Student Comments

Q. What do you think of these lessons?

“Enjoyed getting to talk to people in different countries and finding out about the history of Niger as it is different to normal lessons.”

“Great as have wanted a penpal for ages and now have one.”

Q. What do you want to get out of these lessons and is there anything you really want to find out?

“Looking forward to more lessons and hearing back from my friend.”

“Different- wouldn’t usually do this and I am enjoying it.”

“Want to find out more about what their lifestyles are like.”

“How they live so we can compare ourselves to them and see who is luckier.”

Q. Anything you are looking forward to?

“TRIPS!” (Seconded by everyone in the nearby vicinity!)

“Going on Skype more…even though I get shy.”

“Want to have a normal chat in future and find out what’s going on in their country, so we can compare.”

Q. What did you learn from this project? [This question was asked during the final session of the project]

"The meaning of the word 'pantheistic.' This means 'representing a God.'"

"People in Niger aren't as poor as we think."

"When Niger was split up, they [the colonial powers] didn't know the actual borders."

Q. What were your perceptions of Africa before the project? How did you experience the project itself? And what are your perceptions of Africa now?

"I thought they were going to be completely different to us. I thought that the project was quite good because you talked with people in a different part of the world. Now I now that they are not so different after all."

"I thought Africa was full of ill people who are also poor. The project was hard but fun. I now know that not everyone is poor and ill after all."

"I thought they were poor because of the way they were advertised. I liked the project because it was challenging but very cool. They are very much the same as us but they are politer."

"I thought they were all poor and dying of diseases. I found the project awesome. I think they are not poor and really kind."

"I thought they were poor, sad and had a lot of conflict. I found the project interesting. I now know they are not all poor after all."

"I thought it was not a good country. I found the project very fun. Africa is very different than I thought it was."

"I thought that Africa was a very bad place. I found the project very interesting and I would do it again. I think that Africa is a good place now."