Professional Career

Corporate, Administrative and Academic Roles

I. President, University 2020 Foundation (2012-present)

(Northborough, MA, USA)

The University 2020 Foundation constitutes a University and College Planning and Development Foundation, and provides Consultancy Services to universities, colleges and other Higher Educational Institutions.

The role of University 2020 Foundation is to:

  • Develop the overarching Role of the University in Society and Community;

  • Promote the Importance of Graduate and Comprehensive Universities, providing a solid liberal arts and science education base, along with graduate and professional programs related to community needs;

  • Help develop Community Engaged Universities, based on our concept that the university and its community ought to be partners in progress;

  • Promote Rural Sustainable Development through rural universities and colleges;

  • Inspire universities to contribute to industrial, healthcare, infrastructural and economic development of its communities.

Based on the charter of the University 2020 Foundation, Prof. Dhanjoo Ghista has been involved in working with universities to set up new programs and departments to cater to the community needs. He has also been collaborating in research with academics in different countries, which has resulted in many journal papers.

Since 2012, he has published three books:

Biomedical Science, Engineering and Technology (InTech Publishers, 2012) [Biomedical Science, Engineering and Technology, by Dhanjoo N. Ghista]

Cardiology Science and Technology (CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2016)

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Cardiovascular Physiology (World Scientific, 2018)



II. Rural Ozarks Area Development (2011-2013)

Willow Springs, MO

In-Charge of Planning and Setting up Ozarks Rural University

Missouri State University, West Plains

Adjunct Distinguished Professor September 2011 2013

Corporate Level Roles:

Ozarks Rural University (OZRU)

Developed the blue print of Ozarks Rural University (OZRU) to address the higher education, infrastructure and economic sustainability needs of South Central Missouri region.

Background and Purpose:

Our rural, urban and national economies need rejuvenation. More than ever before, our Rural Communities are in dire need for active involvement of universities, through their academic programs, for: (i) encouraging and inspiring students to pursue higher university education to develop their future, while being able to live in their hometowns; (ii) sustaining farming communities, which constitute the base of the rural regions, (iii) promoting innovation and enabling scientific, technological and medical advancements locally, to enrich the rural communities; (iv) cultivating industrial development and creating employment, by attracting companies but essentially by incubating new companies locally; (v) ensuring people of requisite purchasing capacity for their basic needs, while providing scope for their cultural and aesthetic expressions; (vi) developing sustainable rural communities, creating grass-roots economy and providing a healthy lifestyle for the rural population.


The Ozarks Rural University will provide the requisite knowledge base and human capital for:

1. our farming and infrastructure development and maintenance,

2. creating hi-tech towns and sustainable communities,

3. cultivating locally developed businesses and industry, professional and financial services,

4. providing employment opportunities in all work domains, for people with diverse backgrounds,

5. our wellness and healthcare,

6. bringing economic and functional stability to families,

7. inspiring our children to complete their high-school education and look forward to a fulfilling lifestyle,

and provide to our families and children a bright future.

OZRU to offer local, accessible, and affordable upper level degrees:

1. Ozarks Rural University will not be competing with any two-year associate degree granting colleges in these towns. It will work closely with these colleges to arrange for seamless transition from these colleges to OZRU offering advanced degrees. Existing universities will be invited to establish colleges as part of the academic complex of post-high school education building on the existing community colleges.

2. Local access to upper level college courses, research faculty and facilities will encourage our students to continue their education. Being able to remain in their home areas will benefit our students and their families.

3. With local financial support and investment by businesses in OZRU educational and research facilities, the tuition costs will be lower than at many other private universities.

OZRU will build on resources our area offers, bring in outside resources and develop new structures that honor existing values and hopes.

