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Currently, I am a Ph. D. student of Prof. Dr. Hans Knüpfer and Prof. Dr. Anna Marciniak-Czochra at the Institute of Mathematics at the Heidelberg University. I am part of the cluster of excellence STRUCTURES (Comprehensive Project 3) and an active member in the YRC.

My research interests include Partial Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations, and Harmonic Analysis.

More precisely, I am analysing sharp and Diffuse interface models describing patterns on biological tissue in the framework of Γ--convergence in order to determine sub- and supercrititcal parameter regimes and macroscopic behaviour. Further, I am involved in simulations of those models also to obtain parameter estimations.  This is joint work with Alexey Kazarnikov, Hans Knüpfer, and Anna Marciniak-Czochra.

Also, I am interested in generlisations of function spaces and commutator estimates on Riemannian geometry with techniques such as harmonic extensions and sharp estimates of square functions and maximal functions. This is joint work with Armin Schikorra.

I was a scholar of Deutschlandstipendium in 2018/2019, my sponsor was BASF SE.