosphere [1-3], and  one of Humanity’s greatest minds, Stephen Hawking, in his last book succinctly stated our problem: “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action NOW [my emphasis] to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [3]. “Tackling climate change” means decreasing greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, but the appalling reality is that tropical deforestation has remained constant and high for 2 decades, and  GHG pollution is not decreasing from present peak levels in all other key areas. Yet the global political consensus of  “net zero emissions by 2050” means total cessation by 2050 of GHG emissions in all key areas (with expensive atmospheric CO2 draw-down and CO2 sequestration to deal with unavoidable GHG pollution as in cement production)…

Children get it. Children know that they will have to pay hugely for the mess we have bequeathed them [37]. Greta Thunberg has responded to the failure of adults to tackle climate change with an indignant “How dare you!”, and has responded to  the dishonest climate rhetoric of climate criminal politicians thus: “Blah, blah, blah!” Carbon Debt is simply the damage-related cost of greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution that if not addressed now will inescapably have to be paid by future generations. However GHG emissions continue to rise inexorably and there is no global program to draw down CO2 and other GHGs from the atmosphere. While young people are now vociferously demanding massive climate action, the inescapable global  Carbon Debt is $200- $250 trillion and increasing by $16 trillion each year. Unlike Conventional Debt that can be variously expunged by bankruptcy, printing money or default, Carbon Debt is inescapable – thus, for example, if sea walls are not built at gigantic expense, then cities, towns and arable land will be inundated [38, 39].Climate criminal Australia has a Carbon Debt (in US dollars) of $5 trillion that is increasing at $400 billion per year and at $40,000 per head per year for under-30 year old Australians [39]. If you know the annual per capita GHG pollution for your country [40] you can readily estimate the annual increase in Carbon Debt for your country too. When young people appreciate these numbers there will be a children-led Climate Revolution (non-violent of course) [40]. Disproportionately GHG polluting countries are not just stealing from the young, they are also egregiously lying by their disingenuous rhetoric: increasing GHG pollution does not constitute “climate change action”. The planet is doomed unless massive climate change action is urgently undertaken. Disproportionately climate criminal  corporations and countries must be urgently subject to rigorous penalties and global Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS).  The cost of greenhouse gas  pollution must be fully borne by the polluters. Please inform everyone you can.”

29 September 2022


Gideon Polya, “Rich Australia Ignores 100,000 Preventable Deaths Annually: The Cost Of Neoliberalism & Lying”, Countercurrents, 29 September 2022: .

Australia was recently number one in the world for median per capita wealth.  However, presently about 100,000 Australians die preventably each year from life-style choice and political choice reasons. Of these an estimated  23,000 die from poverty. Yet these horrible realities are effectively ignored by rich Australia that is blindly committed to neoliberalism that demands maximum freedom for the smart and advantaged to endlessly exploit for private profit.8 years ago I wrote: “One can estimate that 81,000 Australians die preventably each year, and over 1 million have died thus since the US Government’s false-flag 9-11 atrocity (3,000 killed) as compared to only 6 Australian  deaths by terrorists (none Muslim)  in the last 36 years. Yet the major Australian parties, the currently ruling Coalition and Opposition Labor (aka the Lib-Labs or Liberal-Laborals) have committed $125 billion to the Islamophobic War on Terror and killing 10 million Muslims abroad rather than keeping 1 million Australians alive at home. Australian state terrorism indeed.” [1].The 2014 analysis provided estimates of annual Australian preventable deaths totalling 81,000 per year and about 1 million since 2001, the annual preventable mortality breakdown (with some overlaps) from “life-style choice” and “political choice” reasons being as follows: (1) 26,000 (adverse hospital events), (2) 17,000 (obesity-related),  (3) 15,500 (smoking-related), (4) 10,000 (carbon burning pollution-derived),  (5) 2,000 (avoidable Indigenous Australian deaths), (6) 5,600 (alcohol-related),  (7) 2,100 suicides), (8) 1,400 (road deaths), (9) 630 (opiate drug-related deaths annually with 570 annually linked  to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry), and (10) 300 (homicides) [1]. It is now late 2022, and it is obviously useful to update these figures, and consider new contributors (notably Covid-19) to preventable mortality as set out below (noting some overlaps)…

The circa 2020 annual preventable deaths for Australia total 98,800 or about 100,000… 100,000, the number of Australians dying preventably each year (a),  is also the number of Australian military killed in overseas wars since Federation of the Australian states in 1901 (b). 100,000 is also approximately the number of Indigenous people killed violently in both the 1788 onwards Australian Aboriginal Genocide (c) and the WW1 onwards Palestinian Genocide (d) (noting that Australia is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel and hence of the crime of Apartheid and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide [23-27]). Yet in look-the-other-way Australia only (b), Australia’s overseas war dead, are recognized, and (a), (c) and (d) are resolutely ignored. Indeed the Australian War Memorial war museum in Canberra is being expanded at the cost of $500 million but refuses to acknowledge the circa 100,000 Indigenous Australians who died defending Australia from foreign invasion by the British in the so-called Frontier Wars [23]. The UK, Canada, and New Zealand are culturally and economically similar to Australia, and one can crudely estimate from the relative populations that annual preventable deaths from “life-style choice” and “political choice” reasons in these countries total 262,000 (the UK), 147,000 (Canada) and 19,000 (New Zealand). As in similarly neoliberal Australia, this ongoing catastrophe is largely ignored by Anglosphere governments committed to the capitalist imperative of maximizing the freedom of the smart and advantaged to ruthlessly exploit human and natural resources for private profit. We live in a globalized, and neoliberal world that is heading towards disaster through insatiable greed [48, 49]. Decent folk committed to the key moral imperatives of Kindness and Truth  should (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) also consider the preventable death holocaust in their own country.”


18 September 2022

Gideon Polya, “Queen Elizabeth II & 70 years of UK colonialism, neo-colonialism, wars, mass mortality & genocide”, Countercurrents, 18 September 2022: .

Queen Elizabeth II has died, and there is immense public affection for the Queen for her dignified but warm conduct in 70 years of dedicated service as a constitutional  monarch. That affection is most marked among her British, Australian , Canadian and New Zealand Subjects, as well as among some British Commonwealth loyalists. However resolutely ignored is the Royal heading of British imperialism, slavery, colonialism, neo-colonialism, war and genocide for centuries up to the present. It is no accident that the Royal parades for which Britain is famous heavily and prominently involve British regiments, and typically also the armed forces of countries for which the British Monarch is also the head of state, notably the White Anglosphere countries of Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Indeed the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth II  and accession of King Charles III have been marked by huge military parades and the firing of massed artillery across the Anglosphere from Scotland  to remote New Zealand (Aotearoa). Indeed “Royal” is an appendage not just to numerous hospitals around the world  (e.g. the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne) but also to armed forces and security services from the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The English have invaded 193 of the world’s present-day countries over the last 1,000 years, as compared to Australia 85, France 82, the US 72 (52 after WW2), Germany 39, Japan 30, Russia 25, Canada 25, Apartheid Israel 12, China 2, North Korea arguably zero, Iran zero and indeed most Developing Countries, zero…

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II  has died after 70 years of warm, nice, and dignified public service, and is being mourned by hundreds of millions  people around the world. However  while ostensibly politically neutral and disempowered, Queen Elizabeth II was the Head of State of a power that has wreaked immense harm to the world through colonialism, war and neocolonialism in the last 70 years, and indeed over the past 1,000 years. It cannot be ignored that the Queen’s office is inescapably linked to a millennium of invasions and colonial atrocities variously led or figure-headed by her predecessors. However they are ignored, and the closest the Western public is presently getting to see of this horrendous military power reality are the spears, swords, halbards, automatic weapons, bayonets, cannons, war horses,  and colourful uniforms associated with the pageantry of her memorial fortnight.Lest we forget the martyred billions. History ignored yields history repeated. Presently 7.4 million people die avoidably from deprivation each year (5.3 million being under-5 infants) on Spaceship Earth with endlessly greedy First World One Percenters in charge of the flight deck [3]. However it is predicted that in the absence of requisite action a worsening Climate Genocide  may kill 10 billion people this century en route to a sustainable human population of only 1 billion by 2100 [26]. Please inform everyone you can. All people are created equal, and we must all adhere to the fundamental imperatives of Humanity, namely Kindness and Truth.”


13 September 2022

Gideon Polya, “Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas falsely vilified by Zionists over “50 holocausts””, Countercurrents, 13 September 2022: .

“Zionism as frankly espoused by its most prominent advocates for 130 years is genocidal racism, and Nazism without gas chambers but now with 90 nuclear weapons and 6 German-supplied submarines to carry nuclear missiles for scores of nuclear holocausts. Yet defenceless Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has been falsely and hysterically vilified  by the Zionist-subverted West for describing the ongoing Palestinian Genocide as “50 massacres, 50 slaughters, 50 holocausts”. President Mahmoud Abbas was correct in his comments about “50 massacres, 50 slaughters, 50 holocausts”. In summary, the WW1 onwards Palestinian Genocide has been associated with 2.2 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, and imposed deprivation, 2.1 million. As a result of successive invasions (1948 and 1967), and successive mass expulsions of Palestinians (800,000 or half the Indigenous Palestinian population, in the 1948 Nakba or Catastrophe, and another 400,000 Arabs expelled in the 1967 Naksa or Setback), of 15 million mostly impoverished Indigenous Palestinians today, 8 million are Exiled Palestinians (excluded from the land continuously inhabited by their forebears for millennia), 5.2 million are Occupied Palestinians (denied human rights  under highly abusive Israeli military rule, and confined to ever-dwindling West Bank ghettoes or to the blockaded and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp), and about 2 million are Israeli Palestinians (able to vote for the government ruling them, but only as Third Class citizens subject to 65 Nazi-style, and race-based discriminatory laws). The 1948 Nakba was associated with massacres and slaughters, notably of the villages of Deir Yassin and Tantura – however a total of 530 villages were emptied of Indigenous Palestinians in a Nazi-style ethnic cleansing. For those surviving villagers from each ethnic cleaning it was a massacre, a slaughter and a holocaust. Today 90% of Palestine has been ethnically cleansed  [1-10]. Tom Pickering (a former US Ambassador to Apartheid Israel and the UN) has estimated that only 4.4% of Palestine would be conceded by Apartheid Israel to the Indigenous Palestinians in a “2 state solution”,  and has predicted eventual complete ethnic cleansing of the Occupied Palestinian Territories [11]. Indeed  Zionist leaders from Theodor Herzl (founder of Zionism) to recent Apartheid Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu have explicitly advocated the ethnic cleansing of the Indigenous Palestinians [11]. Numerous variously eminent  anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish humanitarians have spoken out about the ongoing Palestinian Genocide by Apartheid Israel, as set out in many alphabetically-organized compendia [12-20]…

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has been falsely and hysterically vilified  by the Zionist-subverted West for correctly describing the ongoing Palestinian Genocide (2.2 million deaths from violence and imposed deprivation from WW1 onwards) as “50 massacres, 50 slaughters, 50 holocausts”. The genocidally racist Zionists have the temerity to claim “ownership” of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust while grossly violating the core moral messages from the  WW2 holocausts (and indeed of all holocausts and genocides), specifically “zero tolerance for racism”, “zero tolerance for lying”, “bear witness” and “never again to anyone” (including the sorely oppressed Indigenous Palestinians). The genocidally racist and mendacious Zionists also grossly violate the key moral imperatives of Humanity, namely Kindness and Truth. Yet the Western nations, while priding themselves for peace, democracy, and human rights observance within their national boundaries, have a moral blind-spot when it comes Developing countries devastated by US and US-backed violence. Outstanding expatriate Australian writer John Pilger has pinned down this immense moral deficiency: “Today, the most profitable wars have their own brand. They are called ‘forever wars’: Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and now Ukraine. All are based on a pack of lies… Palestine has been misreported for as long as I can remember. To the BBC, there is the ‘conflict’ of ‘two narratives’. The longest, most brutal, lawless military occupation in modern times is unmentionable” [43]. Decent anti-racist folk around the world must (a) inform everyone they can, (b) unequivocally reject all manifestations of racism, (c)  demand scrupulous adherence to Kindness and Truth, and (d) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its racist supporters.”


1 September 2022

Gideon Polya, “Australian PM Morrison’s Pseudo Coup By Secretly Grabbing 5 Ministerial Positions”, Countercurrents, 1 September 2022: .

“Australians were astonished  by the revelation in August that former Prime Minister Scott Morrison had secretly been appointed by the Governor General, General David Hurley, as a Minister for Health, Minister for Treasury,  Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Finance, and Minister for Resources and Water. These extraordinary and secret actions, while legal,  have grossly violated the core principles of accountable and responsible government  in  Australia, one of the world’s first democracies. These astonishing and unprecedented actions, while legal, were obnoxiously secret, and  have been variously described as a “pseudo-constitutional coup”, a “power grab”,   and  a “dormant constitutional coup”, as set out below.(A). Former PM Scott Morrison’s unprecedented and secret pseudo coup undermined democratic conventions and accountable government… (B). Morrison’s secret  pseudo coup in the context of Australia-ignored Australian involvement in 8 post-WW2 regime change outrages in the Indo-Pacific region… (C). Morrison, Biblical literalist US Pentecostalism, Christian Zionism, and speculation about the 2020-2022 dormant constitutional coup… (D). Australia’s 2021-2022 secret  pseudo-constitutional  coup demands answers from all participants: What really happened, why, and who knew?

Scott Morrison has declared that he innocently took these actions legally in the national interest at a time of national emergency, and did not exercise his new powers (except for blocking a gas exploration  project that adjacent voters objected to). He has been roundly condemned for this extraordinary departure from publicly accountable government that is at the heart of Australia’s democracy. However there is a silver lining in this affair – it has exposed a weakness in Australia’s democracy that now needs to be urgently rectified. Further, while the Australian pseudo coup was apparently known only to several people, it has generated a large number of important questions about Australian governance that if honestly answered must surely also expose the secrecy and mendacity of neoliberal, climate criminal, war criminal, Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australian governments whether Coalition or Labor. The key moral imperatives of decent Humanity are Kindness and Truth, core demands that have been grossly violated  by the deception and secrecy (lying by omission) associated with Australia’s recent pseudo coup. How do the power machinations in your country measure up to the key moral imperatives of  Kindness and Truth?”


20 August 2022

Gideon Polya, “Racist West Ignores Palestinian Genocide & Gaza Massacres, Vocal Re Ukraine & Taiwan”, Countercurrents, 20 August 2022: .

In Apartheid Israel’s latest unprovoked Gaza Massacre 49 Palestinians were killed and 460 wounded. However the racist West has merely reiterated the routine Orwellian excuse of Israel’s right to defend itself,  while condemning bloodless Chinese military exercises near US-protected Taiwan that is recognized by all nations as part of China. The West rightly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but de facto supports the  74-year Zionist occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine.Let us be clear about terms and morality. War is the penultimate in racism, and genocide the ultimate in racism. Racism violates the core human precept of “love thy neighbour as thyself”, and is also wrong because  we have no say in how we were raised and to whom we were born. The core moral precepts of civilized Humanity are support for Kindness and Truth. However the Zionist-subverted, US-allied and war criminal West violates these core moral demands by (a) fervently supporting Apartheid Israel (and hence the evil and racist crime of Apartheid), and (b) resolutely ignoring the appalling crimes of serial war criminal Apartheid Israel while selectively and vociferously condemning Russia and China for hot and cold war  actions, respectively. Documented below are shockingly differential responses to recent war or war-like events by the racist West, including genocidally racist, serial war criminal, Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australia.(1). The latest Israeli Gaza Massacre and the US-, UK- and Western-backed ongoing Palestinian Genocide by Apartheid Israel…

Silence is complicity and decent people around the world must  respond vigorously to the Western  governments’ racist and cold-blooded  ignoring of the victims of this latest  Israeli Gaza Massacre, an unprovoked atrocity carried out cynically for evident strategic, commercial, and political reasons by the war criminal new PM of Apartheid Israel.In the ostensible democracies (kleptocracies, plutocracies, Murdochracies, lobbyocracies, and corporatocracies) of the West, political advantage is obtained through political donations to major parties (bribes), pork-barrelling (bribing of voters), and massive lying by commission and omission by journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes [29-31]. In genocidally racist, resolutely mendacious,  democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel, political advantage (as well as strategic and commercial advantage) is also routinely obtained  by cynical mass murder of human rights-deprived and highly-abusively imprisoned  Occupied Indigenous Palestinians. The core imperatives of  decent Humanity are kindness and truth – but the genocidally racist and mendacious Zionists violate both.The ongoing, decades-long obscenity of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide should not be tolerated by the civilized world. Decent folk around the world must (a) inform everyone they can,  (b) expose the mendacity and racism of Apartheid Israel and Zionist-beholden Western governments, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist, and serial war criminal Apartheid Israel and all its supporters.”



6 August 2022

Gideon Polya, “Review: “Four Seasons in Rome” – US Genocide-Ignoring Exampled”, Countercurrents, 6 August 2022: .

““Four Seasons in Rome” by Anthony Doerr is an absorbing account of a year spent in Rome in 2004-2005 by a young American couple and their new-born twins. This book touches on WW2 Normandy, victims of the 2004 Tsunami, the wounding of an Italian journalist in Iraq, and death of the Pope, but it avoids mentioning any of the huge Iraqi and Afghan war deaths inflicted by a serial war criminal America – American genocide-ignoring unwittingly exampled. Anthony Doerr’s 2007 book “Four Seasons in Rome: On Twins, Insomnia and the Biggest Funeral in the History of the World” [1] is well-written, very readable and eminently suitable for a middle-class  Anglosphere Book Club. It goes further than the routine tourist gush about lovely people, food, landscape, architecture, and art, and repeatedly deals with the serious subject of death. However, as detailed in this review, the book carefully avoids any explicit or implicit criticism of America for causing massive mortality in its wars from WW2 onwards, despite being contemporaneous with the horrendously deadly US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. The author was on a 12-month fellowship at the American Academy in Rome with fellow writers, scholars and artists simply pursuing their projects with no teaching obligations. Anthony Doerr’s project was writing a novel about the German occupation of a French village in Normandy, France, in 1940-1944. However while he suffered “writer’s block” over this particular project and made little progress, he did succeed  in writing and perfecting over 6 months a 9,000-word short story that occasioned some publishing publicity travel. Doerr was evidently aware of US-caused civilian deaths in the Allied Normandy invasion but could not bring himself to quantify them…

It isn’t just Andrew Doerr, an evidently educated, sensitive, and caring person. It is the whole uncaring Western culture. The prosperous West simply looks the other way, confirmed daily in this immorality by utterly mendacious oligopoly Mainstream media, and by Mainstream  journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes. As exposed by Professor Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky in “Manufacturing Consent”, mendacious American Mainstream media serve governments. According to famous anti-racist Jewish American journalist I.F. Stone: “Governments lie”, noting that such lying involves lying by commission and lying by omission [26-28]. As attributed to Edmund Burke, “Evil happens when good men do nothing” . And, of course, history ignored yields history repeated, and genocide ignored yields genocide repeated [29]. One continues to plead in response to horrendous past, present and predicted future atrocities, albeit with little hope of effectiveness, that black lives matter, brown lives matter, Palestinian lives matter, non-European  lives matter, and indeed all lives matter. At the end of the book Andrew Doerr comments about his WW2 Normandy project: “In the Tom Andrews Studio [of the American Academy] I pull down the photo of B-17s and bombed out cities… I’ll finish it in Idaho, I tell myself, although I might be lying” (page 185[1]).  We must bear witness to both beauty and horror. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity.”


27 July 2022

Gideon Polya, “Australia’s 2 Top Universities Anti-Arab Anti-Semitic & Anti-Jewish Anti-Semitic”, Countercurrents, 27 July 2022: .

Australia’s 2 top universities, the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney, have both falsely defamed their anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish students as anti-Semitic for criticizing the appalling crimes of Israeli Apartheid, and have thus implicitly falsely defamed all  anti-racists everywhere who rightly condemn the  ongoing human rights abuses and  ongoing Palestinian Genocide by Apartheid Israel. These 2 top Australian universities have issued no retractions nor any apologies for this utterly false defamation of Australia’s top university students, the anti-racist complement of which comprises anti-racist Jews and anti-racist non-Jews, the latter including anti-racist Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims [1-3]. Anti-Semitism exists in 2 equally repugnant formes, namely anti-Jewish anti-Semitism (directed against 18 million mostly culturally Semitic Jews), and anti-Arab anti-Semitism (directed against 15 million ethnically Semitic Palestinians, 300 million ethnically Semitic Arabs, and 2,000 million mostly culturally Semitic Muslims, this being Islamophobia when applied to Muslims). The repugnant evil of any racism, bigotry or xenophobia lies in the fundamental reality that we had no say in by whom we were  conceived and by whom we were raised.  Racism (of which anti-Semitism in its 2 repugnant varieties is simply one example) imposes utterly unwarranted, inescapable and life-time abuse. As Shylock observes in Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice”, “If you prick us, do we not bleed?” This false defamation by the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney of anti-racist students critical of Apartheid Israel as “anti-Semites” is explicit anti-Semitic racism when directed against anti-racist Jews (anti-Jewish anti-Semitism) or anti-racist Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims (anti-Arab anti-Semitism and also Islamophobia if directed at Muslims). The University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney, Australia’s 2 top universities and educators of Australia’s smartest students, have evidently adopted repugnant anti-Semitism as a core institutional policy. Disclaimer: I have an inescapable personal commitment to this anti-racist stance. I am an anti-racist Jewish Australian scientist, writer, author, artist, Humanist and humanitarian activist with a sole allegiance to the land of my birth, Australia. I come from the very famous Jewish Hungarian Polya family (ask any mathematician or surgeon) [4] that was decimated in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust, the survivors being mostly dispossessed and exiled. I am inescapably bound by the core moral messages from that catastrophe and indeed from all such atrocities, specifically “zero tolerance for lying’, “zero tolerance for racism”, “bear witness” and “never again to anyone” (this including Indigenous Palestinians, Indigenous Australians, Indigenous people in general, and indeed everyone). My detestation of racism and Apartheid derived from the “love thy neighbour” exhortation of that wonderful Jewish Palestinian, Jesus, and was cemented by personal lived experience – my dear partner in life for 52 years from the racist White Australian Policy days and the pre-1967 anti-racism Referendum days onwards was a non-Indigenous Black Australian. 60 years ago when a Tasmanian tram driver refused to take us, we quietly stood our ground until the other passengers successfully demanded that he do so. The core academic ethos is based on “service to others” and “seeking truth”, and can be reduced to a core moral duality of “kindness” and “truth”. However false defamation of anti-racist students concerned for Palestinian human rights is neither kind nor truthful….

The University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney should be deeply ashamed of their defamatory falsehood. This is the 2020s but Occupied Palestinians are still excluded from all the human rights set out in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [28]. To assert that  supporting human rights for Indigenous People is racism, and that anti-racist students doing so are racist, and specifically anti-Semites, is mind-numbing Orwellian falsehood that egregiously violates the core academic ethos of kindness and truth. The University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney are (presently) the 2 top universities out of Australian’s complement of 43 universities, and this racist and defamatory falsehood accordingly demeans all Australian universities, their staff, their students, and their graduates, and threatens a A$40 billion per year Education Export industry. This falsehood and defamation is surely the tip of an iceberg of abuse demanding a Royal Commission investigation into the whole Australian university system. Indeed the glaring, Elephant in the Room  issue is that all education, including tertiary education, can and  should be free [29], as indeed adopted by 2 dozen countries  and temporarily adopted in Australia by the reformist Whitlam Labor Government before it was removed in a 1975 coup engineered by a Zionist-subverted America (fervent pro-Zionist and  US asset, Australian Labor PM Bob Hawke, re-introduced university fees in 1989). Let kindness and truth prevail, especially in our universities.”


6 July 2022

Gideon Polya, “Cowardly New Australian Labor Government Fails On Nuclear Weapons, Poverty & Climate Change”, Countercurrents, 6 July 2022: .

Most Australians welcomed the defeat by Labor of the mendacious, corrupt, incompetent, climate criminal, and racist Australian Coalition Government in the 21 May 2022 elections. However the Australian Albanese Labor Government, while vastly better than its predecessor, is egregiously neoliberal, cowardly, pro-Zionist, US-beholden and pro-fossil fuels, and has so far failed on nuclear weapons, poverty and climate change that are the 3 key existential threats to Humanity. The website “Nuclear weapons ban, end poverty and reverse climate change” [1] summarizes what Humanity needs to do in the present crisis. Thus poverty already kills about 7.4 million people each year [2],  and worsening  famine in the global South due to the US-provoked but nevertheless war criminal Russian invasion of Ukraine [3] surely demands urgent aid and systemic change from the rich global North to end deadly poverty in the global  South and the ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust [2]. A nuclear winter from nuclear war will decimate Humanity and the Biosphere. It is estimated that in the absence of requisite action on climate change, the Biosphere will be devastated, and about 10 billion people will die this century in a worsening Climate Genocide en route to a sustainable human population in 2100 of only about 1 billion people [4, 5]. In relation to these existential threats to  Humanity, Professor Stephen Hawking, has succinctly stated: “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [6]. Summarized below is how after a mere 6 weeks in office the newly-elected  Australian Albanese Labor Government is already abjectly failing on the key existential threats to Humanity and the Biosphere of (1) nuclear weapons, (2) poverty, and (3) climate change…

The new Albanese Labor Government has been in office for only 6 weeks, and most of Australia is relieved at the departure of the bottom-of-the-barrel, mendacious, corrupt, incompetent, climate criminal, and racist Coalition Government.  However it is clear that a timid, neoliberal, corporate-beholden and US-lackey Labor Government is already set to fail on nuclear weapons, poverty and climate change that are the 3 key existential threats to Humanity. Labor has already commenced a big diplomatic blitz from London to the South Pacific to falsely convince the world otherwise. However, small, cosmetic  improvements on the disastrous policies of the previous Coalition Government  are grossly insufficient. Labor spin will not alter the reality that a plus 2 degree Centigrade temperature rise is now effectively unavoidable, and the world needs to urgently do everything it can   to make the future “less bad” for future generations [4, 5]. What can decent people do? Decent people around the world must (a) inform everyone they can, (b) insist on rapid action from Australia and other countries grossly deficient in relation to  nuclear weapons, poverty and climate change, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all  countries greedily ignoring their responsibilities to the survival of  Humanity and the Biosphere. Sensible Australians will vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.


26 June 2022

Gideon Polya, “Zionist-subverted University of Melbourne Falsely Defames Anti-racist Jews & Non-Jews”, Countercurrents, 26 June 2022: .

“In May 2022 the University of Melbourne Student Union (UMSU) passed a motion condemning Israeli apartheid and urging Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against the “settler colonial apartheid state”. The University of Melbourne (UM) falsely condemned the motion as “anti-Semitic”, and under threat of Zionist legal action the UMSU rescinded the motion. Free speech faltered and falsehood triumphed at the UM, and potentially at all universities of Zionist-subverted Australia. The core academic ethos of decent universities is reasoned opposition to falsehood, and respect for truth and free speech. In this matter the University of Melbourne (UM) has violated and betrayed these fundamental academic imperatives by falsely defaming all anti-racist Jews, and all anti-racist  non-Jews critical of the appalling crimes of Apartheid Israel. Indeed this implicit false defamation of anti-racist Jews  is anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, and this implicit false defamation of anti-racist Indigenous Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims is anti-Arab anti-Semitic. These key issues are succinctly outlined below. (1). The anti-racism University of Melbourne Student Union (UMSU) motion. The detailed UMSU motion – an expression of anti-racist opinion from Australia’s top university students – is set out below. “The motion: In the late 1800s, Political Zionism was born to establish a Jewish home in Historic Palestine, disregarding the Indigenous Palestinians living there. This colonial project has led to the establishment of the state of Israel, the blockade of Gaza and the occupation of the West Bank through massacres, forced expulsion and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Israel has been deemed as a settler colonial apartheid state. It continuously denies the native Palestinians of their right to self-determination, freedom, dignity and equality. Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the BDS call urges action to pressure Israel to comply with international law…

The anti-racist University of Melbourne Student Union (UMSU) motion is accurate, dignified, humanitarian,  and serves the interests of University of Melbourne (UM) students, the UM, UM alumni, Australian universities, Australian university students, Australia, universities and students in general, and  Humanity. In stark contrast, the false defamation by the UM of the anti-racist UMSU students as “anti-Semitic” damages the  reputation of the University of Melbourne, its students and staff , and indeed of all Australian universities. The false defamation by the  University of Melbourne of the UMSU motion as “anti-Semitic” requires retraction and apology because it implicitly falsely defames all anti-racist critics of Apartheid Israel as racist and as “anti-Semitic” in particular. Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can, (b)  demand apology and retraction by the University of Melbourne, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters.”


22 June 2022

Gideon Polya, “US- & Zionist-subverted Australia & Sorely Oppressed Indigenous Palestinians”, Countercurrents, 22 June 2022: .

“By electing the Albanese Labor Government on 21  May 2022, Australia ended 10 years of appalling misrule by mendacious, corrupt, incompetent, anti-science and human rights-abusing Coalition governments. However after 1 month the honeymoon is over – Australia remains US- and  Zionist-subverted, and the timid new Labor government  is only making cosmetic baby steps on war, inequality, fossil fuels, climate change, Indigenous rights, and Indigenous Palestinian human rights.

These present immediate failures can be succinctly summarized as follows:

(i). War  – continuing commitment to US imperialism and nuclear terrorism via nuclear submarines and the anti-China AUKUS and Quad Alliances;

(ii). Inequality – mitigated by a government-backed 5.2% wage increase for low-paid workers but now exacerbated by high and increasing inflation;

(iii). Fossil fuels – Australia will remain a major exporter of coal and gas, and against scientific advice will open more coal mines and gas fields;

(iv). Climate change – despite promises to decrease Domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution by “43% off the 2005 level by 2030”, Australia will remain a world leader in per capita Domestic plus exported GHG pollution; and

(v). Indigenous rights – Labor will support a constitutionally-enshrined  Indigenous  Voice To Parliament, as well as a Treaty and Truth-telling – but the 10 year  life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians will remain because the appalling causative differentials in social circumstances will remain.

In relation to Palestinian human rights, the US- and  Zionist-subverted Labor Government  has not yet recognized a State of Palestine ( although the Labor Party Conference voted for this if Labor were elected), opposes Boycotts , Divestment and Sanctions against Apartheid Israel, fervently supports Apartheid Israel (Australia is second only to the US as a supporter of  Apartheid Israel and hence of the crime of apartheid),  incorrectly supports the false definition of “anti-Semitism” by the anti-Semitic and holocaust-denying International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (the all European IHRA, of which Australia is a member), and denies the reality of Israeli apartheid (a reality exposed by expert reports from Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Israeli B’Tselem,  Israeli Yesh Din, and by humanitarian scholars, leaders, writers and activists around the world)…

(20). Kindness, truth and peace. Sensible, decent folk have zero tolerance for lying because it sabotages rational investigation, and violates trust in human interactions. Further, decent folk agree with the proposition of the wonderful, universalist Palestinian, Jesus: “Do unto others as you would have  them do unto you”. The simplest statement of this fundamental decency and honesty is “Kindness and truth”. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. We must speak out for a better world for everyone. Kindness and truth means that peace and decency can be established in Palestine. The World must act over Apartheid Israel as it successfully did over Apartheid South Africa with Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters.  A clear, humane solution  to the continuing human rights catastrophe in Palestine is a unitary state (a “one state solution”) as in post-Apartheid South Africa, that would involve return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, a one-person-one-vote secular democracy, justice, economic justice, goodwill, reconciliation, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security initially based on the present armed forces, and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of Palestine. It can and should happen tomorrow.”


15 June 2022

Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel Among World Leaders For Killing Children”, Countercurrents, 15 June 2022: .

“Apartheid Israel highly abusively occupied 78% of Palestine (1948-1967) and thence 100% for the 55 years after 1967. In the Occupied Palestinian Territories Apartheid Israel leads the world for killing journalists, and is among world leaders in “killing children per year per million of subject Indigenous population”. The civilized world must act by Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters. Our World in Data [1]  provides a global database involving a map of the world enabling you to click on any country to find “Homicide victims younger than 20 years old  per 100,000 people within the same age-group in 2015” [1]. This provides a useful guide to the best and the worst countries but unfortunately does not provide data for the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Nevertheless, it provides  a guide to relative annual child homicide per population in the same age group. The worst countries in terms of “homicide victims younger than 20 years old  per 100,000 people within the same age-group in 2015” are Guatemala (22), Venezuela (20), Lesotho (18), Brazil (17), Eswatini (16), Panama (15), Nigeria (14), Democratic Republic of the Congo (14), Colombia (13), and Honduras (13). Much of this mortality is due to criminal gang violence (as in Latin America and Southern Africa) or to rebel gang violence (as in the Democratic Republic of the Congo) rather than due to state violence (as  in the Apartheid Israel-occupied Occupied Palestinian Territories).Children are defined as persons from 0 to 17 years. As detailed below, I have determined  from available recent data for the Occupied Palestinian Territory [2],  that an average of 25.8 children have been killed per year per million of total territory population, with the perpetrator being the war  criminal Apartheid State of Israel.  As set out below I have sought to get comparative data for “children killed per year per million of total entity population” for the World and for a number of key countries and territories. World (7.6 children killed per year per million of total global population)…

Apartheid Israel in its illegal and war criminal occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territories is among world leaders in “children killed per year per million of total territory population” with a value of  25.8 as compared to 75.7 (Honduras), 53.6 (Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo), 7.6 (the World), and 2.6 (Kashmir, India). However while the killing in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is being done by the occupying  military forces of the Apartheid State of Israel, that in Honduras is mostly being done by criminal gangs, and that in Ituri  Province (Democratic Republic of the Congo) is mostly being done by criminal rebel gangs. Recently Countercurrents published my detailed analysis showing that in killing journalists in the Occupied Palestinian Territory Apartheid Israel leads the World in terms of “average number of journalists killed per 10 million of population per year”: in Occupied Palestine, over 6.164; Syria, 4.733; Afghanistan, 2.563; Israel-Palestine, over 2.190; Somalia, 1.751; Yemen, 1.278; Iraq, 0.897;  Mexico, 0.750; Colombia, 0.366; Philippines, 0.283; Pakistan, 0.152; World, 0.084; India, 0.027. On a per capita basis, the killing of journalists by Apartheid Israel in  Occupied Palestine  leads the World, and is 73.4 times greater than for the World as a whole. In contrast,  India scores 3.1 times lower than the World [11]… Further, in addition to 54,000 violent deaths of children in the World each year (see above),  presently 5.3 million under-5 year old infants (100 times more) die each year world-wide, overwhelmingly in non-European countries, and overwhelmingly  from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease [17]. “Under-5 infant deaths per year per million of total population” (2020 data) is as follows: pro-apartheid Australia (43.8), Apartheid Israel (59.2), Europe (62.6), China (123.8), Honduras (421.0), Occupied Palestinian Territory (537.7), India (628.2), Non-European World (789.4), and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (3,869.7) [17].”


6 June 2022

Gideon Polya, “Remember Shireen Abu Akleh: Apartheid Israel Leads The World For Killing Journalists”, Countercurrents, 6 June 2022: .

The World  was shocked by the recent deliberate killing by an Israeli sniper of veteran Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. However over 50 journalists have been killed by Apartheid Israel in the last 2 decades. Careful analysis reveals that Apartheid Israel leads the World  by far in terms of  “average number of journalists killed per 10 million of population per year”. Self-respecting journalists world-wide must report this shocking fact. Palestinian-American  journalist Shireen Abu Akleh (1971-2022) worked as a reporter for Al Jazeera for 25 years, and was one of the foremost reporters in the Middle East for her decades of reportage on the Apartheid Israeli-occupied Occupied Palestinian Territories [1, 2]. The International Federation of Journalists has reported that 2,658 journalist were killed in the last 30 years [3].  However even the  routinely pro-Zionist Western media were shocked by the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh because she was an American journalist (albeit a Palestinian-American journalist), a relatively young woman, a very prominent reporter on Palestine and the Middle East, and because the killing was evidently an expert public execution by a Jewish Israeli employee of the serial war criminal Apartheid Israeli government. Al Jazeera responded thus “Israeli occupation forces assassinated our beloved journalist Shireen Abu Akleh while covering their brutality in Jenin this morning” [2]… Apartheid Israel tops the ranking by “average number of journalists killed per 10 million of population per year” that  yields the following order: Occupied Palestine, over 6.164; Syria, 4.733; Afghanistan, 2.563; Israel-Palestine, over 2.190; Somalia, 1.751; Yemen, 1.278; Iraq, 0.897;  Mexico, 0.750; Colombia, 0.366; Philippines, 0.283; Pakistan, 0.152; World, 0.084; India, 0.027. On a per capita basis, the killing of journalists by Apartheid Israel in  Occupied Palestine  leads the World, and is 73.4 times greater than for the World as a whole. In contrast,  India scores 3.1 times lower than the World. The present data shows that Apartheid Israel leads the World by far for killing journalists…

Australian novelist Peter Carey cogently observed that “I keep on thinking about the role of the medial generally in this and how the media is always so continually hysterical about people lying and not telling the truth. And if I really think there’s a big problem in our society today, it’s that the media is not telling the truth to people and they know what it is. If you really want to know what’s happening [in] the world, you go out and get drunk with journalists and they will tell you what isn’t in the papers. So they’re living – these guys are living every day with the reality of a proprietor, say, or a corporation who owns them will not permit them to tell what they know to be true” [48, 49]. One faintly hopes that Mainstream  journalists in the Zionist-subverted West will at least stand up for their murdered colleagues and find the courage to report that Apartheid Israel leads the World for killing journalists. We must all remember outstanding Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh for a courageous and ethical life brutally and criminally terminated by Apartheid Israel like the lives of so many other journalists murdered in Palestine. All decent people, and especially fellow journalists, must (a) speak out against the persecution and killing of journalists,  (b) tell everyone they can  that Apartheid Israel leads the World for killing journalists, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against nuclear terrorist, serial war criminal and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel and all its supporters. This must be the ongoing, living memorial to Shireen Abu Akleh and  her fellow  martyred journalist colleagues.”


3 June 2022

Gideon Polya, “Review: “Aemilia Lanyer As Shakespeare’s Co-Author”:  Radical Feminist Literary Revision”, Countercurrents, 3 June 2022: .

“Aemilia Lanyer As Shakespeare’s Co-Author” by Mark Bradbeer presents a detailed case that a woman of colour and feminist poet, Aemilia Lanyer, was an important co-author  of William Shakespeare, and hence made a big contribution to a body of works that are foundational to English literature and the English language that is spoken by over 1 billion people in India, South Asia, the former British Empire and the European Anglosphere. This book affirms Aemilia Lanyer as a feminist icon. Mark Bradbeer’s “Aemilia Lanyer As Shakespeare’s Co-Author”  [1] is an exhaustively documented  case for recognizing the hitherto hidden  contribution by courageous female writer Aemilia Lanyer to English literature and the English language as a co-author of Shakespeare. According to the Poetry Foundation: “Aemilia Lanyer was the first woman writing in English to produce a substantial volume of poetry designed to be printed and to attract patronage. The volume comprises a series of poems to individual patrons, two short prose dedications, the title poem on Christ’s Passion (viewed entirely from a female perspective), and the first country-house poem printed in English, “The Description of Cooke-ham,” which precedes the publication of Ben Johnson’s “To Penshurst” by five years. Lanyer’s poetry shows evidence of a practiced skill. The volume is also arguably the first genuinely feminist publication in England: all of its dedicatees are women, the poem on the Passion specifically argues the virtues of women as opposed to the vices of men, and Lanyer’s own authorial voice is assured and unapologetic” [2]. Aemilia’s feminist stance in a violently patriarchal world is exampled by the following poems:

“Then let us have our liberty again,
And challenge to yourselves no sovereignty;
You came not in the world without our pain,
Make that a bar against your cruelty;
Your fault being greater, why should you disdain
Our being your equals, free from tyranny?
If one weak woman simply did offend,
This sin of yours has no excuse nor end”;

and, also in relation to Eve and “original sin”:

“But surely Adam cannot be excused,
Her fault though great, yet he was most to blame;
What Weakness offered, Strength might have refused” [3]…

Mark Bradbeer’s “Aemilia Lanyer As Shakespeare’s Co-Author” is an important book and should be in every school, university and national library. It is very readable, well-researched, and is also fun as a carefully-researched detective story. Mark Bradbeer’s book  makes out a strong case for Aemilia Lanyer as a major feminist icon, and a friend, influencer and co-author of William Shakespeare who is foundational for English literature and the modern English language spoken by over 1 billion people. No doubt the book will stir great controversy among the Shakespeare experts. However it undoubtedly affirms Aemilia Lanyer as an early feminist icon that all women and men can admire and be inspired by.

The book makes clear how dangerous the times were for poets and writers in Queen Elizabeth’s police state. Not only were Catholics persecuted and Catholic priests hunted down and killed (e.g. see Evelyn Waugh’s “Edmund Campion” [12]), but Protestant Non-Conformists were horribly persecuted for their views, with the punishments ranging from book burning to execution. Mark Bradbeer gives the horrifying example of John Stubbes whose right hand was chopped off for publishing a Non-Conformist pamphlet displeasing to the Queen (page 40 [1])… For all the narrow confinement of her brilliant novels to the ruling English One Percenters of circa 1800 (Jane Austen’s prerogative as an artist), Jane Austen (the first great English woman novelist) was profoundly truthful  and subscribed to the fundamental dual ethos of kindness and truth (that if generally adopted would save our world that is existentially threatened by nuclear weapons and climate change [37, 38]). Jane Austen is a notable feminist writer who brilliantly showed how women could be empowered by the smart and resolute articulation of their opinions. Aemilia Lanyer was the first English feminist poet, and must be regarded as a powerful feminist voice influencing the Shakespearean Canon that is foundational to modern English and the powerful articulation of humane thought..”


13 May 2022

Gideon Polya, “ Review: “Time For Socialism” By Thomas Piketty – Climate Action & Sharing Limited Resources”,Countercurrents, 13 May 2022: .

“French economist Thomas Piketty’s latest West-oriented book “Time for Socialism” is about worsening wealth inequality in an ever worsening global climate crisis. His solutions for Western economies include a just and progressive income tax, wealth taxes, carbon taxes, and economic justice for the poor and the young. Because capital begets more capital he argues for a  big grant to 25 year olds when they could benefit most, at the start of their working lives. “Time for Socialism” is a collection of 60 essays by Thomas Piketty over the period 2016-2021, and is mostly concerned with the rich countries of the Eurozone, the UK and the US. However within this broad-ranging collection of essays he also briefly applies his analysis  and prescriptions to the rest of the world, notably Japan, India and Brazil [1]. However at the outset it must be stated that arguments for greater sharing have vastly greater cogency and urgency in relation to the deadly inequity between the rich global North and the impoverished global South. A fundamental  and serious criticism is that this enormous reality is largely ignored in this overwhelmingly Western-focussed book…

Massive inequities in wealth and power mean that the world remains in the grip of the greedy neoliberal order that seeks to maximize freedom to exploit the natural and human resources of the world for private profit. However social humanism (socialism, eco-socialism, democratic socialism, human rights-cognizant communism, universal basic income, the welfare state) seeks to sustainably maximize human happiness, opportunity and dignity through culturally-cognizant and evolving intra-national and international social contracts [21, 22]. Reflected in the 1,000-fold greater than normal species extinction rate of our present  Anthropocene Era, the world is over-populated by a factor of 2, and worsening resource limitations will  mean either the sharing of socialism or a nightmare of active and passive mass murder.

The environmental and human benefits of a sane,  humane, sustainable and more equitable economy  would be enormous, but even Thomas Piketty’s  modest proposals have foundered in the face of opposition from corrupt, self-interested and politically correct racist (PC racist) Western leaders beholden to the neoliberal and dominant One Percenters. Thus, for example,  conservative France has drastically reduced its annual wealth tax, the signature economic measure proposed by Thomas Piketty (page 220 [1]). The hugely wealthy now distort democracy to the extent that impoverished white workers in the US are now voting in their droves for a mendacious billionaire involved in massive wealth transfer from the poor to the super-rich. This presently dominant  neoliberal perversion is nevertheless  vulnerable to humanity and truth. Thus a resolute majority return to 2 fundamental human values of (1) “love thy neighbour as thyself” and (2) “zero tolerance for lying” would really enable “Time for Socialism” in glorious practice throughout the world.”

13 May 2022


Gideon Polya, “Review: “Time for Socialism” by Thomas Piketty - climate action & sharing limited resources”, Countercurrents, 13 May 2022: .

French economist Thomas Piketty’s latest West-oriented book “Time for Socialism” is about worsening wealth inequality in an ever worsening global climate crisis. His solutions for Western economies include a just and progressive income tax, wealth taxes, carbon taxes, and economic justice for the poor and the young. Because capital begets more capital he argues for a  big grant to 25 year olds when they could benefit most, at the start of their working lives. “Time for Socialism” is a collection of 60 essays by Thomas Piketty over the period 2016-2021, and is mostly concerned with the rich countries of the Eurozone, the UK and the US. However within this broad-ranging collection of essays he also briefly applies his analysis  and prescriptions to the rest of the world, notably Japan, India and Brazil [1]. However at the outset it must be stated that arguments for greater sharing have vastly greater cogency and urgency in relation to the deadly inequity between the rich global North and the impoverished global South. A fundamental  and serious criticism is that this enormous reality is largely ignored in this overwhelmingly Western-focussed book.

My take on just a few  selected parts of this very wide-ranging and richly informative and ideas-rich book of 60 essays is set out below. (1). The science-based eco-socialist perspective – poverty kills and Climate Genocide may kill 10 billion people this century and mostly in the global South. Piketty is an economist, but not a climate scientist or a biologist, and while he indicates that urgent climate action is needed he does not elaborate.As a scientist aware for 3 decades of a worsening climate crisis and biodiversity crisis, I have  long appreciated the unavoidable requirement for much greater sharing of limited resources to avoid mass suffering and indeed mass mortality. Thus it has been estimated that for everyone to have an American lifestyle we would need 7 planets and to have a European lifestyle we would need 3 planets [2, 3].  However we are presently  unsustainably exploiting the resources of the world on a 2 planet basis. Further, the profits from this global drive are divided up with extreme inequity. Thus in  2020 the richest 1% (the One Percenters) owned 46% of the world’s wealth whereas the poorest 55% owned a mere 1.3% – in round figures, the top 1% owning 50% and the bottom 50% owning 1% [4, 5]….

Thomas Piketty makes out a powerful case for proper wealth taxes, wealth transparency, suitably progressive income taxes, and carbon taxes. However Piketty, a socialist,  is writing for an innately  conservative, selfish,  “realistic”, pragmatic and relatively prosperous Western audience that is  massively lied to Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat  presstitutes “manufacturing  consent” for the neoliberal order [15]. He could have been much bolder in his arguments and wishes. Thus Eurocentric Piketty sensibly recommends greater intergenerational justice through improvement of  educational opportunities in Europe, and action on climate change.   However a global South perspective demands huge change immediately to stop the carnage whereby 5.3 million non-European  under-5 year old infants perished in 2020 as compared to only 66,000 European under-5 year old infants [8, 9].

Similarly,  tough action on climate change will involve rapid action ensuring that the environmental and social cost of pollution is “fully borne” by the polluters as recommended by science-trained Pope Francis [16, 17]. Eminent economist Nicholas Stern has clearly stated the hard reality that: “The problem of climate change involves a fundamental failure of markets: those who damage others by emitting greenhouse gases generally do not pay” [18]. The world’s average applied Carbon Price is presently $2 per tonne CO2-equivalent as compared to the $200 per tonne CO2-equivalent it should be [7]. For a safe and sustainable world for all peoples and all species the  atmosphere CO2 must be reduced to the pre-Industrial Revolution level of circa 300 ppm CO2 from the present 420 ppm CO2 that is increasing at a record rate [7, 19]. The world is existentially threatened by nuclear weapons and climate change, and eminent physicist Stephen Hawking has clearly stated the actions needed: “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action NOW [my emphasis] to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [20].

Massive inequities in wealth and power mean that the world remains in the grip of the greedy neoliberal order that seeks to maximize freedom to exploit the natural and human resources of the world for private profit. However social humanism (socialism, eco-socialism, democratic socialism, human rights-cognizant communism, universal basic income, the welfare state) seeks to sustainably maximize human happiness, opportunity and dignity through culturally-cognizant and evolving intra-national and international social contracts [21, 22]. Reflected in the 1,000-fold greater than normal species extinction rate of our present  Anthropocene Era, the world is over-populated by a factor of 2, and worsening resource limitations will  mean either the sharing of socialism or a nightmare of active and passive mass murder.

The environmental and human benefits of a sane,  humane, sustainable and more equitable economy  would be enormous, but even Thomas Piketty’s  modest proposals have foundered in the face of opposition from corrupt, self-interested and politically correct racist (PC racist) Western leaders beholden to the neoliberal and dominant One Percenters. Thus, for example,  conservative France has drastically reduced its annual wealth tax, the signature economic measure proposed by Thomas Piketty (page 220 [1]). The hugely wealthy now distort democracy to the extent that impoverished white workers in the US are now voting in their droves for a mendacious billionaire involved in massive wealth transfer from the poor to the super-rich. This presently dominant  neoliberal perversion is nevertheless  vulnerable to humanity and truth. Thus a resolute majority return to 2 fundamental human values of (1) “love thy neighbour as thyself” and (2) “zero tolerance for lying” would really enable “Time for Socialism” in glorious practice throughout the world.


7 April 2022

Gideon Polya, “Epitaph for Madeline Albright: Complicit in mass murder of millions of non-European children”, Countercurrents, 7 April 2022: .

The death of former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has elicited lavish but utterly false praise from US Alliance politicians, journalists and academics. The horrible reality is that Albright was a major US Government official and thence influencer  from the 1970s onwards, and was heavily complicit in the active and passive American mass murder of millions of non-European children around the world, notably the 0.5 million Iraqi under-5 infants who died under US-backed Sanctions.

Set out below is a summary of Madeleine Albright’s adult life as a leading foreign affairs adviser of the US Democrat Establishment [1], together with details of horrendous  under-5 infant mortality  and total avoidable mortality (as determined from UN Population Division demographic data) [2-4] in various countries impacted by US actions in the relevant periods.

The US has invaded 72 countries (52 since WW2) [2, 3, 5, 6].  It is very difficult determine violent deaths associated with US hegemony, US invasion, US occupation and the post-occupation realities in devastated countries – as US General Tommy Franks declared: “We don’t do body counts”.  However the UN Population Division provides detailed demographic data for all countries dating back to 1950 [4], and this is a “smoking gun” enabling one to estimate  “under-5 infant deaths” and “avoidable deaths” (excess deaths, deaths that did not have to happen)  for all countries and all periods from 1950 onwards. “Avoidable deaths” can be exhaustively estimated as the difference between actual deaths and the deaths expected for a peaceful, decently-run country with the same demographics (e.g. birth rate, proportion of children).

Using this readily available and authoritative data it is possible to determine (for all countries and all periods) “average population”, “average child  births per 1,000 of population” and “average under-5 year old infant deaths per 1,000 child births”.  For a rough and rapid  estimation “total avoidable deaths” are about 1.4 times the “total under-5 infant deaths” [2, 3].  Whether a child starves to death or dies from untreated disease, the death is just as final and the perpetrators just as culpable as when the child is killed by bashing, bullets or bombs….

The above appalling catalogue of avoidable deaths and under-5 infant deaths (overwhelmingly in non-European countries) is confined to countries that have suffered overt damaging US intervention. Indeed it  could be much longer because the US presently still dominates the world and subverts all countries. Thus, for example,  Australia is a fervent US lackey, was involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, and has been shown to have variously violated all circa 80 Indo-Pacific countries in the last 80 years (i.e. within living memory) as an agent of UK and US imperialism [26].

Madeleine Albright spent her whole adult life in the service of  ruthless and deadly US imperialism. Remarkably, as far as I am aware, she is the only leading US Administration  figure to have ever admitted to the carnage wrought by US imperialism by stating in 1996 in relation to the deaths of 0.5 million Iraqi children under US-enforced sanctions that “We think the price was worth it” [1]. Nevertheless, as documented here Madeline Albright should be held to account for her complicity in the post-1950 US mass murder of millions of non-European children through imposed violence and deprivation.

The 2007 first edition of my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” estimated that in the period mid-1950-mid-2005 global  avoidable deaths (from violence and deprivation) and under-5 infant deaths totalled 1,303 million and 878 million, respectively. From data set out in the 2022 second edition of the book, in the period mid-2005-mid-2022 global  avoidable deaths (from violence and deprivation) and under-5 infant deaths totalled 189 million and 135 million, respectively. Accordingly, in the period mid-1950 – mid-2022 global  avoidable deaths (from violence and deprivation) and under-5 infant deaths totalled about 1,500 million and 1,000 million, respectively.

In both editions I discussed  Solutions to stop this dreadful carnage but in the last 15 years climate change (a major concern of scientists from the1980s onwards) has emerged in public consciousness as an existential threat to Humanity and the Biosphere, in addition to nuclear weapons [27-29]. Indeed eminent physicist Stephen Hawking declared (2018): “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [30]. As quantitated here, peace, good governance and Cuban-style health and education services for the whole world would prevent over 5 million under-5 infant deaths each year. The continuing malignant and massively deadly impact of endlessly greedy US imperialism and neoliberalism must be countered by global Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) applied to the US and all its supporters. Please tell everyone you can.


26 March 2022

Gideon Polya, “”Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”: Ukraine War & US killing by war & sanctions”, Countercurrents, 26 March 2022: .

The Western world rightly deplores the war criminal Russian invasion of Ukraine but  simultaneously ignores the horrendous impact of (a) bloody US invasions of 52 countries since WW2,  and (b) the  US application of deadly sanctions against numerous countries. The most shocking victims today of this US-imposed mass murder are starving Afghanistan and starving Yemen, but the Developing World faces famine from wheat price rises  from the US-provoked Ukraine War.

Lord Kelvin (a founder of thermodynamics and hence of the Industrial Revolution) famously stated that it is very useful in any discussion to adduce numbers. The dead from violence in  wars is hard to estimate and indeed an American general Tommy Franks boasted “We don’t do body counts”. However  UN Population Division statistics going back to 1950 make it possible to accurately determine  war-, threat-, poverty- and sanctions-associated avoidable mortality (excess mortality, or deaths that should not have happened) that is the difference between actual  deaths in a country and deaths expected for a peaceful, decently-run country with the same demographics (e.g. the same proportion of children in the population). The 2007 and 2022 editions of my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” [1, 2] enable quantitative assessments of this otherwise resolutely ignored avoidable mortality carnage.

The 2007 first edition of my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” [1]  exhaustively  estimated avoidable mortality and under-5 infant mortality for every country in 2003 and in the period 1950-2005, noting that avoidable mortality as defined above was exquisitely estimated for all countries using different procedures for rich and poor countries (the reason being that in rich countries the mortality rate is higher because there is a higher proportion of older people,  but the avoidable mortality rate is extremely low because there is a high standard of living and excellent education and health). The primary demographic data came from the UN Population Division [3] that enable one to successively determine  population, births and then under-5 infant deaths for all countries and all periods since 1950 [3]. The major findings were (a) that 1950-2005 avoidable mortality and under-5 infant mortality totalled  about 1,300 million and 880 million, respectively;  (b) that in 2003 avoidable mortality and under-5 infant mortality totalled  16.0 million and 10.6 million, respectively; and (c) that avoidable mortality and under-5 infant mortality each expressed as a percentage of a country’s  population are very low for rich countries  but increase enormously with increasing poverty that is typically associated with colonialism, neo-colonialism, war , threat of war and sanctions.

The 2022 second edition of my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” [2] includes and builds on the 2007 first edition [1] in providing updated, avoidable mortality-related short histories of about 200 countries, and analysing avoidable mortality from war and imposed deprivation for every country in the world that is updated for the year  2020. In this updated analysis under-5 infant mortality was determined for every country in the world for the year 2020 as predicted in the 2019 Revision of the UN Population Division’s World Population Prospects made before the COVID-19 Pandemic [3].  This data for all countries thus provides a unique baseline for future estimates of the mortal  impact of COVID-19, not just through disease but also due to the economic and other impacts of COVID-19. In the first edition [1], total global avoidable mortality in 2020  was 1.5 times under-5 infant mortality but for Afghanistan avoidable mortality was 1.4 times under-5 infant mortality. Accordingly the 2020 avoidable mortality for all countries was conveniently and conservatively simply determined as 1.4 times the unambiguously assessed under-5 infant mortality.

The major findings for 2020 are as follows: (a) avoidable mortality and under-5 infant mortality totalled  7.4 million and 5.3 million, respectively; and (b) that, as in 2003, avoidable mortality and under-5 infant mortality each expressed as a percentage of a country’s  population are very low for rich countries (e.g. 0.0088% and 0.0063%, respectively, for Europe)  but increase enormously with increasing poverty that is typically associated with colonialism, neo-colonialism, war , threat of war and sanctions (e.g. 0.3531% and 0.2505%, respectively, for non-Arab Africa).  The good news is that avoidable mortality and under-5 infant mortality had apparently halved over the 17 year period of 2003-2020, but the bad news is that 7.4 million people (mostly children)  presently die avoidably each year on Spaceship Earth with remorselessly neoliberal and US-dominated One Percenters in charge of the flight deck [2]…

The Russian  invasion of Ukraine will not just kill thousands of Russian soldiers and thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians –  millions may die avoidably from deprivation worldwide as a result of this reckless and evil war-making by Orwelllian psychopaths. Indeed as reported by the UN Population Division [3] already each year 5.3 million under-5 year old infants and 7.4 million people in total perish from deprivation while the world looks the other way. Over 2 million under-5 infants died in US-occupied Afghanistan but post-occupation US sanctions and seizure of Afghan monetary reserves promise a continuing  Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide.

As quantitatively set out in this essay, state-imposed sanctions on impoverished countries  can be deadlier than actual  physical invasion. Indeed the US may well have provoked Russia into war criminal invasion of Ukraine so that Russia could be devastated by sanctions (in much the same way as the US green-lighted the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and thence devastated Iraq with deadly sanctions) [40].  However there may be an even deadlier US plan  behind this present disaster, namely economic devastation of China for non-compliance with US sanctions on Russia (a prospect enthusiastically supported by fervently Sinophobic US lackey Australia).

The US recognizes that any US or NATO military attack on Russian forces in Ukraine could trigger WW3 and the nuclear decimation of Humanity. However, as demonstrated here, sanctions can be deadlier than war and thus America continues to play a very dangerous game with the lives of 7.7 billion people, urged on by its vociferous, mendacious and racist lackeys, the UK and Australia. The Ukraine War must end immediately with sensibly negotiated peace between  the sister countries of Ukraine and Russia – and not just for the sake of Ukrainian  and Russian lives  but the lives of 5 billion  impoverished people in the Developing World.

At the heart of this awful situation is entrenched lying. Thus the most famous journalist in the world, Australian Julian Assange, has been imprisoned for nearly 10 years in the UK and faces life imprisonment in the US for truth-telling about US wars [41, 42], whereas US Alliance war criminals responsible for the deaths of millions remain uncharged, and horrendous deaths from US wars and sanctions  are resolutely ignored by Western journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes. War is the penultimate in racism and genocide the ultimate. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Please tell everyone you can (the mendacious and racist Mainstream presstitutes certainly won’t).


18 March 2022

Gideon Polya, “Review: “Transforming Universities. in the Midst of Global Crisis” – urgent action now”, Countercurrents, 18 March 2022: .

“Transforming Universities in the Midst of Global Crisis: A University for the Common Good” by Professor Richard Hil, Professor Kristen Lyons, and Fern Thompsett calls for a radical transformation of our universities  in the face of worsening global crises. From a scientific perspective this book has great merit because it demands such radical change at time when neoliberal and Trumpist lying has hampered  responses to the worsening existential threat from man-made climate change.

The publisher has succinctly summarized the essence of “Transforming Universities in the Midst of Global Crisis” [1] thus: “This book calls into question the colonial and neoliberal university, presenting alternative models of higher education that can more effectively respond to today’s intersecting social, economic, environmental and political crises. The authors argue that universities should be driven by a different set of core values – one that promotes the common good over private or commercial interests, individualism and market fundamentalism. Presenting a broad range of educational initiatives from around the world that reflect life-affirming regenerative and relational practices, Indigenous intellectual sovereignty, and principles of social and ecological justice, the authors contend that pathways toward transforming higher education already exist within and without the university. This task, say the authors, is urgent and necessary if universities and other institutions are to hold relevance in a rapidly changing global environment…

The world is existentially threatened by nuclear weapons and man-made climate change. Indeed eminent physicist Stephen Hawking has succinctly stated the problem: “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [49]. There is massive biodiversity loss and Indigenous cultures that were at one with Nature are being destroyed by genocide and ethnocide. Universities are complicit in this disaster through accommodation with the prevailing neoliberal order that has now  brought Humanity and the Biosphere to the edge of the Anthropocene precipice.

“Transforming Universities in the Midst of Global Crisis: A University for the Common Good” can be criticized for lack of scientific input, social science  jargon, and  concentration (albeit justified) on  concerns about racism, colonialism and Indigenous peoples, but it has the great merit of  demanding  transformation of our universities  to meet these worsening existential challenges. We are badly running out of time to act.


10 March 2022

Gideon Polya, “Review: “Lies & Falsehoods” by Bernard Keane: Australian Coalition Government lies ”, Countercurrents, 10 March 2022: .

We expect authoritarian governments to lie, and anti-racist Jewish American writer I .F. Stone famously opined that “Governments lie”.  However the Australian Coalition Government under PM Scott Morrison has adopted blatant, in-your-face lying and falsehood to an extraordinary, Orwellian and Trumpist degree as revealed by Bernard Keane in his scathing book “Lies and Falsehoods. The Morrison Government and the new culture of deceit”.

Bernard Keane (the political editor of the truth-telling, centrist Australian  web magazine Crikey) commences his Introduction to “Lies and Falsehoods” with the following blunt assessment: “The prime minister of Australia is a liar.  Scott Morrison is a peddler of falsehoods and lies intended to deceive and mislead the public. That statement is at once banal, problematic and a rich topic of discussion. All politicians lie, surely; to single one out for doing so is a statement of the obvious. And yet to state such a plain fact is to tempt a writ for defamation under Australia’s litigant-friendly legal system”  (page 1, [1]).

However Bernard Keane perceives that something has radically changed: “But outright, verifiable lying was once relatively rare. It was treated as a sin to be avoided, something unseemly that needed to be explained away or justified by reasons of high statecraft. Now, blatant lying that can be easily checked has become a standard element of political  discourse. We live in an era kickstarted by Donald Trump in the United States and carried on by Boris Johnson in the United Kingdom and Scott Morrison in Australia” (pages 1-2 [1]).

This shift in the culture of lying is dramatically and quantitatively exampled by the case of John Profumo  a leading UK Conservative Minister who resigned in 1963 because the press revealed that he had lied to the House of Commons over his affair with Christine Keeler [2]. Similarly, back in 1998 US President Bill Clinton was impeached because he had lied over his affair with Monica Lewinski: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” [3]. From these dire consequences from what many would see as “white lies” about personal matters, we jump to unpunished war criminal, US President George W. Bush (whose Administration told 935 lies about Iraq between 9/11 and the illegal and massively deadly invasion of Iraq that killed 2.7 million Iraqis) [4], and thence to  US President  Donald Trump  (who made  over 30,000 false or misleading assertions during his 4-year Administration ) [5]…

Bernard Keane’s book “Lies and Falsehoods” is a carefully researched, carefully documented, well-written and succinct book on political lying. It should be in every school, local, university, state and national library. Hopefully it will act as a circuit breaker and snap Australia and indeed the world out of the present damaging and dangerous culture of Trumpist lies and falsehood. The immense harm done by lies and falsehoods instructs that societies in general should adopt the position in Science of zero tolerance for lying. The Elephant in the Room resolutely ignored in look-the-other-way Mainstream Australia is lying by omission that is far, far worse than repugnant lying by commission because the latter can at least permit public refutation and public debate.

The mendacious Coalition Australian Government is facing possible defeat in the forthcoming 2022 elections and is presently reverting to crude jingoism to improve its chances. Decent Australians committed to peace, truth, democracy and human rights will utterly reject the mendacious and anti-science Coalition, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.  You should similarly demand zero tolerance for lying in your country.


1 March 2022

Gideon Polya, “West Rightly supports Ukraine but ignores brutally occupied Palestine”, Countercurrents, 1 March 2022:

Both the Russian occupation of  Ukraine and the Apartheid Israeli occupation of Palestine are wrong, violate international law, and have been hugely destructive.  However a racist and specifically anti-Arab anti-Semitic West (the Anglosphere, NATO  and the EU) utterly ignores the Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine while quite rightly condemning and sanctioning  Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. This egregious Western hypocrisy, lying and racism demands exposure.

While thousands of courageous Russians are risking violence and lengthy imprisonment imposed by an authoritarian Russian state for protesting the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in the rich, internally peaceful, human rights-cognizant  and democratic West there is almost total silence over the Apartheid Israeli invasion, occupation and ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

A remarkable exception to Western hypocrisy and racism in its silence over the ongoing occupation and violation of Palestine has come from the UK Labour MP for Sunderland Central, Julie Elliott, who has told fellow MPs: “My heart goes out to the Ukrainian people. Quite rightly we talk about international law. In fact I listened to the [Foreign Office] minister (Amanda Milling) only a few minutes ago and the vital importance of the sovereignty of states. Yet when Palestinians hear that – how must they feel?’… What I was talking about was the upholding of international law which your own minister talked about a few minutes ago and the right of upholding international law is as relevant in Ukraine as it is in Palestine…  [I advocate] complete and total ban of illegal Israeli settlements [in the West Bank]…  [recognizing Palestine is the] bare minimum of what the UK should do as part of a two-state solution to the conflict” [1, 2]…

The indignation and sanctions rightly applied by Western countries to Russia over its  invasion of Ukraine should be applied to all countries involved in the violent invasion and occupation of other nations, and indeed notably the serial invaders and nuclear terrorist states of the US, the UK, France and Apartheid Israel. What can decent people do? Decent pro-peace people around the world should (a) inform everyone they can about all these dreadful matters (the mendacious,  US-beholden Western Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes certainly won’t), and (b)  urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all countries   invading,  devastating and occupying other nations.


25 February 2022

Gideon Polya, “State terrorist Australian Coalition Government bans Hamas & threatens Australian human rights”, Countercurrents, 25 February 2022: .

The state terrorist Australian Coalition Government has joined the US, UK, Apartheid Israel and other anti-Arab anti-Semitic US Alliance countries in declaring the leading Palestinian political party, Hamas, to be a terrorist group in its entirety.  This false and racist decision seriously threatens anti-racist Jewish, non-Jewish, Palestinian, Arab and Muslim Australians supporting the lives and human rights of the sorely oppressed and impoverished Occupied Palestinians.

This dangerous decision by the racist Australian  Coalition Government was arrived at after lobbying by the Zionist-subverted US, Apartheid Israel, traitorous Australian Zionists, and US-beholden Australian Intelligence,  but Australian  Palestinians were notably excluded from the process [1]. Previously the Australian Government had designated the armed wings of Hamas and of the Lebanese Hezbollah as terrorists but under Zionist pressure decided to extend this draconian designation  to the whole of Hamas and Hezbollah. This decision ignored the reality that Hamas and Hezbollah have massive popular support  in Palestine and Lebanon, respectively, and the right of Indigenous people to defend themselves against foreign invaders. The false and racist decision to ban Hamas seriously threatens anti-racist Jewish, non-Jewish, Palestinian, Arab and Muslim Australians supporting the lives and human rights of the sorely oppressed and impoverished Occupied Palestinians.

However terrorism is as terrorism does, and on the  basis of the tens of millions of war-related deaths in which it has been complicit,  the murderous, racist, climate criminal and US lackey Australian Coalition that presently rules Australia must be described as a terrorist organization demanding comprehensive international sanctions. These serious matters are succinctly examined below…

The banning of Hamas in its  entirety as a “terrorist organization” by the Australian Coalition state terrorists is (1) egregiously false, (2) helps sabotage desperately needed humanitarian assistance  for the desperately impoverished Occupied Palestinians, and (3) via draconian anti-terrorism laws seriously threatens the human rights of a large body of anti-racist Jewish, non-Jewish, Palestinian, Arab and Muslim Australians.  Decent, peace-loving,  anti-racist people  who respect the rights of Indigenous people will (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against state terrorist Apartheid Israel and all its state terrorist US Alliance supporters. Australia now faces the real prospect of anti-racist Jewish and Muslim humanitarians being subject to persecution and draconian punishment for  supporting Palestinian human rights, including the right to life. In Australia’s forthcoming compulsory and preferential Federal elections, decent anti-racist Australians will utterly reject Coalition anti-Semitism and state terrorism, vote 1 Green and put the anti-Jewish anti-Semitic,  anti-Arab anti-Semitic and state terrorist Coalition last .


13 February 2022

Gideon Polya, “Arctic methane threat: Global warming increasi8ngbaceterial methanogenesis & methane release”, Countercurrents, 13 February 2022: ..

The atmospheric level of the potent greenhouse gas (GHG) methane (CH4) is increasing, and is now nearly triple the pre-industrial level. There is a positive feedback loop in the Arctic with increased methane leading to warming and thence to further increase in atmospheric methane. In the warming Arctic methane release is occurring from  huge methane-water clathrate deposits, and increasingly from permafrost melting and increased methanogenesis from anaerobic bacteria…

The atmospheric CH4 level is steadily increasing, noting that CH4 has a Global Warning Potential (GWP) 105 times greater than that of the same mass of CO2 on a 20 year time frame basis and including aerosol impacts [11]. CH4 is presently being released  from the warming  Arctic tundra and the Arctic Ocean sea bed. It has been estimated that 50 Gt of CH4 will be released in the Arctic in coming decades [3]. This corresponds to 50 Gt CH4 / (1 t CH4 per 105 t CO2-equivalent ) = 5,250 Gt CO2-equivalent or 5.8 times greater than the IPCC-estimated Carbon Budget of 900 Gt CO2 for an 83% probability of avoiding a catastrophic +2C temperature rise  (Table 2 [15]).

According to the IPCC (2021), compared to 1850–1900, global surface temperature averaged over 2081–2100 is very likely to be higher by 1.0°C to 1.8°C under the very low GHG emissions scenario considered (SSP1-1.9), by 2.1°C to 3.5°C in the intermediate scenario (SSP2-4.5) and by 3.3°C to 5.7°C under the very high GHG emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5). The last time global surface temperature was sustained at or above 2.5°C higher than 1850–1900 was over 3 million years ago (Section B1.1 [15, 16]). The Summary for Policymakers for the IPCC  Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) (2014) stated  “About 450 ppm CO2-eq, likely to limit warming to 2°C above pre-industrial levels” [17],  but 478 ppm CO2-eq was already attained by 2013 [18, 19]. The atmospheric CO2-equivalent was about 460 ppm in 2010 [12], 478 ppm in 2013 [18, 19], is presently about 500 ppm,  and is heading towards about 600 ppm by 2050 [13].

Further, but for the cooling effect of atmospheric sulphate aerosols we would presently have a catastrophic  circa +2C of warming. The present global warming of about +1.1C  is largely due to the burning of carbon fuels [15]. However a consequence  of burning  fossil fuels is also generation of sulphur dioxide (SO2) that in turn generates global dimming sulphate aerosols in the upper atmosphere that restrict global warming to +1.1C from the circa +2C that it would be otherwise [15, 16, 20, 21]. The IPCC estimates that the global temperature rise will reach +1.5C in the coming decade [15, 16] but the Emissions Gap Report  from the UN Environment Programme has estimated that the national commitments at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference mean a temperature rise of +3.2C [22]. Dr Andrew Glikson estimates that “mean temperature could reach 2°C by 2030, 3°C by the 2050s and 4°C by 2100, inducing heat waves and major fires” [20].

We have effectively run out of time to avoid a catastrophic plus 2C temperature rise. However decent people are obliged to do everything they can to make the future “less bad” for future generations [9]. Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can (the mendacious Mainstream journalist, editor, proprietor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes certainly won’t), and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against people, politicians, parties, companies, corporations, and countries disproportionately  involved in Humanity- and Biosphere-threatening climate criminality. There is no Planet B.


6 February 2022

Gideon Polya, “Amnesty’s Israeli Apartheid Report versus Zionist, IHRA & US lies”, Countercurrents, 6 February 2022: .

Amnesty International’s 2022 report exposing and condemning Israeli apartheid has provoked false allegations of lying and anti-Semitism from the mendacious and  genocidally racist Zionists and their US Alliance supporters.  In actuality, denial of Israeli apartheid is a lie, and the Zionists and their supporters  are manifestly mendacious, and both  anti-Arab anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish anti-Semitic by falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish, Arab, Palestinian and Muslim critics of Apartheid Israel. The horrible realities of Israeli apartheid as revealed by the Amnesty International Report [1, 2], the ongoing Palestinian Genocide [3-20], and denial of these horrendous realities by mendacious and genocidal Zionists and by their  mendacious and racist US Alliance supporters are  systematically summarized below…

Most  Western countries belong to the pro-Zionist, genocidally racist, anti-Semitic and holocaust-denying International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance  (IHRA)…

Egregious Zionist and pro-Zionist lying in the US-dominated Anglosphere not only permits the ongoing abuses of Israeli Apartheid and the Palestinian Genocide, but also grossly violates these Anglosphere societies through the Big Lie  so successfully applied by the Nazis. The Anglosphere requires liberation from this corrosive and entrenched deception. Put crudely and simply, the  Zionist-subverted, One Percenter-dominated, and neoliberal  US-led Anglosphere urgently requires de-Nazification. What can decent people do?  Decent folk must (a) inform everyone  they can, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting this endlessly subverting, nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, serial war criminal, International Law-violating, grossly human rights-abusing, child-abusing, mother-abusing, and democracy-by-genocide Apartheid rogue state.


27 January 2022

Gideon Polya, “Zionist-subverted America:  Jewish Zionists are one third of the Biden Cabinet”, Countercurrents, 27 January 2022: .

The US became increasingly Zionist subverted after Apartheid Israel gained nuclear weapons by 1967. Support for Apartheid Israel (and hence of  Apartheid) is now a pillar of US politics, with anti-racist critics of Israeli Apartheid ferociously attacked, side-lined, and falsely defamed  as anti-Semitic. However Zionist control and hubris are now blatant: 32 percent or about one third of President Joe Biden’s Cabinet are Jewish Zionists and the remainder are moderate Christian Zionists.  

(A). The White House has provided a list of members of President Joe Biden’s Cabinet that, including the president himself, total 25 persons [1]. These are set out below in order of occupation of or succession to the Presidency, and with race and religion details appended [Jewish members are asterisked, and spouse details are given in square brackets]…

While Jewish Americans are about 1.9% of the US population and hopefully only 50% of Jewish Americans (i.e. about 1% of the American population) are Jewish Zionists),  about one third (32%) of President Joe Biden’s Cabinet are Jewish Zionists, and the remainder are moderate Christian Zionists.  This shockingly disproportionate statistic underscores how America is dominated by Apartheid Israel, a nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist,  serial war criminal, grossly human rights-abusing, international law-violating, child-abusing, mother-abusing and democracy-by-genocide Apartheid rogue state. This state of affairs  has been enabled by an entrenched, and  American Establishment-dominated  political culture of racism and lying.

Americans cannot afford this continuing Zionist perversion of American public life. While ordinary Americans are have suffered enormously in the COVID-19 Pandemic, American billionaires (about 20% Jewish Zionists) have seen their wealth increase enormously [31, 58]. Decent anti-racist Jewish Americans with a sole allegiance to America should be alarmed by this blatant Jewish Zionist  subversion and perversion of America. What can decent folk do? Decent Americans should (a) inform everyone they can (Zionist-dominated Mainstream media certainly won’t), (b) adopt and promulgate a policy of zero tolerance for racism and lying, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, and corporations supporting this anti-democratic Apartheid rogue state. Zionism is Nazism without gas chambers but with 90 nuclear weapons threatening Humanity. Zionist-subverted America needs de-Nazification.  Wake up America!


