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"I started attending online lessons with Mrs Wong 6 months before my A levels. I scored an S grade in my school's Math exam. While I was struggling to keep up with the challenging practice papers in school, Mrs Wong's weekly topical revision worksheets really gave me a lot more clarity in understanding concepts and question-types from the basic questions to the very challenging ones. All in one worksheet! Her tips and tricks were very useful especially in memorising formulas and methods. Her lessons were sufficient enough for me to keep up each week without needing any individual consultation sessions with my school teacher, and she always replied my questions quickly and in a way that I could apply to other similar questions. On top of that, her compiled summary book was my lifesaver for the last 6 months leading up to my 5 grade jump from S to an A!"

Hannah Chiang, EJC JC 2, 2020, A Level H2 Math Grade A

"Back in Secondary school, I was not eligible for Additional Mathematics due to my poor Math grades. Without Additional Math background, I took a leap of faith and chose H2 Math in Temasek JC. Without prior knowledge on basic calculus, I could not catch up with my peers. Lessons in school did not help me as I could not understand the advanced calculus concepts. I was starting to regret taking H2 Math. It was then that a friend recommended me to join Mrs Wong’s tuition since he found it helpful. I joined her classes around the 2nd term of JC1. However, I was still scoring Us because I was not working hard enough and often found myself not paying much attention during her lessons. Promotional exams came and I got a U again, I was devastated and seeing the disappointment on Mrs Wong’s face, I felt the need to put in more effort in Math. I focused more during her classes and completed her assignments on time and I managed to improve to a C in my JC2 mid-year and Prelim exams. Even though I was not getting distinctions, she nevertheless encouraged me to continue striving. She is a nurturing and patient teacher who never dismissed my questions and always tries her best to explain complex concepts to me. If it was not for her support, I definitely would not have gotten an A for H2 Math in the A Levels."

Wenlong, TJC JC 2, 2019, A Level H2 Math Grade A

"I improved from a U during JC2 prelims to an A in A levels! Throughout JC, Math was not my priority and I focused more on my other subjects as I was strong in Math and easily passed without much effort in JC1. In JC2, the lack of effort and practice showed as I slowly slipped from a D to U in prelims. After receiving my prelim results and knowing that my foundation in Math was terribly weak, I immediately dedicated more of my time to Math, and I would not have been able to achieve such tremendous improvement without the help of Mrs Wong. I achieved an A by diligently doing Mrs Wong’s worksheets as well as past A Level exam questions. Mrs Wong is an amazing, friendly, engaging as well as dedicated teacher. Being a Cambridge graduate, she can analyse common Math questions and systematically prepare her own version of questions and set of notes. Join Debbie's Learning Cove now and you will not regret! My Math result is proof of her guidance and teaching prowess."

Jolene, TJC JC 2, 2019, A Level H2 Math Grade A

"I have been a student with Mrs Wong for 3 years and she has been an extremely supportive and helpful tutor. Her lessons are captivating and she explains the solution to each question thoroughly, at the same time making sure that her explanations are clear and easily understood. Her notes are clear, neat and key concepts are very well-captured. She also created a caring and enjoyable environment in her sessions which allowed me to gain more confidence. With her help, my Mathematics grades have improved tremendously through the years. Thank you Mrs Wong!"

Nina, TJC JC2, 2019, A Level H2 Math Grade A

"Math has never been my strong suit. I got B3 for both E Math and A Math for my O Levels. I started to attend lessons at Debbie's Learning Cove since JC1. Mrs Wong's engaging and light-hearted classes helped me better understand concepts that were taught in school and her worksheets provided the necessary additional practice in order to reinforce these concepts. She also makes concise notes that are easy to use during my revision. This, coupled with her dedication and patience to answer my queries, gave me a strong foundation for H2 Math, allowing me to attain an A for A Levels."

Darrell Teo, TJC JC2, 2019, A Level H2 Math Grade A

"Mrs Wong is a really fun and engaging teacher. I joined her tuition thinking that it was going to be just another mediocre kind of tuition, however I was surprised when I attended her lessons. She gives extra practices and answers for us to refer to and study during our exams and always gives me a full explanation for any questions I have. She also provides us with snacks to keep us motivated during her lessons. Before I joined her tuition, I was failing Math. However I improved to an A grade for my A Level H2 Math. I am really thankful for the support and encouragement Mrs Wong has provided me and I highly encourage everyone who wants to seek a unique tuition experience to join her tuition."

Nicholas Chin, TJC JC2, 2019, A Level H2 Math Grade A

"Having been a student at Debbie’s Learning Cove for the last 4 years, Mrs Wong has never failed to educate us on the various math topics from my Secondary 3 when she first started to my JC years. Her weekly 2 hour lessons first focuses on the basics when we are unfamiliar with the topic, before moving on to exam-based questions that we are exposed to in order to familiarise ourselves with traps that these questions might pose us with. Moreover, during the revision periods before exams, the variety of questions that we are provided with keeps us on our toes. We are also provided with comprehensive notes that are easy to compile. Aside from being concerned with our academics, Mrs Wong also takes into account her students’ welfare by adjusting workload so that we will not struggle from school and tuition work at the same time. As I am a student from TJC, getting to the centre is convenient and fast as it is a stone’s throw away from school!"

A. Tam, TJC JC 2, 2019, A Level H2 Math Grade B

"After joining Mrs Wong's tuition for about 3 months, my Intermediate math and A math results have improved greatly. This is because the learning environment is conducive and pleasant and there are not too many students, which enables me to be more focused in doing my work. Mrs Wong is also very learned and knowledgeable in Math, and is able to clarify and all my doubts and queries. She takes on a topical approach and this is particularly beneficial in helping me understand the skills that are involved. Furthermore, Mrs Wong also explains some common errors made by students and tells us which areas we have to take note. This allows me to be more alert of the possible "traps" in the question and how to successfully evade them. Mrs Wong also tackles the problem step-by-step, and this allows me to organise my thoughts, thereafter solving the problem. Furthermore, the notes that are made by her are very clear and concise, which makes it easy for me to understand and digest. The practice questions are also manageable yet challenging, giving me enough practice for the required skills. Overall, Mrs Wong's tuition is very helpful in improving my math results."

B. Wong, TJC IP Year 3, 2015, A Level H2 Math Grade A

"I have been attending Mrs Wong's class for almost 3 years now and my grades have improved greatly since I joined. Because of how engaging and interesting her lessons are, I find it easy to stay focused in class, which has allowed me to follow the class easily. Mrs Wong's explanation of the math concepts are clear and concise, making the concepts a lot easier to understand. Her notes summarise the math topics very precisely and accurately, which has made revision for such topics much more effective. The questions in the worksheets she creates are challenging and tests our knowledge of the concepts very well, which allows me to have a clear understanding of what I'm lacking in and what I should improve on. Through Mrs Wong's lessons, I have developed a stronger understanding of math and a liking for it!"

J. Chan, TJC JC1, 2019

"I have been attending teacher Debbie’s tuition lessons for a few years now and it is because of her lessons that I am able to better understand the various mathematical concepts. She provides very useful and concise materials that aids in quick revisions. Additionally, her resources are easy to understand and follow the school’s syllabus accordingly. Teacher Debbie’s tuition environment is pretty conducive and she welcomes any questions that I have, not to mention that she is very friendly towards her students that makes me feel comfortable learning math. I really enjoy her math lessons!"

I. Thomas, TJC IP Year 4, 2018

"Since joining the tuition,my math grades have improved slowly but steadily. An 'F' would not have been a stranger on my results slip when you looked under the subject 'Mathematics', but now,I have not only started passing, but I also manage to achieve grades I never thought I could. Quizzes that my teacher give during lesson have always been a pain, however, I can do it with no problem now. I even managed to get full marks on a recent quiz!

Also,the time and hard work that my tutor, Mrs Wong,put in for her students inspired and motivated me greatly. She could teach us a complicated concept in just one lesson and whatever students don't understand, she will go through with them until they understand. She made the hardest question look like the simplest. I definitely could not have gotten good grades without such an outstanding tutor."

Sng X.Y., Sec 2, St Hilda's Secondary School, 2014

"Mrs Wong's tuition has truly helped me not only in my grades but has also developed my interest in mathematics. My grades have improved substantially, thanks to Mrs Wong's dedicated teaching and support. Attending Mrs Wong's tuition has also given me numerous benefits. It has helped me to understand many concepts better and has given me an insight into additional topics and question types that differ from my school syllabus, allowing me to broaden my field of knowledge in mathematics. Mrs Wong is a very passionate and caring teacher who gives each and every one of her students specialised tutoring, much support and the opportunity to unleash their potentials. I truly enjoy going for Mrs Wong's tuition."

Kwok T.Y., Sec 2, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), 2014

"Ever since joining Mrs Wong's math tuition, I have begun to realise how much my grasp of algebra improved. Math is a subject I am sure most students detest. I am no different. After joining Mrs Wong's tuition, I feel my interest in math has definitely increased . Complicated concepts are being made easy to understand with the approach Mrs Wong uses to teach us the concepts. I even got 18/20 for my previous test, quite a big improvement from the fails or just passes I used to get. Thanks Mrs Wong: ) "

Tan L.Z., Sec 2, St Hilda's Secondary School, 2014