
January 7th, 2012

Before the audition....

It is almost hard to believe that I am half way through the school year at Incarnate Word Academy. I am thrilled to be directing my first BIG musical on the Falcon Stage. To quote one of my favorite composers, "I'm excited and scared." How will I juggle the many "special" schedules and needs of my student body? How can I possibly rehearse with a cast of all girls and successfully open up the cast to a few boys (who are also involved in their own school programs)?

I have to figure out how to build a set with no shop. I am also nervous about all of the singing in this show. One of my biggest pet peaves when I go to see a high school show is when the cast sings in unison when the score calls for harmony. I am going to have to be very proactive in my approach. I have decided to make a music CD for all of the actos and spend a majority of the beginning of the process working on the music and fostering a work environment where they can discover their characters.

While reading the script, I absolutely love the images that I see. The theme of friendship and imagination makes me smile and fills me up with energy. When I listen to the score, I am touched by the love that Gertrude has for Horton. I am inspired by the confidence of Mayzie. When Jojo's "thinks" continue to get him in trouble, I am reminded of my own little boy who is always getting into more than he can handle. When Horton is willing to put up with being bullied and pushed around simply because he wants to save Whoville, I am moved to cling to my beliefs and continue to strive for my goals regardless of what others around me might say or think. People may think that Seussical is a simple silly show, and yet I see a masterpiece full of symbolism. I hope that my entire cast and crew is inspired by my desire to dig deep into the world of Dr. Seuss and Seussical the Musical.

And then there were 50.....

I had so many amazing actors show up for the audition. I am also blown away by the ammount of crew members that want to work on the show. I am enthusiastic and ready to get this show on the road. The girls are very excited. I was dissapointed to hear that a few seniors felt like the show was too silly for them. I humbled as I remember my purpose isn't to please everyone but to inspire these students to love the theatre and experience the magic that is putting on a play. After having difficulty recruiting boys from the brother Catholic school, I am touched by the interest from two of my former students. When I had them in a show last they were stumbling junior high boys. Now they are young men and participating in a HIGH SCHOOL production with me.

It is painfully evident that every single girl that has attended this audition wants to be Gertrude. It is so hard being able to navigate through the waters of the auditions and not trample any dreams. After hours of auditions, I hear a sweet soft voice coming from the back of the stage. It is one of my sweet sophmores singing "Notice Me Horton". It is like I am seeing her for the first time. I am blown away by her polished audition and this character coming through. When she sings with Horton, I get chill bumps. I am so excited to see the beginning of this relationship blossom right before my eyes. "Oh the things you can think...if you're willing to try....". Time to get my think on!

Footage from the audition: