Spring 2013: Math 661, Riemannian Geometry

Math 661, Riemannian Geometry

Time: T/Th 900-1015

Location: Math 215

The suggested textbooks are

(1) do Carmo, Riemannian Geometry

(2) Lee, Riemannian Geometry

(3) Spivak, A comprehensive introduction to differential geometry, vol. 2

We will follow primarily (1). You will not need any of the books for the class but it could be handy to have a few different references to supplement the lectures. Exercises will be suggested but not collected. There will be no exams. The only duty required of enrolled students is to type up 1-2 lectures.

A tentative schedule of material can be found in the file page for this course. This is tentative and subject to change.

Class News

  • Special guest lecture on Tuesday, 2-26. I will return on Thursday.
  • Class will begin on January 15. I apologize for those of you that showed up on January 8 or 10 to discover I was not there.