Macbeth 3

Act 3 Reading Quiz

1. Who said, "Thou hast it now - king, Cawdor, Glamis, all as the Weird Sisters promised, and I fear Thou play'st most foully for it."


2. Why does Macbeth dislike Banquo who has always been his friend?

Banquo's sons will be king according to the witches.

3. Whom do the other lords (besides Banquo) suspect killed the king?

the king's sons, Donalbain and Malcolm

4. How does Macbeth convince the murders to kill Banquo?

Macbeth said Banquo was the cause to the murders' misfortune

5. Who was killed and who escaped the murders?

Banquo was killed. Fleance escaped.

6. Who sat in Macbeth's place at the banquet that night?

Banquo's ghost.

7. Who saw this sitter?

only Macbeth

8. Whom does Macbeth plan to visit the next day?

the three witches

9. Who is Hecate?

goddess of witches

10. What happened to Fleance?

fled after escaping the murderers