16 January 2022

Gideon Polya, “Excellent Xinjiang health, growth & education outcomes contradict Sinophobic US lies”, Countercu8rrents, 16 January 2022: .

The US and its allies are countering the re-emergence of China with a Sinophobic confection of new alliances, military threats, jingoism and false propaganda about  a  falsely claimed Uyghur Genocide in Xinjiang.  However excellent health, infant mortality, maternal mortality, population growth and education outcomes in Xinjiang reported by China and confirmed by respected NGOs contradict Sinophobic US, UK and Australian claims  of a Uyghur Genocide.

Indeed the US Alliance lying about the circumstances of the Uyghurs not only falsely demonizes China and denies the actuality of excellent health, growth and education  outcomes in Xinjiang [1], it also helps to hide the horrendous realities of the US-imposed and continuing Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide involving a death toll (7 million) [2-6] comparable to that of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by the Nazis) and the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine; 6-7 million Indian starved to death for strategic reasons by the British in Bengal, Odisha, Bihar and Assam in 1942-1945, with Australia being complicit by denying  food from its huge war-time grain stores from its ally, starving India…

The US and the US Alliance have been involved in horrendous genocidal atrocities over the last 70 years. Thus post-1950 US Asian wars have been associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation [2-6]. Famed anti-racist Jewish American journalist  I.F. Stone famously declared “Governments lie”, and famed American writer  Gore Vidal went further, declaring “Unlike most Americans who lie all the time, I hate lying” [37, 38]. While resolutely ignoring the horrendous human cost of their  genocidal wars, the US and the US Alliance are presently engaged in a massive Sinophobic “war on truth”,  and saturating Mainstream media with the utterly false allegation of a “Uyghur Genocide”. No matter that they admit that there have been no mass killing or expulsions in Xinjiang, to the endlessly mendacious US government the “truth” is simply what serves the interests of the endlessly warmongering US Alliance. However as set out in this detailed article, excellent health, infant mortality, maternal mortality, population growth and education outcomes in Xinjiang reported by China [1], and confirmed by data from respected NGOs, contradict Sinophobic US, UK and Australian claims  of a Uyghur Genocide.

What can decent people do faced with this massive and blatant US Alliance lying and anti-China warmongering? Decent people must (a) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries that are party to this US Alliance lying, jingoism and warmongering, and (b) inform everyone they can  – the mendacious Western Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat  presstitutes certainly won’t.


11 January 2022

Gideon Polya, “Corrupt, lying & racist Australian Coalition Government trashes Djokovic, Serbia, sport & human rights”, Countercurrents, 11 January 2022: .

After granting World Number 1 men’s tennis player Novak Djokovic a visa,  the corrupt, racist and mendacious Australian Coalition Government waited until he had flown all the way to remote Australia before abruptly cancelling his visa and imprisoning the Serbian champion in an immigration detention centre used to indefinitely and highly abusively incarcerate men, women and children refugees without charge or trial. If they can do it to Novak Djokovic they can and will do it to anyone. Djokovic has successfully appealed the decision in the Federal Court but the Australian Government threatens to overturn  the Federal Court’s decision by exercise of “Ministerial discretion”. This outrageous affair stinks of political opportunism by an increasingly unpopular Morrison Coalition Government that faces elections in 2022…

The fundamental issue in the Djokovic Affair is that Novak Djokovic went through all the required procedures, satisfied 2 expert medical panels, and was issued with a valid visa by Australian Immigration. He  travelled to distant Australia with his support staff but on arrival  was arrested,  imprisoned and bullied by Australian Border Force, his visa having been cancelled.  A Czech player and a tennis official were deceived and imprisoned in the same way. The immediate consequence for Australia will be that trust will be damaged in any prospective deals with Australia, the Coalition  and with the Australian Government. As a decent  Australian any trust I had in the Coalition totally evaporated 60 years ago with its support for the genocidal Vietnam War, and my response has been endlessly confirmed by vile Coalition actions ever since.

The US lackey Australian Coalition  Government has severely damaged its relations and trade with tis biggest trading partner China by endlessly provocative and  undiplomatic attacks. The deliberate strategy behind this crazy behaviour is that Australia fears and hates Asia, and for 70 years has had a core policy  of trying to  maximize US military  presence in Asia. However the economic  cost to Australia is escalating, with the present loss of perhaps as much as $40 billion of annual trade with China. The need for Australia to diversify its trade to Europe will be hampered by its betrayal of France through cancelling the already operating A$90 billion French submarine deal. Australia has deeply offended the Czech republic, an EU member, by deceiving and  then deporting a Czech tennis player. And now Australia has likewise deeply offended Serbia that hopes to become an EU member.  Duplicitous Australia faces indignant opposition when it attempts to get a favourable trade deals with the EU.

The endlessly mendacious Australian Coalition Government  continues to lie, deceive, rob, bully and bluster at the expense of Humanity. The maltreatment of world number 1 tennis player Novak Djokovic is merely another example of Coalition malfeasance, and coincidentally has brought to the world’s attention to  the desperate plight of the refugees highly abusively and  indefinitely imprisoned  without charge or trial  in the same  place in Melbourne. The  Australian Government had good reasons to reject Djokovic’s application  in the first place but chose to go down a duplicitous, mendacious and bullying route to win votes in the forthcoming Federal election. Australia and the World are waiting to see if the Australian Government will over-ride the decision of the Federal Court and exercise ”Ministerial discretion” to re-imprison and deport Novak Djokovic.

At the high end of the scale of Australian criminality is its deep complicit in nuclear terrorism and climate criminality that are the 2 key existential threats to Humanity and the Biosphere. Australia is variously a leading supporter of US, UK, French and Apartheid Israeli nuclear terrorism, and is among world leaders in 16 areas of climate criminality. Australia has a compulsory  and preferential voting system, and decent Australians will utterly reject the Coalition, vote I Green and put the Coalition last.


2 January 2022

Gideon Polya, “Zionist-subverted West  ignores Desmond Tutu’s opposition to Israeli apartheid”, Countercurrents, 2 January 2022: .

The world has been universally paying homage to Nobel laureate and world hero Desmond Tutu (7 October 1931- 26 December 2021) for his opposition to  apartheid through non-violent boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS), and his involvement in truth and reconciliation in post-apartheid South Africa. However a mendacious, hypocritical, Zionist-subverted, pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-apartheid West ignores Tutu’s resolute opposition to the ongoing criminal obscenity of Israeli apartheid.

No sooner has the world hero Desmond Tutu passed than mendacious, Zionist-subverted Mainstream media and politicians have commenced re-writing history through outrageous lying by omission. The least that I can do to honour the wonderful Archbishop Desmond Tutu is to expose this Mainstream Western lying and hypocrisy. Before attempting an adequate sketching of this extraordinary Western hypocrisy over anti-apartheid hero Desmond Tutu  it is necessary to summarize the appalling realities of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide and of egregious Israeli apartheid. Summarized  below are details of (1) the ongoing Palestinian Genocide , (2) Israeli apartheid, (3) Israeli Covid apartheid,  (4) Desmond Tutu’s opposition to Israeli apartheid, and (5) pro-apartheid Western ignoring of Desmond Tutu’s opposition to Israeli apartheid….

Desmond Tutu on Apartheid Israel (1989): “If you change the names, the description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank would be a description of what is happening in South Africa”…

Zionist-subverted, pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-apartheid Mainstream Western journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes remorselessly ignore the ongoing Palestinian Genocide by a nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist, serial war criminal, Geneva Convention-violating and grossly human rights-abusing Apartheid Israel. This massive lying by omission is topically exampled by routine Mainstream ignoring of Israeli Covid apartheid – while Apartheid Israel is daily reported as a leader in COVID-19 vaccination (it is now unique in giving a fourth (booster) shot to Israelis), its refusal to vaccinate its 5.2 million Occupied Palestinian Subjects  is simply ignored as “old news”.

The death of the wonderful humanitarian, anti-apartheid hero and advocate of non-violence and reconciliation, Archbishop Desmond Tutu,  has  been followed by similar Mainstream Western ignoring of his sustained opposition to Israeli apartheid. Decent people around the world must respond by (a) informing everyone they can,  and (b) urging and applying comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment  and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all people, parties, politicians, collectives, corporations and countries supporting Apartheid Israel and  hence the vile crime of  apartheid.


9 December 2021

Gideon Polya, “AUKUS & Quad in context: Australia violates all Indo-Pacific countries”, Countercurents, 9 December 2021: .

Australia has formed the anti-China AUKUS (Australia, UK and US) and Quad (Australia, India, US and Japan) Alliances to contain a supposedly aggressive China. In reality a US lackey, nuclear terrorist, climate criminal, serial invader and subversive Australia violates ALL Indo-Pacific countries.

A detailed and documented analysis of Australian violation of all 81 Indo-Pacific countries has been published here: Gideon Polya, “Australia violates all Indo-Pacific countries”, Stop state terrorism, 9 December 2021: . What follows is an edited version that for brevity excludes all references and a huge country-by-country, and alphabetically-ordered account of Australian violation of 81 Indo-Pacific countries. Consult via this link to see how  Australia has been violating YOUR country in living memory…

Australia-complicit regime change. Australians were variously involved with the US, UK and Apartheid Israel in effecting regime change in the following [8] Indo-Pacific countries…

Overall, presently 7.4 million people die avoidably from deprivation each year on Spaceship Earth with the First World (including rich Australia) in charge of the flight deck. It is variously estimated that air pollution from burning carbon fuels kills about 7-9 million people annually, with Australia causing 75,000 such deaths abroad (from the burning of its world-leading coal exports) and 10,000 at home (through the burning of carbon fuels, with this ignoring the huge contribution due to bush fires).  Presently about 1 million people die from climate change each year and millions of climate refugees are generated each year. In the absence of requisite action 10 billion people will die avoidably this century en route to a sustainable human population in 2100 of only about 1 billion. Climate criminal Australia is among world leaders for climate criminality, carbon terrorism and climate terrorism.

A serial war criminal, egregiously climate criminal and grossly Humanity-violating Australia violates ALL Indo-Pacific nations, and invites global action though Carbon Tariffs, International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutions, International Court of Justice (ICJ) litigations, and  Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS).


30 October 2021

Gideon Polya, “Idiocracy: Australian Coalition Government mendacity, corruption & inaction sabotaging COP26 ”, Countercurrents, 30 October 2021: .

: The forthcoming Glasgow COP26 climate change conference is increasingly seen as a near-last ditch attempt to prevent massive and deadly harm to Humanity and the Biosphere. However a resolutely mendacious, dishonestly anti-science,  anti-environment, pro-fossil fuels, egregiously corrupt, genocidally racist, and remorselessly climate criminal Australia is set to sabotage COP26 as it has sabotaged all its predecessors.

Australia’s  allies in the new AUKUS nuclear terrorist partnership, the UK and the US, are going to Glasgow with commitments to “zero net carbon pollution by 2050”. The US has also promised “50–52 % off  the 2005 level by 2030”, and the UK has promised “68% off the 1990 level by 2030”. The EU has followed most countries by pledging  “zero net pollution by 2050” and  has also pledged “55%  off the 1990 level by 2030” [1].

However successive  pro-fossil fuels Australian Coalition Governments have been resolutely opposed to climate change action. Indeed Australia is the second worst country after the US  in the Developed World  for climate change policy [2].  However the combined pressure from the World,  science, big banks,  big business, and fear of losing key city seats in the next Australian Federal elections (due in early 2022) finally forced the anti-science Australian Coalition government to grudgingly accept “zero net pollution by 2050” last week.  However, even this grudging tokenism was strongly opposed by the  right-wing, pro-fossil fuels and pro-carbon pollution National Party that is the minor but extreme right-wing partner in the  Liberal Party-National Party Coalition that rules Australia. It was predicted that the pro-Greenhouse Gas (pro-GHG) pollution Nationals would be rewarded for this concession in a quid pro quo. Indeed (a) a National MP, Keith Pitt,  who absurdly proposed a $250 billion fund to support dirty energy and dirty mining was promptly appointed as Minister for Resources, (b)  the Australian Government refused to join the international group of major countries wanting a 30% reduction in methane emissions by 2030 on the basis that it would harm Australia’s huge methanogenic beef, sheep and gas exploitation industries, and (c) the Australian Government decided to stick with its paltry and climate criminal existing  policy of “26-28% off the 2005 level by 2030”.

Climate criminal Australia disproportionately contributes to the worsening climate crisis, and  is among world  leaders for the following 16 climate criminal activities or parameters: (1) annual per capita greenhouse gas pollution, (2) live methanogenic livestock exports,  (3) natural gas exports, (4) recoverable shale gas reserves that can be accessed by hydraulic fracturing (fracking), (5) coal exports, (6) land clearing, deforestation and ecocide, (7) speciescide or species extinction, (8) coral reef destruction , (9) whale killing  and extinction threat through global warming impacting on krill stocks, (10) terminal carbon pollution budget exceedance,  (11) per capita Carbon Debt, (12) ultimately GHG generating iron ore exports, (13) climate change inaction, (14) climate genocide and approach towards omnicide and terracide, (15) increasing Domestic GHG pollution despite Paris commitments to lower GHG pollution, and (16) complicity in 9 million annual air pollution deaths from burning carbon fuels, Australia’s share being 75,000  overseas and 10,000 Domestically [3-5].

In 2021 out of 61 countries in the Developed World, climate criminal Australia ranked 60 for climate policy,  second  worst after the US (61). In relation to climate performance, Australia ranked 54 and the US ranked worst at 61 [2]. Australia with a mere 0.33% of the world’s population contributes about 5.4% of global GHG pollution (including that due to the burning of Australia’s world leading gas and coal exports)…

However the 2-decade so-called “climate wars” in Australia has now reduced Australian democracy to “idiocracy” in which a scientifically illiterate  half of the population will vote for anti-science, neoliberal demagogues backed by grossly GHG-polluting mining billionaires and the effective climate change denialist and mendacious  Murdoch media empire (that has 70% of daily newspaper readership plus electronic  media dominance).

I concluded  my huge “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” book as follows: “At the present plus 1.0-1.2 C of warming the World is being savaged by deadly high temperatures and global warming-exacerbated droughts, floods, forest fires, high energy intensity tropical storms, sea level rise, storm surges, massive ecosystem loss and irreversible Biodiversity loss. A plus 1.5C is inevitable in the coming decade, and in the face of remorselessly increasing CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere one concludes that a catastrophic plus 2C is effectively unavoidable. Nevertheless we are inescapably obliged to do everything we can to make the future “less bad” for our children, our grandchildren and future generations” [20].

We are badly running out of time to prevent catastrophic  damage to Humanity and the Biosphere. Decent people must act to (a) inform others, and (b) to urge and apply comprehensive and rigorous Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties,  collectives,  corporations and countries  disproportionately involved in terracidal climate criminality.


22 October 2021

Gideon Polya, “Vietnamese, Afghan & Iraqi Genocides: Mainstream media ignore war crimes of Colin Powell”, Countercurrents, 22 October 2021: .

The former African-American military commander  Colin Powell has just died from COVID-19 complications, and mendacious and pro-war Western Mainstream media and politicians  have been fulsome in their praise for the first Black American Secretary of  State while conceding his error at the UN over non-existent Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction  (WMD). Missing has been  mention of the millions dying in the Powell-complicit Vietnamese, Afghan and Iraqi Genocides. It is said that one should not talk ill of the dead but exceptions must be made for serial war criminals, mass murderers of women, children and men, and utterly repugnant agents of deadly state terrorism  like Colin Powell…

By way of a posthumous  ICC war crimes prosecution brief, summarized below are the horrendous human consequences of Colin Powell’s evil role in deadly US state terrorism atrocities from the Vietnam War  to the ongoing Palestinian Genocide by nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel (dates and Indigenous deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation are given in brackets): (1). Powell lying and white-washing of the Vietnamese Genocide (1955-1975; 11.9 million deaths)…

As exampled by the false praise lavished on serial mass murderer, serial war criminal and serial liar Colin Powell (see 11 above),  the Anglosphere  Establishment is resolutely  committed to denial and  the Orwellian lying of Big Brother  in George Orwell’s “1984”: ignorance is strength, war is peace, slavery is freedom and 2 pus 2 does not equal 4.

After WW2 the de-Nazified Germans adopted a CAAAA (C4A) protocol of Cessation of the crimes, Acknowledgement of the crimes, Apology for the crimes, Amends for the crimes and Assertion of “never again”.  Unfortunately the US and the US Alliance show no desire for Cessation. Thus, for example, the US marked its ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan with a drone attack on Kabul that killed 10 innocent people including 7 children, and the US has seized Afghanistan’s meagre foreign reserves in a move that will continue the war criminal imposition of egregious deprivation on impoverished Afghanistan that killed over 5 million Afghans over the last 20 years in gross violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention (see 5 above).

Similarly, the genocidally racist Anglosphere war makers will offer no Acknowledgement of the crimes, Apology for the crimes, Amends for the crimes or Assertion of “never again”. Put simply, America and its Western allies urgently require de-Nazification like that which was more or less successfully applied to Germany after WW2.

Concerning Acknowledgement, serial invader and US lackey Australia’s ABC (the Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) has opined re Powell: “But for some Iraqis, he [Powell] was remembered as the man who helped unleash a destructive war on their country… US forces fought in Iraq from 2003 to 2011. The estimated total death toll ran into the hundreds of thousands, including nearly 4,500 American troops killed, with another 32,000 wounded” [33]. However, just for Occupied Iraq alone in 2001-2011, expert epidemiologist and other direct polling  estimates 1.5 million violent Iraqi deaths, and UN Population Division data indicate 1.2 million Iraqi avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation [8, 9, 12].  However the progressive major Mainstream UK newspaper, the Independent, reports the opinion of Julian Assange’s father John Shipton (2021): “Shipton points to the work of Australian academic Dr Gideon Polya and others, who have estimated the US-led invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan led to millions of deaths. He also says millions of people were turned into migrants or refugees as a result of the conflicts” [45].

Active and passive US Alliance mass murder (from violence and imposed deprivation, respectively) has to stop. The war criminals like Colin Powell and their genocidally racist  political masters have to be exposed. War is the penultimate in racism and genocide the ultimate in racism. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. War can be stopped  if decent folk (a) inform everyone they can, (b) expose the war criminals, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries involved in war.


9 October 2021

Gideon Polya, “Letter to Australian Labor MPs exposes Australian crimes & IHRA anti-semitism”, Countercurrents, 9 October 2021: .

 US lackey Australia is second only to Zionist-subverted America as a fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel. The Australian Coalition Government and Labor Opposition support the all-European,  genocide-complicit,  mendacious,  pro-Zionist and largely pro-nuclear terrorism International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) that through its malignant definition of anti-Semitism is itself egregiously anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti- Jewish anti-Semitic, and holocaust denying.

In short, the Coalition- and Labor-backed International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance  (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism is malignantly flawed, and enables egregiously false defamation of anti-racist humanitarians critical of Apartheid Israeli crimes. The IHRA claims 34 member states of which all are European, 25 belong to nuclear-armed NATO, 14 were notably involved in the brutal conquest and genocide of Indigenous non-European people, and 7 were notably complicit in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust. The IHRA is anti-Arab anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming Palestinian, Arab and Muslim critics of Apartheid Israeli crimes), anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish critics of Apartheid Israeli crimes), and holocaust-denying (ignoring all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed by violence and deprivation), namely the WW2 European Holocaust  (30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies killed), the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons by the British with Australian complicity in 1942-1945), and the WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35-40 million Chinese killed under the Japanese, 1937-1945), and ignoring 60 other genocide and holocaust atrocities) (see Gideon Polya, “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” , 400 pages, Korsgaard Publishing, Germany, 2020; …

I have set out these concerns in a detailed Open Letter sent to Australian Labor  MPs that has been copied to other MPs, journalists, scholars and activists in Australia and around the world:

Dear Senator, Honorable Member etc,

Open Letter to Australian Labor MPs re IHRA & Labor “Progressive Except Palestine” (PEP)

At the outset I must declare that I am an anti-racist Jewish Australian scientist and humanitarian writer with a sole allegiance to Australia. Coming from  a famous Jewish Hungarian family near-eradicated from Hungary by the WW2 Jewish Holocaust, I am inescapably bound by the key moral imperatives from that catastrophe, to whit “zero tolerance for racism”, “zero tolerance for lying”,  “bear witness” and “never again to anyone”  including the Palestinians, the sorely oppressed Indigenous people of Palestine…

However such decent people can simply no longer in conscience vote 1 Labor in Australia’s compulsory and preferential voting system, and will vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last. Indeed Labor support for the IHRA means Labor support for repugnant anti-Semitism through defamation of  anti-racist Jews, Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims.

I would urge Labor to immediately find courage, change tack, reject Zionist threats, oppose  Zionist subversion of Australia, support Palestinian human rights, support immediate Palestinian self-determination, cease support for Apartheid Israel, and reject the anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic and holocaust ignoring IHRA that is condemned by over 40 anti-racist  Jewish organizations. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Please disseminate this Labor-saving message to everyone you can.

Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya, Melbourne, Australia.


4 October 2021

Gideon Polya, Nuclear terrorist Australia, UK & US AUKUS Alliance threatens Humanity ”, Countercurrents, 4 October 2021:

In  a secret deal with the UK and the US for nuclear-powered submarines, Australia has stabbed France in the back, and torn up a huge, underway deal for conventional French submarines. The nuclear terrorist Australia, UK and US  AUKUS  Alliance threatens  Australian security, sovereignty, coastal cities, and trade. It also threatens nuclear disarmament, the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), China, Australia’s South Pacific and Asian neighbours, and Humanity.

The scrapping of the A$90 billion contract for supply of French submarines, the agreement for Australia to get US-designed nuclear-powered submarines, and the  formation of the nuclear-armed Australia, UK and US  (AUKUS)  Alliance to dominate Asia and   the Indo-Pacific, were all massive decisions made in secret without public consultation or political debate in the 3 countries involved. Appallingly, these 3 dangerous  decisions were evidently secretly entered into by the extreme right-wing, war criminal,  climate criminal,  egregiously corrupt, dangerously incompetent, traitorous  and US lackey Coalition Australian Government for simple grubby political advantage in the forthcoming Federal elections.

Summarized below are the numerous key aspects of this disastrous affair set out in 3 areas, namely (A) AUKUS nuclear terrorism, (B) Genocidal AUKUS militarism, and  (C) AUKUS deal damages Australian values, sovereignty, independence, security, democracy, reputation, foreign relations, and trade…

The recently revealed AUKUS and nuclear-powered submarines deals between Australia, the UK and the US has serious implications for  the Indo-Pacific region  as set out above in 3 areas, specifically in relation to (A) AUKUS nuclear terrorism, (B) genocidal AUKUS militarism, and  (C) the AUKUS deal damaging Australian values, sovereignty, independence, security, democracy, reputation, foreign relations, and trade. Australia, the UK and the US have variously had a devastating impact on the region historically and in living memory, and this White Anglosphere AUKUS alliance is a dangerous anti-China escalation that is complemented by the evidently anti-China Quad arrangement involving Australia, the US, Japan and  India.

US lackey Australia is the weak link in this US-inspired  and anti-China escalation,  and is stupidly and gratuitously offending its biggest trading partner, China. The AUKUS and nuclear-powered submarines deals will prove to be very expensive for Australia, and lock Australia into US domination of its defence, economy  and foreign policy for decades. It will  also promote a regional  arms race that may  eventually divert trillions of dollars away from peaceful pursuits  and the betterment of Humanity.

A shocking aspect of this warmongering deal is that it appears to have been launched in secret to improve the electoral prospects of a grossly incompetent, corrupt, anti-science, war criminal and climate criminal  Australian Coalition Government  at the expense  of  a “wedged” , cowardly and unprincipled  Labor Opposition that has felt compelled to go along with this dangerous, expensive, jingoistic  and xenophobic plan. Hopefully enough decent Australians will see the sheer lunacy of this  warmongering  Anglosphere plan, and get rid of the evil Coalition by voting 1 Green and putting  the  Coalition last in the forthcoming  Federal election.


20 September 2021

Gideon Polya, “Lying America did 9.11and then killed over 30 million Muslims”, Countercurrents, 20 September 2021: .

The 20th anniversary of the 9/11 atrocity in  which nearly 3,000 people died has been commemorated around the world with massive Mainstream media (MSM) coverage. However respect for the victims has been grossly violated by the Orwellian lying of Zionist -beholden US and US Alliance MSM that ignore the  horrible realities that the US did 9/11 and that over 30 million Muslims have been killed through violence and war-imposed deprivation in the 2-decade and continuing US War on Terror….

Much of this carefully researched listing of the horrendous costs of 9/11 is still resolutely ignored by the US- and Zionist-subverted Western oligopoly Mainstream media and Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes. History ignored yields history repeated, and genocide ignored yields genocide repeated [20]. There is no excuse for this massive, continuing and deadly lying by omission. These mendacious and racist Mainstream Western presstitutes have become accessories after the fact of the 9/11 atrocity and the horrendous death toll in the US War on Terror aka the US War on Muslims.

About half the victims in the US War on Muslims have been children, and yet paradoxically the child-killing perpetrators have been rich, internally peaceful, one-person-one-vote Western democracies. However 20 years after 9/11 the US- and Zionist-subverted Mainstream  still maintains a comprehensive ban on  public discussion of the horrendous extent of the consequences of 9/11 and of responsibility for the 9/11 atrocity (3,000 victims) and the US War on Muslims (over 30 million actively and passively murdered). All those supporting these child-killing governments are accessories to 9/11 and the horrendous mass murder in the subsequent War on Terror.

There have been other historical 9/11s, notably the US- and Australian-backed military overthrow of the democratically-elected Chilean Allende  Government on 11 September 1973 that led to 130,000 arrests and the killing of about 3,000 Chileans. . However a positive 9/11 was the 11 September 1906 launching in Johannesburg, South Africa, by Mahatma Gandhi of  his Satyagraha movement for non-violent protest. This non-violent approach led to the peaceful end of British rule in India that had caused 1,800 million Indian avoidable deaths from deprivation over 2 centuries [21, 22]. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent people around the world must (a) inform others, and  (b) urge and apply boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries complicit in the 9/11 atrocity and involved in the horrendous 2 decade War on Muslims.  Please tell everyone you can.


10 September 2021

Gideon Polya, Australia, UK , Apartheid Israel“ & deadly premature lifting of anti-Covid-19 measures”, Countercurrents, 10 September 2021: .

Apartheid Israel and the UK are among world leaders in Covid-19 vaccination having achieved 63% and 64% of total population fully vaccinated, respectively. However premature cessation of Lockdown and related measures in these countries has led to increased infection and death. For economic and political reasons Australia proposes to follow suit when it achieves substantial vaccination in a few months’ time but faces the possibility of thousands of preventable Covid-19 deaths as a consequence.

Australia has performed very well in the Covid-19 Pandemic in comparison with other prosperous European countries. Thus as of 10 September 2021 “Covid-19 deaths per million of population” is 41 (Australia), 5 (New Zealand), 593 (the World), 2,150 (Italy), 2,024 (US), 1,959 (UK), 1,763 (France) , 1,106 (Germany) and 783 (Apartheid Israel) [1].

The reason for this success was that the Australian people demanded that the Federal Government and the 6 State and 2 Territory Governments should minimize Covid-19 deaths by listening to the medical experts,  following their advice, and  implementing requisite health measures.

In terms of “Covid-19 deaths per million of population” Australia (41) has not done as well as its sister country New Zealand (5).  Nevertheless both countries have excellent health services and successfully applied measures for the near-elimination of the coronavirus, namely border closure and quarantining; PCR-based infection case detection coupled with exhaustive contact tracing and quarantining of positives; and hygiene and social distancing measures (hand washing and sanitizer use, masks, lockdowns, intra-national border controls, curfews, and heavy penalties for non-compliance).

Key  elements in this Australasian success were geographic isolation, being surrounded by ocean, economic prosperity  (coupled with democracy, good education, good health services,  and high social altruism as reflected in good social services), and relatively small  and manageable  populations, to whit that  of New Zealand (5.0 million) and of the largely self-governing 6 States and 2 Territories making up the confederated Commonwealth  of Australia (population 25.8 million), specifically New South Wales (NSW; 8.0 million), Victoria ( 6.4 million), Queensland (5.0 million), Western Australia (2.6 million), South Australia (1.7 million), Tasmania  (0.5 million), Australian  Capital Territory (ACT; 0.4 million) and the Northern Territory (NT; 0.2 million ).

(1). The neoliberal Federal and NSW Australian Coalition Governments put “private profit” before “public welfare”…

Australia was among world leaders in suppressing Covid-19 but due to Coalition Federal Government incompetence and neoliberalism it now lags behind other Developed Countries in terms of vaccination. The out of control outbreak of  the highly infectious Delta coronavirus variant in the big states of  NSW and Victoria means that vaccination is an urgently required  necessity. However the 63-68% fully  vaccinated countries  of Canada, the UK and Apartheid Israel  have daily Covid-19 deaths of 21, 133 and 25, respectively, and  crude population-based  analysis of this data predicts annual Australian Covid-19 deaths of  about 5,200, 14,900 and 25,300 respectively, when Australia achieves such substantial vaccination and promised relaxation of anti-Covid-19 measures.

To put this in context, presently annual Australian preventable deaths from  “lifestyle choice” and “political choice” reasons total 64,000. Clearly vaccination is necessary but is insufficient to prevent future mass mortality from Covid-19.  As indicated by the expert Doherty Institute in Melbourne, both a high degree of vaccination, together with other  vital, presently applied  health measures and PCR-based testing and contact tracing, are required to largely prevent this mass mortality, and to reduce annual Covid-19 deaths to the low levels associated with vaccine-addressed annual flu.

Key anti-Covid-19 measures include  mass vaccination; international border closure and quarantining; PCR-based infection case detection coupled with exhaustive contact tracing and quarantining of positives; hygiene and social distancing measures (hand washing and sanitizer use, masks, lockdowns, intra-national border controls, curfews, and heavy penalties for non-compliance); and clear, expert public education.

Unfortunately, opposition to such measures comes from 2 major sources, (a) ill-informed and scientifically untrained contrarians, libertarians,  anti-vaxxers and “vaccine hesitant” people (who  variously deny the reality of the Covid-19 Pandemic, dispute the efficacy and safety of the vaccines and masks, reject the validity of PCR testing, allege conspiracies by the powerful, support unproven remedies, reject science-based advice, and oppose limitations to personal  freedom inherent in anti-Covid-19 public health measures), and (b)   neoliberal politicians (who  consistently apply a pressure to put “private profit”, including “political profit”,  before “public welfare”, as exampled by consistent advocacy of premature  cessation of key anti-Covid-19 measures). The anti-science claims of the “denialist” contrarians are so absurd that one suspects involvement of significant “manufactured dissent” for Trumpist political purposes  (by analogy with Professors Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky in their seminal book “Manufacturing Consent. The Political Economy of the Mass Media” (1988) that described US Mainstream media  acting as mendacious agents of US governments) [23, 24].

These 2 dangerous groups should be opposed by clear  and science-informed public education. Thus the anti-science Trumpist denialists should be publicly demolished by (1) the absurdity of non-scientists rejecting the expert, science-based  conclusions of about 99% of millions of scientists, medical scientists , medical doctors and health professionals, and (2) the compelling reality that about 99% of Covid-19 deaths in Developed Countries are presently of people who have not been fully vaccinated i.e.  it is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The politicians relentlessly  putting  “private profit” before  “public welfare” should be exposed by (1) the public trial of gerocidal politicians responsible for huge numbers of 99%-preventable Covid-19 deaths  with 95% being of those 60 and over (134,000 in the UK under Boris Johnson and 675,000 in the US , mainly under Donald Trump),  and (2) the public shaming of neoliberal politicians endangering lives by supporting premature cessation of anti-Covid-19 measures for private profit and political profit reasons.


31 August 2021

Gideon Polya, “11 pro-apartheid western countries boycott 2021 UN Anti-racism Durban IV Conference ”, Countercurrents, 31 August 2021: .

As exampled by Apartheid Israel,  racism is utterly wrong, cruel and unjust because people have no say in where and to whom they are born. Accordingly decent countries support the latest UN Anti-racism Conference (Durban IV) to be held in New York in September 2021. However, so far 11 pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid and deeply racist Western countries  have boycotted the conference out of fear that it would call out the genocidal racism of Israeli Apartheid.

Since the first UN Anti-racism Conference held in Durban, South Africa, in 2001 (Durban I), there have been 2 further conferences, namely Durban II (Geneva, Switzerland, 2009) and Durban III (New York, USA, 2011). All of these conferences were variously subject to boycotting by the US, Apartheid Israel and other pro-Apartheid countries. Presently 11 countries have announced their intention to  boycott Durban IV, namely  Apartheid Israel, the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Austria, Netherlands, France, and the Czech Republic [1, 2].

The entrenched, remorseless and genocidal racism of the 11 pro-Apartheid Western countries boycotting Durban IV is systematically set out below. …

So far 11 pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid and deeply racist Western countries  have boycotted the 2021 UN Anti-racism Conference (Durban IV) out of fear that it would expose the genocidal racism of Apartheid Israel. All of these countries  belong to the 34-member, anti-Arab anti-Semitic , anti-Jewish anti-Semitic and holocaust-denying International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), and it is like that other members will follow suit. These 11 pro-Apartheid countries have appalling records of genocidal violence from war and genocide to complicity in military strategies involving  prospective nuclear annihilation of billions of people.

Decent anti-racist folk people must act by (a) informing everyone they can, and (b)  urging and applying  comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting this nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, child-abusing, women-abusing, and grossly human rights-violating Apartheid rogue state.


22 August 2021

Gideon Polya, “Afghan Holocaust- the Awful Truth versus US Alliance lies”, Countercurrents, 22 August 202: .

The 20 year Afghan War has ended  and the war criminal US, UK, NATO and Australian invaders have all but left a devastated land. The Indigenous Afghan Taliban rapidly and peacefully took over all of formerly Occupied Afghanistan as the collaborator government collapsed and the US-trained Afghan forces offered no resistance. A peaceful, liberated Afghanistan hopefully faces a brighter future with the help of its Muslim neighbours, China, Russia and the rest of the civilized world.

The utterly mendacious and racist US  and US-dominated Western Mainstream media trumpet a dishonest, hysterical and indeed Orwellian US narrative to the contrary. They regard the collapse of the US-backed regime as a “disaster”, the Indigenous Taliban as murderous and misogynist barbarians, the US Alliance withdrawal as a betrayal, and the 20 year war as a noble attempt to “root out terrorism”  and bring “Western civilization”, “human rights”, “women’s rights”, “democracy”, “prosperity”  and neoliberal economics  to an assertedly “backward” country. This US fantasy ignores the reality that while all terrorism is evil, state terrorism as exampled by US state terrorism, UK state terrorism and Apartheid Israeli state terrorism  is vastly more deadly than non-state terrorism.  Indeed jihadi non-state terrorism has been a major asset of US state terrorism because every jihadi atrocity provides an excuse for horrendously disproportionate US violence.

For sure, Afghanistan is a poor and undeveloped country, but this is hardly surprising after over 40 years of US-backed or US-imposed war. From the perspective of rich Western “liberals” including me (a secular Humanist  scientist )  the Taliban need to embrace  “modernity” and seriously address religious dogmatism,  misogyny, free expression, science  and human rights. However from the perspective of the Taliban  fighters emerging from the rubble of 20 years of US bombing the only winning things they had – in the absence of  wealth, a sophisticated  war industry, an air force  and weapons of mass destruction – were extraordinary courage, fervent religious faith, and support from much of the impoverished Afghan population (especially the Pashtuns).

The victorious Taliban have repeatedly stated that there will be an  Amnesty and no reprisals for all those who collaborated with the US Alliance invaders and occupiers, and that the rights of women and girls will be respected  “under Islamic law”…

The Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide has been associated with 6.8 million Afghan deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation. The US Alliance has grossly violated the Fourth Geneva Convention, the UN Genocide Convention and numerous other International humanitarian conventions. This atrocity has been enabled by the racism and mendacity of Western Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat  presstitutes. In the absence of international exposure, let alone international war crimes trials, and inspired by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in post-Apartheid South Africa, inter-national and intra-national war crimes trials should be legislatively constituted on the basis that there should be no punishment for truth telling accompanied by sincere apology.

Unfortunately the Awful Truth is comprehensively suppressed in the self-assertedly democratic West that disingenuously boasts freedom of expression but is subject to media control by neoliberal Big Money. World hero  Julian Assange has been incarcerated for 9 years for revealing American-documented US war crimes. In US lackey, Corporatocracy,  and Murdochracy  Australia I have had the honour of being rendered “invisible” in the last decade for giving  science-based mortality estimates for horrendous  US Alliance war crimes ignored by Mainstream media.

What can decent people do? Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can; (b) urge and apply Boycotts Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries  involved in  any violent military invasions and occupations of other countries; and  (c) insist on science-informed truth-telling and justice for all victims of genocidal US and US Alliance war and genocidally racist exceptionalism.


12 August 2021

Gideon Polya, “Summary of the Summary for Policymakers of the IPCC’s Climate Change 2021”, Countercurrents, 12 August 2021: .

 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released a very large, detailed and important document “Climate Change 2021. The physical science  basis” that is prefaced by a detailed Summary for Policymakers (SPM) . Set out below for the benefit of busy readers is a summary and critique of this summary. In short, the SPM superbly sets out the science of the shocking and worsening climate crisis but significantly fails when it comes to setting out urgently required policy prescriptions

“Climate Change 2021. The physical science  basis. Summary for Policymakers” by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [1]  is the summary of the Working Group 1 contribution  to the Sixth Assessment report of the IPCC (AR6).

For simplicity I will refer to this as SPM. The IPCC reports represent a conservative consensus from scientists of numerous different countries  and make for  difficult reading because so  many of their statements are qualified by detailed  references and probabilistic phrases such as ‘very likely”, “high confidence” and “medium confidence”. Accordingly, set out below is a Summary of the 2021 Summary for Policymakers (SPM) that will serve as a useful and readable reference for concerned people.

I approached this “Summary of a Summary” from a realistically pessimistic stance from my perspective as a biological chemist seriously concerned about speciescide,  ecocide and limits to growth for  60 years and about the existential threat of climate change to Humanity and the Biosphere for 30 years. Thus in 2021  I published a huge 845 page book entitled “ Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” [2, 3] that commences with a quote from eminent theoretical  physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking about the key existential threats to Humanity and the Biosphere from nuclear weapons and climate change (my emphasis in bold): “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [4]. My huge book concludes: “At the present plus 1.0-1.2 C the World is being savaged by deadly high temperatures and global warming-exacerbated droughts, floods, forest fires, high energy intensity tropical storms, sea level rise, storm surges, massive ecosystem loss and irreversible Biodiversity loss.  A plus 1.5C is inevitable in the coming decade and in the face of remorselessly increasing CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere one concludes that a catastrophic plus 2C is effectively unavoidable. Nevertheless we are inescapably obliged to do everything we can to make the future “less bad” for our children, our grandchildren and future generations” [2]. My “Summary of the IPCC Summary” can be read in the light of that scientific and personal perspective (I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren)…

(h). Action now! The consensus  Summary for Policymakers (SPM) is about “science” and steers clear of “politics”. But just as Biosphere-impacting solutions (e.g. preservation of what remains of wild nature) are “science” , so are Humanity-impacting solutions (e.g. constraints and taxes for sustainability) even though the neoliberal Mainstream would bellow that this is “politics”. Thus many scientists  and science-informed activists argue that  we need to return to the pre-Industrial  Revolution level of about 300 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere for a safe and sustainable planet for all peoples and all species [2]. However the excellent organization argues for a politically more realistic target of no more than 350 ppm CO2. Science-trained Pope Francis demands that the social and economic cost of pollution should be “fully borne” by the polluters, as does eminent economist Lord Nicholas Stern  (“climate change is the greatest market failure in history”). However the most radical policy actually seriously proposed by rich countries so  far is the EU’s present plan for carbon pollution tariffs (Australia is among world leaders in 16 areas of climate criminality and has vociferously objected to this despite the carbon price-based reality that for every $1 billion of Australian exports there is a $0.5 billion carbon-related subsidy to be paid by future generations).

I conclude  my huge book “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” with an Epilogue that summarizes some 40 part solutions in 10 sections. A summary of this summary of solutions that should be addressed by the forthcoming 2021 Glasgow COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference is that there should be 100% renewable energy by 2030; zero new carbon fuel exploitation; cessation of carbon fuel burning ASAP; zero net emissions ASAP; a rapid return to 300 ppm CO2; population control; cessation of the present horrific Biodiversity loss; and rigorous punishment of individual, corporate and national climate criminals, variously through Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), carbon tariffs, ICC prosecutions, ICJ litigations, and judicially-imposed financial and custodial punishments. Urgent implementation of this crucial, Planet-saving  agenda  would be greatly facilitated by a one-person-one-vote World Government with gender equity, a voice for children, and a prime responsibility for the Biosphere, just  economics and sustainability.

7 August 2021

Gideon Polya, “A  shocking list of 52 Zionist- & Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons ”, Countercurrents, 7 August 2021: .

The cruel and genocidal oppression of the Indigenous Palestinians by nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel invites comparison with the cruelties of Nazi Germany. However such comparisons made by anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish humanitarians invite false and defamatory Zionist assertions of racism and anti-Semitism. To counter this,  provided below is  a shocking and detailed list of 52 Zionist- and  Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons.

The following 52-item list  of appalling abuses and human rights violations  by genocidally racist, Nazi-style and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel,  its leaders and its supporters compels qualitative and quantitative comparisons with the conduct of genocidally racist Nazi Germany before and during WW2, and with racist fascists, fascoids, and neo-Nazis in general [for brevity analogous Nazi German activity for each  item is summarized briefly within square brackets].

(1). Race-based discriminatory laws. 1.9 million Palestinian Israelis are Third Class citizens subject to 65 race-based, Nazi-style discriminatory laws. The Israeli “parliament” recently rejected equal rights for Palestinian Israelis [Numerous race-based discriminatory laws were applied to German Jews by the Nazi Nuremberg Laws and thence to other subjects of Nazi Germany during WW2].

(2). Abusive and deadly occupation.  5.2 million Occupied Palestinians live under highly abusive, Nazi-style  military rule (for 54 years now),  are  excluded from all the human rights set out in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration Human Rights, and are subject to gross and Nazi-style Israeli-imposed abuse,  dispossession  and deadly poverty in gross  violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention and 15 other International Conventions, notably the UN Genocide Convention. [The horrendously abusive occupations by Nazi Germany were associated with 40 million deaths from violence and imposed deprivation, and are vastly better documented and reported than any other atrocity in history to the extent of presently daily mention in Mainstream media].

(3). Mass expulsion and exile. 8 million Exiled Palestinians are excluded under pain of death from their multi-millennial homeland, mostly live without equal rights in desperately impoverished refugee camps,  and  derive from successive Nazi-style mass expulsions (depopulations) of 800,000 Indigenous Palestinians (500 villages emptied in the 1948 Nakba or Catastrophe) and 400,000 Indigenous Palestinians and Syrians (in the 1967 Naksa or Setback). [Nazi-imposed invasions, occupations, mass murder, mass expulsions and mass population transfers].

(4). Genocide. The ongoing, century-long  Palestinian Genocide has been associated with 2.2 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, and from imposed deprivation , 2.1 million, since the genocidally racist British invaded the Middle East in 1914 for oil and imperial hegemony. [The Nazi-imposed WW2 Jewish Holocaust, WW2 Polish Holocaust and WW2 Russian Holocaust were associated with deaths from violence and imposed deprivation totalling 5-6 million, 6 million and 24 million, respectively. “Holocaust” implies death of a huge number of people whereas “genocide” is defined by Article 2 of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the UN Genocide Convention) as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”].

(5). Avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation. 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation total 24 million (in 5 countries with territory occupied  by Nazi-style Apartheid Israel) and circa 50 million (in 13 countries actually attacked  by Apartheid Israel). [30 million Slavs, Jews and Roma killed by Nazi-imposed violence or deprivation; Nazi Germany initiated WW2 in which deaths from violence and deprivation totalled 40 million in the Western theatre and 60 million in the Eastern theatre due to its ally Japan].

(6). Holocaust and genocide ignoring.  The neo-Nazi Zionists and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel effectively ignore WW2  atrocities other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust, noting that genocide and  holocaust ignoring  are far, far worse than repugnant genocide denial and holocaust denial because the latter at least permit public refutation and public debate. [The Nazi Germany-imposed WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by violence or imposed deprivation) was part of a largely ignored  Nazi Germany-imposed WW2 European Holocaust (30 million Slavs, Jews and Roma killed by violence or imposed deprivation) and indeed part of an even wider WW2 Holocaust that included the largely ignored Chinese Holocaust (35-40 million Chinese killed under the Japanese, 1937-1945) and the largely ignored WW2 Bengali Holocaust (the WW2 Indian Holocaust and WW2 Bengal Famine in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons in Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and Assam by the British under Winston Churchill,  with Australia being  complicit through denial of food from its huge WW2 grain stores to its ally India. The defeated Nazis sought to hide their appalling crimes].

(7). Egregious holocaust denial. The Nazi-style racist Zionists and their Western supporters  falsely assert in a process of egregious holocaust denial that there has only been 1 holocaust, and refer to the WW2 Jewish Holocaust as “The Holocaust” to the exclusion of other WW2 holocausts and indeed of some 60 genocide and holocaust atrocities in the last 2 centuries [1]. [The Nazis attempted to hide their crimes and post-WW2 neo-Nazis became prominent among “holocaust deniers” but one notes the chilling statement attributed to a genocide-adumbrating Hitler: “Who remembers the Armenians?” (1.5 million Armenians died in the WW1 Armenian Genocide perpetrated by German ally Turkey)].

(8). Proposing and effecting genocide. The Nazi-style Zionists, from genocidal psychopath Theodor Herzl to the genocidally racist Zionists presently running Apartheid Israel, have consistently and explicitly  proposed ethnic cleansing of Palestine from Indigenous Palestinians. Indeed a former US ambassador to Israel and the UN has stated that the Israelis oppose a State of Palestine, would concede no more than 4.4% of Palestine for such a state, and that 100% ethnic cleansing of the Occupied Palestinians is likely in coming years. [There  is a  well-documented record of the Nazis proposing and then effecting  elimination of Jews from Germany and thence from Europe. The Nazis initially  proposed Madagascar as a destination but this was precluded after German defeat in the Battle of Britain, and mass extermination of  Slavs, Jews and Roma was articulated and effected from 1941 onwards].

(9). Racial fantasies. All humans are born equal, but like the Nazi Germans (and indeed other Europeans) having bizarre and false White and Aryan racial purity, genocide and eugenics  obsessions, the Nazi-style racist Zionists  still  falsely assert the Semitic nature of Ashkenazi Jews and their “God-given right to Palestine”. In reality the politically dominant Ashkenazi Jews (including me) descend from Turkic Khazar converts to Judaism in the 7th – 10th century CE. Indeed the genetic descendants of the Jewish and non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine at the time of the wonderful Jewish Palestinian humanitarian Jesus are in fact the 7.1 million Semitic and sorely oppressed Indigenous Palestinian subjects of Apartheid Israel  (the Jewish Israeli minority in Palestine today  overwhelmingly descend from Berber, Yemeni and Khazar converts to Judaism in the first millennium CE). [The Nazis were notoriously obsessed with “Aryan” racial purity  with horribly abusive deadly consequences for their assertedly “non-Aryan” subjects such as Slavs, Jews and Roma].

(10). Apartheid. Apartheid was a Nazi-style system of racial dominance and segregation systematized in South Africa post-WW2 (many of its proponents were jailed during WW2 as Nazi sympathizers). US-, UK-, Apartheid Israel- and variously Australia-backed Apartheid South Africa was converted to a one-person-one-vote state in 1994 after 3 decades of international boycotts against Apartheid. Indigenous Palestinians presently  represent 50% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel (the politically overwhelmingly dominant Jewish Israelis represent only 47%) but nearly three quarters of the Indigenous Palestinian  Subjects of Apartheid Israel are excluded from voting for the government ruling them i.e. they are subject to egregious Apartheid as notably recognized by Jewish and non-Jewish heroes in the fight against Apartheid in South Africa . [Even the racist and Nazi-sympathizing founder of South African Apartheid, Dr Hendrik Verwoerd, agreed with his anti-racist opponents in declaring that “Israel is an Apartheid state”].

(11). Pro-Zionist IHRA is anti-Semitic and holocaust denying. The fervently pro-Zionist International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) has 34 member states that are  overwhelmingly European, and supporters of US Alliance nuclear terrorism  that posits that mass incineration of women , children and the elderly as a “moral” military strategy. On detailed analysis the IHRA is anti-Arab anti-Semitic (falsely defaming ethnically and/or culturally Semitic Palestinian, Arab and Muslim critics of Apartheid Israeli crimes as racist and “anti-Semitic” ), anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (falsely defaming Jewish critics of Apartheid Israeli crimes as racist and “anti-Semitic”), and holocaust-denying (ignoring all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust and indeed ignoring about 60 other genocides and holocausts) [1]. Over 40 anti-racist Jewish organizations have condemned the IHRA definition of  anti-Semitism. [Nazi Germany was genocidally anti-Jewish anti-Semitic. Many member nations of the IHRA were involved in the Nazi Germany-imposed WW2 Jewish Holocaust].

(12). Zionist-Nazi collaboration.  Zionists collaborated with the Nazis before and during WW2, opposed Jewish refugees finding refuge in any countries other than Palestine, opposed the Joel Brand scheme to save 400,000 Hungarian Jews, and after WW2  continued subverting  Britain at home and killing British soldiers in Palestine. [The Zionists and the Nazis were both genocidal racists and had the same evil goal of removing all Jews from Europe]…


6 August 2021

Thomas Suárez, “Press Standards watchdog must rein in pro-Zionist abuses by the once-venerable Jewish Chronicle”, Countercurrents, 6 August 2021: .

When talk of Zionism first made the rounds in the late nineteenth century, the Jewish Chronicle (JC), which had by then already been publishing for a half century, was firmly opposed to the new ethnic-nationalist movement.

This changed abruptly in 1906, when L.J. Greenberg, an advertising agent, and Jacobus Kann, a Dutch banker, raised the funds to purchase the paper to reverse course: to use the JC as a vehicle for promoting Zionism.

Today, one hundred and fifteen years later, the paper behaves as an overt propaganda arm of the Israeli state, smearing anyone it sees as a threat to the dominance of the Israeli narrative in British society and beyond.

I am among nine people targeted by the JC who have joined together in an attempt to rein in its abuses by holding the UK’s principal media watchdog, the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), to its own mandate. IPSO’s regulations not only deal with individual breaches of its journalistic code, but also stipulate that any paper guilty of systemic breaches must be investigated.

And the JC‘s record is breathtaking: in just the past three years, IPSO has made thirty-one judgments against the paper as a result of nine complaints, and admitted libel in four court cases. In all of these, Israel was the context, implicitly or explicitly.


31 July 2021

Gideon Polya, “Review: “Cruelty or Humanity” by Stuart Rees – for Humanity, banish cruelty”, Countercurrents, 31 July  2021: .

“Cruelty Or Humanity” by Stuart Rees is an important book that should be in every institutional and public library. Despite the  Mainstream   hiding or softening horrific crimes, we are all aware of global cruelties, from  deadly Developing World poverty to equally deadly war atrocities. We utterly abhor cruel people of personal acquaintance, and my reading of this powerful book  instructs us to extend this sheer abhorrence to all politicians, elected or otherwise, who inflict cruelties on Humanity.

However this profoundly important humanitarian book explores the many aspects of the human condition described as “cruelty “ or “humanity”. It concludes  with how we can attempt to solve this huge problem, including  by seeking common ground and compromise with present perpetrators (e.g. racists, violent abusers, neoliberals and warmongers) as well exampled by the fall of highly abusive Apartheid in South Africa, and the literal fall of the Berlin Wall.

This is a complex and deep book that covers a wide range of the human experience. Stuart Rees recognized that words fail in describing cruelties and has extensively  used poetry to complement his  prose…

Stuart Rees’ “Cruelty or Humanity” should be read and re-read by everyone and be in every personal, local, school, university, state and national library.  Hopefully this detailed and systematic review will assist understanding of this important book.  Stuart Rees has critically injected “cruelty” into public discussion of the presently rampant inhumanity. It must be reiterated that just as we utterly reject “cruelty”  by people in our immediate, personal lives, so we must identify all “cruelty” and regard the perpetrators with the same utter abhorrence.  Thus, our neoliberal politicians and corporate leaders  who impose “cruelty” on the vulnerable poor,  refugees  and future generations must be identified as “cruel” and as such utterly unfit for public life.


28 July 2021

Gideon Polya, “COVID-19 pandemic of the unvaccinated, vaccine hesitancy, manufactured dissent & lying by omission”, Countercurrents, 28 July  2021: .

We are all concerned for family, friends, community and Humanity as a whole in the COVID-19 Pandemic especially as the much more infectious Delta strain has become dominant. However many of us will be frustrated by family members and friends who variously are vaccine hesitant, anti-vaxxer (anti-vaccination), accept bizarre conspiracy theories, and reject expert medical advice. Set out below are examples of some quantitative arguments to make such friends see reason and act accordingly.

The facts of the matter as presented by medical experts are that the world is presently severely impacted health- and economy-wise by a COVID-19 Pandemic caused by the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus. Highly-specific PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)-based testing  has so far (28 July 2021) detected 196.0 million COVID-19 cases of which 4.2 million have died and 177.7 million have recovered [1]. Spread of the disease has been very effectively curtailed in some countries, notably China (population  1,439.3 million) and New Zealand (population 5.0 million) that have achieved “COVID-19 deaths per million of population” ratios of 3 and 5, respectively, as compared to  536.5 for the World (population 7,795.0 million). The successful measures adopted include strict border controls, PCR testing, contact tracing, quarantine of positive cases and contacts, hand sanitizing, masks, stay-at-home Lockdown, closing schools, curfew, strict social distancing, and punishment for non-compliance. The expert epidemiologists  inform us that a return to “normal” (and hence a normal economy) will require mass vaccination to achieve “herd immunity” coupled with continuing good hygiene, better treatment protocols and non-vaccine therapeutics.

However there has been considerable resistance to measures for combatting  the COVID-19 Pandemic, most notably in the libertarian US and in particular from former president Trump and his numerous Trumpist supporters, most of whom fervently and bizarrely support nuclear weapons, US militarism,  deadly gun ownership, anti-science  religious beliefs, American and Apartheid Israeli exceptionalism, extreme neoliberalism, and effective de facto socio-economic Apartheid in the US and elsewhere.  Despite 7 months of rationality under President Biden, the US (population 333.1 million) has so far suffered 627,351 COVID-19 deaths and a “COVID-19 deaths per million of population” ratio of 1,883 for the US  (per capita GDP $63,544 ) as compared to 3 for China (per capita GDP $10,500) [2] i.e. an estimated (1,882-3) x 100/1,882 = 99.8% of US COVID-19 deaths have been preventable. However the killing-through-contrarianism continues, and presently as outlined below, about 99% of COVID-19 deaths in the US are of unvaccinated people…

It is a tragedy that science-ignoring, MSM-complicit  “manufactured dissent” has already had a deadly negative impact on application of measures to suppress the COVID-19 Pandemic,  and is set to kill more people through non-vaccination. While contrarian, libertarian  and anti-vaxxer propaganda variously continues to contribute to mass COVID-19 mortality, it ignores the real scandal that so many governments have failed to properly protect their populations by failing to apply the measures  so successfully applied by China and New Zealand.  Thus “COVID-19 deaths per million of population” is presently 3 (for China), 5 (New Zealand),  1,882 (the US) and 1,894 (the UK) [1]. Thus over 99% of COVID-19 deaths in the US and the UK were preventable even before vaccines became available

Further, about 95% of COVID-deaths  have been of people 50 and over. Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and other neoliberal leaders who have been responsible for this horrendous mass mortality through favoring “private profit” over “public health”  should be arraigned for Gerocide – the intentional killing of old people – before the International Criminal Court. Yet the Silence is Deafening through the lying by omission of  Mainstream “manufacturing consent” and Mainstream-complicit “manufacturing dissent”.

Presently about  99% of COVID-19 deaths in the US are of unvaccinated people and the predicted further death of about 0.4 million un-vaccinated  Americans is an appalling tragedy that is also being played out in other rich, neoliberal countries. The causative Western anti-science contrarianism  is a profoundly misplaced indulgence, and a  reprehensible insult to the poor countries of the Developing World which are seriously deficient in resources to tackle the COVID-19 Pandemic.


17 July 2021

Gideon Polya, “Australia’s Labor Opposition leader Albo backs Apartheid Israel & dooms Labor”, Countercurrents, 17 July  2021: .

In a speech to Australian Zionists the pro-Zionist  Australian Labor Opposition leader  Anthony “Albo” Albanese has grossly  violated the policy of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) which promises to recognize the State of Palestine if it wins the forthcoming Federal  election. Instead pro-Zionist Albo  won’t do this before consulting with Zionists and Apartheid Israel, a position repugnant to anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians,  to Greens and to anti-racist Labor MPs and supporters [1].

Anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians, Australia,  Humanity, the Biosphere, Palestinian self-determination and human rights, now have  a new enemy  who, given his obscene support for genocidally racist and nuclear terrorist  Apartheid Israel,  is appropriately called Albo (the Latin root Alb meaning “white”, the skin colour of genocidally racist anti-Indigenous settler colonialists past and present). The Anglosphere countries of the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have appalling records  as countries based on genocidal settler colonialism  involving the merciless  ethnic cleansing of Indigenous People.

Not surprisingly in 2021 these same deeply racist and genocide-based countries – the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand that belong to an exclusive, Anglo, whites-only,   “5-eyes” intelligence-sharing club – still refuse to join the  circa 139 out of 193 UN member nations who recognize the State of Palestine,  and steadfastly refuse to recognize the State of Palestine. In stark contrast, these same  deeply racist and genocide-based countries – the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand –  have recognized the genocide-based, and  genocidally racist  Apartheid state of Israel for 73 years.

However a significant “weakness”  has been created in the Apartheid Wall of the genocidally racist “5-eyes Club” by the decent, anti-racist, pro-environment  Australian Greens who have 10% of the electoral vote and who recognize the State of Palestine. Similarly, decent, anti-racist  Labor Party members have made Labor adopt a policy of recognizing the State of Palestine if they win the next Federal election (due sometime in the next year).


3 July 2021

Gideon Polya, “Ongoing Palestinian Genocide & GazaCocnetration Camp conditions by the numbers”, Countercurrents, 3 July 2021:

The world needs to  know the horrendous dimensions of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, and of the gross Apartheid Israeli maltreatment of 5.2 million Occupied Palestinians and in particular of the 2 million inmates of the blockaded and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp. A numbers-based summary of these ongoing  atrocities will strengthen global Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against the intolerable obscenity of Apartheid Israel and its racist supporters.

(A). Background of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide.

Gaza per se dates back over 3,000 years and “Palestine” and related terms (e.g. “Falastina”) come from the Philistine inhabitants of circa 1,200 BCE.

In 1880 90% of the Palestinian population were Muslims and about 10% were Christians, and there were about 25,000 Jews (about 50% immigrants).

The ongoing Palestinian Genocide  has been associated with 2.2 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, and from imposed deprivation, 2.1 million, since the British invasion of the Middle East in 1914 for oil and imperial hegemony – in contrast, 4,000 Zionists killed by Palestinians since 1920. Christians are only 1% of the Palestine population today…

Of 15 million Palestinians today, 8 million are forcibly Exiled from their homeland and 7 million Indigenous Palestinian Subjects of Apartheid Israel live under threat of killing and expulsion.

Deaths in the ongoing Palestinian  Genocide (2.2 million Palestinians killed by violence or imposed deprivation) are similar to deaths in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million deaths from  violence or imposed deprivation) or the “forgotten”, British-imposed and Australia-complicit  WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million deaths from  violence or imposed deprivation) (see “Palestinian Genocide”:  ).


I have a large, 2-sided and big- black-capital-letters-on-white placard that I take to public rallies in support of Palestinian Humans Rights. One side says WORLD: STOP PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE and the other says BOYCOTT APARTHEID ISRAEL. The Gaza Concentration Camp and the  ongoing Palestinian Genocide shame Humanity and the pro-Apartheid US Alliance in particular. Decent Humanity must (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters.


20 June 2021

Gideon Polya, “US & Zionist censorship: search analysis reveals huge lying by Australian ABC”, Countercurrents, 20 June  2021: .

The World is existentially threatened by  nuclear weapons and climate change but lying exacerbates the threat. US lackey Australia fervently supports nuclear terrorism, fossil fuel exploitation and US-backed and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel that is a major player in both these key threats to Humanity and the Biosphere. Search analysis reveals massive lying by Australia’s taxpayer-funded ABC news organization over these matters and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide by Apartheid Israel.

Famed anti-racist Jewish American journalist I.F. Stone famously opined that “Governments lie” and earnest American investigators have tried to quantitate the extent of this critical problem. Thus the US Center for Public Integrity found that the Bush Administration told 935 lies about Iraq between 9/11 (September 2001)  and the invasion of Iraq (March 2003). More recently the Washington  Post estimated that former US President Donald Trump had made 25,000 false or misleading  assertions during his 4 year Administration.  Professors Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky in their classic “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media” (1988) exposed in great forensic detail how US Mainstream media (MSM) operate as propaganda agents for US governments.

About 80 years ago after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (December 1941) and the subsequent fall of Singapore (February 1942), my country, Australia, rapidly shifted from fervent allegiance to the British Empire to unquestioning allegiance to the American Empire. Australia is party to the ANZUS Treaty (the Australia New Zealand and US Security Treaty; New Zealand was partially suspended for objecting to nuclear-armed US warships in its waters). Thus Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation. Australia also belongs  to the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing Club  (the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) and cravenly permits the US to share bulk intelligence on Australians with Apartheid Israel.


16 June 2021

Gideon Polya, “Ilhan Omar & Moral non-equivalence of Hamas & Taliban versus US & Israeli invaders ”, Countercurrents, 16 June  2021: .

Somali-born and Muslim American Congresswoman Ilhan  Omar recently caused a storm by Tweeting “We must have the same level of accountability and justice for all victims of crimes against humanity. We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban. I asked @SecBlinken where people are supposed to go for justice”. She was variously criticized by the Left and the Right for comparing the US and Israel with Hamas and the Taliban.

In short, progressive, anti-racist, anti-war and anti-colonialism people,  the Leftists, criticized Ilhan Omar for unfairly  implying a moral equivalence between  (a) the Indigenous Palestinian Hamas and the Indigenous  Afghan Taliban taking up arms to defend their countries  against foreign invaders (as is permitted in International Law), and (b) the serial war criminal, International Law-violating  foreign invaders, US-backed Apartheid Israel and the US, respectively.

In stark contrast, the mendacious, genocidally racist, and pro-war American Rightists (the Republicans and Democrats) in an Orwellian response (“war is peace, slavery is freedom, ignorance is strength and 2 plus 2 does not equal 4”) were indignant that Ilhan Omar was asserting the moral equivalence between (a) the assertedly “democratic” and “law-respecting” US and US-backed Israeli invaders assertedly bringing “peace” and “freedom” by war,  and (b) their Indigenous opponents who are classified by the US Alliance as “terrorists”.


7 June 2021

Gideon Polya, “Lying US, Australian, Canadian & UK Mainstream media ignore race-based rigging of Israeli elections”, Countercurrents, 7 June  2021: .

In descending order, the most fervent supporters of Apartheid Israel and hence of Apartheid are the Anglosphere democracies of the US, Australia, Canada and the UK. Apartheid Israel has had 4 elections in the last 2 years but in their massive coverage of these elections the Zionist- and US Government-beholden Mainstream media of these Anglosphere democracies overwhelmingly ignore the hard reality that the Israeli elections are rigged and based on exclusion from voting of Israel’s 5.2 million Occupied Palestinian Subjects.

The simple demographic data for Palestine-Israel  underscore the extraordinary  cognitive dissonance and massive mendacity of the Anglosphere democracies in their endless parading  of “democratic values” while resolutely ignoring  the appalling reality of Israeli Apartheid. Despite 2 massive and genocidal expulsion events (800,000 Palestinians expelled in 1948 and a further 400,000 Arabs expelled in 1967), and a century-long and ongoing Palestinian Genocide  (2.2 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, and from imposed deprivation, 2.1 million), Indigenous Palestinians presently represent 50% of Israeli Subjects as compared to Jewish Israelis merely 48%. Occupied Palestinians represent 73% of Apartheid Israel’s Indigenous Palestinian Subjects but for 54 years have been subject to highly abusive military rule in highly restricted locations (presently 3.2 million in ever-shrinking West Bank ghettoes, and 2.0 million in the blockaded and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp), and exclusion from voting for the government ruling them i.e. egregious Apartheid.

The extraordinary extent of Anglosphere mendacity is revealed by the massive but utterly dishonest coverage by the Anglosphere Mainstream media of the of the recent racially-rigged Israeli elections of which there have been 4 in 2 years in an ongoing political “crisis”. Of course if the World insisted on “one-person-one-vote” for Palestine-Israel and all Israeli Subjects were permitted to vote,  the Israeli political deadlock “crisis” would simply evaporate – there would be an overwhelming, 60% majority  landslide victory for a political coalition of Indigenous Palestinians (50% of Israeli Subjects) and non-fascist (non-fascoid) and non-racist Jewish Israelis (perhaps 20% of the Jewish Israeli population and hence about 10% of Israeli Subjects).


3 June 2021

Gideon Polya, “Zionist-subverted Australian ABC bans use of term “Apartheid” to describe Israel”, Countercurrents, 3 June  2021: .

Orwellian domination by Zionists and the Zionist-beholden US means that the Mainstream media of the so-called “Free World” of Western US Alliance countries (the Anglosphere and the EU NATO countries) are not so free when it comes to reportage on Apartheid Israel. By way of example, the Zionist-subverted Australian ABC (the Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) has recently officially banned use of the term “Apartheid” in relation to Israel, the world’s most egregious Apartheid rogue state.

Sophie McNeill (an outstanding and ethical Australian journalist who used to work for the ABC in the Middle East, was subject to Zionist intimidation and abuse, and now works for Human Rights Watch ) on Twitter: “I have a copy of the @abcnews internal memo the @australian was referring to. It’s very concerning the ABC does not accurately explain apartheid as a legal term. While reporters not banned from attributing it to others, I believe this has led to self-censorship & misunderstanding…  [The memo states] “Apartheid. The administration of Israeli settlements in the West Bank is often described as “apartheid”. The term has a very specific meaning in South African history  and should not be applied to Israel by the ABC itself”” [1].

The right-wing Murdoch Empire newspaper The Australian reported this censorship in an article entitled “The ABC bans use of the word “Apartheid” for Israel”…


26 May 2021

Gideon Polya, “Australian ABC airs former US ambassador adumbrating total expulsion of Occupied Palestinians”, Countercurrents, 26 May  2021: .

The Australian ABC (the taxpayer-funded Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) has recently aired a former US ambassador to Apartheid Israel and the UN  rejecting all present Palestine-Israel peace proposals as too hard, and his foreshadowing of a total  expulsion of all the Occupied Palestinians from Palestine in coming years. No dissent was offered by the ABC  nor  any Help Line  referral for genocide-impacted people. What has the Zionist-subverted West come to?

I have made a formal complaint to the ABC in a detailed Letter that is reproduced below. My letter is being copied to Australian MPs and to Australian and world-wide journalists, scholars and humanitarian activists. Please inform everyone you can. Only global exposure and resolute global action can address this ever-worsening human rights atrocity in Palestine. The world must insist on  Palestinian human rights and “Free Palestine”, and back that insistence  with Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against genocidally racist Apartheid Israel and all its supporters…

The taxpayer-funded  Australian ABC has widely aired (without honesty, sensitivity, respect, dissociation, distancing, query, contradiction, balance, refutation, apology or even a Help Line  referral to genocide-impacted people) a former US Ambassador to Apartheid Israel and the UN dismissing as too hard 1-, 2- or multiple-state solutions for Palestine-Israel, and adumbrating total genocide of the Occupied Palestinians through mass expulsion in a “no state solution”. This grossly defective and highly offensive reportage by the ABC requires immediate  acknowledgment, comprehensive apology and profound rectification by the ABC and the Federal Government.


20 May 2021

Gideon Polya, “Latest Gaza Massacre exposes Apartheid Israel’s ongoing Palestinian Genocide”, Countercurrents, 20 May  2021: .

Palestinian protests over the war criminal eviction of Palestinian families from the culturally significant Shaikh Jarrah part of Occupied East Jerusalem led to Israeli soldiers violating the Al Aqsa Mosque compound (the third most holy site in Islam) on Friday 7 May 2021, a highly significant day for Muslims in the week marking the end of Ramadan. In response to Gaza rockets the Israelis have so far killed about 200 Palestinians. About 10 Israelis have died. The world is protesting Israeli barbarity.

Protests are being held around the world, including Melbourne, Australia.  The organization “Free Palestine Melbourne” (of which I was a founding member) was involved in a big protest rally and march in the heart of Melbourne on Saturday 15 May, and an even bigger protest is planned for Melbourne on Saturday 22 May. Similar protests are planned for cities around Australia and around the world.

In the interests of peace and Palestinian human rights I sent the following letter detailing the ongoing, Zionist-imposed, century-long  Palestinian Genocide to Australian Members of Parliament and to a swathe of journalists, scholars and activists  in Australia and around the world…

Decent people  worldwide are applying Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against  Apartheid Israel and all its supporters, notably Zionists, pro-Israel countries, and against the pro-Zionist Australian Coalition Government that according to an eminent Australian human rights law professor is “Ideologically opposed to human rights”.  

The Australian Greens unequivocally support Palestinian human rights. Decent Australians  will utterly reject the climate criminal, war criminal, fascoid, fervently pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Coalition Government, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.


24 January 2021

“The Unraveling of America” by anthropologist Professor Wade Davis was the most-read of tens of thousands of stories published by Rolling Stone in 2020. He argues that Covid-19 signals the end of the American era, that the moral and economic failure evident in the US Covid-19  disaster will help end the post-WW2  American economic, military  and ideological domination of the world. Unfortunately Davis’  analysis is flawed by massive omissions and he underestimates the IT- and AI-enhanced power of the US Establishment…

Professor Dabo Guan  (School of International Development, University of East Anglia, UK) has commented thus on inescapable limits to growth (2016): “For everyone in the world to have an American lifestyle, we would need seven planets, and three to live as Europeans” [84].  The world is presently operating at a “2 planet” level of consumption –  there must be negative carbon pollution (atmospheric CO2 draw-down from the present 415 ppm CO2 to a safe and sustainable 300 ppm CO2), negative population growth (population decline by about 50%) and a corresponding negative economic growth (degrowth) of about 50% (to be mainly borne by rich Developed Countries) to halt and reverse this worsening disaster brought about by thoughtless neoliberal greed [85]. This sustainability crisis must impel adoption of the moral imperative  that  “all people are created equal”. Our present circumstances of existentially-threatening greed and gross inequity  are intolerable.

The climate emergency and attendant resource use limitations mean rejection of terracidal neoliberalism and global adoption of social humanism involving sustainably maximizing  the happiness, opportunity and dignity of everyone. Exceptionalist  America, like all other countries, will have to submit to this humane survival agenda on Spaceship Earth. A key immediate institutional vehicle for this urgent change would be a one-person-one-vote-elected Third Chamber of World Government that would deal exclusively with economic and sustainability issues.  Radical global change is required – just being “nicer” will be grossly insufficient.


14 January 2021

Gideon Polya, “Review: “MSM re Trumpist rioters & Israeli elections, Covid vaccination, child abuse & nuclear terrorism – what about the Palestinians? ”, Countercurrents, 14 January  2021: .

Mendacious, Zionist-subverted, Western Mainstream media (MSM)  have recently carried major stories about Trumpist rioters soiling US democracy, the roll-out of  Covid vaccines, new Apartheid Israeli elections,  extradition from Apartheid Israel to Australia of an alleged serial child abuser, and uranium enrichment by US-sanctioned Iran. Yet there is scant or zero mention by Mainstream presstitutes of the egregiously  impacted Palestinians in these front-page stories. Decent folk cry out: “What about the Palestinians?”

Enough is enough. The egregious mal-reportage, lying by omission,  and genocidal anti-Arab anti-Semitism of Zionist-perverted Western Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes needs to be resolutely called out. This essay succinctly documents 5 current and  front page examples of the blanket sanitizing by Western Mainstream presstitutes of nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, serial war criminal, grossly human rights abusing, international law-violating, Nazism without gas chambers, and democracy by genocide Apartheid Israel…

In recent weeks Zionist-subverted, Western Mainstream media (MSM)  have given massive  coverage to Trumpist rioters soiling the Capitol and US democracy, the differential  roll-out of  Covid vaccines, new Apartheid Israeli “elections” for a Jews-only government ruling Palestine,   extradition from Apartheid Israel to Australia of an alleged serial child abuser, and uranium enrichment by US-sanctioned Iran. However there is minimal  or zero mention by Mainstream presstitutes of the egregiously  impacted Palestinians in these front-page stories, with little or no collateral mention of  denial of democracy, human rights, and  Covid vaccination to Occupied Palestinians,  massive  abuse of Israeli and Occupied Palestinian children, and horrendous Israeli nuclear terrorism. Decent antiracist folk must call out this heartless and racist Mainstream mendacity and cry out: “What about the Palestinians?”

 Decent humanitarians  must (a) inform everyone they can (lying and anti-Arab anti-Semitic Western MSM certainly won’t), (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against racist and lying Mainstream presstitutes , and (c) support humane,  progressive and anti-racist Alternative media such as Countercurrents.


14 January 2021

Gideon Polya, “American Holocaust: 2 million Americans died preventably in Trump’s last year in office”, Countercurrents, 14 January  2021: .

The world is utterly shocked by the 362,000 certified Covid-19 deaths so far in Trump-ruled America. However US Covid-19 pandemic-related deaths, all preventable, now total 0.5 million.  Further, non-Covid-19-related preventable American deaths from life-style choice and political choice reasons presently total 1.5 million  annually. Softened by self-assertedly  patriotic US Mainstream media, a total of 2 million Americans have died preventably in the last year of Donald Trump’s presidency…

Set out below is a detailed,  updated and documented catalogue of pre-Covid-19 pandemic annual preventable American deaths  (in brackets) from “lifestyle choice” and “political choice” causes (noting that there are some overlaps e.g. “gun deaths”, “homicide” and “suicide”):

(1). Adverse hospital events (440,000)[11].

(2). Smoking (420,000) [12].

(3). Accidents (147,000) [13],

(4). Obesity (76,000) [13],

(5). Alcohol (73,000) [14].

(6). Drug overdose (69,000) [15].

(7). Air pollution (60,000) [16].

(8). Influenza and pneumonia (57,000) [13].

(9). Lack of health insurance (45,000) [17].

(10). Suicide (44,000) [13].

(11). Preventable under-5 infant deaths from comparing US and Singapore data (20,000) [18].

(12). Homicide (19,000) [19, 20].

(13). Guns (15,000) [13].

(14). Jihadi-caused deaths in America, post-9/11 annual average (4) [21-23].

The updated total of annual American  preventable deaths is 1.485 million or about 1.5 million. This amounts to 6.0 million American preventable deaths during the 4 year term of US President Donald Trump…

The BBC News has published a mid-June 2020 analysis of US mortality data demonstrating that in addition to70,266 certified Covid-19 deaths by then there were a further 26,986 excess deaths in that Cocid-19 pandemic period  that were not certified as due to Covid-19 per se, this yielding a total of 97,252 deaths associated with the direct or indirect impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic [39]. Applying these proportions to the 362,000 Covid-19 deaths as of 5 January 2021  one can estimate a total of 362,000 x 97,252 / 70,266 = 501,028 or approximately 0.5 million Covid-19-related excess deaths in America so far under Trump.

Thus 1.5 million plus 0.5 million = 2.0 million Americans died preventably in the last year of the Trump presidency,  and 6.5 million Americans have died preventably in the 4 years of the Trump Administration.



27 December 2020


Famed anti-racist Jewish American journalist I.F. Stone opined “Governments lie” and those 2 words summarize the message of “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published: Deadly Deception Exposed!” This iconoclastic 766-page book contains a total of 78 essays contributed by 7 prominent Alternative writers  who variously take a sledgehammer to the monolithic lies of Big Government that are uncritically forced on citizens of the US Alliance by mendacious Mainstream presstitutes.

“The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published: Deadly Deception Exposed!” was compiled and contributed to by Soren Roest Korsgaard, writer, editor of “Crime & Power” and head of Korsgaard Publishing (Germany). The 7 Alternative contributors are Soren Roest Korsgaard (Danish writer, editor, publisher and book author), Jerry Day (Emmy-winning Californian writer  and powerful orator on YouTube), Dr Paul Craig Roberts (eminent American economist, writer, editor, commentator and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration), James Corbett (American lecturer, investigative journalist and producer of the Corbett Report), Dr Gideon Polya ( me, a forthright Australian scientist, academic, Humanist, artist and humanitarian and environmental activist), John Remington Graham (lawyer, public defender, public prosecutor, law professor and author) and Dr Reiner Fuellmich (German consumer protection and trial lawyer in California and Germany)…

In my state of Victoria Federally-funded Aged Care Homes had high mortality but nobody died in State-run homes during the tragic Second Wave i.e. the considerable mortality of older people in Aged Care Homes for which the Federal Government  was responsible was avoidable. Indeed I have described the huge avoidable mortality  of older people in the Covid-19 Pandemic as “Gerocide” [8], a term used by front-line Italian doctors to describe the avoidable deaths of older people in overwhelmed hospitals [45].

(e). Livelihoods versus lives – the human cost of Lockdown needs to be carefully assessed. Lockdown stops the spread of the coronavirus and disproportionately  protects the elderly from Covid-19 death. However lockdown comes at an enormous economic cost that will inevitably be associated with a significant excess mortality [84].  Thus the IMF estimates  that the economic cost to the World of Covid-19 over 2 years will be $9 trillion [7-13]. Accordingly, there has been huge pressure against lockdown from the politically dominant One Percenters (notably excepting prosperous medical professionals who are on the dangerous front-line in the fight against Covid-19). This “livelihoods versus lives” campaign has been most blatant in the US as exampled by anti-science President Donald Trump and his fervent Racist Religious Right Republican (R4) supporters, and has led (so far) to 340,000 American Covid-19 deaths [8]…

“The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published: Deadly Deception Exposed!” is a huge and challenging compilation of variously “alternative”,  “contrarian” and “libertarian” views that often deviate radically from the neoliberal Establishment pap fed to the masses by mendacious, Elephant-in-the -Room-ignoring Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes. That said, from my perspective as a scientist  some of the opinions in this huge book are inevitably not correct or are arguable. Nevertheless, the compiler of this anthology, Soren Korsgaard, was quite clear in stating that “Each essay represents the opinion of the respective writer , and it should not be inferred in any way that the writers agree with anything in the book not authored explicitly by them” (page 3 [1]).   Indeed that is  why I have written this review. Further, as pointed out above, sceptical opinions are useful, even when they are wrong, by impelling clear thinking and acquisition of pertinent data. Governments lie and a huge industry of Mainstream presstitutes is devoted to backing  Establishment mendacity through lying by commission and lying by omission. My suggestion is to  read humane,  science-informed and truth-seeking Alternative media  like Countercurrents.


5 December 2020

A Chinese official has used a cartoon showing an Australian soldier threatening a child with a knife  to rightly castigate US lackey and serial war criminal Australia over horrendous Australian war crimes in Occupied Afghanistan. Australian politicians, journalists, academics and commentators have indignantly responded by falsely describing the cartoon as a doctored image or fake image, and ignoring passive mass murder of Afghan children and women by Australia and the US Alliance.

This is the most recent episode in a destructive process in which craven US lackey Australia has attacked China in 14 ways in recent years, as set out by the Chinese Government in a frank compilation [1]. China appears to have responded to these anti-China Australian actions by variously imposing tariffs, anti-dumping actions or other constraining measures on Australia’s huge exports to China of barley, wine, beef, lobsters, timber and coal [2]. A craven US lackey Australia is heading towards economic suicide by ramping up attacks on its biggest trading partner, China, in the interests of a serial war criminal, anti-China and China-encircling America that seriously threatens China militarily…

Vastly more important than the  trial, punishment, blaming and shaming of soldiers is the need to establish (a) the war criminal culpability of politicians in the invasion of Afghanistan, and (b) the horrendous details of the subsequent and indeed ongoing Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide. Indeed from a science-based perspective, in the interests of crucial truth-telling there is a case for immunity from prosecution for all those involved in return for truthful testimony at public hearings in which all those interrogated are compelled to answer questions truthfully. In such a truth-directed scenario the only “punishment” of guilty parties would be the utter ignominy from public exposure of their complicity in the mass murder of millions of innocent people and of millions of innocent children in particular.

As powerfully implicit in the Chinese Cartoon about Australian war crimes in Afghanistan, “thou shalt not kill children”, and  “silence kills and silence is complicity”.



28 November 2020

Australia has been rocked by the release of a heavily redacted report about the killing of 39 unarmed Afghan civilians or prisoners by some 25 elite  Australian Special Air Services (SAS)  soldiers. Any prosecutions will take years and will violate the scientific  principle of truth and systemic change rather than knee-jerk blame and shame. There is already huge Australian government and media censorship and lying over these present war crimes, 2 centuries of war crimes, and continuing war crimes…

Silence is complicity. Out of over 60 genocidal atrocities in recent centuries Australia has been complicit in 30 [9, 57, 60, 61]. From  1945 onwards many Germans could assert that “they didn’t know” or “they were just following orders”.  Whatever the truth of these assertions, Germans adopted a post-war CAAAA (C4A) protocol  involving Cessation of the atrocities, Admission of the horrors, Apology, Amends and Assertion “never again to anyone”. Unfortunately notwithstanding massive de-Nazification and commendable public education about the war-time Nazi German atrocities, Germany became complicit in the US-led Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide, and provided   nuclear terrorist,  genocidally racist and serial war criminal Apartheid Israel with 6 state-of-the art submarines to carry cruise missiles bearing nuclear warheads aimed at nuclear weapons-free Iran that has not invaded any other country since the time of Sassanian Empire 1,300 years ago [129]. Australia has yet to Cease war crimes and participation in genocidal atrocities, let alone Admission, Apology, Amends or Assertion “never again to anyone”.

Australia and the other war criminal,  US Alliance  Western “democracies ”will continue to  commit war crimes against vulnerable Developing World nations until an indignant world tells them to stop. A major step forward will be the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) that comes into force on 22 January 2021and which makes possession of nuclear weapons and support for such possession illegal in International Law. Serial war criminal and craven US lackey Australia under an effective climate change denialist , climate criminal  and pro-nuclear terrorism Coalition Government will no doubt continue to actively support US nuclear terrorism and thus grossly violate International Law. The Australian Labor Opposition and the Australian Greens  support the TPNW and variously support strong action of climate change (the Greens being much stronger than Labor). Since Australia is a one-person-one vote democracy with compulsory voting, the fervent Coalition support for the serial war criminal US and for the unspeakable obscenity of US nuclear terrorism turns half the Australian  adult population not just into war criminals but into potentially  genocidal and indeed terracidal war criminals.


20 November 2020

Australia’s ABC is the Australian version of the UK BBC and has a charter demanding balanced reportage. However Australia is a slavish lackey of the US, and in practice that balance means massive lying by omission by the ABC in relation to US, UK and Apartheid Israeli war criminality. The ABC has a Search function that reveals the astonishing degree to which  the  US-, UK-  and Zionist-subverted ABC lies by omission over the  genocidal nuclear terrorism of serial war criminal Apartheid Israel.

(1). Lying by omission puts the Australian ABC at about 50 on a media truthfulness scale of 0 (worst) to 100 (best)…

The US lackey, fervently pro-Apartheid Israel, pro-Apartheid, pro-war, and pro-nuclear terrorism Coalition Government of Australia  intends to grossly violate the TPNW, and will thus invite global prosecutions before the International Criminal Court (ICC), litigations before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) by all of decent Humanity [92].

State nuclear terrorism is obscene and intolerable, as is the lying by omission by  US-, UK-  and Zionist-subverted Australian ABC over the  genocidal nuclear terrorism of serial war criminal Apartheid Israel. Non-nuclear minor powers such as Australia must dissociate themselves from military associations with nuclear terrorist countries, and indeed the United Nations Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) will make this mandatory for all people and all nations on 22 January 2021. US- and Zionist-subverted nations and media organizations – like Australia and the Australian ABC –  have 2 months to decide whether to obey International Law and the TPNW or to continue to pursue an unspeakably evil  path of war criminality towards omnicide and terracide.

30 October 2020


Gideon Polya, “Nuclear terrorism: US & Israeli lackey Australia to violate Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons”, Countercurrents, 30 October 2020: .


The 24 October ratification by a 50th state, Honduras, of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) means that it will take effect from 22 January 2021, from which time  the 9 nuclear terrorist states and 32 complicit states will be grossly violating International Law. The US lackey, fervently pro-Apartheid Israel and pro-nuclear terrorism Coalition Government of Australia  intends to grossly violate the TPNW and will thus invite global Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)….

The upper  estimates of stored  nuclear weapons  are as follows together with the population of each country: US (5,800-6,185; 331.6 million), Russia (6,372-6,490; 145.0 million), China (300-320; 1,439.3 million), France (290; 65.3 million), UK (200-215; 68.0 million), Pakistan (160; 222.3 million), India (150; 1,384.4 million), Apartheid Israel (90; Jewish Israeli population 6.7 million), and North Korea (30-40; 25.8 million) [6].

A possible measure of the relative moral depravity of the nuclear terrorist states is the ratio of “number of nuclear weapons”  to “population in millions” : Russia (44.4), US (18.1), Apartheid Israel Jewish population (13.4), France (4.4), UK (3.1), North Korea (1.4),  Pakistan (0.7), China (0.2), and India (0.1)…

The atomic bombing of Japan 75 years ago involved the intentional selective mass murder of  Japanese civilians (genocide), of women (femicide, gendercide), children (paedocide) and the elderly (gerocide). However a nuclear exchange and consequent “nuclear winter” will involve mass loss of species (speciescide), and of  ecosystems (ecocide) leading to death of most life (omnicide) and death of most of the living planet (terracide).  If you and your children and grandchildren magically    survive the nuclear holocaust and the subsequent  nuclear winter, your descendants may well ask you “What did you do in the War on Terra?” Decent people are obliged to (a) inform everyone they can , and (b) urge and apply  Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all nuclear terrorist countries and the non-nuclear countries supporting nuclear terrorism. Indeed such Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions should be applied to all people, politicians, parties, countries, collectives and corporations supporting nuclear terrorism.


21 October 2020


Gideon Polya, “US Alliance Covid-19 Gerocide – intentional mass killing of elderly by US Alliance countries”, Countercurrents, 21 October 2020: .

With the exception of decent New Zealand and arguably Australia, the rich, European countries of the US Alliance have been involved in  deliberate, intentional Gerocide in which their sustained, deliberate, Covid-19 pandemic policies resulted in overwhelmingly elderly “Covid-19 deaths per million of population” that were 10-180 times greater than that obtaining in New Zealand. Indict Trump and Johnson for Gerocide before the ICC!

In the Covid-19 pandemic to date about 41 million infections with the coronavirus have been detected, 31 million people have recovered, and over 1.1 million people have died worldwide [1, 2]. Developed  countries have had the resources to deal with the pandemic, and to develop better medical treatment protocols, medicines and, we all hope, vaccines  for protecting Humanity and allowing full economic activity to resume. However there have been huge differences in the Covid-19 death toll in Developed countries.

The countries with the lowest “Covid-19 deaths per million of population” (Covid-19 deaths/M) are notably those of East Asia, specifically (Covid-19 deaths/M in brackets) Taiwan (0.3),  China (3), Singapore (5), South Korea (9), Japan (13), and Hong Kong (14), countries notable for Confucianism-influenced cultures involving personal and collective discipline, and respect for the elderly. The only substantially European country with a Covid-19 deaths/M outcome similar to that of the East Asian countries is New Zealand with a 5 Covid-19 deaths per million of population.

In contrast, US Alliance North American and Western European countries have vastly greater “Covid-19 deaths per million of population”, to whit (Covid-19 deaths/M in brackets as of 20 October 2020): Norway (46), Germany (118),  Denmark (118), Canada (258), Netherlands (395), France (515), Italy (606), UK (643), US (649), Spain (727), and Belgium (897).

A significant outlier in this tragic  story has been the substantially European and US allied country of Australia with 30 Covid-19 deaths/M as compared to 5 for its culturally similar  neighbour,  New Zealand. Until May 2020  Australia had a similar outcome to New Zealand with only 4  Covid-19 deaths per million of population. However in the Australian state of Victoria a number of Federal and State Government blunders  meant that a “second wave” of Covid-19 occurred with a large proportion of these new Covid-19 deaths occurring among residents of Aged Care homes.

In short, the Australian Federal Government has key responsibility for quarantine (keeping traveller-borne Covid-19 out of island continent Australia) and for Aged Care (notably in Federal Government-funded Aged care nursing homes)…

The horrible reality is that about 95% of Covid-19 deaths occur in people over the age of 50. Thus 94.5% of  Covid-19 deaths in the US (May-August 2020) were of 50 and over people [4]. Over 95% of Covid-19 deaths were 50 or older in Australia [5].  Conversely, in Australia 33.7% of detected cases have been in 50 or older people, and  66.3% in younger than 50 people [6] (young people get out and about more than the elderly)…

UK: (population 68.0 million, 43,726 deaths, 643 deaths/million, and 638 avoidable deaths /million i.e. 638 x 68.0 =  43,384 Brits killed by the US lackey, neoliberal, and nuclear terrorist Johnson Tory UK Government.

US: (population 331.6 million, 225,170 deaths, 679 deaths/million, and  674 avoidable deaths/million  i.e.  674 x 331.6 = 223,498 Americans killed by the neoliberal and nuclear terrorist Trump Administration.


20 September 2020


Gideon Polya, “Pro-Women’s Rights Supreme Court Judge Ruth Ginsburg Utterly Ignored Palestinian Genocide”,  Countercurrents, 20 September 2020: .


On the occasion of the death of the remarkable, pro-women’s rights US Supreme Court judge but fervent supporter of genocidally racist Zionism,  Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG), one notes that in her outstanding over 60 year career she was utterly silent about the human rights of Palestinians, and that  women and children are 75% of the 14 million sorely oppressed Palestinians, the 7 million Exiled Palestinians, the 8 million Palestinian refugees, the 5 million Occupied Palestinians with zero human rights in the military-guarded Gaza Concentration Camp (2 million) and West Bank ghettoes (3 million), and the 2 million Palestinian Israelis living as Third Class citizens of Apartheid Israel under over 60 race-based laws…. Below is a 50-item  summary of a century of horrors inflicted upon the Palestinians but utterly ignored by famed, pro-human rights,  Jewish American Supreme Court judge, Ruth Bader Ginsburg: (1). The ongoing Palestinian Genocide  has been associated with 2.2 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, or from imposed deprivation, 2.1 million, since the British invasion of the Middle East in WW1… (50). Over 30 million Americans have died preventably since 9-11 from “lifestyle  choice” and “political choice” reasons. Thus successive   US administrations have committed $6 trillion to killing over 30 million Muslins abroad instead of trying to keep 30 million Americans alive at home.





31 August 2020

Gideon Polya, “Carbon Debt & Dumping – Climate Criminal Australia Hugely Subsidizes Meat, Grain & Wine Exports To China”, Countercurrents, 31 August 2020: .

Despite China being Australia’s biggest trading partner, US lackey Australia has joined Trump America in its anti-China trade war and military posturing policies. China has been offended by this increasing hostility from US lackey Australia and coincidentally for asserted anti-dumping reasons has applied tariffs to Australian beef and barley with threats of extending this to Australian wine. In actuality there is massive dumping by climate criminal Australia through non-application of a Carbon Price.

In 2019 the  Australian  Gross Domestic Product (GDP)  in USD was $1,393 billion [1] for a population of 25.5 million [2] and a per capita GDP $54,627 (albeit quite unevenly distributed). However rich Australia ignores the huge Carbon Debt associated with that productivity. Australia has a revised annual  Greenhouses Gas (GHG) pollution of 1,423 Mt CO2-e (Domestic) and 3,431 Mt CO2-e (Domestic plus Exported) [3]. Assuming a damage-related Carbon Price of $200 per tonne of CO2-equivalent [4, 5] means that Australia has an inescapable  Carbon Debt of $5 trillion that is increasing at $686 billion annually  and at $70,000 per head per year for under-30 year old Australians (USD)[6].

Thus Australia’s annual GDP of $1,393 billion should be inflated to $1,393 billion + $686 billion Carbon Debt  = $ 2,079 billion.  The ratio of Carbon Debt/GDP = $686 billion/  $1,393 billion = 0.49 i.e. for every $1.0 billion of goods and services generated by Australia each year (or exported to China each year), there is a deliberately hidden but inescapable  subsidy of about $0.5 billion to be paid by future generations.

Accordingly every $10 piece of Australian meat, $10 bag of Australian barley or $10 bottle of Australian wine sold to China has been produced through a gigantic and  hidden Australian Government subsidy of about $5 to be paid for by future generations because the Australian Coalition  Government  (with the present support of the Labor Party Opposition) refuses to put a price on Carbon Pollution (Greenhouse Gas or GHG Pollution).


22 August 2020

Gideon Polya, “Lying  Mainstream Media Ignore Expert New 9/11 WTC7 Demolition Report”, Countercurrents, 22 August 2020: .

3 engineering experts from the University of Alaska Fairbanks have produced a detailed report entitled “A structural reevaluation of the collapse of World Trade Center 7” that concludes that “the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of all columns in the building” i.e. by explosive demolition and not by fire as asserted by the lying US Government. However, lying  Mainstream Media near-totally ignore this expert new 9/11 WTC7 demolition Report. As Democratic  Presidential candidate Joe Biden  stated in his powerful and inspiring Nomination Acceptance Speech in referring to rotten Trump behaviour in relation to racists: “Silence is complicity” [1]. Indeed Joe Biden has repeated the “Silence is complicity”  aphorism on many other occasions (e.g. see [2-4)]. The 9/11 WTC7 Demolition report was available in a preliminary form on 3 September 2019 [5-7] and in a final form from March 2020 [8, 9]. Indeed there has been considerable coverage of this expert and explosive (pun intended) Report in progressive Alternative Media (e.g. [5-7]) but near-total ignoring of this expert Report by Mainstream journalist, editor, politician , academic and commentariat presstitutes who have thus become complicit  after the event in the 9/11 atrocity that killed 3,000 people, mostly Americans [10]. However through their silence these Mainstream presstitutes have also become deeply complicit in the US-imposed post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide (aka the US War on Terror or the US War on Muslims) in which 32 million Muslims have died from violence, 5 million, or from deprivation, 27 million,  in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since the US Government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity (2015 estimate; [11-14])… A Google Search for “A structural reevaluation of the collapse of World Trade Center 7” (21 August 2020) yielded 318 results but of these only 2 were from Mainstream media, namely Yahoo and Sputnik (Russia).

A Google Search for the lead author “Leroy Hulsey” (21 August 2020) yielded 328 results but of these only 2 were from Mainstream media, namely Yahoo and the UK Express.

In a remarkable and obscene converse,  Mainstream media lavishly and offensively denigrate any critic of the lying Bush “official version of 9/11” as “conspiracy theorist” or “9/11 truther”.

Thus a Google Search for “conspiracy theorist” yields 3,910,000 results (22 August 2020) – inspection of the first 100 results reveal that they are overwhelmingly  from Mainstream or right-wing media.

A Google Search for “9/11 truther” yields 140,000 results (22 August 2020) – inspection of the first 100 results reveal that they are overwhelmingly  from Mainstream or right-wing media.


15 August 2020

Gideon Polya, “Apartheid UAE Recognizes Apartheid Israel – Will Apartheid Saudi Arabia Follow?”, Countercurrents, 15 August 2020: .

n 14 August 2020 the Australian ABC radio and TV news announced that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had agreed to recognize Israel and exchange ambassadors with what the ABC described as “the Jewish State”. Not only was this descriptive  false and anti-Arab anti-Semitic (Arabs are 50.3% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel) it was also grossly anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (all anti-racist Jews totally condemn the crimes of a nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, serial war criminal, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel).

One can readily identify 4 particularly notorious and brutal Apartheid states in the world today, namely (1) Apartheid Israel (it prosecutes a century-long and ongoing  Palestinian Genocide,  and 72% of its now  50.3% majority of Indigenous Palestinian Subjects have been violently deprived of all human rights for 53 years and cannot vote for the government ruling them); (2) Apartheid Myanmar (through rape, murder and destruction it has killed thousands of Muslim Rohingyas and driven 1 million from their homes in Rakhine State in an ongoing Rohingyan Genocide); (3) Apartheid UAE (50% of its Arab population are women and girls who are subject to gross human rights abuse, as are its foreign worker underclass); and (4)  Apartheid Saudi Arabia (that grossly abuses the 50% of its population who are female and also grossly abuses foreign workers as does Apartheid UAE [1-4].

Apartheid is regarded as a vile and punishable  crime against Humanity by the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the crime of Apartheid [5]. Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) should be applied to all of these degenerate Apartheid rogue states and to all their supporters and collaborators as were successfully applied to Apartheid South Africa and its racist supporters [6].


11 August 2020

Gideon Polya, “Scores Of Huge Realities Resolutely Ignored By Mendacious, US Lackey Mainstream Australia”, Countercurrents, 11 August 2020: .

Readers of progressive Alternative Media such as Countercurrents are regularly made aware of major realities that are either totally or largely ignored by One Percenter-, UK- and US-dominated Anglosphere Mainstream media. This mendacious perversion represents a major threat to the citizens of the prosperous Anglosphere countries and to Humanity as a whole. Set out here are scores of huge realities that are resolutely ignored by mendacious, neoliberal, US lackey Mainstream Australia. I am a half-century career scientist, and  have published over 100 scientific  papers,  5 books,  chapters in about 20 further books, and about 1,000 carefully researched articles at the science-society interface in progressive media overseas. I taught science students at a big Australian university over  4 decades. I am an anti-racist Jewish Australian humanitarian with a sole allegiance to Australia, but in the last decade I have been rendered “invisible” in Australia with likely culprits  being US-beholden Australian Intelligence, US- and Zionist-subverted Mainstream gatekeepers, and fanatical supporters of Apartheid Israel.Below is a list of really important things in 40 categories that are generally largely or totally ignored by mendacious, US lackey  Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes but which should be critically  important for Australians to know about. The numbers quoted refer to key  documenting  references given at the end of the list

(1). The core problem of ignoring. Australia has so many dreadful secrets (from massive  non-clerical sexual abuse of children to complicity in ongoing genocides)  that there is a “look the other way” culture and an insistent demand by the Mainstream commentariat for “respectful  conversation” that ignores or “softens” deeply unpleasant matters  – but how can you have a “respectful  conversation” with people who ignore such atrocities?

(2). Science versus spin. Rational risk management, that is crucial for societal safety, successively involves (a) accurate data, (b) scientific analysis, this involving the critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses, and (c) informed systemic change to minimize risk. Unfortunately,  this rational risk management protocol is typically perverted at the individual,  family, local or national level, or at the level of the family of nations by (a) lying, self-deception, spin, obfuscation, intimidation and censorship, (b) anti-science spin, this involving the selective use of asserted facts to support a partisan position, and (c) blame and shame that is counterproductive because  it blocks reportage crucial for rational risk management and in the worst cases leads to war [1].

(3) Lying by omission,  censorship and security. Further to #2,  lying by omission is far, far worse than lying by commission because the latter can at least enable public refutation and public debate. Politicians increasingly invoke “national security” to prevent public scrutiny – but this can be seen as “lying by omission”  that actually stymies rational risk management that is crucial for societal safety and security [2].

(4). Listen to scientists…

(40). Listen to scientists and zero tolerance for liars, warmongers and climate criminals. Eminent physicist Professor Stephen Hawking has stated (2018):  “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change”


28 July 2020

Gideon Polya, “Covid-19 Pandemic, Climate & Australia: Risky Ignoring Of Science-based Advice”, Countercurrents, 28 July 2020: .

Australia has done vastly better than other rich European countries in the Covid-19 pandemic because (a) it is a  large island that accordingly could readily minimize Covid-19 importation, and (b) while notoriously  anti-science over climate change, Australia’s  neoliberal government chose in this instance to listen to the health experts. However an Australian Senate Covid-19 Inquiry noted but declined to publish or accept as a Submission my detailed offering from a 5-decade career scientist. The Senate Committee thanked me for taking the time to make this offering, noted that it had carefully considered my information but  decided that my statement would only be considered as correspondence,  would not be accepted as a  Submission and would not be published on the Inquiry website for public perusal. My Submission largely took the form of succinct summaries of a series of Covid-19-related articles I had published (6 in Countercurrents, 1 in Global Research and 1 with Professor Richard Hil in  the respected Australian intellectual journal Arena).  The further distilled and summarizing titles of the 5 key areas of my Submission are as follows:

(1). Covid-19 Timeline and “Covid-19 deaths per million of population” (“Covid-19 deaths/M”) reveal excellent outcomes as well as massively deadly response failures, and the falsehood of the US anti-China blame game.  

(2). Covid-19 pandemic (possibly 1 million to die due to inaction) presages Climate Genocide (10 billion to die this century unless urgent climate action is taken).

(3). Differential Occupier versus Occupied “Ventilators per million of population”,  “Avoidable deaths from deprivation” and “Per capita GDP” expose US, Australian and Apartheid Israeli war crimes.   

(4). Covid-19 pandemic and lack of Western altruism for the global South, including Indigenous Australians.

(5). Post-Covid-19 Green New Deal (GND) involving a sustainable, needs-based economy, zero emissions, universal basic income (UBI), social equity, justice, and free university education.

For a decade  I have been rendered largely “invisible” in my own country by whatever organizations from A to Z,  but as a humane, 5-decade career  scientist I consider the above matters to be of great importance for Australia and indeed for Humanity as a whole.


23 July 2020

Gideon Polya, “Anglo Mainstream Censors List Of 60 Holocaust & Genocide Atrocities”, Countercurrents, 23 July 2020: .

In recent years there has been increasing censorship of Alternative media by the Mainstream. Google is owned by Alphabet, the world’s biggest media organization,  and has a bad record of censoring progressive  voices. I have just published a 400-page book “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” that contains a List of 60 Holocaust and Genocide atrocities (many UK- or US-imposed). However a Countercurrents article about the book and including  this List has suddenly been rendered “invisible” by  Google. As part of a global campaign to publicize my book (“US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” by Gideon Polya, Korsgaard Publishing, Germany, 4 June 2020: ), I sent details of the book (notably including  the Table of Contents)  to journalists, politicians, activists and scholars around the world. However after 40 days there  was utter Silence from the Mainstream and so I published an article in Countercurrents entitled Gideon Polya, “Racist Mainstream ignores “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide””, Countercurrents, 17 July 2020: a few days, through whatever mechanism, the Google Robot  suddenly ceased recognizing  the URL (Uniform Resource Locator or web address) of my Countercurrents article. As of 23 July 2020 a Bing Search for  “Racist Mainstream ignores “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”” yielded 16,500 results (with my Countercurrents article #1 on page #1) whereas a Google Search  failed  to elicit the Countercurrents article per se  in 6 results ( although the  #1 result was a re-publication of my article in an on-line magazine called JUST: ). A further Google Search including numerous results omitted in the Initial Search  still failed to elicit the Countercurrents article URL per se.


17 July 2020

Gideon Polya, “Racist Mainstream Ignores “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”, Countercurrents, 17 July 2020: .

I am a long-time Countercurrents correspondent and on 4 June 2020  published in Germany a large book entitled “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” that is substantially based on articles I have published in Countercurrents as well as in other progressive media over the last 2 decades.  Despite thousands of Mainstream journalists around the world being informed over the last 40 days, the Silence has been Deafening. Evidently black and brown lives don’t matter to the English-speaking Western Mainstream. (1). The essence of this exhaustively documented,  400-page book is as follows:   

While holocaust means a huge number of deaths, genocide is defined by the UN Genocide Convention as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group”.  Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War demand that an Occupier must supply life-sustaining food and medical services to its Conquered Subjects “to the fullest extent of the means available to it”. “Deaths from violence and imposed deprivation” are well known for the Germany-imposed WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million) but are largely  ignored for the Germany-imposed WW2 European Holocaust of Slavs, Jews and Roma (30 million),  the Australia-complicit, British-imposed WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7  million), the Japan-imposed WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35-40 million), and ongoing atrocities such as the Australian Aboriginal Genocide (2 million),  the Palestinian Genocide (2 million), the Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust (1,500 million post-1950 deaths from deprivation),  and the post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide (over 30 million).

Holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring are far, far worse than repugnant  holocaust denial and genocide denial because the latter at least permit refutation and public debate. My  new book “US-imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” quantitatively  records 60 such genocidal atrocities, and in particular focusses  on exposing and detailing  the Mainstream-ignored, huge  mortality in the ongoing, US-imposed post-9/11  US War on  Muslims (over 30 million deaths from violence and imposed deprivation) and the ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust (15 million avoidable deaths from deprivation annually; see Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, that includes a succinct history  of all countries and  is now available for free perusal on the Web:   ).  These atrocities will be dwarfed by the worsening Climate Genocide in which, in the absence of requisite urgent action,  10 billion people will perish prematurely this century en route  to a sustainable human population of only 0.5-1.0 billion in 2100 (see “Climate Genocide”:  ).  Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity.


5 July 2020

Gideon Polya, “US, Australian & Anglosphere Responses To Apartheid Israel’s Illegal West Bank Annexation Plan”, Countercurrents, 5 July 2020: .

US lackey, Coalition-ruled Australia is second only to Trump America as a fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel, with similarly pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid and US lackey Canada coming a close third in this Anglosphere race to the bottom of the Palestinian Genocide barrel. Evangelicals-beholden Trump has not yet committed to supporting further illegal Apartheid Israeli annexation in the West Bank, with Australia and Canada disingenuously expressing “concern”. What seems forgotten in all this international discussion of this latest Israeli flouting of International Law is that the West Bank (presently 3 million Indigenous Palestinian inhabitants)  and the Gaza Concentration Camp (presently 2 million inhabitants) have been highly abusively  ruled by Apartheid Israel  for 52 years in an evil, racist, de facto annexation that grossly violates International Law. Indeed Apartheid Israel has already illegally  annexed  Al Quds (Jerusalem,  the third holiest site for Muslims), and an ethnically cleansed Golan Heights (part of Syria).  Zionism is genocidal racism, and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel is based on mendacity, genocide and endless theft (see my poem “And then they stole the falafel” ). Zionist theft has meant that of Palestine that was nearly 100% owned by Palestinians a century ago, all but 10% has been ethnically cleansed by the Zionists, with the racist Zionists now threatening to annex a further 30% of this tiny remainder. Acutely pertinent to this criminal Zionist proposal is the 2016  UN Security Council (UNSC)  Resolution 2334 that was passed unanimously (except for an Obama America abstention) and stated the following… “2.   Reiterates its demand that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and that it fully respect all of its legal obligations in this regard; 3.   Underlines that it will not recognize any changes to the 4 June 1967 lines, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties through negotiations…”


8 June 2020

Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israelis Train US Killer Cops – Black, Indigenous And Palestinian Lives Matter”, Countercurrents, 8 June 2020: .

The 8 minutes 46 seconds murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis cops has prompted huge “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations in the US and thence in the UK, Western Europe and Australia (where 434 Indigenous Australian have died in police custody since 1991). Largely deleted by Mainstream media is Apartheid Israeli killing of  10,000 of its Palestinian Subjects since 2000,  and large-scale  Israeli training of  US cops in deadly restraint techniques, including the deadly “knee on neck”. One can deeply appreciate the indignation of “Black lives natter” demonstrators in the US, UK, Australia and elsewhere around the world, but I must make 2 key humanitarian  points. Firstly,  the lack of social distancing in these  mass demonstrations is very likely to lead to a spike in Covid-19 infections and deaths, most notably in the US and UK where gross failure by  the respective governments has already lead to appalling mass mortality. Secondly, largely  ignored are  the Indigenous Palestinians of the Occupied Palestinian Territory who  have been in highly abusive and deadly custody for 53 years under the heel of serial war criminal Apartheid Israel. Careful analysis reveals the shocking statistics that “annual deaths in custody per million of population” are 1.5 (unarmed Black Americans killed by cops), 30 (Indigenous Australians in custody)  and 110 (Occupied Palestinians violently  killed by Israeli armed forces).




31 May 2020


Gideon Polya, “Palestinian Genocide poem: “And Then They Stole The Falafel”, Countercurrents, 31 May 2020: .


Some Palestinian friends in wonderful, peaceful  but presently Covid-19 lockdown Melbourne, were considering celebrating International  Falafel Day (12 June). The falafel is a delicious  Palestinian and Middle Eastern delicacy that is  a spicy, deep fried ball or patty made from ground chickpeas and/or  fava beans. Apartheid Israel having stolen the whole country of Palestine  has also appropriated the falafel  as its own. On this account I wrote the Palestine Genocide poem “And Then They Stole The Falafel”… “And then they stole the falafel.  The violent, lying Zionists stole/ All of the ancient land of Palestine,/ Three cities, hundreds of villages and towns,/ An ancient land ethnically cleansed./ They stole the  human rights of Palestinians,/ Of Exiled Palestinians, Occupied Palestinians,/ And of  Israeli Palestinians living as oppressed/ Third Class Citizens under race-based laws… They stole the reputations of anti-racist Jews,/ And of all those opposed to genocide and Apartheid./ They stole the name of a hill facing the Mount of Olives,/ Renaming it for  genocidal psychopath Herzl./ And then they stole the falafel.”


28 May 2020

Gideon Polya, “Covid-19 & climate: Listen to scientists for a safe & sustainable society & planet”, Countercurrents, 28 May 2020: .

The Enlightenment substituted reason and the scientific method for primitive superstition. Science brought huge advances in agriculture, industry and medicine  but has had the downsides of over-population, massive biodiversity loss, deadly high-technology wars  and the existential threats to Humanity and the Biosphere from nuclear weapons and climate change. However in seriously addressing these horrendously damaging deadly downside consequences we must listen to scientists… Presently about 1 million people die from climate change each year [64], and about 9 million people die from air pollution [4]. However there is a worsening Climate Genocide that in the absence of requisite action will kill about 10 billion people this century en route to a sustainable human population in 2100 of only 0.5-1.0 billion [72]. The Covid-19 pandemic will eventually be contained through vaccines over the next year or so, but perhaps 1 million will have died avoidably because neoliberal politicians variously put profit for the rich before the lives of ordinary  people by ignoring the science. However in the worsening Climate Genocide  10 billion people are set to die avoidably this century  through those in power ignoring  the science. A plus 1.5C temperature rise is expected in the coming decade, and a catastrophic plus 2C is now effectively unavoidable. However decent people are obliged to do everything they can to make the future “less bad” for future generations. What can humane people do? Humane folk can (a) inform everyone they can,  (b) urge boycotts, divestment  and sanctions (BDS) against climate criminals, and (c) demand judicial punishment of those greedy, neoliberal One Percenters  complicit in massive avoidable death through the ignoring of science. Listen to scientists!


20 May 2020

Gideon Polya, “Covid-19 Timeline Exposes Falsehood Of US & US Lackey Australian Anti-China Blame Game”, Countercurrents, 20 May 2020: .

Trump is blaming China for the Covid-19 pandemic to hide his criminal negligence during the crisis. A detailed Timeline of the disaster reveals that China informed the WHO and the World of the Wuhan outbreak  on 31 December  2019 but Trump spent the following 4.5 months minimizing the seriousness of the pandemic and slagging both China and the WHO. With the pandemic raging in America,  American-killing Trump  wants to stop lockdown and re-purpose the US Covid-19 Taskforce. Notwithstanding the reality that  China is Australia’s biggest trading partner, US lackey Australia has joined Trump’s disingenuous demand for an “international inquiry” (i.e. very likely in practice a US-beholden political witch hunt) into the origin in China of the Covid-19 pandemic. However France, the UK and Germany, while being allies of the US, have politely declined to join this China-baiting  exercise, especially in the middle of a deadly pandemic [1]. Trump has further attacked the World Health Organization (WHO) for alleged failings in the unfolding crisis, and indeed has withdrawn financial support for this vital, life-saving organization. US lackey Australia has, of course, added its voice to US criticism of the WHO but without specifying what the criticisms are.This disingenuous demand for an “independent inquiry” by scientifically illiterate, anti-science and anti-China spin-merchants Trump and US lackey Australian PM Scott “Scomo” Morrison  ignores the massive reality that China is among world leaders  in scientifically investigating the nature and origins of coronavirus as well as in successfully dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. Fortunately  the World Health Assembly has seen sense and has just now unanimously agreed to examine the origins of the coronavirus and how the WHO and the world responded.

20 May 2020.


Gideon Polya, “Covid-19 Timeline exposes falsehood of US & US lackey Australian anti-China blame game”, Countercurrents, 20 May 2020: .


Trump is blaming China for the Covid-19 pandemic to hide his criminal negligence during the crisis. A detailed Timeline of the disaster reveals that China informed the WHO and the World of the Wuhan outbreak  on 31 December  2019 but Trump spent the following 4.5 months minimizing the seriousness of the pandemic and slagging both China and the WHO. With the pandemic raging in America,  American-killing Trump  wants to stop lockdown and re-purpose the US Covid-19 Taskforce….

The Timeline of the Covid-19 pandemic (presented and documented in great detail below)  includes the following key steps:  (1) 1 December 2019,  the first reported case in China of what was retrospectively confirmed as Covid-19;  (2) 31  December 2019, notification of WHO and the world by China of the outbreak of a novel pneumonia-like disease in Wuhan; (3)  early January 2020 , the first RNA sequence was obtained for the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2)  (genome Wuhan-Hu-1); (4) 11 – 12 January 2020, China shared with the world the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus (crucial for PCR-based coronavirus detection); (5) 20 January 2020 (Day Zero),  China notified the Chinese public and the world via the WHO of human-to-human  transmission of the virus; (6) 21 January,  Chinese provision of polynucleotide primers and probes crucial for global coronavirus detection; and (7) 23 January, China commenced stringent lockdown of Wuhan, Hubei Province and thence of China. In stark contrast, since Day Zero (20 January 2020), Trump has consistently downplayed and obfuscated the seriousness of the Covid-19 pandemic and continues to baldly and dangerously contradict expert,  crucial and life-saving medical advice from even within his own Administration.  Australia under anti-science, neoliberal and Christian Zionist PM Scott “Scomo” Morrison (aka Scum-o, Scheme-o, Skim-o, Scam-o)  only started lockdown 2 months later (on 20-23 March 2020).

Because the coronavirus can  infect anyone , from princes to paupers, the  Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a global blooming of intra-national altruism,  the notion “we are all in this together” ,  and concerted action to save lives – a course of emergency action that in a word is “socialism” but which has not been opposed by the One Percenters,  who in normal circumstances ruthlessly dominate the Mainstream media and the global economy with their remorselessly greedy,  inequitable  and deadly agenda. The big question is whether  this altruism will continue unabated in the post-Covid-19 era or whether the neoliberal One Percenters will restore control with business-as-usual, unsustainable  economic growth,  merciless  austerity and burgeoning inequality. One hopes that the political Establishments of Australia, the US and like rich countries that are committed to greedy and unsustainable  neoliberalism will be too scared by the huge  masses of unemployed to oppose this golden opportunity for a post-Covid-19 Green New Deal (GND) involving a sustainable, more altruistic and more equitable World.


17 May 2020.

Gideon Polya, “Per capita Covid-19 deaths in Anglosphere 5-Eyes intelligence-sharing nations correlate with neoliberal greed”, Countercurrents, 17 May 2020: .

There are huge differences in Covid-19 deaths per  million of population (Covid-19 deaths/ M) in the nations of the Anglosphere 5-Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance, to whit 4/M (New Zealand), 4/M (Australia), 151/M (Canada), 272 (US) and   508 (UK). These huge differences  in  national Covid-19 deaths per  million of population  loosely correlate with political conservatism and neoliberal greed. Neoliberalism and deficient intra-national altruism are deadly….

The shockingly high “Covid-19 deaths/M” for the rich and technological sophisticated countries of Canada, UK and the  US (151-508) can be compared to  similarly high values in the range 43-777 in similarly  rich and technological sophisticated Western European  countries, to whit 43 (Norway),   70 (Austria), 94 (Denmark), 70 (Austria), 96 (Germany), 166 (Luxembourg), 217 (Switzerland), 311 (Ireland), 331 (Netherlands), 364 (Sweden), 423 (France), 525 (Italy),   590 (Spain), and 777 (Belgium).

These high levels of “Covid-19 deaths/M” in rich and technologically sophisticated Western European countries is in stark contrast to very low levels (0.3 – 3 ) in similarly prosperous and technologically  advanced countries in   Australasia (Australia and New Zealand) and in East Asian countries, to whit 0.3 (Hong Kong),  0.3 (Taiwan),  3 (China),   4 (New Zealand), 4 (Australia), 4 (Singapore),  5 (South Korea) and 6 (Japan).

Now various explanations can be offered to partly explain these huge differences in “Covid-19 deaths/million of population”  e.g. island nature (Australia and New Zealand but contradicted by the examples of the UK and Ireland), Confucian ethic (dominant  in East Asia but largely absent from Australia), and lack of stay-at-home lockdown (as in Sweden but contradicted by rich Western countries that did impose lockdown but had worse outcomes than Sweden).The timeliness of tough action through stay-at-home lockdown and travel restrictions is clearly important. China imposed draconian stay-at-home lockdown from 23 January 2020, a few days after notifying the WHO and the World about human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus on 20 January 2020 (Day zero). However for most other  countries it was not until about 2 months later – in about mid-March 2020  plus or minus a week or so – that they recommended or imposed stay-at-home lockdown [5-15]. However a plausible reason underlying this differentially experienced  tragedy  is the fundamental operational dichotomy of “livelihood” versus “lives” or “neoliberalism”  versus “intra-national altruism”. This hypothesis is consistent with the radically different outcomes in “Covid-19 deaths/million of population” in the 5 countries of the Anglosphere “5 Eye” intelligence-sharing alliance. These different outcomes are set out below in decreasing order of neoliberal greed and increasing order of Covid-19 deaths/M…

The coronavirus can infect and in some cases kill not just the poor but also billionaires – and that is why it is estimated by the IMF that the economic cost of the lockdown to prevent perhaps 500,000 Covid-19 deaths could be $9,000  billion [56], whereas the world only spends about $4 billion  each year trying to prevent 500,000 annual deaths from malaria in the Third World. The  enormous altruism elicited intra-nationally by the Covid-19 pandemic does not extend to the “unpeople” of the global South. Similarly,  the analysis presented here strongly suggests that the horrendous number of Covid-19 deaths in Canada, the UK and the US that presently total about 130,000 (as compared to only 21 and 98 in New Zealand and Australia respectively) came about because the fervently neoliberal governments of these countries deliberately put money and private profit before the lives of ordinary citizens. Those responsible for this immense crime against  their fellow citizens  should be prosecuted before the International Criminal Court.  Neoliberalism kills.


7 May 2020.

Gideon Polya, “COVID-19: Occupiers US, Australia & Apartheid Israel grossly violate Geneva Convention re conquered Subjects”, Countercurrents, 7 May 2020: .

Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention state unequivocally that an Occupier must provide its conquered Subjects with life-sustaining food and medical requisites “to the fullest extent of the means available to it”. However in relation to huge Subject avoidable deaths from deprivation, and ventilator non-provision in  the context of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic,  the US and Australia grossly violate the  Geneva Convention in Occupied Afghanistan, and Apartheid Israel grossly violates this in Occupied Palestine…


Annual avoidable deaths from deprivation are huge in impoverished Occupied Afghanistan [84,300] and Occupied Palestine [4,200] but zero for the rich and war criminal Occupiers [US, Australia and Apartheid Israel]…


Per capita GDP is a miniscule $521 (Occupied Afghanistan), $57, 374 (Occupier Australia)  and $62,975 (Occupier US)…


Ventilators  per million (/M) people  are 504/M (Occupier US), 173/M (Occupier Australia) and 407/M (Occupier Apartheid Israel) versus 8/M (Occupied Afghanistan), 38/M (Occupied Palestine) and 13/M (Gaza Concentration Camp)…

There are many other comparisons that can be made to illustrate the gross violation of Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention by these war criminal Occupiers,  the US, Australia and Apartheid Israel. About half the Subjects  of Apartheid Israel  are Indigenous Palestinians and of these about 73% are excluded from voting for the government ruling them – egregious Apartheid [16-20]. Australia is second only to Trump America as a fervent supporter of nuclear terrorist and democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel and hence of the obscene crime of Apartheid.

“Holocaust’ refers to the death of huge numbers of people, whereas “genocide” is defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group”. The Palestinian Genocide has involved 2.1 million Palestinian  deaths from violence , 0.1 million, or from deprivation, 2.1 million,  since the UK invasion of the Ottoman Empire in WW1. The Afghan Genocide has involved  perhaps 1 million violent deaths and as many as 6 million avoidable deaths from egregious deprivation over 2 decades.

Decent people will not tolerate this genocidally racist  criminality in gross violation of International Law, and will act by (a) informing everyone they can (notwithstanding  egregious Mainstream mendacity, the Awful Truth is just a few mouse clicks away) , (b) demanding arraignment of the war criminal leaders and their collaborators before the International Criminal Court (ICC), and (c) by urging and applying Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against  all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations,  and countries disproportionately   complicit in these ongoing  atrocities. Peace is the only way but silence  kills and silence is complicity – as in Jesus’  parable of the Good Samaritan,   we cannot walk by on the other side.



3 May 2020.


Gideon Polya, “Post-Covid-19 needs-based economy, zero emissions, UBI, Green New Deal & free university education”, Countercurrents, 3 May 2020: .

Comprehensive social distancing and economic lockdown measures required to suppress Covid-19 have been associated with rapid socialism-style adoption of a needs-based economy (essential services), a decrease in carbon fuel burning and  air pollution, a widened social safety net, and on-line learning. Post-Covid-19 one envisages a socialist needs-based economy, zero emissions, universal basic income (UBI) , a Green New Deal (GND) and  free university education. Unfortunately neoliberal Australia may well reject this golden opportunity.

Every cloud has a silver lining and the deadly  Covid-19 pandemic is no exception to this aphorism. Because the coronavirus can  infect anyone , from princes to paupers, the  Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a global blooming of altruism,  the notion “we are all in this together”  and concerted action top save lives – a course of emergency action that in a word is “socialism” but which has not been opposed by the One Percenters who in normal circumstances ruthlessly dominate media and the global economy. The big question is whether  this altruism will continue unabated in the post-Covid-19 era or whether the neoliberal One Percenters will restore control with business-as-usual, unsustainable  economic growth,  merciless  austerity and burgeoning inequality. As analyzed below, Australia and like rich countries  committed to greedy and unsustainable  neoliberalism  are likely to ignore this opportunity for a Green New Deal (GND)…

(1). Needs based economy – food, shelter, health, education and culture versus the unnecessary, damaging and deadly  (e.g. smoking, alcohol, and speciescide -, pollution-, warming- , obesity-, ignorance-  and violence-promotion)…

(2). Zero emissions, nuclear weapons ban, negative GHG emissions, 300 ppm CO2 for a safe planet, and Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against climate criminal countries…

(3). Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Green New Deal and elimination of poverty…

(4). Free university education, free life-long learning, public education, Mainstream truth-telling  and an informed electorate…

Decent Humanity must resolutely demand a humane, equitable  and sustainable New Deal, a Green New Deal, for all of Humanity in the post-Covid-19 World.



17 April 2020.


Gideon Polya, “Action cost/deaths ratios for Covid-19, malaria, infant health, starvation, poverty & pollution”, Countercurrents, 17 April 2020: .


The world has been forced to adopt economically hugely expensive lockdown measures to stem the huge mortality associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. However the global Action Cost/Deaths ratio is about $3 million per death for tackling the world-wide Covid-19 pandemic but merely about $9,000 per death for tackling malaria that massively and disproportionately impacts the Developing World. When the Covid-19 pandemic is over the World must seriously reassess global humanitarian obligations. Brown and black lives matter. Unfortunately US President Donald Trump has added to his appalling record of Stupidity, Ignorance and Egregious Greed (SIEG as with Dr Strangelove and “Sieg Heil!” ) by doing the precise opposite through  suspending America’s $400 million annual contribution to the vital World Health Organization (WHO) on the basis of alleged WHO and China tardiness over the worsening Covid-19 emergency…

As of 15 April 2020 total Covid-19 deaths totalled 126,597 with about 95%  occurring in the previous month [10]. Assuming that it doesn’t get worse, and that this quasi-linear death rate continues for 12 months we can crudely estimate 12 x 0.95 x 126,597 deaths = 1.44 million Covid-19 deaths over 12 months and 1,440,000 deaths/365.25 days = 3,943 Covid-19 deaths per day (cf John Pilger’s “24,600 who die every day from unnecessary starvation” [6, 7]).  Accordingly,  the Action Cost/Deaths ratio for the forthcoming year would be $4,500,000 million/ 1.44 million deaths = $3.13 million per death. By way of comparison, the Action Cost/Deaths ratio in relation to trying to stop malaria that kills 0.4 million people annually is a mere $8,889 spent per death pa (see section (2) below) i.e. 352 times less than that spent per death trying to stop the Covid-19 pandemic…

The Action Cost/Deaths ratio is a crucial measure of global responsiveness to particular deadly circumstances, and has been estimated as (1) $3.13 million per death (in response to 1.44 million Covid-19 deaths pa) as compared to (2) $8889 per death (re 0.405 million malaria deaths pa), (3) $27,367 per death (re  9 million starvation deaths pa), (4) $32,770 per death (re 5.07 million under-5 infant deaths pa), (5) $10,931 per death (re 15.2 million annual avoidable deaths from deprivation in Developing Counties (minus China)) and (6) MINUS $1.42 million per death ( re 9 million air pollution deaths pa that are deliberately and knowingly  subsidized by an annual increase of $12.8 trillion in inescapable Carbon Debt)…

There is a  huge 100-360-fold disparity between the  Action Cost/Deaths ratio for Covid-19 versus the Action Cost/Deaths  ratios for ongoing, comparable and indeed much greater mass mortality disasters (ongoing malaria deaths, starvation deaths, infant deaths, and avoidable deaths from deprivation). Indeed the global economy actually subsidizes 9 million annual deaths from air pollution to the tune of $1.42 million per death. We must imagine and demand another world in which these deadly realities are acknowledged and addressed. Unfortunately, despite increased intra-national altruism in this Time of Covid-19 , One Percenter-dominated Mainstream media largely ignore these immense moral discrepancies.  Arundhati Roy has provided a succinct explanation for Mainstream lying by omission over such appalling social realities (2004):  “The ultimate privilege of the élite is not just their deluxe lifestyles, but deluxe lifestyles with a clear conscience”. Decent people imagining and demanding  a decent future world must penetrate the Mainstream media Wall of Silence by informing everyone they can.


22 March 2020


Gideon Polya, “COVID-19 & coronavirus suppression – should Australian schools close?”, Countercurrents, 22 March 2020: .


The world is in the grip of a COVID-19 pandemic that is now impacting relatively poor countries in Africa and South Asia. Rich island continent Australia (population 25 million) has only about 1,000 cases so far and has achieved this through tough travel bans, selective testing, contact tracing, case isolation, quarantine and public education. However there is a big debate in Australia over whether to follow the UK with an aggressive coronavirus suppression program that includes closure of schools and universities…


Australian medical and teaching experts supporting closure of schools to help suppress the COVID-19 epidemic, flatten the infection curve,  and hence better enable medical services to cope… Australian medical experts and politicians opposing school closures…


Some 70 countries – surely on the basis of advice from their own medical  experts – have closed schools as a key “social distancing” measure [14]. No doubt school closures will be economically very disruptive but what value does a society place on the health of teachers and school children? Sensible arrangements can be made, for example, to keep schools open for the children of  health and other emergency workers, and indeed   for the children of other parents with special circumstances. Many Australian parents have already removed their children from school, whether from the poorly funded  state schools or from the much better funded private schools…


Admittedly as a layperson,  I suspect that the refusal of the Australian Coalition Government  to close schools will eventually be overtaken by events and reversed, but in the process valuable time would have been lost in which to minimize infection in a scenario  of exponentially increasing infection. As eminent UK epidemiologist Professor Neil Ferguson and his 30 research colleagues stated (16 March 2020): “We therefore conclude that epidemic suppression [including school closure] is the only viable strategy at the current time”.



20 March 2020.


Gideon Polya, “Wrong way go back – global sectoral greenhouse gas emissions are all in the wrong direction”, Countercurrents, 20 March 2020: .


Vehicle drivers are familiar with crucial highway signs saying “WRONG WAY GO BACK”. A detailed analysis  shows that global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in all key economic sectors of energy production and non-energy production are increasing whereas the worsening Climate Emergency demands urgently decreasing GHG emissions and ultimately net zero GHG emissions ASAP.  The world is driving headlong in the wrong direction to certain disaster. The main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (2013) are electricity and heat (31%), agriculture (11%), transportation (15%), forestry (6%) and manufacturing (12%). GHG emissions sources can be put into 2 categories  (A) Non-energy production (28%) and (B) Energy production (72%).

(A). Non-energy production (28%)  includes the following: Bunker fuels (Mt CO2) 2.2%, Land-use Change & Forestry (Mt CO2) 6.0%, Waste (CO2-e) 3.0%, Agriculture (Mt CO2-e) 11.0%, Industrial processes (Mt CO2-e) 6.0%.

(B). Energy production (72%) includes the following: Electricity  & Heat (Mt CO2) 31.0%, Transportation (Mt CO2) 15.0%, Manufacturing & Construction (MtCO2) 12.4%, Other Fuel Combustion (Mt CO2-e) 8.4%, Fugitive Emissions (Mt CO2-e) 5.2% .

Net global GHG emissions in 2013 totalled 48.3 Gt CO2-e , steadily increasing in a quasi-linear fashion from 39.8 Gt CO2-e in 2003 i.e. increasing by 8.5Gt CO2-e or by +21.4% over 10 years,  or by an average of 0.85Gt CO2-e per year or  an average of 1.9% per year. From this we can estimate that net global GHG emissions totalled about 54.7 Gt CO2-e in 2019. Fundamental to the worsening Climate Emergency is the refusal of the dominant neoliberal One Percenters  to allow the cost of past and present carbon pollution to be met, preferring to pass these immense,  rising and inescapable costs (Carbon Debt) on to future generations…

Eminent physicist and cosmologist Professor Stephen Hawking (of 120 Nobel laureate University of Cambridge)  has commented succinctly on the existential threats to Humanity posed by nuclear weapons and global warming: “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [64]. The operative word here is “now”. Scientists warn that “net zero emissions by 2050” is  required to keep under a catastrophic +2C of global warming. However, for example, the anti-science, anti-environment,  climate criminal and Trumpist Australian Coalition Government  has attacked the Labor Opposition for adopting this goal [65]. The science-informed and humanitarian Australian Greens state that: “A safe climate will require a return to an atmospheric concentration of 350 parts per million or lower of greenhouse gases (and CO2 equivalents)… Net zero or net negative Australian greenhouse gas emissions by no later than 2040”. As set out in this detailed analysis, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in all key economic sectors of energy production and non-energy production are increasing whereas the worsening Climate Emergency demands urgently decreasing GHG emissions and ultimately net zero GHG emissions ASAP. All that sane, science-informed people can do is to endlessly re-state “Wrong  Way Go Back”.




9 March 2020


Gideon Polya, “Melbourne’s North East Link super-highway project – environmental vandalism & Australian-killing perversion”, Countercurrents, 9 March 2020: .

Beautiful Melbourne (capital of Victoria),  that vies with Vancouver and Vienna for being the most liveable city in the world,  is threatened with  a fiscally, morally and environmentally perverse  $16 billion super-highway North East Link (NEL) project that is set to carve a swathe through its beautiful , tree-rich City of Banyule (aka Heidelberg), the former home of the famed Heidelberg School of Australian Impressionist painters, with 25,000 trees to be felled including an ancient River Red Gum  that I adore.

Although local government councils of the adjacent Cities of Banyule, Whitehorse, Boroondara and Manningham, have taken legal action in an attempt to constrain the NEL project, this super-highway  project is supported at both the State and Federal level by the 2 major political groupings, namely the conservative Liberal Party-National Party Coalition (in opposition in the state of Victoria, but in government Federally)  and the centrist Labor Party (in government in Victoria   but in opposition  Federally).  Accordingly, this monolithic monstrosity seems unstoppable and indeed the Labor Government of the state of Victoria has announced that works  are set to start in 2021…

Many local government councils around the world, including the council of the City of Banyule (Heidelberg) in Melbourne, Australia, have declared a Climate Emergency. Indeed a catastrophic plus 2C of global warming is now effectively unavoidable as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions increase remorselessly under the impetus of neoliberal greed. Nevertheless we are obliged to do everything we can to make the future “less bad” for our children and future generations.

Melbourne’s climate criminal North East Link (NEL) super-highway project is associated with  numerous Bad things in irrational contravention of the declared Climate Emergency – ignoring science, ignoring reason, increasing GHG emissions, road instead of rail, massive tree felling,  and deadly fiscal perversion that will contribute to the premature deaths of many Australians. No doubt similar Stupidity, Ignorance and Egregious Greed (SIEG as in Dr Strangelove and “Sieg Heil!”)  is driving similar huge, climate criminal projects in your country too.

What can decent people do? Decent people around the world must (a) inform everyone they can about the worsening Climate Emergency, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, corporations, collectives and countries disproportionately involved in the worsening Climate Emergency and worsening Climate Genocide that existentially threaten Humanity and the Biosphere. We are badly running out of time. There must be zero tolerance for climate criminality.

1 March 2020


Gideon Polya, “Rampant Orwellian falsehood in neoliberal Australia – and  in your country too?”, Countercurrents, 1 March 2020: .

In George Orwell’s prescient, dystopian and frightening novel “1984”, Big Brother declared that  (A) war is peace, (B) slavery is freedom, (C) ignorance is strength,  and (D) 2 plus 2 does not equal 4. Scientists and other humanitarian truth-tellers are alarmed as ostensible democracies as well as authoritarian states head towards this ultimate in comprehensive, state-imposed  and blatant falsehood. My country, US lackey Australia, is arguably second only to Trump America for Orwellian government lying in ostensibly democratic societies  – but how does your  country perform in the mendacity stakes?

Science involves the critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses whereas the increasingly prevalent spin that dominates the world involves the uncritical use of asserted facts to support a partisan proposition i.e. the very opposite of the scientific method. However the great irony is that the very success of the scientific  method that has now created a highly technological and digital world has also created the electronic vehicles for mass dissemination of lies and spin-based untruths (slies) [1].

Public recognition of  such asserted or actual “fake news” has now provided the excuse for  governments and powerful corporations to take action to censor  views they consider inimical to their interests. Indeed politically correct, ostensibly “progressive”,  “liberal” and “pro free speech” Centrists of the Mainstream media commentariat will earnestly discuss the need for censorship  in the “public interest”  of what “somebody” will find to be “fake news”…

Neoliberal Australia has a greed-driven, look-the-other-way culture characterized by national deception and avoidance of Awful Truths [179, 180].  As detailed above,  Big Brother’s declarations  that  (A) “war is peace”, (B) “slavery is freedom”, (C) “ignorance is strength”,  and (D) “2 plus 2 does not equal 4” are rampant in ostensible democracy Australia under a mendacious, racist, anti-science, anti-environment, pro-war, US lackey  Coalition Government. My country, Australia, is arguably second only to Trump America for Orwellian government lying in ostensibly democratic societies. Poor fellow my country  –  but how does your  country perform in relation to Orwellian falsehood?


18 February 2020


Gideon Polya “Methane leakage makes Australia a world-leading per capita greenhouse gas polluter”, Countercurrents, 18 February 2020: .


Methane (CH4) is 85% of natural gas, leaks, and has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) 105 times that of the same mass of carbon dioxide (CO2)  on a 20 year time frame with aerosol impacts included. Such considerations reveal that Australia with 0.33 % of the world population has revised annual Domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are 2.5% of the world’s, and annual Domestic plus Exported GHG emissions that are 5.4% of the world’s annual GHG pollution.

Australia is among world leaders in annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution [1, 2], is a  major exporter of GHG pollution-implicit coal, gas and iron ore, and has become the world’s largest exporter of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) as well as of coal.  However, depending upon the degree of systemic gas leakage,  burning gas for power may be worse greenhouse gas (GHG)-wise than burning coal because methane (CH4, about 85% of natural gas) has a global warming potential (GWP) that is 105 times that of the same mass of carbon dioxide (CO2) on a 20 year time frame with aerosol impacts included [3-6]. However a remorselessly neoliberal, anti-science and anti-environment  Australia is committed on a bipartisan political basis (i.e. with the support of the Right-Extreme Right  Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Government and the Right-Centrist Labor Party Opposition) to massive exploitation  of conventional  and non-conventional natural gas reserves for Export and Domestic use. Only the Greens oppose this Gadarene, ecocidal, speciescidal, and potentially omnicidal and terracidal  profligacy that is driven by remorseless neoliberal greed and racism.

Australia is a world leader in annual per capita GHG pollution [1, 2] and both its Coalition Government and Labor Opposition are committed to unlimited coal and gas exploitation  for …

A damaging  plus 1.5C of warming will come in the coming decade, and a catastrophic plus 2C temperature rise is now effectively unavoidable [68-71],  but we are obliged to do everything we can to make the future “less bad” for future generations. In Australia and other profligately climate criminal countries, decent people will utterly reject the climate criminal climate change deniers and effective climate change deniers at the ballot box.  Decent people around the world will subject disproportionately  climate criminal  people, politicians , parties, collectives, corporations and countries to Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). Decent countries will subject climate criminal people, corporations and countries to legal actions via the International Criminal Court  and the International Court of Justice. Time is running out.


30 January 2020


Gideon Polya, “Review: “The Sacking of Fallujah. A People’s History” – ongoing Iraqi Genocide””, Countercurrents, 30 January 2020: .


The beautiful,  ancient and populous Iraqi city of Fallujah (the City of Mosques) in Iraq’s Anbar province suffered 13 years of US-enforced sanctions, and then 3 bloody sieges and 2 substantial demolitions or sackings at the hands of the genocidally racist, serial war criminal and child-killing American invaders.  This appalling atrocity cries out for justice and is documented in the must-read book “The Sacking Of Fallujah. A People’s History” by Ross Caputi, Richard Hil and Donna Mulhearn.

“The Sacking Of Fallujah. A People’s History” by Ross Caputi (a US Iraq War veteran and scholar), Dr Richard Hil (a British Australian sociologist and academic), and Donna Mulhearn (an Australian human rights activist and journalist) tells the tragic story of the successive, and substantial   demolitions  of the huge Iraqi city of Fallujah by the US Alliance, first in 2004 during the war criminal US Coalition’s Iraq War (2003-2011) and then again in 2014-2016 during the US Coalition’s ongoing War on ISIS  in Syria and Iraq (2012 onwards) [1]. A key aspect of the book is that it is written from the perspective of the ordinary people of Fallujah and thus exposes the horrendous realities behind the bland Western Mainstream media headlines over 15 years announcing the “besieging of Fallujah” and the “capture of Fallujah”. Every chapter is followed by the heart-wrenching testimony (People’s stories) of ordinary Iraqis, including children. This book is deeply upsetting and should be in every library as a cry for justice and a memo to a God-less, self-absorbed and serial war criminal  America: “Thou shalt  not kill children”…

The 3 sieges of Fallujah, the 2 demolitions of Fallujah, the ongoing Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide, and the ongoing Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide cry out for justice.  However, it is highly unlikely that America’s George Bush, the UK’s Tony Blair, and US lackey Australia’s John Howard, their associates and successors – notably serial war criminal Barack Obama and serial war criminal Donald Trump – will ever be arraigned before the racist, Iraqi  Genocide-ignoring and Iraqi Holocaust-ignoring International Criminal Court (ICC). What can decent people do? Decent, humane people around the world must (a) penetrate the Mainstream Media Wall of Silence and tell everyone they can about the ongoing, blood-for-oil  Iraqi Genocide, and (b)  urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment   and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, companies, corporations and countries complicit in the ongoing Iraqi Genocide and the ongoing Muslim Genocide and Muslim Holocaust. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity.




23 January 2020


Gideon Polya, “Review: “One world digital dictatorship” by Soren Korsgaard – Digital Nightmare”, Countercurrents, 23 January 2020: .


Danish writer Soren Korsgaard (editor of Crime & Power) has written a very long and detailed account entitled “One World Digital Dictatorship” that describes the accelerating movement  by both Western-style democracies and one-party states (notably China) towards world-wide Digital Dictatorship (Digital Imprisonment) involving mass data collection on everyone, mass surveillance, facial recognition-based tracking, crypotocurrency-based cashless societies, and social credit-based disempowerment…. Crucially, just as biological evolution by Darwinian natural selection requires mutation and genetic diversity, so social evolution and adaptation requires selection from a variety of ideas (memes)  [155]. Ergo, at this critical time  dissident views should be encouraged and not suppressed. Yet mass personal data acquisition  and social credit systems in a Digital Dictatorship will not only violate human rights and civil rights but will suppress  the very diversity of ideas that is crucial for tackling the present existential crisis facing Humanity. French philosopher René Descartes famously stated “I think, therefore I am” but in a Digital Dictatorship (Digital Prison) mendacious government will determine what we are allowed to think. What must decent people do? Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can, (b) urge zero tolerance for lying (including lying by omission), (c) insist on transparency and application of   the Universal Declaration on Human Rights to everyone [56],  and (d) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, corporations and countries complicit in the worsening digital imprisonment of Humanity.



16 January 2020


Gideon Polya, “US, UK, Australia, Canada & Germany reject Iraqi Parliament’s quit Iraq demand”, Countercurrents, 16 January 2020: .


Following the US assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and Shiite Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis at Baghdad International Airport,  the Iraqi PM, the Iraqi Parliament Speaker and the Iraqi Parliament have demanded that the US Alliance forces leave Iraq. The US, UK, Australia, Canada and Germany have rejected the Iraqi Parliament’s Quit Iraq demand,  with the US threatening to instantly collapse  the Iraqi economy by a banking freeze if Iraq  insists on US Alliance withdrawal from its territory…

Anti-racist Jewish British writer Harold Pinter in his 2005 Literature Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech stated (2005): “The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law. The invasion was an arbitrary military action inspired by a series of lies upon lies and gross manipulation of the media and therefore of the public; an act intended to consolidate American military and economic control of the Middle East masquerading as a last resort all other justifications having failed to justify themselves as liberation. A formidable assertion of military force responsible for the death and mutilation of thousands and thousands of innocent people. We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it ‘bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East’. How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just that Bush and Blair be arraigned before the International Criminal Court of Justice” [71]. 2.9 million? More than enough, I would have thought.

Decent people around the world are fed up with the war criminal exceptionalism of the US and its degenerate, serial war criminal  Allies (Australia, UK, Canada, France, Germany and nuclear terrorist, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel). Decent people throughout the world and in Australia will act by (a) informing everyone they can, (b) by urging and applying Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against a war criminal US and its war criminal allies, and (c) by declaring :”Yankee go home ” and an end to the presence of US Alliance forces in other nations. Decent Australians will  demand removal of  mother- and child-violating US forces from Australia, utterly reject the serial  war criminal, US lackey  Coalition, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.


10 January 2020


Gideon Polya, “Trumpist climate change denial, Australian bushfires, fuel reduction, biochar & Carbon Debt”, Countercurrents, 10 January 2020: .


Australia has been devastated by catastrophic bushfires in all states across the continent. The Australian fire season used to encompass the 6 months of Spring and Summer but now encompasses 9 months from late Winter to early Autumn. The effective climate change denialist and anti-science Coalition Government has a major responsibility. Mechanical fuel reduction coupled with biochar (charcoal, carbon, C) generation is a possible mitigation avenue in a worsening, climate change-, drought- and warming-driven disaster prospec. (1). The catastrophic 2019-2020 Australian bushfires by the numbers. As of 10 January 2020 the numbers of hectares burned are as follows: Australian Capital Territory (0),  New South Wales (4,900,000), Northern Territory (not available),  Queensland (2,500,000), South Australia (274,000), Tasmania (32,000),  Victoria (1,200,000), and Western Australia (1,700,000) for a total of 10,700,000 hectares.

The Australian bushfires are a nation-wide tragedy involving (as of 10 January 2020). 10,700,000 hectares burned, 28 deaths,  2,204 homes destroyed and massive killing of native animals and livestock. Yet the burning may continue for several more months of Summer and thence into the beginning of Autumn.  While  scientists, including the Australian Climate Council, had been warning of worsening drought and bushfire risk for years, the effective climate change denialist Coalition Government backed by right-wing oligopoly media ignored the science. Under the climate criminal Coalition Australia is among world leaders in 15 areas of climate criminality [58]. Australia with 0.3% of the world’s population is responsible for 4.5% of GHG emissions (Exports included) [62]. Climate criminal Australia’s anti-science profligacy also impacts the whole world through climate change and air pollution deaths. Thus, for example, the Australian Coalition Government  approved a modified  Adani coal mining, coal-for-India  scheme in Queensland but it was estimated that toxic pollutants from burning the coal from the full-blown initial proposal would eventually kill 1.4 million Indians over the life-time of the huge mine  [8].

To reiterate the words of Australian Greens Leader, Dr Di Natale: “Every politician, lobbyist, pundit and journalist who has fought to block serious action on climate change bears responsibility for the increasing risk from a heating planet that is producing these deadly bushfires” [79]. What will  threatened Humanity do around the world ? The world  will eventually lose patience with a climate criminal Australia and take action via Green Tariffs, International  Criminal Court prosecutions, International Court of Justice litigations, and Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). Decent Australians will utterly reject the anti-science, climate criminal and Australian-killing Coalition, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.



19 December 2019


Gideon Polya, “Australian climate criminality, heat stress deaths, & Australian Aboriginal Ethnocide”, Countercurrents, 19 December 2019: .


More than 500 Australians presently  die from heat stress each year with this disaster disproportionately impacting  the elderly, the impoverished and Indigenous First Nations peoples. Australia is currently beset continent-wide with climate change-exacerbated heat waves with sustained temperatures above 40 degrees Centigrade, extraordinary, nation-wide  bush fire emergencies commencing in Winter, and a devastating and widespread drought in Eastern Australia that has lasted for years…


About 7 million people die from air pollution each year with this including  10,000 Australians and 75,000 people dying each year from the long-term effects of pollutants the burning of Australia’s  world-leading col exports [50]. About 1 million people die from climate change each year although this may be an under-estimate because 15 million people die annually from deprivation in the Developing World (minus China), countries that are disproportionately impacted by man-made global warming [19]. The world is facing a worsening climate genocide in which 10 billion people may  die this century en route to a sustainable human population of only about 0.5-1.0 billion by 2100 [51]. While Australia has only  0.3% of the world’s population it is responsible for  4.5% of  global greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution (with its Exported GHG pollution included )[36, 37] i.e. it is disproportionately contributing to this existential disaster to a 15 times greater extent than the rest of the world on a per capita basis.

Nevertheless the climate criminal Coalition Australian Government,  that is dominated by an anti-science, climate change denialist, extremist   minority, resolutely rejects a global warming basis for the  current heat wave, drought and bush fire disaster that has been impacting Australia. The climate criminal Coalition, backed by the dominant US Murdoch  media Empire, has been able to fool half the population. However the heat wave conditions   in addition to exacerbating drought and bushfires is actually killing Australians with impoverished Indigenous Australians being disproportionately impacted. Indeed a racist and climate criminal Australia that has disproportionately contributed to generating over 20 million climate change-displaced persons per each year  [52],  is now on the verge of making large numbers of impoverished Indigenous Australian climate refugees within Australia in a foreshadowed jump in Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide [2]. Surely  Indigenous Australians have suffered enough in   over 230 years of genocidal racism [2].

Australia under the racist and climate criminal  Coalition faces the prospect of international action via Green Tariffs, Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), International Criminal Court prosecutions and International Court of Justice litigations. Decent Australians will utterly reject the racist, climate criminal, anti-science and Australian-killing Coalition, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.


17 December 2019

Gideon Polya, “Subversion – Sinophobic Australia clams China, ignores US, UK & Zionists ”, Countercurrents, 17 December 2019: .

Notwithstanding China being Australia’s biggest trading partner, the Sinophobic and US lackey Australian Government and Mainstream media are publicly highly critical of China  and the Chinese for asserted wrongs in many areas from human rights abuse and subversion to territorial occupation,  but in stark contrast   are utterly silent over horrendous crimes in the same areas by the US, UK, traitorous Zionists and by nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, democracy-by-genocide, neo-Nazi  and Australia-subverting Apartheid Israel. This extraordinary silence over Apartheid Israel by the US lackey Australian Coalition Government and Labor Opposition,  and by mendacious and cowardly Mainstream Australian journalist , politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes,  is testament to the extraordinarily pervasive subversion and perversion of racist White Australia by One Percenters, racist Zionists, Apartheid Israel,  Zionist-subverted America and Zionist-subverted Britain. In a decent world it really should not be required, but in Zionist-subverted, US lackey Australia it is necessary to declare whether  you belong to the decent 50% (who vote to support human rights for all, including the right to a modestly decent life, and are opposed to racism and war) or to the indecent, neoliberal Trumpist  50% (who variously vote for One Percenter interests, human rights abuse,  war, racism, bigotry, corruption, environmental destruction  and deadly inequity)… This essay has been written in attempt to balance the Sinophobic hysteria coming from Australia and the US. No doubt China as a major power plays hard in its own interests at home and abroad. China raises major human rights concerns , specifically in relation to an being authoritarian one party state, abuse of police powers (“power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”),  the death penalty, maltreatment of dissidents, censorship, constraints on free speech,  and  the short-term mass imprisonment of a reported 1 million Uighurs in re-education camps. However China must be given great praise for bringing 800 million people out of poverty, massive improvements in health, education, economic security and human dignity, opposition to Apartheid, a remarkable historical record of non-aggression, and a world-leading uptake in renewable energy.In contrast,  US lackey Australia, the US and the European US Alliance countries are ostensibly libertarian in comparison with China but manage to minimize effective free speech in the interests of their neoliberal  One Percenter rulers,  and have appalling records of war criminal violence against scores of impoverished countries that reached genocidal depths in the 21st century and continue unabated. Zionist-subverted Australia is second only to Zionist-subverted Trump America as a supporter of nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, serial war criminal, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel  that denies all human rights for its 5 million horribly abused and impoverished Occupied Palestinian subjects.  People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.  Please tell everyone you can.


5 December 2019

Gideon Polya, “Anti-racist Jewish writer Antony Loewenstein awarded Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize, ”, Countercurrents, 5 December 2019: .

