
Works in Progress!

Hello and welcome to my "Upcoming Titles Page" featuring a little of this, that and the other as I work my way towards total carthartic bliss and publication.

Excerpts will be forthcoming shortly so be sure to bookmark this page and check back often.

As always, your feedback is welcome.



Bathroom Chronicles:

Anecdotes that bring to the forefront the most used, but least talked about, room in the house and abroad. The etiquette concerning its usage and a brief tracing of its history of evolution as experienced by the author.

Call Meh Crazy:

Book number one begun during the month of November under the auspice of NaNoWriMo's drive for a complete book of 50,000 words by November 30th or overeat trying! The competition is based more on quantity than quality and was a good experience for me. Evenso I ground to a screeching halt even with generous usage of as many filler words that I could think of.

Being the clingy type where my writing is concerned, I couldn't bear to part with my "masterpiece". Eventhough I'd abandoned said masterpiece in preference for Book two. I figure with some rewrites, what I came up with is mostly salvageable as a whole book or with its parts donated to other projects. In the meantime it is here for your enjoyment.

Conversations With God, or, Are You There, God? It's Me, Divine...

Book number two written in the style of "Are You There, God? It's me, Margaret". An adrift adult seeks answers via daily conversations with God. This deals with the thought that perfect church attendance does not always ensure a real relationship with God

Fresh Off the Boat: The first in a Teenage Novella Series:

The good, bad, ugly and humorous issues faced by a teenage immigrant from the West Indies. This was carved out of "Call Meh Crazy" mentioned above. Told you it was a keeper! LOL.

It Would Only Happen to Me: Anecdotes, Essays and Short Stories:

Taking a look at those "why me?" moments in life.

Making Peace With My Inner Child

A series of essays and journal entries. This chronicles my love-hate relationship with my mother, my struggle to be the antithesis of who she was as a wife and mother, my striving to measure up to her as a woman of faith and my ultimate battle--the responsibility of being parent to my own mother. You just haven't experienced anything in life, till you've experienced the urge, to spank your own mother. Tell me God does not have sense of humor!

Misery is Better When Shared

(A Short Story begun in 2004 for my first contest ever. The 24hr contest run by Angela Hoy of writersweekly.com)

Two years later it's a lot better than my first attempt... but still incomplete. My delimma... is it really a short story, a novella or a book? I had bids on all of the above as since other projects are flowing right now... it is on to back burner to be revisited. I know it's going to be a great and powerful piece, so I hesitate to rush it. Meanwhile, read, ruminate, comment. All thoughts and suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Saved, Single and Sex(y)less, or, (Lack of) Sex and the Single Christian:

Just in case both titles didn't clue you in...LOL. This is about abstinence/celibacy. I'm torn on this one between finishing the serious tome I began on this. I've interviewed 7 men and 3 women and I was going to do one of those case study type books. I however fell in love with the above title, and that seems to lend itself more to a novel than a case study type volume. But hey, what's to say I can't do both?

The Call

Humorous, humbling and awesome recounting of my call to ministry.

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