Local issues

A few local issues of concern. And please – add your voice! If you share any of these concerns, please take a moment to notify the relevant party or authority as well. All it takes is a handful of people taking pride in their neighbourhood to make real change happen. Most of the issues below have links to web pages or email addresses you can use.

This is really important. A single person reporting an issue won’t get much movement on it, as they tend to be discounted and ignored. A load of people voicing their concern makes a difference! Devonshire Hill deserves decent streets, not crumbling shabby infrastructure.

Drop us a line at info@devonshirehill.org.uk if you have any comments or suggestions, such as other important local issues that need to be added to this list.

Haringey Council

Homes for Haringey

Virgin Media

Transport for London

Longer-term issues with no specific responsible party.