Publications (full list)

Citations on Google Scholar 

185. S. Patra, D. Chowdhury,

"Flagellar length fluctuations: quantitative dependence on length control mechanism" .

184. S. Pradhan, S. Patra, D. Chowdhury

"Decentralized decision making by an ant colony: drift-diffusion model of individual choice, quorum and collective decision" . 

183 J.D. Bairagya, S.S. Mandal, D. Chowdhury and S. Chakraborty,  

"Eco-evolutionary games for harvesting self-renewing common resource: effect of growing harvester population", 

Journal of Physics: Complexity (IOP, UK),  vol.4, 025002 (2023).  

182. S. Patra, D. Chowdhury and Frank Jülicher, 

"Length control of long cell protrusions: rulers, timers and transport", 

PHYSICS REPORTS (Elsevier), vol. 987, 1-51 (2022).

181. S. Patra, D. Chowdhury, 

"Flagellar length control in multuflagellated eukaryotes: a case study with Giardia",  

Indian Journal of Physics (IACS/Springer),  (2022).

180. J.D. Bairagya, S.S. Mandal, D. Chowdhury and S. Chakraborty, 

"Game-environment feedback dynamics in growing population: Effect of  finite carrying capacity", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA)  (APS, USA), vol. 104, 044407 (2021

179. S. Patra and D. Chowdhury,

"Level crossing statistics in a biologically motivated model of a long dynamic protrusion: passage times, random and extreme excursions", 

JOURNAL of STATISTICAL MECHANICS: Theory and Experiment (IOP, UK), 083207 (2021) (37 pages).  

178. S. Pradhan, S. Patra, Y. E. Dai, A. Schadschneider, D. Chowdhury

"Flux-density relation for traffic of army ants in a 3-lane bi-directional trail",

PHYSICA A (Elsevier), vol. 567, 125664 (2021) (9 pages).

177. S. Patra, S. Dey, K. Ray and D. Chowdhury

“Digital imaging of a random walk by computer simulation: using a simple model to interpret the effects of finite spatio-temporal resolution”, 

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS (AAPT/AIP), vol.89, 437 (2021) (6 pages).  

176. S. Patra and D. Chowdhury

"Flagellar length control in monoflagellates by motorized transport: growth kinetics and correlations of length fluctuations",

PHYSICA A (Elsevier), vol. 566, 125621 (2021) (15 pages).   

175. S. Patra, Frank Jülicher and D. Chowdhury,

"Flagellar length control in biflagellate eukaryotes: time-of-flight, shared pool, train traffic and cooperative phenomena",

New JOURNAL OF PHYSICS (IOP, UK), vol.22, 083009 (2020) (38 pages).

174.  A. Dutta, G.M. Scheutz and D. Chowdhury

"Stochastic thermodynamics and modes of operation of a ribosome: a network theoretic perspective" 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol. 101, 032402 (2020) (28 pages).

173. D. Chowdhury and D. Ghanti,

"Soft mechano-chemistry of molecular hubs in mitotic spindle: biomechanics and mechanical proofreading at microtubule ends", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS CONDENSED MATTER (IOP, UK), 32, 284001 (2020) (12 pages). 

172. B. Mishra and D. Chowdhury,

 “Biologically motivated three-species exclusion model: Effects of leaky scanning and overlapping genes on initiation of protein synthesis”, 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol. 100, 022106  (2019) (11 pages).

171. D. Chowdhury,

"Laying tracks for poison delivery to “kiss of death”: search for immune synapse by microtubules", 

"New & Notable" article (solicited by Editor), 

BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL (Biophysical Society, USA), vol. 116, 2057-2059 (2019).

170. S. Ghosh, A. Dutta, S. Patra, J. Sato, K. Nishinari and D. Chowdhury

"Biologically motivated asymmetric exclusion process: Interplay of congestion in RNA polymerase traffic and slippage of nascent transcript" 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA),  vol. 99, 052122 (2019) (12 pages). 

169. S. Ghosh, B. Mishra, A. Kolomeisky and D. Chowdhury,

"First-passage processes on a filamentous track in a dense traffic: Optimizing diffusive search for a target in crowding conditions", 

JOURNAL of STATISTICAL MECHANICS: Theory and Experiment (IOP, UK),  123209 (2018) (20 pages).

168. Felix Wong, Annwesha Dutta, D. Chowdhury and Jeremy Gunawardena, 

"Structural conditions on complex networks for the Michaelis-Menten input-output response", 

PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 

vol. 115, 9738 (2018)  (6 pages + 7 pages of SI)

167. D. Ghanti, R.W. Friddle and D. Chowdhury

"Strength and stability of active ligand-receptor bonds: a microtubule attached to a wall by molecular motor tethers", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol. 98, 042415 (2018) (9 pages).

166. D. Ghanti, S. Patra and D. Chowdhury,

Molecular force spectroscopy of kinetochore-microtubule attachment in-silico: Mechanical signatures of an unusual catch-bond and collective effects” 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol.97, 052414 (2018) (15 pages). 

165. S. Ghosh, B. Mishra, S. Patra, A. Schadschneider and D. Chowdhury,

"A biologically inspired two-species exclusion model: effects of RNA polymerase motor traffic on simultaneous DNA replication", 

JOURNAL of STATISTICAL MECHANICS: Theory and Experiment (IOP, UK),  043203 (2018) (19 pages).

164. S. Patra and D. Chowdhury,

 “Multispecies exclusion process with fusion and fission of rods: A model inspired by intraflagellar transport”,

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol.97, 012138 (2018) (16 pages).

163. B. Mishra and D. Chowdhury,

 “Interference of two co-directional exclusion processes in the presence of a static bottleneck: a biologically motivated model”, 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol. 95,  062117 (2017) (19 pages).

