500 White Hart Lane

Tottenham Hotspurs corporation want to build a big housing complex, consisting of five 'walls' of buildings, three with 6-storey towers, at 500 White Hart Lane. This is the boarded-up plot next to the Screwfix warehouse, diagonally opposite the Asda petrol station.

We think this project would have a major impact on our neighbourhood. It would add 144 flats, perhaps 400+ new residents, and large 5 to 6 storey towers. 

We are not against development. But we are very concerned that this development is totally out of scale with the area, and flies in the face of Haringey’s official Local Plan.

View the official planning proposal documents online on Haringey Council's website. Click on the button below.

View and Comment on the Application

Have your say!

Do you agree with this plan? Do you disagree?

The official deadline ended on 14 April 2016. By that date around 79 objections were displayed on the Planning website.

Because the developers made minor changes in June 2016, the consultation period was reopened and now closes on 30 June 2016.

Things to think about:

Finally, we have a more detailed history of the 500 White Hart Lane project here.

How to make your voice heard.

It’s vital that you contact the council IMMEDIATELY. The official deadline has passed, but you can still object.

If you don’t say anything, the planners won’t know what our neighbourhood’s true views are on the subject. And they’ll assume that everybody’s OK with tower blocks appearing next door.

If you need help writing up a letter, we have some sample letters right here!

View and Comment on the Application