DHRA 7/4/2016

Minutes of the Devonshire Hill Residents Association

Inaugural meeting. 7 April 2016.

The meeting convened at 7.30 PM on Thursday, 7 April 2016. It was held in Studio 2 of the New River Sports Centre, White Hart Lane, N22 5QW.

Approximately 36 (a couple of people came late and left early) residents of the Devonshire Hill area were in attendance. Councillor Charles Adje of Haringey Council was in attendance as an observer.


The meeting began with introductions by local resident Yota Kondopoulou, who then tabled a basic agenda. There were two main items of business: the official formation of a Devonshire Hill Residents Association (DHRA), and a discussion of the proposed housing redevelopment of 500 White Hart Lane.

Creation of the DHRA

Local resident Sean Wallis presented a proposed constitution for the Devonshire Hill Residents Association. This constitution is modelled in many respects after those used by Homes for Haringey residents associations. Sean Wallis moved that the constitution be adopted and that the Devonshire Hill Residents Association be formed to represent residents' views and organise local events. Motion seconded by Yota Kondopoulou.

The proposed coverage area of the Association is all residential properties in the London Borough of Haringey, east of Great Cambridge Road/the A10 in eastern Norfolk Avenue, Norfolk Close, Devonshire Hill Lane, The Green, Mayfair Gardens, Devonshire Court, Devonshire Gardens, Thetford Close, Devonshire Road, Butterfield Close, Rowland Hill Avenue, Cambridge Gardens, and including a section of White Hart Lane from Great Cambridge Road /the A10 to Perth Road.

The full constitution follows this document. Key points include that all residents in the catchment area may join regardless of owner/renter status, that the organisation would not be aligned with any party or political/social movement, that for administrative reasons only Haringey residents may be full members, that the resolution of private disputes will not be undertaken by the organisation.

Informal motions were discussed and passed to name the proposed organisation “Devonshire Hill Residents Association” (reflecting the historical name of the area and its former farm, not a reference to Devonshire Hill Lane specifically), and to extend membership to residents of certain streets south of White Hart Lane, such as Fenton Road and Compton Crescent.

As noted above, residents of adjoining parts of south Enfield (eg: western Norfolk Avenue, Devonia Gardens, etc) regrettably may not join as full members since the DHRA follows existing ward/borough boundaries, but are warmly welcomed as associate members.

The motion to adopt the constitution as presented passed, with 30 votes in favour, none opposed, and 1 abstention.

Initial steering committee members

Sean Wallis then proposed a slate of steering committee members to guide the nascent Residents Association until its first annual general meeting, to be held within six months. The slate consisted of local residents Cliff Mallinder as chair, Jennifer Savage as treasurer, and NK Guy as secretary. The motion was seconded by Yota Kondopoulou.

The motion to appoint Cliff Mallinder, Jennifer Savage, and NK Guy, as the steering committee to guide the Devonshire Hill Residents Association until a future Annual General Meeting can be held passed, with 27 votes in favour, none opposed, and four abstentions.

500 White Hart Lane development proposal

To conclude, local resident NK Guy presented some information on the proposal before Haringey Planning to redevelop 500 White Hart Lane as a group of primarily residential 5-7 storey tower blocks.

Considerable informal discussion followed. A straw poll was taken of the residents present, who indicated they were unanimously opposed to the development proposal owing primarily to its enormous scale and inappropriate height, and were very disappointed by the minimal consultation on the project provided thus far by both Haringey Council and developer. Many residents indicated their intention to file an official objection with Haringey Planning, urging the Council not to grant permission to the project.


Donations were solicited from all in attendance to cover the £60 fee for hiring the room from the sports centre. Enough funds were gathered to pay the hire costs, and also to cover the stationery and supplies (£13) that had been acquired prior to the event.