OZRU Academic Complex:

OZRU is to be comprised of Colleges to offer the following degree programs (in stages):

1. Humanities and Social Sciences

2. Sciences: physical, biological, and environmental Sciences

3. Primary and Secondary Teachers’ Education

4. Engineering: infrastructure engineering, manufacturing engineering, biomedical engineering

5. Allied Health Sciences and Nursing

6. Farming: produces, equipment engineering, farm products manufacturing

7. Management: business, hospital, and town governance administration

8. Medicine and Community Healthcare Delivery

9. Sports Science and Engineering

10. Town Planning, Permaculture and Economically Sustainable Communities

OZRU Industrial Park:

OZRU will include a hi-tech University Industrial Park. Large corporations (such as aircraft, railroad and freight, farm equipment and products corporations, and green power companies), will be invited to set up (i) departments specifically tailored to their operations (such as aircraft engineering, farm equipment engineering, and solar and wind powered electricity generation), and (ii) their manufacturing operations in the University Industrial Park to enhance the companies’ product lines and even incubate new companies based on R & D conducted at the Colleges.

OZRU graduate and doctoral students will work on technologies and products of these hi-tech companies. In turn, these companies will sponsor their research scholarships. Work-study programs can be made available for students with financial need. Some OZRU faculty members could be consultants with the companies, and in turn some senior staff of companies would teach courses at the University. This would be a win-win situation for both the companies and the University.

Structuring OZRU:

OZRU is deemed to be a private university. As explained above, the development and operation of OZRU and its research institutes will entail (i) its constituent Colleges being operated by other universities (to provide accreditation to the Colleges), and (ii) the support of corporations in related industries, which would establish educational and research facilities to serve as support and stimulation to their own industry. This would also spawn companies based on this research and available talent.

OZRU will carry out the overall administration, work with the Colleges, set up procedures for inter-College programs and joint degree programs, and operate:

1. The Center for Town Planning, Permaculture, and Economically Sustainable Communities

2. University Industrial Park, University-Colleges Industry Collaboration Center.

Research on Biomedical Engineering in Medicine and Surgery:

Work and Journal Papers on:

  • Diabetes Mellitus: Medical aspects and Bioengineering of its Monitoring and Regulation, Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy Detection by Heart rate Variability Power-Spectral Analysis

  • Compliant Model of a Coupled Sequential Coronary Arterial Bypass Graft: Effects of vessel Wall Elasticity and Non-Newtonian Rheology on Blood Flow

  • Right ventricular regional wall curvedness and area strain in patients with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot

  • Heart Depolarization Vector– Locus Cardiogram and its Clinical Applications

  • Automated Diagnosis of Cardiac Health Using Recurrence Quantification Analysis

  • ECG Signal Generation and Heart Rate Variability Signal Extraction: Signal Processing, Features Detection, and their Correlation with Cardiac Diseases

  • Intra Left ventricular Flow distributions in Diastolic and Systolic phases, based on Echo Velocity flow Mapping of Normal subjects and Heart Failure patients, to Characterize Left Ventricular Performance Outcomes of Heart Failure

  • Cardiac Arrhythmia Diagnosis by HRV Signal Processing using Principal Component Analysis.

Promoting the Importance of Universities in Community Development:

Work and Articles on:

  • Importance of Universities and Graduate Education in: (i) Human Resource development and Human Capital formation, (ii) Sustainable Community development, (iii) Quality-of-life and Happiness factors of Human living.

  • Importance of Universities for Developing Countries.

  • Rural University Education for Rural Community Development.·

Book Published:

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Design Simulations: Emphasizing a Novel CABG Design of Sequential Anastomoses, by FoadKabinejadian and Dhanjoo N. Ghista, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.


III. Framingham State University (Framingham, MA)

Consultant for Graduate Programs Development (May 2009- March 2011)

Administrative Role

Set up Graduate programs in:

1. Healthcare & Hospital Administration,

2. Sustainable Development &Policy,

3. Professional Science Master’s degree program.

Master of Healthcare & Administration Program

Module I. Healthcare Organization: Policy and Delivery systems, Laws and Planning:

1. Health Care Delivery System, Policy and Reform

2. Health Law, Regulations and Ethics

3. Strategic Planning of Healthcare services

Module II. Healthcare Management Methods:

1. Health Care Economics and Financing

2. Quantitative Analysis in Healthcare Administration

3. Human-Resource Management in Health Care organizations

4. Healthcare Informatics and Technology

Module III. Health Care Services: Financing, Marketing and Leadership:

