Review Articles

REVIEW Articles

R11. D. Chowdhury

"Michaelis-Menten at 100 and allosterism at 50: driving molecular motors in a hailstorm with noisy ATPase engines and allosteric transmission"

FEBS J. (Federation of European Biochem. Soc.), vol. 281, 601-611 (2014).

Special Issue: Enzyme Catalysis and Allostery: A Century of Advances in Molecular Understanding

(see the "Introduction" by Athel Cornish-Bowden):

R10. D. Chowdhury

"Modeling stochastic kinetics of molecular machines at multiple levels: from molecules to modules", (Invited Mini-Review)

BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL (Biophysical Society, USA), vol. 104, 2331-2341 (2013).

(selected in "Best of 2013" in Biophysical Journal (published by "Cell Press" on behalf of the "Biophysical Society")):

R9. D. Chowdhury,

"Stochastic mechano-chemical kinetics of molecular motors: a multidisciplinary enterprise from a physicist's perspective".

PHYSICS REPORTS (Elsevier), vol. 529, 1-197 (2013).

R8. A.K. Sharma and D. Chowdhury,

"Template-directed biopolymerization: tape-copying Turing machines".

BIOPHYSICAL REVIEWS and LETTERS (World Scientific), vol. 7, 135-175 (2012).

R7. D. Chowdhury, A. Schadschneider and K. Nishinari,

"Physics of Transport and Traffic Phenomena in Biology: from molecular motors and cells to organisms".

PHYSICS OF LIFE REVIEWS (Elsevier), vol.2, 318-352 (2005).

R6. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer,

"Evolutionary Ecology in silico: Does mathematical Modelling Help in Understanding 'generic' trends?"

JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES (Ind. Acad. Sci.), vol. 30, 277-287 (2005).

R5. D. Chowdhury, K. Nishinari and A. Schadschneider,

"Self-organized patterns and traffic flow in colonies of organisms: from bacteria and social insects to vertebrates".

PHASE TRANSITIONS (Taylor and Francis), vol.77, 601-624 (2004).

(invited review for a special issue on Pattern Formation).

R4. D. Chowdhury, L. Santen and A. Schadschneider,

"Statistical physics of vehicular traffic and some related systems".

PHYSICS REPORTS (Elsevier), vol.329, 199-329 (2000).

R3. D. Chowdhury,

"The kinetics of phase ordering in complex fluids: pattern formation in microemulsions and micellar solutions",

J. PHYS. Condensed Matter (Review Article)(IOP, U.K.), vol.6, 2435-2450 (1994).

R2. D. Chowdhury,

"One Parameter Scaling Theory of Localization",

COMMENTS ON SOLID STATE PHYSICS(Gordon and Breach), vol.12, 69-87 (1986).

R1. D. Chowdhury, A. Mookerjee,

"Mean-field Theories of Spin Glasses",

PHYSICS REPORTS (Elsevier), vol.114, 1-98 (1984).

SEMI-POPULAR Review Articles

Sp10. D. Chowdhury,

"Molecular motors: design, mechanism and control". Invited article in

COMPUTING in SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (AIP and IEEE), vol.10(2),70 (2008).

Sp9. D. Chowdhury,

"Natural Nano-Machines 2: Discussion on Methods, Materials and Mechanisms",

RESONANCE (Ind. Acad. Sci. & Springer), vol. 12(2), 39-58 (2007).

Sp8. D. Chowdhury,

"Natural Nano-Machines 1: Alice in a Micro-Factory",

RESONANCE (Ind. Acad. Sci. & Springer), vol. 12(1), 4-14 (2007).

Sp7. D. Chowdhury,

"100 Years of Einstein's Theory of Brownian Motion:

from Pollen Grains to Protein Trains- Part 2",

RESONANCE (Ind. Acad. Sci.), vol. 10(11), 42-54 (2005).

Sp6. D. Chowdhury,

"100 Years of Einstein's Theory of Brownian Motion:

from Pollen Grains to Protein Trains- Part 1",

RESONANCE (Ind. Acad. Sci.), vol. 10(9), 63-78 (2005).

Sp5. D. Chowdhury, L. Santen and A. Schadschneider,

"Simulation of Vehicular Traffic: A Statistical Physics Perspective", invited article in

COMPUTING in SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (AIP and IEEE), vol.2(5), 80-87 (2000).

Sp4. D. Chowdhury, L. Santen and A. Schadschneider,

"Vehicular Traffic: A system of interacting particles driven far from equilibrium",

CURRENT SCIENCE (Ind. Acad. Sci.), vol.77, 411-419 (1999)

(invited review for a special issue on dynamics of non-equilibrium statistical systems).

Sp3. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer,

"Zellularautomaten in der Immunologie", (in German),

MAGAZIN FUER COMPUTER TECHNIK, February 1991, page 204.

Sp2. D. Chowdhury,

"A Fractal Description of the Vibrational Dynamics of Proteins: A Beautifully Complicated Description?" ,

CURRENT SCIENCE (Ind. Acad. Sci.), vol.59, 89-96 (1990).

Sp1. D. Chowdhury,

"Monte Carlo Simulation of Random Magnets",

CURRENT SCIENCE (Ind. Acad. Sci.), vol.59, 456-459 (1990).