Virtual Phantom Download

Update: We are not accepting additional vector fields for evaluation at this time. 3/1/2018

Description of Virtual Phantom Dataset

The virtual phantom dataset may be downloaded as a single .zip file approximately 250 MB in size. The dataset includes all 10 virtual phantoms that may be used for the validation of deformable image registration in the head and neck region. Each virtual phantom is made up of two distinct DICOM image sets: a start-of-treatment (SOT) CT image set and an end-of-treatment (EOT) CT image set. When performing the deformable image registration with the intention of uploading the results to this website, the SOT image set should be designated as the primary (reference/fixed) image and the EOT image set should be designated as the secondary (target/moving) image. We will not be able to compute results for registrations performed in the opposite direction.

The initial publication describing the creation and use of the virtual phantoms may be found here.

The table below shows the characteristics of the patient cohort on which the virtual phantoms were based.

Reproduced from: J. Pukala, S.L. Meeks, R.J. Staton, F.J. Bova, R.R. Manon, K.M. Langen, "A virtual phantom library for the quantification of deformable image registration uncertainties in patients with cancers of the head and neck," Medical Physics 40, 111703 (2013).

Download Agreement

There is a known issue with Internet Explorer 8 where users are not able to download our files. Please use another browser, if possible.

Any data downloaded from this website should be used for QA and research purposes only. The providers of this data may not be held liable for any clinical decisions made as a result of using this data. Deformable image registration algorithms may behave very differently depending on the conditions (treatment site, magnitude of anatomical changes, etc.) to which they are applied.

This data contains elements that were derived using the ImSimQA commercial software package from Oncology Systems Limited (OSL). The data may not be distributed outside of your institution without prior written consent from OSL. OSL reserves the right to contact your institution about its use of the data.