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3 Design Tips That Will Rock Your Designs! | WHAT'S YOUR TAKE

A Kid’s Guide to Graphic Design by Iconic Designer Chip Kidd

Graphic Design - Setting the Mood

Music can influence the way we feel - if a song is upbeat we will feel happier, likewise if it is slow and sombre our emotions are likely to follow. This exercise is to design four CD covers which visually represent different styles of music by considering use of colour, imagery, typeface and composition. We have designed these exercises to be done with or without a computer.

Graphic Design - Setting the Mood

Psychology of Visual Content

Graphic Design - Hierarchy of Information

Hierarchy of information is all about the order of importance of information.

When you are making a poster, flyer business card, any printed material,

you will have certain information that needs to be included. Some information

will be more important than others, so if you are advertising a band gig then you wouldn't make the date and entry fee the largest piece of text, you would give the name of the band the most space as it is the identifying title that people will recognize. This session will look at how information text can be effectively set out

on a poster.

4 Design Hierarchy Tips | Design Like a Pro