1. Budgeting in Healthcare Facilities

2. Healthcare Marketing

3. Healthcare Management

4. Healthcare Policy

Graduate Certificate Program in Sustainable Development and Policy (SDP)


  • Sustainable Development constitutes a pattern of resource use that meets human needs, while preserving the environment, so that these needs can be met not only in the present but also for future generations. Sustainability has become a wide-ranging concept:

  • that applies to all components of a community's functional infrastructure: from homes to industries, from town conservation commissions and municipalities to town planning departments;

  • concerning how we should live, how business firms and manufacturing companies should operate, what town planners should do, and what policies are needed, for maintaining our natural resources and developing ecological systems for long-term maintenance of our well-being.

This Program is relevant for all the work-force, functional, business and administrative components of a community:

  • School Teachers, to gain knowhow for teaching sustainable environmental courses;

  • Manufacturing and Construction industry, to enable them to operate in an environmental protective mode;

  • Municipalities and Conservation Departments, for planning infrastructural systems;

  • Town Planning Departments and Law Firms, involved in developing policies;

  • All those engaged in the collective endeavour to maintain our natural ecosystems for our present and future needs.

The Program deals with:

  • an understanding of environmental ecosystems and how they work to support life and long-term sustainability;

  • how the tenets of sustainability can be applied to frame environmental policies for town planning departments and municipalities;

  • methods of developing sustainable technologies and distributed energy systems;

  • design of sustainable urban systems, ranging from transportation to electric power distribution to waste disposal systems.

Major Learning Outcomes of the Program:

  • environmental and earth resources (such as water, soil, oxygen), and their judicious use for our present and future sustainable well-being;

  • geographical and scientific, economic and political considerations for framing sustainable policy-making;

  • methods of utilizing (i) renewable resources (such as wind and geothermal), (ii) biofuels, (iii) non-centralized power generation and local distribution, to meet our energy needs;

  • designing sustainable infrastructural systems for communities and cities


  • Environmental Sustainability

  • Sustainable Environmental Policy

  • Sustainable Energy Management: Production and Conservation

  • Design of Sustainable Communities

Professional Science Masters (PSM) degree program at Framingham State University

(I) What is a Professional Science Masters (PSM) Degree Program

The Professional Science Masters (PSM) degree program is designed as a terminal professional (Masters) degree program, to prepare students with the requisite multi-disciplinary rigorous science background combined with business operations and finance management skills, to produce graduates who can address industrial market needs in sciences as well as be efficient in organizational operations, to progress towards leadership roles.

The PSM program is:

  • Interdisciplinary, in combining science and business in a manner that meets industrial (including governmental agency) needs in science and technology development and management;

  • Multi-disciplinary, in providing education in multi-disciplinary science domains, so as to provide versatility and mobility to the graduates and prepare them to also move into emerging fields;

  • Innovative, in providing the knowhow for information processing and organizational· management.

Science and Business Administration Departments involved with the Program:

1. Biology department: Concentrations in Biomedical science and Biotechnology

2. Chemistry and Food Science department: Concentrations in Biochemistry, Food science and technology

3. Computer Science department: Concentrations in Information systems and Software engineering

4. Economics and Business Administration department: Accounting, Finance and Management

5. Physics and Earth Sciences department

(II) Background and Objectives:

The Metrowest region abounds in (i) bioscience, pharmaceutical, biotechnology companies, and (ii) healthcare and medical centers, that need staff who have rigorous and broad-based scientific knowledge as well as the business skills to apply that knowledge in bioscience and biotechnology products development, bioinformatics and healthcare informatics, business operations and healthcare administration. The PSM program is hence adroitly designed to provide students with advanced training in bioscience and biotechnology, while simultaneously developing operational and financial management skills that are highly valued by industry.

The PSM program curriculum is designed to provide (i) an in-depth study of the bioscience and biotechnology, health science and healthcare administration, business operations and financial management needs of the industry in the region, along with an (ii) industrial internship. The program is hence geared to prepare science graduates for professional careers in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.

