Papers & Presentations

Bullying and the Effects on School Achievement - Submitted to the Safe Schools Coalition as part of my internship.

The Struggle for Gender Identity as a Human Right - This article was published in the Connecticut chapter of the NASW January/February 2011 newsletter

Supporting Transgender Rights at Work, School, and in the Community - This workshop was presented at the CT chapter of the NASW November 15, 2011

Transgender Activist History:From World War II to the at Present. - This workshop presentation was given at the True Colors Conference on March 17, 2012

Civil Rights and Anti-Bullying Leadership Summit Speech (Rough Draft) - The Summit was sponsored by Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) and the Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities.

A Look At My World: The Culture of the Transgender Community - This workshop was presented at the CT chapter of the NASW April 2015

Norwalk UN Human Rights Day - I was asked to give a speech at the Norwalk City Hall for the anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

CT Women's March & Rally speech January 19, 2019

My testimonies before the joint Judiciary Committee of the Connecticut legislature for the gender inclusive anti-discrimination bills…

My testimonies before the joint Public Health Committee of the Connecticut legislature for the Birth Certificate legislation...