Lesson 1: Shakespeare

Goals/ Objectives / Prerequisite Skills


Students will Know and apply the Uta Hagen skills and acting techniques to a Shakespeare Monologue.

Students will Appreciate the works of William Shakespeare.


TSW prepare, practice, and perform a Shakespeare Monologue.

TSW will interpret and translate a Shakespeare Monologue.

Pre-Requisite Work

The students will have completed a unit on Guidposts and Uta Hagen.

The students will have read Romeo and Juliet and discussed the theme and meaning.

Students will be given 4 different monologues to choose from to work on for the Shakespeare Unit.

The students will be given their Shakespeare monologues one month before the actual Shakespeare Monologue Unit.

The students will have two memorization checks. (The student will recite the monologue for the teacher prior to the actual Shakespeare Unit)


Romeo and Juliet Text






loose leaf




117.65. (c) (2) (B) analyze characters from various genres and media, describing physical, intellectual, emotional, and social dimensions;

117.65. (c) (2) (C) create and sustain believable characters; and

117.66. (c) (5) (A) compare behavior at various types of performances and practice audience etiquette;

117.66. (c) (5) (B) apply the concepts of evaluation to performances and evaluate theatre, film, television, and electronic media with depth and complexity, using appropriate vocabulary;

117.67. (c) (2) (B) evaluate character dimensions in scripts of various genres and styles;

117.67. (c) (2) (C) create and sustain believable characters;

Rationale/ Connections


Show where the concept fits in the big scheme of things

Demonstrate the importance of integrating all of the acting techniques that we have learned prior to this unit of study


Language Arts: English Connections

Tell students what they learned yesterday, last week, last year, etc.


Teaching Strategy / Method

Teaching Method

Cooperative Groups

Direct Instruction

Deductive: Provide information/guide to independent practice

Teacher's role


Student's role

Participant and Facilitator

Classroom Layout

Individual seats

Up on the floor

Higher order thinking strategies

TSW Remember the plot and characters in Romeo and Juliet.

TSW Understand and Analyze the meaning of the text by translating the text into conversational speech.

TSW Evaluate the performances of the peers on the online edmodo board.

TSW Create a Shakespeare Monologue performance using the strategies and techniques studied in Theatre Class.

Questioning strategies

Remember: Can you create a story board or plot analysis of Romeo and Juliet?

Understand: Can you write in your own words the meaning of the Shakespeare Monologue you have selected?

Analyze: Which events have occurred in the story prior to this monologue taking place?

Create: Can you perform a Shakespeare Monologue applying the strategies and techniques studied this year in Theatre Class.


Daily Informal Assessment:

Class Discussion


Formal Assessment:

Monologue Performance

Edmodo Blog on student performances



Extra time

Day 1

Sponge / Focus


-Journal what you know and what you want to know about Shakespeare and acting a Shakespeare piece.


-Demonstrate an example

Physical Warm Up

The class will complete a vocal warm up focusing on articulation, projection, etc. The students will complete the box of sound and breathing.


The students will work in small groups to translate the meaning of the Shakespeare text. (For example of the students that selected "Thou Knowest the Maske of Nite" will work together to translate each line of the monologue.) Students may use their ipads or iphones to access the internet. Additionally, the teacher will have pulled some Shakespeare resources from the library for student use. They are asked to examine each line of the Shakepearean text. What does each line mean? Students will break the monologue into beats. After they have discovered the meaning of each line they can begin to rehearse the piece and add blocking.

Wrap Up

Students will reflect on the process of understanding a Shakespeare piece.

Day 2

Warm Up

Full Body Energizers


The teacher will ask two students to perform their monologue for the class. The student will perform the monologue once with out interruption. After the student has performed once, the teacher will use the student's translation and help them discover the true meaning of the words and mood. The teacher will remind the student of acting moment to moment (Uta). Students will be asked to take notes while observing the coaching sessions with the purpose of becoming a coach themselves with their peers.

Wrap Up

The teacher will ask the students to reflect on what they observed from watching the teacher coach the actors.

Day 3/4

Warm Up

The students will complete a full body warm up.

Breathing, Power, Articulation, and Engage the Brain


The students will work with partners. One student will perform while the other student offers coaching reminders. Students are asked to video tape portions of their coaching sessions in order to show their partner their work.

Wrap Up

Students will write a reflection on their coaching experiences.

Day 5

Warm Up

Full Body Warm Up (Power, Breath, Articulation, Engage the Brain)


The students will perform their Final Shakespeare Performances.

The audience will critique the performances on EDMODO.

Shakespeare Unit Study