162. A. Dutta and D. Chowdhury(+), 

"A model for mis-sense error in protein synthesis: mis-charged cognate tRNA versus mis-reading of codon", 

BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY (Society for Mathematical Biology), vol. 79, 1005–1027 (2017). 

161. S. Ghosh, T. Bameta, D. Ghanti and D. Chowdhury(+), 

"A Multispecies Exclusion Model Inspired By Transcriptional Interference", 

JOURNAL of STATISTICAL MECHANICS: Theory and Experiment (IOP, UK),  123501 (2016) (25 pages).

(+) Corresponding author.

160. B. Mishra, G. M. Schuetz and D. Chowdhury, 

"Slip of grip of molecular motor on a crowded track: modeling shift of reading frame of ribosome on RNA template", 

EPL (EUROPHYSICS LETTERS) (EPS) vol.114, 68005  (2016) (7 pages).

159. Colin D. Kinz-Thompson(*), Ajeet K. Sharma(*), Joachim Frank, Ruben L. Gonzalez, Jr. and D. Chowdhury(+), 

"Quantitative Connection Between Ensemble Thermodynamics and Single-Molecule Kinetics:

A Case Study Using Cryo-EM and smFRET Investigations of the Ribosome" 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B (ACS, USA, 2015), vol. 119, 10888 (2015) (14 pages).  

(*) These authors contributed equally.

(+) Corresponding author.

158. S. Sinha and D. Chowdhury(+)

"TASEP on parallel tracks: effects of mobile bottlenecks in fixed segments", 

PHYSICA A (Elsevier), (2015), vol. 430, 254 (2015) (9 pages).

(+) Corresponding author.

157. D. Ghanti and D. Chowdhury(+)

"Collective cargo hauling by a bundle of parallel microtubules: bi-directional motion caused by load-dependent polymerization and depolymerization". 

JOURNAL of STATISTICAL MECHANICS: Theory and Experiment (IOP, UK),  P01008 (2015) (13 pages).

(+) Corresponding author.

157. A. K. Sharma(*), B. Shtylla(*) and D. Chowdhury(+)

"Distribution of lifetimes of kinetochore-microtubule attachments:interplay of energy landscape, molecular motors and microtubule (de-)polymerization". 

PHYSICAL BIOLOGY  (IOP, UK vol. 11, 036004 (2014) (13 pages). 

(*) These authors contributed equally.

(+) Corresponding author.


156. D. Chowdhury

"Michaelis-Menten at 100 and allosterism at 50: driving molecular motors in a hailstorm with noisy ATPase engines and allosteric transmission" 

FEBS J. (Federation of European Biochem. Soc.), Special Issue: Enzyme Catalysis and Allostery: A Century of Advances in Molecular Understanding, vol.281, 601-611(2014). 

(see the "Introduction" by Athel Cornish-Bowden):

155. D. Chowdhury 

Invited Book Review: "Simple Brownian Diffusion: An Introduction to the Standard Theoretical Models", by Daniel T. Gillespie and Effrosyni Seitaridou (Oxford University Press, 2013). 

Physics Today (American Institute of Physics, USA), vol. 66, issue 9 (September), 2013, 50-52.

154. D. Chowdhury 

"Centenary of ``Researches on irritability of plants'' by Jagadis Chandra Bose". 

Current Science (Current Science Association, in collaboration with Indian Academy of Sciences), vol.105, 1002-1004 (2013).

153. A.K. Sharma and D. Chowdhury(+), 

"First-passage problems in DNA replication: effects of template tension on stepping and exonuclease activities of a DNA polymerase motor". 

 JOURNAL of PHYSICS: CONDENSED MATTER (IOP, UK), vol.25, 374105 (2013). 

(Special Issue of peer reviewed papers on " Physics of Protein Motility and Motor Proteins").

(+) Corresponding author.


152. D. Chowdhury

"Modeling stochastic kinetics of molecular machines at multiple levels: from molecules to modules", (Invited Mini-Review

BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL (Biophysical Society, USA), vol. 104, 2331-2341 (2013). 

(selected in "Best of 2013" in Biophysical Journal (published by "Cell Press" on behalf of the "Biophysical Society")):

151. D. Chowdhury

"Stochastic mechano-chemical kinetics of molecular motors: a multidisciplinary enterprise from a physicist's perspective". 

PHYSICS REPORTS (Elsevier), vol. 529, 1-197 (2013).


150. A.K. Sharma and D. Chowdhury, 

"Template-directed biopolymerization: tape-copying Turing machines"(*) (Invited review article), 

BIOPHYSICAL REVIEWS and LETTERS (World Scientific), vol. 7, 135-175 (2012). 

(*) Contribution in the Alan Turing year 2012

149. A. K. Sharma and D. Chowdhury(+)

"Error correction during DNA replication",  

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol.86, 011913 (2012)


(+) Corresponding author.

148. A. Garai, J. Mani, and D. Chowdhury(+)

"Footprint traversal by adenosine-triphosphate-dependent chromatin remodeler motor", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA) vol.85, 041902 (2012). 

(Selected for the April 15, 2012, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research).

(+) Corresponding author.

147. D. Chowdhury ,

"Statistical mechanical treatment of molecular machines", (Invited chapter) 

in: Molecular Machines in Biology: Workshop of the Cell, edited by Joachim Frank (Cambridge University Press, 2011). 

146. A. K. Sharma and D. Chowdhury(+), 

"Stochastic theory of protein synthesis and polysome: Ribosome profile on a single mRNA transcript", 

JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY (Elsevier), vol.289, 36 (2011).

(+) Corresponding author.

145. A. Garai and D. Chowdhury(+),

"Stochastic kinetics of a single headed motor protein: dwell time distribution of KIF1A",

EPL (EUROPHYSICS LETTERS) (EPS) vol.93, 58004  (2011).

(+) Corresponding author.



