Fall 2012: Math 562, Differential Geometry

Math 562, Differential Topology (officially called Differential Geometry).

Time: T/Th 1030-1150

Location: ME 2053

Homework: Due on Thursdays in Class.

The suggested textbooks are

(1) Guillemin-Pollack, Differential Topology

(2) Spivak, Calculus on manifolds

(3) Lee, Introduction to smooth manifolds

(4) Milnor, Topology from a differential viewpoint (see also Milnor videos)

We will use primarily (1) and (2). (3) is a nice reference and (4) has some beautiful applications of differential topology. You will not need any of the books for the class but it could be handy to have a few different references to supplement the lectures. The weekly homework sets do not require you to reference any textbook as I write out all the problems. The homework assignments will appear here in the Math 562 Files page.

Class News

  • 11-29. New final exam posted. Same due date of 12-6. It is VERY VERY easy.
  • 11-28. Final Exam and Practice Exam are posted. Note that the final exam is due on 12-6.
  • 10-22. IGNORE the course outline suggesting we do not have class on Thursday. WE DO HAVE CLASS THIS WEEK (emphasis not anger).
  • 10-4. Due to transportation problems, I will not be away on 10-4. Come by my office if you have any questions on the material.
  • 10-2. NO CLASS on 10-4. Turn homework in my mail box located in Math 835 (labeled with my last name). We also have fall break and no class the following Tuesday. Enjoy the break!
  • 9-27. Pset 6 updated with new problem. No Exam next Thursday. Instead I will post a practice exam for you to try and about a week later post solutions.
  • 9-25. Homework session is TODAY instead of Wednesday. 6 PM at 460 S. 9th. We also might have an exam on 10-11 in class. We will decide on Thursday in class.
  • 9-18. Pset 5 posted. We will have a Homework discussion at my house on 9-26.
  • 9-6. NO EXAM next Thursday 9-13. Pset 3 will be due on 9-18. Pset 4 will be due on 9-20. NO CLASS on Thursday 9-13. Spend that time thinking deeply.
  • 9-3. We have our first mid-term on 9-13 (I will be out of town unfortunately starting 9-12 AM). I will discuss the first exam format either in class or via a posted .pdf here.
  • 9-2. Homework discussion Tuesday (September 4th) starting at 6 PM at my house. 460 S. 9th street. The 6B bus drops off in front of my house. The trolley (Bus 23) drops off 5 blocks from my house. If you drive, you can park on State as our house is at the intersection of 9th and State. Call my cell (512-796-1754) if you get lost. It is BYOB = Bring Your Own Beverage. I will likely drink tea and will have coffee, water, and some crappy juice like beverages if your find yourself without a beverage. Sadly, it will be a disposable cup affair as much as I hate hurting the environment (and lowering the class of the event).
  • 8-29. Class lectures updated substantially. Incorporated the basic topology and group actions. Added more stuff aside from lecture material.
  • 8-28. PSet 2 posted. I might need to add 1-2 more problems on regular values. Keep a look out!
  • 8-25. Class lectures updated.
  • 8-23. Homework discussions will be every other Thursday night at my house (460 S. 9th) between 6-9 PM. These are optional and informal. The first one will be on September 6th.
  • 8-23. Office hours 12-2 Tuesdays, 1-2 Thursday.
  • 8-21. PSet 1 posted. Class Lecture notes posted (this will be updated regularly).
  • 8-15. Added some topology review notes. They are dense and rough. I'll update them again I suspect.
  • 8-14. Class Description and Lecture Schedule Added. Classroom changed to allow for higher class enrollment.