Gideon Polya, “Review: “Inglorious Empire. What the British did to India” by Shashi Tharoor”, Countercurrents, 8 September 2017: .

“Inglorious Empire. What the British did to India” by writer and celebrated Congress MP Shashi Tharoor is a must-read, powerful, 294-page excoriation of 200 years of rapacious British rule over India that should be in every library, and especially those in British Commonwealth countries. However Tharoor is iconoclast-lite and massively understates the horrendous mass murder of Indians through imposed deprivation that occurred under the British and continues today in a neoliberal-dominated India. “Inglorious Empire”] acknowledges that scores of millions of Indians died over 2 centuries of recurrent famine events during British occupation and acknowledges that Indian life expectancy was less than 30 years under the British, but understates the carnage of major man-made famine atrocities and ignores the horrendous, estimated total of 1,800 million avoidable deaths due to British-imposed deprivation over 2 centuries. Using Indian census data 1870-1950, assuming an Indian population of about 200 million in the period 1760-1870, and estimating by interpolation from available data an Indian avoidable death rate in (deaths per 1,000 of population) of 37 (1757-1920), 35 (1920-1930), 30 (1930-1940) and 24 (1940-1950), one can estimate Indian excess deaths of 592 million (1757-1837), 497 million (1837-1901) and 418 million (1901-1947), roughly 1.5 billion in total or 1.8 billion including the Native States.

Gideon Polya, “Demonetisation, WW2 Bengal Famine And Horrendous Indian Avoidable Mortality Then And Now”, Countercurrents, 11 January 2017: .

The demonetisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes by the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is disproportionately impacting the poor of India. Presently 4.5 million Indians die avoidably from deprivation each year and demonetisation will make this worse by increasing poverty, deprivation and disempowerment. Indians must reject this callous and deadly attack on the poor, reject deadly pro-One Percenter neoliberalism and demand social justice via social humanism (democratic socialism). editor Binu Mathew has written: “In a cashless / digital money India Big Brother would be watching 24/7. The digitally illiterate vast majority would be driven out of circulation like the old notes. It’s a long process, perhaps more lethal than Hitler’s “Final Solution”. More people died in World War II Bengal famine than Hitler’s gas chambers. Did it make it at least into the footnotes of Indian history? Demonetised India doesn’t need gas chambers, hunger will do the job!” [1].

Unfortunately Binu Matthew is essentially correct and indeed quite conservative in his estimation. Poverty and disempowerment combine to constitute a deadly deprivation in India today that is already linked to an annual avoidable mortality of 4.5 million Indians each year as estimated from mortality data from the UN Population Division [2]. Avoidable mortality (avoidable death, excess mortality, excess death, untimely death, deaths that should not happen) is the difference between actual deaths in a country in a given period and deaths that would be expected if that country were at peace and subject to humane governance [3]. Demonetisation will make this horrendous Indian avoidable mortality holocaust worse by increasing poverty, deprivation and disempowerment.

18 August, 2015

Gideon Polya, “Japan PM Abe’s WW2 Anniversary speech: no apology & no details of Japan, UK, Australia & US war crimes, 18 August, 2015: .

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe gave a speech on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the end of WW2 in the Pacific, a conflict in which 60 million people died. However PM Abe's speech offered no apology for Japanese atrocities and, while carefully quantitating Japanese military losses, gave no quantitative details of horrendous Japanese, British, American and Australian war crimes in WW2… Civilian and military deaths from violence or deprivation in Asian countries impacted by the Japan-initiated WW2 in Asia totalled about 60 million, the breakdown being up to 40 million (China, 1937-1945), 7 million (India ), 3.7 million (Japan), 4 million (Dutch East Indies ), 2.2 million (French Indo-China), 0.5 million (Korea ), 0.5 million (Philippines ), 0.3 million (Burma ), and 0.1 million (Malaysia and Singapore) .POW deaths in Japanese custody totalled about 540,000, the breakdown including 400,000 (China), 30,000 (French Indochina), 27,000 (Philippines), 25,000 (Netherlands), 14,000 (France), 13,000 (Britain); 11,000 (British Colonies), 11,000 (US), and 8,000 (Australia)…

The British were complicit in deadly Allied maltreatment through deprivation of German POWs and civilians (the German Genocide and German Holocaust,1941-1950, involved 9 million deaths) [16] and in the killing of Japanese POWs and raping of Japanese women. Britain was responsible for the 1942-1945 WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons but which has been largely deleted from British historiography and hence from general public perception …

US WW2 civilian targeting bombing war crimes include the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (up to 230,000 killed, 150,000 in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki) ; Allied bombing of German cities (500,000 killed; 7.5 million rendered homeless); bombing of civilians in France and Italy (67,000 and 50,000 deaths, respectively); and the fire-bombing destruction of 67 Japanese cities with as many as 500,000 Japanese deaths and some 5 million more made homeless. The US was complicit in deadly Allied maltreatment through deprivation of German POWs and civilians (the German Genocide and German Holocaust,1941-1950, involved 9 German million deaths) and in the killing of Japanese POWs and raping Japanese women. After WW2 the US largely insisted on US hegemony over British, Western European and Japanese colonies. Thus US bombing killed about 30% of the North Korean population . Post-1950 US Asian Wars killed about 40 million Asians from Palestine to Korea through violence or violently-imposed deprivation

Gideon Polya, “VE Day 70th Anniversary, German Holocaust, Bengali Holocaust And Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust”, Countercurrents, 9 May, 2015: .

8 May 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the end of WW2 in Europe. WW2 was associated with the killing of about 110 million people worldwide through violence or violently-imposed deprivation, but the killing continued with 9 million German deaths in the 1941-1950 German Holocaust and1.5 billion mainly non-European people dying avoidably from Western-imposed deprivation since 1950 in a continuing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust… History is written by the victors and consequently history ignored yields history repeated. Mainstream journalists , politicians and academics in the Anglosphere continue to resolutely white-washed history of Awful Truths diminishing Anglosphere “civilization”, whether the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians starved to death by the British with Australian complicity), the 1941-1950 German Holocaust and German Genocide (9 million German deaths from violence or deprivation), the British Indian Holocaust (400 million Indian deaths from deprivation in the period 1990-1947) or the ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust (1,500 million avoidable deaths since 1950 with presently 17 million dying thus each year in the Developing World minus China). Whether Germans, Russians, Jews, Gypsies, Bengalis, Indians or Third Worlders, men, women or children, combatants or civilians, they are all human beings and all “created equal with an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

Gideon Polya , “UK Zionist Historian Sir Martin Gilbert (1936-2015) Variously Ignored Or Minimized WW2 Bengali Holocaust”, Countercurrents, 19 February, 2015: .

British Zionist Sir Martin Gilbert (1936-2015) was an eminent UK historian in the areas of Jewish history, Zionism, Churchill, WW1, WW2 and 20th century history. He was one of very few UK historians who actually mentioned the 1943-1945 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians killed by Churchill ) but must be criticized for hugely under-estimating this atrocity, excusing the British, eliminating any mention of this from his histories of Churchill, ignoring other holocausts and grossly exaggerating deaths in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust.

Gideon Polya, “British Have Invaded 193 Countries: Make 26 January ( Australia Day, Invasion Day) British Invasion Day”, Countercurrents, 25 January, 2016: .

In the last 2 millennia the British have invaded 193 out of 203 present-day countries (195 UN-recognized nations and 8 non-UN-recognized self-governing countries) as compared to the French 80, the US 70 and Apartheid Israel 12. However the British invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788 ultimately destroyed as many as 600 unique Indigenous Australian tribes and a comparable number of languages and dialects. Thus it is estimated that in 1788 there were 300 distinct Aboriginal language groups and 750 dialects of which only 150 survive) this making the Australian Aboriginal Genocide qualitatively the worst genocide in human history… Britain's and Australia 's quantitatively worst genocide was the WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons in the 1942-1945 man-made Bengal Famine, with Australia withholding food from starving India from its huge wartime grain stocks and as many as 0.3 million starving Bengali women and girls subject to civilian or military sexual abuse. The Bengali Holocaust was the first WW2 mass atrocity to be described as a “holocaust” (by N. G. Jog in his 1944 book “Churchill's Blind Spot: India”) but has been largely white-washed from history and general public perception

Gideon Polya, “Review: “The Cambridge History Of Australia” Ignores Australian Involvement In 30 Genocides”, Countercurrents, 14 October, 2013: .

History ignored yields history repeated and history is written by the victors. These aphorisms are well illustrated by my book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (now available for free perusal on the web [1]) that details how British historians, journalists and politicians near comprehensively deleted the horrendous 1942 -1945 Bengali Holocaust from historiography and from general public perception – the whitewashing of an immense atrocity in which Britain with racist White Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons. The 2-volume work “The Cambridge History of Australia” [3] was recently launched at the State Library of Victoria by Her Excellency the Governor General of Australia . This officially-blessed history of Australia follows the entrenched White Australia and British historiography traditions of “look the other way” and makes absolutely no mention of Australia 's intimate and deadly contribution to the WW2 Bengali Holocaust, one of the worst atrocities in all of human history and which exceeded the WW2 Jewish Holocaust in number of victims. However “The Cambridge History of Australia” goes even further – it whitewashes Australian involvement in 30 genocidal atrocities of which several are ongoing. Indeed neither of the 2 volumes of “The Cambridge History of Australia” makes any mention of the very terms “holocaust: and “genocide” in its Index, an extraordinary omission for a purported history of a country based on racist invasion, dispossession, mass murder, holocaust, genocide, and the politically requisite blanket of entrenched lying by omission and egregious mendacity. At this point it is important to define these major historical terms so extraordinarily and comprehensively avoided by “The Cambridge History of Australia”…

Australia has an appalling secret genocide history but politically correct racist (PC racist) Australia steadfastly “looks the other way”. White Australia's past and present involvements in 30 genocidal atrocities are overwhelmingly not reported by holocaust-ignoring and genocide-ignoring Australian Mainstream media nor taught in Australia 's schools and universities. “The Cambridge History of Australia” comprehensively fails to mention the “Elephant in the room” of White Australia's appalling past and continuing involvements in horrendous genocide and holocaust atrocities.

Gideon Polya , “Genocidal Racist Charles Dickens , Indian Holocaust And UK - US Muslim Genocide”, Countercurrents, 10 February, 2012: .

This week the English-speaking world is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of arguably the greatest Victorian era English novelist Charles Dickens… However ignored in the celebrations will be the reality that Charles Dickens, like many of his English and British contemporaries, was a genocidal racist…The British-imposed Indian Holocaust was not confined to the decade after the 1857 Indian rebellion. It is estimated that avoidable deaths from deprivation under 2 centuries of British rule have totaled 1.8 billion with this carnage terminating in the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indian to death (see my book “Jane Australian and the Black Hole of British History”: ) and Partition in 1947 in which 1 million Indians died and 18 million fled mass murder as refugees (see my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”: ).

Gideon Polya, “Comparing India And Australia On 26 January: India 's Republic Day And Australia 's Australia Day (Invasion Day)”, Countercurrents, 26 January, 2012: .

26 January is the Republic Day of India which commemorates the date on which the Constitution of India came into force, replacing the British Government of India Act 1935 (26 January 1950), noting that India achieved Independence from Britain on 15 August 1947. The 26th of January was chosen to commemorate the declaration of Indian independence in 1930. 26 January is Australia Day for White Australians and Invasion Day for Indigenous Australians (Black Australians, Aborigines, Aboriginals), commemorating the British invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788. It is salutary to compare India , Australia and their considerable interactions, of which most - notably excepting those on the cricket field - have been kept from public perception… India was subject to invasion and was essentially not the perpetrator of invasion for thousands of years. India was the victim of the British-imposed Indian Holocaust involving 1,800 million Indian avoidable deaths from deprivation under British rule (1757-1947) and the WW2 Bengali Holocaust involving the deliberate starving to death of 6-7 million Indians by the British in 1942-1945 (Australia as a key part of the British Empire was involved in both atrocities). Post-Independence Indian had border wars with Pakistan and China , and has conducted a brutal suppression of Muslims in Kashmir and of tribal Indians in Central and Eastern India . Under the British Indian soldiers, sepoys, were use to suppress India and to support the British Empire elsewhere. The Indian Rebellion in 1857 (the Indian Mutiny according to the British) was spearheaded by sepoys but was brutally suppressed and followed by a decade of butchery in which the British murdered 10 million Indians in revenge for the killing of 2,000 British during the rebellion (see “War of Civilisations: 1857 AD” by Amaresh Misra). Well-fed sepoys helped the British maintain dominance over a population kept near the edge of starvation and famine was a frequent recurrence in India under the British from 1769-1770 in Bengal (when 10 million Indians perished) to 1942-1945 in Bengal and eastern India (when the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death). During World War 2 a total of 2.4 million Indians served in the British Indian Army while millions of their fellow countrymen starved to death.

Gideon Polya, “Australian ABC Censors Australia- And UK-Complicit WW2 Bengali Famine (6-7 Million Dead)”, Countercurrents, 8 December, 2011: .

The neocon-infested, taxpayer-funded ABC (the Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) has an appalling record of censorship, lying by omission and lying by commission. The ABC has censored reportage of the Australia-complicit 1942-1945 Bengal Famine (Bengali Famine, Bengali Holocaust) in which the British, with Australian complicity, deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death in 1942-1945. India contributed an army of 2.4 million men to assist the British war effort in World War 2. However India was rewarded by a British-imposed Bengal Famine (Bengali Holocaust, Indian Holocaust) that killed 6-7 million Indians in Bengal, Assam, Bihar and Orissa in the period 1942-1945. Australia was a major supplier of wheat but deliberately by-passed starving India , this boosting British food stocks and what was evidently a starvation-based military strategy to prevent Japanese advance into Bengal … [a 2019 Search of the ABC comes up with 2 items dealing with the Bengal Famine].

Gideon Polya, “Economist Mahima Khanna, Cambridge Stevenson Prize And Dire Indian Poverty”, Countercurrents, 20 November, 2011: .

Brilliant economics student Mahima Khanna from Kolkata has been awarded the prestigious Stevenson Prize by the University of Cambridge for her outstanding economics research work… This is more evidence (if more evidence were wanted) of India “moving forward” (to quote the horrible contemporary Newspeak) after suffering 2 centuries of genocidal British rule in which avoidable deaths in India from British-imposed deprivation in the period 1757-1947 totaled 1.8 billion, an Indian Holocaust and an Indian Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention. Using census and other estimates of Indian population in these periods, post-invasion excess deaths totaled 0.6 billion, 1757-1837; 0.5 billion, 1837-1901 under Queen Victoria; and 0.4 billion in 1901-1947; this being 1.5 billion in total and 1.8 billion victims if the carnage in the various royalty-ruled Indian British Protectorate States are included… Of course through Churchill's deliberate sustained policies 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death in Bengal and adjoining provinces in 1942-1945 while the World looked on and White Australia had to build novel storage silos to store a mountain of hoarded grain kept from starving India under British instructions (see "Bengali Holocaust: how Australia helped Britain kill 6-7 million Indians in WW2": ). Indians should be very pleased of the award to the brilliant economist Mahima Khanna, and the huge economic advances being made by India after 2 centuries of genocidal British rule that converted India from being a world economic leader (together with China) in 1750 to a starvation-subjugated charnel house that is well described as Britain's Auschwitz. Currently about 3.7 million Indians and 5.3 million South Asians still die avoidably each year from deprivation out of a population of 1.1 billion (India) and 1.5 billion (South Asia) . In contrast, avoidable deaths in China each year are essentially zero (0). The fruits of India 's economic advance need to be shared much more equitably. Economic advance of a society is about maximizing the psychological and physiological well-being of everyone.

Gideon Polya, “Australia And Britain Killed 6-7 Million Indians In WW2 Bengal Famine”, Countercurrents, 29 September, 2011: .

