Reasearch on Biblical Manuscripts Shed Light on Beliefs

On the matter of a God Trinity

Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most prolific and celebrated Christian scientist did much research on The Trinity Doctrine and found that it is NOT in the original scriptures.

The following references (and others throughout the literature) allows us to seriously examine the teaching of a "TRI-UNE" God as taught by many modern day, (albeit well meaning) organizations. Most modern day religions and or religious organizations refrain from including research on this particular scholarly finding due to the fact that this teaching was only introduced and included in the Bible when Tertulian, a Catholic priest decided to make it popular around 250 A.D.

For example a very knowledgeable and excellent science based web site "" does not write about the "Comma Johanneum", a spurious Biblical text found in 1 John 5:7 which was inserted into the Greek Scriptures only around the 4th Century A.D. "" is an excellent and well versed, prestigious, anti-evolution research organization that believes, both in a Tri-Une God and the teaching of an everlasting-punishing "hell fire".

Please note that we absolutely agree with the majority of the scientific anti-evolutionary research from this excellent organizations, except where they erroneously reject informing the public regarding this extremely important matter, not-found-in-the Bible, God being Three in One and their belief that a loving God would punish for ever his children in a hell fire.

Nevertheless, we as a research institution who is in sincere pursuit of the TRUTH, not only in the scientific, biological, mathematical sense, we also maintain a forward looking conviction that TRUTH remains in the study of all matters. This is especially appropriate when it comes to the loving guidance and teachings of the Bible which is the basis for all of our scientific and faith building foundation.

As such, we publish articles, that although, contrary to popular opinion, (due to centuries of old age beliefs) and or belief of many of our religious friends, whom we love and respect very much, nevertheless, these findings, on our part, represent a beacon of light for those who are trully seeking the TRUTH in EVERYTHING. While keeping in mind that it is impossible to find and assimilate the TRUTH of all things, Ecclesiates 8:16-17. "…When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe the activity that one does on the earth—though his eyes do not see sleep day or night— 17I saw every work of God, and that a man is unable to comprehend the work that is done under the sun. Despite his efforts to search it out, he cannot find its meaning;even if the wise man claims to know, he is unable to comprehend."

The following quotes helps the truth seeking reader to verify for himself or herself the true origin of the doctrine of Three persons in One God.

Notice that the explicit description of a Triune God as found in 1 John 5:7 only came into existence or was inserted into the Holy Scriptures in later Greek manuscripts. All early Christian manuscripts and early Christian worshipers never believed in such a creed. To them it would have been pure heresy to believe in other than ONE God as stated in Deutoronomy 6:4. Some modern day Bible translators insert the words "these three bear witness" instead of "these three are one person" as some Bible translations erroneously insert into the verse.

The scriptures tell us that Jesus learned obedience. Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from what He suffered,. Thus, we ask, If Jesus was God, how could he learn to be obedient to himself ? We are only obedient when there is someone higher than us to whom we need to obey. If you are a Son, and are Obedient to your father, you could not possibly be the Father at the same time. That would not make sense. Since we are created in the image of God, thus, God likewise has created a hierarchy that is easy for us to understand here on earth. We are born to a father and a mother. We, as Godly children learn to be obedient to our father and or our mother. How could we be a son, a daughter, and a Father or a Mother at the same time ?

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One. 5 And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.…" (emphasis ours).

The Israelites or Jewish Nation formed originally by God himself, YAHWEH, was a monotheistic nation as opposed to the surrounding nations like Egypt who believed in many Gods. (Heiser, 2012).

Catholic writers admit to the fact that the idea of a God Trinity did not arrive into the Church scene until around 225 AD. "Catholic scholars admit that Tertullian (c. 150–225) was the first writer to use the term "trinity."  (Ogwyn, 2018).

Additionally, it is worth noting that Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most prolific and celebrated Christian scientist of our modern times,  also questioned seriously the doctrine of the Trinity of God. It is said that Newton spent more time on biblical research than on scientific research.

The following information was taken and quoted from reliable web sites.

“I John 5:7, also known as, the Comma Johanneum, is found in only eight late Greek manuscripts, four of which have the words in a marginal note. These marginal glosses were added after the original copy was made. Most of these manuscripts originate from the sixteenth century and the earliest manuscript, includes the reading in a marginal note which was added sometime after the original composition. There is no sure evidence the Comma Johanneum existed in any Greek manuscript until the early sixteenth century or perhaps the fifteenth century at best. From what we do know, it seems the Comma somehow found its way into Latin manuscripts sometime in the fourth or fifth century. It does not appear in any Greek script of any kind until 1215 A.D. where we find it in a Greek translation of the Acts of the Lateran Council, a work originally written in Latin. “ (, n.d.)

“And here is another reason we know this passage is inauthentic. We do not find a single person quoting this passage in the second to fifth century debates concerning the nature of God and Christ. If indeed 1 John 5:7 was present in the original text, it is inexplicable that no one ever brought it forward concerning the deity of Christ, especially since similar sounding passages like John 10:30 enjoyed very heavy mileage. We do not find one solitary voice appealing to it through the entire Sabellian and Arian controversies and even afterward. But we do have evidence the Comma surfaced in the late fourth century in Spain or the early fifth century near Carthage.” (, n.d.)

ca. 210 A.D. | Africa

Tertullian makes a statement that he supports by quoting John 10:30, yet he does not quote the Comma which would have been the same argument but stronger. He is unaware of the Comma.

"Thus the connection of the Father in the Son, and of the Son in the Paraclete, produces three coherent persons, who are yet distinct one from another. These Three are, one essence, not one person, as it is said, "I and my Father are One," in respect of unity of substance not singularity of number" (Against Praxeas, 25).”  (emphasis ours).


(, n.d.) (n.d.). Comma Johanneum, An Examination of the doctrine of the Trinitty. Retrieved July 2, 2018, from

Ogwyn, J. H. (2018). Study Topic: Is God really a Trinity? Retrieved from

Heiser, M. S. (2012). “Understanding Israelite Monotheism,” Faithlife Study Bible. Retrieved from