Video & Slides
Slides and Video Lectures
A story of degenerations in enumerative geometry. Video of my talk at the BIRS workshop Enumerative geometry beyond spaces. Slides.
Gromov-Witten theory and the tautological ring. Video of my talk at the workshop Moduli stacks and enumerative geometry.
A tour of the logarithmic Hilbert scheme. Video of my talk at the Panorama of Moduli.
A story of roots and logarithms in Gromov-Witten theory. Video of my talk at Abramorama. Slides.
Logarithmic enumerative geometry for curves and sheaves. Video of my talk at Jim & Rahul's IC Moduli seminar. Slides.
Quantum geometry of matroids. Slides for my talk at the SFB TRR 195 Annual Meeting.
The cycle of curves in a toric variety. Slides for my talk at the 2022 BrAG Meeting at Imperial College.
Quantum geometry of matroids. Video of my lecture at CAGTR at ICTS in Bangalore. Slides.
Gromov-Witten theory via roots and logarithms. Notes for my lecture at the Helvetic AG Seminar in Diablerets.
Logarithmic and tropical moduli theory. Notes for my 2022 GAeL lecture course.
Gromov-Witten theory and invariants of matroids. Slides for a talk at the KIAS Algebraic Geometry Seminar.
Piecewise polynomials and the moduli space of curves. Slides for a talk at the LAGARTOS seminar. Video here.
Constructing logarithmic moduli. A video lecture at the Stanford Algebraic Geometry Seminar.
Logarithmic DT theory. Slides for an online lecture in the "Algebraic Geometry and Moduli" seminar at ETH.
The logarithmic Hilbert scheme of curves. Slides for an online lecture at "Algebraic Geometry and Polyhedra" at ICERM. There's a video available here.
A graphical user interface for logarithmic intersections. Notes for the working seminar on bChow intersections.
4/2 ways to count curves in a pair. Slides for an online lecture for the Algebraic Geometry session at the BMC.
DT theory and the secondary polytope. Slides for an online lecture to the discrete geometry group at TU Berlin.
Analytic and tropical geometry. Video lecture from the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.
The tropical geometry of Hurwitz numbers. Video lecture from the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.
Curves, moduli, and tropical geometry. Slides for a lecture at DPMMS, University of Cambridge.
Moduli spaces of elliptic curves in toric varieties. A lecture for the term workshop on homological mirror symmetry at the IAS.
The space of equations for an algebraic curve. A short video lecture about combinatorial Brill-Noether theory, IAS, January 2016.
Moduli of rational and elliptic curves in toric varieties. Video lecture from the Fields Institute, Toronto, December 2016.
Linear systems on general curves of a fixed gonality. Video lecture by Dave Jensen on our joint work, Toronto, December 2016.
Tropical Hurwitz Spaces. Video lecture from MSRI, Berkeley, August 2016.
Analytic and tropical varieties over higher rank valued fields. Video lecture by Tyler Foster on our joint work, CMI-BIRS, May 2016.
Curve counting on surfaces: the tropical and Fock approaches. Video lecture by Hannah Markwig on our joint work, CMO-BIRS, May 2016.
Skeletons of Stable Maps & Superabundant Geometries. Video lecture from CMO-BIRS, May 2016.
Virtual Skeletons. Video lecture from the Penn Math & Physics Seminar, March 2016.
Artin fans. Video lecture by Dan Abramovich explaining the work of many people, but also touching upon some of my work in these papers.