India contributed an army of 2.4 million men to assist the British war effort in World War 2. However India was rewarded by a British-imposed Bengal Famine (Bengali Holocaust, Indian Holocaust) that killed 6-7 million Indians in Bengal, Assam, Bihar and Orissa in the period 1942-1945. Australia was a major supplier of wheat but deliberately by-passed starving India , this boosting British food stocks and what was evidently a starvation-based military strategy to prevent Japanese advance into Bengal. While there was no catastrophic decline in the amount of rice or other grain available in Bengal, the price of rice edged up slightly during 1942 and by December 1942 the wholesale price of rice in Calcutta had increased to be double that in December 1941. By mid-1943 it had doubled again to be over 4 times greater than the price in December 1941. As analyzed by Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen ( Cambridge and Harvard) the Bengal Famine derived from a cashed-up Calcutta , a major industrial city involved in a war production boom, sucking rice out of a starving, rice-producing countryside… The net importation of non-rice grains into India (population about 300 million) in the 6 financial years up to and including the beginning of the famine is instructive (millions of tons in parentheses): 37/38 (+ 0.624), 38/39 (+ 1.044), 39/40 (+ 2.221), 40/41 (+ 0.993), 41/42 (+ 0.431) and 42/43 (- 0.361). A similar picture is seen for net imports of rice into India (millions of tons in parentheses): 37/38 (+ 1.165), 38/39 (+ 1.235), 39/40 (+ 2.139), 40/41 (+ 1.097), 41/42 (+ 0.723) and 42/43 (- 0.259). Thus in the financial year that saw the commencement of the worst famine in India in 2 centuries the British authorities oversaw a massive net export of grains and rice from an increasingly impoverished country. This situation no doubt contributed to the price of grain and rice in Bengal during the famine and the ability of other parts of India to make a contribution when the provincial autonomy in this respect was over-ridden in a restricted region for a limited time during the emergency… According to the figures of K.C. Ghosh (1944), while the net import of all food grains into India by sea in 1939-40 was 2.2 million tons, by the 1942/43 this had become a net export of 0.4 million tons. It should be noted that K.C. Ghosh (1944) and C.B.A. Behrens (1955) differ slightly in terms of the amount of grain imported into India in this period, the estimates being 0.02 or at least 0.06 million tons, respectively. These estimates are 2 orders of magnitude lower than the estimated annual import requirement of 1-2 million tons. Behrens' figures for grain shipments (in millions of tons) for India in 1942-1945 are as follows: 0.03 (1942), 0.3 (1943), 0.6 (1944) and 0.9 (1945).

Gideon Polya, “WW2 Bengali Holocaust: “Churchill's Secret War” By Madhusree Mukerjee”, Countercurrents, 13 June, 2011 : .

The important book “Churchill's Secret War. The British Empire and the ravaging of India during World War II” by Madhusree Mukerjee (Basic Books, New York, 2010) is an account of the forgotten World War 2 Bengali Holocaust, the man-made, 1942-1945 Bengal Famine in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death by the British under Churchill for strategic reasons in what was one of the greatest atrocities in human history but which has been largely white washed from British history. Other books have been written about the Bengal Famine Thus N.G. Jog's “Churchill's Blind Spot: India ” (New Book Company, Bombay, 1944) in referring to this Bengali Holocaust was the first to refer to a WW2 atrocity as a “holocaust”. Paul Greenough's “Prosperity and Misery in Modern Bengal: the Famine of 1943-1944” (Oxford University Press, 1982) is a detailed and definitive account of the WW2 Bengal Famine. Brilliant Bengali film maker Satyajit Ray's film "Distant Thunder" is a profoundly moving account of part of this disaster and concludes with an estimate that 5 million Bengalis perished. My book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 1998, 2008: ) put the WW2 Bengali Holocaust into a wider context of British racism, imperialism, holocaust commission, holocaust denial and cultural self-deception. My thesis was that history ignored yields history repeated and that ignoring of immense man-made famine disasters in Bengal, notably the 1769-1779 Bengal Famine (10 million dead) and the 1942-1945 Bengal Famine (4 million dead in Bengal, 6-7 million Indians dead in Bengal and contiguous provinces) increases the risk of repetition and, specifically, in the 21st century from man-made global warming, sea level rise, increased tropical cyclone intensity and land inundation and salinization through consequent storm surges.

Gideon Polya, “Holocaust Denial And Complicity By Apartheid Australia”, Countercurrents, 9 June, 2011: .

Mainstream politicians and media in look-the-other-way Apartheid Australia (a country applying race-based laws against minority Subjects) have an entrenched culture of self-censorship and censorship. Indeed this Mainstream lying by omission and commission obtains in all the other Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies, pseudo democracies in which “money buys truth”, “money buys perception” and “money buys votes”. The Age newspaper, Melbourne , Australia , of the Fairfax media empire, is arguably the most progressive of Australia 's Mainstream media but that is not saying much because the appalling, extreme right wing Rupert Murdoch media empire owns 70% of major Australian city newspapers. However The Age, like other Australian media, is infested with Zionist, pro-Zionist and pro-US staff who ensure a culture of egregious lying by omission and lying by commission that is most evilly expressed in holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring, noting that holocaust ignoring is far worse than utterly repugnant holocaust denial, because at least the latter admits the possibility of public discussion. Indeed a Search of The Age [a relatively progressive major Austtralian newspaper] using its own Search Engine reveals zero (0) results for the terms “Bengali Holocaust”, “Palestinian Genocide”, “Iraqi Genocide”, “Iraqi Holocaust”, “Afghan Holocaust”, “Afghan Genocide”, “Darfur Genocide”, “Somali Holocaust” and “Somali Genocide” but 3 for “Cambodian Genocide”, 47 for “Rwandan Genocide”, 20 for “Jewish Holocaust” and 860 for “Holocaust”, but with The Age following the now overwhelmingly general, holocaust-denying, racist Zionist perversion of falsely identifying the WW2 Holocaust (30 million Slav, Jewish and Gypsy dead) with the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead) (see: ). A Search of The Age for term “Bengal Famine” reveals only 2 results, specifically 2 reviews of the books “Churchill's Secret War. The British Empire and the ravaging of India during World War II” by Bengali writer Madhusree Mukerjee and “Three Famines” by Australian writer Tom Keneally, both published in 2010, nearly 70 years after the start of the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust…. Climate criminal and war criminal Australia is an Apartheid state because it applies discriminatory and damaging race-based laws against particular groups of non-European subjects (specifically Indigenous Australians and asylum seekers) but so far has maintained a remarkably good image through Mainstream politician and media censorship and self -censorship.

Gideon Polya, “Royal Wedding, Censorship, Holocaust Commission And Holocaust Denial”, Countercurrents, 2 May, 2011: .

The recent British Royal Wedding involved extraordinary Royal censorship of world media that mirrors British Establishment ignoring of its immense genocidal crimes over the last few centuries. Brilliant humanitarian Indian writer Arundhati Roy has commented powerfully on simultaneous First World holocaust commission and holocaust denial (see Arundhati Roy in “The Chequebook and the Cruise Missile”): “the ultimate privilege of the élite is not just their deluxe lifestyles, but deluxe lifestyles with a clear conscience”… Post-war [WW1] Irish independence, women's suffrage and democratization of British society were post-WW1 advances, but oil, British power in the Middle East , the 1929 Wall Street collapse, depression, German reparations and European re-armament led to the 1939-1945 World War 2. Nazism was eventually defeated but Britain under George VI and Queen Elizabeth II resolutely ignored the horrendous WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death by the British under Churchill for strategic reasons. The Bengal Famine was the first WW2 atrocity to be described as a “holocaust” (by Indian writer N.G. Jog in 1944) and was atrocity bigger than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation)

Gideon Polya, “Indian Holocaust, Indian Independence, Pakistan Floods And Climate Genocide”, Countercurrents, 14 August, 2010: .

Both Pakistan and India are marking their respective Independence Days (14 August and 15 August, respectively). Pakistan is experiencing its worst ever floods at the same time as the evil, cowardly, Zionist–backed American Empire is ramping up war with robot drones in NW Pakistan. America, one of the world's worst per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) polluters, is also contributing to massive climate change-linked disasters such as the Pakistan floods while simultaneously devastating NW Pakistan in 2009 by high technology robot bombing (generating 2.5 million Pashtun refugees in NW Pakistan… Flood–devastated Pakistan marks Pakistan Independence Day on 14 August. On 15 August Pakistan 's sister country India marks India 's Independence Day. Pakistan , India and Bangladesh have a common history as constituents of the brilliant Mughal Empire and thence enslavement and an Indian Holocaust under the brutal British Raj. However both nations face a huge common threat of Climate Genocide due to North American, European and Australasian refusal to address man-made global warming and its disastrous consequences seen now in the Pakistani floods. It is estimated that 1.8 billion Indians died avoidably from dire deprivation under the British, notable atrocities including 10 million Indians butchered in reprisals for the 1857 uprising (see Amaresh Misra's book “ “War of Civilizations: India AD 1857” –(Volume I -The Road to Delhi; & Volume II- The Long Revolution) ” : ), the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1779 (that killed 10 million Bengalis, 1/3 of the population), 2 centuries of British-imposed famines that killed scores of millions, most notably in the latter half of the 19th century and culminating in the 1943-1945 Bengali Holocaust, the man-made atrocity in which 6-7 million Indians in Bihar, Bengal, Assam and Orissa were deliberately starved to death by the British in the World War 2 Bengal Famine…

Sister countries Pakistan , India and Bangladesh must unite for resolute, peaceful action to meet the worsening threat to South Asia , Humanity and the Biosphere from Western-imposed Climate Genocide.