144. A.K. Sharma and D. Chowdhury(+) ,

"Distribution of dwell times of a ribosome: effects of infidelity, kinetic proofreading and ribosome crowding",

PHYSICAL BIOLOGY  (IOP, UK) vol.8, 026005 (2011).

(+) Corresponding author.


143.  A.K. Sharma and D. Chowdhury (+), 

"Quality control by a mobile molecular workshop: quality versus quantity".

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA) vol.82, 031912 (2010).

(+) Corresponding author.

(Selected for the October 1, 2010, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research).


142. D. Chowdhury, K. Nishinari and A. Schadschneider,

"CA modeling of ant-traffic on trails", (Invited Chapter)

in: Simulating Complex Systems by Cellular Automata, eds. A. G. Hoekstra, J. Kroc and P.M.A. Sloot, 

275-300 (Springer, Heidelberg, 2010).

141.  T. Tripathi, G. M. Schutz and D. Chowdhury(+) , 

"RNA polymerase motors: dwell time distribution, velocity and dynamical phases". 

 JOURNAL of STATISTICAL MECHANICS: Theory and Experiment (IOP, UK), 

P08018 (2009)


(+) Corresponding author.

140. A. Garai, D. Chowdhury, D. Chowdhury(+) and T.V. Ramakrishnan,

"Stochastic kinetics of ribosomes: Single motor properties and collective behavior". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA) vol.80, 011908 (2009). 

(Selected for the July 15, 2009, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research).                                                        


(+) Corresponding author.

139. D. Chowdhury

"Resource Letter PBM-1: Physics of biomolecular machines",


(Selected for the June 15, 2009, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research).

Edited shorter version of 

"Resource Letter: Bio-molecular nano-machines: where Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Technology meet", 


138. A. John, A. Schadschneider, D. Chowdhury and K. Nishinari, 

"Trafficlike collective movement of ants on trails: absence of jammed phase", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (APS, USA) , vol.102, 108001 (2009) . 



137. A. Garai, D. Chowdhury and T.V. Ramakrishnan,

" Fluctuations in protein synthesis from a single RNA template: stochastic kinetics of ribosomes". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA) vol.79, 011916 (2009). 

(Selected for the February 1, 2009, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research).                                                        


136. T. Tripathi and D. Chowdhury,

"Transcriptional bursts: a unified model of machines and mechanisms". 

EUROPHYSICS LETTERS (EPS) vol.84, 68004  (2008).


135. B.S. Govindan, M. Gopalakrishnan and D. Chowdhury,

"Length control of microtubules by depolymerizing molecular motors". 

EUROPHYSICS LETTERS (EPS) vol. 83, 40006 (2008).


134D. Chowdhury, A. Basu, A. Garai, P. Greulich, K. Nishinari, A. Schadschneider and T. Tripathi,  

Intra-cellular traffic: bio-molecular motors on filamentary tracks". 

EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL  B (Springer),  vol.64, 593(2008).


133. A. Garai, D. Chowdhury and M.D. Betterton,

"Two-state model for helicase translocation and unwinding of nucleic acids".

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E (APS, USA), vol. 77, 061910 (2008). 

(Selected for the June 15, 2008, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research).


132. D. Chowdhury, A. Garai and J.S. Wang, 

" Traffic of single-headed motor proteins KIF1A: effects of lane changing". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E: Rapid Communications (APS, USA), vol.77,  050902(R) (2008). 

(Selected for the May 15, 2008, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research). 

(Selected for the May 26, 2008, issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology).


131.  A. John, A. Schadschneider, D. Chowdhury and K. Nishinari, 

"Characteristics of ant-inspired traffic flow: applying the social insect metaphor to traffic models". 

SWARM INTELLIGENCE (Springer), DOI: 10.1007/s11721-008-0010-8.

130. D. Chowdhury,

"Molecular motors: design, mechanism and control".  Invited article in 

COMPUTING in SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (AIP and IEEE), vol.10(2),70 (2008).  


129.  T. Tripathi and D. Chowdhury,

"Interacting RNA polymerase motors on DNA track: effects of traffic congestion 

and intrinsic noise on RNA synthesis", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol.77,  011921 (2008). 

(Selected for the February 1, 2008, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research). 


128.  A. Basu and D. Chowdhury,

"Modeling protein synthesis from a physicist's perspective: a toy model", 


(Selected for the September 15, 2007, issue of the 

Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research).


127. A. Tomoeda, K. Nishinari, D. Chowdhury and A. Schadschneider, 

"An information-based traffic control in a public conveyance system: 

Reduced clustering and enhanced efficiency

PHYSICA A  (Elsevier),  vol. 384, 600 (2007).


126.  P. Greulich, A. Garai, K. Nishinari, A. Schadschneider and  D. Chowdhury,

"Intra-cellular transport by single-headed kinesin KIF1A:

effects of single-motor mechanochemistry and steric interactions", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol.75, 041905 (2007) . 

(Selected for the April 15, 2007, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research). 


125.  A. Basu and D. Chowdhury, 

"Traffic of interacting ribosomes: effects of single-machine mechano-chemistry on protein synthesis", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol. 75, 021902 (2007). 

(Selected for the February 15, 2007, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research). 


124D. Chowdhury

"Natural Nano-Machines 2: Discussion on Methods, Materials and Mechanisms ",

RESONANCE (Indian Academy of Sciences & Springer), vol.12(2), 39 (2007). 


123D. Chowdhury

"Natural Nano-Machines 1: Alice in a micro-factory",

RESONANCE (Indian Academy of Sciences & Springer), vol.12(1), 4 (2007). 


122.  A. Kunwar,  A. Schadschneider and D. Chowdhury,

"From aggressive driving to molecular motor traffic", 

JOURNAL of PHYSICS  A (IOP, UK), vol.39, 14263 (2006). 