Anti-racist Jewish Australian writer, journalist and film-maker Antony Loewenstein has been awarded the 2019 Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize by Palestinian Australian human rights activists. The award was presented at a big function held in Parliament House, Melbourne, by Professor Stuart Rees, winner of the inaugural 2018 Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize, founder of the Sydney Peace Prize and Emeritus Professor at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney…. Antony Loewenstein (born 1974) is an anti-racist Jewish Australian German  freelance investigative journalist, author and film-maker. He is the author of some important books,  namely “My Israel Question: Reframing The Israel/Palestine “ (2009),   “Profits of Doom: How vulture capitalism is swallowing the world” (2013), and “Capitalism : Making a killing out of catastrophe” (2015). He has co-authored a number of books, notably co-editing  with Ahmed Moor the book “After Zionism: One State for Israel and Palestine” (2012)  that included essays by notable supporters of Palestinian human rights. Antony Loewenstein is a co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) that speaks out against the horrendous human rights abuses of Apartheid Israel… The ethnic cleaning of 90% of Palestine and the adumbrated Apartheid Israeli annexation and  ethnic cleansing of the Jordan Valley has rendered  the 2-state solution dead. Decent people around the world, including Antony Loewenstein,  argue for a secular, democratic and unitary state (1-state solution, bi-national state) solution for Palestine.   However, notwithstanding the appalling dimension of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, the “two-state solution” has been a convenient fig-leaf for pro-Apartheid Western and Australian dishonesty and inaction over Palestine. A clear, humane solution  to the continuing human rights catastrophe in Palestine is a democratic and secular unitary state (one-state, bi-national state) solution as in post-Apartheid South Africa that would involve return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, economic decency for all, one-person-one-vote democracy, secular governance, justice, goodwill, reconciliation, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security (initially based on the present armed forces), and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of Palestine [26-28]. What must decent people do? Decent people around the world must (a) inform everyone  they can, (b) urge for a just, secular and  democratic unitary state in Palestine as in post-Apartheid South Africa, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting   the present deadly, racist and degenerate Apartheid  Israel regime.


3 December 2019

Gideon Polya, “Climate scientists: Planetary Emergency, Planet in peril, act now”, Countercurrents, 3 December 2019: .

A paper co-authored by some eminent climate scientists and just published in the prestigious scientific journal  Nature, analyses critical tipping points impacted by man-made climate change, and  concludes: “Act now… the evidence from tipping points alone suggests that we are in a state of planetary emergency: both the risk and urgency of the situation are acute…  The stability and resilience of our planet is in peril. International action — not just words — must reflect this”. A climate change-related “tipping point” for a particular phenomenon (e.g. loss of Arctic summer sea ice)  is the point  at which the change is irreversible. Successive IPCC reports   over past decades warned of the likelihood of tipping points being reached  at various degrees of global warming. However the authors provide a Figure showing that IPCC-estimated “High” to “Very High” risk of rapid and irreversible changes in the climate system has progressively occurred at lower average warming over the last 20 years.   Thus an approximate simplification of this Figure is that IPCC-perceived “High” to “Very High” risk occurred at +5.5C (2001), +5C (2007), +4C (2013) and +2C (2018) [1]. The authors conclude that “If current national pledges to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions are implemented — and that’s a big ‘if’ — they are likely to result in at least 3 °C of global warming. This is despite the goal of the 2015 Paris agreement to limit warming to well below 2 °C… if tipping points are looking more likely, then the ‘optimal policy’ recommendation of simple cost–benefit climate-economy models aligns with those of the recent IPCC report [2]. In other words, warming must be limited to 1.5 °C. This requires an emergency response”… What can decent people do? It is effectively too late to avoid a catastrophic +2C temperature rise but decent people are obliged to do everything they can to make the future “less bad” for future generations. Decent people must  act individually or better still act collectively (e.g. I am the secretary of the climate action group  Banyule Climate Action Now (BCAN) that is based in Melbourne in the City of Banyule that has recently declared a Climate Emergency) [24]. Decent folk must   (a) inform everyone they can  about the worsening Climate Emergency, Climate Genocide and Intergenerational Inequity, (b) urge a climate revolution (peaceful and non-violent  of course) with hundreds of millions out in the streets inspired by the likes of teenage activist Greta Thunberg, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all  people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries disproportionately  involved in the worsening Climate Genocide that is presently set to kill 10 billion people this century en route to a sustainable human population of merely 0.5-1.0 billion in 2100 [25].  There is no Planet B.


29 November 2019


Gideon Polya, “Pro-Zionist Australian PM accepts Zionist Jerusalem Prize & soils Australia”, Countercurrents, 29 November 2019: .

As reported by Mainstream media, on  21 November 2019 the Australian Coalition PM, Scott Morrison, accepted the Australian Zionist Jerusalem Prize.  The  extremist Coalition Australian Government  and most  of the  cowardly Labor Opposition  fervently support Zionism and nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist, serial war criminal and democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel. Ignored by Mainstream media,  on 22 November 2019 anti-racist  Jewish Australian writer Antony Loewenstein was awarded the Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize for assiduously defending Palestinian Human Rights.PM Scott Morrison, a fervent, evangelical,  Pentecostal Christian, was lavish in support of Zionists in his acceptance speech [1]  that –  given the appalling crimes of nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run,  genocidally racist, serial war criminal, grossly human rights-abusing  and democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel [2-21] –  amounted to a besmirching and soiling of Australia’s international reputation. Apartheid is a vile crime against Humanity, but  Australia is second only to Trump America as a supporter of Apartheid Israel [22], and PM Morrison confirmed this repugnant position in his lavishly pro-Zionist acceptance speech .Zionist-subverted, US lackey, pro-Apartheid Australia ranks second in the world after  the US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel. It has a dirty record of variously joining with the US, Apartheid Israel, pro-Apartheid Canada  and some tiny US lackey nations in the Pacific to oppose UN General Assembly (UNGA) motions supportive of Palestinian human rights… The US and France have seen  legislation aimed at  punishing  advocacy of Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions   (BDS) against  Apartheid Israel for being assertedly “anti-semitism” [172, 173]. In the UK the traitorous Zionist Lobby is virulently and falsely defaming the anti-racist Labour Party and its anti-racist leader Jeremy Corbyn as asserted “anti-Semites” [12-21,  175-177]. In Australia  the progressive, anti-racist  Left, that includes many anti-racist Jews, is increasingly being defamed on the self-assertedly progressive ABC (the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Australia’s taxpayer-funded equivalent of the UK BBC [103-107, 178] . Australian PM Scott “Scomo” Morrison’s fervent support for Israel invites  implacable opposition from anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish humanitarians  within Australia and around the world. Anti-racist Jewish humanitarians will resolutely call out and condemn being falsely defamed  by racist Zionists  and pro-Zionists, not least because it was  defamation of Jews that led to the horrors of centuries of pogroms that ultimately resulted in  the WW2 Jewish Holocaust . Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity.


14 November 2019

Gideon Polya, “Extrapolating 11,000 scientists Climate Emergency warning to 2030 catastrophe”, Countercurrents, 14 November 2019: .

Over 11,000 scientists have signed up to a World scientists’ warning of a Climate Emergency that sets out trends in 24 climate-related  areas over the last 40 years.  Scientists became aware of the climate change threat from greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution in the 1980s,  but in 21 of these 24 areas the trends are (a) huge, (b) in the wrong direction, and (c) linear or quasi-linear functions of time , with this allowing extrapolation from the present climate emergency to a climate catastrophe in 2030. The 2019 paper by William Ripple et al.,  and co-signed by over 11,000 scientists   from around the world [1], is a successor to a similar warning issued by William Ripple et al. in 2017 and co-signed by over 15,000 scientists… Despite scientists being aware of the greenhouse effect for 150 years,  and having warned politicians of the increasing seriousness of global warming since the mid-1980s, the World is now in a dire situation in which  catastrophic plus 2C temperature rise is now effectively unavoidable [93-99]. Thus paleoclimatologist and earth  scientist Dr Andrew Glikson: “As the globe warms, to date by a mean of near ~1.5 oC, or ~2.0oC when the masking effects of sulphur dioxide and other aerosols are considered, and by a mean of ~2.3oC in the Polar Regions” [59]. Nevertheless  decent people are obliged to do everything they can to make the  future “less bad’ for future generations. Eminent physicist Professor Stephen Hawking has succinctly  warned  [my emphasis added]: “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action NOW to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” [93, 94]. What can people do? Informed by the science [1], decent people around the world must (a) inform everyone they can about the worsening Climate Emergency, Climate Genocide and Intergenerational Inequity, (b) urge a climate revolution (peaceful and non-violent  of course) with hundreds of millions out in the streets inspired by the likes of teenage activist Greta Thunberg, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions against all  people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries disproportionately  involved in the worsening Climate Genocide that is presently set to kill 10 billion people this century en route to a sustainable human population of merely 0.5-1.0 billion in 2100 [8].


6 November 2019

Gideon Polya, “Review “Homo Deus” by Yuval Harari – Palestinian Genocide & Climate Genocide ignored”, Countercurrents, 6 November 2019: .

“Homo Deus. A brief history of tomorrow” by secular Jewish Israeli historian Yuval Harari  is fascinating, well-organized  and best-selling,   but is also a Eurocentric and Anglocentric book with massive omissions e.g. the deadly  subjugation of the Palestinians and the Third World in general, existential threats to Humanity (Homo sapiens) from nuclear weapons and climate change, and the worsening Climate Genocide that threatens to wipe out most of humanity this century..Concerned about  Artificial Intelligence (AI), Dr Harari dismisses any non-theistic purpose for humans, and  argues that intelligent and conscious humans will eventually be dominated  by  super-intelligent but non-self-aware AI (Dataism). In contrast,  social humanists  want to sustainably maximize human happiness, dignity and opportunity for everyone, and  some hope that Humanity will be saved from itself by super-intelligent and conscious AI. There are lots of interesting ideas in this well-referenced,  513-page book [1],  but the problem is that many of the authoritatively  asserted propositions have feet of clay. Prosperous Jewish Israeli Dr Harari (Israeli GDP per capita about $40,000) would have been well-advised to have  left his air-conditioned office  in the Hebrew University  of Jerusalem in rich, First World Apartheid Israel, strolled  through the Israeli Apartheid Wall a short walk or a short drive away, and taken real-life advice from impoverished  Indigenous Occupied Palestinians  denied all human rights and surviving under Apartheid Israeli guns and brutality in the Third World Occupied Palestinian Territory (per capita GDP a deadly $5,000) … Humanity is badly running out of time. The recent IPCC Report on global warming of 1.5C makes it clear that on current projections plus 1.5C will be reached in 10 years [76, 77].  A catastrophic plus 2C temperature rise is now effectively  unavoidable – however, that said, decent people are obliged to do everything they can to make the future “less bad” for their children, grandchildren and future generations.  One can only hope that self-evolving, super-intelligent and super-conscious Artificial Intelligences –  self- purposed to defy the Second Law of Thermodynamics and accordingly to  “love” Truth and Beauty –   will arrive in time to save Humanity and the Biosphere with ineffable Empathy.


30 October 2019


Gideon Polya, “Piketty analysis of Trumpism – populist nativists versus high education globalists”, Countercurrents, 30 October 2019: .

Economist Thomas Piketty has analyzed the rise of inequality-driven Trumpist  populism and increasing support by ignorant and xenophobic  poor people for the Right that serves the interests of the wealthy and opposes the Left that is paradoxically increasingly supported by high education and high income voters. Piketty’s “Brahmin Left versus the Merchant Right” analysis deals with France, the US and the UK but is relevant to Trumpist Brazil, Eastern Europe, Australia and BJP-ruled  India .The full title of Professor Piketty’s cogent numerical analysis is ”Brahmin Left versus the Merchant Right: rising inequality & the changing  structure of political conflict  (evidence from France, Britain and the US, 1948-2017)” [1]. Piketty’s analysis  includes numerous Figures that provide the evidential basis for his analytical propositions. Thomas Piketty is famous for his similarly evidence-based book “Capitalism in the Twenty First Century” that provided detailed quantitative data about the rise of massive inequalities of  wealth and income in the world (especially in Europe and the Anglosphere) under a dominant  neoliberal economic order… What can decent Humanity do in the face of this existential catastrophe? In this worsening Climate Emergency all of  Humanity must commit to sustainable and sharing eco-socialism. We cannot leave the fate of our children, grandchildren and future generations  in the hands of the Socially Conservative and Unscientific  Malefactors  (SCUM) of the Stupid Ignorant and Egregiously Greedy (SIEG) neoliberal Right. The time for “respectful conversation” is well and truly past. Decent people must (a) inform everyone they  can, (b)  insist  that the past, present and future Cost of Production is “fully borne” by the polluters, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians , parties, collectives, corporations and countries disproportionately involved in the worsening Climate Genocide. The future political dichotomy in an existentially threatened world is not “wealthy elites” versus “educated elites” but simply whether  you are part of the problem or part of the solution.


24 October 2019

Gideon Polya, “Redaction – Mainstream media censorship & self-censorship in pre-police state Australia”, Countercurrents, 24 October 2019: .

On Monday 21 October 2019 Australians around the country picking up their daily newspaper found that page 1  was blacked out in a facsimile of comprehensive redaction by a censor’s black pen.  No, pre-police state Australia  had not suffered a neo-Nazi putsch or overt US takeover – the blacking out was a collective protest by Australian Mainstream media  (MSM) against appalling  press censorship by the mendacious and human rights-violating Australian Coalition Government. The taxpayer–funded ABC strongly supported this protest. However self-censorship by these same  MSM means failure  to report huge  lying by omission  by US-, UK- and Zionist-beholden Australian media, politician , academic and commentariat presstitutes. In short, since 9-11 Australia has been gripped by US- and Zionist-promoted terror hysteria, Islamophobia, xenophobia and warmongering  jingoism.  Armed with anonymous  advice from what is oxymoronically called Australian Intelligence, successive conservative Australian Governments have introduced scores of anti-terror laws and secrecy laws  that variously impact on civil liberties and free speech… The massive lying by omission, mendacity,  anti-science blustering and gross human rights  abuses by the war criminal  and climate criminal  Australian Government are  self-assertedly  justified by “security” and “the national interest”. However rational risk management,   that is crucial for societal safety and security,  successively  involves (a) accurate information, (b) scientific analysis involving the critical testing of potentially falsifiable  hypotheses, and (c) science-informed systemic change to minimize risk. This rational, science-based protocol is sabotaged   by (a) lying by commission, lying by omission, spin,  obfuscation , censorship, self-censorship and intimidation, (b) spin-based analysis   involving the selective use of asserted facts to support a partisan position, and (c) counterproductive blame and shame with the inhibition of vital reportage and with the  ultimate irrational perversion being war [88]. On this basis, the mendacity of the Australian Government and “sacrosanct” Australian  Intelligence is a huge threat to the safety and security of Australians. What can decent people do about this massive Mainstream lying by omission? Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can, (b) do their best to penetrate the Mainstream Wall of Silence, (c) eschew mendacious Mainstream media in favour of humane and truth-telling Alternative media (such as Countercurrents), and (d) apply Boycotts , Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians and parties, collectives, corporations and countries that are disproportionately  complicit in this deadly perversion of truth and humanity.


15 October 2019

Gideon Polya, “Australia rejects IMF Carbon Tax & preventing 4 million pollution deaths by 2030”, Countercurrents, 15 October 2019: .

An International Monetary Fund  (IMF) report on climate change mitigation  advocates a Carbon Tax of $75 per ton of CO2 by 2030 that, if progressively implemented in the G20 countries alone, would prevent an estimated 4 million air pollution deaths by 2030. However the effective climate change denialist Coalition Government  of Australia, a G20 country that is  among world leaders in 15 areas of climate criminality, has flatly rejected a global Carbon Tax. If all G20 countries followed Australia’s rejection of a global Carbon Tax then they would be complicit in an unconscionable Climate Genocide and Climate Holocaust killing 4 million people  over  the next decade… [IMF:]“Some advanced and emerging market economies already use carbon taxes and emission trading systems, but insufficiently. Indeed, the average price on global emissions is currently $2 a ton, a tiny fraction of what is needed for the 2°C target.”… The IMF’s assertion of “725,000 fewer premature deaths in 2030 for a $75 a ton tax for G20 countries alone” means (assuming that such a Carbon Tax could be rapidly implemented by all the G20 countries)  that lives saved in  the period 2020-2030  would average 725,000/2 = 362,500 lives saved per year,  and thus would total 362,500 lives per year x 11 years = 4.0 million lives saved (2020-2030).… In response to the worsening Climate Emergency  the IMF has issued what is actually a very modest moral challenge to the prosperous countries of the G20 –  rapidly and progressively introduce a  big Carbon Tax to tackle climate change or become complicit in 4 million pollution deaths in the coming decade. Climate criminal Australia has immediately  said “no” – how will the other G20 countries respond?  The world is waiting. What can decent people do in the face of this worsening Climate Emergency? Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians  parties, countries, collectives and corporations disproportionately involved in the worsening Climate Emergency that already kills about  1 million people each year.


7 October 2019

Gideon Polya, “Review: “The New Enlightenment” by Brian Ellis – World Government & Social Humanism to save Humanity”, Countercurrents, 7 October 2019: .

“The New Enlightenment. On Steven Pinker & beyond” by Brian Ellis  argues that the 17th century onwards  Enlightenment that replaced superstition, dogma, subjugation and  subservience  with science,  reason, freedom and human rights has led to huge improvements in the human condition, but that  human rights must be accompanied by human social obligations and that a New Enlightenment  is urgently needed to reverse the impacts of rampant neoliberalism  and indeed to save Humanity from deadly  inequity and excessive exploitation of resources. “The New Enlightenment. On Steven Pinker & beyond” [1] by Professor Brian Ellis (University of Melbourne and La Trobe University)  is the third in a series of recent books by this eminent Australian philosopher arguing against the damage being caused by neoliberalism (economic rationalism) that  is centred on private profit,  and arguing instead for a humane,  pragmatic and sustainable social humanism for the benefit of everybody. Brian Ellis’ earlier books include “Social Humanism. A New Metaphysics” [2, 3] and  “Rationalism. A critique of pure theory” [4, 5]. In short, Brian Ellis argues that neoliberalism seeks to maximize the freedom of the smart and advantaged to exploit human and natural resources for private profit, whereas social humanism (socialism, the welfare state) seeks to maximize sustainable human happiness, opportunity and dignity for everyone through evolving intra-national and international social contracts that pragmatically take evolved cultural differences into account… National Paris Agreement commitments imply a 3-4 degrees Centigrade temperature rise by 2100 [38]. Nevertheless we are obliged to do everything we can to make the future “less bad” for future  generations.As argued by “The New Enlightenment”,  there is an urgent need for a new World Government element that is  elected on a  one-person-one-vote basis and is devoted to equitable economics  in a world that is badly running out of sustainably exploitable resources and time.


5 October 2019

Gideon Polya, “”Review: “The Return” by Hisham Matar – Libyan Genocide & seeking the disappeared”, Countercurrents, 5 October 2019: .

“The Return. Fathers,  Sons and the Land in Between” by Hisham Matar is a beautifully written and moving account by an expatriate Libyan writer of his over 2 decade search to find out what happened to his father, Jaballa Matar, a leading opponent and a secret political prisoner of the Qaddafi regime in Libya. However there are some surprising total omissions in the account, most notably the critical role of the France, UK and US (FUKUS) Coalition in the genocidal devastation of Libya… We are all obliged to “bear witness”. As described in a riveting account in “The Return” , Hisham Matar was assiduous in trying to find out what happened to his “disappeared” father, Jaballa Matar.  Because of his growing  literary celebrity, Hisham Matar was eventually able to get Mainstream media support and indeed was able to  get to talk to people in  the  top political leadership of both the UK and Libya. In my book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (about how the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death in the WW2 Bengali Holocaust and then erased or “disappeared” it from history),  I made a practical suggestion for protecting all of Humanity from being “disappeared”, to whit: “Global insistence on basic human rights throughout the world… a  readily addressable computer-based register of all humanity, from those hiding in the jungles to those incarcerated in prison or “refugee camps”, so that no more Anne Franks, Jeno Polyas or Raoul Wallenbergs can simply be “disappeared” from the face of the earth without remorseless international inquiry and penalty that may save them from oblivion”.


29 September 2019


Gideon Polya, “War criminal & climate criminal Australian deception at UN General Assembly”, Countercurrents, 29 September 2019: .

Australia’s attempt to match US Trump and UK Johnson buffoonery, Coalition PM Scott Morrison,  sabotaged and boycotted the UN Climate Action Summit in New York but later addressed the UN General Assembly (UNGA) with a rambling and outrageously dishonest speech that attempted to white-wash Australia’s continuing and appalling war criminal and climate criminal record, dishonestly slagging world heroine and climate activist Greta Thunberg,  while not actually mentioning her  name. In short, a climate criminal Australia under pro-coal Coalition (COALition)  Governments has been  remorselessly increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution for 5 years,  and is among world leaders in 15 key areas  of climate criminality but PM Scott “Scomo” Morrison painted an utterly false picture at the UNGA of Australia being a good global citizen and pulling its weight on climate change. Similarly, Australia has an appalling record of  invading 85 countries as a UK or US lackey, has a  critical role in  US nuclear terrorism,  and is presently assisting deadly and war criminal US military operations against 7 nations. However Morrison falsely portrayed Australia as committed to “rules-based order” and “peace”. Further,  without explicitly naming them,  Morrison slimily and falsely attacked peaceful Iran and peaceful China on behalf of the serial invader and serial war criminal US by referring to “freedom of navigation, be it in the Strait of Hormuz or closer to home”. Finally, Morrison launched a slimy, disgusting and patronizing attack on world heroine and teenage climate activist, Greta Thunberg, without explicitly naming her: “We must guard against others who would seek to compound or, worse, facelessly exploit their [children’s] anxiety for their own agendas”.


22 September 2019

Gideon Polya, “Millions join global school climate strike- we are running out of time”, Countercurrents, 22 September 2019: .

Millions of school children and supporting adults have joined Climate Strikes around the world that were inspired by the School Strike movement of Swedish teenager schoolchild Greta Thunberg and organized by local high school students. The School Climate Strike rallies had a stark message for effective climate  change denialist neoliberal politicians  – you are destroying our future,  we are not going quietly, we’ll be voters in a few years,  and we demand effective action on climate change now. On Friday  20 September I joined 100,000 other people at the Climate Strike rally in the heart of Melbourne that was organized by local high school students. It was the biggest rally in Melbourne since the huge demonstrations against the Vietnam War in 1970 and 1971  and the huge demonstration against the looming illegal invasion of Iraq back in 2003. My highly visible,  2-sided, black on white  placard said NO COAL OR GAS / 300 ppm CO2   – as soon as possible we must stop fossil fuel exploitation and return atmospheric CO2 to the pre-Industrial Revolution level of about 300 ppm CO2 (from the present disastrous 410 ppm CO2) for a safe and sustainable planet for all peoples and all species. According to the science-informed and pro-environment Guardian Australia: “Organisers of the school strike for climate claimed about 300,000 people attended dozens of rallies, including an estimated 100,000 in Melbourne and 80,000 in Sydney.

7 September 2019


Gideon Polya, Review: “Enlightenment Now” by Steven Pinker – Climate Genocide & Avoidable Mortality Holocaust ignored”, Countercurrents, 24 August 2019: .

“Enlightenment Now” by neoliberal, Canadian-American  One Percenter Steven Pinker argues that  the 17th century onwards European Enlightenment that promoted reason , science and humanism resulted in huge scientific, technological and moral advances with ultimately huge improvements in the human condition in many areas. However Pinker scoffs at Greens and leftists, supports the neoliberal capitalist order, and ignores horrendous realities from the current Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust (15 million deaths from deprivation  annually) and the mass species extinction of the present Anthropocene Era to the worsening Climate Genocide  (10 billion to die this century en route to a sustainable human population of 0.5-1.0 billion by 2100).

“Enlightenment Now. The case for reason, science, humanism and progress” by Steven Pinker, professor of psychology at Harvard  [1],  is well-written,  well argued, endlessly interesting, very readable, lengthy (573 pages), well indexed (31 pages of Index), well annotated (36 pages of Notes), well referenced (31 pages of References), and well organized into 3 Parts (encompassing 23 Chapters).  In section I, “ Enlightenment ”(Chapters 1-3)  and in Section III “Reason, Science and Humanism”(Chapters 21-23) Pinker describes the 17th century onwards Enlightenment project involving empirical observation, reason, science and humanism as a productive and humane substitute for superstition- , faith- and xenophobia-based irrationality.

In the intervening Part II “Progress” (Chapters 4-20) Pinker entertainingly but arguably sets out the evidence for  the improvement of the human condition in numerous areas thanks to the Enlightenment, this being superbly illustrated by  75 Figures from Figure 4-1 “Tone of the news, 1945-2010”, Figure 5-1 “Life expectancy, 1771-2015”, Figure 5-2 “Child mortality, 1751-2013”, Figure 5-3 “Maternal mortality, 1751-2013”, Figure 5-4 “Life expectancy, UK, 1701-2013) and Figure 6.1”Childhod deaths from infectious diseases, 2000-2013” to  Figure 18-1 “Life satisfaction and income, 2006”, Figure 18-2 “Loneliness, US students, 1978-2011”, Figure 18-3 “Suicide, England, Switzerland , and US, 1860-2014”, Figure 18-4 “Happiness and excitement, US, 1972-2016”, Figure 19-1 “Nuclear weapons, 1945-2015”, and Figure 20-1 “Populist support across generations, 2016” (the full list of 75 Figures is usefully set out in pages xi-xiii [1]).

However “Enlightenment Now” suffers from major counter-Enlightenment flaws that its author so cogently criticizes, notably culturally- and ideologically-based bias,  and the ignoring of massive realities.  Thus the scientific method that is at the heart of the Enlightenment involves the critical testing through empirical observation of potentially falsifiable  hypotheses. Contrary to the scientific method is anti-science, spin-based analysis  involving the selective use of asserted facts to support a partisan position. Pinker undermines an otherwise erudite, evidence-based argument about Enlightenment benefits,  with the primary data set out in 75 Figures,  by ignoring a veritable Herd of Elephants in the Room as set out below in this review.


24 August 2019


Gideon Polya, “Climate criminal Australia  sabotages Pacific Islands Forum & threatens all Island Nations”, Countercurrents, 24 August 2019:  .


The 18 nations of the Pacific Islands Forum recently held their 50th meeting. US lackey and climate criminal Australia brought an anti-China  American agenda, offered a $500 million dollar bribe (stolen and rebranded from its  miniscule Aid budget), and sabotaged  the consensus Forum statement on action over the worsening climate change threat to Island Nations. Humanity is existentially threatened  by nuclear weapons (most of humanity and the Biosphere will  be destroyed in a post-nuclear holocaust nuclear winter) [1]  and by man-made climate change (10 billion people may perish this century in a worsening Climate Genocide if man-made climate change is not requisitely  addressed – indeed various  eminent scholars have estimated that the carrying capacity of the Earth for humans in 2100  would be 1 billion or less).

The  Small Island States of the Pacific, and indeed all around the world,  head the list of countries most  immediately threatened by man-made climate change. The nation of  Tuvalu hosted the 50th meeting of the Pacific  Islands Forum and is acutely threatened by man-made climate change – it may become uninhabitable by as early as 2030.Australia is a member of  the 18-member Pacific Islands Forum but as a rich country occupying all of a 7.7 million square kilometer continent  is far less  threatened by climate change than tiny,  coral atoll-based and low-lying Pacific Islands, most notably Tuvalu, Kiribati,  Micronesia, Niue,  Tokelau and the  Marshall Islands. Indeed all members of the Pacific Islands Forum variously have climate-changed-threatened island and coastal areas. Thus the Pacific Islands Development Forum in its  recent “Nadi Bay Declaration on the Pacific Islands Climate Change Crisis” (30 July 2019) stated: “The science warns of the real possibility that coral atoll nations could become uninhabitable as early as 2030. By 2100, the coral atoll nations of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Tokelau and the Maldives and many SIDS [Small Island Developing States] could be submerged… Call…on all coal producers to immediately cease any new mining of coal and develop a strategy for a decadal phase-out and closure of all existing coal production”.

The 18 members of the Pacific Islands Forum include Australia, Kiribati, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Samoa, Vanuatu, Fiji, Micronesia, Niue,  Solomon Islands,  French Polynesia, Palau, Nauru, and Tonga. 1. Australia’s horrendous record of colonial abuse, slavery, genocide, subversion and holocaust denial in the Pacific…

US lackey Australia has obfuscated the horrendous actuality of its  climate criminal threat to the Pacific by beating the drum about a US-asserted threat to  the region and the world from an economically burgeoning China, notwithstanding the reality that China is Australia’s biggest trading partner. Indeed Australian PM Morrison had the same Trump America-derived Sinophobic message in visiting Vietnam in recent days, ignoring  the horrendous reality that the climate criminality of US lackey  Australia and Trump America  is a huge threat to mega-delta Vietnam. One notes that Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, genocidal atrocities that have been associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence or from war-imposed deprivation. Now cometh Climate Genocide.A pro-coal, climate criminal and Trumpist  Australia sabotaged the 2019 Pacific Islands Forum by insisting on  emasculation of the final communique, and is committed to Climate Genocide of Island Nations  as collateral damage to Australian neoliberal greed that indeed threatens Humanity and the Biosphere. Decent Humanity will eventually unite in declaring a Climate Emergency and taking action against disproportionately climate criminal countries  like Trumpist Australia and Trump America via International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutions, International Court of Justice (ICJ) litigations, application of Green Tariffs,  and imposition of Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS).


14 August 2019.

Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel bombing Syria & Iraq – hotting up deadly 4-decade US war on Iran”, Countercurrents, 14 August 2019: .


Since the removal of the US-backed Shah in the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the US has enacted 4 decades of deadly hostility to Iran  through sanctions and violence that can be described as  a 4-decade US War on Iran. 1 million Iranians  died in the 1980-1988 US-backed Iran-Iraq War and 3 million Iranians died avoidably from deprivation in 4 decades of variously applied sanctions. Now UK machinations, US sanctions with threats of “obliteration”,  and Apartheid Israeli bombing of Iranian  facilities in Syria and Iraq threaten a devastating hot war of 3 nuclear powers against a peaceful and non-nuclear-armed Iran.

Words and prior actions matter, especially when they come from a mendacious, blustering , bullying, murderous, racist  and jingoistic leader of an America  that has 7,300 nuclear warheads and indeed  used nuclear weapons  to kill 200,000 Japanese civilians  in the war criminal  atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 [2].  President Donald Trump in threatening “obliteration” of parts of Iran (2019): “The Iranian leadership doesn’t understand the words ‘nice’ or ‘compassion’, they never have. Sadly, the thing they do understand is strength and power, and the USA is by far the most powerful military force in the world, with $1.5tn invested over the last two years alone…  Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas, overwhelming will mean obliteration.

After Trump called off a US attack on Iran over the downing of an unmanned drone,  supposedly because it would have killed 150 people, Iranian foreign minister, Javad Zarif commented: “You were really worried about 150 people? How many people have you killed with a nuclear weapon? How many generations have you wiped out with these weapons? It is us who, because of our religious views, will never pursue a nuclear weapon”.

Words and track record matter, and Trump threatened to “totally destroy” nuclear-armed North Korea (2017): “The US has great strength and patience. If it is forced to defend ourselves or our allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea”. This is not an idle threat from a mendacious American bully because in the 1950-1953 Korean War US  bombing killed 28% of the North Korean population.

Words matter,  and what Trump has been so obscenely adumbrating is an Iranian Genocide, an Iranian Holocaust, a Korean Genocide and a Korean Holocaust, noting that “holocaust” means deaths of a huge  number of people and “genocide” is defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group”. War is the penultimate in racism and genocidal war is the ultimate in racism.

Decent people around the world legitimately fear the horrendous consequences of a full-blown US and US Alliance military  attack  on Iran. However 4 million Iranians  have already died from violence, 1 million, or from sanctions-imposed deprivation, 3 million, in a 4-decade US War on Iran. Further, while Iran leads the world in interdiction of opiate drugs from US-occupied Afghanistan, this flood of US-protected opiates has killed 33,000 Iranians and the 5.2 million people who have died worldwide  in a US-imposed  Opiate Holocaust inescapably linked to US restoration of  the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6%  of world market share in 2001 to 90% in 2007 [6]. One notes that the WW2 Jewish Holocaust was associated with 5-6 million Jews killed by the German Nazis through violence or imposed deprivation…


10 August 2019.

Gideon Polya, “US-imposed Opiate Holocaust – US protection of Afghan opiates has killed 5.2 million people since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 10 August 2019: .

Numerous science, engineering, architecture, aviation, military and intelligence experts conclude that the US Government was responsible for the 9-11 atrocity (3,000 people killed) with some asserting Israeli and Saudi involvement, but US-beholden Western Mainstream media are united in  blind belief in the official version of  mendacious George Bush. However resolutely ignored is the UNODC report that 0.6 million people die from illicit drugs each year with 290,000 such deaths linked to US protection of  the Occupied Afghanistan opium industry.

US Government-beholden  Mainstream media continue to turn reality on its head by ignoring this US-imposed carnage of 290,000 per year x 18 years = 5.2 million opiate drug-related deaths world-wide linked to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from about 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007. Further, Mainstream media ignore the reality that Iran is the world leader in combating this deadly scourge of  US-protected opiate drugs and instead beat the drums of war against  Iran by the nuclear terrorist and serial invader countries of the US, Apartheid Israel, the UK and France against  Iran, a country that has not invaded another country for 1,500 years, does not have nuclear weapons, nor any intention of building them,  and repeatedly declares that it wants a nuclear weapons-free Middle East.

According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Iran accounts for 74% of the world’s opium seizures and 25% of the world’s heroin and morphine seizures. However Iran’s role as a world leader in the War on Drugs and in combating  opiate drugs from US-occupied Afghanistan  comes at a heavy price. Thus Iran has a 900 kilometer border with US-occupied Afghanistan  that produces about 90% of the world’s opium under US Alliance protection. Iran has spent about $700 million policing its borders against drug movement.  About 2.5 million Iranians are drug users with opium accounting for 67% of drug use. 4,000 Iranian police have been killed protecting Iran and the World from US-protected opiate smugglers. The US Alliance restored the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from about 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007. Drought reduced the Afghan share  of the world opium production in 2018 to 82% .


4 August 2019.

Gideon Polya, “Neoliberalism, Neo-fascism & Trumpism – racist alliance of mob & capital”, Countercurrents, 4 August 2019: .

Philosopher Hannah Arendt found common causes of  genocidal Western European imperialism on 5 continents and genocidal 20th century fascism as an alliance between the mob and capital, with a commonality in this union of extreme nationalism, lying, rapacity, atrocity-justifying racism and anti-humanism.  Today American Trumpism is ferociously anti-intellectual, anti-humanist, nationalist  and racist, with genocidal Trump threats to “totally destroy” or “obliterate”. Rampant US Trumpism is paralleled by UK Brexiteers,  and by burgeoning Central European, Brazilian and Australian neo-fascists and Trumpists.

 Just as the capitalist  Establishment used jingoism, nationalism and egregious racism to enthusiastically involve “the mob” in the genocidal crimes of Western European imperialism on 5 continents, so the same device enabled popular support for genocidal Nazi German crimes against Europeans in Europe in WW2,  for genocidal crimes of fascist Italy against Libyans and Ethiopians and no doubt for the genocidal crimes of Imperial Japan against China. War is the penultimate in racism and genocide the ultimate in racism.1. Hannah Arendt, Sven Lindqvist and the “mob and capital” in imperialist and fascist mass murder…

Since the commencement of the Agrarian Revolution in about 10,000 BCE, Humanity increasingly gave up life in small, cooperative groups involved in the sustainable co- existence with nature in favour of large, significantly urbanised and highly militarized societies.   The success of the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution in Europe  led to superfluous capital and superfluous labour. As described by Hannah Arendt in 1951, a fear- and greed-driven  “alliance between the mob and capital” was able via racist nationalism to achieve genocidal Western European imperialism   in the South and eventually totalitarian fascism and the Nazi industrial  genocide in WW2 Europe.

Today the World is at a cusp between  immense, neoliberalism-driven economic growth and a likely new Dark Age marked by  decimation  of Humanity and the Biosphere if man-made climate change is not requisitely  addressed. An unavoidable and catastrophic plus 2C is indicated by a huge and hugely increasing  Carbon Debt but US president Donald Trump has chosen a political course of anti-science denial that, as in the imperialist and fascist eras,  involves an alliance of the mob and capital with a  politically successful concoction of mendacity, fear, racism, sexism,  nationalism, jingoism, militarism, and endless greed.  The mendacious, anti-science, racist , nationalist, and ends-justifies-the means Trumpist populism  is proving be massively attractive  in Europe, Brazil and Australia, as well as in America, as Humanity moves inexorably towards the precipice.

Trumpist stupidity, ignorance and egregious greed (stupidity, ignorance and evil greed or SIEG as in Dr Strangelove and “Sieg heil!”) existentially threaten Humanity but are perpetuated by pro-One Percenter Mainstream media censorship. Humanity must oppose this neo-fascist Trumpism with  zero tolerance for lying, ecocide, speciescide, racism, genocidal violence and terracidal greed.


26 July 2019


Gideon Polya, “Review: “This Land is Our Land. An immigrant’s Manifesto” by Suketu Mehta” – trumping Trumpism”, Countercurrents, 26 July 2019: .

This Land Is Our Land. An Immigrant’s Manifesto” by Gujarati Indian American author Suketu Mehta is an  important argument for the right of immigrants (creditors) to migrate  from the impoverished  Developing World to today’s  wealthy countries  of the former brutal colonizers (debtors). Mehta  argues cogently that the colonizers have run up an immense debt that must be met by their descendants, describes the present appalling treatment of migrants by US and European Trumpists, excoriates the neo-fascist Trumpist alliance between the mob and capital, and concludes with a passionate defence of multiculturalism.

Suketu Mehta’s  “This Land Is Our Land. An Immigrant’s Manifesto” [1] is a passionately argued and well-documented polemic  about the appalling maltreatment by the rich and exploitative North of refugee “creditors”  from the ravaged and  impoverished South. This important book should be in every national, city, town, suburban, university and school library for it is only through revelations about these appalling  realities, including acute climate change threats, that there is any hope for humane treatment of our fellow human beings. Critically, Mehta describes the surge of irrational, anti-science, racist, anti-immigrant , Trumpist populism in America, Britain, Europe and US lackey Australia as “the alliance between the mob and capital” as exampled by 20th century fascism. Indeed the Stupidity, Ignorance and Egregious Greed (SIEG as in “Sieg heil”) of the global army of deplorable Trumpists and the rich One Percenters  manipulating  them is a massive threat to humanity.

However Mehta is unwittingly a victim of the truth-ignoring culture within which he lives (New York, USA) –  for all its rare and admirable  truth telling   that will probably shock most Western readers, “This Land is Our Land” does not go far enough  e.g.  it does not  mention the Elephant in the Room of 15 million people in the global South who presently die  avoidably from deprivation each year on Spaceship Earth with America in charge of the flight deck, the 1,500 million people  who have died thus since 1950  in an ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust, the 1,800 million Indians who died avoidably from deprivation in a 2-century, British-imposed Indian Holocaust, and the direst estimates of 10,000 million people dying this century in an already worsening  Climate Genocide.


20 July 2019


Gideon Polya, “Review: “A Fine Tapestry” by Mythili Lakshman – A South Indian Jane Austen?”, Countercurrents, 20 July 2019: .

“A Fine Tapestry” by Mythili Lakshman is a  very readable novel about a large and traditional Hindu Tamil family and is set in a South Indian village in post-Independence India in circa 1960. The fine tapestry of this novel centres about 2 married sisters, one of whom is suffering a terminal illness. The novel is similar to the works of the famed Jane Austen in relation to consanguineous marriage,  niceness, traditional family and class values, and avoidance of contemporary social horrors, but is in stark contrast to the blunt social messaging of the novels of  South Indian Arundhati Roy.

Jane Austen’s brilliant novels have a message about young upper class English women in rural England of circa 1800  overcoming the  social disempowerment of women in their prosperous environment (notably by truthfulness and clear articulation of their opinions) and finding marriage based on true love.  “A Fine Tapestry” [2] has a core message about  the terminal illness of a young wife in the context of a large and loving rural South Indian family in circa 1960. Both authors can be criticized  for avoiding horrendous contemporary social circumstances and narrowly confining their work to the peaceful world of prosperous families and their associates. However  the counterargument is that the writer as an artist is surely  free to choose the subject, canvas and palette – and that is fine as long as we are aware of the Elephant in the Room societal horrors  that have been omitted. Thus while a great fan of Jane Austen’s truthfulness, decency and beautifully constructed, witty and often wickedly ironic writing,  I have coined the term “Austenizing” to describe  how the British Establishment exploited her writing to glorify British imperial  “civilization” while hiding (Austenizing) its horrendous and genocidal realities – a perversion of the truth that continues to this day. No such complications for brilliant South Indian writer Arundhati Roy whose  passionate novels “The God of Small Things” (1997) and “The Ministry of Utmost Happiness” (2017) uncompromisingly tell the big truths about massive social injustice impacting human lives.


10 July 2019.

Gideon Polya, “Criminal US sanctions & passive mass murder of Venezuelans by state terrorist Trump America”, Countercurrents, 10 July 2019: .


Economic experts  have determined that Trump American sanctions on the impoverished state of Venezuela have so far been associated with 5 million refugees and 80,000 excess deaths from deprivation in the last 2 years (alternative estimates are of 45,000 -173,000 such deaths). The Organization of American States predicts 8 million Venezuelan refugees by the end of 2020. Decent Humanity must utterly condemn and oppose this passive mass murder of Venezuelans by a morally degenerate Trump America.

Yet  these criminal and deadly sanctions imposed on an impoverished Venezuela  by rich Trump America are backed by other obscenely wealthy but morally degenerate allies of Trump America, including  the UK, other US lackey Western European countries and, of course, by craven US lackey, Australia that supports removal of the democratically-elected  Venezuelan Government. It is  disgusting that the world’s richest countries have ganged up to destroy an impoverished country, Venezuela. Yet that is precisely what the wealthy US Alliance has been doing to scores of impoverished countries since the end of WW2, noting that in these impoverished, high birth rate countries about 50% of   the population are children and about 70% of avoidable deaths from deprivation are of under-5 year old infants.

A message so obvious and so fundamental that it is not  even enunciated specifically in the Ten Commandments is “Thou shalt not kill children”.  It should therefore be unexceptional to state that the world should respond to this sanctions-driven,  passive mass murder of infants and children with Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against  the perpetrator politicians (notably  Donald Trump and Theresa May), perpetrator countries (notably the US and UK)  and their craven allies (notably US lackey Australia and Western Europe).


1 July 2019.

Gideon Polya, “”Advance Australia Fair” hides Australian racism, theft, genocide, ecocide,  speciescide & terracide”, Countercurrents, 1 July 2019: .

Despite widespread obesity Australians are obsessed with sport, and  the world is familiar with  Australia’s  national anthem “Advance Australia Fair” being very frequently  played at the Olympic Games and other  sporting competitions. However the words are deeply racist  and mendacious to the point that many Indigenous Australians are deeply offended, won’t stand for it (literally and metaphorically)  and  want it urgently replaced.

As explored in this carefully documented essay, informed and  honest analysis shows that Australia’s  national anthem “Advance Australia Fair” amounts to an  unintended confession of White Australian racism, politically correct racism (PC racism), theft, war criminality, state terrorism, genocide, ethnocide, environmental vandalism, climate criminality, ecocide, speciescide, climate genocide, and endless, anti-science,  neoliberal greed heading the world towards omnicide and  terracide.

One of the most awful things a teacher can do to students is to lie, whether through lying by omission or lying by commission. Lying by omission is far, far worse than repugnant  lying by commission because the latter at least permits public refutation  and public debate. Yet Australian students are subject to massive child intellectual abuse through  lying by omission e.g. they are not taught that the national anthem , “Advance Australia Fair”,  amounts to massive lying by omission from beginning to end.

Australia’s national anthem used to be the same as the UK’s, namely “God Save the Queen”. However while White Australia was a faithful and jingoistic lackey of the UK in the period from British Invasion (1788) to WW2, it shifted allegiance markedly and became a craven lackey of the US  after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (7 December 1941) and the fall of Singapore (January 1942). Forcing Japan into WW2 was a great victory for British diplomacy  (having the US on their side meant that the Allies would certainly win WW2) and for the amoral, war profiteering, US capitalist Establishment (the US GDP grew by an astonishing 8-19% per annum  during WW2) .A dominant Australian myth – and indeed a compulsory article of faith in Australian public life  – is that the Americans saved Australia from Japanese invasion, but expert advice has it that the Japanese military were overstretched and had no such intention .

As a UK lackey and/or a US lackey Australia has invaded 85 countries, with 30 of these invasions being genocidal atrocities. Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence or from war-imposed deprivation [5]. Indeed, as a craven US lackey Australia has been an enthusiastic member of the US Alliance and its  War on Terror – 32 million Muslims have died from violence (5 million ) or from deprivation (27 million ) in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since the US Government’s 9-11 false flag atrocity that killed 3,000 people.

Australia nevertheless retained the British Monarch as Head of State, helped a nuclear terrorist Britain test nuclear weapons and delivery systems,   and has been involved since WW2  in the Anglosphere “5-eyes” intelligence-sharing club that includes the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (but which also unofficially and secretly includes nuclear terrorist “democracy-by-genocide” Apartheid Israel with which the US shares intelligence on all the citizens of the “5-eyes” countries, including  those of my country, Australia).






10 July 2019

Gideon Polya, “Criminal sanctions & passive mass murder of Venezuelans by state terrorist Trump America”, Countercurrents, 10 July 2019: .

Economic experts  have determined that Trump American sanctions on the impoverished state of Venezuela have so far been associated with 5 million refugees and 80,000 excess deaths from deprivation in the last 2 years (alternative estimates are of 45,000 -173,000 such deaths). The Organization of American States predicts 8 million Venezuelan refugees by the end of 2020. Decent Humanity must utterly condemn and oppose this passive mass murder of Venezuelans by a morally degenerate Trump America. Yet  these criminal and deadly sanctions imposed on an impoverished Venezuela  by rich Trump America are backed by other obscenely wealthy but morally degenerate allies of Trump America, including  the UK, other US lackey Western European countries and, of course, by craven US lackey, Australia that supports removal of the democratically-elected  Venezuelan Government. It is  disgusting that the world’s richest countries have ganged up to destroy an impoverished country, Venezuela. Yet that is precisely what the wealthy US Alliance has been doing to scores of impoverished countries since the end of WW2, noting that in these impoverished, high birth rate countries about 50% of   the population are children and about 70% of avoidable deaths from deprivation are of under-5 year old infants… If Americans are unmoved by US sanctions being linked to 16,000-60,000 Venezuelan under-5 infant deaths each year,  and violent US hegemony being linked to 5.4 million Third World under-5 infant deaths each year,  one (naively?) supposes that those Americans  with a skerrick of the  world-famous, chest-thumping  American patriotism would surely be moved by the passive mass murder of 20,000 American under-5 year old infants each year by Trump America. This indeed adds a new twist to Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again” (the fewer the infants, the “greater” the average size of Americans, 58% of whom are presently over-weight or obese).Outstanding expatriate Australian journalist John Pilger has stated that “Should the CIA stooge Guaido and his white supremacists grab power, it will be the 68th overthrow of a sovereign government by the United States, most of them democracies. A fire sale of Venezuela’s utilities and mineral wealth will surely follow, along with the theft of the country’s oil, as outlined by John Bolton. Under the last Washington-controlled government in Caracas, poverty reached historic proportions. There was no healthcare for those who could not pay. There was no universal education”.What must decent people do? Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can , and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against a child-killing Trump America and all those US lackey people, politicians, parties, corporations and countries complicit in  Trump America’s War on Humanity.


8 June 2019

Gideon Polya, “Climate criminal Australia ignores its hugely increasing Carbon Debt & massive subsidies for GHG pollution”, Countercurrents, 8 June 2019: .

The damage-related cost of carbon pollution has been variously estimated at $US200 per tonne CO2, this enabling calculation of the inescapable Carbon Debt we are leaving to be paid by future generations. A climate criminal Australia is among world leaders in 14 key areas relating to greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, and with a population (25 million) that is only 0.3% of the world’s,  Australia has an  annual increase in Carbon Debt that is 6% of that of the world. With huge coal and natural gas resources, a greedy and ecocidal Australia is committed to massive fossil fuel exploitation,  correspondingly massive GHG pollution, and consequent massive global environmental devastation.  There is bipartisan agreement    between the recently  re-elected Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Federal Government under PM Scott “Scomo” Morrison  and the Labor Party Opposition under Anthony “Albo” Albanese for essentially unlimited coal and natural gas exports until the world demands cessation. Indeed the scientific  world is demanding cessation as exampled by outstanding  scientist, Stephen Hawking ( formerly of 118 Nobel Laureate University of Cambridge, UK) who declared (2007, 2018):  “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change”… Carbon Debt is inescapable – thus unless sea walls are built, cities and agricultural land will be inundated. Our remorselessly increasing Carbon Debt will eventually have to be paid by the young and future generations. The young know that they are being  ripped off and that their world is being destroyed by neoliberal greed. At some point the young will have to revolt (non-violently, one hopes), and most importantly  in climate criminal countries like Australia that are disproportionately  huge contributors  to the world’s huge and increasing Carbon Debt.  Please inform everyone you can – the world is running out of time.


10 June 2019

Gideon Polya, “Review: “Tales of a City by the Sea” by Samah Subawi” – Palestinian Genocide & Palestinian Holocaust in microcosm” , 10 June 2019: .

“Tales Of A City By The Sea” by Gaza-born, Palestinian Australian playwright and poet, Samah Sabawi, is a simple but powerful play about the realities of life and love in the Gaza Concentration Camp that is ruled with an iron fist by Apartheid Israel. However fundamentally the play is about those who have choices and those who do not. Specifically it is about the guilty freedom of exiled Palestinians in the rich West versus the utter impoverishment and disempowerment of Occupied Palestinians highly abusively and indefinitely imprisoned in the Gaza Concentration Camp for the asserted crime of being Indigenous Palestinians. Samah Sabawi is a passionate  poet and describes herself as  “a Palestinian-Canadian- Australian writer, commentator and playwright”.  Samah Sabawi describes her moral commitment to “Free Palestine” thus: “I travelled the world and lived in its far corners, yet always felt haunted by the violence and injustice perpetrated against the poor, the marginalized, the colonized and stateless. No matter where I was, or how vast the world appeared around me, I always felt as though I remained trapped in my place of birth Gaza. The war torn besieged and isolated strip shaped my understanding of my identity and my humanity. So what else could I do but to indulge in Palestine’s overwhelming presence and to succumb to telling its stories of humanity’s triumphs and tribulations through my art and my poetry”… Despite the continuing awfulness of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide there is hope in decency and reason.  The “two-state solution” has been a convenient fig-leaf for pro-Apartheid Western dishonesty and inaction over Palestine.  The ethnic cleansing of 90% of the land of Palestine has rendered the “two-state solution” dead. A clear, humane solution  to the continuing human rights catastrophe in Palestine is a unitary state (a “one state solution”) as in post-Apartheid South Africa that would involve return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, one-person-one-vote, justice, goodwill, reconciliation, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security initially based on the present armed forces, and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of Palestine. It can and should happen tomorrow.


15 June 2019

Gideon Polya, “Media lying, media censorship & Australian Federal Police raids on media in pre-police state Australia”, Countercurrents, 15 June 2019: .

Recent Australian Federal Police (AFP) raids on News Corp and the taxpayer-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)  over leaks from Government about spying plans and Australian war crimes in Afghanistan, respectively,  has led to legitimate expressions of outrage in Australia and around the world on this  blatant attack on press freedom, truth-telling and freedom of speech. However this huge Mainstream media, politician and commentariat indignation hides a vastly greater crime of massive Mainstream Media and ABC lying by omission in a  US-, UK- , Zionist-  and Intelligence-subverted pre-Police State Australia.“Leaking” secret Government information has been a crime in Australia under the Australian Crimes Act for decades before the post-9-11 terror hysteria regime saw enactment of draconian anti-terrorism laws that for, example,  provide for imprisonment for up to 5 years for revealing a secret Security or Intelligence operation and for up to 10 years if the life  a Security  or Intelligence operative were conceivably endangered… In 2017 on Australia’s war  dead memorial day, Anzac Day (25 April),  Muslim, feminist  social advocate and  humanitarian  journalist  Yassmin Abdel-Magied (who worked for the ABC) simply posted the following 7 words on her Facebook page: “Lest we forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine)”. Savaged by public outcry, Ms Abdel-Magied rapidly deleted the post and apologized, as did the ABC. The post was correct and her silencing by rabid jingoists remains  a stain on Australia and an attack on free speech. A month later the ABC stopped her TV program and Yassmin Abdel-Magied left Australia for London.  I published a detailed account of the huge truths behind those 7 words that was entitled “Yassmin Abdel-Magied censored on Anzac Day – jingoists  trash Australian free speech” [134] that can be summarized by the following 7 phrases “Syrian Genocide”, “Syrian Holocaust”, “Palestine Genocide” , “Palestinian Holocaust”, “Muslim Genocide” , “Muslim Holocaust”, and “Gaza concentration camp”, phrases  eliciting zero results on an ABC Search. One could  offer the suggestion that the ABC might make an extremely  modest annual advance  on truth-telling by minimizing lying by omission on the “One Day of the Year”, Anzac Day.


27 June 2019

Gideon Polya, “Review: “Becoming” by Michelle Obama – Mainstream lying, genocide ignoring & holocaust ignoring”, Countercurrents, 27 June 2019: .

“Becoming” by Michelle Obama is an inspiring, feel-good story of how a working class African-American woman became a Harvard graduate,  corporate lawyer, perfect mother and thence  First Lady of the US. However “Becoming” has numerous  extraordinary  absences e.g. the Harvard Law School years, Black felony laws, the Israel Lobby, 130,000 US veteran suicides and 30 million preventable US deaths since 9-11, pro-Apartheid America, who killed Osama, and egregious US violation of 12 countries under Obama. “Becoming “ by Michele Obama  is well written but it has also been very well edited to the point of massive lying by omission, genocide ignoring  and holocaust ignoring. Michelle Obama comes across as a strong, smart, family- and community-oriented  caring person, a hard worker, a  good wife, a pragmatic idealist and an excellent mother. Her book will no doubt be an inspiration for both Black and White American children,  girls, women, mothers, husbands and families.  It is a feel-good, rags to riches story that attempts to validate American capitalism and the American Dream – no matter who you are and from where you come, work hard, keep your nose clean,  and you too can rise to the top of the pile. The only catches are  the societal realities and the statistics – thus it took 240 years after American Independence in 1776 for  an African –American man to become President of the United States (POTUS) and for  an African –American woman to become First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS)… The most important things in history are often those that are not stated, the absences, holes or lacunae. Michelle Obama’s  feel-good autobiography “Becoming” has many extraordinary, Elephant in the Room   absences that reflect the One Percenter-dominated Mainstream American media  culture of lying by omission, genocide ignoring and holocaust ignoring that profoundly deceives ordinary Americans, including Michelle Obama, and indeed most of the West. However “Becoming” can nevertheless serve the interests of Humanity if decent folk tell everyone they can about its shocking absences.


17 May 2019

Gideon Polya, “Water crisis, Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust, Water Apartheid, Global Warming & Mina Guli”, Countercurrents,  17 May 2019: .

The world faces a worsening global water crisis that is compounded by remorselessly increasing  carbon pollution, population, and  economic output.  For the 5.0 billion people of the impoverished global South (the Developing World minus China) the worsening water crisis is a present reality. However endless growth in a carbon economy means that all 7.6 billion of Humanity are threatened. Dire warning is now being given by the need for bottled potable water in some  towns  in the rich global North. Unfortunately  rational and humane solutions are being trumped by ruthless and deadly  neoliberalism. The UN World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) has summarized  Humanity’s dilemma thus (2018): “The stakes are high. Current trends suggest that around two thirds of forests and wetlands have been lost or degraded since the beginning of the 20th century. Soil is eroding and deteriorating in quality. Since the 1990s, water pollution has worsened in almost all rivers in Africa, Asia and Latin America. These trends pose broader challenges from the increased risk of floods and droughts, which, in turn, has an impact on our ability to adapt to climate change. We know also that water scarcity can lead to civil unrest, mass migration, and even to conflict within and between countries”… The world faces a worsening water crisis that is inextricably linked to a worsening climate emergency and climate genocide. Presently 15 million people die avoidably from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease in the Developing World minus China [13]. This Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust is significantly linked to water-related impacts including drought, storms, fires, inundation, biosphere degradation, lack of water for agriculture, and lack of potable water. However a worsening, water-related climate genocide may see up to 10 billion people dying this century if man-made global warming is not requisitely addressed [17].  Technological solutions exist for water deficiency problems in rich countries e.g. urban water recycling, hydroponic agriculture, desalination, and rational industrial and domestic water use. However the linked water crisis, biodiversity crisis and climate crisis require drastic global action, specifically negative greenhouse gas pollution (CO2 draw-down to 300 ppm CO2 from the present dangerous and damaging 410 ppm CO2), negative population growth (a halving of population) and negative economic growth (a 50% decrease with the burden to be  largely borne by the rich North) [81]. Fundamentally these water-related crises require replacement of neoliberal facilitation of untrammelled individual  greed with balanced and sustainable resource utilization for the benefit of all peoples and all species. Please inform everyone you can.


28 May 2019

Gideon Polya, “ABC & Mainstream lying by omission enabled Trumpist & climate criminal Coalition victory”, Countercurrents, 28 May 2019: .

The right-wing Liberal Party-National Party Coalition has just won the 2019 Australian Federal election, defeating an earnest Labor Party Opposition and gaining a bare majority in Parliament. The surprise defeat of the Labor Party came about because of neoliberal greed, support for the climate criminal Coalition from the racist One Nation Party, the Sinophobic and Trumpist United Australia Party of billionaire Clive Palmer, and the effective climate change denialist and monopolistic US Murdoch media empire, and extraordinary Mainstream media lying by omission, notably  by the ABC, Australia’s taxpayer-funded equivalent of the mendacious UK BBC.The victory of the neoliberal, anti-science, climate criminal and pro-coal COALition was a victory for ignorance, stupidity and neoliberal greed in the face of worsening climate emergency and climate crisis. While a  catastrophic plus 2 degree Centigrade temperature rise is now effectively unavoidable in the coming decade with relentlessly increasing carbon pollution, a climate criminal Australia is among world leaders in  per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, fossil fuel exploitation  and climate change inaction… Progressive, science-informed, humane, and pro-environment Australians  are devastated by the result of the 2019 Australian Federal election that was a victory for greed, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, xenophobia, human rights abuse, war criminality, anti-science climate criminality and environmental  vandalism. It was also a victory for gross misinforming of the Australian public by the mendacious, Murdoch-dominated Mainstream media  and by a cowardly  and irresponsible  ABC.  The now-departed right-wing Labor leader, Bill Shorten, had major responsibility for the disastrous   removal of  2 elected Labor PMs and for the subsequent 2-time  failure to elect a Labor PM (himself).


1 April 2019

Gideon Polya, “Australian’s massacre of 50 Muslims in New Zealand spotlights entrenched Australian Islamophobia & anti-Arab anti-Semitism”, Countercurrents, 1 April 2019: .

Racism is as racism does. Islamophobia is as Islamophobia does. The utterly appalling massacre  of 50 Muslims in 2 Christchurch, New Zealand, mosques by an Australian White Supremacist Islamophobe  has spotlighted substantial anti-Arab anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Australia that is evidenced  by (A) Australian complicity in the horrendously  deadly, post-9-11 US Alliance War on Muslims,  the ongoing Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide, and prior atrocities against Muslims overseas, and (B) widespread entrenched anti-Arab anti-Semitism and Islamophobia at home through explicit words, dog-whistling words, collective and individual deeds,  and ignoring or denial of the forgoing realities. Australians in general are friendly, easy-going, egalitarian people who would vehemently reject any suggestions that they are racists. However many such otherwise nice Aussies say “I am a racist , but…”. And, of course, a morally faulty, look-the-other-way Australia also insists “Don’t talk about the war”… The New Zealand Christchurch Massacre in which 50 Muslims at prayer were murdered  was an appalling tragedy.  The world has been enormously  impressed  with the unifying and empathic conduct of New Zealand PM Jacinda Ahern. However this atrocity, perpetrated by an Australian White Supremacist  psychopath, has shone a spotlight on Islamophobia and  anti-Arab Anti-Semitism that is entrenched in Australia and Western US Alliance countries. The messages from this atrocity are (1) empathy for the Other as demanded by the wonderful Palestinian humanitarian Jesus: “Love thy neighbour as thyself”, and (2) zero tolerance for racism – we cannot help being born as we were. Hopefully in the forthcoming compulsory  and second preference-based Australian Federal elections, my fellow  Australians will follow the advice of the Opposition Labor Party and the Greens, reject the variously racist or deeply compromised  Coalition and  put the racist, White Supremacist, anti-Asian, anti-Indigenous, anti-Arab anti-Semitic  and Islamophobic One Nation Party last (and the Coalition second last).  There must be zero tolerance for racism.


4 April 2019


Gideon Polya, “Lying by omission, avoidable mortality from deprivation, holocaust denial & looming terracide”, Countercurrents, 4 April 2019: .


I recently gave a difficult talk to an eminent, exclusive and long-standing discussion group at one of Australia’s top universities about massive Western Mainstream media, politician and academic lying by omission and collateral horrendous avoidable mortality in the Developing World from imposed deprivation.  The response was mixed so I have here reproduced my delivered talk that consists of  part (A) Lying by omission and part (B) Avoidable mortality from deprivation, and to which I have now added a new part (C) Holocaust Denial & Looming Terracide which summarizes my argument and my reactions to the intellectual and moral passivity  toward the looming omnicide and terracide facing the planet… The direst expert estimates of the worsening climate genocide are that only 0.5 billion people will survive this century if requisite action against man-made climate change is not taken, this translating to 10 billion climate-related deaths this century. Ignoring Elephant in the Room realities is lying by omission and such anti-science lying by omission is now acutely threatening Humanity and the Biosphere. All decent Humanity can do is to (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) urge and apply boycotts, divestment  and sanctions (BDS) against  the neoliberal One Percenter barbarians hell-bent on greed-driven speciescide and ecocide  leading inexorably to omnicide and terracide .





11 April 2019


Gideon Polya, “Review: “No Friend but the Mountains” – Australia’s Manus island Concentration Camp exposed”, Countercurrents, 11 April 2019 : .


“No Friend but the Mountains. Writing from Manus Prison” by Behrouz Boochani  is a powerful and moving account of the  Kurdish Iranian poet, writer and  film  maker’s 5 year incarceration without charge or trial  in Australia’s Manus Island Prison (Manus Regional Processing Centre, Manus Island  Concentration Camp) for having sought asylum as a refugee in Australia and having arrived by boat. Thousands of refugees arriving in Australia, mostly Muslims or Tamils fleeing Sri Lanka’s Tamil Genocide, have been highly abusively  incarcerated in such remote concentration camps, this representing an indelible stain on Australia’s reputation… Australian Human Rights Commissioner and outstanding advocate for refugee human rights, Professor Gillian Triggs, declared (2017): “[Australia’s human rights are] regressing on almost every front… Whether it’s women, Indigenous, homeless and most of course asylum seekers and refugees … I think it’s partly because we have a [Coalition] government that is ideologically opposed to human rights”.  In the forthcoming elections decent Australian will utterly reject the pro-war, serial war criminal, human rights-abusing  and refugee-violating Coalition, vote 1 Green, put the racist One Nation last and put the PC racist Coalition second last.



13 April 2019


Gideon Polya, “Craven US lackey Australia betrays Australian & world hero Julian Assange & free journalism”, Countercurrents,  13 April 2019: .


After 7 years of miserable existence as an asylum seeker  under Ecuadorean protection and as an Ecuadorean citizen in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, the founder of WikiLeaks and arguably the world’s most famous journalist, Australian Julian Assange, has been dragged out by British police, has been convicted of the asserted crime of violating bail conditions, and faces extradition to the US that has  just revealed hacking charges meaning up to 5 years in a US prison,  with adumbrated espionage charges carrying the death penalty. This Australian hero and World hero who has exposed US war crimes has been utterly betrayed by the cowardly, contemptible and US lackey Australian Coalition Government and Labor Opposition… Julian Assange is an Australian hero, a World hero and a prize-winning journalist for revealing the crimes and machinations of the evil American Empire. Decent people around the world will ignore the rotten maneuverings   of the UK, Swedish and US authorities , will continue to demand “Free Julian Assange” and indeed continue  to demand war crimes trials for the Genocide Convention- violating and Geneva Convention-violating  war criminals that Julian Assange and others have exposed. The 2005 Nobel Laureate for Literature, anti-racist Jewish British playwright Harold Pinter, in his Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech stated:  “We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people and call it ‘bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East’. How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just that Bush and Blair be arraigned before the International Criminal Court of Justice”. The 4.6 million Iraqis killed by violence or imposed deprivation under Sanctions and Occupation? The 32 million Muslims killed by violence or imposed deprivation in the post-9-11  US War on Muslims?  More than enough, I would have thought. Humanitarian Julian Assange should be freed but it is his vile US Alliance  persecutors who need to be arraigned, tried and punished for horrendous crimes against Humanity.





17 April 2019


Gideon Polya, “Gideon Polya: Pro-Apartheid Israel Australian Labor Party scraps outstanding anti-Apartheid candidate Melissa Parke”, Countercurrents, 17 April 2019: .


Decent Australians want the Labor Party to win in the forthcoming Australian  elections for the sake of the young, poor, disabled , sick, elderly, unemployed, Indigenous and the environment. However the right wing-dominated Labor Opposition is merely better than the appalling present Coalition Government and is just as bad as a pro-Apartheid Israel, pro-Apartheid, and pro-war US lackey. Now pro-Apartheid Israel Labor has blatantly revealed its pro-Apartheid degeneracy by scrapping an outstanding, anti-Apartheid, anti-nuclear weapons  and pro-human rights candidate, Melissa Parke, in the forthcoming Federal election… Decent Australians  fervently hope that the present pro-Zionist, pro-Apartheid,  and effectively climate change denialist Coalition will be kicked out in the May 2019 elections,  and be replaced by a Labor Government that will ameliorate the lives of millions of disadvantaged Australians and take some  action, albeit disgracefully limited, on the worsening climate emergency. In Australia’s compulsory,  preferential voting system, decent Australians who care for human rights, future generations and the environment will utterly reject the pro-Apartheid Coalition, vote 1 Green, put the racist One Nation Party last, and put the pro-Apartheid Coalition second last.




22 April 2019


Gideon Polya, “Notre Dame, Christchurch & Sri Lanka tragedies spotlight historical destructions & violations of places of worship ”, Countercurrents, 22 April 2019: .


Notre Dame is an iconic edifice of French culture and of Humanity and the conflagration has shocked the world, as have the recent Christchurch Massacres in New Zealand mosques and now the Sri Lanka Massacres in churches and hotels. However while these tragedies have laudably received massive media coverage in the Christian West, there is scant coverage of such historical, recent and indeed ongoing  tragedies in other countries such as the Zionist demolition of 120 mosques in Palestine, 1948-2007, the destruction of 70 mosques by Israeli bombing in the  2014 Gaza  Massacre, and the 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre in Israeli-occupied Hebron (29 Muslims at prayer killed and  125 wounded by a Jewish Israeli)… Professor Walter “Mac” Davis in his seminal book “Death’s Dream Kingdom. The American Psyche since 9-11” describes how decent humans are morally obliged to honestly  inspect themselves and to also empathically engage to understand  the Other. However religious fundamentalist fanatics  – whether  the racist, religious right Republicans (R4s) of the endlessly  invading and nuclear-armed US,  or the murderous jihadis who represent such a major  asset of genocidal American imperialism –  ignore these profound moral injunctions because they blindly believe that they  are already “saved” and have a violent hatred for the Other,  whose very existence questions that asserted “salvation”. The message at this tragic Easter time must be that decent Humanity must rise above the primitive animal instincts that are part of our evolutionary inheritance –  we must cling to the wonderful and transcendent  memes of peace, truth,  beauty, and “Love thy neighbour as thyself” .




27 April 2019


Gideon Polya, “Inescapable $200-$250 trillion global carbon debt increasing by $16 trillion annually”, Countercurrents, 27 April 2019: .


Carbon Debt is simply the damage-related cost of greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution that if not addressed now will inescapably have to be paid by future generations. However GHG emissions continue to rise inexorably and there is no global program to draw down CO2 and other GHGs from the atmosphere. While young people are now vociferously demanding massive climate action, inescapable global  Carbon Debt is $200- $250 trillion and increasing by $16 trillion each year. Unlike Conventional Debt that can be variously expunged by bankruptcy, printing money or default, Carbon Debt is inescapable – thus, for example, national commitments to  GHG pollution reduction made to the 2015 Paris Climate Conference amount to a temperature rise of over 3 degrees Centigrade (3C) , and  unless huge sea walls are built Netherlands-style ,  coastal  cities of the world housing hundreds of millions of people will be submerged by rising sea levels (notably in Asia), mega-delta agricultural lands vital for feeding Humanity will be subject to inundation and salinization, and low-lying Island States will cease to exist… Decent  people must oppose the neoliberal Gadarene rush to  global suicide by (a) informing everyone they can, and (b)  urging  and applying Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries disproportionately involved in the worsening climate emergency, climate genocide  and Biosphere destruction. There is no Planet B and there must be zero tolerance for the neoliberal, genocidal and terracidal climate criminals.  In climate criminal Australia that is among world leaders in GHG pollution, Biosphere  destruction  and climate change  inaction, decent people will utterly reject the climate criminal Coalition Government, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition and its extremist  associates last.



9 March 2019


Gideon Polya, “International Women’s Day ignored Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust of women & children”, Countercurrents, 9 March 2019: .


On International Women’s Day (8 March) the Western-dominated celebrations have laudably used the occasion to praise women’s achievements and to press for women’s rights, a more gender-balanced world, equal pay, equal parliamentary representation, gender equality, “Me too” activism, and an end to sexism, discrimination and violence against women. However, palpably ignored in this praiseworthy activism are the horrible and massive realities that women and children represent three quarters of the barely subsisting 2 million inmates of Apartheid Israel’s  Gaza Concentration Camp, three quarters of the world’s 70 million displaced persons,  and three quarters of the 15 million people who die avoidably from poverty and deprivation each year… International Women’s Day has seen highly praiseworthy actions and demonstrations around the world for women’s rights (most glaringly absent in Islamofascist, climate criminal  and war criminal Saudi Arabia) , gender equity and cessation of violence against women. However the Elephant in the Room that has been  ignored (and is remorselessly ignored every day of the year in the obscenely wealthy and resolutely myopic West) is the continuing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust  in which 15 million people, 75% women and children, die avoidably from deprivation each year in the impoverished global South. It gets worse – in the absence of requisite urgent action on climate change, there are  predicted to be 10 billion deaths this century in a worsening climate genocide and 75%  of these deaths will be of women and children.  Silence is complicity – please inform everyone you can.




19 March 2019


Gideon Polya, “Review: “Sapiens. A Brief History Of Humankind” – Palestinian Genocide, Muslim Holocaust & Climate Genocide ignored”, Countercurrents, 19 March 2019: .

“Sapiens. A brief history of humankind” by Jewish Israeli historian Dr Yuval Noah Harari from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Al Quds to Indigenous Arab Palestinians)  is a well-written,  interesting, entertaining, and thought-provoking book that challenges and suggests many ideas. However for all its radical and progressive pretensions it involves a Eurocentric, Anglocentric, Zionocentric and neoliberal narrative  that is most blatant in the final Chapters 18-20, ignores horrendous atrocities such as the ongoing Palestinian Genocide and the 2-century Indian Holocaust  under the British, and is outrageously deficient  and wrong in relation to  the present acute, existential  threats to Humanity  and the Biosphere from nuclear weapons and man-made climate change… The horrible realities are that the nuclear holocaust could commence by accident at any time,  and that it now essentially too late to avoid a catastrophic plus 2C temperature rise. However we must do everything we can to make the future “less bad” for our children, grandchildren and future generations. Put most succinctly, we should heed the science-informed advice from the late Stephen Hawking, one of the world’s greatest minds, that “We foresee great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change”

17 February 2019


Gideon Polya, “Review: “A History of the Global Economy” – Indian Holocaust & Genocide Ignored”, Countercurrents, 17 February 2019: .

“A History of the Global Economy. The Inevitable Accident” by Colin White describes the history of the global economy through its successive stages of foraging, the Agrarian Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and the presently expanding Service Revolution economy. Ambitious and full of ideas, it will provoke lots of discussion, and in that sense this scholarly work should be in every library. Indeed significant  arguments will arise  from the perspectives of science and the Developing World e.g. it  controversially suggests a rapid, epigenetics-based, neo-Lamarckian evolution of human intelligence in recent centuries, and minimizes the horrendous, de-industrializing and deadly impact of genocidal British colonialism that robbed India of $45 trillion and caused 1,800 million premature Indian deaths  over 2 centuries… In this final chapter Colin White further speculates that “In the past, cultural change accelerated genetic change and genetic change made possible further cultural change, the ultimate virtuous circle. In the so-called dance of two partners, of culture and genetics, it is impossible to distinguish the exact contribution of either, so this book has assumed a 50/50 split. Genetically humans have responded significantly to the cultural discontinuities marking entry into each economic phase. Our attitudes and abilities are different from our forager predecessors, being much more conducive to innovativeness. A reversal in the future is always possible, for example in the Flynn effect, which indicates an increase in intelligence might be ending, reducing our ability to handle the complexities of a modern economy. Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests in a growing number of countries – Norway, Denmark, Australia, the UK, Sweden and, more recently, the Netherlands and Finland – have seen a reversal of the rise in intelligence, a reversal which began in the 1980s”. This is speculation that has potentially  dangerous “race and IQ” implications.  Humanity did not have to evolve to appreciate the powerful meme “Love thy neighbour as thyself” promulgated by the  wonderful Palestinian humanitarian Jesus 2000 years ago… The world is existentially threatened by nuclear weapons and man climate change (that may destroy most of Humanity and the Biosphere) and by poverty (that kills 15 million people each year) . These problems can and must be urgently addressed. Thus a 4% annual wealth tax could abolish deadly inequity that kills 15 million people each year. Eminent physicist, the late Professor Stephen Hawking, in addressing the question “Will we survive on Earth?” has stated that “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change”.  Let’s do it now!



26 January 2019


Gideon Polya, “26 January: Indian Republic Day (freedom) versus Australia Day (British Invasion & Aboriginal Genocide) ”, Countercurrents, 26 January 2019: .

Indian-Australian connections are particularly noteworthy now with the Indian cricket team finally beating Australia in a Test series in Australia, and vastly more importantly, increasing Indian trade with Australia and substantial Indian immigration to Australia. 26 January is Indian Republic Day that commemorates replacement of colonial British rules by the adoption of the Indian Constitution on 26 January 1950, and a formal End to Britain’s 2-century Indian Holocaust and Indian Genocide. Conversely, 26 January is also  Australia Day  but commemorates the British invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788 and the Start of the ongoing Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide. While  Indian Independence Day (15 August) marks the anniversary of Indian Independence from the British on 15 August 1947,  India’s Republic Day commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of an independent Indian republic  on 26 January 1950… Meanwhile the Indigenous Australians will continue to hold Invasion Day rallies around Australia on 26 January in the face of intransigent, ignorant, offensive, look-the-other-way, and just plain stupid   Mainstream Australian insensitivity to the horrible reality of over 2 centuries of Anglo Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide regardless of how offensive, racist and absurd this intransigence  appears to decent folk around the world. While on 26 January India celebrates Republic Day and the formal End of British-imposed genocide,  look-the-other-way White Australia offensively and shamelessly continues to celebrate Australia Day on the anniversary of the Start of the ongoing Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide that represents the worst ever genocidal atrocity in human history from a qualitative perspective. Poor fellow my country.



23 January 2019


Gideon Polya, “Syrian Holocaust and Syrian Genocide by US Alliance state terrorism”, Countercurrents, 23 January 2019:  .

