User Interviews

A curated collection of notes taken from over 30 student interviews.

Technology Usage Groups by Major

Graph showing technology usage, grouping by major.

Interview Quantity by Grouping

A - 13

B - 7

C - 9

Interview Styles

Schedule Studies - For these questions we asked individual interviewees what they did for their entire day prior.

Q and A - These questions were delivered in a straight question answer format an individual basis.

Group Questions - We asked open questions to a group of similar users and facilitated dialogue while taking notes.

Space Visitation - We asked questions about interviewees work space while in said spaces.

Ashley • Illustration

Ashley - Illustration

Q: How would you like to use technology at KCAD?

A: I have trouble lugging around my giant portfolio for my classes, I would rather use my computer and tablet than traditional means of Illustration.

Q: On a scale from 1 to 3, 1 being no technology and 3 being state of the art, where would you say your major falls in terms of technology requirements?

Q: I would rate my major as being a 2 on the technology scale but myself personally as a 3. I have a macbook pro, the adobe master suite and a bamboo tablet.

Q: How could KCAD improve your experience with technology?

A: There are no cintiqs on the Illustration floor, there is not enough room and we need new equipment, like projectors for the rooms, I had a light bulb explode in my face.

Kalein • Collaborative

Kalein - Collaborative

Q: What would you change about your digital/technological life here at Kendall?

A: More printers, better servers, better wifi

Q: Do you find having to carry all of your technology inconvenient?

A: No, I have the new retina and it is small and does not weigh very much, but the portfolio cases, and drawing supply cases is very inconvenient.

Other Comments:

I do not like having to sign into the wifi every time, it should remember my computer. I like having a laptop, I haven’t jumped onto the tablet band wagon yet.

Sophia • Drawing

Sophia - Drawing

Q: What does your day look like?

A: I leave an hour or two before class, I live in Grand Haven, I park at GVSU and take the rapid in

10:30-11:20 class

Lunch on Monroe street

More class then I get home

BF's house afterward

Q: When and how do you use your technology?

A: Laptop in the evening Facebook still getting the hang of this thing.

I just paid $260 for Adobe CS

I use my laptop for project research and shopping

My laptop is 50% need 50% time sucker

I don't use my computer much in drawing class except for research,

we use it mostly for basic internet things

I'm disappointed I spent as much as I did for this for what I'm using this thing for

Q: Will you take digital drawing?

A: No, I will not take digital drawing.

She expressed a little fear of digital painting / works wants to stay on paper.

Q: When do you charge your phone and what do you use it for?

A: Carries phone charges daily at night, uses for calendar, reminders alarm system the phone is quicker for some things. Carries tech on internet. Drawing pad, just carries plain, no case hard to move

Q: How has your experience with technology at KCAD been?

A: Frustrated with the mac requirement

Macs are kind of heavy. I could murder someone with it its so heavy.

I used my windows phone before, it uses way less data than my iPhone

Q: Anything else you'd like to say?

A: The city makes me feel small

Lee • Painting

Lee - Painting

Q: How do you use technology?

A: I use my laptop for reference photos and for research.

Q: What do you wish you technology could do better for you?

A: I wish there was a simpler way to self-promote with things like business cards, posters, submissions for galleries etc. I use excel spread sheets right now to keep track of my paintings, their prices and exhibit dates and details. It would also be nice if there was a way to network with other artists.

Taylor • Photography

Taylor - Photography

Q: What do you carry with you on a normal day to school?

A: Carry my camera bag, and a large pouch purse with folders, pens, paper, and will start bringing my 17” macbook when I get it. I use mostly photoshop, Lightroom and Bridge.

Q: What daily struggles do you encounter?

A: It can be hard to keep on time, the traffic and access to free parking can be a hold up.

Q: How and where do you do your homework?

A: Do most of my work at home, but using school computer now because my laptop is broken. I use my laptop for everything, to keep my schedule, research, and most preperation for projects is done on my laptop.

Q: Is there anything you would change about your college experience if you could?

A: I wish we had more time to complete projects and more opportunity/time to do reworks.

Q: Is there anything else that would make your life easier as an art student?

A: I need to be better at organizing my files on the computer.

Joy • Industrial Design

Joy - Industrial Design

Q: What does your day look like?

A: Got up late

showered ready to go out by 11

Showed up to KCAD at 11:30

Worked on a writing assignment printed out, ran late to class because of printer

Had a class at 12:30

Quick lunch at friends place at 5 lyon

Back at 3:30 to work on a digital modeling assignment

Class at 6:30

IDSA meeting

Got up late because he had to share a book the night before, stayed there working on a Key shot rendering for vp3

Got to bed late like 2:30

Q: What do you typically tote to KCAD?

A: Carries everything in his bag but plans to buy a separate case for his wacom tablet for Visual Production 3. His Samsonite backpack was heavy, worried pressure in his back pack may crush laptop

Nicole • Furniture Design

Nicole - Furniture Design

Q: What would you change about your digital/technological life here at Kendall?

A: Kronos is a pain, I feel like only graphic design people have real access to the printers, servers are really hard to get into.

Q: Do you find having to carry all of your technology inconvenient?

A: No, text books are heavy though.

Other Comments:

I like my macbook, but I wish we had more options. Like if we can get what we need and have it be able to function like we want it than we should be able to go and get it ourselves.

I wish we had backup support for our laptops, I know too many students who have lost everything because they did not have the ability to backup their files properly. I also know students who have had their laptops die on them in the middle of finals and they lose a lot of work and then don’t have the time (and in some cases money) to just get a new one and continue with their project.

Taz • Painting

Taz - Painting

Q: What is your day like?

A: Start the day in my studio, make sure all of my reference photos are printed out and or pulled up on my laptop screen. Make sure my laptop is facing the right direction and in the right spot. Adjust the lighting on the reference photos.

I usually print out the initial reference photos, then I use my laptop for the details because I can zoom in on them. And sometimes I use my laptop to color correct my reference photos.