(III) Curriculum:

Taking into account the community industrial needs and FSC departments & concentrations, the FSC Professional Science Masters degree program curriculum consists of (i) Science & Technology (SCTE) module, and (ii) Business Management and Healthcare Administration (BMHA) module.

1. Science and Technology (SCTE) Module (Theme: To prepare students for professional careers in Bioscience, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Healthcare industry).

Background Courses (available to students, to prepare them for the Program courses)

Cell & Molecular biology


Medical Microbiology


Instrumental Analysis

Program Courses (Any 5 courses to be taken from the following courses)

1. Industrial Science

2. Molecular Biotechnology

3. Pharmacogenomics and Bioinformatics: Introduction to Personalized Medicine

4. Pharmaceutical Biochemistry

5. Bioinformatics

6. Biophysics

7. Healthcare Informatics and Technology

2. Business Management and Healthcare Administration (BMHA) Module (Theme: To provide students with background in information analysis, econometrics of organizations, financial management, operational management, and management science)

Background Courses (available to students):

  • Information Technology in Business

  • Economics of Organizational Design

  • Quantitative Analysis

  • Operations Management

Program Courses (Any 3 courses from the following courses):

1. Biotechnology Business Management

2. Business Management Theory & Practice

3. Business Operations Management

4. Health Care Economics and Financing

5. Healthcare Management

6. Healthcare Policy

3. Professional Internship (with a company or medical center):

This internship is carried out in the Summer Semester 3, over a 12 week period. Students work in Companies, on products design, manufacturing, operations management and marketing under the supervision of Company staff.

Addressing National and International need in Governance and Economy

The need to address the ongoing financial crisis led to the development of the concept of Governance and Economy, on how a rigorous systems engineering and operations research formulation of city and state governance can lead to community infrastructure, industrial, equity healthcare development, towards jobs creation and economic development. This work has considerable bearing on providing the solution measures for addressing the concerns of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Papers published:

  • Governance and Economy: On Occupy Wall Street and Future Options;

  • Civilian Democratic Political-Economic System, for Liberated Countries and Countries with all systems of Government;

Higher Education 2020 Odyssey

Prof Ghista’s Higher Education Odyssey started with his lecture on "Importance of the University for Development and Social Welfare" on April 23, 2011 at Harmony Hall, Nehru Centre in Mumbai, in keeping with his long-time commitment to advancement of Developing countries

Under the banner of Higher Education 2020 initiative in India, Prof Ghista has been actively involved in planning doctoral universities engaged in (i) providing enlightened education, and (ii) promoting community development and social welfare.

Promoting the Role of University in education and innovation, industry and health care, community and society:

Work and Articles on:

  • Role of Universities in: (i) Human Resource development and Human Capital formation, (ii) Sustainable Community development, (iii) Quality-of-life and Happiness factors of Human living;

  • Role of Universities in the Transformation of Societies;

  • Role of University and Graduate Education (in Sustainable Community and Economic Development);

  • Landmarks in Education, Scholarship, Medicine, and Universities: From Ancient to First Millennium to Medieval to Modern Times.

Research on Biomedical Engineering in Medicine and Surgery:

Work and Papers on:

  • Optimal Design of Customised Hip Prosthesis Using Fibre Reinforced Composites,

  • Non dimensional Physiological Indices for Medical assessment,

  • A Computational Geometric Approach for evaluating Left Ventricular Remodeling in Myocardial Infarct Patients,

  • Computer-based identification of Type 2 Diabetic subjects with and without Neuropathy using Dynamic Planter pressure and Principal Component Analysis,

  • An Integrated Diabetic Index using Heart rate Variability Signal Features for Diagnosis of Diabetes,

  • Effects of Age and Gender on Left Atrial Ejection Force and Volume from Real-Time Three dimensional Echocardiography,

  • Improved Aorta-Ventricular Matching in Ischemic Dilated cardiomyopathy Patients after Surgical Ventricular Restoration,

  • Left Ventricular Wall Stress: A Compendium,

  • Impact of Surgical Ventricular Restoration on Ventricular shape, wall stress and function in heart failure patients.