Gideon Polya, “ UK BBC Holocaust Denial”, Countercurrents, 24 May, 2009: .

The UK British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has produced a book and a lavish, 6-part TV series called “The Story of India”. However the 6th episode that deals with India under the British manages to completely ignore horrendous, repeated British-imposed atrocities on a scale of death greater than that of the World War 2 (WW2) Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation), most notably the 1769-1770 Bengal Famine (10 million dead), the WW2 Bengal Famine (6-7 million dead) and the British India Holocaust in general that was associated with 1.8 billion excess Indian deaths in the period 1757-1947. Indeed in the TV series “The Story of India” the very word “Famine” is not even mentioned as such even once – the presenter Michael Wood refers to “famine-stricken refugees” in talking about 18th century British military campaigns in the South of India and, later in the Indian Holocaust-ignoring 6th episode, an image is given of a volume in the Indian National Library with the title “Famine”. Just imagine the outcry in the West - and indeed around the World – if the BBC produced a lavish TV series entitled “The Story of Germany” and failed to mention its millennium history of massacring Jews and culminating in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) and the WW2 Holocaust in general (30 million Slav, Jewish and Roma deaths). Does the BBC somehow regard Indians or non-Europeans in general as somehow Lesser Creatures in deleting horrendous British atrocities from “The Story of India”?

Gideon Polya, “Churchill’s Crimes From Indian Holocaust To Palestinian Genocide”, Countercurrents, 23 January, 2009: .

In WW2 Churchill deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death, continued to foster Muslim-Hindu antipathy that led to the horrors of Indian Partition and persuaded his War Cabinet on racist Partition of Palestine. Yet the holocaust-complicit Anglo media, academic and politician Establishment is still in denial. Last year I published an article in MWC News [Gideon Polya, “UK, Zionist & US Holocaust Denial. Media Lying over Churchill’s Crimes & British Indian Holocaust”, MWC News, 17 October 2008: ] entitled Media lying over Churchill’s crimes. British-Indian Holocaust” in which I summarized 15 major crimes in which Winston Churchill was COMPLICIT (notwithstanding that he is deservedly our hero for leadership in the fight against Nazism). Before this article was published, a Yahoo or Google search for the phrase “Churchill’s crimes” yielded about three (3) articles about Winston Churchill’s crimes – an extraordinary testament to the Soviet-style effectiveness of Anglo mainstream media, academic and politician lying, censorship, self-censorship, ignoring and denial…

Gideon Polya, “US Holocaust Commission And Holocaust Denial”, Countercurrents, 1 February, 2007: .

The US recently successfully put a Resolution to UN General Assembly rightly condemning Holocaust Denial. However the Resolution ignored huge non-Jewish Holocausts e.g. the US-driven Iraqi Holocaust and thus was Holocaust Ignoring, something even worse than Holocaust Denial because it is Passive Holocaust Denial that admits of no refutation – who does one refute something that has not even been asserted? The US recently successfully put a Resolution to UN General Assembly rightly condemning Holocaust Denial. However the Resolution ignored huge non-Jewish Holocausts e.g. the US-driven Iraqi Holocaust and thus was Holocaust Ignoring, something even worse than Holocaust Denial because it is Passive Holocaust Denial that admits of no refutation – who does one refute something that has not even been asserted? This US Resolution was an act of (a) gross dishonesty and (b) gross hypocrisy. Thus (a) the dishonest implication was that Iran (not mentioned in the Resolution but mentioned in the US and Israeli UN speeches) has offended – yet the Iranian delegate made it quite clear that Iran recognized the horror of the Jewish Holocaust and condemned the “Genocide and immense sufferings associated with that horrific crime” (words of the Iranian delegate) (see: ); and (b) the US is actively involved in on-going Holocaust Commission in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan and, together with Israel, has been involved in obscene, public promotion of an Iranian Holocaust involving nuclear weapons… Major Holocausts over the last century or so NOT mentioned in the US Resolution include the following (in order of occurrence): the 1904-1907 German Namibian Genocide (the Herero population dropped from 80,000 to 15,000); the 1915-1918 Turkish Armenian Genocide (1 million victims – still denied by Turkey); the 1930-1933 Russian Ukrainian Genocide (5 million victims); the 1937-1945 Japanese invasion of China (35 million Chinese victims); the non-Jewish victims of the Nazi German World War 2 Holocaust – 20 million Soviet citizens, 6 million Poles (half of them Jewish), 1 million Serbs, 0.5 million other Yugoslavs and 0.5 million Roma (Gypsies); the man-made, 1943/44 British Bengali Holocaust (4 million victims – still largely written out of British history books)…

Gideon Polya, “VE Day 70th Anniversary, German Holocaust, Bengali Holocaust And Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust”, Countercurrents, 9 May, 2015: .

8 May 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the end of WW2 in Europe. WW2 was associated with the killing of about 110 million people worldwide through violence or violently-imposed deprivation, but the killing continued with 9 million German deaths in the 1941-1950 German Holocaust and1.5 billion mainly non-European people dying avoidably from Western-imposed deprivation since 1950 in a continuing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust… History is written by the victors and consequently history ignored yields history repeated. Mainstream journalists , politicians and academics in the Anglosphere continue to resolutely white-washed history of Awful Truths diminishing Anglosphere “civilization”, whether the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians starved to death by the British with Australian complicity), the 1941-1950 German Holocaust and German Genocide (9 million German deaths from violence or deprivation), the British Indian Holocaust (400 million Indian deaths from deprivation in the period 1990-1947) or the ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust (1,500 million avoidable deaths since 1950 with presently 17 million dying thus each year in the Developing World minus China). Whether Germans, Russians, Jews, Gypsies, Bengalis, Indians or Third Worlders, men, women or children, combatants or civilians, they are all human beings and all “created equal with an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.

Gideon Polya , “UK Zionist Historian Sir Martin Gilbert (1936-2015) Variously Ignored Or Minimized WW2 Bengali Holocaust”, Countercurrents, 19 February, 2015: .

British Zionist Sir Martin Gilbert (1936-2015) was an eminent UK historian in the areas of Jewish history, Zionism, Churchill, WW1, WW2 and 20th century history. He was one of very few UK historians who actually mentioned the 1943-1945 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians killed by Churchill ) but must be criticized for hugely under-estimating this atrocity, excusing the British, eliminating any mention of this from his histories of Churchill, ignoring other holocausts and grossly exaggerating deaths in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust.

Gideon Polya, “British Have Invaded 193 Countries: Make 26 January ( Australia Day, Invasion Day) British Invasion Day”, Countercurrents, 25 January, 2016: .

In the last 2 millennia the British have invaded 193 out of 203 present-day countries (195 UN-recognized nations and 8 non-UN-recognized self-governing countries) as compared to the French 80, the US 70 and Apartheid Israel 12. However the British invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788 ultimately destroyed as many as 600 unique Indigenous Australian tribes and a comparable number of languages and dialects. Thus it is estimated that in 1788 there were 300 distinct Aboriginal language groups and 750 dialects of which only 150 survive) this making the Australian Aboriginal Genocide qualitatively the worst genocide in human history… Britain's and Australia 's quantitatively worst genocide was the WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons in the 1942-1945 man-made Bengal Famine, with Australia withholding food from starving India from its huge wartime grain stocks and as many as 0.3 million starving Bengali women and girls subject to civilian or military sexual abuse. The Bengali Holocaust was the first WW2 mass atrocity to be described as a “holocaust” (by N. G. Jog in his 1944 book “Churchill's Blind Spot: India”) but has been largely white-washed from history and general public perception

Gideon Polya, “Review: “The Cambridge History Of Australia” Ignores Australian Involvement In 30 Genocides”, Countercurrents, 14 October, 2013: .

History ignored yields history repeated and history is written by the victors. These aphorisms are well illustrated by my book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (now available for free perusal on the web [1]) that details how British historians, journalists and politicians near comprehensively deleted the horrendous 1942 -1945 Bengali Holocaust from historiography and from general public perception – the whitewashing of an immense atrocity in which Britain with racist White Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons. The 2-volume work “The Cambridge History of Australia” [3] was recently launched at the State Library of Victoria by Her Excellency the Governor General of Australia . This officially-blessed history of Australia follows the entrenched White Australia and British historiography traditions of “look the other way” and makes absolutely no mention of Australia 's intimate and deadly contribution to the WW2 Bengali Holocaust, one of the worst atrocities in all of human history and which exceeded the WW2 Jewish Holocaust in number of victims. However “The Cambridge History of Australia” goes even further – it whitewashes Australian involvement in 30 genocidal atrocities of which several are ongoing. Indeed neither of the 2 volumes of “The Cambridge History of Australia” makes any mention of the very terms “holocaust: and “genocide” in its Index, an extraordinary omission for a purported history of a country based on racist invasion, dispossession, mass murder, holocaust, genocide, and the politically requisite blanket of entrenched lying by omission and egregious mendacity. At this point it is important to define these major historical terms so extraordinarily and comprehensively avoided by “The Cambridge History of Australia”…

Australia has an appalling secret genocide history but politically correct racist (PC racist) Australia steadfastly “looks the other way”. White Australia's past and present involvements in 30 genocidal atrocities are overwhelmingly not reported by holocaust-ignoring and genocide-ignoring Australian Mainstream media nor taught in Australia 's schools and universities. “The Cambridge History of Australia” comprehensively fails to mention the “Elephant in the room” of White Australia's appalling past and continuing involvements in horrendous genocide and holocaust atrocities.

Gideon Polya , “Genocidal Racist Charles Dickens , Indian Holocaust And UK - US Muslim Genocide”, Countercurrents, 10 February, 2012: .

This week the English-speaking world is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of arguably the greatest Victorian era English novelist Charles Dickens… However ignored in the celebrations will be the reality that Charles Dickens, like many of his English and British contemporaries, was a genocidal racist…The British-imposed Indian Holocaust was not confined to the decade after the 1857 Indian rebellion. It is estimated that avoidable deaths from deprivation under 2 centuries of British rule have totaled 1.8 billion with this carnage terminating in the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indian to death (see my book “Jane Australian and the Black Hole of British History”: ) and Partition in 1947 in which 1 million Indians died and 18 million fled mass murder as refugees (see my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”: ).

Gideon Polya, “Comparing India And Australia On 26 January: India 's Republic Day And Australia 's Australia Day (Invasion Day)”, Countercurrents, 26 January, 2012: .

26 January is the Republic Day of India which commemorates the date on which the Constitution of India came into force, replacing the British Government of India Act 1935 (26 January 1950), noting that India achieved Independence from Britain on 15 August 1947. The 26th of January was chosen to commemorate the declaration of Indian independence in 1930. 26 January is Australia Day for White Australians and Invasion Day for Indigenous Australians (Black Australians, Aborigines, Aboriginals), commemorating the British invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788. It is salutary to compare India , Australia and their considerable interactions, of which most - notably excepting those on the cricket field - have been kept from public perception… India was subject to invasion and was essentially not the perpetrator of invasion for thousands of years. India was the victim of the British-imposed Indian Holocaust involving 1,800 million Indian avoidable deaths from deprivation under British rule (1757-1947) and the WW2 Bengali Holocaust involving the deliberate starving to death of 6-7 million Indians by the British in 1942-1945 (Australia as a key part of the British Empire was involved in both atrocities). Post-Independence Indian had border wars with Pakistan and China , and has conducted a brutal suppression of Muslims in Kashmir and of tribal Indians in Central and Eastern India . Under the British Indian soldiers, sepoys, were use to suppress India and to support the British Empire elsewhere. The Indian Rebellion in 1857 (the Indian Mutiny according to the British) was spearheaded by sepoys but was brutally suppressed and followed by a decade of butchery in which the British murdered 10 million Indians in revenge for the killing of 2,000 British during the rebellion (see “War of Civilisations: 1857 AD” by Amaresh Misra). Well-fed sepoys helped the British maintain dominance over a population kept near the edge of starvation and famine was a frequent recurrence in India under the British from 1769-1770 in Bengal (when 10 million Indians perished) to 1942-1945 in Bengal and eastern India (when the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death). During World War 2 a total of 2.4 million Indians served in the British Indian Army while millions of their fellow countrymen starved to death.

Gideon Polya, “Australian ABC Censors Australia- And UK-Complicit WW2 Bengali Famine (6-7 Million Dead)”, Countercurrents, 8 December, 2011: .

The neocon-infested, taxpayer-funded ABC (the Australian equivalent of the UK BBC) has an appalling record of censorship, lying by omission and lying by commission. The ABC has censored reportage of the Australia-complicit 1942-1945 Bengal Famine (Bengali Famine, Bengali Holocaust) in which the British, with Australian complicity, deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death in 1942-1945. India contributed an army of 2.4 million men to assist the British war effort in World War 2. However India was rewarded by a British-imposed Bengal Famine (Bengali Holocaust, Indian Holocaust) that killed 6-7 million Indians in Bengal, Assam, Bihar and Orissa in the period 1942-1945. Australia was a major supplier of wheat but deliberately by-passed starving India , this boosting British food stocks and what was evidently a starvation-based military strategy to prevent Japanese advance into Bengal … [a 2019 Search of the ABC comes up with 2 items dealing with the Bengal Famine].

Gideon Polya, “Economist Mahima Khanna, Cambridge Stevenson Prize And Dire Indian Poverty”, Countercurrents, 20 November, 2011: .

Brilliant economics student Mahima Khanna from Kolkata has been awarded the prestigious Stevenson Prize by the University of Cambridge for her outstanding economics research work… This is more evidence (if more evidence were wanted) of India “moving forward” (to quote the horrible contemporary Newspeak) after suffering 2 centuries of genocidal British rule in which avoidable deaths in India from British-imposed deprivation in the period 1757-1947 totaled 1.8 billion, an Indian Holocaust and an Indian Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention. Using census and other estimates of Indian population in these periods, post-invasion excess deaths totaled 0.6 billion, 1757-1837; 0.5 billion, 1837-1901 under Queen Victoria; and 0.4 billion in 1901-1947; this being 1.5 billion in total and 1.8 billion victims if the carnage in the various royalty-ruled Indian British Protectorate States are included… Of course through Churchill's deliberate sustained policies 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death in Bengal and adjoining provinces in 1942-1945 while the World looked on and White Australia had to build novel storage silos to store a mountain of hoarded grain kept from starving India under British instructions (see "Bengali Holocaust: how Australia helped Britain kill 6-7 million Indians in WW2": ). Indians should be very pleased of the award to the brilliant economist Mahima Khanna, and the huge economic advances being made by India after 2 centuries of genocidal British rule that converted India from being a world economic leader (together with China) in 1750 to a starvation-subjugated charnel house that is well described as Britain's Auschwitz. Currently about 3.7 million Indians and 5.3 million South Asians still die avoidably each year from deprivation out of a population of 1.1 billion (India) and 1.5 billion (South Asia) . In contrast, avoidable deaths in China each year are essentially zero (0). The fruits of India 's economic advance need to be shared much more equitably. Economic advance of a society is about maximizing the psychological and physiological well-being of everyone.

Gideon Polya, “Australia And Britain Killed 6-7 Million Indians In WW2 Bengal Famine”, Countercurrents, 29 September, 2011: .

India contributed an army of 2.4 million men to assist the British war effort in World War 2. However India was rewarded by a British-imposed Bengal Famine (Bengali Holocaust, Indian Holocaust) that killed 6-7 million Indians in Bengal, Assam, Bihar and Orissa in the period 1942-1945. Australia was a major supplier of wheat but deliberately by-passed starving India , this boosting British food stocks and what was evidently a starvation-based military strategy to prevent Japanese advance into Bengal. While there was no catastrophic decline in the amount of rice or other grain available in Bengal, the price of rice edged up slightly during 1942 and by December 1942 the wholesale price of rice in Calcutta had increased to be double that in December 1941. By mid-1943 it had doubled again to be over 4 times greater than the price in December 1941. As analyzed by Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen ( Cambridge and Harvard) the Bengal Famine derived from a cashed-up Calcutta , a major industrial city involved in a war production boom, sucking rice out of a starving, rice-producing countryside… The net importation of non-rice grains into India (population about 300 million) in the 6 financial years up to and including the beginning of the famine is instructive (millions of tons in parentheses): 37/38 (+ 0.624), 38/39 (+ 1.044), 39/40 (+ 2.221), 40/41 (+ 0.993), 41/42 (+ 0.431) and 42/43 (- 0.361). A similar picture is seen for net imports of rice into India (millions of tons in parentheses): 37/38 (+ 1.165), 38/39 (+ 1.235), 39/40 (+ 2.139), 40/41 (+ 1.097), 41/42 (+ 0.723) and 42/43 (- 0.259). Thus in the financial year that saw the commencement of the worst famine in India in 2 centuries the British authorities oversaw a massive net export of grains and rice from an increasingly impoverished country. This situation no doubt contributed to the price of grain and rice in Bengal during the famine and the ability of other parts of India to make a contribution when the provincial autonomy in this respect was over-ridden in a restricted region for a limited time during the emergency… According to the figures of K.C. Ghosh (1944), while the net import of all food grains into India by sea in 1939-40 was 2.2 million tons, by the 1942/43 this had become a net export of 0.4 million tons. It should be noted that K.C. Ghosh (1944) and C.B.A. Behrens (1955) differ slightly in terms of the amount of grain imported into India in this period, the estimates being 0.02 or at least 0.06 million tons, respectively. These estimates are 2 orders of magnitude lower than the estimated annual import requirement of 1-2 million tons. Behrens' figures for grain shipments (in millions of tons) for India in 1942-1945 are as follows: 0.03 (1942), 0.3 (1943), 0.6 (1944) and 0.9 (1945).