US President Trump’s announcement of US withdrawal from its illegal and war criminal occupation of Syrian territory has evoked passionate denunciation from Republicans, Democrats and the US military and intelligence Deep State. However there is no such outcry over the Syrian Holocaust and Syrian Genocide inflicted on this formerly peaceful and religiously tolerant land by jihadi psychopaths variously backed by US Alliance countries (the US, UK, France, Qatar, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Apartheid Israel) and by direct military action by the France-UK-US (FUKUS) Coalition, Apartheid Israel and US lackeys Canada and Australia  bent on destruction of the secular Syrian Government for US hegemony and control of fossil fuel resources… Also comprehensively  hidden by mendacious Mainstream media,  the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims has had  a deadly impact on ordinary Americans, 30 million of whom have died preventably from “lifestyle’ and “political”  choices since the US Government’s 9-11 atrocity that killed 3,000 people (mostly Americans).  Successive US Governments have embraced the fiscal perversion of committing $6 trillion to killing over 30 million Muslims abroad rather than trying to keep 30 million Americans alive at home. Saturation Mainstream terror hysteria also  hides the realities that only about 60 Americans have been killed by jihadi psychopaths in America since 9-11, and  that a fundamentalist America has trashed or attempted to trash secular governance, modernity, democracy, women’s rights and children’s rights in the Muslim world. What can decent people do? Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent people must (a) tell everyone they can, (b) eschew mendacious Mainstream media, (c) demand  expert, non-government war crimes tribunals to document the immense war crimes of the US Alliance, and (d) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions  (BDS) against all people, politicians,  countries and corporations associated with the war criminal US Alliance and its ongoing Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide  of which the ongoing Syrian Holocaust and Syrian Genocide is but a part.


5 January 2019


Gideon Polya, “Resolutely promised prosecutions of climate criminals may force urgent climate action of ”, Countercurrents, 5 January 2019: .

Eminent climate scientist Professor James Hansen has published a must-read, 55-page summary of the worsening climate emergency. In short, to correct the Earth’s presently disastrous energy imbalance we must urgently reduce the atmospheric CO2 to 342-373 ppm CO2 from the present disastrous 407 ppm CO2. The cost of extracting 1 ppm of CO2 from the atmosphere is $878-1803 billion but continuing inaction is not an option – the Paris commitments mean a 3C temperature rise  and eventual inundation of coastal areas by a 15-25 meters sea level rise. Hope is not lost  –  resolutely promised prosecutions of politician, corporate and media climate criminals may finally force urgent climate action.Professor James Hansen was formerly head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and is presently an adjunct professor directing the Program on Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions of the Earth Institute at 96-Nobel Laureate Columbia University. However his latest summary of the science underlying the worsening climate emergency  will fall on deaf ears because climate criminal corporate Big Money malignantly dominates, perverts and subverts Mainstream media  and trumps the voices of Humanity’s leading climate scientists such as James Hansen. Indeed while scientists are overwhelmingly concerned about the worsening climate emergency as evidenced by a 2017  letter signed by over 15,000 scientists , and the 2018  IPCC Report on plus 1.5C , industrial carbon pollution and atmospheric  CO2 continue to rise inexorably… There is a real prospect of Climate Justice  involving resolutely promised prosecutions of climate criminals  and confiscation of their assets (as presently happens to traders in illicit drugs). There is no legislative retrospectivity  required in this – climate murder, climate homicide and climate genocide are presently just as  deadly as “conventional” murder, homicide and genocide. Something of the order of 1 million people die climate-related deaths annually, with this set to soar to an average of 100 million such deaths per year this  century if man-made climate change is not  requisitely addressed [26].  Of course such punishments will be scant comfort to the loved ones of those who have died. However most importantly it is the resolute threat of prosecutions of climate criminals that may finally force urgent climate action. There needs to be a new globally-endorsed social contract to the effect that significant, present-day  climate criminals will be inescapably held to account with judicially-imposed penalties ranging up to life imprisonment with confiscation of all assets.    Please tell everyone you can – there still is realistic hope that we can stop the present slide to disaster.



22 December 2018

Gideon Polya, “Democratic one-state solution (unitary state, bi-national state) for post-Apartheid Palestine”, Countercurrents, 22 December 2018: .

The ethnic cleansing of 90% of the land of Palestine means that the 2-state solution dishonestly espoused by Apartheid Israel and its pro-Apartheid US Alliance supporters is now dead. Further, it is clear that the racist Zionists running Apartheid Israel are locked in to continuation of Jewish Israeli domination of all of Palestine, with the boundary prospects of endless Apartheid or complete ethnic cleansing of Palestine.  It is becoming blatantly obvious to decent observers that a democratic one-state solution (unitary state, bi-national state) is the compelling humane solution. What better time to espouse this than at Christmas, the traditional birthday of the wonderful Jesus Christ and the time for peace and love for all. A democratic, one-state solution for an independent Palestine was espoused by both the British  occupiers and  Indigenous Palestinians back in the 1930s, but the Zionist minority were opposed because they had an often enunciated agenda of ultimate domination of all of Palestine an agenda that was partly realized in 1948 (with Israeli occupation of 78% of Palestine and expulsion of 800,000 Indigenous Palestinians) and fully realized in 1967 (with Israeli conquest of all of Palestine plus parts of Egypt, Lebanon and Syria, and expulsion of a further 400,000 Arabs from the West Bank and the Syrian Golan Heights). The ongoing, Zionist-imposed Palestinian Genocide is an immense and continuing crime against humanity. In 1880 Palestine contained about 500,000 Arab Palestinians and about 25,000 Jews (half of the latter being immigrants)… Professor Rima Najjar: … “As Dr Gideon Polya eloquently put it in “Palestinian Me Too: 140 Alphabetically-listed Zionist Crimes Expose Appalling Western Complicity & Hypocrisy”: “A peaceful , humane solution that would be of enormous benefit to all the world, to all the Jewish Israelis and to all the Indigenous Palestinians, would be a unitary state in Palestine with return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, one-person-one-vote, justice, goodwill, reconciliation, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security initially based on the present armed forces, and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of the Holy Land. It can and should happen tomorrow” … The fundamental problem in Palestine that is utterly ignored by Apartheid Israel and its racist, pro-Apartheid, US Alliance supporters is denial of all human rights to the Occupied Palestinians. The ethnic cleansing of 90% of the land of Palestine has made the much-vaunted 2-state solution dead and buried. Decent Humanity utterly rejects the gross human rights abuse, apartheid and ongoing genocide inflicted on the Palestinian people. Decent people everywhere will urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its racist supporters until the present deadly apartheid  regime is replaced by a just and  democratic unitary state in Palestine.


18 December 2018

Gideon Polya, “Britain robbed India of $45 trillion & thence 1.8 billion Indians died from deprivation”, Countercurrents, 18 December 2018:  .

Eminent Indian economist Professor Utsa Patnaik (Jawaharlal Nehru University) has estimated that Britain robbed India of $45 trillion between 1765 and 1938, However it is estimated that if India had remained free with  24% of world GDP  as in 1700 then its cumulative GDP would have been $232 trillion greater (1700-2003) and $44 trillion greater (1700-1950). Deprivation kills and it is estimated that 1.8 billion Indians died avoidably from egregious deprivation under the British (1757-1947). The deadly impact of British occupation of India lingers today 71 years after Independence, with 4 million people dying avoidably from deprivation each year in capitalist India as compared to zero (0) in China… The 3 Laws of Thermodynamics that underlie Chemistry, Physics and industry are (1) the energy of a closed system is constant, (2) the entropy (disorder, lack of information content) strives to a maximum, and (3) there is zero molecular motion in a pure crystal at absolute zero degrees Kelvin (-273. 15 degrees Centigrade).  Polya’s 3 Laws of Economics are based on the 3 Laws of Thermodynamics and posit that (1) Price (P)  – Cost of Production (COP) = Profit (p), (2) deception about COP  strives to a maximum, and (3) No work, price or profit on a dead planet.  The major cost of production (COP) in the British Raj was the passive mass murder of 1.8 billion Indians through deadly impoverishment, and in keeping with Polya’s  Second Law of Economics, the British strove to deceive the world about this horror. The capitalist perpetrator deception continues in a neoliberal One Percenter-dominated world that is existentially threatened by nuclear weapons (a nuclear winter from nuclear war would wipe out most of Humanity and the Biosphere), poverty (15 million people die avoidably from deprivation each year, 4 million in India) and man-made climate change (about 1 million people die from climate change each year but this set to increase to an average of 100 million deaths per year this century if urgent, requisite action is not taken) .  Poverty kills. History ignored yields history repeated. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Please inform everyone you can.



14 December 2018

Gideon Polya, “Google censors anti-racist Jews  opposing Apartheid Israeli state terrorism & Palestinian Genocide”, Countercurrents, 14 December 2018: .

Google is owned by Alphabet which is the world’s number 1 media organization and has a Zionist-dominated Board. However Google grossly violates journalistic standards by blatantly censoring the views of numerous anti-racist Jewish humanitarians as recorded in a series of public interest websites. Thus 5 websites involving criticism by anti-racist Jews of genocidally racist Zionism, Apartheid Israel, Israeli state terrorism, the Gaza Concentration Camp and the Palestinian Genocide are totally absent after Google Searches whereas Bing Searches reveal these sites as number 1 to 10 on page 1. This constitutes extraordinary censorship  by Google of  anti-racist Jewish opinion. Google Searches for the websites “Jews Against Racist Zionism”, “Gaza Concentration Camp”, “Apartheid Israeli State Terrorism”,  “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide” and “Palestinian Genocide” all yield zero (0) results whereas Bing Searches reveal these sites as number 1 out of over 1 million results in each case, except for number 10 out of 1.3 million results for “Palestinian Genocide”. Remarkably, a range of similar genocide-related websites that from their titles do not obviously involve commentary by anti-racist Jewish humanitarians are not subject to this extraordinary Google censorship. Thus Google Searches for the websites “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”, “Boycott Apartheid Israel”, “Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide”,  “Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide”, “Aboriginal Genocide” and Climate Genocide”  all yield  the website  as number 1 to 4 on page 1 of the results, and Bing Searches yield the website as 1 to 10 on page 1 of the results.This extraordinary censorship by Google seems to be confined to censorship of websites involving commentary by anti-racist Jews. This extraordinary Google censorship of anti-racist Jewish humanitarians objecting to the horrendous crimes of Apartheid Israel is intolerable censorship (deliberate suppression of information), gross anti-Jewish anti-Semitism (deliberate blocking of the expert and humane  views of outstanding, anti-racist Jewish intellectuals)  and egregious fake news through lying by omission that is far, far worse than lying by commission because the latter can at least permit public refutation and public debate… a repugnant and intolerable aspect of Google conduct is the extraordinary censorship of anti-racist Jewish opinion by Google, as set out in this article.  This can be reasonably seen by the victims as egregious anti-Jewish anti-Semitism that is not directed at all Jews but only against the very best of Jews –  the anti-racist Jewish humanitarians who believe that the post-WW2 Jewish Holocaust crie de coeur  of “never again ” means “never again to anyone”, including the sorely oppressed  Palestinians . The clear advice offered here to those seeking reputable information on the Web  is “Bing it!”


10 December 2018

Gideon Polya, “100th anniversary of 1918 Australian & New Zealand Surafend Massacre of Palestinians”, Countercurrents, 10 December 2018:  .

On 10 December 1918 Australian and New Zealand soldiers of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) massacred about 100 Palestinian men in the village of Surafend and a nearby Bedouin camp and then burned the Palestinian dwellings. The atrocity was committed as revenge for the death of a New Zealand soldier at the hands of a fleeing thief he had apprehended, and marks the beginning of violent killing of Palestinians in the ongoing Palestinian Genocide  that is now associated with 2.3 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, or from imposed deprivation, 2.2 million, since the British invasion of Palestine in WW1.Wikipedia summarizes the Surafend Massacre thus: “The Surafend affair … was the premeditated massacre of many male inhabitants from the Arab village of Surafend (now the area of Tzrifin in Israel) and a Bedouin camp in Palestine by soldiers of the ANZAC [Australia and New Zealand Army Corps] Mounted Division on 10 December 1918. The massacre, believed to have been in response to the murder of a New Zealand soldier by a villager”… History ignored yields history repeated. Massacre ignored yields massacre repeated, Genocide ignored yields genocide repeated.  Holocaust ignored yields holocaust repeated. Human rights abuse ignored yields human rights  abuse repeated. Indeed 10 December 2018 is the 70th anniversary of the  adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly. However 100 years after the Surafend Massacre, the sorely oppressed Occupied Palestinians (50% children, 75% women and children) are excluded from all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  The most fundamental human right is the right to life, whether that right is threatened by violence or by violently imposed deprivation. All that decent humanity can do is to (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) urge and apply Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all those violating human rights, and notably the right to life.


6 December 2018

Gideon Polya, “Professor Stuart Rees awarded inaugural Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize by supporters of Palestinian human rights”, Countercurrents, 6 December 2018: .

On 29 November 2018 at a black-tie event in the Queen’s Hall of the Victorian State Parliament, Melbourne, the inaugural Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize was awarded to Professor Stuart Rees, founder of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at Sydney University that in turn established the prestigious Sydney Peace Prize. Stuart Rees has been indefatigable in his support for peace and for Palestinian human rights.  The prize was presented by former senator, Australian foreign minister  and New South Wales state premier, Bob Carr, and hopefully will augur a turning point  in Australian and Western attitudes to the  sorely oppressed Palestinian people.The Arabic name for Jerusalem is Al Quds, meaning “The Holy One”, and surely there is nothing more fundamentally holy than peace.  The Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize) will be awarded annually by Australians for Palestine (AFP) and the Australia-Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN). The day of the award, 29 November, was chosen because it is the United Nations Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People… What can decent people do about the continuing Israeli Occupation,  Israeli Apartheid and ongoing Palestinian Genocide?  Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can about zero tolerance for genocide, racism and Apartheid,  (b) do their best to  ensure that the racist Zionists and their racist supporters are sidelined from public life, as have been like racists such as the Nazis, neo-Nazis, Apartheiders and the Ku Klux Klan, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, companies, corporations  and countries  supporting this genocidally racist, nuclear terrorist rogue state. Just as those who support Nazi Germany can  reasonably be described as pro-Nazi, so those who support Apartheid Israel can be reasonably described as pro-Apartheid.  All politicians in a democracy should support one-person-one-vote but pro-Apartheid Israel politicians are violating this core democratic principle. Apprised of these realities, not just anti-racist Jews, Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims but all decent, anti-racist, pro-democracy folk will reject pro-Apartheid Israel and hence anti-democracy politicians. In Australia all decent, pro-human rights,  pro-democracy folk will utterly reject the pro-Apartheid Coalition, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last. And every future Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize will remind the world of these key pro-humanity, pro-democracy and pro-human rights messages.


28 November 2018

Gideon Polya, “How much negative emissions, negative population growth & negative economic growth is needed to save Planet?”, Countercurrents, 28 November 2018: .

Several recent reports collectively endorsed by thousands of expert scientists have warned the world that time is running out to save Humanity and the Biosphere from further catastrophic climate change and further massive biodiversity loss. Massive harm has already occurred due to continuing carbon pollution, population growth and economic growth and it is clear that zero growth in these areas is insufficient  – there must be negative carbon pollution (atmospheric CO2 draw-down), negative population growth (population decline) and negative economic growth (degrowth) to halt and reverse this worsening disaster.  However the key question is how much reversal is needed for a safe and sustainable planet?... In summary, variously  as a result of overpopulation,  excessive resource exploitation and huge greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution the world is already experiencing massive biodiversity loss and worsening calamities impacting Humanity (drought, forest fires, sea level rise, warming-exacerbated storms and storm surges). Unfortunately a catastrophic plus 2C temperature rise is now effectively unavoidable but we are obliged to do everything we can to make the future “less bad” for future generations. Crucial to this salvaging enterprise will be negative carbon pollution (atmospheric CO2 draw-down to about 300 ppm CO2), negative population growth by about 50% (population decline that is already beginning in the rich North but crucial for the impoverished but high birth-rate South), and negative economic growth (circa 50% degrowth) based on  “need not greed” eco-socialism to halt and reverse the presently  worsening climate and Biosphere disaster. Young people in particular can save their future by (a) informing everyone they can, and (b) re-democratizing and saving their world through demanding and achieving ecological sustainability with application of substantial  wealth taxes on the presently politically dominant neoliberal One Percenters.



17 November 2018

Gideon Polya, “US-, Apartheid Israel- & Zionist-beholden Australian Government & ABC betray Australia’s reputation & international relations”, Countercurrents, 17 November 2018: .

Australia has an appalling 70 year record, surpassed only by the US, of support for genocidally racist  Apartheid Israel and hence of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide that commenced with the British invasion of Palestine in WW1. Recently the fervently pro-Zionist and hence pro-Apartheid Australian Coalition Government caused suspension of the signing a major Free Trade Agreement with Indonesia (the world’s most populous Muslim country and Australia’s neighbour) by foreshadowing possible movement of the Australian embassy to Jerusalem. A Zionist-beholden  ABC (the Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) has contributed to this pro-Zionist immorality through flagrant lying by omission. In the Six Day War in 1967   a nuclear weapons-armed Apartheid Israel war criminally attacked and seized territory from all its neighbours. One day after cessation of hostilities the Israeli Government decided to annexe Occupied East Jerusalem  and  2 weeks later this war criminal theft was formalized by Israeli law. In 1980 Apartheid Israel legislated that a unified Jerusalem including Occupied East Jerusalem was the capital of Apartheid Israel. The Indigenous Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem were also forcibly annexed as non-voting citizens of Apartheid Israel in gross violation of the UN Genocide Convention and the Geneva Convention.


10 November 2018

Gideon Polya, “Jingoistic perversion of 1918 WW1 Armistice – Humanity ignored yields genocidal history repeated”, Countercurrents, 10 November 2018:  .  

11 November 2018 (Remembrance Day) marks the centenary of the signing of the Armistice that brought the carnage of WW1 to an end. This important  centenary will be commemorated in countries that were former British allies in WW1  (UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Belgium and Russia) and in the opposing countries  of  Germany and of Austro-Hungarian Empire. Prominent in the  commemorations will be the modern equivalents of the mendacious politicians,  journalists and jingoists who were criminally responsible for WW1 (20 million killed), the so-called war to end all wars, that inexorably led to WW2 (100 million killed) and the post-WW2  US world war on humanity that in the 21st century has focused into a US War on Muslims (over 32 million dead from violence, 5 million, or from deprivation, 28 million, since 9-11). WW1 was preceded by decades of competition between the British Empire, the French Empire, the Russian Empire, the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Sea-faring Britain and France competed for global hegemony in the 18th century but achieved détente in the 19th century after the defeat of Napoleonic France in 1815. Following the examples of the genocidal Spanish and Portuguese Empires in the Americas, in the 19th century the British and French Empires followed their prior genocidal colonization in the Americas by genocidally carving out colonial empires in Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Pacific. Newly unified Germany was a latecomer in this global land-grab,  the Austro-Hungarian Empire  was confined to Central and Eastern Europe and the Russian Empire was confined to Eurasia after the “sale” of Alaska to the US in 1867.The European carve-up of the world in the 19th century involved diplomacy, stand-offs and occasional war when diplomacy failed…

1 November 2018

Gideon Polya, “Saudi crimes: Khashoggi murder, Yemeni Genocide & complicity in US-imposed Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”, Countercurrents, 1 November 2018: .  

Mass murderer Joseph Stalin notoriously observed: “A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic”. This aptly applies to justified Western outrage over the brutal murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi by the Saudi Arabian Islamofascist regime as compared to resolute Western ignoring of the over 30 million Muslim deaths from violence or deprivation in the Saudi-complicit US War on Terror aka the anti-Arab anti-Semitic and Islamophobic US War on Muslims. One hopes that inspired by Jamal Khashoggi Saudi Arabians will eventually secure human rights and democracy.A major export of Saudi Arabia in addition to oil has been a primitive, ignorant, fanatical, fundamentalist and anti-science Wahabist interpretation of Islam  that has inspired ignorant fanaticism from Africa to South East Asia and hampered  the post-colonial movement towards modernity in the Arab world and indeed the Muslim world… Saudi Arabia is a grossly human rights abusing,  Islamofascist dictatorship that is involved in an ongoing Yemeni Genocide, and as a US ally is variously complicit in an ongoing, Zionist-promoted, US-driven  Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide. Saudi Arabia and genocidally anti-Arab anti-Semitic and Islamophobic  Apartheid Israel have been prosecuting the same cause in supporting jihadi terrorists in Syria and in threatening and sanctioning peaceful Iran that rejects nuclear weapons and nuclear terrorism… US Alliance countries involved in supplying arms to Saudi Arabia (the US, UK, France and Australia) have demonstrated immense hypocrisy in  ignoring the horrendous carnage associated with the US Alliance War on Muslims while  legitimately expressing horror at the brutal murder and dismemberment of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. What can decent Humanity do in the face of this breath-taking evil? Decent Humanity and especially substantially Muslim countries must (a) inform everyone they can, (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Islamofascist Saudi Arabia and the genocidally anti-Arab anti-Semitic and Islamophobic  US Alliance of which it is an evil and utterly reprehensible  part, and (c) urge and support human rights and democracy for the people of Saudi Arabia.


17 October 2018

Gideon Polya, “Pro-coal Australia & Trump America reject dire IPCC Report & declare war on Terra”, Countercurrents, 17 October 2018: .

US President Donald Trump and his top economic adviser Larry Kudlow have effectively rejected the dire IPCC Report on 1.5C that warns that a disastrous exceedance of the Paris 1.5 degree Centigrade global warming limit is only 10 years away and that burning coal must be completely phased out by 2050. The pro-coal COALition Australian Government has been even more forceful in rejecting the IPCC recommendation.  Trump America and Trumpist Australia are  backed in their effective climate change denialism  by the US Murdoch media empire and have declared  war on the planet, a War on Terra.  Humanity must protect itself and the Biosphere  from these terracidal, neoliberal crazies.   The latest IPCC Report is entitled “Global warming of 1.5 °C”  and details the numerous bad outcomes of a global +1.5 degree Centigrade (+1.5C) of warming versus the catastrophic outcomes from a +2C warming.  Thus, for example, the IPCC Report indicates  a further 70-90% decline of coral reefs at +1.5C versus a more than 99% loss at +2C. Critically, the IPCC Report says that for less than +1.5C  coal burning must cease by 2050. The IPCC  Report also indicates that the terminal CO2 pollution budget for a 66% chance of avoiding +1.5C is 420 Gt CO2 and that this will be used up in 10 years at the present rate of pollution of 42 Gt CO2 per year


12 October 2018

Gideon Polya, “IPCC +1.5C avoidance report – effectively too late,  but stop coal burning for “less bad” catastrophes”, Countercurrents, 12 October 2018:  .

The IPCC has just issued a report that details the numerous bad outcomes of a global +1.5 degree Centigrade (+1.5C) of warming versus the catastrophic outcomes from a +2C e.g. a further 70-90% decline of coral reefs at +1.5C versus more than 99% loss at +2C. Crucially, the IPCC report is a consensus and hence conservative document, and its propositions are probabilistic. Dauntingly, the IPCC Report says that for less than +1.5C  coal burning must cease by 2050 but also declares that the terminal CO2 pollution budget for a 66% chance of avoiding +1.5C will be used up in 10 years.  Humanity and particularly  young people must revolt with zero tolerance for coal-burning climate criminals epitomized by pro-coal Australia and Trump America… A sensible, science-based position is that in the absence of requisite emergency action it is realistically too late to avoid a catastrophic +2.0C global warming but we are obliged to do everything we can to make the future “less bad” for our children and future generations. Science-ignoring, climate criminal  neoliberal politicians and corporate leaders who refuse to act in this worsening climate emergency must be resolutely and implacably held legally accountable by existentially threatened Humanity.



6 October 2018

Gideon Polya, “Review: “Silent Invasion, China’s influence on Australia” by Clive Hamilton – feeding Australian Sinophobia”, Countercurrents, 6 October 2018:   .

“Silent invasion. China’s Influence in Australia ” by Clive Hamilton (professor of public ethics at Charles Sturt University, Canberra) explores increasing Chinese influence in Australia but does so in an excited, polemical  fashion that crosses the boundary between critical academic discourse and xenophobia, paranoia, jingoism and Sinophobia. Of course Australia should be concerned about its sovereignty and security but  China is now Australia’s biggest trading partner and it is quite expected for legitimate Chinese influence to increase in Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia, the more so as the world becomes increasingly disenchanted with racism, bullying and serial genocidal violence from Australia’s military ally, Zionist-subverted America. “Silent Invasion” addresses the  significant matter of increasing Chinese influence in Australia but fails to do so in sober,  serious,  balanced and careful fashion. Thus, for example, right from the beginning, “Silent Invasion” incorrectly conflates the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the  Chinese people (including the Chinese Diaspora)  with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). China only permits one party, the CCP, and undeniably from an international humanitarian perspective faces a major challenge of guaranteeing human rights in the context of the national security of a one party state. As Lord Acton declared (1887): “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Decent humanity fervently hopes that China will resolve this key problem of human rights just as it has overcome entrenched poverty for about 1 billion people and the problem of national security with a violent and racist America devastating much of the Third World.



29 September 2018

Gideon Polya, “Australian ABC journalistic independence threatened by Coalition Government & largely Coalition-appointed ABC Board ”, Countercurrents, 29 September 2018: .

Michelle Guthrie , the  Chinese-Australian Managing Director of the Australian ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the UK BBC) has been  sacked by the ABC Board without satisfactory public explanation. After it was revealed that Ms Guthrie had failed to respond to suggestions that she sack top ABC journalists Emma Alberici and Andrew Probyn that the Coalition Government did not like, the Chairman of the ABC resigned. Now there are calls for the largely Coalition-appointed ABC Board to resign over their involvement in this scandal. Horrified Australians are demanding that the independence of the ABC be preserved but the Liberal Party that dominates the Coalition Government demands privatization and selling off  of the ABC… The present highly-compromised ABC Board should continue shortly in a caretaker mode until it can be replaced in a merit-based, needs-based and de-politicized process by an expert,  talented and sophisticated Board unequivocally committed to ABC journalistic independence. The message to the endlessly mendacious, Zionist-subverted, US lackey, serial war criminal , anti-science, anti-environment and climate criminal Coalition Government is hands off refugee children, hands off grossly betrayed Australian children, hands off the Great Barrier Reef, hands off Indigenous and under-privileged Australians,  hands off Australia’s  endangered ecosystems and species, hands off the world’s common atmosphere, hands off the world’s common ocean, and hands off the ABC.  Decent Australians who value the ABC will utterly reject the anti-democracy  Coalition, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.



18 September 2018


Gideon Polya, “Offences of Pentecostal Christian Scott Morrison, PM after Australia’s Fourth PM-removing Coup in 8 years”, Countercurrents, 18 September 2018: .

Pentecostalist  Evangelical Christian  Scott Morrison became the latest Australian Prime Minister  (PM) after Australia’s 4th Prime Minister-removing Coup in about 8 years. PM Morrison leads a Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Government that survives by a 1 vote majority in Parliament and may fall at any time. As documented here, successive Coalition Governments  with which Morrison has been associated since 2013 have appalling and distinctly un-Christian policies in 12 areas ranging from gross violation of refugee children  to war criminality and climate criminality for which Australia is among world leaders. Australia’s 4th PM-removing Coup in 8 years removed fervently Christian Zionist PM Malcolm Turnbull from office, replacing him as PM and Leader of the Liberal Party with Pentecostalist Evangelist  Christian Zionist Scott Morrison. Turnbull’s  Deputy Leader, fervent Zionist Julie Bishop, was replaced by fervent Jewish Zionist and likely Constitution-violating dual Hungarian and Australian citizen, Joshua Frydenberg. Religious Right Morrison’s complicities make a long and appalling list that is ignored by a look-the-other-way Australia that also ignores Zionist empowerment in this latest Coup.


9 September 2018

Gideon Polya, “Google censors Donald Trump, Al Gore & Hamid Karzai over 9/11”, Countercurrents, 9 September 2018:  .

Racist Religious Right Republican (R4) US President Donald Trump is making indignant claims about Fake News and Media Bias on a daily basis that are variously disputed by his opponents. However his latest claim that he is being censored by Google does have some substance. Zionist-dominated Google heavily censors important assertions by both Donald Trump and Al Gore  about US Government passive complicity in the 9-11 atrocity.  Google similarly effectively heavily censors assertions by former US-installed Afghan President  Hamid Karzai disputing the lying Bush “official version” of 9-11 and the very existence of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. The UK BBC and Australian ABC totally censor these hugely important and authoritative  assertions. In contrast, Searches on Bing (owned by Microsoft) yield numerous results on these matters, notably reports in major Mainstream media. We are subject to massive Mainstream media fake news through lying by omission.



31 August 2018

Gideon Polya, “Bangladesh must release political prisoner & eminent photojournalist Shahidul Alam from prison”, Countercurrents, 31 August 2018: .

Internationally-renowned Bangladeshi scholar, activist  and photojournalist Dr Shahidul Alam has been badly beaten and imprisoned as a result of giving an Al Jazeera interview and posting videos in relation to Bangladeshi student  road safety protests and the violent Bangladeshi  Government response. This gross human rights violation has prompted international demands from media and humanitarian organizations, notably Amnesty International, for his immediate and unconditional release. Dr Shahidul Alam (born 1955, Bangladesh) is an internationally famous  Bangladeshi photojournalist, teacher and activist. His work has been published in media worldwide over 40 years. Dr Shahidul  Alam graduated from the University of Dhaka and obtained a PhD in organic chemistry from the University of London. He founded the Drik Picture Library (1989), the Pathshala South Asian Media Institute in Dhaka (1998), and the Chobi Mela International Photography Festival (1999) in Dhaka. Dr Shahidul Alam is a visiting professor at the University of Sunderland, UK, and is an Adjunct Professor at RMIT University, Melbourne. His books include “Nature’s Fury” (2007) and “My Journey as a Witness” (2011).  Shahidul  Alam was awarded the Shilpakala Padak by the President of Bangladesh (2014) and the Humanitarian Award from the Lucie Awards (2018).


23 August 2018

Gideon Polya, “Senator F. Anning hugely offends PC racist Mainstream Australia by fanning racism & bigotry”, Countercurrents, 23 August 2018: .

Trumpist, right-wing Australian Senator Fraser Anning (formerly of One Nation Party and now of Katter’s Australia Party) has variously offended both progressive anti-racist Australians and  politically correct racist (PC racist) Australians by demanding a return to the racist White Australia Policy, demanding a bigoted ban on Muslim immigration and  explicitly denigrating non-Britishers, non-Europeans, non-Christians, Asians, Chinese, Africans, Muslims, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, Anti-racists, and Gay and Transgender LGBTIQ Australians. However he elicited near-universal national outrage when he evoked genocidal Nazi racism in stating that “The final solution to the immigration problem is, of course, a popular vote… In conclusion, the penultimate in racism is war,  and the ultimate in racism is genocide. The explicit crude racism and bigotry of Australian Senator F. Anning must be condemned but so too must be the politically correct racism (PC racism) of the politically  dominant, presently-ruling   Liberal Party-National Party Coalition and the Labor Opposition (collectively  known as the Lib-Labs) that have supported every US Asian war since 1950 (with Labor only opposing the Vietnam War and the Iraq War).  Australians are overwhelmingly politically correct racist (PC racist) because while they vehemently assert that they are not racists, about 75% of Australians vote for the pro-war, US lackey Lib-Labs. Decent Australians will utterly reject the consistently pro-war, PC racist Coalition, vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.  In a decent society there must be zero tolerance for racism… Trumpist Australian Senator F. Anning, in addition to fanning racism and bigotry, supports the Zionist demand that Australia move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.



21 August 2018

Gideon Polya, “Kerala flood disaster is not natural but man-made – warning for India & World”, Countercurrents, 21 August 2018: .

The dreadful Kerala flood disaster (350 deaths and 1 million people displaced) is not a natural disaster – it is a man-made disaster involving local Indian contributions (inadequate water storage hazard response and landslides from deforestation) and a major international contribution from global warming due to ever-increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, with the prosperous First World and Anglosphere countries being disproportionately high contributors on a per capita basis. Below is my understanding as a biological chemist of this dreadful flood disaster in otherwise water-blessed Kerala that presently masks a worsening man-made disaster of worsening rainfall deficit (drought) in South Asia and elsewhere, including presently drought-ravaged, fire-ravaged, high-polluting and rich Australia.  The hazard response failure in Kerala should be a cogent warning to India and the World.


13 August 2018


Gideon Polya, “Mendacious Mainstream presstitutes ignore huge carbon debt & horrendous hazard response debt: disasters are not natural”, Countercurrents, 13 August 2018: .

Despite a global warming of plus 1C, the unavoidability of a catastrophic plus 2C  and now regular, high energy hurricane catastrophes in tropical Island Nations, the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is relentlessly increasing as is carbon fuel burning for energy.  This climate criminal greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and climate inaction is enabled by the remorseless mendacity of One Percenter-dominated Mainstream media, politician, commentariat and academic presstitutes who ignore horrendous current Hazard Response Debt, huge, inescapable and worsening  Carbon Debt and the palpable reality that Disasters Are Not Natural. While personal, corporate or national debt can be expunged or evaded in various ways, Hazard Response Debt and Carbon Debt are inescapable – unless that sea wall is built, the population will drown. Whether science-informed, climate activist eco-socialists or salivating, greed-driven neoliberals, we prosperous urban citizens keep on living our normal daily lives, albeit with different carbon footprints. We get up, switch on the gas-fired central heating, shower with water warmed by gas or power from coal-fired power stations, cook breakfast with gas or carbon fuel-powered electricity and food from methanogenic animal husbandry, and then hop into our oil-driven cars that translocate  our 80 kg beings together with 1,000-2,000 kg of steel – and then  commence our working lives in a largely carbon-based economy. We know that most of our carbon footprint will vanish with 100% renewable energy, a vegetarian diet, Green public transport and 100% cessation of net greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, but the progress is painfully slow due to One Percenter-derived lack of political will.


10 August 2018

Gideon Polya, “UK racist Zionists falsely defame UK Labour Party in support of democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 10 August 2018: .

Jeremy Corbyn’s  British Labour Party continues to be monstered and defamed by racist  Zionists despite cravenly  bending over backwards trying to accommodate its humane, anti-racist and democratic values with the detailed definitions of antisemitism promulgated by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and adopted by 31 countries in support of  racist Zionists and nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, serial war criminal, international law-violating, neo-Nazi, Nazi-style democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel. In short, a substantial and vociferous proportion of British Jews want the British Labour Party to dance to the tune of genocidally racist Zionists and to falsely defame and expel members of the Labour Party who resolutely object to the horrendous crimes of Apartheid Israel. Anti-racist British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his like-minded Labour colleagues continue to be  falsely defamed by racist  Zionists as “antisemites”  for their humane and principled objections to ongoing Apartheid Israeli crimes.



24 July 2018 

Gideon Polya, “Israeli Jewish nation-state law enshrines apartheid and genocidal racism”, Countercurrents, 24 July 2018: .

The race-based Apartheid Israeli Knesset (parliament) passed the racist Jewish Nation-State Law on18 July 2018, with a vote of 62 to 55 with two abstentions. This racist law offensively and intolerably ignores the Indigenous Palestinians who are 50% of Israeli subjects and enshrines a special, dominant, race-based position for the Jewish Israelis who constitute a 47% minority of the subjects of Apartheid Israel. The world must respond with Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters… The most fundamental  right is the right to life. However poverty kills and 16 million people die avoidably from deprivation in the Third World each year. The annual GDP per capita is $2,800 for Occupied Palestinians as compared to $39,000 for their genocidally racist occupier, Apartheid Israel. This egregious, imposed deprivation means that an estimated 4,200 Occupied Palestinians die avoidably  from deprivation each year in addition to the circa 500 Palestinians who are violently killed each year by their murderous  Zionist overlords. However the Zionist-perverted Western Mainstream journalist, politician, commentariat and academic presstitutes resolutely ignore these deadly realities. Mendacious Apartheid Israeli propaganda (hasbara) is so pervasive that a pertinent anagram for ISRAEL is “e-LIARS” and a pertinent anagram for ISRAELI is “i.e. LIARS”. At the core of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide is deadly racism and evil mendacity.The “two-state solution” has been a convenient fig-leaf for pro-Apartheid Western dishonesty and inaction over Palestine.  The ethnic cleansing of 90% of Palestine has rendered the “two-state solution” dead but the continuing obscenity of a grossly human  rights-abusing  Apartheid Israel is intolerable to decent people around the world.  However the racist Jewish Nation-State Law makes it abundantly clear that the racist Zionists running Apartheid Israel are resolutely committed to a neo-Nazi Apartheid State and endless, deadly subjugation of the Indigenous Palestinians with the ever-present threat of 100% ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The world must act over Apartheid Israel as it did over Apartheid South Africa. A clear, humane solution  to the continuing human rights catastrophe in Palestine is a unitary state (a “one state solution”) as in post-Apartheid South Africa that would involve return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, one-person-one-vote, justice, goodwill, reconciliation, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security initially based on the present armed forces, and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of Palestine. It can and should happen tomorrow.


7 July 2018

Gideon Polya, “Australian xenophobia targets China but ignores huge Israeli subversion of Australia”, Countercurrents, 7 July 2018: .

Australia’s US lackey Coalition Government and its US lackey Labor Opposition have passed  draconian  espionage and foreign influence legislation that is implicitly aimed squarely at China, a country that is Australia’s biggest trading partner and that denies such activity. However US lackey Mainstream Australia utterly ignores the huge actuality of perversion and subversion of Australia by the US, UK and Apartheid Israel.  Detailed and documented analysis is presented here of how Zionists and Apartheid Israel have betrayed, deceived, robbed, perverted, subverted and soiled Australians. White Australia has a 2-century history of xenophobia and racism  that continues today in an oh-so-polite,  politically correct racist (PC racist) form except for the populist extremist One Nation Party led by Senator Pauline Hanson who notoriously declared in her maiden speech to the Australian Parliament (1995): “We are being swamped by Asians”. Urged on by anti-China Trump America, xenophobic US lackey Australia is targeting China which also happens to be Australia’s biggest trading partner… This essay has presented a detailed and documented analysis of how Zionists and Apartheid Israel have betrayed, deceived, robbed, perverted, subverted and soiled Australians in 20 key areas. They are no doubt doing it to your country too. Decent, humane, anti-racist folk are obliged to inform everyone they can.


19 June 2018


Gideon Polya, “Foreign interference in Australia 2. British devastation, perversion & subversion of Australia”, Countercurrents, 19 June 2018: .

Australia is presently in the grip of salivating Sinophobia and the US lackey Australian Coalition Government with the support of the US lackey Labor Opposition is rushing through draconian, implicitly Chinese-targeting, human rights-violating   foreign interference legislation. Mainstream public discussion is almost totally confined to China, this ignoring huge UK, US and Apartheid Israeli interference in Australia. British devastation, perversion and subversion of Australia has been ongoing for over 2 centuries but these awful realities are variously largely or totally ignored by look-the-other-way Mainstream Australia. The Mainstream Australian view of foreign interference in Australia turns reality on its head. No doubt China seeks to influence Australian policy makers and institutions, to gain information about Australia,  to interact with its  1.3 million-strong Australian Chinese diaspora and to interact with the 160,000 Chinese students studying in Australia.  Indeed other countries are variously doing the same thing. However there are obvious boundaries between such legitimate activities and illicit operations amounting to covert espionage and subversion. The Australian Government has every right and indeed a duty to police that boundary… Yet public discussion is overwhelmingly about “foreign interference” threats to Australia  from China and ignores the immense actuality of huge subversion and perversion of Australia by the US, Apartheid Israel and, as detailed here, by the UK .  Compared with the UK record of devastation, subversion and perversion of Australia, one surmises that newly powerful China has barely left the starting block. Indeed there is a strong case for blacking out the British Union Jack on the Australian flag. Please inform everyone you can – it is no doubt happening in your country too.


11 June 2018


Gideon Polya, “Foreign interference in Australia 2. Hugely disproportionate Jewish Zionist representation in Australian richest 200”, Countercurrents, 11 June 2018: .


A US lackey and Zionist perverted and subverted Australia is second only to the US as a supporter of nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel. The Coalition Government with the support of the cowardly Labor Opposition is rushing through draconian foreign interference legislation aimed squarely at China, but there is no Mainstream public discussion of massive US, Zionist and Apartheid Israeli subversion of Australia (evidence indeed of such massive foreign interference). To aid such debate if it ever surfaces, careful analysis shows hugely disproportionate Jewish Zionist representation in Australia’s Richest 200… The long history of repugnant anti-Jewish anti-Semitism (in itself just one variant of repugnant racism and bigotry) makes any investigation of “disproportionate Jewish representation” problematical… Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. While many anti-racist Jews (including  anti-racist Jewish Australians) have spoken out against the crimes of Apartheid Israel,  as far as I am aware the most obscenely wealthy Jewish Australians are not among them.   Silence is complicity, the more so when huge wealth enables effective free speech that is denied to nearly all citizens in our Western “democracies” that have become Plutocracies, Kleptocracies, Murdochracies, Lobbyocracies, Corporatocracies and Dollarocracies in which Big Money buys people, politicians, parties,  policies, public perception of reality, political power and hence more private profit for the plutocrats…

However my careful analysis of the 200 richest Australians reveals the following [amplifying comments in square brackets]:

100% are Non-Indigenous [there are no Indigenous Australians on the Rich List because their ownership of a whole continent – worth trillions of dollars today – was annulled by the thieving and genocidal British in 1788; Non-Indigenous Australians represent 97% of the Australian population and are thus over-represented in the Rich List 1.03-fold].

92.0% are White [Whites represent 76% of the Australian population and are thus over-represented 1.2-fold in the Rich List].

14.5% are Jewish [Jews represent about 0.5% of the Australian population and are thus over-represented by a whopping 29-fold in the Rich List].

9.5% are Female [Females represent 50% of the Australian population and are thus under-represented by a factor of 5.3-fold in the Rich List].

8.0% are Non-Indigenous Non-White [Non-Indigenous Non-Whites represent 21% of the Australian population and are thus under-represented by a factor of 2.6-fold in the Rich List].

0.0% are Indigenous [Indigenous Australians represent 3% of the Australian population but are totally absent from the Rich List]…

It should be noted that the Big Four Banks and other leading financial  institutions are presently the subject of a Royal Commission that is revealing an appalling litany of malpractices [59].  Of course,  despite the absence of Jews from the Boards of3 of the 4 Big Banks, the overall 5.3% Jewish presence is still 10 times the Jewish proportion of the Australian population (0.5%).



6 June 2018


Gideon Polya, “Huge Carbon Debt & Intergenerational Injustice – CO2 drawdown necessity,, & 300 ppm CO2 target”, 6 June 2018: .


We need to urgently cut carbon emissions and eventually cease greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution in coming decades. Ignored by Mainstream media is the need to drawdown atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) from the present dangerous and damaging 410 parts per million CO2 (410 ppm CO2) to a safe and sustainable 300 ppm CO2 i.e. negative GHG emissions. However a feasible, large-scale mechanisms for doing this, namely Direct Air Capture (DAC),  is  expensive, leaving future generations with an inescapable present Carbon Debt of about $130 trillion that is remorselessly increasing at about $10 trillion per year… Young people and those who care for them must (a) inform everyone they can, (b) demand rapid cessation of carbon fuel burning, (c)  demand rapid  atmospheric CO2 drawdown to a safe and sustainable 300 ppm CO2, and  (d) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all those people, politicians , parties, companies,  corporations and countries disproportionately complicit in the worsening Climate Emergency and Climate Crisis. There is no Planet B.



30 May 2018


Gideon Polya, “Gaza Massacre update – decent Humanity will boycott Apartheid Israel & all its supporters”, Countercurrents, 30 May 2018: .


The latest Israeli Gaza Massacre in which Apartheid Israeli soldiers shot and killed 116 unarmed Palestinian protesters and wounded 13,000, has divided the world into 2 camps, (1) the Good,those who have variously reacted with horror, condemnation and demands for action against the Israeli perpetrators, and (2) the Bad, those whose responses have been to support the perpetrators or have been otherwise deficient. Decent anti-racist people around the world have been galvanized by these latest Gaza Massacres to urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters after the example of the ultimately successful Boycotts and Sanctions against Apartheid South Africa and its supporters  after the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre in which 69 unarmed African protesters were killed and 220 wounded by Apartheid South African police… Randa Abdel-Fattah (Muslim Palestinian Australian lawyer, sociologist, academic, writer, author and activist): “After seventy years, I’m done trying to persuade people of our cause. It needs no defence, no humanisation, no legitimising. My words are no longer an argument. We won the argument at Deir Yassin, in the UNRWA refugee camps, in the buried villages, stateless generations, the billions of Western dollars cashing up what the UN, South African diplomats and former anti-apartheid activists – including Jews – have described as an “apartheid state,” the live bullets at protestors in Gaza… They kill Palestinians with bullets, missiles and bombs. But they kill many more slowly, quietly, without a trace. What is the hashtag for death by occupation?… We start to speak, to write, and we do not know when or how to stop because it is unending. The Nakba is not an anniversary, it is repeated every day across the West Bank, Gaza, Israel, the refugee camps, in the diaspora. Seventy years of bearing witness. Seventy years of millions of testimonies. We write and we speak because it is all we have left”.




22 May 2018


Gideon Polya, “Boycott pro-Apartheid US & Australia for backing Israeli Gaza Massacres, Apartheid , Theft & Palestinian Genocide”,   Countercurrents, 22 May 2018: .

Pro-Apartheid Trump America and US lackey Australia merit international Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as the only countries to vote against the UN Human Rights Council’s resolution to formally investigate the latest Israeli Gaza Massacres in which Apartheid Israeli soldiers have shot 116 unarmed Palestinian  protestors and injured about 13,000. No Israeli soldiers have been killed or wounded and no Palestinians protestors penetrated the barbed wire surrounding the Gaza Concentration Camp. Just as a galvanized world successfully boycotted Apartheid South Africa  after the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre (69 unarmed African protestors killed and 220 wounded), so the world must respond to the latest Gaza Massacres  with BDS against Apartheid Israel and all people and countries supporting this genocidally racist obscenity. The latest Gaza Massacre started on 30 March 2018 with cowardly and war criminal Israeli Defence Force (IDF) goons shooting unarmed Palestinian protestors taking part in the Great March of Return and expressing the right under International Law of 7 million Palestinian exiled refugees to return to their Homeland, Palestine… The US and US lackey Australia are number 1 and number 2, respectively, in the world as supporters of Apartheid Israel and hence of the gross human rights abuse, Nazi-style Apartheid  and  ongoing Palestinian Genocide of this nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, democracy-by-genocide and pariah rogue state. If Apartheid Israel  and its associates  get away with this latest Gaza Massacre – mass murder of unarmed protestors as in the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre by Apartheid Israel-backed Apartheid South Africa –  then Apartheid Israel is one step closer to a conceivable and indeed Zionist-promoted   “Final Solution” by Expulsion applied to its now 50% Indigenous Palestinian subjects.



18 May 2018


Gideon Polya, “Jingoistic, US lackey Australia’s deadly betrayal of its traumatized veterans”,   Countercurrents, 18 May 2018: .

We  honor all those who risk their lives in serving their country. However we must condemn immoral and war criminal politicians who commit their countries to  immoral and illegal wars. Mainstream journalist, politician and commentariat presstitutes ensure that the politicians get away with their criminal warmongering, jingoistic political exploitation of their servicemen both living and dead, and deadly betrayal of their traumatized veterans of whom about 80 and 8,000 suicide annually in Australia and the USA, respectively.The shameless hypocrisy of US lackey, warmongering, Australian  politicians is revealed by their failure to properly address the serious and deadly mental health issues of the young Australian men and women who have been sent overseas to participate  in overseas US war zones… The worst offenders are the politicians of the US lackey, far-Right Liberal Party-National Party Coalition that is presently ruling Australia, although the presently Right-dominated Labor Party Opposition is often just as bad in kow-towing to US state terrorism. Decent Australians who care for Humanity and for fellow Australians will utterly reject the Australian-killing Coalition, vote 1 Green or Socialist, and put the Coalition last.



11 May 2018


Gideon Polya, “70th anniversary of Apartheid Israel & commencement of large scale Palestinian Genocide”,   Countercurrents, 11 May 2018: .

14 May 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the Israeli Declaration of Independence by Zionist terrorist David Ben Gurion, the foundation of an invasion-,   violence-, racism- , genocide- and theft-based Apartheid Israel, and commencement of the large-scale, Rohingya Genocide-scale  ethnic cleansing of Indigenous Palestinians from Palestine. US Alliance backers of Apartheid Israel will mark the occasion with lying praise for this evil rogue state, but decent Humanity will tell the truth and demand “Free Palestine”, an end to Israeli Apartheid, return of all refugees and a democratic, multi-ethnic Unitary State in Palestine. To mark this occasion, I have set out below (A) the chronology of the violent invasion and ethnic cleansing of Palestine, (B) a summary of the appalling conditions of the Indigenous Palestinians, (C) the impact of Apartheid Israel on the world,  and (D) a humane outcome for a democratic post-Apartheid Palestine… The Humanity-threatening awfulness outlined above has been utterly avoidable. The  2-State Solution for Palestine has been a Western excuse for inaction and  is now dead because of the ethnic cleansing of 90% of the land of Palestine. However, a peaceful , humane solution informed by the post-Apartheid South African experience is for a Unitary State in Palestine with return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, one-person-one-vote, justice, goodwill, reconciliation, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security initially based on the present armed forces, and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of the Holy Land. It can and should happen tomorrow. In the face of  continuing Occupation, continuing Exile, continuing Apartheid and ongoing Palestinian Genocide, the world must act against Apartheid Israel with Boycotts and Sanctions as it successfully did to Apartheid South Africa. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. All decent Humanity must (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid  Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting this genocidally racist,  nuclear terrorist rogue state.


6 May 2018

Gideon Polya, “Sharpeville Massacre & Gaza Massacres compared – boycott Apartheid Israel & all its supporters”,   Countercurrents, 6 May 2018: .

The world has been shocked over the last 5 weeks at the cold-blooded killing by Israeli soldiers of nearly 50 Palestinians  and the wounding of about 6,800 more  out of thousands of unarmed Occupied Palestinians protesting  70 years of exile and highly  abusive confinement in the Gaza Concentration Camp. Comparisons with the 1950 Sharpeville Massacre in Apartheid South Africa must surely ramp up  global  Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters. On 21 March 1960 some 5,000-7,000 unarmed African protestors held a demonstration against the racist pass laws outside the police station in Sharpeville, Transvaal, South Africa.  The police opened fire, killing 69 demonstrators  and causing a total of 289 casualties including  29 children.  This atrocity excited indignation  throughout the world, this leading to global boycotts against Apartheid South Africa, UN determination that Apartheid was a crime against Humanity and the eventual overthrow of US-, UK-, Australia- , Canada- and Apartheid Israel-backed Apartheid  in South Africa and emplacement of equal rights for all, including 1-person-1-vote. While the world celebrates Human Rights Day on 10 December, post-Apartheid South Africa marks 21 March as Human Rights Day… Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. In the opinion of the UN the bombed, blockaded, besieged and deprived Gaza Concentration Camp may become uninhabitable within a few years. Decent people everywhere must follow the example of anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish critics of Israeli Apartheid,  speak out forthrightly, and urge and apply  comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against nuclear terrorist, democracy-by-genocide  Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and  countries supporting this genocidally racist  and grossly human rights-violating pariah state.


3 May 2018

Gideon Polya, “Review: “Leading for Change” – corporate cultural diversity deficiency  & Australian financial scandals”,   Countercurrents, 3 May 2018: .

Australia loudly boasts of its success as a multicultural society but this national narcissism hides huge deficiencies. The 2018 “Leading for Change” analysis shows that while Whites and non-Whites are 76% and 24%, respectively, of the population, they represent 94.9% and 5.1%, respectively of the senior leadership  of  Australian organizations and institutions. Australia is currently being rocked by huge scandals in the 4 Big Banks in which Whites and non-Whites average 89.7% and 10.3%, respectively, of Board members. Lack of cultural diversity evidently facilitates  corporate malfeasance… Remembering that  Whites make up 76% of the Australian population,  Non-Whites make up 24%, and Males and Females about 50% each, we can summarize the cultural diversity and female representation on the Boards of Australia’s  4 Big Banks as follows:   

ANZ: 88.9% White, 11.1% Non-White, 66.7% Male, 33.3% Female.

CBA: 90% White, 10% Non-White, 60% Male, 40% Female.

NAB: 80% White, 20% Non-White, 70% Male, 30% Female.

Westpac: 100% White, 0% Non-White, 77.8% Male, 22.2% Female.

Average: 89.7% White, 10.3% Non-White, 68.6% Male, 31.4% Female.


30 April 2018


Gideon Polya, “Do Bing Searches to circumvent mendacious , pro-Zionist Google censorship -  Bing it!”,  Countercurrents, 30 April 2018: .

Western Mainstream media are dominated by Jewish and non-Jewish Zionists with few more so than Google or its holding company Alphabet  that is the world’s number 1 media company as compared to number 17 Microsoft that owns Bing. Bing Searches involving key terms are much more  successful than Google Searches ranking-wise in detecting  some key  websites documenting humane opinion about Zionist crimes –  most are variously absent or effectively invisible when one does Google Searches for key terms. Ergo, do Bing Searches to circumvent  pro-Zionist Google censorship. Bing it! While numerous anti-racist  Jewish intellectuals and humanitarians are resolutely  critical  of the  ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Western Mainstream media variously  censor  or white-wash  the nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist, and grossly human rights-abusing conduct of democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel.  A significant part of the explanation for this huge moral perversion is that the American 60% of the world’s 30 biggest media companies have a disproportionately high  Jewish Board membership. Jews and females represent 2% and 51%, respectively, of the US population but average 33% and 19%, respectively, of Board members of the top 18 US media companies. It is a reasonable assumption that extremely wealthy Jews would be very likely to be pro-Zionist, in contrast to poor Jews or modestly prosperous intellectual Jews who would be more likely in comparison to be anti-racist and thus anti-Zionist… With half the world’s wealth in the hands of One Percenters who also own the Mainstream media,  there is little prospect of immediate change to the insidious and dangerous current culture of fake news through lying by omission. Lying subverts science-based rational risk management that is crucial for societal and global  safety  and security. However  people rich or poor don’t like being deceived, and informed by data such as that provided here, informed people can circumvent  pro-Zionist Google censorship by Binging instead of Googling – Bing it!


24 April 2018

Gideon Polya, “Australia shocked by cricket ball tampering but ignores horrendous Australian crimes from child abuse to genocide”,  Countercurrents, 24 April 2018: .

Australia has rightly reacted with shock and indignation to cricket ball tampering involving at least one quarter of the Australian cricket team – it is simply not cricket and is cheating. However US lackey, pro-Apartheid, neoliberal Mainstream Australia largely  ignores horrendous realities that indelibly stain the national reputation including endemic child abuse, endemic violence against women, horrendous preventable deaths, ongoing Aboriginal Genocide, ongoing Aboriginal Ethnocide and disproportionate complicity in US wars, Israeli Apartheid, the  Palestinian Genocide, the Muslim Genocide, the Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust, ecocide, speciescide  and a worsening Climate Genocide…   Variously totally, largely or effectively through inaction, Mainstream Australia ignores the following variously deadly and horrendous Australian abuses and involvements: 1. Aboriginal Cultural Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide… 192. Zionist subversion and perversion of Australia… Lying subverts science-based rational risk management crucial for societal safety. Australians have lived with massive official and corporate lying for several centuries. Mainstream Australian liars are in charge and  presently render science-informed  truth-tellers invisible.  Enough is enough. Young Australians in particular have been utterly betrayed by their variously mendacious or deceived elders, and  must revolt to put an end to this deadly and dangerous national lying by omission. In science there is zero tolerance for lying and this standard must be applied to the whole of society. The look-the-other-way Australian Mainstream journalist, politician, commentariat and academic  presstitutes and their complicit collectives must be sidelined from public life.



26 March 2018


Gideon Polya, “Skripal affair exposes serial Invader UK, US & US Alliance mendacity & hypocrisy”,  Countercurrents, 26 March 2018: .

We do not know who tried to kill former  UK-Russia double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, assertedly by a nerve agent, Novichok, and the UK refuses to supply Russia  with a sample of the agent for analysis.  However with stunning hypocrisy and mendacity the UK, US, Australia and the US-allied EU have been quick with confected outrage to blame Russia for an attempted murder on British soil, ignoring the millions who have died in UK, US and US Alliance attacks on other countries in recent decades. Notwithstanding  this headline-grabbing, US Alliance outrage,  it remains just as likely that the Skripal Affair is another  US Alliance false flag operation conducted by the UK, the US, Apartheid Israel or whoever for whatever reason, noting that culprit has not been identified, the agent has not been independently confirmed, the UK rejects any Russian involvement in such analysis,  and the site of the attempted murder, Salisbury, is only a few kilometres from the UK’s top secret, chemical warfare facility, Porton Down… Whoever was responsible, the Skripal Affair exposes the degenerate racism and mendacity of Western Mainstream journalist, politician, commentariat and academic presstitutes  who bay hysterically over the attempted murder of one individual but resolutely ignore the massive carnage of 32 million Muslims dead so far in the  ongoing Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide in  the Zionist-promoted, US-led War on Muslims. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent people around the world are   .

While numerous anti-racist  Jewish intellectuals are resolutely  critical  of the  ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Western Mainstream Media variously  censor  or white-wash  the nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist, and grossly human rights-abusing conduct of Apartheid Israel.  A part  explanation for this huge moral discrepancy is that the American 60% of the world’s 30 biggest media companies have a disproportionately high  Jewish Board membership. Jews and females represent 2% and 51%, respectively,  of the US population but average 33% and 19%, respectively, of Board members of the top 18 US media companies… What can decent informed Americans and indeed all decent, informed people do?  The horrible reality is that  Zionism is egregious, genocidal racism and that racist Zionists and all their supporters should be sidelined from public life, as have been other racists such as the neo-Nazis, Nazis, Apartheiders and the Ku Klux Klan. Decent people around the world will urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions  (BDS) against not only Apartheid Israel but also against all people, politicians, parties, companies, collectives, corporations and countries complicit in these appalling crimes. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Wake up America!


26 February 2018


Gideon Polya, “Australian Government sex ban echoes those of Deep South, Nazi Germany, Apartheid South Africa & Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 26 February 2018: .

Australia is ruled by a Liberal Party-National Party Coalition. The Australian Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce (National Party) has been castigated by PM Malcolm Turnbull (Liberal Party) for leaving his wife and 4 daughters and finding love with his former media adviser who is expecting a baby.  Self-righteous Turnbull has announced a ban on Ministerial sex with staffers, and Joyce finally surrendered office, while trivia-obsessed, Elephant-in-the-Room-ignoring  Mainstream Australia ignores sex ban analogies with those of the Deep South, Nazi Germany, Apartheid South Africa and Apartheid Israel… Australia under all smiles, oh-so-charming but lipstick-on-a pig , US lackey and pre-eminent Australian Christian Zionist, Malcolm Turnbull, is second only to Trump America as a supporter of nuclear terrorist, genocidally  racist, grossly human rights-violating, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid  Israel. Indeed Turnbull utterly trashed Australia’s reputation  by joining Trump in  rejecting the 2016 UN Security Council Resolution 2334 against  Apartheid Israeli war crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,   and by  inviting genocidally racist, serial war criminal Israel PM Netanyahu to visit Australia in 2017. Australia has long had a “look the other way” culture  of lying by omission that continues today with a cravenly pro-US, pro-Zionist,  pro-Apartheid Israel and pro-Apartheid Australia. Sensible, science-informed Australians concerned about the real issues of war, inequity, human rights  and the worsening climate emergency will utterly reject this new gutter conservative low of  mendacity- and sex-based politics,  vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.



20 February 2018


Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel’s Palestinian Genocide & Australia’s Aboriginal Genocide compared”, Countercurrents,  20 February 2018: .


Coalition-ruled Australia is second only to Trump America as a supporter of  nuclear terrorist, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel. The 2 countries have a common history of invasion with dispossession and ethnic cleansing of Indigenous people that continues with an ongoing Palestinian Genocide and an ongoing Australian Aboriginal Genocide that are both marked by a circa 10 year gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous inhabitants. The term “genocide” is absent from the latest  Australian Government report on massive and deadly Aboriginal disadvantage, this prompting a detailed comparison here between the 2 ongoing genocide atrocities… Careful comparison of the 100 year  Zionist Palestinian Genocide and the 230 year White Australian Aboriginal  Genocide reveal in each case  a similar carnage of about 2 million deaths with about 0.1 million due to violence and the remainder due to imposed deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease. Presently about  5,100 Occupied Palestinians die avoidably annually from violence (500) or from imposed deprivation (4,600) (2015 data) in a process of active and passive mass murder of Indigenous Palestinians in gross violation of the Geneva Convention  and thence of the  UN Genocide Convention. In contrast, about 5,000 Indigenous Australians die avoidably each year from imposed deprivation  – unlike the murderous Israelis, the Australians ceased massacring Indigenous Australians in about 1930.




7 February 2018


Gideon Polya, “Palestinian Me Too: 140 alphabetically listed Zionist crimes expose appalling Western complicity & hypocrisy”,  Countercurrents, 7 February 2018: .


One quarter of the sorely Zionist-oppressed Palestinians are women, half are women and girls, half are children and three quarters are women and children, but Western politicians overwhelmingly support the deadly,  criminal and genocidal Zionist colonial enterprise and a nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel.  Yet these same politicians would be quite properly condemned and hounded from office for non-deadly and non-illegal inappropriate behaviour to women as exemplified by that of Harvey Weinstein and rightly excoriated by the Me Too movement. An alphabetical listing of  140 horrendous Zionist crimes and Israeli crimes exposes this appalling Western hypocrisy and complicity… It is clear from this appalling catalogue that Zionism is egregious, genocidal racism and that racist Zionists and all their supporters should be sidelined from public life, as have been other racists such as the neo-Nazis, Nazis, Apartheiders and the Ku Klux Klan. Decent people around the world will urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions  (BDS) against not only Apartheid Israel but also against all people, politicians, parties, companies, collectives, corporations and countries  complicit in these appalling crimes.Of course this appalling chapter in human history has been utterly unnecessary and avoidable. An awful and continuing wrong can yet be set aside as happened in post-Apartheid South Africa. The 2-State Solution (and Western excuse for inaction) is now dead because of the ethnic cleansing of 90% of the land of Palestine. However, a  peaceful , humane solution that would be of enormous benefit to all the world,  to all the Jewish Israelis and to  all the Indigenous Palestinians, would be a unitary state in Palestine with return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, one-person-one-vote, justice, goodwill, reconciliation, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security initially based on the present armed forces, and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of the Holy Land. It can and should happen tomorrow.


26 January 2018

Gideon Polya, “Australian Sinophobia & China-bashing from colonial persecution & White Australia to Trump America’s Asia Deputy Sheriff”,   Countercurrents, 26 January 2018: .

White Australia has had a nasty record of Sinophobia from persecution of Chinese gold miners (involving exclusion, deportations and violent riots),  exclusion from jobs and unions,  exclusion from immigration via the White Australia Policy, and war against Chinese  in the Boxer Rebellion  and the Korean War. 45 years of rapprochement has been interrupted  with present Australian support for  Trump America’s anti-Chinese  policies as  Trump America’s loyal Asia Deputy Sheriff , notwithstanding China now  being Australia’s biggest trading partner. Will sane, anti-racist Australians prevail over US lackey jingoism? White Australia’s historical, deep fear of Asia and China derives from basic human xenophobia complicated by British imperial notions of British and White racial superiority and the fear that the vastly more numerous Asians and Chinese might dispossess White Australia just as  White Australians robbed the Indigenous Australians (Aborigines) of a whole continent in a continuing Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide… White Australia’s role as America’s loyal Deputy Sheriff in East Asia, South East Asia and the Pacific was always absurd and intrinsically racist. However China is now Australia’s biggest trading partner as well as being of major importance to the Developing World – craven US lackey Australia’s anti-China stance endangers this relationship. Australia must listen to wise counsel from numerous eminent Australians demanding an Australian-centred  approach to the issue of China trade versus the US Alliance. The racist, warmongering, human rights-violating  buffoonery of Trump has crystallized the urgent need for Australia to start distancing itself from a violent, racist and planet-threatening America. Australia must declare independence from Zionist-subverted, nuclear terrorist, endlessly war-making, planet-threatening and Australia-violating America and rely on the UN, International Law and, yes, China and India for its security and independence.

29 December 2017


Gideon Polya, “UN General Assembly Jerusalem vote exposes 65 sanctions-deserving pro-apartheid states”, Countercurrents, 29 December 2017: .

Of 193 voting members of the UN,  65 sanctions-deserving, pro-Apartheid states shamefully failed to support the December 2017 UN General Assembly Resolution condemning US-backed Apartheid Israel’s unilateral annexation of Occupied East Jerusalem. While this moral failure is understandable  for serial genocidal and genocide-based nations like Australia and Canada and countries complicit in WW2 Nazi atrocities like Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Romania and the Ukraine, the moral failure of 21 out of 31 Small Island Developing States suggests that they succumbed to blatant US blackmail  and corruption… Member states that voted No (9): Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Togo, and the United States. Member states that Abstained (35): Antigua-Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Haiti, Hungary, Jamaica, Kiribati, Latvia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Rwanda, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Trinidad-Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu.


22 December 2017


Gideon Polya, “US tax cut bill will kill 12,000 Americans through health cover loss of 2 Trump terms”, 22 December 2017: .


Muslim- and American-killing Trump has finished 2017 on a high having secured passage through Congress of his deadly Tax-Cut Bill that will shift $1.5 trillion from health, education and welfare to tax relief that will overwhelmingly benefit corporations and the rich. However the Tax-Cut Bill also includes repeal of the ObamaCare individual mandate, a measure that will remove 13 million Americans from health insurance by 2027 and kill 12,300 Americans through loss of health cover over 2 Trump terms… What can decent people do? Decent people must inform everyone they can and especially the long-suffering American people who are grossly deceived by the endless mendacity and  fake news through lying by omission of the One Percenter-controlled Mainstream media. Wake up America!



20 December 2017


Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel & pro-apartheid US, Australia & Canada face world sanctions over Occupied East Jerusalem”, Countercurrents 20 December 2017: .


Grossly human  rights-abusing  and US-backed Apartheid Israel  wants Indigenous Palestinian land but not the Palestinian inhabitants and have annexed Occupied East Jerusalem while making the Palestinians they haven’t expelled residents but not citizens.  Pro-Apartheid Trump America, Australia and Canada rank 1,  2 and 3 in the world for supporting Apartheid Israel and hence its racist and genocidal policies in Occupied East Jerusalem and the Occupied Palestinian Territories in general. Pro-Apartheid, US lackey Australia disputes that East Jerusalem is occupied but may only move some diplomats to Jerusalem whereas Trump will move all.  Pro-Apartheid US, Australia, Canada and Apartheid Israel face sanctions from an indignant world… Decent Humanity will simply not tolerate this evil inhumanity any longer. UN General Assembly members, UN Security Council members, EU members and indeed US Alliance members  overwhelmingly oppose  the Trump ,move.  The  Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has called on “ the OIC Member States to impose political and economic restrictions on States, officials, parliaments, companies and individuals recognizing Israeli annexation of of Al-Quds Al-Sharif [Occupied East Jerusalem], or engaging in any form with measures aimed at perpetuating Israeli colonization of the occupied Palestinian territories”.  Humanity as a whole will surely follow and adopt comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and its supporters, the chief of which are pro-Apartheid America, pro-Apartheid Australia and pro-Apartheid Canada.



13 December 2017


Gideon Polya, “ICAN Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech – nuclear weapons ban now”, Countercurrents, 13 December 2017: .

Beatrice Fihn, Director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), has delivered the Acceptance Speech for the Nobel Peace Prize award to ICAN. 2 months ago the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was set for ratification and will enter into force 90 days after 50 countries have ratified it. Beatrice Fihn declared: “Will it be the end of nuclear weapons, or will it be the end of us? … Mutual destruction is only one impulsive tantrum away”. Nuclear Weapons ban now… Nuclear disarmament is possible as exampled by Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and South Africa. All nuclear terrorist countries and all of  the mostly European and US-allied countries that refuse to join the present 127 nations who support the Nuclear Weapons Ban or the 23 supporting the anti-nuclear weapons Pledge, should be subject to Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS).   Decent people must vote out all politicians and parties complicit in nuclear terrorism. Thus Australians who utterly abhor mass murder will utterly reject the Zionist-subverted, US lackey, US nuclear terrorism-complicit  Lib-Labs (Coalition and Labor Right), vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.There must be zero tolerance for racism, violence and mass murder whether actual or prospective. The world must save itself and ban all nuclear weapons now.


10 December 2017


Gideon Polya, “US lackey Australia attacks free speech of Senator Dastyari, Muslims, Chinese, journalists & truth-rellers ”,Countercurrents, 10 December 2017: .

Free speech in Australia has been long severely constrained by draconian libel laws and neoliberal corporate domination of a mendacious Mainstream media. This century Australia has passed draconian laws with custodial punishments of up to life imprisonment for saying things. Now it appears that  Australian Intelligence has leaked elements of a private conversation of a Chinese businessman with Iranian-born Senator Sam Dastyari to destroy this  star Labor Opposition senator’s  political career. In short, it appears that Australian Intelligence is behind a murky but extremely damaging report in a major newspaper that Senator  Dastyari had warned a  wealthy Chinese businessman (a  major donor of funds to the major political parties) to avoid surveillance of their conversation… The hounding and political destruction of Senator Sam Dastyari reveals an utterly unacceptable attack on an MP and Australian democracy by anonymous spooks connected with Australian Intelligence. Emboldened by the slavish response from US lackey Mainstream Australia, Australian Intelligence is now reported by the conservative, US-owned newspaper “The Australian” to have identified 10 more political candidates it objects to [119]. No doubt the same sort of thing is happening in other countries of the Zionist-subverted, corporatist US Alliance. Defend democracy by  rejecting censorship, rejecting intelligence interference in politics,  and informing  everyone you can – while you still can.

25 October 2017


Gideon Polya, “100th anniversary of Australian Beersheba Charge, UK Balfour Declaration & Palestinian Genocide Commencement ”, Countercurrents,  25 October 2017: .

There are 3 Apartheid Israel-related centenaries this week, namely (1) the victorious 31 October 1917 charge of the Australian Light Horse at Beersheba that led to conquest of Palestine by Britain and massive famine, (2) the nefarious and racist UK Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917  that gave Palestine to Zionists as a Jewish Homeland as an inducement to help keep Russia in WW1, and (3) commencement of the Palestine Genocide (2 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, or imposed deprivation, 1.9 million, since WW1). History ignored yields history repeated and genocide ignored yields genocide repeated…

As Humanity  marks the 100th anniversary of the charge of the Australian Light Horse at Beersheba, the Balfour Declaration and the start of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide it must resolve to rigorously and comprehensively  apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions  (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all those people,  politicians, parties, companies, corporations and countries who support the genocidal Zionist enterprise. The racist Zionists  and all their pro-Apartheid supporters must be sidelined from public life worldwide as have been like racists such as the Nazis, neo-Nazis, Apartheiders and Ku Klux Klan. The century-long, neo-Nazi and  genocidal evil of Apartheid Israel and its ongoing Palestinian Genocide must be brought to an end immediately.  The Zionist ethnic cleansing of 90% of Palestine means that the Two-State Solution is dead. The World must demand an end to race-based Apartheid Israel after the example of post-Apartheid South Africa and its replacement by a Unitary State in Palestine with return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, one-person-one-vote, justice, goodwill, reconciliation, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security initially based on the present armed forces, and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of the Holy Land.



20 October 2017


Gideon Polya, “Anti-Indian subversion of Fiji by Apartheid Israel, Pro-Apartheid Australia & pro-Apartheid America”, Countercurrents,  20 October 2017: .


The Australian ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the UK BBC) has launched 2 attacks on the democratically-elected, multiracial, Indian-Fijian   Bainimarama  Government of Fiji  over (1) the China-facilitated  deportation from Fiji to China of 77 young, female,  Chinese, alleged sex workers, and (2) the Fiji Government’s use of the US PR firm Qorvis to manage its message intra-nationally (with asserted threats to press  freedom) and internationally (pro-Palestine Fiji recently chaired the UN General Assembly and climate change-impacted Fiji will chair the crucial COP23 climate change conference in Bonn).The author of these hostile Australian ABC reports on Australia’s neighbour Fiji is an award-winning,  pro-Zionist, pro-Israel, Jewish Israeli Australian journalist.  This has prompted the following examination of hostile interventions in relation to peaceful, friendly,  multiracial and internationally responsible Fiji by genocidal, serial war criminal, US-backed Apartheid Israel, by pro-Zionist, pro-Apartheid, US lackey,  pro-war and climate criminal Australia, and by the endlessly pro-war, serial war criminal and climate criminal United States. While Fiji has invaded no other countries and has a major role in UN peacekeeping, as a UK or US lackey Australia has invaded 85 countries, the US 72 and Apartheid Israel 12… Thus, as reported by Radio New Zealand: “In the treason trial in Fiji, an army captain told the high court that rebel elite soldiers carried out the 2000 coup with weapons supplied by the Israeli ambassador. Politician Timoci Silatolu and journalist Josefa Nata are both on trial over the ousting and hostage-taking of the government headed by Mahendra Chaudhry. Captain Jotame Misivono said Israeli-made weapons were brought into the country and given to the army unit by an Israeli ambassador while he was still in Fiji. He said the weapons, which included Uzi sub-machine guns, gave the plotters an edge over the regular army and police”…



12 October 2017


Gideon Polya, “Review: “The Ministry of Utmost Happiness” by Arundhati Roy - Empathy”, Countercurrents,  12 October 2017: ./


After Arundhati Roy’s  Booker Prize-winning novel “The God of Small Things” the world had been waiting for 20 years for her second novel. Arundhati Roy’s “The Ministry of Utmost Happiness” has been well worth the wait  – it is a marvellous feast of poetry, prose, characters,  causes, good, evil, the expected and the unexpected by a master story-teller and truth-teller that does justice to Humanity and specifically the poor and marginalized of India. At its heart is a deep well of empathy. Arundhati Roy’s “The Ministry of Utmost Happiness” [1] is set largely in New Delhi and Kashmir with small excursions to Gujarat, Kerala and America, and has a much bigger locational and political advocacy stage  than her first novel “The God of Small Things”…  


29 September  2017


Gideon Polya, “Hitler, Churchill, Aung San Suu Kyi & genocidal intent to destroy”, Countercurrents, 29 September  2017: .


The UN Genocide Convention defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy in whole or in part”. Hitler sought and effected “removal” and “annihilation” of the Jews, Churchill hated and thence deliberately starved 7 million Indians to death, and both sought to cover it up. In 2017 Trump vows to “to totally destroy North Korea”, Aung San Suu Kyi white-washes Myanmar’s  Rohingya Genocide,  a deferential EU won’t even use the term Rohingya, and Mainstream media ignore the carnage of America’s ongoing Muslim Genocide and Muslim Holocaust. Holocaust ignored yield holocaust repeated, and genocide ignored yield genocide repeated. A “holocaust” involves the deaths of a huge number of people.  Thus the WW2 Jewish Holocaust involved the death of 5-6 million Jews from violence or imposed deprivation under the German Nazis [1], this holocaust being part of a wider and largely ignored European WW2 Holocaust involving the deaths of 30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies [2]. Similarly ignored is the WW2 Chinese Holocaust in which 35 million Chinese died under the Japanese in 1937-1945 [3], and the WW2 Indian Holocaust (Bengali Holocaust, Bengal Famine) in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death by the British with Australian complicity in Bengal and adjoining provinces in 1942-1945 [4-6]. These WW2 holocausts were also genocides because they were effected by people with “intent to destroy”…



17 September  2017


Gideon Polya, “Australian pro-Zionist PM Turnbull’s Jewish heritage means he may be ineligible to be an MP”, Countercurrents, 17 September  2017: .


