Lesson 3: Uta Hagen-Moment to Moment

Moment to Moment: Looking for something

Goals/Objectives/Prerequisite Skills


Students will Learn about acting one moment to another moment.

Students will Learn how to make each acting experience "like the first time".

Students will Improve acing skills and techniques.


TSW be able to repeat selected actions over and over again by experimenting with the Uta Hagen exercise looking for something.

TSW prepare, practice, and perform a 3-5 minute exercise where they loose an item in their home. We will watch the actor eventually find it.

Pre-Requisite Skills

The students will have read the chapter 13 in the Uta Hagen text. The chapter is about acting moment to moment. The students will read about the looking for something excercise and complete a set of pearls on the reading to share and discuss with the class.


Uta Hagen Text

Student props from home



117.65. (c) (1) (A) practice warm-up techniques;

117.65. (c) (1) (C) demonstrate effective voice and diction;

117.65. (c) (2) (A) demonstrate safe use of the voice and body;

117.65. (c) (2) (D) improvise and write dialogue that reveals character motivation in short vignettes.

Rationale/ Connections:


Show statistics of use of the concept

(Students will watch a clip of trained actors discussing the technique.)

Show a video of using the concept


Who were some famous people of other cultures who were involved during critical times (or currently) with this concept?

Ask what students already know about the concept now

Teaching Strategy / Method:

Teaching strategy or Method:

Inductive: Discovery

Inductive: Concept Attainment and Cooperative Groups

Teacher's role



Student's role



Classroom Layout

Individual seats

Higher order thinking strategies

TSW remember by making a timeline of events in the scene they have created.

TSW understand by illustrating the scene.

TSW evaluate by discussing the assignment in co=operative groups.

Questioning strategies

Remember: Can you identify each moment of the scene you have created?

Understand: Can you illustrate the scene in storyboard form so that each moment is highlighted.

Evaluate: How effective is this technique when applied to a scene? How would this technique benefit a working actor?


Daily Informal Assessments:

Class Discussion



Formal Assessment:

Uta Hagen Performance

Edmodo Class Critiques

Day 1



Journal your feelings and thoughts on this Uta Hagen study up to this point.



Warm Up

They will create a KWL chart. Students will recap what they already Know about Uta and "acting naturally". Students will discuss what they Want to Know.


The teacher will discuss the challenges that actors face while performing a role. It can be very difficult to repeat a scene over and over again and keep the newness and freshness of the scene every time. Uta Hagen discusses in her chapter finding each moment and feeling it through each moment. The purpose of the exercise is to suspend the knowledge of what is to come by searching for a missing object. The object should be very important to you. Your goal is to relax into the scene and feel each moment.

Each performer should be able to clearly identify the objective, obstacles, and scenario (six questions).

Student Discussion:

Because the students have already been studying Uta, they are very open and willing to explore further. In round table forum, students will discuss the pearls that they have identified as being valuable points to explore in this exercise.

Wrap Up: Students will look at the chart they created at the beginning of class and discuss what they have learned.

Day 2

Warm Up: Physical Warm Up (Breathing, Power, and Flexibility Stretching)

Lesson: The students will perform their Uta Hagen Performnaces for a peer in the class. They will coach each other and use the Chapter 13 of the text as a guide. The teacher will walk around the class and observe the different groups. The teacher will offer guidance where needed. Students will be asked to document their rehearsal experience. What did they observe about their peer's performances? What advise did they give their partners?

Wrap Up: Students will submit their rehearsal reports on EDMODO.

Day 3

Warm Up: Physical Warm Up (Breathing, Power, and Flexibility Stretching)

Lesson: Students will perform their Moment to Moment: Looking for something pieces.

Wrap Up: Students will critique each other's work on Edmodo.

Uta Hagen Moment to Moment Student Hand Out

Uta Hagen Performance Rubric

Grade: ____/ 60