Gideon Polya, “WW2 Bengali Holocaust: “Churchill's Secret War” By Madhusree Mukerjee”, Countercurrents, 13 June, 2011 : .

The important book “Churchill's Secret War. The British Empire and the ravaging of India during World War II” by Madhusree Mukerjee (Basic Books, New York, 2010) is an account of the forgotten World War 2 Bengali Holocaust, the man-made, 1942-1945 Bengal Famine in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death by the British under Churchill for strategic reasons in what was one of the greatest atrocities in human history but which has been largely white washed from British history. Other books have been written about the Bengal Famine Thus N.G. Jog's “Churchill's Blind Spot: India ” (New Book Company, Bombay, 1944) in referring to this Bengali Holocaust was the first to refer to a WW2 atrocity as a “holocaust”. Paul Greenough's “Prosperity and Misery in Modern Bengal: the Famine of 1943-1944” (Oxford University Press, 1982) is a detailed and definitive account of the WW2 Bengal Famine. Brilliant Bengali film maker Satyajit Ray's film "Distant Thunder" is a profoundly moving account of part of this disaster and concludes with an estimate that 5 million Bengalis perished. My book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 1998, 2008: ) put the WW2 Bengali Holocaust into a wider context of British racism, imperialism, holocaust commission, holocaust denial and cultural self-deception. My thesis was that history ignored yields history repeated and that ignoring of immense man-made famine disasters in Bengal, notably the 1769-1779 Bengal Famine (10 million dead) and the 1942-1945 Bengal Famine (4 million dead in Bengal, 6-7 million Indians dead in Bengal and contiguous provinces) increases the risk of repetition and, specifically, in the 21st century from man-made global warming, sea level rise, increased tropical cyclone intensity and land inundation and salinization through consequent storm surges.

Gideon Polya, “Holocaust Denial And Complicity By Apartheid Australia”, Countercurrents, 9 June, 2011: .

Mainstream politicians and media in look-the-other-way Apartheid Australia (a country applying race-based laws against minority Subjects) have an entrenched culture of self-censorship and censorship. Indeed this Mainstream lying by omission and commission obtains in all the other Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies, pseudo democracies in which “money buys truth”, “money buys perception” and “money buys votes”. The Age newspaper, Melbourne , Australia , of the Fairfax media empire, is arguably the most progressive of Australia 's Mainstream media but that is not saying much because the appalling, extreme right wing Rupert Murdoch media empire owns 70% of major Australian city newspapers. However The Age, like other Australian media, is infested with Zionist, pro-Zionist and pro-US staff who ensure a culture of egregious lying by omission and lying by commission that is most evilly expressed in holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring, noting that holocaust ignoring is far worse than utterly repugnant holocaust denial, because at least the latter admits the possibility of public discussion. Indeed a Search of The Age [a relatively progressive major Austtralian newspaper] using its own Search Engine reveals zero (0) results for the terms “Bengali Holocaust”, “Palestinian Genocide”, “Iraqi Genocide”, “Iraqi Holocaust”, “Afghan Holocaust”, “Afghan Genocide”, “Darfur Genocide”, “Somali Holocaust” and “Somali Genocide” but 3 for “Cambodian Genocide”, 47 for “Rwandan Genocide”, 20 for “Jewish Holocaust” and 860 for “Holocaust”, but with The Age following the now overwhelmingly general, holocaust-denying, racist Zionist perversion of falsely identifying the WW2 Holocaust (30 million Slav, Jewish and Gypsy dead) with the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead) (see: ). A Search of The Age for term “Bengal Famine” reveals only 2 results, specifically 2 reviews of the books “Churchill's Secret War. The British Empire and the ravaging of India during World War II” by Bengali writer Madhusree Mukerjee and “Three Famines” by Australian writer Tom Keneally, both published in 2010, nearly 70 years after the start of the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust…. Climate criminal and war criminal Australia is an Apartheid state because it applies discriminatory and damaging race-based laws against particular groups of non-European subjects (specifically Indigenous Australians and asylum seekers) but so far has maintained a remarkably good image through Mainstream politician and media censorship and self -censorship.

Gideon Polya, “Royal Wedding, Censorship, Holocaust Commission And Holocaust Denial”, Countercurrents, 2 May, 2011: .

The recent British Royal Wedding involved extraordinary Royal censorship of world media that mirrors British Establishment ignoring of its immense genocidal crimes over the last few centuries. Brilliant humanitarian Indian writer Arundhati Roy has commented powerfully on simultaneous First World holocaust commission and holocaust denial (see Arundhati Roy in “The Chequebook and the Cruise Missile”): “the ultimate privilege of the élite is not just their deluxe lifestyles, but deluxe lifestyles with a clear conscience”… Post-war [WW1] Irish independence, women's suffrage and democratization of British society were post-WW1 advances, but oil, British power in the Middle East , the 1929 Wall Street collapse, depression, German reparations and European re-armament led to the 1939-1945 World War 2. Nazism was eventually defeated but Britain under George VI and Queen Elizabeth II resolutely ignored the horrendous WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death by the British under Churchill for strategic reasons. The Bengal Famine was the first WW2 atrocity to be described as a “holocaust” (by Indian writer N.G. Jog in 1944) and was atrocity bigger than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation)

Gideon Polya, “Indian Holocaust, Indian Independence, Pakistan Floods And Climate Genocide”, Countercurrents, 14 August, 2010: .

Both Pakistan and India are marking their respective Independence Days (14 August and 15 August, respectively). Pakistan is experiencing its worst ever floods at the same time as the evil, cowardly, Zionist–backed American Empire is ramping up war with robot drones in NW Pakistan. America, one of the world's worst per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) polluters, is also contributing to massive climate change-linked disasters such as the Pakistan floods while simultaneously devastating NW Pakistan in 2009 by high technology robot bombing (generating 2.5 million Pashtun refugees in NW Pakistan… Flood–devastated Pakistan marks Pakistan Independence Day on 14 August. On 15 August Pakistan 's sister country India marks India 's Independence Day. Pakistan , India and Bangladesh have a common history as constituents of the brilliant Mughal Empire and thence enslavement and an Indian Holocaust under the brutal British Raj. However both nations face a huge common threat of Climate Genocide due to North American, European and Australasian refusal to address man-made global warming and its disastrous consequences seen now in the Pakistani floods. It is estimated that 1.8 billion Indians died avoidably from dire deprivation under the British, notable atrocities including 10 million Indians butchered in reprisals for the 1857 uprising (see Amaresh Misra's book “ “War of Civilizations: India AD 1857” –(Volume I -The Road to Delhi; & Volume II- The Long Revolution) ” : ), the Great Bengal Famine of 1769-1779 (that killed 10 million Bengalis, 1/3 of the population), 2 centuries of British-imposed famines that killed scores of millions, most notably in the latter half of the 19th century and culminating in the 1943-1945 Bengali Holocaust, the man-made atrocity in which 6-7 million Indians in Bihar, Bengal, Assam and Orissa were deliberately starved to death by the British in the World War 2 Bengal Famine…

Sister countries Pakistan , India and Bangladesh must unite for resolute, peaceful action to meet the worsening threat to South Asia , Humanity and the Biosphere from Western-imposed Climate Genocide.

Gideon Polya, “ UK BBC Holocaust Denial”, Countercurrents, 24 May, 2009: .

