
Explorelearn is also known as E.Greer, a Twitterer from Raleigh, North Carolina. She has been on Twitter since at least May 2009, has posted almost 700 Tweets. She follows 397 people on Twitter and is followed by 317 Twitterers. E. Greer describes herself as:

" Adult educator, media developer, skeptic, progressive, nature lover, sociologist, scifi/science buff, eclectically curious gal. Owned by 2 Belgian Tervurens."

E. Greer's tweets reflect all of these interests - Torchwood sits alongside other sci fi postings about shows like Firefly as well as day to day updates that cross random combinations of the elements in the Explorelearn profile.

E. Greer is not connected (neither follows nor is followed by) to any of the Tweeters observed in this ethnography.

Explorelearn Twitter stream: http://twitter.com/explorelearn

E. Greer does not link to another website from her Twitter account.