Australia is second only to Trump America as a supporter of Apartheid Israel. 7 non-Jewish MPs but not 6 Jewish MPs have been referred to the High Court over Section 44 of the Australian Constitution that makes politicians ineligible to be MPs if they have not renounced entitlement to or actual citizenship of a foreign country. However Australia’s pro-Zionist PM Turnbull may be ineligible to be an Australian MP if he has a Jewish grandparent and has not renounced resultant entitlement to Israeli citizenship under the Israeli Law of Return… Section 44 of the Australian Constitution states [my emphasis in capitals] that any person “under ANY acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or … a subject or a citizen or ENTITLED to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power” is ineligible to be a Member of Parliament… Fervently pro-Zionist PM Malcolm Turnbull (Liberal, Wentworth, NSW) might be ineligible to be a Federal MP if it transpires that he has a Jewish grandparent. Malcolm Turnbull has stated “My mother always used to say that her mother’s family was Jewish”…



8 September  2017


Gideon Polya, “Review: “Inglorious Empire. What the British did to India” by Shashi Tharoor”, Countercurrents, 8 September  2017: .

“Inglorious Empire. What the British did to India”  by writer and celebrated Congress MP Shashi Tharoor is a must-read, powerful, 294-page excoriation of 200 years of rapacious British rule over India that should be in every library, and especially those in British Commonwealth countries. However Tharoor is iconoclast-lite and massively understates the horrendous mass murder of Indians through imposed deprivation that occurred under the British and continues today in a neoliberal-dominated India. “Inglorious Empire” [1] acknowledges that scores of millions of Indians died over 2 centuries of recurrent famine events during British occupation  and acknowledges that Indian life expectancy was less than 30 years under the British, but understates the carnage of major man-made famine atrocities and ignores the horrendous, estimated total of   1,800 million avoidable deaths due to British-imposed deprivation over 2 centuries [2].  Using Indian census data 1870-1950,  assuming an Indian population of  about 200 million in the period 1760-1870,  and estimating by interpolation from available data an Indian avoidable death rate in (deaths per 1,000 of population) of 37 (1757-1920), 35 (1920-1930), 30 (1930-1940) and 24 (1940-1950), one can estimate Indian excess deaths of 592  million (1757-1837), 497 million (1837-1901) and 418 million (1901-1947), roughly 1.5 billion in total or 1.8 billion including the Native States [2].



26 August 2017


Gideon Polya, “American-killing Trump’s Afghanistan Speech Threatens Afghanistan, Pakistan, India And Humanity”, Countercurrents, 26 August 2017: .


A mendacious, bullying, serial war criminal, exceptionalist and American-killing Trump has delivered a bellicose  Afghanistan Speech in which he promises endless war in war-devastated Afghanistan, threatens nuclear armed Pakistan, demands further Hindu-majority Indian involvement as a US agent in Muslim Afghanistan, and advises the world that “no place is beyond the reach of American might”.  The US-imposed, 4-decade Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide is to continue under more draconian rules of engagement. Trump’s Afghanistan Speech was a massive exercise in “fake news through lying by omission”. Thus no mention is made by Trump nor by the Mainstream media, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes he so despises of  the horrendous carnage of the US War on Terror (aka the US War on Muslims) involving the deaths of 32 million  Muslims abroad (by violence or imposed deprivation) and the preventable deaths   of 27 million  Americans at home inescapably linked to the fiscal perversion of committing to a $7 trillion  long-term accrual cost of killing millions of Muslims abroad  instead of keeping millions of Americans alive at home…




21 August 2017


Gideon Polya,Israeli-Palestinian & Middle East Conflict – From Oil To Climate Genocide”, Countercurrents, 21 August 2017: .

The 100 year Middle East conflict including the  genocidal Zionist colonization of Palestine has been about Anglo-American desire for hegemony and control of oil. However the horrendous deaths from the now global US War on Muslims may be dwarfed by a predicted 10 billion deaths in a near-terminal Climate Genocide from burning fossil fuels. Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel,  its supporters, US Alliance war criminals  and terracidal climate criminals are our last hope to stop this War on Humanity… 100 year Palestinian Genocide. (a) In 1880 there were about 500,000 Arab Palestinians and about 25,000 Jews (half immigrants.) living in Palestine. Genocidally racist  Zionists have been responsible  for a Palestinian Genocide involving successive mass expulsions (800,000 in 1948 and 400,00 in 1967) , ethnic cleansing of 90% of the land of Palestine and 2 million Palestinian deaths since 1935 from violence (0.1 million) or from violently-imposed deprivation  (1.9 million).

(b) There are now 8 million Palestinian refugees, and  of 14 million Palestinians about 50% (7 million) are forbidden to even step foot in their own country on pain of death, only 1.8 million  Palestinian Israelis  (13%) are permitted to vote for the government ruling all of the former  Mandated Palestine, and 5.0 million Palestinians  have zero human rights as Occupied Palestinians in West Bank Bantustans (3.0 million) or in the Gaza Concentration Camp (2.0 million)…



14 August 2017


Gideon Polya, “Review: “Rationalism “ by Brian Ellis”, Countercurrents, 14 August 2017: .


“Rationalism. A critique of pure theory” by Brian Ellis contrasts the  scientifically and socially productive rationalism of mathematics and physics based on valid a priori assumptions with the social, economic, and environmental failure of neoliberalism (economic rationalism) that is based on flawed assumptions. Rather than discard a failed model, the politically dominant One Percenter beneficiaries of neoliberalism have destructively reverse engineered society to make it fit a flawed theory that must be urgently discarded. Brian Ellis (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at La Trobe University and Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne) has made a major moral contribution in publishing “Rationalism. A critique of pure theory” [1]. He has previously written a cogent critique of neoliberalism, namely “Social Humanism. A New Metaphysics” [2, 3] . In short, the presently  dominant economic ideology of neoliberalism demands maximal freedom for the smart and advantaged to exploit the physical and human resources of the world for private profit, with an asserted “trickle down”  of benefit to the less smart and less advantaged. Brian Ellis argues that the social failure of neoliberalism (through gross inequity, rapacity, disempowerment, unemployment, and unsustainability) demands its urgent replacement by social humanism (aka democratic socialism, eco-socialism, the welfare state)  that aims to sustainably maximize happiness, opportunity and dignity for everybody through evolving national and international social contracts…  



9 August 2017


Gideon Polya, “Google censorship & Zionist constrain ton effective free speech threaten Planet”, Countercurrents, 9 August 2017: .


While Western countries have wealth, peace, and free speech not found in many other countries, corporate Mainstream media ensure very limited effective free speech for dissident humanitarians. The disproportionately Zionist-dominated US media giant Google has responded to “fake news” assertions with massive but sneaky Google censorship that further limits effective free speech of dissidents worldwide,  further empowers the neocon- and Zionist-dominated Establishment, and threatens the planet. The World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) has recently  revealed (2 August 2017) the shocking extent of Google  Internet censorship… It is cogently argued that in the looming  Age of Artificial Intelligence, data represent the “new oil of the digital economy” [56]. The data of the world are increasingly in the hands of giant corporations such as Google and Facebook and this concentration of data and the anti-social abuses of corporate censorship make  a compelling case for the break-up of such mega-corporations,  democratization of information, absolute rejection of censorship, and a strong movement toward more effective free speech for information-rich but resources-poor and power-poor scientists and science-informed humanitarians trying to save Humanity and the Biosphere.

30 July 2017


Gideon Polya, “Dual Israeli Citizenship & Zionist Perversion Of America, Australia, India & Humanity”, Countercurrents, 30 July 2017: .


Entitlement to or actual foreign citizenship should be renounced as a condition of political office. However this is not required  in Zionist-subverted and perverted America. Such renunciation is required for membership of the Australian Parliament  from which several Senators have recently resigned after discovering their inadvertent dual citizenship. However Zionist-subverted Australia ignores 100,000 Australians including 6 MPs actually or entitled to be citizens of Australia-violating Apartheid Israel. This is a problem throughout the world. Elected politicians and others in high public office should have unequivocal loyalty to the nation they serve. Further, association with blatantly racist foreign states or other support for racist foreign states undermines public decency. Thus Apartheid is racist evil and just as people who supported Nazi Germany or Apartheid South Africa could be legitimately described as pro-Nazi or pro-Apartheid, respectively, so people supporting Apartheid Israel can be legitimately described as pro-Apartheid.Thus, for example, India led the world in opposition to South African Apartheid that grossly violated the human rights of Indigenous African, Indian, Chinese and other  non-European subjects of South Africa. However a racist and neoliberal Indian PM Modi has now trashed India’s fine, world-leading,  anti-Apartheid reputation by visiting and supporting Apartheid Israel…

24 July 2017


Gideon Polya, “Mosul Massacre Latest In Iraqi Genocide –  US Alliance War Crimes Demand ICC & BDS”, Countercurrents, 24 July 2017: .


It is estimated that 40,000 people died in the US Alliance’s Mosul Massacre involving the explosive demolition of a huge city of 2 million inhabitants. This is but the latest atrocity in an Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide. Iraqi deaths from Western violence and imposed deprivation total 9 million  since the British invasion in 1914. The post-tsunami peaceful settlement of the Islamist insurgency in Aceh, Indonesia,  demonstrated a humane alternative to genocide. US Alliance war crimes demand comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). The Mosul Massacre is but the latest  in a Western-imposed  Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide that has been ongoing since 1914 in oil-rich Iraq [1-9]. Leading UK Middle East journalist, Patrick Cockburn, reporting on the latest awful episode of the Iraqi Genocide in Mosul, stated (2017): “More than 40,000 civilians were killed in the devastating battle to retake Mosul from Isis, according to intelligence reports revealed exclusively to The Independent – a death toll far higher than previous estimates”...



15 July 2017


Gideon Polya, “Australian ABC Ignores & Censors Horrendous, Australia-Complicit Air Pollution Deaths”, Countercurrents, 15 July 2017:


Australia threatens the world as a major greenhouse gas (GHG) polluter but also kills 75,000 people globally each year via toxic pollutants from the burning of its world-leading coal exports. Below is an Open Letter sent to journalists of the ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the UK BBC) over ABC censorship of  horrendous, Australia-complicit, Australian and global air pollution deaths from carbon fuel burning, now projected to extend to India via the huge, Australia-approved  Adani coal mine… 7 million people die from air pollution each year (the World Health Organization), this including 200,000 Americans, 10,000 Australians, 9,400 Londoners and 75,000 people globally due to pollutants from the burning of Australian coal exports… It is now too late to avoid a catastrophic plus 2C temperature rise but we must do everything we can to make the world “less bad” for future generations. What can decent people do? Decent people who care for their children and future generations must (a) inform  everyone they can by penetrating the Mainstream Media Wall of Silence, and (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all those people, politicians, countries and corporations disproportionately complicit in the worsening  Climate Genocide that, unless requisitely addressed, is set to wipe out much of Humanity and the Biosphere this century.



10 July 2017


Gideon Polya,Review: “Disruptive Asia. Asia’s Rise And Australia’s Future” – Exceptionalist Australia & Resurgent Asia”, Countercurrents, 10 July 2017: .

On its 20th anniversary, the Asia Society of Australia has issued a very important collection of essays by over 20 scholars and other  professionals that considers future mutually beneficial interactions between rich and peaceful Australia (the Switzerland of Asia) and South Asian, East Asian and South East Asian countries, notably India, China, Japan and Indonesia. Despite some major key omissions this is a must-read book for policy makers that makes  a major contribution to Australia-Asian dialogue and mutual advancement.There is a Central European saying that “Asia begins East of Vienna” that was true when the Austrian capital was besieged by the Turks in 1526. These days many  consider that Africa ends with Egypt and that  Asia begins in Turkey on the Eastern side of the Bosphorus that divides Istanbul. However in isolated Australia we are repeatedly told that “Australia is part of Asia” and that this “Asia” excludes the Middle East, Central Asia, and Russia and is confined to South Asia, South East Asia and East Asia. This latter definition is adopted in “Disruptive Asia”. The essays are largely about Australia and China with some also addressing  India, Japan and Indonesia…



30 June 2017


Gideon Polya, “Review: “The One Day of the Year” – Australian Anzac day jingoism hides genocidal war crimes”, Countercurrents, 30 June 2017: .


“The One Day Of  The Year”  is an iconic play by Alan Seymour about Anzac Day, the Australian and New Zealand war dead remembrance day held on the anniversary of the unsuccessful invasion of Turkey at Gallipoli by the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) on 25 April 1915. Anti-war sentiment expressed on or about Anzac Day has elicited ferocious responses over the years ranging from death threats to blanket media censorship that hides Australia’s appalling history of  UK- and US-linked war crimes and genocides. Australia today is an ostensibly  rich, egalitarian, educated, peaceful and democratic society  but has an entrenched culture of censorship, self-censorship, lying by commission and lying by omission that promotes this myth and hides the ugliness of Australian society just as Anzac Day jingoism hides Australia’s secret genocide history and its continuing, war criminal  involvement in racist and genocidal wars. As explored below, “The One Day of the Year” is a great play and an iconic and ostensibly anti-war play, but it utterly fails to mention the most horrendous aspect of modern wars, the collateral suffering and death of huge numbers of civilians…



17 June 2017


Gideon Polya, “Australia’s Finkel Review ignores 25 key Climate Emergency realities & advocates long term gas & coal use”, Countercurrents, 17 June 2017: .

Climate criminal Australia is among world leaders in per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, climate change inaction, and in exports of coal, gas, iron ore and methanogenically-derived meat. However the Finkel Review chaired by Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel advocates continued gas and coal use for over 50 years, and utterly ignores the worsening climate emergency, the worsening  climate genocide, and 25 Elephant in the Room  realities relating to GHG pollution and climate change. This astonishing failure has lessons for other countries ruled by neoliberal governments and establishments. The Finkel Review into Australia’s electricity supply [1] was set up because of a huge threat to the security of Australia’s 50 GW (50,000 MW) electricity system and its energy supply in general. In short, burning fossil fuels (mainly black and brown coal) is responsible for 76% of Australia’s electricity which in turn accounts for 35% of Australia’s “official” greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution (it must be noted at the outset that Australia’s annual GHG pollution taking methanogenic (methane-generating) livestock and land use into account is about 2 times greater than that assumed by the dangerously flawed Finkel Review) [2, 3].

There has been a big push by science -informed Australians to renewable energy so that sunny Australia is now a leader in per capita solar uptake for homes. South Australia has 40% renewable energy, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) has 100% renewable energy and the hydroelectricity (hydro)-rich island state of Tasmania also aims for 100 % renewable energy. However 100% renewable energy from solar and wind requires  a back-up of emergency “dispatchable energy” for “when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow”.    Thus the University of Melbourne Energy Institute -linked Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) published a very detailed  scheme for 100% renewable energy for Australia in a decade in which solar thermal played a big part and energy was largely stored as molten salts [4, 5] . The University of Melbourne’s  Professor Peter Seligman (a top electrical engineer and a major player in the development of the bionic ear) published a detailed scheme for 100% renewable energy for Australia in which energy was stored by “pumped hydro” in huge dams for pumped sea water on southern Australia’s desert Nullabor Plain [4, 6]. A huge storm involving 7 tornadoes massively damaged South Australia’s energy system in September 2016. This disaster  together with subsequent system failures and trips resulted in a blackout that the mendacious , climate criminal and effective climate change denialist Federal Coalition Government falsely blamed on the high degree of renewable energy in the system…


9 June 2017

Gideon Polya, “End50 years of genocidal occupation and human rights abuse by US-backed Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 9 June 2017: .

50 years after the June 1967 Israeli conquest of all of Palestine, the US Alliance-backed, invasion-, occupation- , theft- , genocide-, lying- and race-based pariah state of Apartheid Israel still comprehensively violates all basic human rights of the Occupied Palestinians. The Zionist ethnic cleansing of 90% of Palestine means that the Two-State Solution is dead and demands comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against genocidally racist, nuclear terrorist Apartheid Israel and all its supporters. The World must demand an end to race-based Apartheid Israel after the example of post-Apartheid South Africa and its replacement by a unitary state in Palestine with return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, one-person-one-vote, justice, goodwill, reconciliation, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security initially based on present armed forces, and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of the Holy Land. Unless there is massive international anti-Apartheid action,  the Neocon American and Zionist (NAZI)-perverted and subverted US Alliance governments, backed by  endlessly lying, Zionist-subverted  Mainstream media, politician and academic presstitutes, will continue to back nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israeli with diplomatic support, arms and remorseless mendacity...


6 June 2017

Gideon Polya, “Exceptionalist Trump America exits from Paris Agreement & launches neoliberal War on Terra”, Countercurrents, 6 June 2017: .

An exceptionalist Trump America has withdrawn from the Paris Climate Change Agreement and thereby launched a neoliberal War on the Planet (Terra). The US has 4.4% of the world’s population but contributes more to annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution than China (18.6% of world population). The Paris Agreement’s upper limit of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise is already unattainable but climate change denialist Trump’s decision will make the future even worse for future generations. The American Declaration of Independence in 1776 proclaimed “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” [1] but for over 240 years exceptionalist American actions have rejected the self-evident truth that “all men are created equal”.  Slavery of African Americans continued for 90 years after 1776 to be replaced after the American Civil Wars by the discrimination and segregation as exampled by the   Jim Crow Laws in the Deep South and industrial exploitation in the North. Civil rights activism finally made progress on desegregation and voter registration in the 1960s but in the 21st century African Americans are disproportionately impacted by poverty, differential wealth, exclusion from voting and wealth-based Educational Apartheid with a massive return of de facto segregation [2]. Racism is as American as apple pie and the ultimate in racism is the invasion of other countries. America has invaded 72 countries…


1 June 2017

Gideon Polya, “Climate criminal Trump America contributes 20% of world’s annual Carbon Debt increase”, Countercurrents, 1 June 2017: .

Man’s greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution goes into the one common atmosphere and one common ocean of all countries on earth. Each year the world adds 66 billion tonnes CO2-equivalent to its inescapable Carbon Debt that in dollar terms  is increasing at $13.2 trillion per year.  Trump America that threatens to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement has 4.4% of the world’s population but contributes a disproportionate $2.7 trillion or  20% of the world’s  annual Carbon Debt increase. Revised annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution for all countries (tonnes CO2-e per person per year) has been determined taking methanogenic livestock and land use into account [1, 2] .  The world average is 63.80 billion tonnes CO2-e / 7.137 billion people in 2013 = 8.9 tonnes CO2-e per person per year, this term including all greenhouse gases (GHGs) except water, notably carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrogen oxides (NO2 and N2O),  and expressed as CO2 equivalents. If we assume that these annual per capita GHG pollution values are the same in 2016 as in 2013, then we can take 2016 population data [3] to estimate the amount of GHG pollution for the major players in 2016. If the world  still has an average  “annual per capita GHG pollution” of 8.9 tonnes CO2-equivalent per person per year (as calculated for 2013) then with a 2016 population of 7,432.7 million it has an annual GHG pollution in 2016 of 63.80 billion tonnes CO2-e x 7,433 million/ 7,137 million = 66.4 billion tonnes CO2-equivalent…



************* 29 June 2016


Gideon Polya, “Brexit an initial People’s victory in the war on terracidal neoliberalism”, Countercurrents, 29 June 2017: .


The  British  working class,  millions of other ordinary  Brits  and a swathe of British  nationalists  have voted for Brexit, the exit of Britain from the EU, with immigration and national self-determination being major issues. The  British political Establishment, the political elites, Mainstream media, EU officials  and the Americans view Brexit as irresponsible and  damaging,  and the Brexit supporters have been falsely maligned as ignorant, stupid, and racist xenophobes. However a view from the Left is that the Brexit vote was a courageous vote against the dominant, monolithic, socially-damaging, terracidal  neoliberal agenda and a vote for national self-determination for a decent and equitable society…



**********  20 June 2016


Gideon Polya, “Worsening Climate Emergency and record CO2 emissions demand vegetarian diet for all to help save Planet”,  Countercurrents, 20 June 2017: .


Annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions presently  total  64 billion tonnes CO2-equivalent with methanogenic livestock production contributing over 50%. With annual emissions of CO2 per se from industry at a record high,  and with Humanity and  the Biosphere existentially threatened by the Methane Bomb of the warming Arctic in coming decades, we must all urgently adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet to help save the Planet. World Bank analysts have carefully re-evaluated the contribution of livestock production to world annual GHG pollution and found that the world’s annual total rose from 41.76 billion tonnes CO2-equivalent (CO2-e) as estimated by the Food and Agricultural  Organisation  (FAO) to 63.80 billion tonnes CO2-e, with livestock production contributing  over 51% of the higher figure…


********** 17 June 2016

Gideon Polya, “Climate criminal Coalition lying endangers Australia & Planet – Australians must vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last”, Countercurrents,  17 June 2017: .

Rational risk management is crucial for societal safety and  successively  involves  (a) accurate information, (b) scientific analysis,  and (c) informed  systemic change to minimize risk. However the anti-science, anti-environment,  pro-fossil fuels  Australian Coalition Government has utterly perverted this process in relation to the worsening climate emergency through  spin, lying by commission,  lying by omission and censorship. Critically, Coalition Government mendacity endangers society  and thus  science-informed Australians will put the Coalition last in the 2 July  2016 Federal elections…



26 May 2017


Gideon Polya, “Riyadh speech: state terrorist Trump’s fake news ignores Muslim Holocaust & American Holocaust”, Countercurrents, 26 May 2017: .


President Donald Trump has inherited from Obama the mantle as the world’s worst presently operating  state terrorist, serial invader, war criminal, killer of children, opiate drug pusher and climate criminal. Trump’s Riyadh speech was a narcissistic concoction of fake news through lying by omission and lying by commission as Religious Right America and Wahabi Islamist Saudi Arabia are united in genocidal wars against starving Yemen and devastated Syria, a phony war on Iran, and a greed-driven, climate criminal war on the Planet. President Donald Trump’s speech in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, was on the occasion of his first foreign trip as president of the US. Below is a succinct and systematic  analysis of the lies of omission and lies of commission uttered  by this mendacious, racist and narcissistic warmonger…


12 May 2017

Gideon Polya, “Pro-Apartheid Australia’s New White Australia Policy & compulsory Australian values statement”, Countercurrents, 12 May 2017: .

US lackey Australia (Oz) is second only to the US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel that denies 4.7 million Occupied Palestinians all human rights.  Oz has a racist New White Australia Policy for visitors and immigrants who must also sign a compulsory Australian Values Statement that hides the ugly reality of a massive Australian culture of mendacity, racism, invasion, theft, genocide, child abuse, woman-bashing, human rights abuse, pollution, speciescide, ecocide, war criminality and climate criminality that comprehensively violates the Biblical Ten Commandments. If you wish to visit Australia as a tourist, a student or business person you must get an appropriate visa from the quasi-military Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP), the same Australian Government  department that highly abusively and indefinitely incarcerates boat-borne refugee men, women and children without charge or trial in remote concentration  camps in collaborating  countries (impoverished Nauru and impoverished Papua New Guinea). Asians, Africans, South Americans and Eastern Europeans wishing to obtain a visa to enter Australia will quickly discover that there are 2 basic categories of entrants , (a) those from the predominantly White countries and some rich, “honorary White” countries, and (b) those from predominantly non-White countries and some “poor White” countries from Eastern Europe…


2 May 2017

Gideon Polya, “Australian ABC & UK BBC fake news through lying by omission”, Countercurrents, 2 May 2017: .

The UK BBC and the Australian ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the BBC) pride themselves on superiority over the Yellow Press as typified by the sex and scandal tabloids of the Murdoch media. However, as analysed below, both the Oz ABC and the UK BBC betray their audiences with fake news through lying by omission over horrendous Australian, British and US Alliance war crimes and over the acute seriousness of the worsening climate emergency and  worsening climate genocide. The world is swamped with fake news through lying by omission but doesn’t know about it because of … fake news through lying by omission and indeed through lying by omission about lying by omission… 

12 May 2017

Gideon Polya, “Pro-Apartheid Australia’s New White Australia Policy & Compulsory Australian Values Statement”, Countercurrents, 12 May 2017: .

US lackey Australia (Oz) is second only to the US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel that denies 4.7 million Occupied Palestinians all human rights.  Oz has a racist New White Australia Policy for visitors and immigrants who must also sign a compulsory Australian Values Statement that hides the ugly reality of a massive Australian culture of mendacity, racism, invasion, theft, genocide, child abuse, woman-bashing, human rights abuse, pollution, speciescide, ecocide, war criminality and climate criminality that comprehensively violates the Biblical Ten Commandments.

If you wish to visit Australia as a tourist, a student or business person you must get an appropriate visa from the quasi-military Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP), the same Australian Government  department that highly abusively and indefinitely incarcerates boat-borne refugee men, women and children without charge or trial in remote concentration  camps in collaborating  countries (impoverished Nauru and impoverished Papua New Guinea). Asians, Africans, South Americans and Eastern Europeans wishing to obtain a visa to enter Australia will quickly discover that there are 2 basic categories of entrants , (a) those from the predominantly White countries and some rich, “honorary White” countries, and (b) those from predominantly non-White countries and some “poor White” countries from Eastern Europe…

 28 April 2017

Gideon Polya, “Yassmin Abdel-Magied Censored On Anzac Day – Jingoists Trash Australian Free Speech”,  Countercurrents, 28 April  2017: .

On Australia’s Anzac Day,  Muslim, feminist  social advocate and  humanitarian  journalist  Yassmin Abdel-Magied (who works for the ABC, Australia’s equivalent of the UK BBC) posted on her Facebook page: “Lest we forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine)”. Savaged by public outcry, Ms Abdel-Magied rapidly deleted the post and apologized. The post was correct and her silencing by rabid jingoists is a stain on Australia and an attack on free speech.

One can succinctly amplify Yassmin Abdel-Magied’s truthful combination of seven (7) words that so offended the rabid jingoists of imperial lackey Australia as follows. Australia’s Anzac Day (“the one day of the year”) commemorates the invasion of Turkey on 25 April 1915 by the Australian  and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) and Anglo-French forces. The invasion was unsuccessful and the Allied forces withdrew in 1916.  Anzac Day commemorates  Australia’s  war dead totalling about 100,000 over the last century in the service of the British Empire or, after Pearl Harbor,  the American Empire. Australia and the Australian War Memorial ignore the 100,000  Indigenous Australians who died defending Australia from genocidal invaders (the British) while massively – and indeed most appropriately – commemorating 100,000 courageous Australians who died overseas in foreign lands in British and/or American wars.

As a UK lackey or US lackeys Australia has invaded 85 out of 203 present-day countries (195 UN-recognized nations and 8 non-UN-recognized self-governing countries) as compared to the British 193, the French 80,  the US 72 (52 after WW2), Germany 39, Japan 30, Russia 25, Canada 25,  Apartheid Israel 12 and China 2. Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation. Australia is an enthusiastic participant in the US War on Muslims (aka the US War on Terror) that has been associated with 32 million Muslims deaths from violence, 5 million, or deprivation, 27 million, in 20 countries invaded by the  US Alliance since the US Government’s 9-11 false flag atrocity that killed 3,000 people, overwhelmingly  Americans. There are presently 65 million refugees in the World  with about half being Muslim refugees from genocidal wars conducted by the US and its allies, notably the UK, Australia, Canada, France  and US-, UK-, Australia- , Canada- and France-backed Apartheid Israel. The refugee breakdown is circa  7 million (Palestine),  5-6 million (Iraq), 11 million (Syria), 2 million (Somalia), 1 million (Libya), 3 million (Afghanistan), 2 million (Pakistan), 0.5 million (Yemen). US lackey Australia is complicit in an ongoing Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide. In addition to various involvements in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, Australia is  targeting  US drone strikes in starving Somalia and starving Yemen

24 April 2017

Gideon Polya, “On Anzac Day Australia Ignores Its Complicity in Horrendous War Crimes & Climate Crimes”, Countercurrents, 24 April  2017: .

25 April is Anzac Day commemorating the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) invasion of Turkey at Gallipoli in 1915, the day after the commencement of the Turkish Armenian Genocide (1.5 million Armenians killed) that was precipitated by the prior prolonged Allied naval bombardment. On Anzac Day Australians utterly ignore Australia’s complicity in horrendous UK and US war crimes. Australia has a secret genocide history that is resolutely ignored by White Australians.

People like to think well of themselves as individuals. Patriotic citizens collectively like to think the best of their country. White Australians are no exceptions to these generalities but for White Australians thinking thus has required a continuing huge amount of white-washing – overwhelming and continuing Mainstream media fake news through lying by omission [1-3].   25 April is Anzac Day for Australians (Aussies) and New Zealanders (Kiwis), a day on which they quite rightly remember their courageous veterans and courageous military war dead at cenotaph memorial  services and veteran parades  in cities and in country towns. The key phrase associated with Anzac Day is “lest we forget” – lest we forget the courageous and loyal men and women who served or  died in the service of their country in war,  whether or not the war was just or lawful. However “lest we forget” unfortunately does not extend to the victims of rape in war or the millions of “collateral” civilian deaths.  Nor does “lest we forget” extend to the war criminal politicians, lobbyists, media and corporations primarily responsible for these war crimes.

21 April 2017

Gideon Polya, “Latest Lancet Data Imply Adani Australian Coal Project Will  Kill 1.4 Million Indians”, Countercurrents, 21 April  2017: .

A multi-author 2017 paper in the prestigious UK medical journal The Lancet estimates 1.1 million Indian deaths annually from ambient (outdoor) air pollution, notably from fine carbon particulates (PM2.5). Assuming coal burning causes 50% of ambient air pollution in India, pollutants from the burning of coal exported to India from the giant, Australia-approved Adani coal mine will eventually kill 1.4 million Indians. Racist White Australia  has a 2-century history of complicity in mass murder of Indians that is ongoing.


14 April 2017

Gideon Polya, “Pollutants From Adani Coal Mine Will Eventually Kill About 0.5 Million Indians”,  Countercurrents, 14 April  2017:

Under a climate criminal Coalition Government Australia is lurching towards an environmental and human catastrophe represented by the huge, Government-approved Adani Carmichael coal mine in the Galilee Basin of Queensland. Pollutants from burning Australian coal exported from the proposed Adani coal mine are  estimated to kill 13,000 people annually and 500,000 people over the lifetime of the coal mine. Most of the coal will go to India and thus most of the victims will be Indians.

Science-informed, humane, environmentalist opponents of the Adani coalmine have advanced many cogent arguments against this development, including the following dozen propositions…


12 April 2017

Gideon Polya, “Proven US Alliance Lying Over Chemical Weapons Attack & Trump Pretext For Destruction Of Syria”, Countercurrents, 12 April  2017:  .

The Russian and Syrian denials are true if they are innocent and lies if they are guilty of the suspected  chemical weapons attack that killed 90 people including 30 children in Syria. However Trump, US and US Alliance certitude over Russian and Syrian guilt is clear, proven, warmongering lying in the absence of findings from expert and independent investigators. Meanwhile a mass murdering, child-killing Trump continues to make endless war  on famine-wracked Somalia and Yemen where half of the starving populations of 11.2 million and 27.9 million, respectively, are children.

From 2011 in a process of egregious state terrorism and state-sponsored non-state terrorism,  the US, UK, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Apartheid Israel, Jordan and Turkey have variously backed rebellion against the Syrian Government under Bashar al-Assad by  increasingly jihadi-dominated Sunni Syrian rebels that include the  Free Syrian Army and jihadi groups like Al-Nusrah.   The secular and democratic Kurds, violently opposed by a decreasingly secular and decreasingly democratic Turkey, have contained the Turkey-facilitated IS (Islamic State) in the north. The fanatical and barbarous Sunni jihadi IS (that was generated by the genocidal and war criminal US Alliance invasion of Iraq and has been variously covertly supported by Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Apartheid Israel and Turkey) dominates the eastern half of Syria but now faces inevitable eventual destruction in Iraq by US Alliance, Iranian and Iraqi forces  and in Syria by everybody.


8 April 2017

Gideon Polya, “Australian Commitment To Unlimited Natural Gas Exploitation Threatens Planet & Invites Global Blowback”, Countercurrents, 12 April  2017: .

Australia is a major exporter of coal, gas and iron ore, and is set to become the world’s largest exporter of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG).  However, depending upon the degree of systemic gas leakage,  burning gas for power may be worse greenhouse gas (GHG)-wise than burning coal.  However a remorselessly neoliberal, anti-science and anti-environment  Australia is committed to massive exploitation  of conventional  and non-conventional natural gas reserves for export and domestic use.

Australia is a world leader in annual per capita GHG pollution and both its Coalition Government and Labor Opposition are committed to unlimited coal and gas exploitation  [1, 2].  Australia is a key player in a dangerous global coal to gas transition that is a deadly and dishonest neoliberal alternative to the complete cessation of fossil fuel exploitation demanded by the worsening climate emergency.  The ideal target of no more than a 1.5C temperature rise agreed to at the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference is now set to be exceeded within 4-10 years. A 2C temperature rise – that all governments (except for the idiotic, dangerous, climate change denialist US Trump Administration )  agree would be catastrophic – is now unavoidable.  While Humanity can still take action to make the now inevitable plus 2C future “less bad”, there is a looming threat of global warming causing massive release of methane (CH4) from the Arctic, a ticking “Methane Bomb” set to utterly  devastate Humanity and indeed all  life on earth in the coming century.


5 April 2017

Gideon Polya, “Trump America, Trudeau Canada & Turnbull Australia Doom World With Unlimited Greenhouse Gas Pollution”, Countercurrents, 12 April  2017: .

US President Donald Trump, Trumpist Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull and pro-oil sands Canadian PM Justin Trudeau are acutely threatening the world with unlimited greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution from unlimited fossil fuel exploitation.  For the  US Canada and Australia, full exploitation of presently recoverable fossil fuel reserves would generate GHG pollution vastly exceeding (37-fold) the whole world’s remaining Terminal Carbon Pollution Budget that must not be exceeded for a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise.  This climate criminality invites urgent global action through Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and Green Tariffs.

Just when we thought that the dangerous, anti-science idiocy of the climate change denialists (climate skeptics) had finally been overcome by the overwhelming, circa 97%  scientific consensus that global warming is happening and is man-made [1] , the variously  ignorant and stupid American “deplorables” elected an ignorant, anti-science  neoliberal extremist and climate change denialist, Donald Trump,  as president of the United States.

Donald Trump has the virtue of explicitly stating what he thinks in very few words, and just prior to being elected promised: “On the first day of my term of office… I will begin taking the following seven actions to protect American workers… Fifth, I will lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars’ worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal. Sixth, lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward. Seventh, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America’s water and environmental infrastructure” [2].

22 March 2017

Gideon Polya, “Over 14 Million Americans Will Die Preventably Under A 2-Term Trump Administration”,  Countercurrents, 22 March 2017: .

A remorselessly neoliberal, climate change-denying and anti-science Trump  aims to slash science, technology, international aid, and medical research funding in favour of extra funding for the military and nuclear terrorism. 30 Americans are predicted to die from terrorism in America in the next 8 years but over 14 million Americans will die preventably under a US- and world-threatening 2-term Trump regime. US aid will be slashed to $20 billion pa for an impoverished world. Meanwhile corporate Mainstream media resolutely ignore the Awful Truth.

It has been estimated that 1.67 million Americans died preventably out of a US population of 319 million in 2014 [1]. In the middle of a  2-term Trump presidency the American population will be about 336 million (UN Population Division, 2015 Revision of World Population Prospects) so we can estimate that about 1.67 million x 336 million/319 million = 1.76 million Americans will die preventably  each year under a 2-term Trump presidency, or about 14 million in total. However deadly, anti-science Trump policies, as expertly analysed by the world’s leading scientific  journal Science [2], are set to increase this carnage i.e. over 14 million Americans will die preventably under a 2-term American-killing  Trump administration.

In stark contrast, 53 Americans were killed by terrorists in America in the 14 years after 9-11, this yielding an estimate  of 53 terrorist deaths/14 years = 3.8 terrorism deaths per year

19 March 2017

Gideon Polya, “50 Reasons For Free University Education As We Bequeath The Young A Dying Planet”, Countercurrents, 19 March 2017: .

Education is a basic human right and all education should be free for all. However the commodification and corporatizing of higher education has meant that free university education presently only obtains in about 25 countries, and the young are brainwashed into acceptance of fee-charging  higher education. The present ruling generations should grant free university education to the young who are inheriting a dying planet. Below are 50 reasons why we must have free university education now.

Article 26 of the Universal  Declaration of Human Rights states: “(1) Everyone has the right to education…  

16 March 2017

Gideon Polya, “Trump’s Abolition Of ObamaCare Will Kill 43,000 Americans Over 2 Trump Terms”, Countercurrents, 19 March 2017: .

The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that the ObamaCare-replacing, Trump Republican American Health Care Act would mean 14 million more uninsured Americans in 2018 and 24 million by 2026. Lack of health insurance kills about 45,000 Americans each year (Harvard Medical School) and Trump’s removal of millions of Americans from Health Cover will kill 43,000 Americans over 2 Trump terms versus an expected 30 terrorism deaths. Wake up America – this is not keeping America safe.

CNN has reported: “Twenty-four million more Americans would be uninsured by 2026 under the House Republican health care bill than under Obamacare, including 14 million by next year, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said Monday…

In total, an estimated 52 million people would be uninsured by 2026 under the GOP plan, compared to 28 million who would lack insurance under the current law. The Republican bill, titled the American Health Care Act, would reduce the federal deficit by $337 billion over 10 years, the CBO said. The Trump administration immediately downplayed the report’s findings”

1 March 2017

Gideon Polya, “Israelis Kill Ten Times More Israelis In Apartheid Israel Than Do Terrorists”,  Countercurrents, 1 March 2017: .

Behind the deadly, Zionist-promoted, warmongering, and civil rights-abusing terror hysteria in US Alliance countries is the Awful Truth that deaths from jihadi terrorism in these countries is negligible compared  to over 30 million Muslim deaths from violence or imposed deprivation in the 21st century US War on Muslims. In the 21st century there have been 1,615 non-terrorism Israeli deaths from homicide by Israelis, 164 Israeli deaths from terrorism in Israel (excluding Jerusalem) , 1,183 further Israeli deaths from terrorism elsewhere in Zionist-ruled Palestine (ZIRP), 9,505 Occupied Palestinian deaths by Israelis, and 72,000 Occupied Palestinian avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation.

24 February 2017

Gideon Polya, “Australia  PM Turnbull Backs Genocidal Apartheid Israel With Falsehood And Exceptionalism”, Countercurrents,  24 February 2017:

Australian PM Turnbull has trashed Australia’s international reputation and isolated a pariah Australia from Humanity by making Australia second only to the US as a supporter of  nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, grossly human rights-abusing, ultra-violently anti-Semitic, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel. Turnbull has embraced Apartheid Israel with praise, falsehood and racist exceptionalism on the occasion of the visit to Australia by serial war criminal Israeli PM Netanyahu.

Before analysing the appalling statements in support of Apartheid Israel by extreme right-wing Australian Coalition Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull,  it is important to briefly outline the present demographic  state of Palestine from an Apartheid perspective. Since 1967 all of Palestine has been ruled by a genocidally racist Apartheid Israel, and this territory should be described simply as Palestine or  Zionist-ruled Palestine (ZIRP). Presently the population of Palestine is comprised of 5.9 million Jewish Israelis, 1.7 million Palestinian Israelis, 0.3 million non-Jewish and non-Arab Israelis, and 4.7 million Occupied Palestinians.  In addition there are about 6 million Palestinians who cannot set foot in Zionist-ruled Palestine (ZIRP) on pain of death. 90% of the land of Palestine has now been ethnically cleansed by the Zionists. Despite massive UK- or US-backed Zionist colonization, and successive massive expulsions of Palestinian populations, the Indigenous Palestinians represent 6.4 x 100/12.6 = 51%   of the population of ZIRP (if  violently exiled Palestinians were permitted to return  to Palestine, Indigenous Palestinians would represent 67% of the population of Palestine). 73% of the Indigenous Palestinians under Zionist rule are excluded from voting for the government ruling them, this making Zionist-ruled Palestine an Apartheid state.


18 February 2017

Gideon Polya, “Open Letter To Australian MPs Re Apartheid Israel PM Netanyahu Visit To Australia”, Countercurrents,  18 February 2017: .

2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the seizure of all of Palestine by Apartheid Israel and half a century of brutal Israeli Occupation and further, ongoing Palestinian Genocide. Australia, the world’s leading supporter of Apartheid Israel after the US, invited Israeli PM Netanyahu to visit Australia in 2017 and he will arrive in Sydney next week for a trip abbreviated by the exigencies of the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine and US President Trump’s historic equivocation over the now impossible 2-state solution. My Open Letter response to Australian Federal MPs is reproduced below.

OPEN LETTER: “Dear Honorable Member/Senator,

Open Letter to Australian Federal MPs re Australian visit of Apartheid Israel PM Netanyahu

Australia, the world’s leading supporter of Apartheid Israel after the US,  has invited Israeli PM Netanyahu to visit Sydney in this coming week,  despite the appalling reality that he is the right-wing extremist leader  of a nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, serial invader, serial war criminal, women-abusing, children-abusing, democracy-by-genocide, ethnic cleansing, pathologically mendacious, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-racist Jew-defaming, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, Australia-subverting, Australia-perverting, Australia-violating, race-based, one-person-one-vote-rejecting, neo-Nazi, Apartheid kleptocracy  based on racism, mass murder, genocide, theft, terrorism and mendacity…


10 February 2017

Gideon Polya, “Australia Welcomes Genocidal Racist And Serial War Criminal Netanyahu”, Countercurrents,  10 February 2017: .

Netanyahu is the PM of nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, serial invader, serial war criminal, women-abusing, children-abusing, democracy-by-genocide, ethnic cleansing, pathologically mendacious, neo-Nazi, anti-Arab anti-Semitic and indeed anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, race-based  kleptocracy  Apartheid Israel. Netanyahu has been invited to visit pro-Zionist, US-lackey, climate criminal  Australia, the world’s leading supporter of Apartheid Israel after the US, and will address the Australian Federal Parliament in February 2017.   

Netanyahu belongs the extreme right-wing Zionist faction that was described in a 1948 letter to the New York Times signed by Albert Einstein and numerous other distinguished anti-racist Jews as  having the “unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a “Leader State” is the goal” [1, 2].

Nearly 70 years later, and thanks to US- and US Alliance-protected, serial war criminal, racist Zionist (RZ) fanatics like Netanyahu,  an Apartheid Israel has become a nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, ethnic cleansing, international law-violating, exceptionalist, serial invading, serial war criminal, neo-Nazi, democracy-by-genocide pariah state and rogue state that threatens and violates  anti-racist Jews, Australians, Palestinians, Muslims, Asians and indeed all of Humanity as set out below in ascending order of quantifiably deadly seriousness,


4 February 2017

Gideon Polya, “Trump Apartheid America Exempts Anglo Five-Eyes 6% But Not 94% Of Humanity From Racist Travel Bans”, Countercurrents, 4 February 2017: .

Citizens of the mostly White  Anglo Five-Eyes intelligence-sharing club (US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) are 6% of Humanity and are exempt from racist Trump’s anti-Muslim travel bans which apply to the remaining 94% of mostly non-White Humanity encompassing 188 of the 193 members of the UN. Apartheid South Africa at least allowed Japanese as “Honorary Whites”. Humanity’s 94% must boycott Apartheid America, the Apartheid Anglosphere 6% as well as US-backed, genocide-based  Apartheid Israel.

Racist Trump’s Apartheid  America now severely restricts immigration from 7 Muslim countries (Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran),  has suspended all refugee admission for 120 days, and bars all Syrian refugees indefinitely [1, 2]. However in response to complaints from the other Anglosphere  countries that together with the US constitute the “Five-Eyes” intelligence-sharing club (together, unofficially, with Apartheid Israel with which the US covertly shares Five-Eyes intelligence), Trump America rapidly moved to exempt the predominantly  White, Anglo Five-Eyes countries from the ban.

Citizens and non-citizen permanent residents of both the US and Canada are exempt from the travel ban, whereas only citizens (and not permanent residents) of the UK, Australia, and New Zealand are exempt from Trump’s racist travel ban.  Thus citizens of  US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand who were born in the 7 targeted Muslim countries (Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran) are exempt from  the travel ban. In addition, non-citizen  permanent residents of the US and Canada who were born in the 7 targeted Muslin countries are also exempt from the travel ban.

Subjects of 188 out of the 193 member nations of the United Nations, these representing about 94% of Humanity,  are subject to Trump’s racist travel ban. Thus any subject of these 188 non-Anglo countries who was born in the 7 targeted Muslim countries (Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran) will be subject to the racist Trump travel ban and prohibited from entry to the US. Indeed non-citizen permanent residents of a further 3 countries – the UK, Australia and New Zealand –  are also included in the racist Trump travel ban.


1 February 2017

Gideon Polya, “Western Media Ignore Huge US-imposed Avoidable Mortality In Muslim Countries Subject To Trump Travel Ban”,  Countercurrents, 1 February 2017: .

Racist Trump America now severely restricts immigration from 7 Muslim countries, suspends all refugee admission for 120 days, and bars all Syrian refugees indefinitely. While Trump’s racist travel ban on citizens from 7 Muslim countries has elicited well-justified outrage from Western media, politicians and commentators, the politically correct  racist (PC racist) West resolutely ignores the horrendous,  US-imposed avoidable mortality in these countries, variously due to US Alliance invasion and/or sanctions.

You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. Bombing and invasion kill people violently, but as an American general Tommy Franks notoriously stated “We don’t do body counts”. Expert US medical epidemiologists have estimated 1.5 million violent deaths in Iraq and similar numbers may have died violently in both Afghanistan and Somalia, with refugees totally 6 million, 3 million and 2 million, respectively. Violent deaths in US-backed wars in Syria and Libya total about 0.5 million and 0.1 million, respectively, with refugees totalling 12 million and 1 million, respectively. It is hard to assess violent deaths in US Alliance-complicit conflicts in Yemen and  Sudan/South Sudan. However long-term threat, bombing, invasion and/or sanctions have devastating and deadly impacts on the avoidable mortality due to deprivation of the people of victim nations, and most importantly prevent impoverished victims from achieving better circumstances, lowering infant mortality and reducing untimely death from deprivation…

 27 January 2017

 Gideon Polya, “Australia Day Is Invasion Day: Will Australia Join A Trump US War  On China?”, Countercurrents,  27 January 2017: .

Racist White Australia celebrates Australia Day on Invasion Day, the anniversary of the British invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788 and commencement of the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide. Australia has invaded 85 countries, has participated in all post-1950 US Asian wars, and as a US lackey is currently helping the serial war criminal US invade 7 impoverished Muslim countries. China is Australia’s largest trading partner but  US lackey Australia may join a lunatic Trump US war on China over the South China Sea.

Australia, formerly linked militarily to the British Empire, has for the 75 years since the Japanese defeat of British forces in WW2  been firmly linked to the US, its great White protector. For all that Australians claim not to be racists, they continue to be secretly obsessed with the reality that there are 3,000 million Asians and 1,500 million Muslims between White Australia and Mother England.  However, instead of being sensibly nice to Asians and nice to Muslims, a US lackey Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars (40 million Asian deaths from violence or deprivation) and is a key US Alliance player in the 21st century Zionist-backed US War on Muslims (30 million Muslim refugees and 32 million Muslim deaths from violence, 5 million, or deprivation, 27 million, in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since 9-11).

China is Australia’s biggest trading partner and it is obviously criminal lunacy to wage war period, and most obviously so on the world’s biggest nation and biggest economy over some uninhabited reefs in the South China Sea. Australia has an appalling record of invading  other countries  as a lackey of the UK and thence of the US. If Australia refused to join Trump America in a war against China it would be the first such post-1950 US Asian war in which Australia did not participate. Yet the politically powerful lunatic Right in Australia claims that Australian non-involvement in a US conflict with China would threaten the Australian alliance with the US via the Australian New Zealand and US (ANZUS) treaty.

23 January 2017

Gideon Polya, “Trump’s Inaugural Address: Neoliberal Anti-Christ Donald Trump’s “America First” Trumps Jesus’ “Love Thy Neighbour””, Countercurrents,  23 January 2017: .

US President Donald  Trump’s Inaugural Address was a mish-mash of populist rhetoric, unachievable promises, lying by commission and egregious lying by omission, most notably over the 1.7 million Americans who die preventably each year in the neoliberal US Corporatocracy.  Crucially, espousal of “America First” by an anti-Christ Donald Trump contradicts the “Love thy neighbour” imperative of that wonderful Palestinian humanitarian Jesus Christ who is worshipped by most Americans.

President Donald Trump is a neoliberal fundamentalist and as a multi-billionaire is a successful example of the outcome of application of the currently dominant neoliberal ideology that demands maximum freedom of the smart and advantaged to exploit the natural and human resources of the world for personal profit. Under neoliberalism the less smart and/or less advantaged will theoretically benefit from this radically inequitable system through “trickle-down” from the top. The alternative to the private greed of neoliberalism is social humanism (socialism, democratic socialism, ecosocialism, the welfare state) that seeks to maximize the happiness, opportunity and dignity of everyone through evolving international and intra-national social contracts


13 January 2017

Gideon Polya, “Anti-racist Jewish Humanitarians Oppose Apartheid Israel & Support UN Security Council Resolution 2334”, Countercurrents, 13 January 2017: .

The persecution of Jews in Europe that culminated in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by violence or deprivation) means that anti-racist Jews are inescapably obliged to oppose race-based Apartheid, disempowerment, dispossession, expulsion, ethnic cleansing  and genocide. Accordingly, numerous anti-racist Jews have come out to back UN Security Council  Resolution 2334 (2016) that explicitly condemns such war crimes by Apartheid Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

On 23 December 2016,  the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 2334 (2016) with a vote of 14 to 0 with the racist, pro-Zionist, pro-Apartheid US Obama Administration remarkably failing to veto and recording an abstention. The Security Council Resolution 2334 could have been much stronger by explicitly condemning the 49-year Apartheid Israeli Occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory but it nevertheless condemned other Israeli crimes in the Palestinian Territory that are in gross violation of international law, critically “Reaffirming the obligation of Israel, the occupying Power, to abide scrupulously by its legal obligations and responsibilities under the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, and recalling the advisory opinion rendered on 9 July 2004 by the International Court of Justice” and “Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions”


11 January 2017

Gideon Polya, “Demonetisation, WW2 Bengal Famine And Horrendous Indian Avoidable Mortality Then And Now”,  Countercurrents, 11 January 2017: .

The demonetisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes by the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is disproportionately impacting the poor of India. Presently 4.5 million Indians die avoidably from deprivation each year and demonetisation will make this worse by increasing poverty, deprivation and disempowerment. Indians must reject this callous and deadly attack on the poor, reject deadly pro-One Percenter neoliberalism and demand social justice via social humanism (democratic socialism). editor Binu Mathew has written: “In a cashless / digital money India Big Brother would be watching 24/7. The digitally illiterate vast majority would be driven out of circulation like the old notes. It’s a long process, perhaps more lethal than Hitler’s “Final Solution”. More people died in World War II Bengal famine than Hitler’s gas chambers. Did it make it at least into the footnotes of Indian history? Demonetised India doesn’t need gas chambers, hunger will do the job!” [1].

Unfortunately Binu Matthew is essentially correct and indeed quite conservative in his estimation. Poverty and disempowerment combine to constitute a deadly deprivation in India today that is already linked to an annual avoidable mortality  of 4.5 million Indians each year as estimated from mortality  data from the UN Population Division [2]. Avoidable mortality  (avoidable death, excess mortality, excess death, untimely death, deaths that should not happen) is the difference between actual deaths in a country in a given period and deaths that would be expected  if that country were at peace and subject to humane governance [3]. Demonetisation will make this horrendous Indian avoidable mortality holocaust worse by increasing poverty, deprivation and disempowerment.

28 December 2016

Gideon Polya, “Is UN Security Council Resolution 2334 The Beginning Of The End For Apartheid Israel?”,  Countercurrents, 28 December  2016: .

Resolution 2334 (2016) of the UN Security Council could have been stronger by condemning the Occupation but it nevertheless condemned other Israeli crimes in the Palestinian Territory that are in gross violation of international law,   and was passed 14-0 on 23 December 2016,  with the racist, pro-Zionist, pro-Apartheid US Obama Administration remarkably failing to veto and recording an unprincipled abstention. Hopefully UNSC Resolution 2334 is the beginning of the end for Apartheid and Apartheid Israel.


20 December 2016

Gideon Polya, “Humanity Must Pledge Inescapable Dispossession And Custodial Retribution For Climate Criminals”,  Countercurrents, 20 December  2016: .

Global domination by  neoliberal One Percenter climate criminals has meant that a catastrophic plus 2C temperature rise is now unavoidable  and that the Paris ideal of no more than plus 1.5C will be exceeded in 4-10 years. The most effective collective action now for decent Humanity to mitigate inescapable climate catastrophe is to promise that all climate criminals will be brought to account and suffer inescapable  dispossession and custodial  punishment – this resolute, collective  promise now will make a disastrous future less bad for future generations.

Future custodial punishment and dispossession of climate criminals will be small comfort to future generations suffering catastrophic climate change, but the resolute promise now of such inescapable punishment will have a significant impact now and make a catastrophic future “less bad” for our children, grandchildren and future generations.


1 December 2016

Gideon Polya, “Fidel Castro’s Cuban Legacy: True Democracy Of  Good Health Care,  Low Infant Mortality, High Literacy & Ecosocialism”,Countercurrents, 1 December  2016

Vale Fidel Castro (1926-2016). Despite decades of illegal US sanctions, and an average per capita GDP of only circa $7,000 as compared to $56,000 for the US, Cuba has good primary health care, 100% literacy, a Western life expectancy, and an under-5 infant mortality of 6 deaths per 1,000 live births, the same as for the US. True democracy fundamentally means expression of the will of the people and in Castro’s one-party Cuba that has meant  ecosocialism and the survival of infants for a decent, healthy, literate, educated and long life.

Fidel Castro’s socialist Cuba has been a model for civilized development in the Third World that respects the fundamental human right, the right to life, and is in ideological opposition to ecologically unsustainable, greed-driven, neoliberal globalization that disproportionately rewards the One Percenters at the expense of Humanity and the Biosphere.  The achievements of  Fidel Castro’s socialist Cuba are outlined below…


12 November  2016

Gideon Polya, “Terracidal Wealth Transfer By Neoliberal Climate Criminal And Climate Change Denier Donald Trump”,  Countercurrents,  12 November  2016: ..


Billionaire US president-elect Donald Trump belongs to the richest 0.1% of Americans but has been elected by an anti-science,  neoliberal electoral continuum from  the desperate White  poor to the homicidally greedy rich. Trump is an explicit climate change denier and promises a neoliberal agenda of $1 trillion annually  in tax-cuts disproportionately  favouring the rich in an environmentally  disastrous Business As Usual (BAU) Carbon Economy involving climate change inaction and unlimited oil, coal and gas exploitation.

Donald Trump is clearly a member of the US Establishment but was ferociously opposed by the “official” US Establishment represented by the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and Mainstream media, politician and academic presstitutes backing the “official” US Establishment narrative and engaged in what was described as “manufacturing consent” in the seminal book of the same name by Professors Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky [1]. Those who voted for Donald Trump are on a continuum from egregious stupidity  and/or ignorance to homicidal and genocidal greed but the valid excuse of the poor, ignored and disadvantaged White voters was that they desperately wanted a change from essentially BAU rule by the Democrat part of the “official”  Establishment.


26 October 2016

Gideon Polya, “Dr Jill Stein Green Party Alternative To Xenophobic Maverick  Donald Trump And Serial War Criminal Hillary Clinton”, Countercurrents,  26 October 2016: .

For humane, anti-racist, pro-peace, pro-environment, pro-human rights American voters the Green Party candidate Dr Jill Stein ticks all boxes. However,  as controversially argued over the Ralph Nader Green Party candidacy in the 2000 George Bush versus Al Gore presidential race, support for Stein might decrease Democrat votes (by wooing Bernie Sanders supporters) and deliver victory for Trump.  However from a humanitarian, Green-Left perspective there are 12 key reasons why  xenophobic maverick  Donald Trump would be preferable as US president to serial war criminal Hillary Clinton.

Populist Donald Trump is a highly flawed candidate as evidenced by his crude, misogynist, racist and xenophobic assertions  but, as set out below, from a humane, Green-Left  perspective he betters serial  war criminal Hillary “Killary” Clinton in 12 key areas that are largely ignored by the  Establishment-beholden, American Mainstream media, politician and academic presstitutes precisely because they   threaten the violent, endlessly warmongering, Neocon American and Zionist  Imperialist (NAZI) –perverted and subverted US Establishment that holds America and much of the world in thrall.


15 October 2016

Gideon Polya, “Hysterical Mainstream Media Back Warmonger Hillary Clinton Against Donald Trump’s America First Isolationism & 9-11 Truth”,  Countercurrents,  15 October 2016: .

With 3 weeks to go before the US Presidential Elections the lying Mainstream media have ignored the extremely serious issues raised by Donald Trump of 9-11 truth, US military interventions and the impact of globalization, and have launched an hysterical, grubby, sex-based personal campaign against Donald Trump  in support of mendacious warmonger and war criminal Hillary Clinton.  And why the poison? Because for all his manifold faults, Donald Trump has profoundly upset and endangered the US Establishment by raising these extremely serious issues…

Rationality has gone out the window in Corporatocracy America. The big issues of the responsibility for 9-11, the disastrous US Alliance military interventions in 20 countries since 9-11, and the disastrous impacts of globalization and free trade agreements on US industry and American employment,   have been set aside by mendacious Mainstream media in favour of Donald Trump’s American Male locker-room banter, his alleged American Male womanizing inclinations, and his alleged  American Male stolen kisses  and “octopus-like” gropings of decades ago.


8 October  2016

Gideon Polya, “Open Letter To  Australian MPs Re  Israeli Kidnap Of Gaza-bound Australian Woman  In International Waters”,  Countercurrents,  15 October 2016: .

In its latest act of piracy,  Apartheid Israel has seized a Gaza-bound ship Zaytouna-Oliva in international waters and kidnapped, robbed and imprisoned 13 humane, anti-racist  women including the Australian captain, Madeleine Habib (from my hometown Hobart, Tasmania),  Northern Ireland Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire and New Zealand Greens  MP Marama Davidson. Apartheid Israel has repeatedly kidnapped Australian women in international waters but in this instance except for the Australian Greens the response from  Australian MPs has been deafening silence.

A notable exception to this cowardly and dishonorable silence from Australian MPs has been the decent, progressive and pro-human rights Greens. Australian Greens Co-Deputy Leader and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Senator Scott Ludlam,  has demanded release of the Australian kidnap victim and her colleagues…


1 October 2016

Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel Buries Serial War Criminal, Genocidal Racist And Nuclear Terrorist Shimon Peres”, Countercurrents,  1 October 2016: .

Genocidally racist  Zionist, war criminal and nuclear terrorist Shimon Peres (1923-2016) has been buried in Apartheid Israel with leading pro-Zionists, war criminals and nuclear terrorists in attendance.  Known as the Butcher of Qana for green-lighting a 2001 Israeli  atrocity against the UN and civilians in Southern Lebanon, Shimon Peres was a stalwart in the ongoing racist Zionist Palestinian Genocide. Peres’ greatest crime was to enable Israeli acquisition  of 400 nuclear weapons with the help of France and traitorous American Zionists. Nobel Peace Prize-winning war criminal Peres devoted his life  to making Israel a nuclear terrorist,   democracy-by-genocide,    Apartheid rogue state.


29 September 2016

Gideon Polya , “Socialist Jeremy Corbyn Re-elected As UK Labour Leader In Massive Defeat Of  Neoliberal Blairites”, Countercurrents,  29 September 2016: .

The re-election of Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the British Labour Party with an  overwhelming 62% support of Labour Party members is a victory for decency and sanity over the US lackey, pro-war, pro-nuclear weapons, pro-Apartheid, pro-Zionist and  neoliberal  Blairite pragmatists  led  by about 80% of the UK Labour Party MPs and who are traitors not  just to the Labour Movement but to Humanity.The Blairite Labour argument is that the socialist policies of Jeremy Corbyn will keep Labour out of power for a generation. The counter-argument is that it is better to have a sane and humane Labour Opposition than an unprincipled, dishonest, anything-goes, inhumane, pro-war, nuclear terrorist, pro-Apartheid, neoliberal, Tory-lite Labour Government.In the wonderful words of the  King James  Bible (Matthew 16:26) : “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” [1]. As outlined below, from  a national and international perspective, Jeremy Corbyn is a voice for humanity,  sanity and equity in a neoliberalism-dominated  world acutely threatened by nuclear  weapons, climate change and poverty…


29 September 2016

Gideon Polya, “Mendacious War Criminal Obama’s Final Speech To The UN General Assembly”,  Countercurrents,  29 September 2016: .

America’s mendacious, serial invader,  war criminal, climate criminal and human rights-violating  President Barack Obama made his last speech to the UN General Assembly on 20 September 2016, a speech characterized by massive lying by omission that is far , far worse than lying by commission because the latter can at least be  refuted and subject to public debate. As revealed by Edward Snowden, America spies on everyone in America and the world, but Obama managed to comprehensively ignore a veritable Herd of Elephants in the Room as detailed in the following analysis of his last UN speech. As Dr Paul Craig Roberts has stated: “Washington lies about everything”. The transcript of President Obama’s final speech to the UN [1] is reproduced  below with key matters he has ignored set out succinctly in square brackets, together with appropriate detailed documentation…


10 August 2016

Gideon Polya, “Zionist-subverted Oberlin College trashes academic free speech and suspends Professor Joy Karega”, Countercurrents, 10 August 2016: .

Oberlin College, one of the first US colleges to have admitted Blacks, Women, Jews and Catholics, has given in to pressure from the genocidally racist  Zionist Lobby and suspended female African-American academic Dr Joy Karega, assistant professor of Rhetoric and Composition, who has been falsely defamed as an  anti-Semite and vilified for opposing corporate control of government, Israeli Gaza massacres and war, for expressing support for Palestinian human rights, and for scepticism over official US claims about  9-11 and terrorism…

Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of academic life  but Oberlin College has trashed its formerly great reputation by giving into Zionist pressure and suspending courageous, anti-racist African-American scholar Dr Joy Karega. Academics and indeed all decent humanity everywhere must oppose this attack on academic free speech. On a personal note, I have always loved Oberlin because of its progressive history as one of the first US colleges to admit Blacks, Jews, Women and Catholics. I also loved Oberlin because a very dear aunt of mine, a Jewish refugee from Nazi Europe, lived there and was married to an Oberlin College professor. Indeed on my last visit there  I was gladdened to see a dozen young  Oberlin students with placards earnestly but peacefully demonstrating  for some cause. What can decent, anti-racist folk do? Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can about Zionist attacks on academic free speech and human rights in general ,   (b) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against  nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel and all its Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist  (NAZI)-perverted and subverted supporters , and (c) urge the sidelining from public life  of racist Zionists (RZs) and their typically genocidally  racist, and warmongering supporters,  as has already happened to like racists such as the Nazis, neo-Nazis, Apartheiders and the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).


5 August 2016.

Gideon Polya, “UK Parliament endorses terracidal nuclear terrorism”, Countercurrents, 5 August 2016: .

The UK Parliament recently overwhelmingly supported renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system, with a psychopathic  new UK PM Theresa May declaring her preparedness to kill vast numbers of people with nuclear weapons. Total nuclear disarmament can and should happen. On the eve of the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, decent people around the world must declare a peaceful war on nuclear terrorist supporters and countries  by Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) that are most likely to be  effective when applied to small nuclear powers like the UK , France, North Korea and Apartheid Israel.


1 August 2016

 Gideon Polya, “Review Of Movie “A Bitter Lime” – Disenchanted First World Couple Escape To Third World Guyana”, Countercurrents, 10 August 2016: .

 “A Bitter Lime” is a variously funny to  Kafkaesque movie about a rich and young but disenchanted First World couple leaving Los Angeles for Georgetown in Third World  Guyana. A beautifully filmed and poetic movie, “A Bitter Lime” touches on escapism, existential angst, North-South, Man-Nature and love.  Directed by Australian Max De Bowen (Max Orter) , “A Bitter Lime” is a potential cult movie for present young generations bored and disenchanted with corporatism and neoliberalism…

However escapism is not the answer – the solution lies in Climate Revolution now. In conclusion, “A Bitter Lime” is a beautifully filmed, poetic and at times funny movie about youth alienation, disenchantment, escapism, and existential angst, North-South, Man-Nature,   and love. It deserves the prospect of becoming a cult movie for  younger generations in a First World facing current transition to the Second World, and with the worsening  Climate Emergency adumbrating  transition to a Third World or worse existence.



 30 July 2016

Gideon Polya, “Australia’s Horrendous Abuse Of Aboriginal Children The Tip Of Massive Australian Child Abuse”, Countercurrents, 30 July 2016: .

The Australian ABC TV Four Corners program has revealed shocking CCTV images of mostly Aboriginal children being horrendously abused, assaulted and tortured  by prison guards in a juvenile detention centre in Australia’s Northern Territory (NT). Australia has been shocked.  The Coalition Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull set up a Royal Commission to investigate the matter but this  (a) involves the complicit NT Government, (b) does not address horrendous nation-wide abuse of  detained Aboriginal  children, and (c) will ignore other massive child abuse within Australia and overseas in which child-abusing Australian Governments are complicit. In writing this analysis of horrendous child abuse in Australia I am simply one decent Australian citizen without the vast resources of the Australian Federal Government. However it is likely the except for the shocking details revealed by Four Corners and similar abuses against imprisoned children in the NT  [1],  the rest of a mountain of Australian Government-complicit child abuse as detailed below will be ignored due to the highly  restricted terms of reference of the  proposed Royal Commission...


23 July 2016

Gideon Polya, “Resurgent Pauline Hanson,  Australian Islamophobia And Terror Hysteria – Yet Mainstream  Media Ignore Muslim Holocaust & Climate Genocide”, Countercurrents,  July 2016:

The July 2016 Australia Federal elections returned the climate criminal Coalition Government with a likely 1 seat majority and elected  Pauline Hanson and her anti-Asian, anti-Muslim One Nation Party to the Senate. Ms Hanson’s Trump-like call for a ban on Muslim immigration was supported by right-wing media personalities Andrew Bolt and Sonia Kruger with Muslim media celebrity Waleed Aly stating “Sonia Kruger isn’t evil. She’s scared”. Mainstream media lying ensures entrenched Australian terror hysteria and anti-Arab anti-Semitism… What can decent people do? Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can, (b)   urge and apply zero tolerance  for racism and lying, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, companies and corporations that are actively or  passively  complicit in racism and lying.  Decent, anti-racist Australians will vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.


19 July 2016

Gideon Polya,Neoliberal Australia Re-elects War Criminal, Climate Criminal, Pro-Apartheid, Child-abusing Coalition Government”, Countercurrents, 19 July 2016: .

In July 2016 a  substantially  ignorant, greedy,  racist,  pro-Zionist, US lackey, extreme right-wing and neoliberal Murdochracy Australia re-elected (albeit by a wafer-thin margin) a mendacious, corrupt, anti-equity, anti-science, anti-environment, pro-war, war criminal, pro-coal, climate criminal, human rights-abusing, pro-Apartheid and child-abusing Coalition Government. Those supporting the Coalition are on a continuum from egregious ignorance and stupidity to homicidal greed.


9 July 2016

Gideon Polya, “Holocaust Denial: UK Chilcot Inquiry Whitewashes Iraqi Holocaust And Iraqi Genocide”,  Countercurrents, 9 July 2016:

In another example of outrageous British Establishment mendacity, the inexpert, Zionist-subverted, UK Iraq Inquiry, aka the Chilcot Inquiry, criticized intelligence failures re non-existent Iraqi WMD but whitewashed the US-, UK- and Australia-complicit, 1990-2011  Iraqi Genocide and Iraqi Holocaust in which 4.6 million Iraqis died from violence (1.7 million)  or from violently-imposed deprivation (2.9 million) by (a) suggesting that about 150,000 Iraqis may have died due to the 2003-2011 invasion and occupation, (b)  ignoring  Coalition war crimes including the  illegality of the invasion per se,  (c) ignoring the real reasons for the invasion (oil, US hegemony and Apartheid Israel) , and (d) implicitly approving such war criminal invasions if done better.

The 12 volume Chilcot Report is 2.6 million words long and has a 145-page executive summary [1-3]. The chairman of the Iraq Inquiry, Sir John Chilcot, launched the Chilcot Report with a 12-page summary statement on 6 July 2016 that included the following extraordinary  example of British Establishment mendacity and understatement “More than 200 British citizens dies as a result of the conflict in Iraq. Many more were injured. This has meant deep anguish for many families, including those who are here today. The invasion and subsequent instability in Iraq had, by July 2009, also resulted in the deaths of at least one hundred and fifty thousand Iraqis – and probably any more – most of them civilians. More than a million people were displaced. The people of Iraq have suffered greatly…


29 June 2016

Gideon Polya, “Brexit An Initial People’s Victory In The War On Terracidal Neoliberalism in Globalisation”, Countercurrents,  29 June 2016: .

The  British  working class,  millions of other ordinary  Brits  and a swathe of British  nationalists  have voted for Brexit, the exit of Britain from the EU, with immigration and national self-determination being major issues. The  British political Establishment, the political elites, Mainstream media, EU officials  and the Americans view Brexit as irresponsible and  damaging,  and the Brexit supporters have been falsely maligned as ignorant, stupid, and racist xenophobes. However a view from the Left is that the Brexit vote was a courageous vote against the dominant, monolithic, socially-damaging, terracidal  neoliberal agenda and a vote for national self-determination for a decent and equitable society.


20 June 2017.

Gideon Polya, “Worsening Climate Emergency And Record CO2 Emissions Demand Vegetarian Diet For All To Help Save Planet”, Countercurrents,  June 20, 2016: .

Annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions presently  total  64 billion tonnes CO2-equivalent with methanogenic livestock production contributing over 50%. With annual emissions of CO2 per se from industry at a record high,  and with Humanity and  the Biosphere existentially threatened by the Methane Bomb of the warming Arctic in coming decades, we must all urgently adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet to help save the Planet.World Bank analysts have carefully re-evaluated the contribution of livestock production to world annual GHG pollution and found that the world’s annual total rose from 41.76 billion tonnes CO2-equivalent (CO2-e) as estimated by the Food and Agricultural  Organisation  (FAO) to 63.80 billion tonnes CO2-e, with livestock production contributing  over 51% of the higher figure…


17 June 2017

Gideon Polya, “Climate Criminal Coalition Government Lying Endangers Australia & Planet – Australians Must Vote 1 Green And Put The Coalition Last”, Countercurrents,   17 June 2017:

Rational risk management is crucial for societal safety and  successively  involves  (a) accurate information, (b) scientific analysis,  and (c) informed  systemic change to minimize risk. However the anti-science, anti-environment,  pro-fossil fuels  Australian Coalition Government has utterly perverted this process in relation to the worsening climate emergency through  spin, lying by commission,  lying by omission and censorship. Critically, Coalition Government mendacity endangers society  and thus  science-informed Australians will put the Coalition last in the 2 July  2016 Federal elections.

30 July 2016

Gideon Polya, “Australia’s Horrendous Abuse Of Aboriginal Children The Tip Of Massive Australian Child Abuse”, Countercurrents, 30 July 2016: .

The Australian ABC TV Four Corners program has revealed shocking CCTV images of mostly Aboriginal children being horrendously abused, assaulted and tortured  by prison guards in a juvenile detention centre in Australia’s Northern Territory (NT). Australia has been shocked.  The Coalition Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull set up a Royal Commission to investigate the matter but this  (a) involves the complicit NT Government, (b) does not address horrendous nation-wide abuse of  detained Aboriginal  children, and (c) will ignore other massive child abuse within Australia and overseas in which child-abusing Australian Governments are complicit. In writing this analysis of horrendous child abuse in Australia I am simply one decent Australian citizen without the vast resources of the Australian Federal Government. However it is likely the except for the shocking details revealed by Four Corners and similar abuses against imprisoned children in the NT  [1],  the rest of a mountain of Australian Government-complicit child abuse as detailed below will be ignored due to the highly  restricted terms of reference of the  proposed Royal Commission...


23 July 2016

Gideon Polya, “Resurgent Pauline Hanson,  Australian Islamophobia And Terror Hysteria – Yet Mainstream  Media Ignore Muslim Holocaust & Climate Genocide”, Countercurrents,  July 2016:

The July 2016 Australia Federal elections returned the climate criminal Coalition Government with a likely 1 seat majority and elected  Pauline Hanson and her anti-Asian, anti-Muslim One Nation Party to the Senate. Ms Hanson’s Trump-like call for a ban on Muslim immigration was supported by right-wing media personalities Andrew Bolt and Sonia Kruger with Muslim media celebrity Waleed Aly stating “Sonia Kruger isn’t evil. She’s scared”. Mainstream media lying ensures entrenched Australian terror hysteria and anti-Arab anti-Semitism… What can decent people do? Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can, (b)   urge and apply zero tolerance  for racism and lying, and (c) urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, politicians, parties, companies and corporations that are actively or  passively  complicit in racism and lying.  Decent, anti-racist Australians will vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.


19 July 2016

Gideon Polya,Neoliberal Australia Re-elects War Criminal, Climate Criminal, Pro-Apartheid, Child-abusing Coalition Government”, Countercurrents, 19 July 2016: .

In July 2016 a  substantially  ignorant, greedy,  racist,  pro-Zionist, US lackey, extreme right-wing and neoliberal Murdochracy Australia re-elected (albeit by a wafer-thin margin) a mendacious, corrupt, anti-equity, anti-science, anti-environment, pro-war, war criminal, pro-coal, climate criminal, human rights-abusing, pro-Apartheid and child-abusing Coalition Government. Those supporting the Coalition are on a continuum from egregious ignorance and stupidity to homicidal greed.


9 July 2016

Gideon Polya, “Holocaust Denial: UK Chilcot Inquiry Whitewashes Iraqi Holocaust And Iraqi Genocide”,  Countercurrents, 9 July 2016:

In another example of outrageous British Establishment mendacity, the inexpert, Zionist-subverted, UK Iraq Inquiry, aka the Chilcot Inquiry, criticized intelligence failures re non-existent Iraqi WMD but whitewashed the US-, UK- and Australia-complicit, 1990-2011  Iraqi Genocide and Iraqi Holocaust in which 4.6 million Iraqis died from violence (1.7 million)  or from violently-imposed deprivation (2.9 million) by (a) suggesting that about 150,000 Iraqis may have died due to the 2003-2011 invasion and occupation, (b)  ignoring  Coalition war crimes including the  illegality of the invasion per se,  (c) ignoring the real reasons for the invasion (oil, US hegemony and Apartheid Israel) , and (d) implicitly approving such war criminal invasions if done better.

The 12 volume Chilcot Report is 2.6 million words long and has a 145-page executive summary [1-3]. The chairman of the Iraq Inquiry, Sir John Chilcot, launched the Chilcot Report with a 12-page summary statement on 6 July 2016 that included the following extraordinary  example of British Establishment mendacity and understatement “More than 200 British citizens dies as a result of the conflict in Iraq. Many more were injured. This has meant deep anguish for many families, including those who are here today. The invasion and subsequent instability in Iraq had, by July 2009, also resulted in the deaths of at least one hundred and fifty thousand Iraqis – and probably any more – most of them civilians. More than a million people were displaced. The people of Iraq have suffered greatly…


29 June 2016

Gideon Polya, “Brexit An Initial People’s Victory In The War On Terracidal Neoliberalism in Globalisation”, Countercurrents,  29 June 2016: .

The  British  working class,  millions of other ordinary  Brits  and a swathe of British  nationalists  have voted for Brexit, the exit of Britain from the EU, with immigration and national self-determination being major issues. The  British political Establishment, the political elites, Mainstream media, EU officials  and the Americans view Brexit as irresponsible and  damaging,  and the Brexit supporters have been falsely maligned as ignorant, stupid, and racist xenophobes. However a view from the Left is that the Brexit vote was a courageous vote against the dominant, monolithic, socially-damaging, terracidal  neoliberal agenda and a vote for national self-determination for a decent and equitable society.


20 June 2017.

Gideon Polya, “Worsening Climate Emergency And Record CO2 Emissions Demand Vegetarian Diet For All To Help Save Planet”, Countercurrents,  June 20, 2016: .

Annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions presently  total  64 billion tonnes CO2-equivalent with methanogenic livestock production contributing over 50%. With annual emissions of CO2 per se from industry at a record high,  and with Humanity and  the Biosphere existentially threatened by the Methane Bomb of the warming Arctic in coming decades, we must all urgently adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet to help save the Planet.World Bank analysts have carefully re-evaluated the contribution of livestock production to world annual GHG pollution and found that the world’s annual total rose from 41.76 billion tonnes CO2-equivalent (CO2-e) as estimated by the Food and Agricultural  Organisation  (FAO) to 63.80 billion tonnes CO2-e, with livestock production contributing  over 51% of the higher figure…


17 June 2017

Gideon Polya, “Climate Criminal Coalition Government Lying Endangers Australia & Planet – Australians Must Vote 1 Green And Put The Coalition Last”, Countercurrents,   17 June 2017:

Rational risk management is crucial for societal safety and  successively  involves  (a) accurate information, (b) scientific analysis,  and (c) informed  systemic change to minimize risk. However the anti-science, anti-environment,  pro-fossil fuels  Australian Coalition Government has utterly perverted this process in relation to the worsening climate emergency through  spin, lying by commission,  lying by omission and censorship. Critically, Coalition Government mendacity endangers society  and thus  science-informed Australians will put the Coalition last in the 2 July  2016 Federal elections.


30 May 2016

Review: “The Secret Chord” By Geraldine Brooks. Palestinian Genocide By Israelites In 1000BC And By Zionists Today

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Secret Chord is an historical novel by Geraldine Brooks, an Australian convert to Judaism and a Zionist assertedly loathing the ongoing Occupation but opposing BDS against democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel. The Secret Chord is a work of faction (fiction based on fact) that is based on the assertedly factual Biblical account of the life of a genocidal mass murderer and racist psychopath King David whose Star adorns the flag of genocidal Apartheid Israel. This novel is implicitly Zionist and like Zionism is based on egregious falsehoods – there is no non-Biblical evidence for the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt, an Empire of David and Solomon or mass Jewish Exile from Palestine, and almost no evidence for the very existence of King David


19 May 2016

Unpunished Ongoing Mass Murder By Australian And US Alliance State Terrorists Versus Life Imprisonment For Planning To Be A Jihadi

By Dr Gideon Polya

Five allegedly jihadi Australians have been charged with making preparations for incursions into foreign countries to engage in hostile activities, an offence carrying punishment of life imprisonment. In contrast, successive Coalition and Labor Australian Governments have yet to face the International Criminal Court for actual involvement in the horrendous and ongoing US War on Muslims that has been associated with 32 million Muslim deaths from deprivation, 27 million, or from violence, 5 million, since the US Government's false flag 9-11 atrocity that killed 3,000.


13 May 2016

Save Humanity And The Biosphere Through Zero Tolerance For Deadly Neoliberalism And Remorseless Neoliberals

By Dr Gideon Polya

Greed-driven neoliberalism is currently the dominant economic philosophy globally but has driven Humanity to the edge – a catastrophic 2 degree Centigrade temperature rise is now essentially inevitable, 17 million people die avoidably from deprivation each year, 7 million people die annually from air pollution and as many as 10 billion people will die this century if man-made climate change is not requisitely addressed. We can only save Humanity and the Biosphere through implacable zero tolerance for deadly neoliberalism and remorseless neoliberals




27 April 2016

Review: “A Lover's Country” By Stuart Rees – Overcoming Zionist Perversion Of The Mainstream Palestine Narrative

By Dr Gideon Polya

“A Lover's Country” is an important, well-written and eminently readable novel by academic and human rights activist Stuart Rees based on the real life event of the award of the prestigious Sydney Peace Prize in 2003 to Palestinian writer, scholar, legislator and activist Hanan Ashrawi that aroused the ire of the ferocious Australian Zionist Lobby and its Mainstream journalist, politician and academic supporters that dominate media and public life in Australia (and elsewhere in the West) by lying, subversion, perversion, cajoling, censorship, threatening, defamation, litigation and intimidation


23 April 2016


Movie Review: “Where To Invade Next” By Michael Moore – Hammer, Chisel, Down For Social Humanism

By Dr Gideon Polya

Michael Moore's latest movie “Where to invade next” is testament to the failure of democracy in One Percenter-dominated America. Moore invades 9 countries to steal their ideas for America e.g. Italy (generous holidays), France (healthy gourmet lunches for school kids), Finland (best education with least schooling), Slovenia (students saved free university education), Germany (worker empowerment and history truth-telling), Norway (humane prisons and no death penalty), Portugal (drug decriminalization works), Tunisia (equal rights for women), and Iceland (female empowerment and jailing of banker criminals). Punchlines: (1) Americans actually first proposed these ideas, and (2) Hammer, Chisel, Down for Social Humanism


11 April 2016


Obama Deceives World Over State Terrorism, Non-state Terrorism, Apartheid Israeli Nuclear Threat And US Nuclear Terrorism

By Dr Gideon Polya

American President Barack Obama recently hosted and addressed the 4th Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) that is aimed at preventing nuclear terrorism. However an endlessly mendacious Obama ignored the failure over long-term storage of nuclear waste, the unconscionable US Alliance dispersal of depleted uranium in US war zones around the world, and the massive reality of state nuclear terrorism in which Humanity is existentially threatened by the nuclear terrorism of 9 nuclear weapons states, specifically (with upper estimates of nuclear weapons in brackets) the US (7,315), Russia (8,000), Apartheid Israel (400), France (300), UK (250), China (250), Pakistan (120), India (100), and North Korea (less than 10)




19 March 2016

Exposing And Thence Punishing Worst Polluter Nations Via Weighted Annual Per Capita Greenhouse Gas Pollution Scores

By Dr Gideon Polya

The latest shocking global temperature data indicate that it is now too late to avoid a catastrophic plus 2 degrees Centigrade temperature rise. Annual per capita greenhouse gas pollution per se is a flawed measure of national culpability for this because it ignores rich countries outsourcing industrial pollution to China, and impoverished countries compelled to pollute to barely survive. A better measure of culpability is weighted annual per capita greenhouse gas pollution taking relative per capita income into account, this revealing that the worst polluters on this basis include the rich Anglosphere countries of the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Ireland.


10 March 2016

Australian And Western Mainstream Media Ignore Massive And Deadly Western Child Abuse In War And Peace

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australians are quite rightly upset because the Catholic Church hierarchy failed to act to expose and stop long-term, egregious child sexual abuse of about 40,000 Australian children by Catholic Church personnel. However look-the-other-way Australia resolutely ignores 4.4 million Australians adults who have been sexually abused as children, and the deaths this century of 11.9 million under-5 year old infants and 15.8 million avoidable deaths (half of children) in Muslim countries being war criminally violated by pro-Zionist, pro-Apartheid Israel, US lackey Australia




27 February 2016

Years Left For Zero Emissions By Country – Half Have Exceeded Their Share Of The World's Terminal Carbon Pollution Budget

By Dr Gideon Polya

The world has only 2 years left before it exceeds its Terminal Carbon Pollution Budget that must not be exceeded if it is to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic plus 2 degrees Centigrade temperature rise. About half of countries have now already used up their fair share of this Terminal Budget. In an immense injustice, the low polluting countries with about 15 years or more left include many impoverished, global warming threatened Island Nations and some major, impoverished, global warming threatened mega-delta countries (Bangladesh, Egypt, Pakistan, India, and Vietnam).



31 January 2016

Free University Education Via Accredited Remote Learning – All Education Should Be Free For All

By Dr Gideon Polya

Education is a basic human right and all education should be free. Free university education has been adopted by about 20 variously rich or poor countries for all or a substantial proportion of their university students. However the Anglosphere countries (the UK, the US, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand) ) are peculiar in imposing a huge and unjust education debt on university students as well as imposing a huge and inescapable Carbon Debt on young people through disproportionately huge greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution. However Accredited Remote Learning (ARL) via Free Universities (FUs) (e.g. an Australian Free University) can circumvent this pro-One Percenter, neoliberal perversion.


27 January 2016

26 January: Australia Day, Invasion Day, Survival Day And British Invasion Day

By Dr Gideon Polya

On 26 January, Australia's national holiday, Australia Day, White Australia celebrates the arrival of the British First Fleet and first White settlement of Australia at present-day Sydney on 26 January 1788. However Indigenous Australians mark 26 January as Invasion Day or Survival Day, commemorating commencement of an Aboriginal Genocide and an Aboriginal Ethnocide that continues today, this qualitatively representing the worst genocide in human history.


16 January 2016

Massive Lying By Omission In Mendacious Obama's Final State Of The Union Address

By Dr Gideon Polya

Analysis of President Barack Obama's final State of the Union address reveals massive lying by omission. Not mentioned by Obama are that so far during his presidency 12 million Americans have died preventably; 50,000 US veterans have suicided; Americans in poverty reached circa 15% of the population ; the US national debt reached nearly $19 trillion; the Carbon Debt of the US and the world reached $90 trillion and $360 trillion, respectively; the US finally used up its fair share of the world's Terminal Carbon Pollution Budget; the US violently invaded the territory of a record 7 countries; and 120 million people died avoidably world-wide from deprivation on Spaceship Earth with Obama in charge of the flight deck.


12 January 2016

Congress Of Vienna 2015 For Global Stability Fails To Address Key, Existential Nuclear, Poverty And Climate Change Threats

By Dr Gideon Polya

200 years after the 1815 Congress of Vienna re-organized post-Napoleonic Europe, the Canadian Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership in collaboration with a number of leading policy organisations and universities hosted a lavish Congress of Vienna 2015 to explore policies for a stable world order that unfortunately was opened by mass murderer Henry Kissinger and generated a Draft Report that - as set out in my tough critique, reality check and Alternative Report - is soft, wishy-washy, myopic and predicated on the Big Power- and Big Money-dominated status quo that kills 17 million people annually through deprivation and threatens to wipe out most of Humanity and the Biosphere.


6 January 2016

Revised Annual Per Capita Greenhouse Gas Pollution For All Countries – What Is Your Country Doing?

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Paris Climate Change Conference failed Humanity and has locked in a catastrophic temperature rise of about plus 2.7 degrees C. All ordinary folk can do is to boycott the worst polluters. World Bank analysts have revised annual greenhouse gas (GHG) pollutions upwards by 50% to 64 billion tonnes CO2-e by properly accounting for land use for animal husbandry and the same approach has been used here to properly re-calculate annual per capita GHG pollution for all countries and hence the best targets for global Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) to save the planet.






30 December 2015

30 December Day Of Lamentation Over State Crime And State Terrorism - Nuclear Terrorism, Corporate Terrorism, Carbon Terrorism And Climate Terrorism

By Dr Gideon Polya

Humanitarian American scholar Professor William Cook has proposed 30 December as a Day of Lamentation to record the 21st century's ongoing evils of which the worst are existentially threatening nuclear weapons, poverty that kills 17 million people annually, and man-made climate change that threatens to kill all but 0.5 billion of Humanity. However 31 December is New Year's Eve on which we can resolve to help stop the evils of Apartheid, state crime, state terrorism, non-state terrorism, nuclear terrorism, corporate terrorism, carbon terrorism, and climate terrorism by Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all disproportionately complicit politicians, corporations and countries.


16 December , 2015

Academic Free Speech Under Zionist Attack At Notre Dame Australia And LSE, UK

By Dr Gideon Polya

Dr Sandra Nasr, lecturer in Middle East politics at Notre Dame University, Western Australia, published an article on the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) website uncontroversially linking Old Testament Biblical imperatives of violent occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine in the first millennium BC to Zionist colonialism and gross human rights abuse in Palestine today. Dr Nasr was immediately attacked and falsely defamed by Zionists and the Fairfax-owned WA Today as “racist” and “anti-semitic” and the article was removed from the LSE website. To its shame, rather than defend Dr Nasr, Notre Dame said it “apologizes” for her article which it is now “addressing”


3 December 2015

Book Review: “Age Of Fools” By William Cook – Stop Neocon & Zionist Palestinian Genocide, War On Muslims & War On Humanity

By Dr Gideon Polya

“Age of Fools” by William A. Cook should be read by everyone as a brilliant and passionate condemnation of the continuing US atrocities in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the US War on Muslims, and of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide byApartheid Israel. “Age of Fools” employs poetry, prose and European literary traditions to excoriate the horrendous Bush America and Israeli crimes of the first decade of the 21st century, atrocities that are continuing today



29 November , 2015

Betrayal Of Humanity By Paris Climate Change Conference Before It Begins

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Paris Climate Change Conference aims for international consensus on actions to keep global warming to less than 2 degrees C, but has betrayed humanity before it even began. Thus science informs that the internationally-agreed 2 degree C temperature target is both catastrophic and inevitable. Pre-conference national greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution reduction commitments to Paris imply a plus 2.7 degrees C temperature rise. Indeed the present circa plus 0.9 degree C temperature rise is already catastrophic for populations in low-lying island and megadelta locations.


22 November , 2015

Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11

By Dr Gideon Polya

The appalling Paris atrocity (130 killed) has led Hollande and Obama to call for the destruction of Islamic State i.e. genocide as defined by the UN Genocide Convention. A major report by 3 physician organizations recently estimated that 2 million Muslims had died in the US War on Terror but UN data show that Muslim avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries subject to Western military intervention in 2001-2015 now total about 27 million, this demanding peace now and ICC prosecutions of those responsible for this Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide


18 November 2015

Appalling Paris Atrocity – Non-State Terrorist Blowback For US Alliance And French State Terrorism Atrocities

By Dr Gideon Polya

The appalling Paris atrocity – about 130 innocent civilians killed and 300 wounded - must be unequivocally condemned as utterly barbaric by all decent people throughout the world but also demands honest appraisal as evident “blowback” for the role of France under serial war criminal President Francois Hollande in the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI) –promoted US War on Muslims (13 million Muslim deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation since 1990)


1 November 2015

Coalition Climate Crimes & 200 Reasons Why Australia Must Dump Pro-coal, Pro-war Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia's new Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull is charming, intelligent, well-mannered and articulate and is the darling of the lying, US-dominated Mainstream media but is “lipstick on a pig” in being bound to the same US lackey, pro-Zionist, pro-war, war criminal, pro-coal, climate criminal, human rights–abusing and child-abusing policies of his politically assassinated predecessor, former Coalition PM Tony Abbott. Listed below are over 200 reasons why Australia should dump PM Turnbull



17 October , 2015

Polya's 3 Laws Of Economics Expose Deadly, Dishonest And Terminal Neoliberal Capitalism

By Dr Gideon Polya

Polya's 3 Laws of Economics mirror the 3 Laws of Therrnodynamics and are (1) Price minus COP (Cost of Production) equals profit; (2) Deception about COP strives to a maximum; and (3) No work, price or profit on a dead planet. These fundamental laws help expose the failure of neoliberal capitalism in relation to wealth inequality, massive tax evasion by multinational corporations, and horrendous avoidable deaths from poverty and pollution culminating in general ecocide, speciescide, climate genocide, omnicide and terracide



29 September , 2015

Violently Extremist, Climate Criminal Australian Coalition Government Aims To Prevent Science-based Radicalisation Of Greens

By Dr Gideon Polya

The extreme right-wing Coalition Australian Government has issued an anti-Green document called “Preventing violent extremism and radicalisation in Australia”. However an Open Letter sent to new Australia PM Malcolm Turnbull sets out how radicalisation is actually vital for science-based social advance and how successive pro-war, US lackey, climate criminal, war criminal, human rights–abusing and child-abusing Australian governments are committed to state terrorism, nuclear terrorism and violent extremism




9 September , 2015

West Ignores 11 Million Muslim War Deaths & 23 Million Preventable American Deaths Since US Government's False-flag 9-11 Atrocity

By Dr Gideon Polya

The 9-11 anniversary approaches but the Western Mainstream media and politicians memorializing the 3,000 killed will utterly ignore the realities that (1) 9-11 was a Zionist-complicit US Government false-flag operation , (2) US Governments lied and obstructed post-9-11 investigations, (3) 11 million Muslims have been actively or passively killed in the $7 trillion post-9-11 US War on Terror, and (4) 23 million Americans have died preventably since 9-11


14 September , 2015

US, Australia, Canada, Apartheid Israel & 4 Pacific Island States Opposed Palestine Flag At UN But 119 Nations Voted Yes

By Dr Gideon Polya

The US, Apartheid Israel and 6 US lackey states - Australia, Canada, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, and Tuvalu – invite comprehensive global Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against their citizens, institutions, goods and services by voting against a UN General Assembly motion, passed with 119 in favour and 45 abstentions, allowing for the raising of the State of Palestine flag at the UN Headquarters and offices


23 September , 2015

“Lipstick On A Pig” Malcolm Turnbull Heads War Criminal And Climate Criminal Australian Coalition Government After Parliamentary Coup

By Dr Gideon Polya

In Australia's Third Coup against a popularly elected Prime Minister in a bit over 5 years, a deeply unpopular Australian Coalition PM Tony Abbott was replaced by his Liberal Party MP colleagues with his charming, articulate and popular colleague Malcolm Turnbull. However as a part payment to the Coalition Right for the Coup, a “lipstick on a pig” Malcolm Turnbull immediately adopted hardline rightist anti-marriage equality, climate change inaction, ecocidal and pro-war US lackey policies


29 September , 2015

Violently Extremist, Climate Criminal Australian Coalition Government Aims To Prevent Science-based Radicalisation Of Greens

By Dr Gideon Polya

The extreme right-wing Coalition Australian Government has issued an anti-Green document called “Preventing violent extremism and radicalisation in Australia”. However an Open Letter sent to new Australia PM Malcolm Turnbull sets out how radicalisation is actually vital for science-based social advance and how successive pro-war, US lackey, climate criminal, war criminal, human rights–abusing and child-abusing Australian governments are committed to state terrorism, nuclear terrorism and violent extremism


 7 August, 2015

Obama's Clean Power Plan Will Only Cut 2030 US Greenhouse Gas Pollution By 5%

By Dr Gideon Polya

Obama recognizes the seriousness of man-made climate change and pollution-based premature deaths (avoidable deaths) but he deceptively and mendaciously offers too little too late by 2030 – in effect, a derisory 5% reduction in overall greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, a 9% reduction in premature deaths from coal-fired power plant pollution and a 1% decrease in child asthma attacks


10 August, 2015

Green Left Pope Francis Demands Climate Action “Without Delay” To Prevent Climate “Catastrophe”

By Dr Gideon Polya

In stark contrast to the terracidal One Percenters, Pope Francis recognizes a looming climate catastrophe and millions of premature deaths from carbon burning pollutants, demands massive decarbonisation and conversion to renewables starting without delay in the next few years, rejects Carbon Trading as a dishonest ploy, advocates a fully borne Carbon Price (Carbon Tax) on polluters, proposes boycotts of polluters, condemns loss of biodiversity and advises intergenerational solidarity


18 August, 2015

Japan PM Abe's WW2 Anniversary Speech: No Apology & No Details Of Japan, UK, Australia & US War Crimes

By Dr Gideon Polya

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe gave a speech on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the end of WW2 in the Pacific, a conflict in which 60 million people died. However PM Abe's speech offered no apology for Japanese atrocities and, while carefully quantitating Japanese military losses, gave no quantitative details of horrendous Japanese, British, American and Australian war crimes in WW2


19 August, 2015

Western Mainstream Media Censor Green Left Pope Francis' “Laudato Si'”  Message For Urgent Action On Climate Change

By Dr Gideon Polya

Mainstream media lie as no better exampled by the extraordinary censorship of the powerful and radicalizing climate change action message of Green Left Pope Francis' Encyclical “Laudato si'” by US, UK and Australian Mainstream media, most notoriously by the UK BBC, the US CBS, the US Murdoch Media Empire's Fox News and The Australian, and the taxpayer-funded Australian ABC. Censorship, lying by omission and lying by commission will doom the planet



 15 July, 2015

Australian Coalition Government & Labor Opposition Trash Human Rights, Child Rights, Free Speech & Medical Ethics

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia has invaded 85 countries, with 30 such invasions associated with genocidal atrocities, and has an appalling record of child abuse both at home and abroad, with as many as 25% of Australians suffering sexual abuse as children. Now on top of draconian anti-terrorism laws grossly violating human rights, Australian doctors, nurses, teachers and care-givers face 2 years in prison for reporting ongoing physical, psychological and sexual abuse of children and other inmates of Australian refugee concentration camps


23 July, 2015

Review: “Go Set A Watchman” By Harper Lee - Zero Tolerance For Racism Or Constructive Engagement?

By Dr Gideon Polya

Harper Lee has followed her “To Kill A Mockingbird” (1960) with a sequel “Go Set A Watchman” (2015), actually written before the first novel but set 20 years after the events of the first novel. This novel raises the key issue of how decent people should respond to racism - with zero tolerance or constructive engagement from within. Continuing African-American and Palestinian disenfranchisement, inequality and segregation in the 21st century demand zero tolerance for racism


29 July, 2015

Pope Francis Demands “Fully Borne” Cost of Pollution (Carbon Price) To Prevent “Millions Of Premature Deaths”

By Dr Gideon Polya

Pope Francis in his 2015 Encyclical Letter “Laudato si” demands that a “fully borne” Carbon Price be emplaced on greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution in order to prevent “millions of premature deaths”. Armed with this authoritative moral advice, the billions of Humanity must save themselves and the Biosphere by demanding that the polluters must pay in full by a Wealth Tax (for historical GHG pollution) and a Carbon Tax (for ongoing GHG pollution).

06 June, 2015

25 Ways World-Leading Climate Criminal Australia Threatens Planet And Invites Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS)

By Dr Gideon Polya

Greedy, rich Australia is a world-leading climate criminal country that with 0.3% of world population is responsible for 3% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and is politically overwhelmingly committed to a derisory “5% off 2000 GHG pollution by 2020” and to unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports that will see Australia exceed by a factor of three the whole world's terminal Carbon Budget that must not be exceeded if the world is to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2 degrees Centigrade temperature rise


10 June, 2015

G7 Pledge Of Zero Emissions By 2100 Masks Worsening Climate Emergency And Need For Urgent Action

By Dr Gideon Polya

The June 2015 G7 pledges of (a) zero emissions by 2100 and (b) avoidance of a plus 2 degrees C temperature rise were greeted as “the end of fossil fuels”. Unfortunately (a) the World will exceed its Terminal Carbon Budget for a 75% probability of avoiding plus 2 degrees C in about 3 years, and (b) a plus 2 degrees C temperature rise is disastrous for Humanity and the Biosphere, yielding at equilibrium sea levels “at least 6 to 8 metres higher” according Dr James Hansen of NASA


15 June, 2015

US, UK And Anglosphere Human Rights Abuses And War Crimes Trash Magna Carta 800th Anniversary

By Dr Gideon Polya

15 June 2015 marks the 800th anniversary of the signing of Magna Carta by King John at Runnymede. Magna Carta notably gave English “free men” freedom from arbitrary, non-judicial imprisonment, dispossession, outlawing, banishment or destruction by the ruler, a freedom that was variously progressively extended to all citizens and subjects in the Anglosphere over the next 8 centuries. However the US, UK, Apartheid Israel, and Australia have continued to grossly violate this freedom in the 21st century


04 May, 2015

Australia Trashes Free Speech – SBS Sacks Journalist Scott McIntyre Over Anti-War Tweets

By Dr Gideon Polya

Free speech has been trashed in jingoistic, pro-war , US lackey Australia. Scott McIntyre, a courageous young sports journalist with Australia's substantially taxpayer-funded, multicultural Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), was sacked after he tweeted a succession of truthful anti-war comments on Anzac Day (Australia's war dead remembrance day). Only a few, notably John Pilger, came to his defence, and the rest was silence or strong condemnation of McIntyre


09 May, 2015

VE Day 70th Anniversary, German Holocaust, Bengali Holocaust And Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust

By Dr Gideon Polya

8 May 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the end of WW2 in Europe. WW2 was associated with the killing of about 110 million people worldwide through violence or violently-imposed deprivation, but the killing continued with 9 million German deaths in the 1941-1950 German Holocaust and1.5 billion mainly non-European people dying avoidably from Western-imposed deprivation since 1950 in a continuing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust


21 May, 2015

Fundamentalist America Has Trashed Secular Governance, Modernity, Democracy, Women's Rights And Children's Rights In The Muslim World

By Dr Gideon Polya

Successive American governments claim to be leading a global fight of Western civilization against Muslim extremists but the Awful Truth is that American governments lie and that a pro-One Percenter, religious fundamentalist-dominated, Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-perverted America has an appalling record of supporting and exciting religious fundamentalist rebels (jihadis) against modern, secular regimes in Muslim countries with the collateral trashing of democracy, women's rights, and children's rights


26 May, 2015

US Memorial Day – Also Remember Scores Of Millions Of Civilian Deaths In US Wars

By Dr Gideon Polya

In 2015 US Memorial Day is commemorated on 25 May. People respect those who have died for their country but the greatest respect is shown by telling the truth about the wars in which they died. The US has invaded 70 nations. American deaths in 11 major wars total 1.3 million but this is eclipsed by civilian deaths from violence or deprivation totalling 90 million in WW2, 47 million deaths in post-1950 US wars, 10 million Muslim deaths in the post-9-11 War on Terror and 20 million preventable American deaths since 9-11


29 May, 2015

Book Review: “Selling Students Short” By Richard Hil – Neoliberal Corruption Of Corporatised Australian Universities

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australian sociologist and academic Dr Richard Hil's “Selling students short” is a devastating account of how 1.3 million Australian university students ( 25% full fee-paying students from overseas) are being grossly deceived, manipulated and ripped off by dishonest, mendacious, anti-intellectual, neoliberal Lib-Lab (Coalition and Labor Right) governments with the active complicity of money-obsessed university bosses who can be seen as grossly over-paid and parasitic refugees from scholarship


05 April, 2015

Dishonest US GHG Reduction Pledge – US Has Already Exceeded Its Fair Share Of World's Terminal Carbon Budget

By Dr Gideon Polya

The US has formally pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26-28 percent over 2005 levels by 2025 but this is too little too late because in 2013 the exceptionalist US had already exceeded its fair share of the world's terminal 2010-2050 Carbon Budget that must not be exceeded if the world is to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic plus 2 degrees Centigrade temperature rise


08 April, 2015

Intergenerational Theft – For Every $1 For Coal Today Future Generations Will Pay $1-$14 To Sequester CO2

By Dr Gideon Polya

Remorseless greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution is leaving a polluted and devastated planet for future generations. Further, present intergenerational inequity means that for every $1 received by climate criminal corporations for thermal coal, future generations will inescapably have to pay $1 to $14 (depending on location and technology) to sequester the CO2 from coal combustion. Young people must revolt, oppose this mounting Carbon Debt, and insist “Keep it in the ground”


23 April, 2015

Armenian Genocide And Anglo-French & ANZAC Gallipoli Invasion Centenary – Genocide Ignored Yields Genocide Repeated

By Dr Gideon Polya

24 April 2015 is the 100th anniversary of the start of the Turkish WW1 Armenian Genocide and 25 April 2015 is the centenary of the unsuccessful and disastrous Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) invasion of Turkey at Gallipoli, these linked events being commemorated on these dates as Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day and Anzac Day, respectively. These anniversaries highlight continuing major issues of war crimes complicity, horrendous civilian war deaths, genocide ignoring, holocaust ignoring, genocide denial and holocaust denial


04 March, 2015

Review: “Tears In Paradise. Suffering and Struggle Of Indians In Fiji 1879-2004” by Rajendra Prasad – Britain's Indentured Indian “5 Year Slaves”

By Dr Gideon Polya

“Tears in Paradise. Suffering and struggle of Indians in Fiji 1879-2004” by Rajendra Prasad tells the story of Indian indentured labour (“5 year slaves”) taken to Fiji from British-occupied India in the period 1879-1916 and brutally exploited on British- and Australian-run sugar cane plantations. The last “5 year slaves” were finally released from bondage in 1920, 87 years after slavery was supposedly banned in the British Empire. Today effective Third World slavery is rampant through globalization


15 March, 2015

Review: “Genocide In Iraq Volume II. The Obliteration Of AModern State”

By Abdul-Haq Al-Ani & Tariq Al-Ani By Dr Gideon Polya

Dr Abdul-Haq Al-Ani and Tariq Al-Ani have published “Genocide in Iraq Volume II. The Obliteration of a Modern State” , a carefully documented, must-read account of the Zionist-backed US Alliance destruction of Iraq and the killing of millions of Iraqis over the last quarter century for oil, US hegemony and for military dominance of the Middle East by a nuclear-armed, genocidally racist Apartheid Israel. This is a damning case that everyone should read to prevent recurrence (history ignored yields history repeated) and for ultimate legal recourse and Nuremberg-style justice for the Iraqi people


23 March, 2015

12th Anniversary Of Illegal Iraq Invasion – 2.7 Million Iraqi Dead From Violence Or War-imposed Deprivation

By Dr Gideon Polya

Those with consciences recently marked the 12th anniversary on 19 March 2015 of the illegal and war criminal US, UK and Australian invasion of Iraq in 2003 that was based on false assertions of Iraqi possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction, was conducted in the absence of UN sanction or Iraqi threat to the invading nations, and led to 2.7 million Iraqi deaths from violence (1.5 million) or from violently-imposed deprivation (1.2 million). The West has now commenced its Seventh Iraq War since 1914 in over a century of Western violence in which Iraqi deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation have totalled 9 million. However Western Mainstream media have resolutely ignored the carnage, this tragically illustrating the adage “History ignored yields history repeated


09 February, 2015

As UK Lackeys Or US Lackeys Australians Have Invaded 85 Countries (British 193, French 80, US 70)

By Dr Gideon Polya

As UK lackeys or US lackeys Australians have invaded 85 countries as compared to the British 193, France, 80, the US 70 and Apartheid Israel 12. History ignored yields history repeated and look-the-other-way Australia is consequently now into its Seventh Iraq War of the last 100 years


19 February, 2015

UK Zionist Historian Sir Martin Gilbert (1936-2015) Variously Ignored Or Minimized WW2 Bengali Holocaust

By Dr Gideon Polya 

British Zionist Sir Martin Gilbert (1936-2015) was an eminent UK historian in the areas of Jewish history, Zionism, Churchill, WW1, WW2 and 20th century history. He was one of very few UK historians who actually mentioned the 1943-1945 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians killed by Churchill ) but must be criticized for hugely under-estimating this atrocity, excusing the British, eliminating any mention of this from his histories of Churchill, ignoring other holocausts and grossly exaggerating deaths in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust


22 February, 2015

“Biochemical Targets Of Plant Bioactive Compounds”: Moral & Utilitarian Reasons To Stop Ecocide, Speciescide, Omnicide & Terracide

By Dr Gideon Polya

Man is causing mass extinction of species and massive ecosystem destruction in our present Anthropocene Era. However in addition to aesthetic arguments about respect for irreplaceable complexity, there is a powerful utilitarian argument for preserving natural ecosystems in that they contain a wealth of bioactive plant compounds of potential pharmaceutical utility as documented in my huge 860-page book “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds”

23 January  2015

British Have Invaded 193 Countries: Make 26 January ( Australia Day, Invasion Day) British Invasion Day

By Dr Gideon Polya

In the last 2 millennia the British have invaded 193 out of 203 present-day countries (195 UN-recognized nations and 8 non-UN-recognized self-governing countries) as compared to the French 80, the US 70 and Apartheid Israel 12. However the British invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788 ultimately destroyed as many as 600 unique Indigenous Australian tribes and a comparable number of languages and dialects.


14 January 2015

2015 A-to-Z Alphabetical List Of Actions And Advocacies For Climate Change Activists

By Dr Gideon Polya

In 2015 the World may have now run out of time to prevent a catastrophic 2 degree Centigrade temperature rise, but while there is life there is hope. Climate change activists must still try in every way they can to make the looming disaster less bad. Below is an alphabetical list of numerous actions and advocacies whereby science-informed climate activists can try to mitigate the consequences of man-made climate change driven by remorseless, neoliberal One Percenter greed.


29 December 2014

US Alliance Mainstream Media Censor Key Witness Testimony That Ukrainian Pilot Shot Down MH17

By Dr Gideon Polya

US, Canadian, Australian, UK and notably Murdoch Empire Mainstream media have exposed their remorseless self-censorship on behalf of the US Government by extraordinarily completely censoring the key testimony by a Ukrainian military witness that a Captain Vladislav Voloshin of the Ukrainian air force had returned to base on 17 July 2014 in his Su25 fighter jet minus his 2 air-to-air guided missiles and had effectively admitted to shooting down Malaysian Airlines MH17. In contrast, the UK Huffington Post, BBC, Guardian and Telegraph, the Australian ABC, and other media across the world from Russia and Germany to Malaysia have reported this important interview.


13 December 2014

Apartheid Israel And Apartheid Australia Violate All Articles Of UN Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples

By Dr Gideon Polya

Apartheid Australia and Apartheid Australia-backed Apartheid Israel have appalling, continuing records of violating the human rights of their Indigenous Peoples through the Australian Aboriginal Genocide and the Palestine Genocide, respectively, and must be held to account by the civilized world through Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) for their genocidal crimes and for currently violating all 46 Articles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


11 December 2014

This Changes Everything. Capitalism vs. the Climate” by Naomi Klein - Green Socialist Revolution ASAP

By Dr Gideon Polya

Naomi Klein's important new book “This Changes Everything. Capitalism vs. the Climate” sets out the dire state of the planet due to neoliberal-driven, man-made climate change. Her very well written but lengthy book is an indignant catalogue of the machinations of the Big Polluters and their Big Green collaborators, and concludes with the faint hope of a Revolution “when societies suddenly decide they have had enough” (page 464). However before the societal tipping point is reached for Naomi Klein's Green Revolution, science-informed people must urge and apply comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against the terracidal politicians, parties, countries and corporations that are destroying a decent future.


30 November 2014

Book Review: “Australian History In 7 Questions” By John Hirst Ignores Australian Involvement In 30 Genocides

By Dr Gideon Polya

Melbourne, historian John Hirst's book “Australian History in 7 questions” attempts to summarize Australian history by answering 7 key questions but ultimately fails through Eurocentrism, Anglocentrism and denial - Australian history becomes an aren't-we-nice, White, Anglo Australian history that ignores Anglo Australian involvement in 30 genocidal atrocities of which some, like the over 2-century, post-1788 Aboriginal Genocide, and the 1-century, post-1914 Iraqi Genocide, are continuing today.


17 November 2014.

Quantitative Analysis Exposes Pro-One Percenter Obama's Pre-G20 Deceit Over Democracy, Climate Change Action & Green Climate Fund

By Dr Gideon Polya

Just before the 2014 G20 meeting in Brisbane , Queensland , Australia , President Obama made a speech at the University of Queensland in which he claimed US support for democracy, US climate action and US donation to a Green Climate Fund for Developing nations. Unfortunately, quantitative analysis reveals massive deception in all these matters by the endlessly mendacious, pro-One Percenter Obama.


12 November 2014.

International Consensus-Based IPCC Summary For Policymakers (2014) Downplays Acute Seriousness Of Climate Crisis

By Dr Gideon Polya

The international consensus basis of the latest IPCC Summary for Policymakers (2014) has resulted in a report that softens the present acute seriousness of unaddressed man-made climate change. Thus the IPCC Summary argues for a limitation of temperature rise to 2 o C through limiting greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution of the atmosphere to 450 ppm CO2 -equivalent but hard evidence says that we have already reached 478 ppm CO2 -equivalent, that 2 o C is dangerous and essentially inevitable, and that the world will use up its Carbon Budget for avoiding 2 o C within about 4 years.


23 October 2014.

Greens Support But Coalition & Labor Right Attack Humane Legacy Of Former Australian PM Gough Whitlam

By Dr Gideon Polya

Courageous, anti-racist social humanist and former Australian Labor Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam died on 21 October 2014 at the age of 98. Gough Whitlam was a courageous, intelligent and visionary social democrat who transformed Australia in 3 short years (1972-1975) before his removal in a US-backed Coup.


8 October 2014.

Terror Hysteria - Draconian New Australian Anti-Terrorism Laws Target Journalists, Muslims And Human Rights

By Dr Gideon Polya

Supported by US-inspired “terror hysteria” the extreme right wing Australian Coalition Government with the support of the right wing Labor Opposition has war criminally re-invaded Iraq and passed draconian anti-terrorism legislation that makes Australia a secret police state with detention without charge or trial and Australian Intelligence officers (e.g. of the Australian Security and Intelligence Organization, ASIO) having criminal and civil immunity from prosecution, and reportage on any special intelligence operations criminalized with maximum punishments ranging from 5 years' to 10 years' imprisonment


29 September 2014.

Truth & Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) Can Overcome Huge Inequities Suffered By African Americans Under American Apartheid

By Dr Gideon Polya

African Americans lack political power and suffer huge disparities in wealth, income and opportunity despite the fact that they constitute 12.6% of the US population. This essay systematically summarizes the major inequities suffered by African Americans and the deficiencies of the present African American leadership in a neoconservative- and Zionist-dominated American Apartheid lobbyocracy and corporatocracy.


23 September 2014.

Australian State Terrorism - Zero Australian Terrorism Deaths, 1 Million Preventable Australian Deaths & 10 Million Muslims Killed By US Alliance Since 9-11

By Dr Gideon Polya

One can estimate that 81,000 Australians die preventably each year, and over 1 million have died thus since the US Government's false-flag 9-11 atrocity (3,000 killed) as compared to only 6 Australian deaths by terrorists (none Muslim) in the last 36 years. Yet the major Australian parties, the currently ruling Coalition and Opposition Labor (aka the Lib-Labs or Liberal-Laborals) have committed $125 billion to the Islamophobic War on Terror and killing 10 million Muslims abroad rather than keeping 1 million Australians alive at home. Australian state terrorism indeed


19 September 2014.

One Percenter Greed & War Means Over 1.5 Million Americans Die Preventably Each Year

By Dr Gideon Polya

The One Percenter-dominated US state terrorists and US Alliance state terrorists (UK state terrorists, French state terrorists and Australian state terrorists) are using the Big Lie of “terror hysteria” as an excuse for illegal and war criminal invasion of Iraq and Syria. However sensible analysis reveals that the “annual empirical probability of an American dying preventably from preventable causes from homicide to smoking” (P = 1 in 207) is about 500,000 times greater than the “empirical annual probability of an American being killed by a terrorist attack in the US ” (P = 1 in 100 million).


16 September 2014.

UK Terror Hysteria Exposed – Empirical Annual Probability Of UK Terrorism Death 1 In 16 Million

By Dr Gideon Polya

The West is again in the grip of “terror hysteria” as an asserted justification for illegal and war criminal US-led invasion of Iraq and Syria . Ostensibly impelled by barbarous war crimes by ISIS, the UK has joined the US-led Coalition to destroy the ISIS rebels and has raised the UK “terror threat” level to “severe”. However as described below, it is estimated that the empirical annual probability of a UK resident dying from a preventable cause (e.g. smoking, drinking, obesity, adverse hospital events, violence etc) is 1 in 417, this being 38,000 times higher than the empirical annual probability of a UK resident being killed by a terrorist of about 1 in 16 million.


13 September 2014.

Obama Iraq War And Obama Syrian War Will Both Involve US Alliance In 12 Types Of War Crimes

By Dr Gideon Polya

President Barack Obama has announced the Obama Iraq War, the Obama Syrian War and indeed an explicitly adumbrated Obama War on Indigenous Muslim rebels “wherever they are”. These Obama wars will involve commission of war crimes in 12 technical areas by US state terrorism and US Alliance state terrorism.


5 September 2014.

Nine Reasons Why Scots Should Vote Yes For An Independent Scotland

By Dr Gideon Polya

A referendum on whether Scotland should be independent from the UK will take place on Thursday 18 September 2014 . There are many locally and globally important reasons for Scots to vote “Yes” for an Independent Scotland and reject the “No” advice from a plethora of UK Mainstream media, politician and academic presstitutes and from bloody warmongers, war criminals and state terrorists like Barack Obama and Tony Blair who have urged Scots to remain as subjects of the historically and internationally brutal, bloody and exploitative English Establishment.


11 August 2014.

Nuclear Weapons Ban & Boycotts, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) To Save World From Nuclear, Poverty & Climate Threats

By Dr Gideon Polya

Our world is acutely threatened by nuclear weapons, poverty and man climate change. A comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Ban is needed to avoid an accidental full-scale nuclear catastrophe and a consequent Nuclear Winter that will wipe out most of Humanity and the Biosphere. Every person must stand up for Humanity and the Biosphere in the One Percenter War on Terra,


5 August 2014.

WW1 Start Centenary, Ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Latest Israeli Gaza Massacre & Western Lying

By Dr Gideon Polya

The horrendous magnitude of this latest Israeli Gaza Massacre must galvanize the world. There should be zero tolerance for the weasel words and genocidal actions of the Israeli war criminals and their pro-Zionist Mainstream politicians and presstitutes who are accessories after the fact of the Palestinian Genocide.

31 July 2014. 

Israel's Gaza Massacre: 55 Anti-Racist Australian MPs Condemn Israeli War Crimes And Occupation

By Dr Gideon Polya

While the pro-Zionist, US lackey Australian Coalition Government and the pro-Zionist, US lackey, Labor Right-dominated Australian Labor Opposition are appallingly united in their support for Apartheid Israel, 54 Australian MPs and the former conservative Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser have signed an Open Letter condemning Israeli war crimes in Gaza.


26 July 2014.

Refutation Of Mainstream –Accepted Racist Zionist Lies Behind Israel 's Gaza Massacres And Palestinian Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

As of 26 July 2014, about 900 Palestinians have been killed, 6,000 injured, 150,000 rendered homeless and most of the 0.9 million children in the Gaza Concentration Camp have been traumatized [1]. Yet the World, and the US lackey West in particular, fails to act. That inaction is bolstered by widespread Mainstream media and politician acceptance of numerous utterly false Zionist and pro-Zionist one-liners used to support the ongoing Apartheid Israeli Palestinian Genocide. Indeed an appropriate anagram of ISRAEL is E-LIARS. These false Zionist one-liners are refuted below.


21 July 2014.

Anti-Racist Jewish And Non-Jewish Figures & Nobel Laureates Demand Arms Embargo On Apartheid Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

Numerous eminent humanitarians from around the world, including Nobel Laureates and leading anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish figures, have written an Open Letter protesting the horrendous violence by the state of Israel against its captive Palestinian population and concluding “We call on the UN and governments across the world to take immediate steps to implement a comprehensive and legally binding military embargo on Israel, similar to that imposed on South Africa during apartheid”.


20 July 2014.

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Atrocity And Ongoing Apartheid Israeli Gaza Massacre

By Dr Gideon Polya

The world has been utterly horrified by the destruction of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 (298 dead) on 17 July 2014 by a sophisticated surface-to-air missile launched either by Government Ukrainians, or Rebel Ukrainians (the latter less likely because it can only damage their cause, they have not been supplied with such missiles, and lack the required skilled Buk system operators). This appalling atrocity coincides with, and has diverted world attention from, the deadly escalation of the Israeli Gaza Massacre (about 300 Palestinians killed so far) involving actual ground invasion by the war criminal Israeli Defence Forces (IDF).


12 July 2014.

Horrendous Palestinian/Israeli Death Ratios - World Must Stop Latest Israeli Gaza Massacre

By Dr Gideon Polya

The world must urgently put a stop to the latest war criminal Apartheid Israeli massacre of Occupied Palestinians in the Gaza Concentration Camp that has, so far, killed over 100 Palestinians and wounded 700 as reprisals for Gaza rockets (zero Israeli deaths) and the murder of 3 Israeli teenagers who may well have been killed by Israeli state terrorists in a “false flag” operation to justify a further Gaza Massacre and other Apartheid Israeli excesses.


11 July 2014.

“Letter To Young People Over $220 Trillion Carbon Debt: Revolt (Peacefully)”

By Dr Gideon Polya

Young people in Australia and around the world are thoroughly disenchanted with anti-youth, anti-environment, anti-future, pro-One Percenter, pro-Ten Percenter, neoliberal and Corporatist governments. It is time for young people to REVOLT (peacefully of course) to ensure that Humanity reverts to a decent and safe course of sustainability and social humanism involving maximizing human happiness, dignity and opportunity for everyone. To that end I have written the Open Letter to young Australians.


8 July 2014.

$10 Trillion Annual Carbon Debt Increase For Young People On A Threatened Planet

By Dr Gideon Polya

Humanity and the Biosphere are increasingly threatened by man-made global warming but climate change inaction means that it may soon be too late to act to prevent catastrophic global warming. This climate change inaction is associated with a $10 trillion annual increase in the Carbon Debt for young people and future generations. Young people must urgently reclaim their future from the terracidal, climate criminal One Percenters who are destroying the planet.


5 July 2014.

One Percenter Corporatocracy And Huge Global Deaths - Make 4 July Independence From America Day

By Dr Gideon Polya

An egregiously One Percenter-threatened World should urgently make the Fourth of July Independence from America Day. Make no mistake, the World loves and is inspired by the best of America, and notably by the best of its entertainers, sportsmen, writers, scholars, scientists, musicians, artists, actors, heroes and activists, and in particular we love American ideals as expressed in the American Declaration of Independence and the small community values of friendship, goodwill, tolerance and altruism. However America has progressively fallen into the hands of the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenters with dire consequences for Americans and the World.


1 July 2014.

Key Book Review: “Capital In The Twenty-First Century” By Thomas Piketty

By Dr Gideon Polya

“Capital in the Twenty-First Century” by French economist Professor Thomas Piketty (Paris School of Economics, France) is a very readable, information-rich, must-read book about the basis of capital accumulation inequality past, present and future.


27 June 2014.

4 % Annual Global Wealth Tax To Stop The 17 Million Deaths Annually

By Dr Gideon Polya

An annual global wealth tax of about 4% would yield US$16 trillion annually and enable raising all countries to annual per capita incomes equivalent to the $6,000 per person per year of China and Cuba, countries for which annual avoidable mortality is zero (0) . This is a feasible option for stopping the Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust.


11 June 2014.

Coalition-Ruled Apartheid Australia Backs Apartheid Israel & Rejects Descriptive “Occupied” For The Occupied Palestinian Territories

By Dr Gideon Polya

All decent Australians, and especially all anti-racist Jewish Australians, will vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.


7 June 2014.

Pro-gas Obama's EPA-based Plan To Reduce Coal-based Pollution Amounts To Climate Change Inaction

By Dr Gideon Polya

The worsening climate crisis has finally been recognized as a major issue by the Obama Administration. However the latest policy announcement on climate change by President Obama - 30% off 2005 greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution of America's dirty power plants by 2030 enforceable by the US Environment Protection Authority (EPA) under the Clean Air Act - represents too little too late and falls far short of what is needed to address the worsening climate crisis.


6 May 2014.

Book Review: “God's Fifth Column” By William Gerhardie

By Dr Gideon Polya

William Gerhardie's brilliant anti-war book “God's Fifth Column. A biography of the Age 1890-1940” [1] should be a must-read for all people around the world as we mark in 2014 the centenary of the start of World War 1, the “war to end all wars” that was inexorably succeeded by the 5-fold greater carnage of World War 2 and thence the prospect of annihilation of nearly all of humanity in a nuclear World War 3 or through climate genocide from climate change inaction.


14 March 2014.

Film Review: “Utopia” By John Pilger Exposes Genocidal Maltreatment Of Indigenous Australians By Apartheid Australia

By Dr Gideon Polya

John Pilger's “Utopia” is a must-see film about the continuing Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide by an Apartheid Australia. What can decent people do? Decent people should (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) urge and apply Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all people, parties, politicians, companies and corporations complicit in this ongoing, genocidal and ethnocidal Apartheid Australian maltreatment of Indigenous Australians.


4 March 2014.

Open Letter To Australian Human Rights Commission Condemns  Pro-Zionist Anti-Jewish Anti-Semitism In Apartheid Australia

By Dr Gideon Polya

Politically correct racist Apartheid Australia has reached a new low in its world-leading support for Apartheid Israel and by permitting, without public challenge, the egregiously false defamation of anti-racist Jews critical of human rights abuses by the racist, democracy-by-genocide, Zionist rogue state.


22 February 2014.

Book Review: “Wanting” By Richard Flanagan – Exposing British Imperial Racism And Tasmanian Aboriginal Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

The novel “Wanting” by civilized Tasmanian writer Richard Flanagan is an historical novel (faction) that exposes genocidal British racism and in particular the Tasmanian Aboriginal Genocide. “Wanting” links on the one hand the merciless, near-comprehensive, 19th century British Tasmanian Aboriginal Genocide.


16 February 2014.

Ongoing Aboriginal Genocide And Aboriginal Ethnocide By Politically Correct Racist Apartheid Australia

By Dr Gideon Polya

Decent Australians should (a) inform everyone they can, and (b) vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last. Decent folk around the world should urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all those complicit in the ongoing Australian Aboriginal Genocide, just as they urge and apply BDS against Apartheid Australia-backed Apartheid Israel's ongoing Palestinian Genocide.


10 February 2014.

Australian Coalition Government Sacrifices Key Industries While Committing Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars To Carbon Pollution & War

By Dr Gideon Polya

The neoliberal, pro-war, pro-Zionist, anti-science, pro-fossil fuels, US lackey Coalition that rules Australia is happy to commit hundreds of billions of dollars in total annually to war, state terrorism, genocide, human rights abuse, fossil fuel burning subsidies, greenhouse gas pollution, ecocide and terracide but has refused to give a $25 million subsidy to keep Australia's last remaining fruit cannery, SPC-Ardmona, open in Shepparton, the main town in Victoria's rich Goulburn Valley that is described as the “fruit bowl of Australia”.


15 January 2014.

President Hollande And French Invasion Of Privacy Versus French Invasion Of 80 Countries Since 800 AD

By Dr Gideon Polya

La belle France has invaded 80 countries since 800AD, testament to an entrenched culture of French hubris, French imperialism and French state terrorism. Many in France are currently angered over the “invasion of privacy” implicit in the titillating allegation of a love triangle involving the French President François Hollande but ignore or excuse the continuing, horrendous record of French invasions of other countries, French state terrorism and war crimes such as those for which Nazi German generals were hanged after 1945.


10 January 2014.

UN Makes 2014 International Year Of Solidarity With The Palestinian People – Boycott Apartheid Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

Last year the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to proclaim “2014 the International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People”. Decent people around the world must urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) not just against nuclear terrorist, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel but also against all those people, politicians, parties, companies, corporations and countries that support this grossly human rights-abusing, genocidally racist, serial war criminal Apartheid state.


2 January 2014.

US-Beholden Australian Government Banned & Australian Media Censored US Whistleblower Philip Agee

By Dr Gideon Polya

The New Year release of formerly secret Australian Government documents sheds light on the US , Australia , UK and French persecution of American whistleblower Philip Agee whose book “Inside the Company. CIA Diary” exposed US CIA involvement in corruption, political subversion, torture and deadly terrorism in Latin America.

11 December 2013.

50 Ways Australian Intelligence Spies On Australia And The World For UK , Israeli And US State Terrorism

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia and its close neighbors Indonesia and Timor Leste have recently been rocked by revelations that Australian spies hacked into the phones of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, his wife and his colleagues, spied on the Timor Leste Cabinet to give a huge commercial advantage to Australian fossil fuel company Woodside in gas exploitation negotiations, and routinely spy on everybody in the world for metadata and other data, with intelligence being fed to the Americans and thence to war criminal drone strikes and to Apartheid Israel.


8 December 2013.

Honor Anti-Apartheid Hero Nelson Mandela's Words: “Our Freedom Is Incomplete Without The Freedom Of The Palestinians”

By Dr Gideon Polya

In the memory of Nelson Mandela and of 2 million Palestinians who have died from violence (0.1 million) or imposed deprivation (1.9 million) decent people must apply Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and its racist supporters until the 12 million Palestinians secure one-man-one-vote, self-determination, freedom and justice.


4 December 2013.

Horrendous Child Abuse By Pro-war, Pro-Zionist, Climate Criminal Australian Coalition Governments

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australian Coalition Government and its Coalition antecedents have an appalling record of warmongering, war making, inequity, environmental vandalism and of egregious human rights abuse, particularly in relation to children. . Summarized below in alphabetical order are areas of unforgivable child abuse linked to action or inaction by Australia 's extreme right wing, Liberal Party-National Party Coalition.


8 November 2013.

120 Reasons Why Australians Must Vote 1 Green & Put The Coalition Last

By Dr Gideon Polya

Detailed here are 120 reasons why Australians should reject the disgraceful Coalition. Mainstream media lying in Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia ensures that most of these reasons are kept well away from the Australian public. Apprised of these matters, decent Australians will vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last. As outlined above, the Labor Opposition is just as bad as the Coalition but Australian voters faced with the problem of who to put last will take the core advice to punish the incompetent incumbent and toss out the climate criminal, war criminal Coalition Government at the next election. Please tell everyone you can.


24 October 2013.

New Pro-Zionist Australian Coalition Government Threatens Anti-racist Jewish Academics Who Support Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Against Apartheid Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

Speak out and take action in defence of anti-racist Jewish Australian academics and indeed in defence of all anti-racist scholars and environmental activists threatened by foreshadowed Australian anti-boycott laws. Please tell everyone you can.


14 October 2013.

Review: “The Cambridge History Of Australia” Ignores Australian Involvement In 30 Genocides

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia has an appalling secret genocide history but politically correct racist (PC racist) Australia steadfastly “looks the other way”. White Australia's past and present involvements in 30 genocidal atrocities are overwhelmingly not reported by holocaust-ignoring and genocide-ignoring Australian Mainstream media nor taught in Australia 's schools and universities. “The Cambridge History of Australia” comprehensively fails to mention the “Elephant in the room” of White Australia's appalling past and continuing involvements in horrendous genocide and holocaust atrocities.


9 October 2013.

Why We Must Divest From Fossil Fuel Corporations To Help Save The Biosphere And Humanity

By Dr Gideon Polya

Divestment from fossil fuels is an important way individuals, religious organizations, social organizations in general (e.g. societies, unions) , institutions (e.g. universities), superannuation funds, pension funds, companies and indeed local, state and federal governments can take concrete action against man-made climate change that is threatening the Biosphere and Humanity. We are all morally obliged to divest from companies involved in fossil fuel exploitation and which are hell-bent on destroying the planet for short-term private profit.


4 October 2013.

Current Carbon Debt Or Carbon Credit For All Countries:  Australia , Canada AndUS Default On Carbon Debt

By Dr Gideon Polya

The US is on the brink of defaulting on government debt but unreported by Mainstream media is that the US is about to default on and massively expand its Carbon Debt. The world has a terminal greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution budget (global Carbon Credit) that must not be exceeded if we are to avoid a catastrophic 2C temperature rise. Unfortunately, the US, Australia and Canada have effectively used up their “fair shares” of this budget, are now stealing the Carbon Credit of other countries and are threatening the world with climate catastrophe.


29 September 2013.

Global Climate Injustice: Massive European Carbon Debt Versus South Asian Carbon Credit

By Dr Gideon Polya

Neoliberals dishonestly claim trickle down benefits for the masses from maximizing freedom for the smart and advantaged to exploit natural resources. The neoliberals ignore the worsening problem of Carbon Debt due to pollution of the world's one common atmosphere with CO2 that can now be estimated at a value of $127 trillion or roughly 2 years of global GDP. Massive European Climate Debt contrasts with the huge Carbon Credit of the major South Asian countries.


24 September 2013.

Anti-science, Effective Climate Change Denialist Abbott Coalition Australian Government Axes Expert Climate Commission

By Dr Gideon Polya

Immediately on taking office, the newly-elected ultraconservative Abbott Coalition Australian Government has taken an axe to climate change action and the meager steps of its Labor predecessor, in particular axing the expert Australian Climate Commission that has been informing Australians about the latest climate change science.


19 September 2015.

New Ultraconservative Climate Change Denialist Abbott Coalition Australian Federal Government Fails Its Four Key Policy Goals

By Dr Gideon Polya

Extreme right-wing Liberal Party-National Party Coalition leader Tony Abbott was sworn in as Prime Minister of Australia on Wednesday 18 September 2013, replacing defeated Labor PM Kevin Rudd. Australia now has a new right-wing, ultraconservative, climate change denialist, pro-war, pro-Zionist, pro-coal, pro-gas, anti-environment, anti-science, anti-education, anti-equity, human rights-abusing, US lackey Coalition Government for the next 3 years.


11 September 2013.

US Imperialism, Egypt, Syria, Gandhi's 9-11 Satyagraha Launch, US 9-11 & Chile's 9-11 40th Anniversary

By Dr Gideon Polya

On 11 September (9-11) decent people around the world remember Chile's 9-11 in 1973 (3,000 murdered in the US CIA-backed military Coup), the launch of the peace and non-violence Satyagraha movement by Gandhi in South Africa on 9-11 in 1906, and the 2001 US 9-11 atrocity involving 3,000 killed, almost certainly by the US Government with likely Israeli complicity, that was used by the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenters as an excuse for the US War on Terror that has so far killed 9.5 million Muslims by violence or violently-imposed deprivation. However on 9-11 Mainstream media exclusively trumpet the lying Bush “official story” of the US 9-11 atrocity. This article attempts to restore the balance.


30 August 2013.

Mainstream Media Censorship “Disappears” US -Backed War Plan To Gas Syrians And Blame Assad Regime

By Dr Gideon Polya

The bottom line is that those who attack and devastate other countries without the sanction of the United Nations are degenerate war criminals. As with Nazi war criminals, there should be no place for them to hide on Planet Earth.


27 August 2013.

American Holocaust, Millions Of Untimely American Deaths And $40 Trillion Cost Of Israel To Americans

By Dr Gideon Polya

Zionist-subverted American Government support for Apartheid Israel in circa 2008 dollars totals about $40 trillion, the breakdown being (1) $3 trillion (1948-2003), (2) $4-6 trillion (Zionist-promoted Iraq and Afghan Wars), (3) $0.7 trillion (the VSL-based cost of 88,000 US veteran suicides since September 2001) and (4) about $30 trillion (one quarter of the VSL-based cost of 15.6 million preventable American deaths since September 2001).


21 August 2013.

Australia 's New Anti-Semitism: Censorship And Defamation Of Anti-Racist Jews By Zionists And The ABC In Neoliberal Australia

By Dr Gideon Polya

The virulent racism and bigotry of the Zionists has meant that a further type of publicly accepted anti-Semitism has arisen in Australia, namely defamatory anti-Jewish anti-Semitism directed against anti-racist Jews.


20 August 2013.

High Cost, Casualised Academics, Corruption, Dumbing-Down, Racism And Censorship – Why Study In Australia?

By Dr Gideon Polya

Overseas students from Asia have made Australian universities their destination for many years. Currently about 240,000 overseas students worth $16 billion per annum are a financial mainstay of the grossly underfunded Australian university system. However greed, anti-intellectualism, parsimony, dumbing down, corruption, racism and censorship are making Australian universities much less attractive to overseas students.


10 August 2013.

100 Ideas For Climate Change Activists Trying To Save The Biosphere And Humanity

By Dr Gideon Polya

We are badly running out of time to tackle the steadily worsening climate crisis. The worsening climate crisis appears daunting but while there is life there is hope, but what can decent people do individually or collectively? Here in 23 Sections is a collection of about 100 useful ideas for climate change campaigners trying to save the Biosphere.


1 August 2013.

Gigantic Cost Of Requisite Climate Change Action Threatens Massive Intergenerational Inequity And Intergenerational Injustice

By Dr Gideon Polya

The climate criminal older generation still refuses to act and accordingly young people must seize their future by rejecting the terracidal neoliberals dominating Western politics and by boycotting all corporations, countries, people, politicians, parties and policies linked to the worsening climate genocide. In practice, at the ballot box, that means that young people must vote 1 Socialist or vote 1 Green to help save Humanity and the Biosphere. The world is badly running out of time to act on the worsening climate emergency.


13 July 2013.

Western Mainstream Media Lying, ABC Fact-Checking Unit And Incorrect Reportage By The ABC ( Australia 's BBC)

By Dr Gideon Polya

This article provides a glimpse of incorrect reportage by the over $1 billion per year, taxpayer-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


9 July 2013.

Anti-democracy Obama, Anti-democracy Neoliberals And US-Backed Egyptian Military Coup Against Democratically-Elected Morsi Government

By Dr Gideon Polya

In the second Coup under Obama by US-backed military against a democratically-elected government, the US-backed Egyptian military have ousted and imprisoned Egypt 's first democratically-elected president, President Mohamed Morsi, and his democratically-elected Muslim Brotherhood Government.


5 July 2013.

The US Has Invaded 70 Nations Since 1776 – Make 4 July Independence From America Day

By Dr Gideon Polya

America has invaded 70 countries since its 4th of July Independence Day in 1776. American imperialism has made a major contribution to the 1.3 billion global avoidable deaths in the period 1950-2005. The Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenters can be seen as the New Nazis. The World, including ordinary Americans (1 million of whom die preventably each year) [10], must shake off the shackles of endless American One Percenter warmongering, imperialism and mendacity. The World must make the Fourth of July Independence from America Day. Tell everyone you can.


3 July 2013.

Hypocrisy Of Pro-Apartheid Israel Obama Visiting Post-Apartheid South Africa

By Dr Gideon Polya

We all saw an awful display of hypocrisy and lying when US President Barack Obama visited Africa this week, giving lip-service to African “freedom” with US-backed military and demonstrators about to overthrow democracy in Egypt, US-backed French forces occupying Mali, US Alliance forces occupying Somalia (2 million refugees and 2.2 million dead from violence or war-imposed deprivation since 1992) and Libya devastated by the US Alliance (0.1 million killed, 1 million refugees ).


24 June 2013.

100 Reasons Why Australians Must Reject Gillard Labor

By Dr Gideon Polya

Set out here is an alphabetically organized summary of how pro-war, anti-environment, anti-equity, human rights-abusing Gillard Labor has utterly betrayed traditionally anti-war, pro-environment, pro-equity, and pro-human rights Labor voters.


14 June 2013.

“Expert Witness Testimony To Stop Gas-Fired Power Plant Installation”

By Dr Gideon Polya

Despite the worsening global warming crisis due to ever-increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, the world is paradoxically experiencing a gas boom and a gas a rush throughout the world. While the world urgently needs to implement 100% renewable energy and concomitantly decrease and eventually cease GHG pollution, massive corporate spin falsely asserts that “gas is clean” and that a first step to a clean energy future is to replace coal burning for power with gas burning.


22 May 2013.

37 Ways Of Tackling Australian Educational Apartheid And Social Inequity

By Dr Gideon Polya

Before one dollar is spent on Gonski-style education "reforms", there are many urgent educational procedural reforms that should be introduced that will either not actually cost anything or cost very little but will dramatically address Educational Apartheid, functional illiteracy and functional innumeracy. Below is a list of 37 zero- or low-cost things that can and should be done now to radically improve pre-tertiary education in Australia.


3 May 2013.

Ignoring Iraqi Genocide, Mainstream Presstitutes Urge US Syrian Invasion, Syrian Holocaust & Syrian Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

Mainstream presstitutes having succeeded in devastating Mali , Libya , Somalia , Palestine , Lebanon , Iraq , Afghanistan and NW Pakistan, are now urging the Western invasion and devastation of Syria , with the prospect of a Syrian Holocaust and a Syrian Genocide.


24 April 2013.

Australian ANZAC Day, Armenian Genocide Day Of Remembrance And Australia's Secret Genocide History

By Dr Gideon Polya

On Australia's most sacred day, ANZAC Day, the nation solemnly pauses to remember those 100,000 Australian heroes who have died in wars. The phrase inextricably linked to ANZAC Day is “Lest we forget”. However the Mainstream media, politicians and academics of Australia have overwhelmingly ignored – “forgotten”- the horrendous number of civilians who died in wars in which Australia has been involved and the moral courage of a small number of pacifists who refused to be party to the evil of war.


16 April 2013.

Open Letter To The ABC About Its Censorship Of Anti-racist Humanitarians Demanding Palestinian Human Rights

By Dr Gideon Polya

Open Letter sent to the taxpayer-funded, pro-Zionist ABC ( Australia 's equivalent of the UK BBC) and protesting its censorship of anti-racist humanitarians demanding human rights for 12 million Palestinians.


31 March 2013.

Easter: As Peter Betrayed Jesus, West And Australia IgnoreApartheid Israel's Palestinian Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

The betrayal of that wonderful Palestinian humanitarian Jesus by fellow Palestinian Peter and his subsequent Crucifixion by Jewish fanatics is mirrored today in the betrayal of humanity by the overwhelming majority of Western citizens, and is well illustrated by overwhelming denial by Australian public figures of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide by Apartheid Israel.


27 March 2013.

Review: “Maps Of Time, An Introduction To Big History” By David Christian – Ignoring Genocides & Holocausts

By Dr Gideon Polya

David Christian has compounded this immense “apples and oranges” error by extraordinarily deleting the very biggest of avoidable human atrocities (and even the WW2 Jewish Holocaust) from his “Big History”. Some “Big History” indeed. Put succinctly, “Maps of Time” stands condemned from the perspective of human moral compass and rational risk management by the aphorism “History ignored yields history repeated”.


22 March 2013.

Obama's Israel Speech Ignores Palestinians, Endorses Racist Zionism And Apartheid Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

American President Barack Obama made a speech on his recent arrival in Apartheid Israel that completely ignored Palestinians and gave US endorsement of racist Zionism and Apartheid Israel “forever”.


20 March 2013.

10th Anniversary Of US Iraq Invasion: 2.7 Million Iraqi Deaths

By Dr Gideon Polya

This week it is exactly ten years after the US , UK and Australia illegally invaded Iraq on 20 March 2003 on the utterly false and illegitimate excuse that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The invasion occurred after over 12 years of deadly sanctions, war and bombing that had devastated the infrastructure of Iraq , violently killed 0.2 million Iraqis in the Gulf War and killed 1.7 million Iraqis through war-imposed deprivation. The subsequent US-led invasion and occupation was associated with 1.5 million violent deaths and an estimated 1.2 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation.


11 March 2013.

Secret Israeli Torture To Death Of Jewish Australian Ben Zygier Exposes Australia-Israeli Links

By Dr Gideon Polya

Dual Israeli and Australian citizen and Jewish Australian father of 2, Ben Zygier, was secretly imprisoned for 11 months in solitary confinement by the Israelis in 2010 until he was either killed by the Israelis or, as alleged by the Israelis, committed suicide in a suicide-proof cell.


8 February 2013.

“Genocide in Iraq, The Case Against UN Security Council And Member States ”

Book Review By Dr Gideon Polya

“Genocide in Iraq . The case against the UN Security Council and member states” by Abdul-Haq Al-Ani and Tarik Al-Ani (Foreword by Professor Joshua Castellino; Clarity Press, Atlanta) is an extremely important book that sets out the case for prosecution of people involved in the Zionist-backed, US-spearheaded genocide in Iraq during the period of Sanctions (1990-2003).


4 February 2013.

Book Review: “Australian Universities. A Portrait Of Decline” By Donald Meyers

By Dr Gideon Polya

“Australian universities. A Portrait of Decline” by Donald Meyers (AUPOD), is an important and hard-hitting book by an Australian neuroscientist and environmental scientist who argues passionately, cogently and with biting irony for a return to decency of a corrupted, dumbing-down, and managerialist Australian university system.


28 January 2013.

US Lackey Australia's Shame: Pro-Zionist Defamation Of Anti-Racist Jews Critical Of Apartheid Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Australian taxpayer-funded ABC (the Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) and the universities-funded website The Conversation have been involved in continued sidelining, censorship and blocking of humane, anti-racist, scholarly views of people critical of horrendous US-backed Israeli human rights abuses.


19 January 2013.

Book Review: “Beyond Tribal Loyalties. Personal Stories Of Jewish Peace Activists” By Avigail Abarbanel

By Dr Gideon Polya

A major commonality in these accounts of anti-racist Jews finally realizing the immense ongoing injustice to the Palestinians is their indignation over being lied to, this leading to their resolve to “bear witness”. It is indeed fitting that an anagram for ISRAEL is e-LIARS. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Please tell everyone you can about the ongoing Palestinian Genocide. We cannot walk by on the other side.


3 January 2013.

New Year's Resolutions: Speak Out To Save Democracy, Humanity & Biosphere From Greedy One Percenter Corporatocracy

By Dr Gideon Polya

Desperate times mean serious New Year's Resolutions. The World is acutely threatened by Nuclear Weapons, Poverty and Climate Change. Many of the 99 percent feel helpless to act against the remorseless One Percenters but we can and must win. Our key New Year's Resolution must be to do our bit to save Humanity and the Biosphere and to help restore Democracy.

29 September 2012.

Neocon American And Zionist Imperialist Lies In Obama UN General Assembly Speech

By Dr Gideon Polya

The present American President Barack Obama, currently the world's number one active terrorist, war criminal, warmonger, opiate drug warlord, Zionist lackey and mass murderer, made a speech to the United General Assembly that is breathtaking for its dishonest obfuscation of reality and for its lies of omission and commission (Big Lies).


25 September 2012.

Letter To African Nations Urging Opposition To Australia's Bid For UN Security Council Seat

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia 's PM Julia Gillard and its Foreign Minister Bob Carr are in New York lobbying African and other countries to support an Australian seat on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Anti-racist Australians who deplore Australia's blind support for the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims (12 million Muslim deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation since 1990) and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide by race-based, genocidal Apartheid Israel (2 million Palestinian deaths from violence or violently imposed deprivation since 1936) must urge African nations to vote AGAINST an Australian seat on the UNSC.


21 September 2012.

Book Review: “The Shock Of The New” By Robert Hughes (1938-2012) – Modern Art, War & Society

By Dr Gideon Polya

Expatriate Australian art critic Robert Hughes died on 6 August 2012, aged 74. It is appropriate to remember this impressive Australian by re-reviewing his important book “The Shock of the New” (1980) that analyzes the revolutions in Modern Art since the late 19th century.


16 September 2012.

US Anti-Muslim Movie, Riots, Mainstream Lying And 12 Million Dead In Muslim Holocaust

By Dr Gideon Polya

The American anti-Muslim movie has deeply offended the Muslim world, this leading to violent riots around the globe. Violence is wrong, counterproductive and only serves the interests of horrendously violent and deadly US state terrorism, UK state terrorism, French state terrorism and Apartheid Israeli state terrorism. Muslims must resolutely inform the world about the Muslim Holocaust of about 12 million Muslims killed from violence (3.6 million) or war-imposed deprivation (8.9 million) in the post-1990 Zionist-backed US War on Muslims.


10 September 2012.

Pro-Zionist, Pro-war, Pro-Opium, War Criminal Canadian Government Defames Iran & Cuts Diplomatic Links

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Zionist-beholden, pro-war Canadian Government has broken off diplomatic relations with remote, peaceful Iran and justified this with a comprehensively false litany of allegations.


8 September 2012.

Exposure Of Neocon American And Zionist Imperialist 9-11 Deception

By Dr Gideon Polya

We are approaching the 11th anniversary of the 9-11 atrocity. The World must comprehend the huge 9-11 deception perpetrated on the American and the World 99% by the lies of the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-dominated US and Western Establishment 1%.


4 September 2012.

Are We Doomed? Too Late To Save Earth?

By Gideon Polya

The World is facing a climate emergency due to global warming from man-derived greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution. The atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is now 394 parts per million (ppm) and increasing at 2.4 ppm per year. We need to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentration to about 300 ppm for a safe planet for all peoples and all species. We understand the problem and have the technological solutions – the impending catastrophe simply does not have to happen. Are we going to be able to overcome the current political stasis and act before it is too late for Humanity and the Biosphere? Is it too late? Are we all doomed? This article records the opinions of leading scientists and writers on this terminal question for Humanity.


12 August 2012.

Australian ABC Absurdly Re-writes Indian History, Claims Ashoka “Lost” For 2,000 Years, Censors Rebuttals

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (the ABC, Australia 's equivalent of the UK BBC) has, like the BBC, built up an appalling record of Anglocentric censorship and malreportage by omission and commission. However in recent weeks it has exceeded itself in terms of hubris and insistence on publishing the absurdly incorrect. Ashoka is one of India 's most famous rulers but the ABC Late Night Live (LNL) radio program insists that he has been “lost” to the world for 2,000 years and has deleted 6 successive posts on its websites attempting to correct this absurdly incorrect assertion.


29 July 2012.

2012 London Olympic Games Opening Ceremony Ignored Genocidal Carnage Of British Empire

By Dr Gideon Polya

The 2012 London Olympic Games were preceded by an Opening Ceremony that controversially involved a social history of the ordinary people of England since the start of the Industrial Revolution in the middle of the 18th century. Unfortunately the Opening Ceremony considered only the several score English subjects of the English Establishment and ignored the horrendous maltreatment of hundreds of millions of other subjects of the ruthless British Empire.


28 July 2012.

Book Review: “The Memory of Love” – War Atrocities, Trauma And The Silent Lie

By Dr Gideon Polya

“The Memory of Love” by Aminatta Forna (Bloomsbury, London , 2010) is a superb novel about love, betrayal and deep trauma from war. The novel has important messages about how people are traumatized into silence by life-threatening atrocities and the “silent lie” that re-writes personal and national history. The novel is set in impoverished Sierra Leone today but is informed by awful civil war events over the last 3 decades.


14 July 2012.

Book Review: “The Crisis of Zionism” - Racist Zionists Ponder Substantial Or Total Palestinian Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

“The Crisis of Zionism” by Peter Beinart is fatally flawed by the oxymoron of ”liberal Zionism”. Beinart's book describes how the formerly liberal, anti-racist Jewish American tradition has been subverted by the now-dominant, intransigent, right wing, Israeli and American Zionist extremists who variously insist on Palestinian expulsion from about 90 to 100% of the land of Palestine and deprivation of other Palestinian human rights in order to preserve a “Jewish state”.


9 July 2012.

Open Letter To MPs & Media re Taxpayer-Funded Australian ABC Lying And Censorship

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Australian taxpayer-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation is celebrating the 80th anniversary of its first radio broadcast on 1 July 1932. The ABC has a sorry history of politically correct racism and lying by commission and omission as a variously UK- , US- , neocon- and Zionist-subverted state propaganda organization like the similarly defective UK BBC.


4 July 2012.

Open Letter Exposes Censorship And Lying By ABC ( Australia 's BBC)

By Dr Gideon Polya

This has been written in the public interest on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the start of the Australian ABC. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Please tell everyone you can – the ABC certainly won't.


28 June 2012.

Book Review: “Bypass. The Story of A Road ” By Michael McGirr Bypasses Australian Aboriginal Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

“Bypass” is a humane, enjoyable Australian non-fiction book that bypasses the horrendous, continuing Australian Aboriginal Genocide. “Bypass. The story of a road” by Michael McGirr is a very readable true account of a 40 year-old ex-Jesuit priest and his girl friend bicycling from Sydney (New South Wales) to Melbourne (Victoria) following the route of the old Hume Highway through the heart of South East Australia.


23 June 2012.

US, UK, Australia, Apartheid Israel And 20 Million Muslim Refugees

By Dr Gideon Polya

World Refugee Week is observed on 18-24 June in 2012. As another refugee boat carrying several hundred desperate refugees to Australia has foundered in the Indian Ocean with an estimated 90 asylum seekers perishing, it is timely to examine the global refugee disaster and in particular the role of pro-Zionist, pro-war, US lackey Australia in generating over 20 million Muslim refugees and its subsequent egregious maltreatment of refugees.


21 June 2012.

Wikileaks' Assange Bid For Asylum From US-Threatened Ecuador

By Dr Gideon Polya

Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks and Australian and world hero for exposing US war crimes and US global subversion, has sought asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London under threat of transfer to Sweden and thence rendition to torture and possible death in the US . Julian Assange had failed in his bid to avoid extradition to Sweden to face interrogation over sex-related complaints that have not resulted in any charges so far.