The UK British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has produced a book and a lavish, 6-part TV series called “The Story of India”. However the 6th episode that deals with India under the British manages to completely ignore horrendous, repeated British-imposed atrocities on a scale of death greater than that of the World War 2 (WW2) Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation), most notably the 1769-1770 Bengal Famine (10 million dead), the WW2 Bengal Famine (6-7 million dead) and the British India Holocaust in general that was associated with 1.8 billion excess Indian deaths in the period 1757-1947. Indeed in the TV series “The Story of India” the very word “Famine” is not even mentioned as such even once – the presenter Michael Wood refers to “famine-stricken refugees” in talking about 18th century British military campaigns in the South of India and, later in the Indian Holocaust-ignoring 6th episode, an image is given of a volume in the Indian National Library with the title “Famine”. Just imagine the outcry in the West - and indeed around the World – if the BBC produced a lavish TV series entitled “The Story of Germany” and failed to mention its millennium history of massacring Jews and culminating in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) and the WW2 Holocaust in general (30 million Slav, Jewish and Roma deaths). Does the BBC somehow regard Indians or non-Europeans in general as somehow Lesser Creatures in deleting horrendous British atrocities from “The Story of India”?

Gideon Polya, “Churchill’s Crimes From Indian Holocaust To Palestinian Genocide”, Countercurrents, 23 January, 2009: .

In WW2 Churchill deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death, continued to foster Muslim-Hindu antipathy that led to the horrors of Indian Partition and persuaded his War Cabinet on racist Partition of Palestine. Yet the holocaust-complicit Anglo media, academic and politician Establishment is still in denial. Last year I published an article in MWC News [Gideon Polya, “UK, Zionist & US Holocaust Denial. Media Lying over Churchill’s Crimes & British Indian Holocaust”, MWC News, 17 October 2008: ] entitled Media lying over Churchill’s crimes. British-Indian Holocaust” in which I summarized 15 major crimes in which Winston Churchill was COMPLICIT (notwithstanding that he is deservedly our hero for leadership in the fight against Nazism). Before this article was published, a Yahoo or Google search for the phrase “Churchill’s crimes” yielded about three (3) articles about Winston Churchill’s crimes – an extraordinary testament to the Soviet-style effectiveness of Anglo mainstream media, academic and politician lying, censorship, self-censorship, ignoring and denial…

Gideon Polya, “US Holocaust Commission And Holocaust Denial”, Countercurrents, 1 February, 2007: .

The US recently successfully put a Resolution to UN General Assembly rightly condemning Holocaust Denial. However the Resolution ignored huge non-Jewish Holocausts e.g. the US-driven Iraqi Holocaust and thus was Holocaust Ignoring, something even worse than Holocaust Denial because it is Passive Holocaust Denial that admits of no refutation – who does one refute something that has not even been asserted? The US recently successfully put a Resolution to UN General Assembly rightly condemning Holocaust Denial. However the Resolution ignored huge non-Jewish Holocausts e.g. the US-driven Iraqi Holocaust and thus was Holocaust Ignoring, something even worse than Holocaust Denial because it is Passive Holocaust Denial that admits of no refutation – who does one refute something that has not even been asserted? This US Resolution was an act of (a) gross dishonesty and (b) gross hypocrisy. Thus (a) the dishonest implication was that Iran (not mentioned in the Resolution but mentioned in the US and Israeli UN speeches) has offended – yet the Iranian delegate made it quite clear that Iran recognized the horror of the Jewish Holocaust and condemned the “Genocide and immense sufferings associated with that horrific crime” (words of the Iranian delegate) (see: ); and (b) the US is actively involved in on-going Holocaust Commission in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan and, together with Israel, has been involved in obscene, public promotion of an Iranian Holocaust involving nuclear weapons… Major Holocausts over the last century or so NOT mentioned in the US Resolution include the following (in order of occurrence): the 1904-1907 German Namibian Genocide (the Herero population dropped from 80,000 to 15,000); the 1915-1918 Turkish Armenian Genocide (1 million victims – still denied by Turkey); the 1930-1933 Russian Ukrainian Genocide (5 million victims); the 1937-1945 Japanese invasion of China (35 million Chinese victims); the non-Jewish victims of the Nazi German World War 2 Holocaust – 20 million Soviet citizens, 6 million Poles (half of them Jewish), 1 million Serbs, 0.5 million other Yugoslavs and 0.5 million Roma (Gypsies); the man-made, 1943/44 British Bengali Holocaust (4 million victims – still largely written out of British history books)…

Gideon Polya, “US Holocaust Commission And Holocaust Denial”, Countercurrents, 1 February, 2007: .

The US recently successfully put a Resolution to UN General Assembly rightly condemning Holocaust Denial. However the Resolution ignored huge non-Jewish Holocausts e.g. the US-driven Iraqi Holocaust and thus was Holocaust Ignoring, something even worse than Holocaust Denial because it is Passive Holocaust Denial that admits of no refutation – who does one refute something that has not even been asserted? The US recently successfully put a Resolution to UN General Assembly rightly condemning Holocaust Denial. However the Resolution ignored huge non-Jewish Holocausts e.g. the US-driven Iraqi Holocaust and thus was Holocaust Ignoring, something even worse than Holocaust Denial because it is Passive Holocaust Denial that admits of no refutation – who does one refute something that has not even been asserted? This US Resolution was an act of (a) gross dishonesty and (b) gross hypocrisy. Thus (a) the dishonest implication was that Iran (not mentioned in the Resolution but mentioned in the US and Israeli UN speeches) has offended – yet the Iranian delegate made it quite clear that Iran recognized the horror of the Jewish Holocaust and condemned the “Genocide and immense sufferings associated with that horrific crime” (words of the Iranian delegate) (see: ); and (b) the US is actively involved in on-going Holocaust Commission in Occupied Iraq and Occupied Afghanistan and, together with Israel, has been involved in obscene, public promotion of an Iranian Holocaust involving nuclear weapons… Major Holocausts over the last century or so NOT mentioned in the US Resolution include the following (in order of occurrence): the 1904-1907 German Namibian Genocide (the Herero population dropped from 80,000 to 15,000); the 1915-1918 Turkish Armenian Genocide (1 million victims – still denied by Turkey); the 1930-1933 Russian Ukrainian Genocide (5 million victims); the 1937-1945 Japanese invasion of China (35 million Chinese victims); the non-Jewish victims of the Nazi German World War 2 Holocaust – 20 million Soviet citizens, 6 million Poles (half of them Jewish), 1 million Serbs, 0.5 million other Yugoslavs and 0.5 million Roma (Gypsies); the man-made, 1943/44 British Bengali Holocaust (4 million victims – still largely written out of British history books)…

Gideon Polya, “Comparing Japanese, Jihadist and UK-US war crimes”, Countercurrents, 11 August 2005: .

Our horror at the senseless and evil killing of so many innocent people in the London bombing atrocities should reinforce our profound objection to all terrorist violence, whether "non-state terrorism" by jihadists or "state terrorism" by the US-led Coalition. As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the final end of World War 2 , it is useful to compare the human cost of jihadist terrorism and UK-US state terrorism with other violent crimes against humanity such as WW2 war crimes. The following statistics demonstrate the profound dishonesty, racism and disproportionality of the UK-US "War on Terror".The average annual death rate of Australian POWs under the Japanese in World War 2 was 10.4% (10.4 per 100 per year) (8,000 deaths out of 22,000 POWs over 3.5 years) [1]. For war crimes such as this the Japanese Prime Minister Tojo and General Yamashita were tried, convicted and hanged…

The latest UNICEF report (2005) [4] estimates that in 2003 the under-5 infant mortality was 110,000 in Occupied Iraq, 292,000 in Occupied Afghanistan and 1,000 in the invading and occupying country Australia noting that in 2003 these countries had populations of 25, 24 and 20 million, respectively, and that the under-5 year olds in these countries totalled 4.2, 5.0 and 1.3 million, respectively. From this one can calculate that the current annual under-5 infant death rate is about 2.6% (2.6 per 100 under-5 year old infants per year), 5.8% (5.8 per 100) and 0.08% (0.08 per 100), respectively, for Occupied Iraq, Occupied Afghanistan and the occupying country Australia…

It can be estimated that jihadists and insurgents have killed about 5,000 Western civilians over the last 20 years (mostly on 9/11 and in Israel, with the remainder from atrocities such as those of Bali, Madrid and London). One can calculate that the average annual death rate of Western civilians (current population about 760 million) from jihadist and insurgent violence has been 0.00003 per 100 per year i.e. 0.00003% (over the last 20 years) [7] and 0.0001 per 100 per year or 0.0001% (over the last 5 years).Thus the annual death rates of under-5 year old infants in US-occupied Afghanistan (5.8%) and in US-occupied Iraq (2.6%) are of a similar order of magnitude to the annual death rate of WW2 Australian POWs under the Japanese (10.4%), these death rates being 26,000-350,000 times greater than the annual death rates of Western civilians from jihadist violence of 0.00003% (over the last 20 years) and 0.0001% (over the last 5 years)….