121. K. Nishinari, K. Sugawara, T. Kazama, A. Schadschneider and D. Chowdhury

"Modelling of self-driven particles: foraging ants and pedestrians", 

PHYSICA A  (Elsevier), vol. 372, 132 (2006). 


120D. Chowdhury,  

"Collective effects in intra-cellular molecular motor transport: coordination, cooperation and competition", 

PHYSICA A  (Elsevier), vol. 372, 84 (2006).  


119.  A. Kunwar, D. Chowdhury, A. Schadschneider and K. Nishinari, 

"Competition of coarsening and shredding of clusters in a driven diffusive lattice gas". 

 JOURNAL of STATISTICAL MECHANICS: Theory and Experiment (IOP, UK), 

P06012 (2006). 


118. D. Chowdhury, A. Schadschneider and K. Nishinari, 

"Physics of Transport and Traffic Phenomena in Biology: from molecular motors and cells to organisms",

PHYSICS of LIFE REVIEWS (Elsevier), vol.2, 318 (2005). 


117.  P.K. Mishra, A. Kunwar, S. Mukherji and  D. Chowdhury

"Dynamic instability of microtubules: effect of catastrophe-suppressing drugs", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol.72, 051914 (2005).

(Selected for the November 15, 2005, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research). 


116D. Chowdhury

"100 years of Einstein's theory of Brownian motion: from pollen grains to protein trains- Part 2", 

RESONANCE (Indian Academy of Sciences), vol.10(11), 42 (2005). 


115D. Chowdhury

"100 years of Einstein's theory of Brownian motion: from pollen grains to protein trains- Part 1", 

RESONANCE (Indian Academy of Sciences), vol.10(9), 63 (2005).  


114.  K. Nishinari, Y. Okada, A. Schadschneider and D. Chowdhury

"Intra-cellular transport of single-headed molecular motors KIF1A". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (APS, USA) , vol.95, 118101 (2005) .

(Selected for the September 15, 2005, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research). 


113D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Evolutionary ecology in-silico: Does mathematical modeling help in 

understanding the 'generic' trends?" 

JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES (Indian Academy of Sciences) vol. 30, 277 (2005). 


112.  D. Stauffer, A. Kunwar and  D. Chowdhury

"Evolutionary ecology in silico: evolving foodwebs, migrating population and speciation", 

Invited paper, for a special issue on Physics Applied to Biological Systems, in 

PHYSICA A  (Elsevier), vol. 352, 202 (2005). 


111D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer

"Evolving eco-system: a network of networks", 

Invited paper, in the Proceedings of the International Conference STATPHYS Kolkata V, 

a satellite meeting of IUPAP-sponsored International conference STATPHYS22, 

PHYSICA A  (Elsevier), vol. 346, 68 (2005). 


110. A. Kunwar, A. John, K. Nishinari, A. Schadschneider and D. Chowdhury, 

"Collective traffic-like movement of ants on a trail: 

dynamical phases and phase transitions", 



109.  A. John, A. Schadschneider, D. Chowdhury and K. Nishinari, 

"Collective effects in traffic on bi-directional ant trails". 

JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY (Elsevier), vol.231, 279 (2004). 


108. D. Chowdhury, K. Nishinari and A. Schadschneider, 

"Self-organized patterns and traffic flow in colonies of organisms:  

from bacteria and social insects to vertebrates".  

Invited paper, for a special issue on Pattern Formation, in  

PHASE TRANSITIONS  (Taylor and Francis), vol.77, 601 (2004). 


107.D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

" Computer simulations of history of life: speciation, emergence of complex species 

from simpler organisms, and extinctions". 

Invited paper for the Per Bak Memorial special issue of 

PHYSICA A  (Elsevier), vol. 340, 685 (2004). 


106. D. Stauffer and D. Chowdhury, 

"Unified "micro"- and "macro-" evolution of eco-systems: Self-organization of a dynamic network". 

Invited paper, in the Proceedings of the Max Born Symposium, 

PHYSICA A  (Elsevier), vol.336, 102 (2004). 


105. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Food-web-based unified model of macro- and microevolution".

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol.68, 041901-1 (2003). 


104. D. Chowdhury

"Traffic flow of interacting self-driven particles:  rails and trails, vehicles and vesicles". 

invited  paper in a special issue of 

PHYSICA Scripta  (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences), vol. T106, 13 (2003). 


103. D. Chowdhury

"Dietrich Stauffer: unconventional in science and life". 

invited  paper in a special issue of 

PHYSICA Scripta  (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences), vol. T106, 7 (2003).  

102.  K. Nishinari, D. Chowdhury and A. Schadschneider, 

"Cluster formation and anomalous fundamental  diagram in an ant trail model". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E  (APS, USA), vol.67, 036120-1  (2003). 


101.  D. Chowdhury, D. Stauffer and A. Kunwar, 

"Unification of small and large time scales for biological evolution: deviations from power law". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (APS, USA) ,  vol.90,  068101 (2003) . 

(Selected for the Feb15, 2003, issue of the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research). 


100. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Sole-Manrubia model of biological evolution: some new insights".  

PHYSICA   A  (Elsevier) ,  vol.318, 461 (2003). 


99. D. Chowdhury, V. Guttal, K. Nishinari and A. Schadschneider, 

"A cellular-automata model of flow in ant-trails:  non-monotonic variation of speed with density". 

JOURNAL of PHYSICS  A (Lett.) (IOP, UK), vol. 35, L573  (2002). 


98. D. Chowdhury and J.S. Wang, 

"Flow properties of driven-diffusive lattice gases: theory and computer simulation". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E (APS, USA), vol. 65, 046126 (2002). 


97. P.K. Maiti, K. Kremer, O. Flimm, D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Cross-linking of micelles by gemini surfactants". 

LANGMUIR: Journal of Surfaces and Colloids, (ACS, USA) vol. 16, 3784 (2000). 

