2nd Third Workshop, University of Alberta: "On strong and weak logics for non-classical computability"
Workshop on Paraconsistent Reasoning, Calcutta Logic Circle: "Conditionals and Contradiction in Paraconsistent Set Theory"
Otago Phil Seminar: "On the One True (Relevant) Logic -- an embarrassment of riches?"
Pukeko Workshop on Non-Classical Logic, Wellington: "Reductio ad Infinitum"
Australasian Association of Logic, Sydney: "Conditionals and Contradiction in Paraconsistent Set Theory"
New Zealand Association of Philosophers: "Finite meets Infinite"
Logic Workshop, Dunedin: "On(Un)decidability)"
AAL, University of Queensland: "Notes on LP, with an `ex falso elimination' theorem"
Ohio State: "On Paraconsistency: moderate and radical approaches" (video on youtube)
Otago Logic Group: "Truth and falsity in (non-classical) logics"
AAP, Melbourne: "Aristotle, but not Aristotle: on some connexive logics"
Kobe University: "Paraconsistency: Past, Present, Future?"
Otago Seminar: "Aristotle, but not Aristotle: on some connexive logics"
Radio New Zealand: multiple appearances
6th World Congress on Paraconsistency, Torun, "True, Untrue, Valid, Invalid, Provable, Unprovable" (keynote)
Dialethesim and Paraconsistency Workshop, Bochum, "On Functions, Relations, and Inconsistent Computations"
ILLC Amsterdam, "On Paraconsistency: Conservative and Revisionary Approaches"
Utrecht University, "Paraconsistent Arithmetic"
Université catholique de Louvain, "Paraconsistency: Past, Present, Future?"
University of Ostrava, "Functions, Relations, and Inconsistent Computations"
ERC Seminar, Bochum, "Quantifiers in Connexive Logic" (with H Wansing)
Logic Seminar, Bochum, "Paraconsistent Arithmetic"
Otago Philosophy Seminar, "Revision without Revision? Two case studies in Inconsistent Mathematics"
Otago Philosophy Seminar, "Mathematical Pluralism and Paraconsistent Arithmetic"
Australasian Association of Logic (online), "Pluralism and Inconsistent Arithmetic"
Pukeko Logic Group, Auckland, "On the expressive completeness of LP"
University of Queensland (online), "Paraconsistency: past, present, future"
Third international conference on Non-Classical Modal and Predicate Logic (Bochum), "Revision without Revision? Two case studies in Inconsistent Mathematics"
Otago Philosophy Seminar, "New proofs with old methods"
Melbourne Logic Group / Logic Supergroup, "New proofs with old methods" (with G Badia and P Girard)
New Zealand Association of Philosophers, Christchurch, "Mathematical Pluralism and Relevant Arithmetic"
Pukeko Logic Group (Auckland): On Richard Routley's Ultralogic Program
Center for Mathematical Social Science (Auckland): Non-classical logic and inconsistent mathematics
Otago Philosophy Seminar: On Richard Routley's Ultralogic Program
Otago Mathematics Seminar: Paraconsistent Logic and Inconsistent Mathematics
50 Years of the Logicians' Liberation League (UNAM, Mexico City): On Richard Routley's Ultralogic Program
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum: Dialetheic Paraconsistency -- Methodology and Metatheory
Doing metaphysics in non-classical logic workshop, University of Lisbon: Observations on the trivial world
University of Lisbon: At the limits of thought
Philosophy Seminar, Otago [with Greg Dawes]: On the Analytic/Continental Divide -- Defending Derrida?
Australasian Association of Logic, Wellington: At the limits of thought
Logic Workshop 2018, Dunedin: Brouwer's fixed point theorem in paraconsistent topology
Australian National University: Limits, contradiction, and locality
University of Melbourne (Logic Group): How much inconsistency is too much inconsistency?
JAIST: Just true?
Priestfest 2018, University of Kyoto: Under the Routley Set
Philosophy Seminar, Otago: Ordinary Paradox
University of Auckland: Just true?
