H2 Math June 2024 

Topical Revision Programme

Each session is a standalone power-packed revision class led by Mrs Debbie Wong, who will take you through the key concepts required for each H2 math topic.  

As this is a revision class, a pre-requisite is that the student already know the basic concepts of the topic.  

Lessons with the same topic name are exactly the same. Attend only 1. Eg, P1 and P2 are the same. 

For each session, there is a worksheet of exam-type questions to attempt prior to the session.  You will be given the worksheet  via email at least 3 days before the session.  

Relevant summary notes will be given.

During the session, we will review the solution of these questions and focus on the application of the key concepts required to solve each question.  

For each session, there is choice of attending onsite lesson at #02-72 Roxy Square, or online via Zoom.  Do note that onsite seat is very limited.  

Fee:  $105 per session.

To sign-up:

1) Whatsapp/SMS  Mrs Debbie Wong at 9686 5169.   

2) Leave your details in this format:

    Student Name:

    Student's JC: 

3)  Lesson Code and Mode (online or onsite)