Lots about Logos

Design Fundamentals

1. Logo Design Fundamentals

Logo Design! Not just the basics, it's the fundamentals. Lauren guides you in building and preparing a branded logo.

Welcome to Logo Design-Fundamentals of Building a Great Brand Logo. Our course teacher, Lauren, walks you through the steps he takes to come up and create a logo design. In Logo Design Fundamentals, Lauren describes his process from start to finish using all the elements it takes to create and build a unique logo.

Udemy - https://www.udemy.com/logo-design-fundamentals/

2. What Makes a Good Logo Design? These 4 Elements (aidan)



Pinterest boards regards Logos


2. Graphic Design 101: Why that Logo is so Compelling

A survey course of Graphic Design

Who this is for

This class is for people who know a little bit about graphic design but want to dive deeper. You can recognize a well designed poster or website when you see it, but you want to know WHY it's good

Why did the poster designer choose an illustration instead of a photo?

Why did the book cover designer use that photo?

Why the web designer do the site in that style?


3 Professional Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator

Learn how to design a logo that stands out from the crowd.

Logos are a critical part of the modern visual landscape. To learn how to create your own, it's important to be able to identify the components and design techniques behind the most successful Logos. In this course, we will be deconstructing Challenging logos in order to explain why and how they work, and offers a methodical approach to creating a logo in Illustrator. These tutorials combine theory with nuts-and-bolts techniques that emphasize simplicity and readability: the principles that ground the best logo designs.