Pukeko Logic Group: Continuous relations
Kyoto Workshop on Nonclassical Logic III: On substructural logic and metatheory
Kyoto Workshop on Logic and Metaphysics: On paradox explanation, the inclosure schema, and being ordinary
New Zealand Association of Philosophers Conference: Atheism and dialetheism
Philosophy Seminar, Otago: Trivialities
Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences: Inconsistent mathematics
Charles University: The case for non-classical logic
Louvain-la-Neuve, conference: On closure and completeness in substructural theories of truth
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum: On closure and truth in substructural theories of truth
LOGICA: Paraconsistent Measurement of the Circle
University of Colorado Boulder: The case for non-classical logic
Kyoto Workshop on Dialethesim and Paraconsistency: On what is possible, what is not, and what is both
Kyoto Workshop on Non-Classical Logic II: A substructural logic for inconsistent mathematics
University of Kyoto: Paradoxes (series of three lectures)
University of Kyoto: Paraconsistent Set Theory
Japanese Society for Philosophy of Science: Dialethesim in philosophy and mathematics
Buenos Aires Logic Group: On what is possible, what is not, and what is both
Pukeko Logic Group: Models of Paraconsistent Arithmetic
Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences: Computation in non-classical foundations?
University of Ostrava: Introduction to Paraconsistent Mathematics
Prague Seminar on Non-Classical Mathematics: What is an inconsistent truth table?
LOGICA: On Paraconsistent Downward Lowenheim-Skolem Theorems
Department of Physics, Otago: Introduction to Paraconsistent Mathematics
Department of Philosophy, Waikato: The Last Last Man
Yonsei University, Pluralism workshop: Inconsistent Truth Tables; Non-Classical Computation (two talks)
Otago Logic Group: Computation in Non-Classical Foundations?
Pukeko Logic Group: Closure and substructural logic
Kyoto Non-Classical Logic Workshop: Closure and substructural logic
Vagueness workshop, Sydney: "Sorites in Paraconsistent Mathematics"
ASubL5, Melbourne: "Paraconsistent arithmetic without contraction"
NZAP, Christchurch: "What is an inconsistent truth table?"
AAL, Christchurch: "Paraconsistent arithmetic without contraction"
Melbourne Logic Group: "Paraconsistent Algorithms?"
Otago Logic Group: "Paraconsistent Algorithms"
Philosophy Seminar, Otago: "A Family Reunion (of Paradoxes)"
Paraconsistent Reasoning, Munich: "Recursive functions for paraconsistent reasoners"
University of Aberdeen: "Paraconsistent Algorithms"
5th World Congress on Paraconsistency, Kolkata: "Strict Finitism in Paraconsistent Mathematics"
Non-Classical [Meta]Mathematics Workshop, Otago: "Paraconsistent Mathematics and beyond"
Uni-Log 4 (Brazil), Relevant Logic Workshop: "Thither Relevant Arithmetic!"
Uni-Log 4 (Brazil), Non-Classical Mathematics Workshop: "Fixed Point Theorems"
Otago Logic Group: "Fixed Point Theorems"
Philosophy Seminar, Otago: "Inconsistent Boundaries"
Mathematics Seminar, Otago: "Paraconsistent Mathematics"
Priestfest, Melbourne: "Generalizing the Inclosure Schema"
AAL, Melbourne: "Thither Relevant Arithmetic!"
Philosophy Seminar, University of Canterbury: "Unity and Inclosure"
Pukeko Logic Group (Dunedin): "Modal madness!"
University of Auckland: "Inclosures; or, a family reunion (of paradoxes)"
UConn Logic Group: "Non-Classical Models of the Sorites"
Castleton College: "What is philosophical logic?"
State University of New York, Binghamton: "What is philosophical logic?"
Sandia National Laboratories: "What is non-classical Logic?"
AAP NZ (Wellington): "On Fixed Points, and Endpoints"
Pukeko Logic Group (Wellington): "Inconsistent Boundaries"
* Paradox and Logical Revision (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy): "Naive Validity and Contraction"
Curry's Paradox and Paraconsistency (Otago): "Contraction"
University of Otago Philosophy Seminar: "Sets!"
Otago Logic Group: "What is Naive Proof?"