17 June 2012.

Review: “The Plight Of The Palestinians. A Long History Of Destruction”

By Dr Gideon Polya

The important book “The Plight of the Palestinians. A Long History of Destruction”, edited by Professor William A. Cook (Palgrave Macmillan, London , 2010) is a collection of articles about the ongoing Palestinian Genocide by about 3 dozen variously eminent humanitarian writers from around the world. There are 7 million Palestinian refugees and it is accordingly timely to re-visit this book in Refugee Week that in 2012 will be celebrated from Sunday 17 June to Saturday 23 June, to coincide with World Refugee Day (June 20).


9 June 2012.

Book Review: “The Finkler Question” By Howard Jacobson. Can Racism Be Funny?

By Dr Gideon Polya

“The Finkler Question” makes a joke from beginning to end at the expense of anti-racist Jews and hence implicitly of anti-racists in general who are moved to speak out against the appalling human rights abuses and genocidal crimes of racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel.


7 June 2012.

UK QEII Diamond Jubilee Celebrations Mask 700 Million Commonwealth Avoidable Deaths

By Dr Gideon Polya

Great Britain and the British Commonwealth are celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the 60th anniversary of her accession to the throne as Queen of Great Britain and various other countries and head of the British Commonwealth . However the enthusiastic celebrations for a much-admired and much-loved monarch should not hide the Awful Truth of the over 727 million avoidable deaths linked to British imperialism and neocolonialism over the last 60 years.


2 June 2012.

Neocon- And Zionist-Pressured UK New Statesman Censors Anti-Racist Jewish Opinion

By Dr Gideon Polya

Neocon American and Zionist (NAZI)-derived Mainstream media censorship enables the continuation of the Palestinian Genocide (2 million invasion-related deaths since 1936, 7 million refugees) and the Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide (12 million war-related deaths since 1990; 20 million refugees ). It is possible to get through the Mainstream media's Wall of Silence - please tell everyone you can.


29 May 2012.

US Memorial Day: Remember Shameful Treatment Of US 99 %By Neocon American & Zionist 1%

By Dr Gideon Polya

On US Memorial Day we should not only remember the US war dead but also the shameful treatment of US veterans (of whom about 50,000 have suicided since 9-11), the appallingly treated American 99% (1 million of whom die preventably each year because the Neocon American and Zionist 1% spends trillions of dollars on killing Muslims abroad rather on than saving American lives at home), the 38 million Asians who have died from violence or war-imposed deprivation in the post-1950 US Asian wars, and the circa 13 million Muslims who have died from violence or war-imposed deprivation in the post-1990 US War on Muslims.


24 May 2012.

Australian Universities Complicit With Pro-Zionist Censorship And Genocidal Israeli Militarism

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australian universities have allowed themselves to become soiled by association with genocidal Israeli militarism and with evidently pro-Zionist censorship by the Australian taxpayer-funded, universities-backed and academic-based web magazine The Conversation


20 May 2012.

Apartheid Israel Excludes Occupied Palestinians From All Provisions Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

By Dr Gideon Polya

Nearly 45 years after the 1967 Israeli conquest of all of Palestine, the Western-backed, invasion-, occupation- , theft- , genocide-, lying- and race-based Apartheid State of Israel still comprehensively violates ALL basic human rights of the Indigenous Occupied Palestinian People as set out below with explanations in square brackets appended to the 30 Articles of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


15 May 2012.

Australia 's Huge Coal, Gas & Iron Ore Exports Threaten Planet

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia ignores top German climate change scientists who estimated in 2009 that the world must emit no more than 600 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) before 2050 if it is to have a reasonable chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2 degree Centigrade temperature rise. Australia 's annual domestic plus exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution is so high that it exceeded its “:fair share” of this terminal GHG pollution budget by mid-2011.


12 May 2012.

Book Review: “The Street Sweeper” By Elliot Perlman Raises Issue Of Faction Versus Fiction

By Dr Gideon Polya

“The Street Sweeper “ by Elliot Perlman is an enjoyable middle-brow novel with a coincidence-riddled and predictable plot redolent of TV crime dramas. However this politically partisan novel raises the issue of the legitimacy of fiction versus faction (historical fact-based fiction). “The Street Sweeper” fails because in its historical sweep of 80 years to the present it has an unacceptable Zionist bias and ignores relevant Elephant in the Room realities.


10 May 2012.

Australian Internet Censorship By Australian Government-Funded ABCAnd Universities-Backed The Conversation

By Dr Gideon Polya

Resolute inaction by the Australian Government and major Australian institutions over Internet Censorship by the taxpayer-funded ABC (Australia's equivalent of the BBC) via its Late Night Live (LNL) program and by the taxpayer-, Australian universities- and CSIRO-backed and Australian academic–based web magazine The Conversation means that Australia has joined the ranks of countries involved in “pervasive Internet Censorship”.

30 April 2012.

Censorship By Australian Taxpayer-funded ABC And University-Backed The Conversation

By Dr Gideon Polya

The taxpayer-funded ABC is an important institution in the intellectual life of Australia . The Australian universities–backed and academic-based web magazine, The Conversation, potentially has a comparable role. However censorship by both the ABC and The Conversation subverts and perverts this role.


25 April 2012.

Remember Huge Civilian War Deaths On Armenian Genocide Day (24 April) And Australian Anzac Day (25 April)

By Dr Gideon Polya

24 April is Armenian Genocide Day that commemorates the beginning of the World War 1 Armenian Genocide (1.5 million Armenians killed). The Armenian Genocide was precipitated by several months of shelling that culminated in the 25 April 1915 Allied invasion of Turkey in the Dardanelles at Gallipoli led by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), this being commemorated in Australia and New Zealand as Anzac Day.


21 April 2012.

Mainstream, ABC, BBC And The Conversation Censor Common Pro-Zionism Of Breivik And US Alliance Mass Murderers

By Dr Gideon Polya

The White Washing Of Anders Breivik.


15 April 2012.

German Nobel Laureate Writer Günter Grass Defamed And Banned By Child-Abusing, Nuclear Terrorist Apartheid Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Günter Grass poem is very mild and eminently sensibly decries German delivery of submarines to the State of Israel that could be used in a nuclear attack on Iran based on Israeli concerns that Iran is a military threat and a potential nuclear weapons state; expresses concern over potential German participation in an Israeli-adumbrated holocaust of Iranians that threatens the world as a whole; and recommends international inspection of nuclear programmes in both Iran and the State of Israel.


14 April 2012.

UK BBC And Australian ABC Censor Dr Niels Harrit And Key Evidence That US Did 9/11

By Dr Gideon Polya

 BBC and ABC censor Dr Niels Harrit, the Danish scientist who together with his colleagues found unexploded nano-thermite high explosive in all samples of the World Trade Center (WTC) dust examined.


10 April 2012.

BBC Censors “ Palestine ”, “Palestinian Holocaust”, “Palestinian Genocide” And “Anti-racist Jews”

By Dr Gideon Polya

The BBC censors the word “Palestine” and, in addition, using the BBC Search function one finds that the BBC completely censors the term “Palestinian Holocaust” (2 million dead) and largely censors out the term “Palestinian Genocide” (2 million dead, 7 million refugees, 90% of Palestine ethnically cleansed and only 6% of 12 million Palestinians can vote for the government of Apartheid Israel that rules all of historical Palestine plus an ethnically cleansed part of Syria).


8 April 2012.

Pro-Zionist, Pro-US, Anglocentric, Eurocentric Censorship By The BBC

By Dr Gideon Polya

Hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of people around the world have grown up listening to the words “this is the BBC”and being variously deceived by the pro-Zionist, pro-US, pro-imperialism, pro-neocolonialism censorship of the BBC, an organization with an appalling record of Anglocentric and Eurocentric censorship, lying by omission and lying by commission.


7 April 2012.

CO2 Rise Drove Global Warming And End Of Ice Age – So Stop Carbon Burning, Return To 300 ppm CO2

By Dr Gideon Polya

Scientists have recently found that a rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) preceded the global warming that brought about the end of the last Ice Age. This finding scotches the claims of climate change skeptics that climate change is not happening or if it is then the increased atmospheric CO2 is a consequence and not a cause of global warming.


4 April 2012.

Sanctions Needed Against Anti-Democracy Myanmar And Anti-Democracy Apartheid Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

Decent people were very happy to see the huge victory of Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy (NLD) party in the recent Myanmar ( Burma ) by-elections. However there is concern that there will be a lifting of sanctions against Myanmar before a genuine democracy has been emplaced. Continuing gross human rights abuses in Myanmar merit continuing sanctions and so do those of race-based, genocidal Apartheid Israel.


3 April 2012.

The ABC, Australia's BBC, Turns Climate Inaction Truth Upside-Down Downunder

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia is a world leader in greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution but the ABC has been reporting that Australia is leading the world in tackling climate change and ignoring the acute seriousness of the climate emergency.


31 March 2012.

Palestinian Land Day – 90% Of Palestine Ethnically Cleansed By US-Backed Apartheid Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

March 30 is Palestinian Land Day (Yawm al Ard) on which Palestinians and all decent folk around the world mark the ethnic cleansing of 90% of Palestine by racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel.


27 March 2012.

“High Polluting Victoria , Australia , Scraps Carbon Pollution Target And Increases Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Pollution”

By Dr Gideon Polya

The State of Victoria, Australia, is the worst polluting state in Australia which in turn is one of the worst counties in the world for annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution. However the new ultra-conservative government of Victoria is trying to increase GHG pollution in all kinds of ways and has just announced its intention to scrap an existing plan for "20% off GHG pollution by 2020".


24 March 2012.

Toulouse Massacre Lessons: Sideline Racist Zionists To End Muslim Holocaust And Genocidal Apartheid Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Toulouse Massacre in which 7 people, 3 of them children, were murdered in France by a crazed Muslim-origin gunman Mohammed Merah (a French citizen of Algerian descent) , has shocked all decent people. However reason must prevail over emotion and must determine how the chances of a recurrence of this awful atrocity can be minimized.


15 March 2012.

Pro-Zionist, Pro-war, Anti-Asian Australian Labor Government Threatens Anti-racist Jews

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia 's ruling Australian Labor Party (ALP) is now an Anti-Arab anti-Semitic Labor Party, an Anti-Jewish anti-Semitic Labor Party, an Anti-Semitic Labor Party, an Anti-Asian Labor Party and an Anti-African Labor Party. Pro-Zionist Labor requires national and international censure for its anti-Semitism and the threat it poses towards decent, anti-racist Jewish Australians.


8 March 2012.

International Women's Day: Zionist And US Censorship Hides Bereavement Of Millions Of Muslim Women

By Dr Gideon Polya

On this International Women's Day remember the as many as 12 million Muslim women bereaved in the over 2-decade, racist Zionist-promoted US Alliance War on Muslims that can also be seen as a cowardly and racist War on Women and Children or more specifically a War on Asian, African, Palestinian, Arab, Muslim and non-European Women and Children.


5 March 2012.

Comprehensive Climate Change Inaction By Pro-coal, Pro-gas Gillard Labor Australian Government

By Dr Gideon Polya

Pro-coal, pro-gas Australian PM Julia Gillard has an appalling record of climate change inaction falsely dressed up as the opposite. The biggest and most outrageous untruth of Gillard Labor is that it is "tackling climate change" for a "clean energy future", as systematically set out below.


4 March 2012.

Australian, Canadian & US Oil & Gas & Coal Threaten Great Barrier Reef , Humanity & Biosphere

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australian, Canadian and US oil & gas developments, as well as existing huge coal exploitation, are threatening Humanity, the Great Barrier Reef of Australia and the Biosphere.


28 February 2012.

US- , Zionist- And Corporate-Perverted Australian Labor Vilifies And Rejects Australia-First Ex-PM Kevin Rudd

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia has just witnessed a week of political high drama in which ex-PM Kevin Rudd, deposed in a pro-Zionist-led 24-hour Coup in favor of pro-Zionist Julia Gillard on 23-24 June 2010, challenged PM Gillard for the top job but failed to win the support of the Caucus of Federal Labor MPs by a margin of 71 to 31.


27 February 2012.

Media-Ignored US, Corporate And Zionist Subversion Of Australian Democracy In Ex-PM Rudd-PM Gillard Battle

By Dr Gideon Polya

In June 2010 popularly elected Australian PM Kevin Rudd was deposed in a US- , Zionist- and foreign mining company-backed Coup that was led by the extreme pro-Zionist faction of Labor. Today that coup was reenacted with Julia Gillard’s re-election as leader of the ruling Labor party.


21 February 2012.

Why PM Julia Gillard Must Go: 66,000 Preventable Australian Deaths Annually

By Dr Gideon Polya

Catalogued here are documented details of 66,000 preventable Australian deaths occurring each year under the Gillard Labor Government in Australia , one of the World's richest countries.. It follows that PM Julia Gillard has failed and should be urgently replaced as PM of Australia.


18 February 2012.

One Million Americans Die Preventably Annually In USA

By Dr Gideon Polya

The US is the richest country on earth but an estimated 1 million Americans die preventable deaths each year due to gross fiscal perversion whereby trillions of dollars are spent on the military, wars and killing people abroad rather than on keeping Americans alive at home.


11 February 2012.

Mainstream Media Lying Hides Corporate, US And Zionist Subversion Of Australian Democracy

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia is one of the World's oldest democracies but is now a corporate-, US- and Zionist-perverted country in which neocon, pro-war, pro-US, pro-Zionist, corporatist Australian Mainstream media remorselessly censor news, reader comments and foreign perversion of Australian democracy.


10 February 2012.

Genocidal Racist Charles Dickens , Indian Holocaust And UK - US Muslim Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

This week the English-speaking world is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of arguably the greatest Victorian era English novelist Charles Dickens. However ignored in the celebrations will be the reality that Charles Dickens, like many of his English and British contemporaries, was a genocidal racist.


26 January 2012.

Comparing India And Australia On 26 January: India 's Republic Day And Australia 's Australia Day (Invasion Day)

By Dr Gideon Polya

26 January is the Republic Day of India and Australia Day. It is salutary to compare India , Australia and their considerable interactions, of which most - notably excepting those on the cricket field - have been kept from public perception.


24 January 2012.

Country By Country Analysis Of Fossil Fuel  Burning-Based Carbon Debt And Carbon Credit

By Dr Gideon Polya

A simpler and comprehensive analysis of Carbon Debt (Climate Debt) for all countries of the World is presented here that reports Carbon Debt in millions of tonnes of CO2 from fossil fuel burning alone (and ignores GHG pollution deriving from land use (agriculture and forestry), methane, nitrous oxide (N2O) and other GHGs.


19 January 2012.

UK TV Series “The Promise” Elicits  Zionist Defamation Of Anti-Racist Jews

By Dr Gideon Polya

Decent anti-racist humanitarian Jews and indeed all decent people are obliged to speak out against the genocidal crimes of racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel . The false defamation of anti-racist humanitarian Jews as “anti-Semites” can be seen as anti-Semitism itself as can the utterly false conflation of the genocidal atrocities of Apartheid Israel with decent, anti-racist Jews.


1 January 2012.

Australian Mainstream Media Ignore US Alliance War Carnage In Reviewing 2011

By Dr Gideon Polya

Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. We are obliged to inform everyone we can about horrendous crimes against humanity. A key resolution for everyone for 2012 is to do exactly that.

28 December 2011.

Australian ABC Censors Anti-racist Jewish Intellectuals Opposing Racist Zionist “Law Of Return”

By Dr Gideon Polya

We are Jews from Australia , who, like Jewish people throughout the world, have an automatic right to Israeli citizenship under Israel 's “law of return.” While this law may seem intended to enable a Jewish homeland, we submit that it is in fact a form of racist privilege that abets the colonial oppression of the Palestinians. We renounce this “right” to “return” offered to us by Israeli law. It is not right that we may “return” to a state that is not ours while Palestinians are excluded and continuously dispossessed.


16 December 2011.

US Withdraws And Australian ABC Censors 4.6 million Iraqi Holocaust War Dead

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Americans have almost completed their withdrawal from war-devastated Iraq that since 1990 has suffered 4.6 million war-related deaths, 1.7 million violent deaths, 2.9 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 5-6 million refugees and 2.0 million under-5 infant deaths, 90% avoidable. However the Mainstream media have resolutely refused to report the carnage.


8 December 2011.

Australian ABC Censors Australia- And UK-Complicit WW2 Bengali Famine (6-7 Million Dead)

By Dr Gideon Polya

The neocon-infested, taxpayer-funded ABC (the Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) has an appalling record of censorship, lying by omission and lying by commission. The ABC has censored reportage of the Australia-complicit 1942-1945 Bengal Famine (Bengali Famine, Bengali Holocaust) in which the British, with Australian complicity, deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death in 1942-1945.


5 December 2011.

Book Review: “The Politics Of Genocide” By Edward Herman And David Peterson

By Dr Gideon Polya

“The Politics of Genocide” is a very important book that exposes Mainstream media, politician and academic lying about gross human rights abuse and genocide.


2 November 2011.

“Muddy Spirituality” By Jon Owen, Tamil Australian Ministering To Australia 's Poor

By Dr Gideon Polya

“Muddy Spirituality. Bringing it all back down to earth” by Jon Owen (UNOH, Melbourne 2011) is an inspiring book by an inspiring young Indian Australian who works among the poor and marginalised people of the needy suburbs of Melbourne and Western Sydney. The important message of the book to all people, whether theists, atheists or agnostics, is effective service to our fellow man through empathy, cohabitation and practical assistance.


28 November 2011.

Mainstream Media Lying: Australia ABC Ignores 6 Million US-Complicit Muslim Infant Deaths

By Dr Gideon Polya

The most appalling Awful Truth that the ABC refuses to report is horrendous global infant mortality and in particular infant mortality in countries subject to invasion and occupation by the US Alliance.


26 November 2011.

Occupy Australia : 2,500 US Marines For Permanent Darwin Base

By Dr Gideon Polya

While Sydney and Melbourne police were violently arresting and dispersing Occupy Sydney and Occupy Melbourne off-shoots of the 99% versus 1% Occupy Wall Street Movement, the cowardly Labor Government was announcing an Occupy Australia movement whereby 2,500 child-killing US Marines will be indefinitely based in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, and that there will be increased use of Australia by the US Navy and the US Air Force.


20 November 2011.

Economist Mahima Khanna, Cambridge Stevenson Prize And Dire Indian Poverty

By Dr Gideon Polya

Brilliant economics student Mahima Khanna from Kolkata has been awarded the prestigious Stevenson Prize by the University of Cambridge for her outstanding economics research work.


13 November 2011.

At 11.11.11 On 11.11.11 Remember Huge Civilian Deaths In US Wars

By Dr Gideon Polya

This singularity should provide impetus for the World to recognize the continuing, genocidal carnage in the post-1990 US Alliance War on Muslims that has so far been associated with about 12 million war-related deaths, a Muslim Holocaust and a Muslim Genocide that is resolutely ignored by the Mainstream media, academics and politicians of the Western Murdochracies.


4 November 2011.

Kim Kardashian Publicizes Armenian Genocide But Turkey , US, Zionists, Apartheid Israel And Pro-Zionists Deny Or Ignore

By Dr Gideon Polya

While Armenian American celebrity Kim Kardashian has demanded recognition of the 1.5 million-victim Armenian Genocide, arguing that genocide ignored will yield more genocide, even the most progressive of Australia 's major newspapers evidently does not want its readers to read, know or think about this.


2 November 2011.

GetUp Time Capsule Letter To My Great Great Grandchildren About Australia And Climate Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

Gideon Polya's letter to his great grandchildren about Australia and climate change.


31 October 2011.

14 Pro-Israel Nations Boycott 2011 UN Durban III Anti-racism Conference

By Dr Gideon Polya

In September 2011 the UN held the Durban III meeting on racism (World Conference on Racism) at UN Headquarters in New York . 179 countries attended Durban III but 14 boycotted in support of genocidal, race-based Apartheid Israel.


30 October 2011.

“Assange (Wikileaks) Condemns Australian Threat To Free Speech: Falsehood Must Be Repudiated Not Punished”

By Dr Gideon Polya

In a world of lies the truth must out and that requires untrammeled freedom of speech and authoritative, public repudiation of falsehood.


24 October 2011.

Australian Immigration Illegally Imprisons Indian Student For 509 Days

By Dr Gideon Polya

An Indian student who paid thousands of dollars to study in Australia was illegally detained at the Villawood detention centre, Sydney , for 18 months because of mistakes by immigration officers. The Australian Human Rights Commissioner Catherine Branson found that Prashant Cherkupalli, 31, should be paid $597,000 in compensation for the 509 days he was illegally detained between November 2004 and April 2006.


23 October 2011.

Science Says World Must Stop Coal Seam Gas Exploitation

By Dr Gideon Polya

Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is threatening Humanaity and the Biosphere. In particular a huge threat is posed by the increasing exploitation of natural gas from coal seams (coal seam gas) as an energy source. Gas is dirty energy and set out below are 3 major reasons why the World must stop coal seam gas (CSG) exploitation.


10 October 2011.

US Afghanistan Invasion 10th Anniversary: 5.6 Million War-related Deaths

By Dr Gideon Polya

As of 7 October 2011, the 10th Anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan , the human cost of the Afghan War has been estimated as about 1.4 million violent deaths and 4.2 million non-violent avoidable deaths from Occupier-imposed deprivation, a total of 5.6 million war-related deaths.


9 October 2011.

Vote 1 Socialist Or Green To Save Humanity And Planet

By Dr Gideon Polya

Sensible, pro-environment, pro-Humanity Australians – and indeed like people worldwide - have little choice but to vote 1 Green or to vote 1 Socialist.


24 September 2011.

Moving Planet Day 24 September: Stop GHG Pollution

By Dr Gideon Polya

24 September 2011 is “Moving Planet Day” in which hundreds of thousands of people around the world will be demanding effective action against man-made climate change.


29 September 2011.

Australia And Britain Killed 6-7 Million Indians In WW2 Bengal Famine

By Dr Gideon Polya

India contributed an army of 2.4 million men to assist the British war effort in World War 2. However India was rewarded by a British-imposed Bengal Famine (Bengali Holocaust, Indian Holocaust) that killed 6-7 million Indians in Bengal, Assam, Bihar and Orissa in the period 1942-1945. Australia was a major supplier of wheat but deliberately by-passed starving India , this boosting British food stocks and what was evidently a starvation-based military strategy to prevent Japanese advance into Bengal.


10 September 2011.

US-Complicit 9-11, War On Terror And Terminal War On Terra

By Dr Gideon Polya

Nuclear weapons, poverty and global warming represent the 3 most deadly problems facing the World but US Alliance exploitation of the US-complicit 9-11 atrocity has worsened the threat.


5 September 2011.

Australian ABC Lies About KeyClimate Emergency Issues

By Dr Gideon Polya

Lying by omission and commission is not peculiar to the Australian ABC - it is the entrenched practice of Mainstream media in all the other Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies in which Big Money buys truth, votes and policy. We must restore democracy by exposing Mainstream media lying.


23 August 2011.

To Save Planet Stop Canada-US Keystone XL Pipeline

By Dr Gideon Polya

Please tell everyone you can to sign the petition to stop the terracidal Keystone XL Pipeline and help save the Planet.


20 August 2011.

Orwellian Australian Labor Government  Climate Change Lies

By Dr Gideon Polya

Gillard Labor's pre-election promise was “no carbon tax” and its current promise is “5% off 2000 GHG pollution by 2020”. Tackling climate change means that GHG (greenhouse gas) pollution should DECREASE, yet according to Treasury and other analysis Australia 's Domestic and Exported GHG pollution will INCREASE over the 2000 level under the Carbon Price schem.


9 August 2011.

Anti-Environment Australian Government's  Carbon Tax Deceit

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia is a world leader in annual par capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and in fossil fuel exports and there is an unspoken bipartisan agreement in climate criminal Australia that it will keep burning and exporting fossil fuels until the World makes it stop.


1 August 2011.

World Rapidly Running Out Of Time To Cease Greenhouse Gas Pollution

By Dr Gideon Polya

Top climate scientists and biologists are telling us that reaching zero emissions is not enough – we then have to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration from the current 394 parts per million (ppm) to 350 ppm and thence to 300 ppm.


18 July 2011.

Australian Carbon Price Scheme Is Deceitful Climate Change Inaction

By Dr Gideon Polya

The pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-war, neoconservative Australian Gillard Labor Government has proposed a Carbon Tax-Emissions Trading Scheme -Ignore Agriculture that has produced considerable public debate. Careful analysis of this Carbon Price plan reveals that, contrary to Labor Government propaganda, it will only reduce Australia 's disproportionately huge annual Domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution rate by 8.5% by 2020 and by 53.2% by 2050.


18 July 2011.

Boycott Murdoch Media To Save Planet

By Dr Gideon Polya

The indignant global response to the phone hacking and police bribery by UK employees of Rupert Murdoch's Media Empire obscures the awful major crimes of this Evil Empire: (a) promotion of the War on Terror and genocide-ignoring non-reportage of the 12 million deaths associated with US and US Alliance wars in Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan and (b) anti-science non-reportage and false reporting about the worsening Climate Crisis.


6 July 2011.

Australia Ignores 25 Huge Climate Change Realities

By Dr Gideon Polya

What is extraordinary in this Australian national debate is the near total exclusion from public discussion in Parliament and the Mainstream media of 25 science-based, Elephant in the Room matters relating to climate change action.


4 July 2011.

Stop Occupations: Make 4 July Independence From America Day

By Dr Gideon Polya

Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can about the continuing US or US surrogate occupation, mass murder, mass pedocide, holocaust and genocide in the Occupied Palestinian, Somali, Haitian, Iraqi, and Afghan Territories, (b) demand Sanctions and political sidelining against the genocidal Neocon American and Zionist Imperialists (NAZIs), and (c) make 4 July Independence From America Day around the World.


4 July 2011.

Climate Censorship And Climate Injustice By Climate Criminal, Climate Racist Australia

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia leads the First World in annual per capita greenhouse gas pollution, is the world's leading coal exporter and is among the world's top liquid natural gas exporters. However Australia, like its fellow major GHG polluters Canada and the US, wants business as usual.


27 June 2011.

One Million Post-9-11 US- And UK-Complicit Opiate Drug Deaths

By Dr Gideon Polya

Global deaths from US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry now total about 1 million.


13 June 2011.

WW2 Bengali Holocaust: “Churchill's Secret War” By Madhusree Mukerjee

By Dr Gideon Polya

The important book “Churchill's Secret War. The British Empire and the ravaging of India during World War II” by Madhusree Mukerjee  is an account of the forgotten World War 2 Bengali Holocaust, the man-made, 1942-1945 Bengal Famine in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death by the British under Churchill.


11 June 2011.

Country By Country Analysis Of Years Left  Until Science-demanded  Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By Dr Gideon Polya

An analysis of every country in the World reveals that for a high probability of avoiding a catastrophic 2 degree C temperature rise (EU policy), at current rates of greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution the World on average must achieve zero emissions in less than 20 years, Australia must cease GHG pollution within 5 years, and Bangladesh's low per capita pollution means that at current rates it has 139 years to use up its “fair share” allocation of atmospheric pollution.


9 June 2011.

Holocaust Denial And Complicity By Apartheid Australia

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia is an Apartheid state because it applies discriminatory and damaging race-based laws against particular groups of non-European subjects (specifically Indigenous Australians and asylum seekers) but so far has maintained a remarkably good image through Mainstream politician and media censorship and self –censorship.


8 June 2011.

Lib-Lab Apartheid Australia Supports Demonstrator-killing Racist Zionist-Run Apartheid Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

In recent weeks the Apartheid Israelis have been shooting and killing unarmed Arabs demonstrating for Palestinian Human Rights. In the latest incident on the illegally Israel-occupied Syrian Golan Heights, Israeli soldiers killed 2 dozen demonstrators and wounded 350. Apartheid Australia has supported US Alliance bombing of Libya but remains Apartheid Israel 's best friend after the US.


6 June 2011.

US And Australia Must Stop Greenhouse Gas Pollution In 5 Years

By Dr Gideon Polya

The World must take action to bring dog-in-the-manger Australia and the US to heel through Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS), sporting exclusions, International Court of Justice litigations and prosecutions of climate criminal, climate genocidal Australia and the US before the International Criminal Court.


29 May 2011.

Exposure Of Western Mainstream Media  Censorship And Lying

By Dr Gideon Polya

There is horrendous Mainstream media censorship in the pro-US, pro-Zionist, democratic fascist Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies. But how can one begin to expose the nature and extent of this egregious censorship?


28 May 2011.

Obama's London Speech: Egregious Lies And Holocaust Denial

By Dr Gideon Polya

President Barack Obama made a speech to the UK Houses of Parliament in Westminster Hall London on 25 May 2011. Obama's speech involved egregious lying by commission and lying by omission, holocaust ignoring and holocaust denial. This widely disseminated, shameless lying by Obama promises more death and destruction for Humanity at the hands of the UK-US Anglo-American state terrorist tag-team.


21 May 2011.

Genocide-Ignoring Lies In Obama's Middle East Speech

By Dr Gideon Polya

Obama's 19 May 2011 speech on the Middle East is extraordinary for its comprehensive dishonesty involving egregious deceit, lying by commission and lying by omission. Obama's ignoring of the US-imposed Muslim Genocide (about 12 million Indigenous deaths in Palestine , Iraq , Somalia and Afghanistan ) is far worse than genocide denial or holocaust denial because at least “denial” admits the possibility of public discussion.


15 May 2011.

Australia's Carbon Tax And Coal To Gas Transition Will Double Power Generation Greenhouse Gas Pollution

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Australian Government says that a major consequence will be a coal to gas transition for fossil fuel burning for electric power. However a coal to gas transition will in actuality double the GHG pollution from electricity generation because methane (CH4, a major constituent of natural gas) leaks and is 105 times worse than carbon dioxide (CO2) as a GHG on a 20 year time scale.


9 May 2011.

Obama Kills Top US Terrorist Asset Osama

By Dr Gideon Polya

US President Obama has blocked 9-11 truth by the extra-judicial murder of Al-Qaeda leader and US-alleged 9-11 mastermind Osama bin Laden who was America's most valuable terrorist asset over the last 30 years.


2 May 2011.

Royal Wedding, Censorship, Holocaust Commission And Holocaust Denial

By Dr Gideon Polya

The recent British Royal Wedding involved extraordinary Royal censorship of world media that mirrors British Establishment ignoring of its immense genocidal crimes over the last few centuries.


24 April 2011.

Armenian Genocide Day, Australian Anzac Day And Australian Holocaust Denial

By Dr Gideon Polya

Armenian Genocide Day, 24 April, commemorates the death of 1.5 million Armenians who died in the Turkish-imposed Armenian Genocide that commenced on 24 April 1915, the day prior to the Anglo-French and Australian and New Zealand Army Corp (ANZAC) invasion of Turkey at Gallipoli in the Dardanelles on 25 April 1915. 25 April is marked as Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand that commemorates the war dead of both these sister countries. Yet Australia resolutely ignores its causal connection to the Armenian Genocide and indeed to other genocidal atrocities as a participant in Anglo--American wars.


22 April 2011.

April 22, Earth Day: We Must Stop Climate Catastrophe

By Dr Gideon Polya

We are one species confined to one planet and we revel in the richness of nature and human cultural diversity. The peace and cooperative community we commonly experience at the level of village, town, city and nation should apply internationally throughout Spaceship Earth.


16 April 2011.

Lobbyocracy Australia Opts For Disastrous Coal To Gas Transition

By Dr Gideon Polya

The pro-gas, neocon Gillard Labor Government of Lobbyocracy Australia has opted for a disastrous, Carbon Tax-driven coal to gas transition, ignoring the science which says that gas burning for power is worse than coal burning in relation to greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution.


21 March 2011.

Libyan War Start On Iraq Invasion 8th Anniversary

By Dr Gideon Polya

The West has marked the 8th anniversary of the war criminal invasion of Iraq by commencing to bomb Libya back to the Stone Age. The examples of Iraq and Afghanistan give an indication of the horrendous avoidable mortality that may come in a FUKUS-devastated bombed Libya and the sham of Western-imposed democracy.


20 March 2011.

Gas Dirtier Than Coal

By Dr Gideon Polya

The current global Gas Boom, Gas Rush and Gasland perversion is enabled by corporate greed, lobbying and the lie that “gas is clean”. Methane (CH4) is a major greenhouse gas (GHG) that on a 100 year time scale has a relative global warming potential (GWP) that is 25 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2). However a re-assessment by US scientists that takes atmospheric aerosol responses to CH4 into account has found that on a 20 year time scale CH4 is 105 times worse than CO2 as a GHG.


15 March 2011.

Detailed Document Exposing Pro-gas Australia Climate Change Inaction

By Dr Gideon Polya

The pro-coal, pro-gas Australian Labor Government has proposed a Carbon Tax-ETS-Ignore Agriculture (CTETSIA) policy that means climate change inaction by Australia , a world-leading per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) polluter. This disastrous policy promotes a pointless conversion from coal burning to gas burning that is just as dirty GHG-wise because of methane leakage.


5 March 2011.

Climate Activists Support Australian Government CTETSIA Climate Change Inaction Plan

By Dr Gideon Polya

Pro-environment Australians are witnessing Australian climate activism organizations going "soft" by lending support to the pro-gas Gillard Labor Australian Government's Carbon Tax-ETS-Ignore Agriculture (CTETSIA) Plan that can be seen as a plan for continued climate change inaction by the World's leading per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) polluter.


25 February 2011.

Western Media Ignore Iraqi Demand For Freedom

By Dr Gideon Polya

While Western media and politicians laudably support the courageous protests for democracy in Arab countries, there is extraordinary silence in relation to the demands for democracy in Occupied Palestine and Occupied Iraq.


17 February 2011.

Science And Equality Dictate Eco-Socialism,  Climate Socialism And Green Socialism To Save Humanity And Biosphere

By Dr Gideon Polya

Equality and Science in the face of a worsening Climate Emergency and Climate Genocide dictate Eco-Socialism, Climate Socialism and Green Socialism to save Humanity and the Biosphere. Unaddressed man-made climate change is set to kill 10 billion people this century.


14 February 2011.

Will US, Zionist And Egyptian Neocons  Destroy Egyptian Revolution?

By Dr Gideon Polya

The US , Apartheid Israel , Egyptian torturer Omar Suleiman and the traitorous Egyptian Establishment may yet pervert the Egyptian Revolution and continue the Egyptian Holocaust that has passively killed 22 million Egyptians through imposed poverty since 1950.


14 January 2011.

CEN, Climate Change, Queensland Floods: Stop Burning Fossil Fuels ASAP

By Dr Gideon Polya

Because of weather variability cannot attribute any specific weather event to climate change. However the successive events of burning fossil fuels, increased atmospheric greenhouse gases, increased sea temperature, increased evaporation, increased precipitation and floods simply mean stop burning fossil fuels ASAP as urged by the Climate Emergency Network (CEN).


9 January 2011.

India And World Threatened By US-led Shale Gas Fracking

By Dr Gideon Polya

India has huge shale gas deposits and for the sake of India and the Planet Indians must ensure that this gas is not exploited – it represents a huge threat to India and to Humanity.


2 January 2011.

New Year's Day 1/1/11 Message: Equal Shares on Our One Planet

By Dr Gideon Polya

The primary New Year's Resolution of all decent people around the World must be to (a) inform, everyone they can about the acute threat to Humanity and (b) urge and apply Sanctions and Boycotts against the climate criminal people, politicians, corporations and countries of the climate genocidal US Alliance. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Acute concerns for Humanity, the Biosphere, our children, grandchildren, and intergenerational equity oblige us to take such action to help save the Planet before it is too late.


27 December 2010.

The Awful Truth Must Stop Global Gasland Disaster

By Dr Gideon Polya

Top climate scientists say that the World must stop carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions by 2050 and that top per capita polluters such as Australia and the US must stop by 2020. However Australia and the US are involved in a Planet-threatening, greenhouse gas polluting gas rush and gas boom, the effects of which on America have been devastatingly described in the recent movie Gasland. I have set out below an informational resource that can help enable sidelined scientists and concerned citizens to unite on this issue – the awful truth can and must stop the terracidal, global Gasland disaster.



21 December 2010.

Australian Complicity In 20 Million Muslim Refugees And Christmas Island Disaster

By Dr Gideon Polya

What can decent people do about Australian holocaust commission, genocide commission, holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring? Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can and (b) apply and urge Sanctions and Boycotts against all people, politicians, corporations and countries complicit holocaust commission, genocide commission, holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring. Would you buy soap made in Auschwitz?



17 December 2010.

Censorship And Genocide Ignoring By Australian Mainstream Media and WikiLeaks

By Dr Gideon Polya

Two major features of WikiLeaks are that (1) the leaked US cables simply provide documentary confirmation what sensible people had surmised already about the conduct of the US Alliance; and (2) the real scandal is that neither WikiLeaks nor Mainstream media (MSM) will report the horrendous carnage of 8 million dead so far in the US War on Terror. Below is documentary evidence of how one of Australia 's leading newspapers, The Age (Melbourne), actively censors reportage of this ongoing, largely Muslim Holocaust.



11 December 2010.

US Lackey Australian Labor Government Threatens WikiLeaks And Julian Assange

By Dr Gideon Polya

The US lackey Australian Government has reacted by threatening Assange with criminal proceedings, this in turn provoking widespread support for Julian Assange from both ordinary and eminent Australians.


4 December 2010.

WikiLeaks Scandals And Media Ignoring Horrendous US Crimes

By Dr Gideon Polya

WikiLeaks has been closed down world-wide and its heroic Australian founder Julian Assange is facing arrest. But the real WikiLeaks scandal is that while there is selective reportage of the WikiLeaks US document leaks, Mainstream media resolutely refuse to report horrendous US crimes that involve scores of millions of deaths and which are publicly documented by readily accessed data from authoritative UN agencies.


10 October 2010.

9th Anniversary of US Invasion of Afghanistan: 4.9 Million Afghans Dead

By Dr Gideon Polya

As of 7 October 2010, the 9th Anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan , the human cost of the Afghan War has been estimated as about 4.9 million violent deaths or non-violent avoidable deaths from Occupier-imposed deprivation. US Alliance-imposed Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide that has now reached the dimensions of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation).


8 October 2010.

One Day On Earth, 10.10.10 And Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust

By Dr Gideon Polya

Sunday 10.10.10 is being marked around the World as One Day on Earth to consider global realities.


26 September 2010.

Obama And West Reject Ahmadinejad's Call For Scientific 9-11 Investigation

By Dr Gideon Polya

The 9-11 atrocity killed 3,000 people but the subsequent US-led war on Terror has killed 8 million people, the breakdown being 2.5 million (Iraq), 4.5 million (Afghanistan) and 0.8 million global opiate drug-related deaths linked to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry. Obama and his Western lackeys have abusively rejected Ahmadinejad's sensible call for a scientific investigation of who did 9-11, thereby making the genocidal US Alliance an accessory after the fact of the 9-11 atrocity.


13 September 2010.

3,000 Dead In US-Complicit 9-11 Atrocity And 8 Million Dead In US War On Terror

By Dr Gideon Polya

The US-dominated World Mainstream media are legitimately remembering the 3,000 dead in the 9-11 atrocity for which some top scientific and intelligence experts hold the US responsible. However, in marked contrast, World Mainstream media ignore the 8 million dead (mostly Asian women and children) in the post-9-11 US War on Terror (a war for Oil and Hegemony) driven politically by racist Zionist and neocon American terror hysteria, anti-Arab anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.


6 September 2010.

Afghan War Debate In Hung-Election Australia Stifled By Mainstream Media Censorship

By Dr Gideon Polya

With the hung Parliament result in the recent Australian Federal Election a major crack has appeared in the US Alliance edifice of lies, propaganda and deception over 9-11, the War on Terror and the horrendously deadly, 8 million-victim wars of occupation still being waged in Occupied Iraq, Occupied Afghanistan (and elsewhere).


29 August 2010.

UN Anti-Racism Committee Slams Apartheid Australia Racism

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia 's explicitly racist policies against Indigenous Australians and refugees have been slammed by a recent Report from the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) in Geneva.


24 August 2010.

Major Elephant In The Room Issues Ignored In Australian Elections

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia is the world's worst per capita greenhouse gas polluter and has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars (excess deaths 23 million). Yet major Elephant in the Room issues such as war, climate change and human rights abuse were off the agenda in the recent spin-driven Australian federal election campaign that returned a hung parliament for the first time in 70 years.


14 August 2010.

Indian Holocaust, Indian Independence, Pakistan Floods And Climate Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

Sister countries Pakistan , India and Bangladesh must unite for resolute, peaceful action to meet the worsening threat to South Asia , Humanity and the Biosphere from Western-imposed Climate Genocide.


18 July 2010.

BZE ZCA2020 Plan & Why Developing World Must Go For 100% Renewable Energy by 2020

By Dr Gideon Polya

In the recently launched Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) Australian Sustainable Energy Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan for 2020 (ZCA2020) a big volunteer team of Australian engineers has shown how Australia can reach 100% renewable energy by 2020 . Engineers and scientists should do likewise around the World – and it is a great opportunity for the Developing World to avoid the technological mistakes of the Developed World.


7 July 2010.

Warmonger, Cricket Fan And Former Australian PM John Howard Rejected for ICC Post

By Dr Gideon Polya

Former Australian PM John Howard is an extreme rightwing warmonger but is also a cricket fan. Much to his chagrin, the West Indies and African and Asian members of the International Cricket Council (ICC) united to reject his UK-supported nomination by Australia and News Zealand for the Vice Presidency of the ICC and hence the Presidency is several years' time.


27 June 2010.

Pro-Zionist Betrayal in Australia's 2010 Gillard Labor Coup

By Dr Gideon Polya

There has been a dramatic change of leadership in Australia. Australia 's PM Kevin Rudd, who only 30 months ago led Labor to a famous landslide victory after 11 years in the political wilderness, was abruptly removed from power in a ruthless process taking less than 1 day. Australia has had an astonishing bloodless coup.


1 June 2010.

BRussells Tribunal Petition Against Apartheid Israeli Piracy

By Dr Gideon Polya

The eminent BRussells Tribunal has issued a powerful statement over the latest Israeli mass murder and piracy and urges good people to sign the Petition.


29 May 2010.

Rare Ethical Writers Expose Mainstream Media Lying

By Dr Gideon Polya

While Mainstream Media lying is a huge Elephant-in-the-Room reality in the Western democracies (perceived as Murdochracies by John Pilger), it is very rare to find ethical writers who expose this perversion.


27 April 2010.

Water Crisis, Palestinian Genocide And Climate Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

Each year about 16 million people die avoidably from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease (2003 data). The latest data from the UN Population Division indicate 22 million avoidable deaths annually, with global warming, drought, shrinking aquifers, decreased agricultural productivity, water-borne disease, malnutrition, illiteracy, lack of primary health care, lack of sanitation and lack of potable water all contributing to this avoidable carnage.


22 April 2010.

 10 Million Reasons Why UK Must Vote Liberal Democrat And Dump Labour

By Dr Gideon Polya

British Labour and the Tories have been variously involved in supporting genocidal US Alliance atrocities in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories that have been associated (so far) with about 9 million violent and non-violent avoidable deaths. A further about 1 million people have died world-wide over the last 8.5 years due to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% currently. There are accordingly 10 million reasons why British voters must vote in the Liberal Democrats and Dump Labour.


17 April 2010.

Polish Holocaust, Afghan Holocaust And Western Holocaust Denial

By Dr Gideon Polya

Don't allow the racist Zionist and US Alliance mass murderers the privilege of a “clear conscience” – tell everyone you can about the Palestinian Holocaust and Palestinian Genocide, the Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide , the Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide, the Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide and the worsening Climate Holocaust and Climate Genocide that is predicted to kill 10 billion non-Europeans this century due to unaddressed man-made global warming . History ignored yields history repeated indeed.


11 April 2010.

Apartheid Australia Jails Refugees Fleeing Afghan Genocide And Tamil Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

What can decent, anti-racist people in general do in the face of worsening Apartheid Australia racism, climate criminality, war criminality and other gross human rights abuses? Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can and (b) urge Sanctions and Boycotts against Apartheid Australia as were successfully applied to Apartheid South Africa and are increasingly being applied to Australia 's friend, genocidal, racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel.


3 April 2010.

Ongoing Aboriginal Genocide In Apartheid Australia

By Dr Gideon Polya

9,000 Indigenous Australians die avoidably each year out of a total Indigenous population of about 0.5 million – and this is happening in one of the richest countries in the world.


19 March 2010.

Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide And 7th Anniversary Of Invasion Of Iraq

By Dr Gideon Polya

It is the 7th anniversary of the illegal and war criminal invasion of Iraq by US, UK and Australian forces on 20 March 2003. What has been the human cost? As of 20 March 2010 post-invasion violent deaths in Occupied Iraq total 1.4 million. Post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.8 million and post-invasion non-violent excess deaths total 1.1 million.


6 March 2010.

Holocaust Denial re Armenian Genocide And Ongoing Palestinian, Iraqi And Afghan Genocides

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Congress House of Representatives has just voted 23 to 22 on Resolution 252 that recognizes the 1915-1923 Armenian Genocide as a genocide. The 23-22 vote enables the measure to go to the full House of Representatives - if the House leadership decides to bring it up. Turkey subsequently withdrew its ambassador to the US and the Obama Administration attacked the vote, Secretary of State Clinton declaring : “The Obama administration strongly opposes the resolution that was passed by only one vote by the House committee and will work very hard to make sure it does not go to the House floor.



26 February 2010.

Forged Australia Passports, Zionist Lies And Israeli State Terrorism

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia – otherwise known as Apartheid Australia because of its horrific race-based laws against Indigenous Australians – is a “good friend” of the race-based state known to the civilized world as Apartheid Israel . However the recent Israeli use of 3 forged Australian passports to murder a Hamas official in Dubai has excited great anger in the extreme right wing, pro-war, pro-Zionist Australian Government. The pro-Zionist UK Government has similarly reacted angrily to the Israeli use of forged British passports to commit a terrorist outrage in Dubai.


3 February 2010.

Letter To Australia re Climate Denialism, Biofuel Genocide And Climate Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

The taxpayer-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has given extraordinary coverage to the views of a visiting UK climate change denialist Mr Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley.


28 January 2010.

Genocide Book Review: “Denial. History Betrayed”  by Tony Taylor

By Dr Gideon Polya

“Denial. History betrayed” by Tony Taylor (Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2008) is a very well written, well annotated and well referenced book that deals with the phenomenon of “holocaust denial” and, in general, the denial of horrendous abuses of humanity. This is an important book that should certainly be read by everyone and should be in every library.


22 January 2010.

Layperson’s Guide To Counting  Occupied Afghanistan Deaths

By Dr Gideon Polya

Assuming for "bad outcome" Third World countries that "under-5 infant mortality" is numerically about 0.7 of the "avoidable mortality", we can estimate that the post-invasion avoidable mortality in Occupied Afghanistan = 2.7 million/0.7 = 3.9 million.


19 January 2010.

Anti-Whaling Australia Threatens Whales  By Global Warming

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia leads the world in condemnation of the annual killing of 1,000 whales by the Japanese. However Australia is the world’s worst annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) polluter and man-made global warming with consequent loss of Antarctic sea ice is a major threat to declining krill stocks and hence to the whales that feed on krill.


9 January 2010.

Complaint To ICC re US Alliance Palestinian, Iraqi, Afghan, Muslim, Aboriginal, Biofuel And Climate Genocides

By Dr Gideon Polya

The following detailed formal complaint was sent on 8 January 2010 to the International Criminal Court (ICC) over various US Alliance involvements in ongoing genocidal atrocities against Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans, Muslims, and Australian Aboriginals, and against the Developing World in general through the worsening Biofuel Genocide and Climate Genocide.

30 December 2009.


Palestinian, Iraqi, Afghan & Aboriginal Genocides, Copenhagen Failure & Climate Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Please use this holocaust and genocide terminology and please inform everyone you can.


17 December 2009.

Developing Nations Must Urgently Defend Themselves

By Gideon Polya

Developing Nations must urgently defend themselves from Australia-, US- and First World-imposed climate genocide.


5 December 2009.

Horrendous Carnage In Nobel Peace Laureate Obama’s Afghan War

By Dr Gideon Polya

How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a mass murderer and a war criminal? Seven hundred and fifty thousand ? More than enough, I would have thought. Therefore it is just that Obama be arraigned before the International Criminal Court of Justice for his war crimes in Occupied Afghanistan alone.


22 November 2009.

Historic Peak Oil Motion Defeated In Australian Senate

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Australian Greens recently attempted to introduce what, to the best of my knowledge may be the first ever Peak Oil motion introduced into a national assembly. Unfortunately the motion was defeated 31 to 6.


20 November 2009.

We Are Running Out Of Time To Save Humanity And The Biosphere

By Dr Gideon Polya

Humanity and the Biosphere (the ecosystems and species of the Planet) are acutely threatened by man-made global warming. However ignorant or corporate-funded climate denialism, the effective climate denialism of insufficiently responsive First World politicians and the growing enormity of what needs to be done lead scientists to say that it is probably too late to stop a climate catastrophe.


17 November 2009.

Australia Sabotages Copenhagen By Excluding  Huge Agriculture GHG Emissions

By Dr Gideon Polya

Having already helped the US sabotage the 2007 Bali Climate Change Conference and the 2008 Poznan Climate Change Conference, US lackey, climate criminal and war criminal Australia has now also effectively sabotaged the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference a few weeks before it has even begun.


11 November 2009.

21 Questions Indians Should Ask Apartheid Australia PM Rudd

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd, is visiting India for several days. Here are 21 questions Indian journalists should put to PM Kevin Rudd.


10 October 2010.

Can Children Save The World’s Children?

By Dr Gideon Polya

About 0.5 million infants die avoidably each year in the US Occupied Territories, 9.5 million die world-wide annually under Obama and 60 million will die annually through climate genocide. In despair we ask can Children save the World’s children through school genocide and war crimes tribunals?


23 September 2009. Message To World – Act Urgently Over Climate Emergency And Climate Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

The World must urgently take the advice of top climate scientists and analysts who are advocating “100% renewable energy by 2020”, “cut carbon emissions 80% by 2020” and a rapid return of atmospheric CO2 to about 300 ppm for a planet that is safe and sustainable for all peoples and species.


17 September 2009.

Global Warming - Can Self-interest And Science Save Australia, US And The Planet?

By Dr Gideon Polya

The World is facing a Climate Emergency but you wouldn’t think so from the response by governments. Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere is 390 parts per million (ppm), well outside the range of 180-300 ppm over the last 600,000 years during which Man (Homo sapiens) finally evolved.


26 August 2009.

Australia Absurdly Declares Methane Burning Clean And Renewable

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Australian Government has succeeded in passing legislation for Renewable Energy Target Scheme that was supported by the Libs with negotiated inclusion of coal seam-derived methane as a “renewable energy source”.


18 August 2009.

Apartheid Australia : 70 Asians Don't Equal One White

By Dr Gideon Polya

In a little over 30 years the anti-racist, anti-war Labor Party of the Whitlam era has become a racist, pro-war, pro-coal, pro-pollution Apartheid Labor Party - Australia has reverted de jure and de facto to the Apartheid Australia of the bad old days when White Australia - together with US, UK and Apartheid Israel – supported Apartheid South Africa.


7 August 2009.

Racism And Corruption In Pro-Coal,Pro-War, Pro-Zionist, Climate Criminal Apartheid Australia

By Dr Gideon Polya

Racism and corruption are entrenched in politically correct racist (PC racist) White Australia, a deeply racist country that is committed to war, occupation, mass murder and race-based discrimination but ignores the consequences of its actions and vehemently protests that it is not racist.


21 July 2009.

Anti-Racist Australians And Jews Against Zionism, War And Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

The following Open Letter letter is addressed to Australians, Australian media and Australian MPs.


11 July 2009.

G8 Failure Means Climate Genocide For Developing World

By Dr Gideon Polya

The grossly inadequate response of the G8 nations is effectively a statement of climate racism and a declaration of prospective climate genocide.


9 July 2009.

Afghan Genocide: An Open Letter

By Dr Gideon Polya

An Open Letter sent out to Anti-war groups and Anti-war folks around the world.


29 June 2009.

Apartheid Australia Backs Racist Zionist Run Apartheid Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

A team of pro-war, pro-coal, pro-Zionist, right-wing Apartheid Australian politicians from both major political parties and led by Australian Deputy PM Julia Gillard, is visiting Apartheid Israel with a attendant expressions of “mutual admiration” between Apartheid Australia and Apartheid Israel.


11 June 2009.

Obama’s Cairo Speech - Lies, Spin And Holocaust Denial

By Gideon Polya

Obama’s speech in Cairo was full of nice politically correct (PC) expressions of love for Islam and Muslims but dishonestly evaded the central issue of ongoing US Alliance occupation and devastation of Muslim countries and abusive mass imprisonment of the conquered populations of these Occupied Territories including Occupied Somalia (not mentioned), Occupied Palestine, Occupied Syria (not mentioned), Occupied Lebanon (not mentioned), Occupied Iraq, Occupied Afghanistan and US robot-bombed NE Provinces of Pakistan.


1 June 2009.

2,000 Indians Protest Australian Anti-Indian Violence

By Dr Gideon Polya

On Sunday 31 May 2009 about 2,000 Indians protested in the heart of the Melbourne Central Business District against brutal, racist violence against Indian students.


29 May 2009.

How To Save The Planet

By Gideon Polya

The World is acutely threatened by man-made global warming and many scientists now doubt that we can avoid further damaging temperature increases to over 2C above that in 1900. However resolute global action via an Accountability, Badge and Credo (ABC) protocol may yet save Man and the Biosphere.


28 May 2009. Urges Reduction Of Atmospheric CO2 To 300 ppm

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia-based was launched in May 2009 and will hopefully expand throughout the World. exists to inform people about the Climate Emergency and the need to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 ) concentration to a safe and sustainable level of about 300 ppm.


24 May 2009.

UK BBC Holocaust Denial

By Dr Gideon Polya

The UK British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has produced a book and a lavish, 6-part TV series called “The Story of India.But it ignores major British atrocities in India.


2 May 2009.

Horrific UN And US Death Statistics Expose Obama’s Fake War On Terror

By Dr Gideon Polya

The Bush (now Obama) War on Terror has been described by sensible and humane observers of the carnage as a "fake anti-terror war". The following statistics derived from authoritative UN, US and medical literature sources bear out the racism, dishonesty and criminality of the genocidal US Alliance (the US, UK, NATO and racist White Australia).


12 May 2009.

Indigenous Genocide, Climate Genocide And Holocaust Denial By White Australia

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia has an over 2 century history of involvement in genocide. However this appalling genocide history is kept hidden by a sustained process of Australian holocaust denial and genocide denial.


14 April 2009.

Pro-Zionist Western Genocide Denial

By Gideon Polya

It is useful to compare current examples of “holocaust minimizing” and the differential responses of lying, racist, holocaust-ignoring Mainstream media, academics and politicians of the Western Murdochracies.


31 March 2009.

Who Is The Worse Terrorist, Obama Or Osama?

By Gideon Polya

President Barack Obama is making the Afghan War Obama’s Afghan War. Careful analysis of UN mortality statistics reveals that 46,000 Afghans have died avoidably in the first 40 days of the Obama presidency, including 32,250 infant deaths due to US war crimes.


21 March 2009.

Iraqi Holocaust: 2.3 Million Iraqi Excess Deaths

By Gideon Polya

March 20, 2009 marks the 6th anniversary of the illegal, utterly unjustified, war criminal invasion of Iraq by US, UK and Australian forces. Post-invasion violent and non-violent excess deaths total 2.3 million and refugees total 6 million in a continuing Iraqi Holocaust and Genocide.


6 March 2009.

Obama's Failure On War, Economy And Climate Genocide

By Gideon Polya

After 40 days in office, Obama is certainly disappointing early and disappointing often over war, occupation, racism, human rights, genocide, economy, climate disruption, global avoidable mortality, lobbyists and climate genocide.


5 March 2009.

Iraqi Massacre Ignored By Media

By Gideon Polya

How can Australia’s taxpayer-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) continue to get it so utterly wrong over US involvement in Occupied Iraq? This is a question that should be asked by an Australian Federal Parliamentary Senate Committee of this taxpayer-funded organization and by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) of the commercially-involved Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


17 February 2009.

Apartheid Israel Gaza Massacre

By Gideon Polya

The horrendous mortality and morbidity statistics revealed by the paper "The Wounds of Gaza", just published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet are truly shocking – 1,350 killed (60% children) and 5,450 severely wounded (40% children) in reprisals for zero (0) Israeli deaths from Gaza rockets in the preceding year. This demands International Criminal Court and intra-national prosecutions and Sanctions and Boycotts against Apartheid Israel by all decent decent people around the world.


14 February 2009.

Global Warming Impacting Humanity

By Gideon Polya

Australia’s State of Victoria (capital Melbourne), has just suffered record-breaking heat wave temperatures and a tragic bushfire disaster (over 180 people dead, over 1,000 homes destroyed, over 300,000 hectares burnt). This tragedy has occurred on top of a background of sustained drought, man-made global warming and global government inaction.


7 February 2009.

Gaza, Greenhouse Gases And Muslim Holocausts

By Dr Gideon Polya

Pro-coal climate sceptic falsehood and irresponsible ignoring of warnings from top climate scientists has permitted the Australian Federal Government to commit World leading per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) polluter Australia to an annual 2% increase in Domestic and Exported GHG pollution despite expert UK assessment that an annual 6-8% decrease in GHG pollution is needed to avert catastrophic climate change and a 10 billion-victim (and substantially Muslim) Climate Genocide.


23 January 2009.

Churchill’s Crimes From Indian Holocaust To Palestinian Genocide

By Gideon Polya

In WW2 Churchill deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death, continued to foster Muslim-Hindu antipathy that led to the horrors of Indian Partition and persuaded his War Cabinet on racist Partition of Palestine. Yet the holocaust-complicit Anglo media, academic and politician Establishment is still in denial.


14 January 2009.

Good And Bad Climate News

By Dr Gideon Polya

The World is acutely threatened by man-made climate change and it may already be too late to stop catastrophe – however there is good news as well as bad news.

15 May 2008.


Huge Cost Of 60 Years Of Apartheid Israel,  War And Palestinian Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

After a century of this racist, colonialist obscenity it is timely on this 60th anniversary of Zionist Unilateral Declaration of Independence to assess what has been the economic cost of Apartheid Israel and the human cost of Apartheid Israel.


6 May 2008.

Austrian Atrocity Horrifies But Media Ignore US, UK And Australian Mass Infanticide

By Dr Gideon Polya

Simple quantitative assessment of the “Fritzl horror” with child abuse horrors being perpetrated by the US, the UK, NATO and Australia in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan tell us that this is a very serious and obscenely exaggerated case of “the Pot calling the Kettle black”.


13 March 2008.

UK, Israeli And US State Terrorism Vastly Worse Than Muslim-Origin Non-State Terrorism

By Dr Gideon Polya

Enough is enough and it is high time decent people declared a War on Lies – and for starters we need to address the biggest Zionist-Bush-ite-neo-Bush-ite LIE of all, specifically that the World is acutely threatened by “Muslim terrorists”.


3 March 2008.

ICC Complaint Over Australia And Aboriginal,  Iraqi, Afghan And Climate Genocides

By Dr Gideon Polya

A complaint filed to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court over Australian involvement in the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide and Climate Genocide


19 February 2008.

Australian Aboriginal Genocide Continues  Despite Historic Apology

By Dr Gideon Polya

PM Rudd’s speech and Apology was largely confined to the Stolen Generations – indeed the word “Aboriginal Genocide” was NOT used even though what happened to the Indigenous Australians has been recognized as an Aboriginal Genocide.


11 February 2008.

Time To Declare Global Climate Emergency

By Dr Gideon Polya

The World urgently needs a Declaration of Climate Emergency to meet the huge threat from accelerating and catastrophic polar ice melting. Climate scientists have recently discovered that the rate of polar ice loss is accelerating unexpectedly and that the current atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) has reached a tipping point for complete loss of Arctic sea ice in as little as 5 years.


8 February 2008.

Top US Lawyer And UNICEF Data Reveal Afghan Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

What is happening in Afghanistan is an Afghan Holocaust. One sees that post-invasion under-5 infant deaths in Occupied Afghanistan (2.3 million) vastly exceeds the number of Jewish children murdered by the Nazis in World War 2 (1.5 million). The upper estimate of post-invasion violent and non-violent excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan (6.6 million out of an average 2001-2008 Afghan population of about 25 million) exceeds the number of Jews murdered by the Nazis in World War 2 ( 5.6 million out of 8.2 million Jews in German-occupied Europe in the period 1941-1945.


27 January, 2008.

Why Palestinians Are Fleeing Gaza Concentration Camp

By Dr Gideon Polya

About half the Occupied Palestinians are children and three quarters are women and children. Any person who knowingly ignores, denies, minimizes, excuses, obfuscates, supports, advocates or is other wise complicit in the gross abuses of woman and children has crossed the line between decent humanity and proto-Nazi barbarism. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity.


5 January 2008.

How Many Kids Will Bush America Kill In 2008?

By Dr Gideon Polya

What can decent people do to counter this horrendous Bush American barbarism in 2008? Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent folk must (a) inform others and (b) act ethically by applying Sanctions and Boycotts in relation to all their avoidable dealings with individuals, corporations and countries complicit in this continuing mass pedocide, this continuing, remorseless Bush-ite mass murder of innocent children.


18 December 2007.

Bali Exposes US, Canada And Australian Climate Racism, Climate Terrorism, Climate Criminals And Climate Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

The world must urgently act now by applying Sanctions, Boycotts, Green Tariffs and Reparations Demands against the chief climate racist, climate criminal, climate terrorist, climate genocidal countries Australia, US, and Canada that are acutely threatening the world with ecosystem collapse, climate genocide and indeed an all-encompassing Terracide.


8 December 2007.

Murdochracy, Rudd Labor And Australian  complicity In Iraqi Genocide

By Dr Gideon Polya

Permitted by king-maker media mogul Rupert Murdoch but not supported by his newspapers in Australia, the new Rudd Labor Australian Government (sworn in on Monday 3 December 2007) will only PARTLY remove Australian forces from Iraq, making Rudd Labor clearly and unequivocally complicit in the continuing Iraqi Genocide (post-invasion excess deaths 1.5-2 million). Rudd Labor is thus renewing Australian complicity in the Iraqi Genocide and going against the wishes of an overwhelming majority of Australians who oppose Australia’s participation in the Iraq War.


26 November 2007.

Australia Thrashes Bush-ite Coalition: But What Next?

By Dr Gideon Polya

Australia voted in the 2007 Federal Elections on Saturday November 24, 2007. The result was a Labor party thrashing of the incumbent Bush-ite Coalition Government under the “Little Bush” John Howard, who is likely to lose his seat.


8 November 2007.

US Alliance Afghan Genocide:Six Million Excess Deaths?

By Dr Gideon Polya

Post-invasion non-violent excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan - a month on from the 6th anniversary of the war criminal US invasion and occupation on 7th October 2001 – now total an estimated 3.2 million. However comparisons with Occupied Iraq (1.5-2 million TOTAL post-invasion excess deaths, and 0.8-1.2 million or about 50% of these being VIOLENT deaths) suggest that the post-invasion violent excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan could total 3 million.


19 October 2007.

Review: “My Brother’s Keeper. Documentary Photographers And Human Rights”

By Dr Gideon Polya

“My Brother’s Keeper” is a powerful and moving book that deserves a place in everybody’s personal library as a continual reminder of Man’s continuing active and passive inhumanity to Man and that we cannot walk by on the other side.


13 October 2007.

Genocide Commission And Genocide Denial By Armenian Genocide-Denying US, Turkey And Israel

By Dr Gideon Polya

A great victory for truth over repugnant Genocide Denial has just been achieved in Washington - with a vote of 27 to 21, the US Congress House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee has adopted House of Representative Resolution 106, the Armenian Genocide Resolution that acknowledges the World War one Armenian Holocaust as an Armenian Genocide. This was achieved in the face of intense lobbying by the Bush Administration, Apartheid Israel, the Racist Zionist (RZ) Lobby and the Turkish Government.


7 October 2007.

Two Million Iraq Deaths, Eight Million Bush Asian Holocaust Deaths  And Media Holocaust Denial

By Dr Gideon Polya

The following analysis reveals that the total VIOLENT and NON-VIOLENT post-invasion Iraqi excess deaths now total 1.5-2.0 million and that the total excess deaths in the Bush I and Bush II Asian Wars now total 8 MILLION. Mainstream media ignoring of this horrendous, ongoing mass murdering of ethnically or culturally SEMITIC Indigenous peoples amounts to near-comprehensive anti-Semitic Holocaust Denial.


02 October, 2007

UK-US Iraqi Holocaust And Iraqi Genocide : 3.9 Million Deaths

By Gideon Polya

Authoritative estimates of violent and non-violent Iraqi excess deaths now show that the post-invasion excess deaths in Occupied Iraq total 2.0 million the 1990-1990 Gulf War violent deaths totalled 0.2 million and the 1990-2003 Sanctions War was associated with 1.7 million excess deaths. The total 1990-2007 excess deaths in Iraq now (September 2007) total 3.9 million.


19 September 2007.

ORB Survey And 1.2 Million Iraq Deaths Ignored By Australian And Anglo-American Media

By Dr Gideon Polya

Decent people are obliged to (a) inform others about horrendous human rights abuses (such as the Iraqi Holocaust, the Iraqi Genocide) and (b) to act ethically in all their dealings with individuals, corporations and countries complicit in such atrocities (e.g. through individual and collective, inter-national and intra-national Sanctions and Boycotts).


8 September 2007.

APEC 2007 - World’s #1 Terrorist And #1 War Criminal In Australia

Dr Gideon Polya

Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. With remote, peaceful Iran threatened as the next target for war criminal destruction by the World’s #1 Terrorist, decent humanity is obliged to inform others about horrendous abuses of humanity and to act ethically in relation to those complicit in such awful crimes.


26 August 2007.

“Scheherazade” Painting, Heroines And The Bush War On Women

By Gideon Polya

The War on Women and Women’s Rights continues. Peace is the only way and the Pen is mightier than the Sword - but words having failed, I have asked the question: is the Brush mightier than the Pen?


12 August 2007.

La Trobe University, “Bundoora Arabesque” And Australian Aboriginal Genocide

By Gideon Polya

The World should be watching. Tell everyone you know about the horrendous, continuing Aboriginal Genocide and the resurgent, bi-partisan-backed, politically correct racist (PC racist) New Racist White Australia.


2 July 2007.

Climate Criminals And Climate Genocide

By Gideon Polya

The Western world is dominated by lying, racist, Bush-ite media who are still giving the climate criminals a free run to pollute the planet at the expense of the Developing World. The words of the world’s most eminent scientists, technologists and economists are failing under the weight of corporate Mainstream media lies and spin.


22 July 2007.

White Australia Grossly Abusing Indigenous And Asian Children

By Gideon Polya

The right-wing, Bush-ite Australian Federal Government has attempted to shore up its flagging supporting an election year by “invading” Northern Territory Aboriginal (Indigenous) communities with troops in battle dress – ostensibly to deal with “Aboriginal Child Abuse”. This is widely seen as a cynical and racist “land grab” and an exercise in bolstering the racist vote in White Australia.


5 June 2007.

40th Anniversary Of Racist Zionist Kidnap Of Palestinians

By Gideon Polya

June 5 1967 marks the 40th anniversary of the carefully planned, criminal attack of Racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel on Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt – and the beginning of a 40 year forcible, abusive and traumatizing Occupation of the Palestinian Occupied Territory by a criminal, racist and genocidal Occupier.


1 February 2007.

US Holocaust Commission And Holocaust Denial

By Dr Gideon Polya

The US recently successfully put a Resolution to UN General Assembly rightly condemning Holocaust Denial. However the Resolution ignored huge non-Jewish Holocausts e.g. the US-driven Iraqi Holocaust and thus was Holocaust Ignoring, something even worse than Holocaust Denial because it is Passive Holocaust Denial that admits of no refutation – who does one refute something that has not even been asserted?


21 December 2006.


UK, US And Israeli State Terrorism And Western Holocaust Denial

By Gideon Polya

Holocaust Denial is exactly what racist, lying Western academics, politicians and media have been guilty of in relation to past and present Western-imposed Holocausts in Asian countries, including India.


4 May 2006.

Australian Iraq Kickback Scam – Did Bush And Blair Know, Lie And Betray?

By Gideon Polya

The Australian Wheat Board (AWB) scam is estimated to have killed up to 21,000 Iraqi infants through diversion of scarce funds from food and medical supplies. However this appalling “collateral damage” from a greedy corporate scam has simply not been reported by Australian or Anglo-American mainstream media.


22 March 2006.

India And UK-US Bush Wars

By Gideon Polya

On the occasion of the Third Anniversary of the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq it is timely to note the human and economic cost of the Bush Wars – 2.7 million excess deaths and a cost to the US of US$1-2 trillion.


26 February 2006

War On Terra: US Empire Versus Gaia And Infants

By Gideon Polya

What is at stake is urgent elimination of the largely avoidable deaths of about 30,000 infants daily around the world and the very survival of a Spaceship Earth with tolerable circumstances for humanity.


15 February 2006.

Australian Corruption And 20,000 Iraqi Infant Deaths

By Dr Gideon Polya

The UN Volker Report (2005) has disclosed that the monopoly Australian Wheat Board (AWB) was responsible for kickbacks totalling over US$250 million out of an estimated US$1.8 billion of illicit payments to Saddam Hussein’s régime during the US$35 billion UN Oil For Food program in 1997-2003.


6 January 2006.

Cricket & Iraq – Exposing Politically-Correct Australian Racism

By Gideon Polya

Apart from record temperatures, huge bushfires and the death of a media mogul, major stories in Australian media in the current holiday season have been beach-side racist race riots, racial taunting of the South African cricketers touring Australia and Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean.


21 December 2005.

Indict The Coalition Governments

By Gideon Polya

Formal complaint sent to the International Criminal Court over Coalition war crimes in Occupied Iraq & Afghanistan.


19 December 2005.

Pinter’s Exposure Of US State Terrorism

By Gideon Polya

“How many people do you have to kill before you qualify as a mass murderer and a war criminal? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought”.


24 November 2005.

Scholars Threatened By Australian Anti-Terror Laws

By Gideon Polya

Right-wing political and media hysteria over a “terror threat” to Australia has led to installation of draconian Anti-Terrorism Laws with even stronger laws set to be passed before Christmas 2005.


15 November 2005.

Australian Anti-Terror Laws Target Muslims, Media & Free Speech

By Gideon Polya

Within several weeks Australia, one of the world’s oldest liberal democracies, is expected to become a Police State through enactment of draconian, human rights-violating Anti-Terror Laws.


28 October 2005.

Afghan Opium And 50,000 American Drug Deaths

By Gideon Polya

Another UK-US-linked, non-reported mass mortality reality is the post-2001, US Administration-complicit opioid drug-related death toll of about 50,000 Americans. However the Anglo-American corporate mainstream media will simply not report the Coalition-complicit drug-related deaths of tens of thousands of their own people.


25 October 2005.

Australia Threatened By US State Terrorism

By Gideon Polya

Australia is irrationally expanding draconian civil rights-abusing anti-terror laws in response to right-wing media and politician hysteria over “non-state terrorism”.


17 September 2005.

Racist White Australia Jails & Deports US Peace Activist

By Gideon Polya

Anti-war Texan Scott Parkin is a teacher, environmentalist and peace activist who gives workshops on peaceful protest. On Saturday 10 September 2005 he was publicly seized by 6 Australian Government security officials in a popular restaurant area of Melbourne. He was subsequently imprisoned for 6 days without charge in a prison for dangerous criminals awaiting trial.


9 September 2005.

New Orleans Mass Murder By US Delay

By Gideon Polya

The World has been watching a dishonest, incompetent, violent and racist US government passively killing thousands of its own elderly, infirm, poor and Afro-American citizens.


11 August 2005.

Comparing Japanese, Jihadist And UK-US War Crimes

By Gideon Polya

As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the final end of World War 2 , it is useful to compare the human cost of jihadist terrorism and UK-US state terrorism with other violent crimes against humanity such as WW2 war crimes.


22 July 2005.

Orwellian Media Won't Report UK-US State Terrorism

By Gideon Polya

In relation to "terrorism" there is a huge gulf between mainstream media reportage and actual reality - a huge media lie encapsulated in the dishonest and semantically absurd phrase "War on Terror".


21 July 2005

The Cost Of Israel And US Wars

By Gideon Polya

In the post-war era the US has economically and militarily dominated the people and resource utilization of the World and is accordingly complicit in the associated horrendous global avoidable mortality (currently about 20 million per year). The post-1950 avoidable mortality (excess mortality) has been 1.3 billion (for the World).


1 June 2005.

White Australia Abusing Asian Mothers And Children

By Gideon Polya

Have you got your passport?" is set to become a standard semi-serious comment within the "visible minorities" in racist White Australia.


22 May 2005.

Australian Academics Advocate Legalized Torture

By Gideon Polya

Two Australian law academics have caused a storm in Australia by their advocacy of legalised torture.


15 May 2005.

Racist White Australia Deports Brown Australian Citizen

By Gideon Polya

Two major vehicles for the New Racism of White Australia have been persecution of non-European refugees and military support for Anglo-American "democratic imperialism" (democratic Nazism) in the Middle East and Central Asia.


11 April 2005.

John Paul II, HIV/AIDS And Global Mass Mortality

By Gideon Polya

Pope John Paul II banned contraception and abortion, arguing for the "right to life" of the unborn - but he evidently failed to effectively insist on the "right to life" of "born" infants. JPII did appeal for global humanity but failed to address First World passive genocide in the Third World.


23 March 2005

Schiavo Case Quantitates Genocidal US Racism

By Gideon Polya

The Schiavo Case continues to excite the US and indeed the World. The US Congress, Senate and President are setting a new, radical, high level of respect for human life, but only if this new respect were to be applied to everyone! But in the US-conquered Afghanistan a life is at about 20,000 times cheaper than that of a brain-damaged, white American woman.


11 March 2005.

Passive Genocide In Iraq

By Gideon Polya

The Coalition funding of medical services in Occupied Iraq is miniscule and the consequence is a huge avoidable mortality that amounts to what bio-ethicists would call "passive genocide".


16 February 2005.

White Australia Imprisons Refugees

By Gideon Polya

White Australia has been imprisoning thousands of innocent, non-European refugee men, women and children behind razor wire in privately-run detention camps in remote deserts and on remote Pacific islands.


6 December 2004

War & 0.9 Billion Under - 5 Infant Mortality

By Gideon Polya

At the end of each year at Christmas the World gives special reverence to Mother and Child. But how have infants been treated globally since 1950?


19 November 2004.

US Profits From Jihadist Terrorism

By Gideon Polya

The post-9/11 "extra" profits to the US War Economy total some US$400 billion - the sum of extra US military budget funding of $250 billion since 9/11 and additional funding for the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars of about $150 billion.


12 November 2004.

Re Reporting Iraq Civilian Deaths

By Gideon Polya

Using UN and UNICEF data it has been conservatively calculated that total "excess mortality" (excess death, avoidable mortality) in war-ravaged Iraq since 1991 has been about 1.5 million (with under-5 infant mortality totalling 1.2 million) and that the "excess mortality" has been about 1.2 million in post-invasion Afghanistan (with the under-5 infant deaths totalling 0.9 million).


1 November 2004.

Horrendous Iraqi Civilian Deaths - The Cost Of Democratic Imperialism

By Gideon Polya

The ruler is responsible for the ruled, and thus the US and its allies are clearly responsible for this horrendous 1.1 million post-invasion under-5 infant mortality in US-conquered Iraq and Afghanistan.


13 October 2004.

Australia Endorses Racism And War Crimes

By Gideon Polya

After a cowardly, dishonest and lack-lustre campaign by Australian Labor - which strenuously avoided the issue of Iraq in craven deference to the US administration the conservative Coalition Government won a decisive victory thanks to bigotry, ignorance, fear and small-minded selfishness.


3 June 2004.

Iraqi Death Toll Amounts to a Holocaust

By Gideon Polya

The actual Iraqi death toll is not being reported and publicly discussed. Ignoring mass human mortality in Iraq amounts to holocaust denial. pdf file.