The carnage continues because mainstream Anglo-American media steadfastly refuse to report the horrrendous avoidable mortality and infant mortality in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories. Over 60 years ago the Jewish Holocaust (6 million victims) was not officially recognized as such by the Allies until 30 months before the end of World War 2. Now everyone very properly knows about the Jewish Holocaust but the WW2 man-made Bengal Famine in British-ruled India (4 million victims) is a "forgotten holocaust" - it has been largely deleted from British history and from general public perception by a continuing process of racist holocaust denial by media, politicians and academics

12 May 2009.

Gideon Polya, “ Indigenous Genocide, Climate Genocide And Holocaust Denial By White Australia”, 12 May 2009: .

Australia has an over 2 century history of involvement in genocide. However this appalling genocide history is kept hidden by a sustained process of Australian holocaust denial and genocide denial. Before going further it must be clearly stated that the term “Genocide” used here is “Genocide” as precisely defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention as follows: “In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group…

The following catalogue of Australian involvement in Genocide - as defined by the UN Genocide Convention and notably in British- and American-imposed genocides - is given below in roughly chronological order from 1788 (the year of European Invasion and First Settlement) to 2009… 1. 18th-19th century Aboriginal Genocide (the Indigenous Aboriginal population dropped from about 1 million to 0.1 million in the first century after invasion in 1788)… 10. Bengali Genocide (6-7 million perished in the “forgotten” man-made Bengal Famine atrocity in Bengal and adjoining provinces in British India, 1943-1945; Australians were there and indeed the Governor of Bengal in 1944 was an Australian, R.G. Casey [Australia massively denied food to starving India] … 20. Climate Genocide (16 million die avoidably each year already from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease; Professor James Lovelock FRS says that only 1 billion will survive this century i.e. about 10 billion (2 billion being Indians) will perish this century due to unaddressed climate change; on a per capita basis Australia is among the very worst greenhouse gas (GHG) polluters.

28 January 2010.

Gideon Polya, “Genocide Book Review: “Denial. History Betrayed” by Tony Taylor”, 28 January 2010: .

Denial. History betrayed” by Tony Taylor (Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2008) is a very well written, well annotated and well referenced book that deals with the phenomenon of “holocaust denial” and, in general, the denial of horrendous abuses of humanity. This is an important book that should certainly be read by everyone and should be in every library. However inevitably “Denial” can be criticized and the most fundamental criticism is that this otherwise excellent Mainstream Anglo book published by a prestigious Mainstream Anglo publisher itself ignores major 20th century and ongoing 21st century holocausts and genocides due to Anglo-American imperialism. Holocaust denial is wrong and utterly repugnant for 3 major reasons: (1) it is falsehood; (2) it is profoundly offensive to the memory of the victims, survivors of such atrocities, their loved ones and indeed to all of decent humanity; and (3) it increases the probability of repetition of such awful crimes – history ignored and history denied yields history repeated… “Denial” commences with a snappy Introduction subtitled “The Pathology of Historical Denial”. It is concerned with the psycho-social basis of the phenomenon, including “Holocaust denial” but, as indicated above, does not deal with the core risk management issue. The book then deals with 6 specific areas of holocaust and holocaust denial. The term “holocaust” with the lower case “h” is used in the present review to denote horrendous events involving huge loss of life in contradistinction to the upper case “H” term “Holocaust”, which is generally used (as in “Denial”) as synonymous with the WW2 Jewish Holocaust or “Shoah” (6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation). This narrow use of the term “Holocaust” involves effective Denial of the WW2 Western Theatre Holocaust in general (30 million Slav, Jewish and Roma dead) and the WW2 Eastern Theatre Holocaust (35 million Chinese dead in the Japanese war on China, 1937-1945 and 6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death by the British in the man-made Bengal Famine atrocity, 1943-1945 – indeed this latter atrocity in British India was the first WW2 atrocity to be described as a “holocaust” (see Jog, N.G. (1944), Churchill’s Blind-Spot: India (New Book Company, Bombay; see also the 2008 edition of my 1998 book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability”” (see: ).

5 December 2011.

Gideon Polya, “Book review: “The Politics of Genocide” by Edward Herman and David Peterson”, 5 December 2011: .

Repeated, intolerable atrocities against Humanity are made possible by remorseless lying on the p[art of the perpetrators. “The Politics of Genocide” by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson (foreword by Noam Chomsky; Monthly Review Press, New York , 2010) is a very important book that exposes holocaust-ignoring and genocide-ignoring by Western Mainstream media, political and academic Establishments except when the atrocities are committed by “enemies” of the US Alliance…. However we must also consider violent Iraqi deaths at the hands of a US Alliance equipped with the latest high technology weaponry. “The Politics of Genocide” estimated 1 million such violent Iraqi deaths under Occupation (pp34, 35). However, informed by expert epidemiological data from the UK market research company Opinion Research Business (ORB) and from top US medical epidemiologists at Johns Hopkins University and Columbia University , the eminent US Just Foreign Policy organization estimates 1.5 million Iraqi deaths due to the US Alliance invasion, commenting “The number is shocking and sobering. It is at least 10 times greater than most estimates cited in the US media, yet it is based on a scientific study of violent Iraqi deaths caused by the U.S.-led invasion of March 2003…“Holocaust” is the death of a huge number of people. The term “holocaust” was first applied to a World War 2 atrocity in 1944 by Indian writer N.G. Jog in his book “Churchill's Blind Spot: India” in reference to the Bengali Holocaust, the man-made Bengal Famine in which the British, with Australian complicity, deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to deaths in the period 1942-1945. The term was subsequently used to describe the World War 2 Holocaust in which 30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies were killed by the Nazi Germans but in an extraordinary process of racist Zionist-promoted holocaust ignoring and holocaust denial, the term “Holocaust” has come to mean for many only the Jewish Holocaust part (5-6 million killed) of the more general WW2 Holocaust (30 million killed). The 4.6 million war-related deaths Iraq (1990-2011) amount to an Iraqi Holocaust when compared with the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians killed), the WW2 European Holocaust (30 million Slav, Jews and Gypsies killed), the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) and the Chinese Holocaust (35 million Chinese died under Japanese occupation, 1937-1945).

29 July 2012.

Gideon Polya , “2012 London Olympic Games Opening Ceremony ignored genocidal carnage of British Empire”, 29 July 2012: .

The 2012 London Olympic Games were preceded by an Opening Ceremony that controversially involved a social history of the ordinary people of England since the start of the Industrial Revolution in the middle of the 18th century. Unfortunately the Opening Ceremony considered only the several score English subjects of the English Establishment and ignored the horrendous maltreatment of hundreds of millions of other subjects of the ruthless British Empire . Just imagine a Berlin Olympic Games Opening Ceremony devoted to German social history and German civilization in recent centuries that failed to mention the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) or the WW2 European Holocaust of which it was a part (30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies killed). Gandhi was asked what he thought of Western civilization and famously replied “I think it would be a good idea”. ..

On 28 July 2012 the UK magazine The New Statesman published an article by Steven Baxter entitled “The Olympic opening ceremony shows why lefties should embrace pageantry”… I prefer the term "anti-racist humanitarian" to "leftie" and as such a person I too was impressed with the attempt at a post-1750 social history of England in the 2012 London Olympic Games Opening Ceremony (Serra-moan-ee in Americanized, US lackey Australia) - however I was angered by its gross lying by omission in relation to the Elephant in the Room reality of that period, specifically the genocidal carnage due to British imperialism… Here are some of the Elephant in the Room historical realities involving London-based, English Establishment genocidal violence since 1750 that were utterly ignored by the Opening Ceremony: 1. The Scottish Clearances in which Highland Scots (including my forebears) were replaced by sheep and driven from their lands by deprivation and starvation (a Scots choir sang in English; consult John Prebble's “The Highland Clearances”)… 4. Over 2 centuries of an Indian Holocaust involving 1.8 billion Indians dying avoidably from imposed deprivation, 10 million butchered in reprisals in the decade after the 1857 Rebellion, and massive famines from the 1769-1770 Bengal Famine (10 million killed) to the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death with Australian complicity… 9. There is worse to come. The UK has an annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution of 11 tonnes CO2-equivalent per person per year that is nearly twice the global average (6.7) and 12 times greater than that of Bangladesh (0.9).Global GHG pollution continues to rise remorselessly and if not addressed urgently is predicted to kill 10 billion mainly non-European people this century…