
Backyard Organic Apple Growing                                            FRANÇAIS

In this presentation, illustrated with slides and material, you will


The life cycle of the main insect ‘pests’: plum curculio,

codling moth and apple maggot fly.

The yearly maintenance cycle.

How some beneficial insects will help you:

Spiders                     Lady bugs                     Parasitic and predatory wasps

Ground beetles     Praying mantises

How to create micro habitats

Practical tricks on:

The importance of mulch

Winterizing your apple trees

Sticky traps

Leaves: what to do with them


Beautiful apples with 10 minutes a week of maintenance

Choice of varieties (over 1500 named varieties exist)

An ounce of prevention…

How to restore an old apple tree


The fruit of your labour

What to do with your harvest

And much more…

P.s. This seminar will show you how to grow wonderful apples