96. D. Chowdhury, L. Santen and A. Schadschneider, 

"Simulation of Vehicular Traffic: A Statistical Physics Perspective". Invited article in 

COMPUTING in SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (AIP and IEEE), vol.2(5), 80-87 (2000).

95. D. Chowdhury, L. Santen and A. Schadschneider, 

"Statistical physics of vehicular traffic and some related systems. 

PHYSICS REPORTS(Elsevier), vol.329, 199-329 (2000). 


94. D. Chowdhury and R.C. Desai, 

"Steady-states and kinetics of ordering in bus-route models: 

connection with the Nagel-Schreckenberg model. 

EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL  B (Springer), vol.15, 375 (2000). 


93. D. Chowdhury, J. Kert\'esz, K. Nagel, L. Santen and A. Schadschneider, 

"Comment on ``Critical behavior of a traffic flow model``". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E (APS, USA), vol.61, 3270 (2000).  

92. D. Chowdhury, L. Santen and A. Schadschneider, 

"Vehicular Traffic: A system of interacting particles driven far from equilibrium", 

CURRENT SCIENCE (Ind. Acad. Sci.), vol.77, 411-419 (1999) 

(invited review for a special issue on dynamics of non-equilibrium statistical systems). 


91. D. Chowdhury, L. Santen, A. Schadschneider, S. Sinha and A. Pasupathy, 

"Spatio-temporal organization of vehicles in a cellular 

automata model of traffic with 'slow-to-start' rule". 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (IOP, U.K.), vol.32, 3229 (1999). 


90. D. Chowdhury and A. Schadschneider, 

"Self-organization of traffic jams in cities: effects of stochastic dynamics and signal periods". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E:Rapid Communications (APS, USA), vol.59, R1311 (1999). 


89. D. Chowdhury, D. Stauffer and R. Strey, 

"Periodicity-dependent stiffness of periodic hydrophilic-hydrophobic hetero-polymers. 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E:Rapid Communications (APS, USA), vol.60, R1158 (1999).

88. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"A generalized spin model of financial markets". 

EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL  B (Springer), vol.8, 477 (1999). 


87. D. Chowdhury and P.K. Maiti, 

"Kinetics of phase ordering in microemulsions and micellar solutions", 

in: PHASE TRANSITIONS IN COMPLEX FLUIDS, eds. P. Toledano and A.M. Figueiredo Neto, 

371-389 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1998).

86. P.K. Maiti and D. Chowdhury

"A microscopic model of gemini surfactants: self-assemblies in water and at air-water interface". 

JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (AIP, USA), vol.109, 5126 (1998). 

85. D. Chowdhury, A. Pasupathy and S. Sinha, 

"Distributions of Time- and Distance-headways in the Nagel-Schreckenberg 

model of vehicular traffic: Effects of Hindrance". 

EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL  B (Springer), vol.5, 781 (1998). 


84. K. Ghosh, A. Majumdar and D. Chowdhury

"Distributions of time headways in a particle-hopping model of vehicular traffic". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E (APS, USA), vol.58, 4012 (1998).

83. D. Chowdhury, 

"Immune Network: An example of Complex Adaptive Systems", 


ed. D. Dasgupta, 89-104 (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1998).

82. P.K. Maiti and D. Chowdhury, 

"Discrete solid-on-solid model of Interface with bending 

rigidity: restricted and unrestricted step sizes". 

INTERNATIONAL J. MOD. PHYS. B ( World Sc.), vol.12, 1531 (1998).

81. P.K. Maiti and D. Chowdhury

"Micellar aggregates of gemini surfactants: Monte Carlo simulation of a microscopic model". 

EUROPHYSICS LETTERS (Euro.Phys.Soc.), vol.41, 183 (1998).

80. D. Chowdhury, K. Ghosh, A. Majumdar, S. Sinha and R.B. Stinchcombe, 

"Particle-hopping models of vehicular traffic: 

distributions of distance headways and distance between jams" 

PHYSICA   A (Elsevier), vol.246, 471 (1997)

79. D. Chowdhury, P.K. Maiti, S. Sabhapandit and P. Taneja, 

"Out-of-plane phase segregation and in-plane clustering in a 

binary mixture of amphiphiles at the air-water interface". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E (APS, USA), vol.56, 667 (1997).

78. D. Ktitarev, D. Chowdhury and D.E. Wolf, 

"Stochastic traffic model with random deceleration probabilities: 

Queueing and power law gap distribution" 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.), vol.30, L221 (1997). 

77. D. Chowdhury 

"Pattern formation in complex fluids", in: MODELLING OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS, 

eds. J.K. Bhattacharjee and A.K. Mallik, IITK series, 303 - 328 (Narosa, New Delhi, 1997). 

76. P.K. Maiti and D. Chowdhury

"Numerical approach to statistical physics of chain molecules 

in porous media: a coarse-grained description". 

INTERNATIONAL J. MOD. PHYS. C (World Sc.),vol.8, 1335 (1997). 

75. D. Chowdhury, D.E. Wolf and M. Schreckenberg, 

"Particle hopping models for two-lane traffic with two kinds of vehicles: effects of lane-changing rules". 

PHYSICA   A (Elsevier), vol.235, 417 (1997).

74. D. Chowdhury, A.T. Bernardes and D. Stauffer, 

"Conformation of amphiphilic molecules grafted or adsorbed on a solid substrate: Monte Carlo simulation", 

INTERNATIONAL  J. MOD. PHYS. C (World Sc.), vol.7, 73 (1996).

73. P.K. Maiti, D. Chowdhury and J.K. Bhattacharjee, 

"Discrete SOS model of Interface with Bending Rigidity: Roughening versus Crumpling". 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E (APS, USA), vol. 54, 2670 (1996).

 72. D. Chowdhury

"Entropy-driven vertical phase separation in a binary mixture of amphiphiles at air-water interface", 

LANGMUIR: Journal of Surfaces and Colloids, (ACS, USA) vol.12, 1098 (1996). 

