
Tutoring School of True Science Academy


Hawaii On-Line University Institute & Bible College

Life Science Students *

To all authorized researchers: This is your Human and other Species Research Project. Please pay careful attention to details and verify that all research has been properly documented and backed by factual statements and observations. 

This project is based on ENCODE findings, research and discovery (https://www.encodeproject.org/, 2018)

What is ENCODE?

"The ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) Consortium is an international collaboration of research groups funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). The goal of ENCODE is to build a comprehensive parts list of functional elements in the human genome, including elements that act at the protein and RNA levels, and regulatory elements that control cells and circumstances in which a gene is active."

Image courtesy of : https://www.encodeproject.org/


C++ Basics by Danian, 11, 5th grade.

Computer Science | C++ | 5/9/2022 |

C++ is one of the fastest computer programming languages, it is most

commonly used for game-development. Many of the most high-quality

games in the world are made from C++, for good reasons.

C++ is hard to learn because of its high quality and fast performance, but still

is one of the most popular programming languages. C++ is not usually used

for web development, because other languages are easier and more efficient,

although some people do use C++ for web development, but it is not that


C++ is in the family ‘C’ along with C, C# and a few more. C++

was first seen in 1985, designed by Bjarne Struostrup 37 years ago.

Press the link to read enire project




David's Marine biology project 

The sawfish also known as the carpenter shark, is a strange looking

fish with a long saw-like snout which is called the rostrum. On the

rostrum it has as much as 28 pairs of tooth-like modified scales

depending on the species or the shark itself. The sawfish will use its

“saw” to slice at prey then will eat it whole. It will also use it to

defend itself from predators such as sharks. It has electromagnetic

sensors along the rostrum to help locate movement buried in the

sand or in murky waters.

 Press here to continue reading : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JaN7kXgpoQUWBOCMFdStls7nStjYS8HX/view


Southern Sea Otter

Enhydra lutris

Include a title at the top that says the name of your species, common name and scientific name.

Include a picture of your species, write a caption that describes the picture. Put your caption in italics!

Write a short paragraph that tells your visitors what this website is all about.  Tell them about your school science project and why you chose this particular species to learn more about.


My name is Joe and I'm a 7th grade student in San Diego, California.  In my life science class, I had to do an endangered species project.  I decided to do my research on the Southern Sea Otter.  I chose this species because I was very interested in how such a cute animal could survive such harsh living conditions in the ocean.  This website will detail the Southern Sea Otter as a species and discuss why it became endangered and what we are doing to save it.

Information and Media Sources:

Sea Otter Image from Alaska Department of Fish and Game

List the titles of websites where you found information AND where any media is linked from.  This goes at the bottom of every page. Extra credit is awarded if your sources are hyperlinked.

* This site is owned and maintained by research and universitty students and scientists from Hawaii School of True Science and  Hawaii On-Line University - A virtual university organization comprising of students in Hawaii, Florida, South America, USA and the entire world.