Book Published:

Biomedical Science, Engineering and Technology, Dhanjoo N. Ghista (ed), InTech Publishers, 2012.

This book cohesively integrates biomedical science (disease pathways, models and treatment mechanisms), biomaterials and implants, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, physiological engineering, and hospital management science and technology.


IV. Parkway College of Health Sciences (Singapore)

Chief Operating Officer (Provost) and Registrar (2007-2009)

University of New South Wales (ASIA)

Professor, Division of Engineering, Science and Technology (2006-2007 )

Corporate Administrative Role:

Set up and administered programs in Nursing, Allied Health Sciences and Hospital Administration with the three Parkway Hospitals in the city.

Singapore Government Role:

Developed the blueprint of Bhutan University of Science and Technology on behalf of the Singapore Government.

Book Published:

The book, Applied Biomedical Engineering Mechanics uses a problem-based approach to quantify physiological processes, formulate diagnostic and interventional procedures, develop orthopedic surgical procedures, analyze fitness and sports games (distance running, soccer, baseball and gymnastics) to maximize competency.

Research Directed:

  1. Biomedical Engineering, incorporating STEM into medical knowhow (procedures and devices), towards a higher order of Translational Medicine applied in tertiary patient care.

  2. Biomedical Engineering Science analysis of anatomical structures, physiological and organ systems, medical tests and surgical procedures, providing new insights in:

  • Anatomy, in how anatomical structures are intrinsically optimally designed for their function;

  • Physiology, in quantifying physiological systems and developing indices for their function and dysfunction leading to medical diagnostics;

  • Medicine, by developing biomedical engineering formulation of medical diagnostic and assessment methods, such as: characterization and detection of diastolic and systolic heart failure, detection of diabetes and risk to being diabetic, diagnosis of pulmonary diseases, and detection of kidney obstruction and indices, including a new concept of non-dimensional indices in medical assessment;

  • Surgery, involving analysis of surgical procedures (such as of coronary bypass surgery):

  • Design of prosthetic devices (such as my patented artificial heart valves).

Together, they constitute a STEM Model of Medicine, which can be applied in Medical education, research and clinical care.

Research Works:

Work and Journal Papers on:

  • Effects of Surgical Ventricular Restoration on LV Contractility,

  • Mechanism of Left Ventricular Pressure increase during Isovolumic contraction,

  • Biophysical model of Sinoatrial node’s Bioelectrical activity to simulate Heartrate variability in normal and diabetic patients,

  • Frontal plane Vectorcardiograms,

  • Cardiac Contractility measures of Left Ventricular systolic functional assessment of normal and diseased hearts

  • A New Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Sequential Anastomosis Design.

Prime Research Innovations in:

1. Biomedical Engineering Professional Trail from Anatomy and Physiology to Medicine and Into Hospital Administration: Towards Higher-Order of Translational Medicine and Patient Care

2. Physiological Non-dimensional Indices in Medical Assessment: For Quantifying Physiological Systems and Analyzing Medical Tests’ Data

Promoting the Concept of Sustainable Communities for Economic Development:

Works and Journal Papers on:

Towards Sustainable Development of Developing Countries: A Holistic Socio-Economic-Political Approach

  • A Holistically Sustainable Community with a Neohumanist Society

  • Role of Universities in building Knowledge and Human-Centered Societies


V. Nanyang Technological University

Biomedical Engineering Program

School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

School of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering


Professor (2000 - 2006 )

Corporate Level Roles:

  1. Member : University Remaking Committee for Nanyang Technological University:

Chair : Sub-Committee on Graduate Education & Research Member : Finance sub-committee:

Member : Teaching Integration sub-committee Co-chair: Student Affairs sub- committee;

  1. Chair, Global Immersion Program: NTU with IIT (s) and IIM(s) India Committee, to develop joint

and masters and PhD educational programs

National Level Role:

Agency for Science & Technology: member of Panel to review research proposals submitted by the faculty of the universities of Singapore

Educational Programs Developed:

  • Biomedical engineering (BME) UG & PG Educational programs,

  • Postgraduate educational programs in Clinical Engineering, at Singapore Gen. Hospital· (starting with Orthopaedic Eng.), for Medical residents.

