PhD Discussion Group

The PhD Discussion Group consists of members of young researchers from the Applied Analysis Group at the Heidelberg University. It is decoupled from any official event and purely serves as a platform to freely discuss research, science, current projects and/or related topics without our supervisors in virtue of networking and closer collaboration within our group. 

Anyone from undergraduate student up to postdoctoral researcher is welcome to join. We meet on a basis once every two weeks to present informal talks followed by a discussion. If you are interested in joining, please do not hesitate to write an E-Mail to Denis to be added to the mailing list.

Discussion Sessions

Every two weeks, a volunteer prepares slides or an informal talk about topics, ideas and/or problems connected to a current research project. The talks are 30 to 45 minutes followed by a discussion.

By informal talk we understand a presentation which may not fully cover the research project i.e. neither a full picture of the area of research, nor in depth details of all the arguments of the presented project are required to be part of the presentation (unlike presentations given e.g. in conferences or summer schools). It is not only the results of projects we are interested in, but more so the ideas, methods and techniques. We are looking for presentations which allow the audience to ask questions and to understand the difficulty of the problem and its connection within various fields of mathematics in our group. Do not shy away from presenting incomplete projects or techniques, as we are participating in order to learn from and get to know each other.

The main scope of the seminar covers the working fields of the Applied Analysis Group, i.e. analysis of ordinary and partial differential equations, calculus of variations, modelling, as well as numerical methods and simulations applied to the aforementioned areas.


The next talk in the PhD Discussion Group will be held by Leon Happ on 08.07.2024, 2pm c.t. in INF 205, Seminarraum 08. The event will also be streamed, the link was distributed via mail.

Title: Extension operators for Sobolev maps on perforated domains subject to a target manifold constraint

Abstract: Motivated by homogenization problems in micro-magnetics and plasticity, I will discuss recent results obtained in collaboration with Chiara Gavioli (TU Wien) and Valerio Pagliari (formerly TU Wien) concerning the existence of extension operators for Sobolev maps on periodically perforated domains, where the maps are only allowed to range in some prescribed manifold. For applications, one demands that separate Lp bounds for the extension and its gradient, independent of the scale of the perforations, hold. I want to stress that the novelty is really that these maps are subject to a constrain in the target space. The challenge amounts to finding an extension operator preserving this target manifold constraint. Such extension operators prove to be of immense benefit in the field of homogenization, e.g., for deducing compactness results.

Mainly due to Sobolev embeddings, the problem calls for a case differentiation in regard to the relation between the Sobolev exponent p and the dimension n of the domain. Our main result concerns the case that p is smaller than n. Then, we are able to prove the existence of a bounded extension operator for Sobolev maps on perforated domains that preserves the described manifold constrain in the target space under the additional assumption that the target manifold is [p-1] connected. (where [ ] is the floor function).

The unconstrained case was already treated in an influential paper by E. Acerbi, V. C. Piat, G. Dal Maso, and D. Percivale from 1992, providing a positive answer for all p except infinity. Our work builds upon their result, combining it with an appropriate retraction, firstly suggested by R. Hardt and F.-H. Lin in 1987, and originating from the field of obstruction theory in homology. I would like to present and discuss both ingredients separately; and then, how, by a careful construction, we are able to derive our extension operator from them. I will also elaborate on the close connection between the above problem and the endeavour to extend Sobolev maps between manifolds, and present a recent fruitful application of the extension operator to a homogenization problem in magneto-elasticity.



Leon Happ

Extension operators for Sobolev maps on perforated domains subject to a target manifold constraint












Leonie Langer

Axel Wings

Camillo Tissot

Jonathan Fabiszisky

Levin Maier

Vlad Revnic

Lucas Schmitt

Michael Bleher

Van Phu Cuong Le

Jonas Peteranderl

Convergence of the elastic flow with modulated stiffness

Tangent-Point energies in arbitrary dimensions and function spaces on manifolds

Upper scaling bound for a class of two-well problems

Multiscale structures in compliance minimization

On Mañé's critical value for the Hunter-Saxton system

An Introduction to viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations

Existence of Gradient Flows and its Application to Models related to Pattern Formation

RNA Velocity Embeddings in Curved Spaces - Exploring Cellular Dynamics

Energy minimizing maps with prescribed singularities and Gilbert-Steiner problems

Degenerate stability of the Caffarelli–Kohn–Nirenberg inequality along the Felli–Schneider curve












Anna Tang

Carolin Lindow

Markus Gahn

Szymon Cygan

Tobias Schröder

Leon Happ

Carolin Lindow

Théo André

Denis Brazke

Finn Münnich

Moritz Mercker

The Bad QADs: Attempting to model Glioblastoma Multiforme

Operator Splitting Algorithm for a Structured Population Model on Metric Spaces

Homogenization for non-simple viscoelastic perforated materials

Discontinuous Stationary Solutions to Reaction-Diffusion-ODE systems

Discovering Optimal Control PDEs in Deep Generative Modelling

A modular Poincaré-Wirtinger type inequality on Lipschitz domains for Sobolev
spaces with variable exponents

Measure solutions for a structures population model of neurogenesis

The quest of Turing patterns in a receptor based model

Structure through competition

Stability results for bounded stationary solutions of reaction--diffusion--ODE systems

Pattern formation in biology: challenges and beauty















Jooa Hooli

Hendrik Baers

Leon Happ

Giovanni Covi

Levin Maier

Alexey Kazarnikov

Finn Münnich

Jooa Hooli

Markus Gahn

Diana Danciu

Camillo Tissot

Filip Klawe

Chris Kowall

Denis Brazke

Investigating potentially faulty dynamics in RNA velocity

Sharp Interface Approximations of the Cahn-Hilliard dynamics

A comparison of modern approaches to the puzzle of exchange rate dynamics

The inverse problem of fractional elasticity

Magnetic deformation of the Hunter-Saxton equation

Bayesian  parameter estimation for mathematical models of self-organization
and biological pattern formation 

Structured population models in the space of Radon measures 

The role of interferons and age in maintenance and productivity of neural stem cells and progenitors 

Homogenization and dimension reduction for fluid flow through a thin porous elastic layer

Mathematical modelling of stem cell dynamics in neurogenesis

On scaling results for a singular perturbed T3 structure and A-free mappings

Legendre transform: from classical mechanics to generalized Orlicz spaces. 

From linear to nonlinear stability 

About Bourgain-Brezis-Mironescu and harmonic analysis








Ibrokhimbek Akramov

Alexey Kazarnikov

Christian Düll

Johannes Kammerer

Antonio Tribuzio

Filip Klawe

Denis Brazke

Minimal energy for geometrically nonlinear elastic inclusions

Statistical approach for parameter identification by pattern data

Measure differential equation with a nonlinear growth/decay term

Nile perch - size structured population model and observations

Energy scaling behaviour of wild microstructures in shape memory alloys 

The unsolved problem: Stability of the arabidopsis model 

Modelling pattern formation in tissue







Thomas Stiehl

Chris Kowall

Jonathan Fabiszisky

Denis Brazke

Hridya Varma

Johannes Kammerer

Mathematical modelling of stem cell dynamics with applications in Bio-Medicine 

Uniform Shadow Limit Reduction for Reaction-Diffusion-ODE Systems 

Analytical investigation of charged magnetic domain walls in thin films

Pattern formation and autocorrelation

Mathematical Modelling of Immunoregulatory Processes in Sepsis 

Single species size structured model of Nile perch

Oganisers: Dr. Filip Klawe, Denis Brazke