macbeth 1


Reading Quiz – Act 1

1. “Fair is foul and foul is fair” means what to the play? Appearances are deceitful. What is harsh can be really nice and what appears to be nice might be harmful

2. The captain told the King, “As cannons overcharged with double cracks, so they Doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe” refers to Macbeth. What does it mean? Macbeth and Banquo fought doubly hard when confronted by reinforced Norwegian troops.

3. With what three titles did the witches greet Macbeth? Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, King

4. What prediction did the witches make to Banquo? His descendents will be king.

5. How did Lady Macbeth find out about the witches’ predictions? Letter from Macbeth

6. Who said, “Give me your hand; Conduct me to mine host: we love him highly, And shall continue our graces towards him.” King Duncan

7. When Lady Macbeth says, “unsex me here” – what does it mean? She is asking the spirits to take away her "womanliness" and replace it with evil.

8. Why does Macbeth change his mind about killing the king? The King has honored him and everyone thinks he's a hero.

9. Describe the plan on how to kill Duncan? Drug the guards. Kill the king with the guards' daggers. Smear blood on them.

10. How does Lady Macbeth divert suspicion from Macbeth and herself? They will scream and roar grief when the murder is found out.