  • Healthcare Systems Engineering (a new field, for cost-effective healthcare units and delivery systems), to be introduced as a joint program between Engg & Business-administration Faculties.

Formulated New Programs:

  • Engineering &Technopreneurship Master’s degree program (involving semesters 1 & 2 of courses in engineering specialty and small-business development, semesters 3 & 4 for technology development and business plan for the new company).

  • Dental Engineering ( a new field, for bringing to bear engineering in designing dental prostheses & orthoses, and guidelines for dental surgical procedures),

  • Sports Science & Engg. (engineering analyses and performance criteria of sports and athletics).

Teaching in Biomedical Engineering:

Graduate Courses

  • Graduate Courses

  • Physiological Engg

  • Cardiovascular Engg

  • Sports Engg

  • Healthcare Systems

  • Engineering foundations of BME

  • Biological systems modeling

Undergraduate Courses

  • Biomechanics course

Mentoring Role:

In-house Training courses on “Teaching, Research, & student counseling” to faculty members as part of their Faculty-development program

Infrastructure Development: To Promote Biomedical Engineering as a Healthcare Discipline in the Hospital setting, by setting up:

  • The Health-Science Park on the campus of Singapore General Hospital

  • Cardiovascular Engineering division, within the Singapore Heart Centre.

  • Orthopaedic Engineering Unit, within the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Singapore General Hospital.

  • Neurological Engineering Division, within the National Neuroscience Center.

Research Funding and Supervision:

Research funding from A*Star, BMRC and EDB;

Supervised doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows.

Research and Development:

Helped to setup the Centre for Advanced Numerical Engineering Simulation (CANES), with 1 million $ funding from ASTAR

R&D Projects and Publications in:

  • Healthcare Policy & Management:

Performance Indices and Budgeting of Hospital departments

Healthcare Policy for cost-effective healthcare delivery

  • Biomedical Engineering:

Non-dimensional Physiological Indices,

Noninvasive Cardiac Diagnostic technology,

Lung ventilatory disorders and disease diagnosis.

Diabetic Engineering: index for diabetes severity based on glucose tolerance testing.

Simulation of Coronary bypass surgery (optimal design of graft anastomosis).

Spinal-fracture anterior fixator design.

Presurgicalscoliosis-correction patient-customised prescription.

Skeletal fracture-fixation.

  • Sports & Fitness Science:

Fitness assessment, Optimal performance maneuvers,

Aerodynamic analyses of a swinging cricket ball and curving soccer kicks,

Cricket batting style analysis to maximize momentum transfer to the ball.

  • Psychology, Cognitive Science &Behavior:

Psychological monitoring, anxiety-alleviation,

stress-relaxation, consciousness elevation.

  • Community Regional Development:

Sustainable townships development,

Regional self-reliant blocs.

Editor-in Chief, Automedica Journal (Term ended in 2003)

Editor of Book-Series in:

  • Biomedical & Clinical Engineering (World-Scientific Publishers).

  • Healthcare & Hospital Services Management (World-Scientific Publishers).

Books Published:

Socio-economic Democracy & World Government (a template for sustainable place), World Scientific publishing Co, 2004.

Cardiac Perfusion and Pumping (World Scientific, 2006):

Regional development Program:

Proposed multi-country PhD program in ANZ-Asian self-reliant economic Bloc, involving NTU with select Australian, New Zealand and Asian Universities.


VI. Osmania University

Biomedical Engineering Dept.

Hyderabad-500007, India

Professor and Head(1995- 1999)

Corporate Roles:

  • Member of University-level Academic planning.

  • Member of University Committee to develop 5-year Development Plan of the University.

  • Coordinator, Engineering College Committee to 5-year Development Plan.

  • Member of new Centre of Arbitration and Conciliation by the Ministry of Law.

