Welcome to my website!
I am an Assistant Professor (Above the Bar) at the School of Economics, University College Dublin, a Research Fellow at the Geary Institute for Public Policy, a Research Affiliate at the CESifo Research Network, and a Researcher at the Science of Diversity & Inclusion Initiative. In my research, I combine economic experiments, economic theory, and techniques of econometrics analysis to tackle policy-relevant questions. To learn more, please visit my research page here.
(Pinned Posts)
***Visiting the University of Chicago in the Spring of 2025 (host: John List) ***
***Awarded the UChicago JILAEE Fellowship***
***Selected to present at the Early-Career Behavioral Economics Conference 2025***
Upcoming Talks
>> University of Galway
>> Trinity College Dublin
>> São Paulo School of Economics
>> CAF -Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina
>> Torcuato di Tella University
>> University of San Andrés
>> ECBE 2025
Previous Talks
>> The Chinese University of Hong Kong
>> Yonsei University
>> EBS Business School, Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
>> Seul National University
>> Renmin University
>> Tsinghua University
>> Nankai University
>> Guanghua School of Management
>> World Congress of the Game Theory Society (August 2024)
>> Universidade do Algarve (July 2024)
>> London School Economics and Political Science (July 2024)
>> University of Michigan (May 2024)
>> University of Chicago, Booth School of Business (May 2024)
>> University of Chicago, Econ Dept. (May 2024)
>> Purdue University (May 2024)
>> ESRI (April 2024)
>> Royal Economic Society Annual Conference (March 2024)
>> Geary Institute (March 2024)
>> Research Seminar (ISEG, Feb. 2024)
>> NIPE Seminar (Universidade do Minho, Feb. 2024)
>> ECO Seminar (Universidade do Porto, Feb. 2024)
>> Antai Economics Seminar (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dec. 2023)
>> Peking University (Dec. 2023)
>> University of Macau (Dec. 2023)
>> EEA-ESEM 2023 (Barcelona School of Economics, August 2023)
>> Delivering a workshop on "The Use of Lab Experiments for Policy" at cef.UP (Universidade do Porto, July 2023)
>> PEJ 2023 (Universidade do Minho, July 2023)
>> M-BEES 2023 (Maastricht University, June 2023)
>> GSBE-ETBC Seminar (Maastricht University, June 2023)
>> CREED Seminar (University of Amsterdam, June 2023)
>> CeBaS Seminar (Smurfit Business School, May 2023)
>> International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (Lisbon School of Economics and Management, May 2023)
>> Irish Economic Association Annual Conference (Sheraton Athlone, May 2023)
>> Political Economy Research Seminar (King's College London, March 2023)
>> Behavioural Science and Policy Seminar (Geary Institute for Public Policy, March 2023)
>> XLAB Seminar (ISEG - Univ. Lisboa, February 2023)
>> Selected to present at the Early-Career Behavioral Economics Conference 2025
>> Delivering a GIRSI Masterclass on Experimental Economics Methods at the Geary Institute for Public Policy on March 3
>> Hosting Yan Chen at the UCD Economics Seminar series on February 26
>> Co-recipient of the UCD ReCLAIM Funding Grant
>> Hosting Paul Smeets under the UCD Geary BICS Scheme on 23-28 February
>> Awarded the UChicago JILAEE Fellowship
>> Visiting the JILAEE headquarters in Buenos Aires in the Spring of 2025
>> Visiting the University of Chicago in the Spring of 2025 (host: John List)
>> Invited to be a discussant for the Low-carbon Actions panel at the Sino-Irish Symposium on Technological Innovation and Policy Impact for Sustainability
>> Visiting the University of Chicago in the Spring of 2024 (host: John List)
>> Invited to participate in the Purdue BEEP Workshop on computational tools for experimental economists
>> My paper "An Experiment on Gender Representation in Majoritarian Bargaining" is forthcoming at Management Science (release: May 2023)
>> Presenting at the Political Economy Research Seminar (King's College London, March 2023)
>> Presenting at the XLAB Seminar (ISEG - Univ. Lisboa, February 2023)
>> Presenting at Católica Porto Business School Seminar (December 2022)
>> Presenting at Fac. Economia da Universidade do Porto Seminar (December 2022)
>> Presenting at Fac. Economia da Universidade de Coimbra Seminar (December 2022)
>> Appointed as a Research Fellow at the Geary Institute for Public Policy (release August 2022)
>> Presenting at the Berlin Workshop on Empirical Public Economics: Gender Economics (release July 2022)
>> Presenting at the Discrimination and Diversity Workshop (release: May 2022)
>> Presenting at the World ESA Conference at the MIT Sloan School of Management (release: March 2022)
>> Joining the University College Dublin - School of Economics as a senior assistant professor in the upcoming academic year (release: February 2022)
>> Abu-Dhabi Young Investigator Award (jointly with Andrzej Baranski, Ada Kovaliukaite, and James Tremewan). The associated prize money will serve to continue studying men's and women's behavior in multilateral bargaining.
