Regeneration/Scar formation

Project aims:

We investigate the mechanisms by which biological tissues recover after injury. We explore this question on adipose tissue, using the mathematical framework recently developped in [1]. We aim to understand the role of the ECM mechanical properties on the choice of regeneration/scar formation.


M. Ousset, L. Casteilla, A. Lorsignol, C. Barreau (StromaLab,Toulouse), P. Degond (Imperial College London)

Related publications:

  1. D. Peurichard, F. Delebecque, A. Lorsignol, C. Barreau, J. Rouquette , X. Descombes, L. Casteilla and P. Degond, Simple mechanical cues could explain adipose tissue morphology, revisions, lien arXiv

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