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Research fellow at INRIA Paris, team MUSCLEES

Applied Mathematics, Modeling of complex biological systems

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Office: Sorbonne Université

Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, 16-26.324

4, place Jussieu, F75252 Paris Cedex 05

Short bio

I am a research fellow at INRIA Paris in the team MUSCLEES (Multiscale Understanding across Scales of Complex Living Ecosystems with Emerging Structures). 

I am interested in the mathematical modelling of biological systems and particularly in complex systems which develop self-organized dynamics. My methods combine analysis, asymptotic theory and multiscale numerical techniques. My research focuses on (i) the development and validation of (microscopic) agent-based models for biological applications (such as tissue morphogenesis, regeneration, wound healing, collective cell dynamics), (ii) the micro- macro- passage in models of complex systems, to establish the link between PDE and agent-based models using tools from kinetic theory.  

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Research Interests

Mathematical modeling of complex systems coming from biology, microscopic models, derivation of macroscopic models, kinetic theory, Asymptotic study

Past Position - Post-doctoral researcher in Wien, Austria

From Oct 2015 to Oct 2017 I was a post doctoral researcher in applied mathematics at the faculty of mathematics in Vienna with  Christian Schmeiser. We were interested in modelling the morphology and mechanics of cells crawling, the motion of which being driven by cytoskeletal dynamics. I am a former member of the Project WWTF (Modeling of Polarization and Motility of Leukocytes in Three-Dimensional Environments). 

Past Position - PhD student at IMT, Toulouse

From september 2012 to august 2015, I was a PhD student in applied mathematics at Institut de Mathématiques de  Toulouse (IMT)  under the supervision of Pierre Degond and Fanny Delebecque. We worked in collaboration with two biologists: Louis Casteilla and Anne Lorsignol from the STROMALAB. We were interested in the modelling of adipose tissue homeostasis and I was a member of the CNRS project PEPS-MATH (Modeling Adult Tissue Homeostasis) and the project was supported by the Region Midi Pyrenees under grant APRTCN 2013.



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