  • Developed the blueprint for the Sustainable Development of Telangana Region, which then became a separate state

As a member of the University Planning Committee, planned:

  • Planned the Osmania University Industrial Park,

  • Osmania University Industrial Development and Incubation Center,· to incubate new companies and develop indigenous industries.

  • The Osmania University Industrial Park,

Administrative Roles:

  • Launched PG program in Biomedical & Healthcare Engineering.

  • Initiated a new Ph.D program in Community-development Engineering (oriented to developing self-reliant urban-slums and rural communities).

  • Formulated Master’s degree program in Entrepreneurial Engineering and Small-Business Development, between the College of Engineering and College of Commerce and Business Management.

  • Formulated program of Academic Collaboration among South Asian Countries, towards Unified Socio-agro-industrial-economic development of a South-Asian Federation.

Education and Research Roles:

Taught courses and directed research in Biomedical Engineering


VII. United Arab Emirates University

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS)

Founding Professor & Chairman, Biophysics Department ( 1989- 1995)

Corporate and Administrative Roles:

  • Founding-Chair of Biophysics; developed education, research and clinical activities of the department

  • Coordinator, Research, Graduate and Inter-Faculty programs, FHMS (1990-1991).

  • Developed by-laws, infrastructure and curricula of Research & Graduate Programs for FMHS (1990-1992).

  • Helped to establish UAE National Health Research Council.


  • Developed the syllabi of Biomedical Physics.

  • Physics input in Medical-degree educational courses, and Graduate-degree studies in Medical Sciences.

  • Taught in the Medical-degree program, courses in: Physics-in-Medicine (Yr 1), Bio-Physics in Biological & Medical Sciences Module (Yr 2), Organ-Systems Physics (Yrs 2-3), Orthopaedic Mechanics (Continuing Education).

Research directorship:

  • Directed inter-departmental and inter-faculty collaborative research in: Cardiology: Noninvasive methods for detection of myocardial ischemia, infracted segments, intra-ventricular flows/pressure determination, candidacy for coronary bypass surgery; Diabetology; autonomic neuropathy detection in diabetes, stresses in diabetic feet; Orthopaedics: stress in femur in osteoarthritis and etiology of pain, spinal fracture-fixation procedures and systems for anterior approach.

  • Chairman of Research Committee (1990-92) & Premedical Program Committee (1990-92).

Scholarly Works:

  • Editor of Karger Book Series in Cardiovascular Physics.

  • Regional Editor of Automedica Journal.

  • Developed role of ‘University-·in-Society’, (in series of articles) in UAE University Journal of Academic Affairs.

National & Regional Level Activities:

Developed blueprint of Al Khaleez Gulf Institute of Advanced Studies; Continuing research on self-reliant community development and design.

Developed Ministry of Health infrastructure in Clinical Physics (in medicine and surgery).

  • Established collaboration between Medical Faculty & Faculty of Engineering.

Medical College- Level Committees:

· Member of the following Committees:


VIII. Corporation for Medical Devices and Industry Development

Vice President & Member Board of Directors (1988)

Comptree Research, Inc.

(Biomedical Division)

Vice-President, R&D (1986 – 1987)

Director of High Medical Technology research and development for industrialization in overall charge of R&D, technology and product development, clinical implementation of technology, market promotion, continuing education, and all aspects of corporate development.


IX. McMaster University

Professor of Medicine and Engineering-Physics

Chairman, Biomedical Engineering Program (1981 – 1987)

Chedoke-McMaster Hospitals

Head, Biomedical Engineering Department (1981 - 1984)

Administrative Roles:

1. Head of Hospital Department of Biomedical Engineering (involving biomedical engineering of medical equipment and clinical programs):

Management of function, staff and budget of the Biomedical Engineering Department.

2. Directed Biomedical Engineering education and research programs, as well as development and clinical implantation of medical technology.