71. B. Biswal, S. Puri and D. Chowdhury

"Domain growth in weakly disordered magnets", 

PHYSICA   A (Elsevier), vol.229, 72 (1996). 

70. D. Chowdhury

"Monte Carlo simulation of spatio-temporal organization of amphiphiles in water and air-water interface", 

JOURNAL de   PHYSIQUE II (FPS, France), vol. 5, 1469 (1995).

69. P.K. Maiti and D. Chowdhury

"Oil-water interface in the Widom model: is it smooth, rough or crumpled?" 

JOURNAL de  PHYSIQUE I (FPS, France), vol.5, 671 (1995).  

68. Buragohain, R.S. Bandhu, J.K. Bhattacharjee and D. Chowdhury

"Flory approximant for the fractal dimension of radial viscous finger pattern: 

transients and asymptotic behaviour", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  E (APS, USA), vol.51, 407 (1995).

67. D. Chowdhury and B. Biswal, 

"Interfacial dynamics in disordered magnets: relaxation, critical dynamics and domain growth", 


vol. 1, 55 - 105 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994).

66. D. Chowdhury, J.K. Bhattacharjee and A. Bhattacharya, 

"Dynamics of crumpling of fluid-like amphiphilic membranes", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS   A (IOP, U.K.), vol.27, 257 (1994).

65. D. Chowdhury

"The kinetics of phase ordering in complex fluids: 

pattern formation in microemulsions and micellar solutions", 

J. PHYS. Condensed Matter (Review Article)(IOP, U.K.), vol.6, 2435-2450 (1994).

64. D. Chowdhury, V. Deshpande and D. Stauffer, 

"Modelling immune network through cellular automata: a unified mechanism of immunological memory". 

INTERNATIONAL J. MOD. PHYS. C (World Sc.), vol. 5, 1049 (1994). 

63. D. Chowdhury

"A unified model of immune response II: continumm approach", 

JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY (Academic Press), vol.165, 135 (1993). 

62. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Nucleation and size-distribution of holes in a microscopic model of Newton black films", 

PHYSICA   A (Elsevier), vol.189, 70 (1992).

61. D. Morawietz, D. Chowdhury, S. Vollmar and D. Stauffer, 

"Simulation of the kinetics of the Widom model of microemulsion", 

PHYSICA   A (Elsevier), vol.187, 126 (1992)

60. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Bursting of soap films", 

PHYSICA   A (Elsevier), vol.186, 237-249 (1992).

59. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Statistical Physics of Immune Networks", 

PHYSICA   A (Elsevier), vol.186, 61-81 (1992). 

58. D. Chowdhury and B. Biswal, 

"Novel Domain Growth Law in Random Magnets", 

PHYSICA   A (Elsevier), vol.180, 253 (1992). 

57. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Amphiphilic Membranes in Thin Films of a Complex Fluid: Statics and Dynamics in Lattice Models", 

JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (AIP, USA), vol.95, 7664 (1991).

56. S. Puri, D. Chowdhury and N. Parekh, 

"Non-algebraic Domain Growth in Random Magnets: A Cell-dynamical Approach", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.) vol.24, L1087 (1991). 

55. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Boundary Effects on a Spin Model: Microemulsions in Confined Geometry", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.) vol.24, L677 (1991).

54. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Lifetime of Unstable Bilayers: A Lattice Model for Amphiphilic Membranes", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  A (Rapid Communication) (APS, USA) vol.44, R2247 (1991).

53. B. Biswal and D. Chowdhury

"Dimensionality Dependence in the Singular Dynamic Scaling in the Dilute Ising Model", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  A (APS, USA), vol.43, 4179 (1991).

52. D. Chowdhury, M. Sahimi and D. Stauffer, 

"A Discrete Model for Immune Surveillance, Tumor Immunity and Cancer", 

JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY (Academic Press), vol.152, 263 (1991). 

51. D. Chowdhury and B.K. Chakrabarti, 

"Robustness of the Network Models of Immune Response", 

PHYSICA   A (Elsevier), vol.167, 635 (1990).

50. D. Chowdhury, D. Stauffer and P.V. Choudary, 

"A Unified Discrete Model of Immune Response", 

JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY (Academic Press), vol.145, 207 (1990).

49. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Systematics of the Models of Immune Response and Auto-Immune Disease, 

JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS (Plenum), vol.59, 1019 (1990). 

48. D. Chowdhury, 

"Monte Carlo Simulation of Random Magnets", 

CURRENT SCIENCE (Ind. Acad. Sci.), vol.59, 456-459 (1990).

47. D. Chowdhury,

 "Domain Growth Kinetics in Strongly Disordered Ising Magnets", 

JOURNAL de PHYSIQUE (FPS, France), vol.51, 2681 (1990).

46. D. Chowdhury, 

"A Fractal Description of the Vibrational Dynamics of Proteins: 

A Beautifully Complicated Description?" , 

CURRENT SCIENCE (Ind. Acad. Sci.), vol.59, 89-96 (1990).

45. J.S. Wang, M. Woehlert, H. Muehlenbein and D. Chowdhury

"The Three Dimensional Dilute Ising Magnet", 

PHYSICA   A (Elsevier), vol.166, 173 (1990).

44. J. S. Wang and D. Chowdhury

"The Critical Behaviour of the Three-Dimensional Dilute Ising Model: 

Universality and Harris Criterion", 

JOURNAL de PHYSIQUE (FPS, France), vol.50, 2905 (1989). 

43. D. Chowdhury and J.K. Bhattacharjee, 

"Pattern Formation in Liquid Crystals far from Equilibrium", 

PHASE TRANSITIONS (Gordon and Breach), vol.16/17, 413 (1989). 

