Current Position


10/2019 -- onward: Ph. D. student at Heidelberg University

10/2017 -- 09/2019: Master student at Heidelberg University

10/2013 -- 08/2017: Bachelor student at Heidelberg University

03/2013: Abitur at Eleonoren-Gymnasium Worms (Germany)

Invited Talks:

12/2022: CMS Winter Meeting 2022

10/2022: Online Seminar: Geometric Analysis

08/2022: RWTH Aachen 

10/2019: Delft University of Technology 

06/2019: University of Bonn 

Research Stays:

10/2019: Delft University of Technology (1 week) 

10/2019: Max-Planck-Institut Leipzig (1 week) 

04/2019: Amherst College (1 week)

03/2019 -- 04/2019: University of Pittsburgh (4 weeks)

09/2017 -- 10/2017: University of Pittsburgh (4 weeks)


10/2018 -- 09/2019: Scholar of Deutschlandstipendium (Sponsor: BASF SE)

Workshops and Conferences:

12/2022: CMS Winter Meeting 2022 in Toronto

10/2022: 1st STRUCTURES YRC conference in Heidelberg

09/2022: ECMTB 2022 in Heidelberg

08/2022: Surfaces at Frauenwörth abbey 

08/2022: Workshop Renormalization and Effective Theories in Schöntal

04/2022: Microstructures in Elasticity and Phase-Transforming Solids in Heidelberg

11/2021: Geometric PDE's in Freiburg

08/2021: Summer School in Jyväskylä (online)

02/2020: EMS School in Applied Mathematics (ESSAM) in Kacov

09/2019: CIME Summer School in Cetraro 

04/2019: AMS Sectional Meeting at the University of Connecticut Hartford

08/2018: Summer School in Jyväskylä

04/2018: Workshop dx, dy: Analysis ohne Grenzwerte

08/2018: Conference Modern Trends in Structure Forming Systems at the University of Heidelberg

06/2016: Workshop Hyperreelle Zahlen, ein neuer Zugang zur Analysis

Current Extracurricular Activities

Past Extracurricular Activities

If you are interested in a more detailed version of my CV, do not hesitate to contact me.