Music Posters

10 Tips On Creating Killer Gig Posters

By: John Foster |

Editor’s Note: This post was originally written in April 2013 by 2014 HOW Poster Design Awards judge John Foster. Read more about Foster here.

My devotion to gig posters is far from a secret (from both volumes of New Masters of Poster Design, to 1000 Indie Posters, and all the way back to Maximum Page Design) but it goes further than my writing. Creating these short-run screenprints for my college band, as well as friend’s groups, I have been designing them for more than 20 years. We didn’t call them gig posters back then, and we didn’t have a worldwide community to alert us to other like-minded souls, or to push and pull our creativity.


25 inspiring gig posters

Graphic design

Gig posters are an arena in which graphic designers can really indulge their passion for both art and music. Here's our pick of the best - plus some classics from the past.