42. D. Chowdhury and J.K. Bhattacharjee, 

"Growth of Nematic Droplets From the Supercooled Isotropic Phase of a Liquid Crystal, 

SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS (Pergamon), vol.67, 697 (1988).

41. D. Chowdhury

"Morphology of Growing Interfacial Patterns", 

JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS (Plenum), vol.50, 1111 (1988).

40. D. Chowdhury

"Morphology of the Interfacial Patterns Growing from Unstable Initial States in Crystal Growth Models", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.), vol.21, L141 (1988). 

39. D. Chowdhury, E.T. Gawlinski and J.D. Gunton, 

"Monte Carlo Simulation of Very Large Dilute Random-Field Ising Model Using Multi-Spin Coding", 

COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS (Elsevier), vol.43, 329 (1987).

38. D. Chowdhury

"Relaxation of an Isolated Droplet in Pure and Random Ising Magnets: Monte Carlo Simulation", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.), vol.20, L1171 (1987). 

37. D. Chowdhury and S. Kumar, 

"Domain Growth in the Three Dimensional Dilute Ising Model", 

JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS (Plenum), vol.49, 855 (1987), 

36. D. Chowdhury, M. Grant and J.D. Gunton, 

"Interface Roughening and Domain Growth in the Dilute Ising Model", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  B (APS, USA), vol.35, 6792 (1987).

35. D. Chowdhury and J.D. Gunton, 

"Interfacial Structure and Kinetics of Ordering in Weak Ferromagnets", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  B (APS, USA), vol.35, 1807 (1987).

34. D. Chowdhury and J.D. Gunton, 

"Domain Growth in the Dilute Random-Field Ising Model and 

the Breakdown of Self-Similar Dynamical Scaling", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.), vol.19, L1105 (1986).

33. T. Ala-Nissila, D. Chowdhury and J.D. Gunton, 

"Models of Hopping-Controlled Reactions with Variable Hopping Range", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW  A (APS, USA), vol.34, 4251 (1986). 

32. B.K. Chakrabarti, D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Molecular Dynamic Study of Fracture in 2D Disordered Elastic Lennard-Jones Solids", 

ZEITSCHRIFT FUER PHYSIK  B (Springer), vol.62, 343 (1986). 

31. D. Chowdhury,

"One Parameter Scaling Theory of Localization", 

COMMENTS ON SOLID STATE PHYSICS(Gordon and Breach), vol.12, 69-87 (1986).

30. D. Chowdhury, T.M. Harders, A. Mookerjee and P. Gibbs, 

"Theoretical Justification of the Magnetic Phase Diagram of CuMn Alloys", 

SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS (Pergamon), vol.57, 603 (1986)

29. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Monte Carlo Simulation of the Three Dimensional Dilute Ising Model", 

JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS (Plenum), vol.44, 203 (1986).

28. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Dilution-Dependence of the Relaxation Time in the Dilute Ising Model", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.), vol.19, L19 (1986).

27. D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Size-Dependence of Relaxation in Random-Field Ising Model", 

ZEITSCHRIFT FUER PHYSIK B (Springer), vol.60, 249 (1985). 

26. B.K. Chakrabarti and D. Chowdhury

"Two Mutually Repelling Self-Avoiding Walks: A Monte Carlo Study", 

PHYSICS LETTERS  A (Elsevier), vol.110, 286 (1985). 

25. D. Chowdhury

"Spiral Growing Self-Avoiding Walk: A New Universality Class", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.), vol.18, L289 (1985). 

24. D. Chowdhury, B.K. Chakrabarti and J. Kertesz, 

"Diffusion on Self-Avoiding Walks With Bridges", 

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  (APS, USA), vol.55, 2508 (1985).

23. D. Chowdhury

"Random Walk on Self-Avoiding Walk in External Bias: Diffusion, Drift and Trapping", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.), vol.18, L761 (1985).  .

22. D. Chowdhury

"Real Space Renormalization Group Approach to Random Walk on Self-Avoiding Walk", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (IOP, U.K.), vol.18, 3471 (1985). 

21. D. Chowdhury and B.K. Chakrabarti, 

"Random Walk on Self-Avoiding Walk: A Model for the Conductivity of Linear Polymers", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.), vol.18, L377, (1985). 

20. D. Chowdhury and A. Mookerjee, 

"Random Walk and Magnetization of Spin Clusters in Spin Glasses", 


19. D. Chowdhury

"Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Realistic Spin Glasses Beyond Independent-Mode Approximation II: 

Effect of Reaction Field", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  A (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.), vol.18, L95 (1985). 

18. D. Chowdhury and A. Mookerjee, 

"Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Realistic Spin Glasses Beyond the Independent-Mode Approximation", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  C (IOP, U.K.), vol.17, 5049 (1984).

17. D. Chowdhury and A. Mookerjee,

"Mean-field Theories of Spin Glasses", 

PHYSICS REPORTS(Elsevier), vol.114, 1-98 (1984).

16. D. Chowdhury and J.K. Bhattacharjee, 

"Critical Exponents and Fractal Dimension of Realistic Spin Glasses", 

PHYSICS LETTERS  A (Elsevier), vol.104, 100 (1984). 

15. J.K. Bhattacharjee, K. Banerjee, D. Chowdhury, R. Saravanan and S. Manna, 

"Limit Cycles in A Forced Lorenz System", 

PHYSICS LETTERS  A (Elsevier), vol.104, 33 (1984).

14. D. Chowdhury and A. Mookerjee, 

"1/f Noise and Resistivity of Spin Glasses", 

PRAMANA: Journal of Physics (Ind. Acad. Sc.), vol.23, 257 (1984).

13. D. Chowdhury and K. Banerjee, 

"On Parisi and Jonsson Order Parameters for Spin Glasses", 

PHYSICS LETTERS  A (Elsevier), vol.101, 273 (1984).