>> Presenting at the Interdisciplinary Brownbag Seminar of Behavioral Sciences - Theory and Empirics - Maastricht University, on March 17 (release: January 2022)
>> Presenting at the Cooperative Relations Seminar, Utrecht University - Sociology Department, on Jan 26 (release: January 2022)
>> Presenting at the European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society (virtual) (release: November 2021)
>> Guest Speaker, Maastricht University SBE's Honours Programme Colloquium (inviter: Prof. Dr. Paul Smeets) (release: November 2021)
>> Presenting at the North American ESA Conference (in-person) (release: October 2021)
>> Presenting at John List's ESA Continuing Education Day (in-person) (release: October 2021)
>> Visiting the Division of Social Science, New York University Abu Dhabi (Hosts: Dr. Andrzej Baranski and Prof. Dr. Ernesto Reuben) (release: October 2021)
>> Visiting the Department of Microeconomics and Public Economics at Maastricht University in the fall of 2021 (Host: Prof. Dr. Arno Riedl) (release: August 2021)
>> Invited to give a guest lecture at New York University Abu Dhabi (release: June 2021)
>> Presenting at the ZEW/Uni Mannheim Experimental Seminar on May 11 (release: May 2021)
>> On May 27, I have the great privilege to host the 1st Open Science Symposium at the UU Faculty of Law, Economics, and Governance (online event). Inspiring program about different aspects of Open Science offered by a diverse set of speakers, including the presence of UU Rector Magnificus prof. Henk Kummeling. For more info and registration, please click here. (release: April 2021)
>> Invited to give a guest lecture for the Research Master students of the Utrecht School of Governance. (release: February 2021)
>> Invited to talk about my paper "Women Dislike Competing Against Men" at the Women in Information and Computing Sciences (WICS) network (release: January 2021)
>> My paper "Big and Small Lies" has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (release: January 2021)
>> In collaboration with the Leibniz Institute for Psychology, I am hosting an OSCoffee about Preregistration on November 19. For participating, you can click here. (release: November 2020)
>> Invited to design the question on Behavioral Economics for the Dutch Economics Olympiad 2021 (release: October 2020)
>> My research has been featured in the economics column of the Sunday edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine. (release: October 2020)
>> Due to the COVID 19 circumstances, all remaining OSCU Open Science Symposia are cancelled. As an alternative, we just launched the OSCofee, Your weekly sip of Open Science. Check it out! (release: April 2020)
>> Invited to participate in the Science of Diversity & Inclusion Initiative's Convening 2020 | Haas School of Business| UC Berkeley (release: February 2020)
>> Selected for the Breaking Science Pitch Competition (release: January 2020)
>> Appointed as the OSCU Ambassador for the UU Faculty of Law, Economics, and Governance (release: January 2020)
>> Appointed as the Coordinator of the U.S.E. Minor in Social Sciences (release: January 2020)
>> Invited by the Royal Dutch Economic Association (KVS) to participate in a Round Table on “Policy and Academia” as a prelude to Esther Duflo’s lecture at Utrecht University (release: November 2019)
>> On November 7, we are proud to host at Utrecht University this year's Nobel Prize in Economics laureate Esther Duflo (release: October 2019)
>> Invited to participate in the iSEE 2020 | NYUAD (release: October 2019)
>> On November 5, we are hosting Olivier Marie at the U.S.E. seminar (release: September 2019)
>> Invited to design the question on Behavioral Economics for the Dutch Economics Olympiad 2020 (release: September 2019)
>> Invited to participate in the Science of Diversity & Inclusion Initiative's Convening 2019 | University of Chicago (release: September 2019)
>> Awarded the U.S.E. Economics Section Buy-out Grant (release: July 2019)
>> Invited to be a panel member at the UU Gender and Diversity Hub's Brown Bag Conversation (release: June 2019)
>> On February 26, we are hosting Thomas Buser at the U.S.E. seminar (release January 2019)
>> The ESB-Dossier Women in Economics is just-released. I had the honor of contributing to the article regarding the Round Table on Gender issues. The article is published under the Chatham House Rule (release: November 2018)
>> Invited by ESB to participate in a Round table to discuss women's underrepresentation at economic departments in Dutch universities (release: October 2018)
>> Invited to participate in the Science of Diversity & Inclusion Initiative's Convening 2018 | Department of Economics | University of Chicago (release: September 2018)
>> Invited to participate in the Workshop Fairness in Sports and Games at King's College London (release: June 2018)
>> Defending my Ph.D. Dissertation at Maastricht University on May 9 (release: April 2018)
>> Presenting at the Thurgau Experimental Economics Meeting 2018 (release: April 2018)
>> Presenting at the EEA-ESEM 2017 (release: August 2017)
>> Research excellence distinction from the Dean of the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (End-Of-Year SBE Event | June 2017) (release: June 2017)
>> Awarded the EEA Travel Grant (release: May 2017)
>> Joining the Utrecht School of Economics (Economics Section) as an Assistant Professor in September 2017 (release: May 2017)