Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why did the Denver Soccer Club form?

A. The Denver Soccer Club's mission is to serve the youth of our community by providing them an opportunity to play organized soccer at the recreational level.

Q. What will be different about this club?

A. All monies taken in through registration and donations will stay in Denver to support the local club. The Denver Soccer Club Board is made up of volunteers from our community who will strive to make decisions with the thought of growing our soccer program. We will use the money to meet to obligations of the Club, like registration fees, league fees, and uniform costs, but any money left over will be used to improve the soccer fields and equipment our kids are using.

Q. Do you have to live, or go to school, in Denver to join the Denver Soccer Club?

A. No. The club is an open club, therefore, anyone from anywhere can join. Members must realize, however, that the practices and majority of organized club activities will take place in Denver. It is one of the goals of the club to grow soccer in our part of the state. With that goal in mind, we encourage kids from nearby communities to join us and help spread the word about this great sport. It is our hope that through this practice, eventually other clubs will form in communities where there is interest.

Q. Where will the games be played?

A. Our club will be playing our games in a newly formed league called the Northeast Iowa Soccer League. This recreational league is be based in Waverly but we will still play about half of our games in Denver. The plan is to have 6 games in the fall and 6 games in the spring. As the league grows, the hope is to pull in closer communities, like New Hampton and Sumner, but those communities will need to provide suitable game locations before we would travel there. In the mean time, we may travel to Waverly to play a New Hampton team, for example.

Q. What is the difference between recreational and competitive soccer?

A. Recreational soccer promotes playing the game to have fun, be active, and to learn the rules and fundamentals of play. It is the level of soccer that most kids start with and stay involved in. Competitive soccer is for kids who strive for a higher level of competition and skill development. There is more travel and expense involved and, most importantly, a much higher level of commitment to practices and games.

Q. Will the Denver Soccer Club offer both recreaional and competitive soccer options?

A. While the goal of the club is to promote the game by getting more kids involved in the recreaional level of play, we recognize that there will be a desire for a higher level for some. Our focus will be to provide all kids with the opportunity to enjoy the sport and that means forming recreational teams will be the priority. If there is enough kids and families interested in competitive soccer, we will also support that level.

Q. Can I register for Spring only soccer?

A. Yes. However, we encourage everyone to play both fall and spring so all the kids stay on the same learning path. We do recognize that schedules can get hectic, expecially with football and other activities in the fall, which is why we offer the spring only option. Our first option will be to fill fall teams with players that register for spring only but we may form new teams if there is enough interest.

Q. How do I get more information?

A. You can send an email to