02: Lettering

Complete the four lessons on Lettering:

  1. Basic Lettering
  2. Weight & Block Lettering
  3. Sketch-notes: Example 1
  4. Sketch-notes: Example 2

Want more practice: Experiment with these ideas.

Project (pick 1):

  • Refine your poster from 01: Building Blocks to include lettering and depth.
  • Create a 7.5 x 10 poster for one of the following:
    • Main character from a favorite book.
    • Upcoming essential learning and its progression
    • New or upcoming vocabulary word, process, skill
    • ...or something of your choosing

It takes practice.

  • Share your poster with someone and ask for feedback.
  • Scan or take a photo of your work and insert it in your Doodling the C's Google doc.

Examples (add your own):

02: Building Blocks