12. D. Chowdhury and A. Mookerjee, 

"Percolation Model, Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model and Localization- Delocalization Model of 

Spin Glass Transition: a Comparative Study", 

PHYSICS LETTERS  A (Elsevier), vol.100, 513 (1984).

11. D. Chowdhury and A. Mookerjee, 

"Logarithmic Relaxation of Magnetization in the Percolation Model of the Spin Glass Transition", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS F (IOP, U.K.), vol.14, 245 (1984).

10. D. Chowdhury, 

"Comment on the 'Speckle Picture of Spin Glasses and Inhomogeneous Mean-Field Theory'", 

PHYSICS LETTERS  A (Elsevier), vol.100, 370 (1984).

9. D. Chowdhury and A. Mookerjee, 

"Distribution of Blocking Temperatures in Spin Glass Transition: Percolation Model", 

PHYSICA  B(Elsevier), vol.124, 255 (1984).

8. A. Mookerjee and D. Chowdhury

"Local Field Distribution revisited in the Light of the Percolation Model of Spin Glass Transition", 

PRAMANA:Journal of Physics (Ind. Acad.Sci.), vol.22, 107 (1984).

7. D. Chowdhury and A. Mookerjee, 

"Spin Dynamics in Vector Spin Glasses in an External Magnetic Field", 

PHYSICS LETTERS  A  (Elsevier), vol.99, 111 (1983).

6. D. Chowdhury and A. Mookerjee, 

"1/f Noise in Semiconductors and Spin Glasses", 

SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS (Pergamon), vol.48, 887 (1983).

5. D. Chowdhury and A. Mookerjee, 

"Relation Between Wohlfarth's Model and Percolation Model of Spin Glasses", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  F (Lett.) (IOP, U.K.), vol.13, L19 (1983)

4. A. Mookerjee and D. Chowdhury

"Spin Glass Transition as a Problem of Percolation of Overlapping Spheres", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  F (IOP, U.K.), vol.13, 431 (1983).

3. A. Mookerjee and D. Chowdhury

"Magnetoresistance of AuFe and CuMn: Theory and Experiment", 

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS  F (IOP, U.K.), vol.13, 365 (1983).

2. G. P. Sastry and D. Chowdhury

"Singly Refracting Biaxial Crystals: A Curiosity in Maxwell's Electrodynamics", 


1. G. P. Sastry and D. Chowdhury

"Cherenkov Radiation in Spatially Dispersive Media", 



Co1. D. Chowdhury and A. Mookerjee, 

"Localization-Delocalization and Percolation Model of Spin Glass Transition: Magnetization Relaxation", 


Bangalore, India (1984).

Co2. B.K. Chakrabarti, D. Chowdhury and D. Stauffer, 

"Fracture in 2D Disordered Lennard-Jones Solid: Two Different Thresholds", 


(Invited Paper Presented at the Conference on Fragmentation, 

Form and Flow in Fractured Media, Neve-Ilan, Israel, 1986).

Co3. N. Parekh, S.Puri and D.Chowdhury

"Phase ordering dynamics in disordered systems", 

in: Computational aspects in chaos and nonlinear dynamics

p.163, eds. G. Ambika and V.M. Nandakumaran (Wiley Eastern, 1994).

Co4. D. Chowdhury

"Interfacial dynamics in dilute and random-exchange magnets: 

computational approaches to domain growth" (Invited talk), 

in: "Nonlinear phenomena in Materials Science III, Instabilities and Patterning", 

Proceedings of the Indo-French Workshop on Instabilities and Patterning 

and International Meeting on Nonlinear Phenomena in Materials Science, 

held in Bangalore, India, in December, 1994; volumes 42-43 of Solid State Phenomena, 1995 

eds. G. Ananthakrishna, L.P. Kubin and G. Martin (Scitec Publications Ltd, Switzerland

Key Engineering Materials, vol.103, 125 (1995).

Co5. A. Schadschneider, D. Chowdhury, E. Brockfeld, 

K. Klauck, L. Santen and J. Zittartz, (cond-mat/9911312) 

"A new cellular automata model for city traffic". 

in: "Traffic and Granular Flow '99: Social, Traffic, and Granular Dynamics", 

edited by D. Helbing, H. J. Herrmann, M. Schreckenberg, and D. E. Wolf (Springer, Berlin). 

Co6. A. Schadschneider, D. Chowdhury, A. John and K. Nishinari ,  

"Anomalous fundamental diagram in traffic on ant trails", (cond-mat/0310766);  

in: "Traffic and Granular Flow '03",  edited by S.P. Hoogendoorn,

S. Luding, P.H.L. Bovy, M. Schreckenberg, and D.E. Wolf (Springer, 2005).

Co7. K. Nishinari, A. Schadschneider and D. Chowdhury

"Traffic of Ants on a Trail: A Stochastic Modelling and Zero Range Process",

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3305,p.192, 2004 (Springer-Verlag,


Co8. A. Schadschneider, D. Chowdhury, A. John and K. Nishinari,

``Anomalous fundamental diagrams in traffic on ant trails'' (ACRI, 2004). 


Co9. D. Chowdhury, A. Schadschneider and K. Nishinari,

``Traffic phenomena in biology: from molecular motors to organisms'',

(Plenary lecture), Proc. of the international conference "Traffic and Granular Flow '05",

eds. A. Schadschneider, T. Poschel, R. Kuhne, M. Schreckenberg and D.E. Wolf 

(Springer, 2006).

Books/Conf.Proc./Journals (special issues) Edited

Guest Editors:  D. Chowdhury, B.K. Chakrabarti and A. Dutta, vol. 372, issue 1 of  Physica A (2006), Published by Elsevier   (Recognized by the European Physical Society).

Editors: B.K. Chakrabarti, D. Chowdhury, K. Kaski and J. Kertesz, vol. T106 of Physica Scripta (2003), Published by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences  (Recognized by the European Physical Society).