Pukeko Logic Group (Auckland): "Naive proof is recursive!"
* ConstruMaths2012 (University of Canterbury): "Paraconsistent Mathematics"
Melbourne Honours Seminar: "Paradoxes and Foundations
Melbourne Logic Group: "Consistency points in the number line"
Melbourne Philosophy Cafe: "Contradictions!"
University of Connecticut: "Paraconsistent Vagueness"
St Andrews (Arche): "Paraconsistent Vagueness"
Paradox and Logic Revision Workshop, Arche: "Between Finite and Infinite"
NYU: "Paraconsistent Vagueness"
MIT: "Paraconsistent Vagueness"
University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth): "Paraconsistent Vagueness"
UConn Logic Group: "Paraconsistent Foundations of Mathematics"
University of Massachusetts (Amherst): "Paraconsistent Vagueness"
CUNY: "Paraconsistent Mathematics"
AAP (Dunedin): "Bad Lines"
Beyond the Possible: Remembering Richard Sylvan: Organizer's Welcome
Melbourne Logic Group: "Inconsistent Arithmetic"
University of Otago: "Paraconsistent Vagueness"
Australian Metaphysics Conference (ANU, Kioloa): "Non-Classical Mereotopology"
AAL (Wellington): "Inconsistent Continua" (with M. McKubre-Jordens)
Australian Metaphysics Conference (ANU, Kioloa): "Existence and \Existence."
Philosophy Seminar Series, Melbourne: "Vagueness: "Topology and Paraconsistency"
Paraconsistent Mathematics Workshop, Melbourne: "Aims, Strategies, and Sets"
AAP (Sydney): "Truth and Proof"
AAL (Sydney): "Notes on Paraconsistent Real Analysis"
University of Canterbury, Department of Philosophy: "Figures and Formulae"
University of Canterbury, Department of Mathematics: "Paraconsistent Mathematics"
Melbourne Logic Group: "Figures and Formulae"
"Figures and Formulae," University of Canterbury, Department of Philosophy
"Paraconsistent Mathematics," University of Canterbury, Department of Mathematics
"Figures and Formulae," Melbourne Logic Group.
Melbourne Logic Group. “A Topological Sorites.”
AAPNZ, Masse University. "The Mathematics of Vagueness."
University of Sydney. “A Paraconsistent Model of Vagueness.”
Melbourne Logic Group. “On Boundaries: What do inclosures mean?”
Australasian Association of Philosophy. “Paraconsistent Induction.”
World Congress of Paraconsistency 4. “Paraconsistent Set Theory.”
Australasian Association of Logic: “Life Without Disjunctive Syllogism” Lives of the Philosophers: “Georg Cantor”
Melbourne Logic Group: “Paraconsistent Foundations of Mathematics”
Postgraduate Colloquium: “Paraconsistent Foundations”
Paraconsistent Solutions to Vagueness workshop, University of Sydney.
Australasian Association of Philosophy (Armidale): “Paraconsistent Identity.”
Plato and Circles Postgraduate Conference. “Non-well-founded sets.”
Philosophical Society of Southern Africa (Stellenbosch): “On Paraconsistent Ethics.”
Australasian Association of Philosophy (Canberra): “Reflection Theorems.”
Blackwood Annual Conference (Warburton): “Retrograde Myopia.”
Melbourne-Adelaide Logic Axis: “Extensionality Problems.”
Melbourne Logic Group: “On Transfinite Numbers In Paraconsistent Set Theory.”
Postgraduate Logic Conference, Melbourne. “Reflecting the Universe.”
Australasian Association of Philosophy, New Zealand (Dunedin). “Fighting Monsters: Paraconsistent Ethics.”
Postgraduate Colloquium. “Paraconsistent Ethics.”
Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference. “Consequentia Mirabilis: Debating with Dialethism.”
Blackwood Conference (Warburton). “Anchors and Axes: Godholes and Foundations.”
Postgraduate Colloquium. “Paradox and Foundation.”2001
Undergraduate Conference, East Coast Division, SUNY Oneonta: “Zenos Paradox.” (discussant)