Academic Roles:

1. Developed and taught courses in Biomedical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics.

2. Directed inter-Faculty research in Cardiology and Orthopaedics.

Professional Roles:

1. Editor of Automedica Journal,

2. Editor of Renaissance Universal Journal,.

3. Reviewer of grant proposals for various Research councils and foundations,

4. Editor of Karger series in Cardiovascular Physics,

5. Director of NATO Advanced Institute in Spinal Cord Injury (1982),

Research Funding:

Extensive research funding from MRC, NSERC and Ontario Heart Foundation

Research Directorship:

1. Directed Research in:

Biomedical Engineering in Medicine and Surgery, Integrated theory of mind-matter-consciousness,

2. Guided visiting faculty, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.


Prepared and published Textbooks on (i) Spinal Cord Injury bioengineering, (ii) Cardiovascular Physics, (iii) Osteroarthromechanics and (iv) Physiological mechanics.

Community Role:

Prepared the blueprint of Hamilton re-development, for Legislative Assembly


X. Michigan Technological University

Professor of Biomechanics and Engineering Mechanics Director of Biomedical Engineering (1978 – 1981)

Administrative Role:

1. Developed Biomedical Engineering degree programs;

2. Developed new courses and research projects.

Academic Roles:

1. Taught courses in Biomedical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics.

2. Prepared textbooks on Cardiovascular Physics, Orthopaedic Biomechanics, and Human Body Dynamics.

3. On Editorial Board of Biomedical Engineering Journals.

4. Guided postgraduate students in their research and theses.


XI. Stanford VA Medical Center and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Senior Research Scientist at Stanford VA Medical Center (1977 – 1978)

Senior Research Scientist at NASA GS-15 Level (1975 - 1977)

Directed and conducted research in:

1. Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Engineering

2. Aerospace Medical Engineering.

Developed new inroads in:

1. Cardiac Pumping Efficiency Assessment Indices,

2. Cardiovascular Regulatory response to Orthostatic stress simulating long-term recumbency and weightlessness,

3. Biomechanical assessment and Rehabilitation guidelines for Neurogenic bladders of Spinal cord injury patients,

4. Detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia and Transurethral Sphincterotomy in Spinal cord injury patients.

Prepared and published textbooks on:

1. Orthopaedic Biomechanics,

2. Physiological Mechanics


XII. Indian Institute of Technology (Madras)

Founding Professor & Head, Biomedical Engineering Division

Professor of Biomedical Engineering & Engineering-Mechanics (1971-1975)

HomiBhabha Chair Professorship (1973-1975)

Corporate Role:

Member of the University Senate

Administrative Role:

Developed and directed education, research and clinical programs in Biomedical Engineering.

Research Directorship:

1. Collaborative research programs with the Madras University Medical College and their Teaching Hospitals, in Cardiology, Orthopedics, Neurology and Neurosurgery;

2. In collaboration with the Neurology Institute, developed pioneering research in Stereotactic surgery and Non-volitional EEG-Feedback Neuro-therapy

Academic Role:

Supervised doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows

Professional Role:

Prepared and published text books on Cardiac Mechanics and Human Body Dynamics.


XIII. Washington University (St. Louis, MO)

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Surgery (1969 - 1971)

Academic Role:

Taught among the first Biomedical Engineering courses in USA.

Research Directorship:

1. Developed research programs with the Medical Center Hospitals: Barnes-Jewish and Children’s hospitals, in:

Cardiology and Cardiovascular engineering, Analysis of Heart valves and design of Prosthetic heart valves, which finally led to the Reul-Ghista mitral-aortic prosthetic heart valves.

2. Guided doctoral students.


XIV. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research Center

Research Scientist in Aerospace Engineering & Life Sciences (1966 – 1969)

(Federal Career GS – 14, equivalent to Associate Professor at University)

National Academy of Sciences

Research Associate (1964 - 1966)

Research in Aerospace Medicine and Engineering:

Spacecraft design; Effect of weightlessness on physiological deconditioning in space;

Cardiology: Left Ventricular wall stress and myocardial properties.

Developed the field of Cardiac Mechanics, with my medical colleague Dr. Harold Sandler. Our collaborative work with Dr Israel Mirsky (at the Harvard Medical School) resulted in the first book on Cardiac Mechanics (published by Wiley).

Developed the field of Biomedical Engineering, and its relationship with Physiology and Medicine.