Doctor of Philosophy
Name: Shaheen Usmani
Roll Number: 2020PIT-206
Topic: DeepFake creation and detection using Deep Learning
Co-supervisor: Dr. Sunil Kumar
Name: Pankaj Gugnani
Roll Number: 2022PIT-102
Topic: Use of Blockchain in IoT
Co-supervisor: Dr. Wilfred Godfrey
Name: Namrata Agrawal
Roll Number: 2022PITF-301
Topic: --
Co-supervisor: Dr. Amrendra Singh Yadav
Master of Technology / Integrated Post-Graduate
Batch: 2022-2024
Name: Sushant Basak
Roll Number: 2019IMT-105
Thesis Title: Identification and Removal of Malicious Node in Federated Learning Environment
Name: Shambhavi Shandilya
Roll Number: 2019IMT-089
Thesis Title: Investigating the Subdomain Takeover Vulnerability in Amazon Web Services Due to Dangling Resources
Name: Kunal Jain
Roll Number: 2019IMT-052
Thesis Title: Abstracting SWAPP to Mitigate Client-Side Attacks in Web Applications
Name: Kartik Gajaria
Roll Number: 2022IS-07
Thesis Title: Unveiling Fraudulent E-commerce Websites via Crowdsourcing and Machine Learning
Batch: 2021-2023
Name: Mayank Mishra
Roll Number: 2021IS-04
Thesis Title: Optimizing Fingerprint Identification Time using Cuckoo filter
Name: Nitin Keshri
Roll Number: 2021IS-07
Thesis Title: Mitigating Packet-level Signature Attacks in PINGPONG using Differential Privacy
Name: Prateek Kumar Soni
Roll Number: 2021IS-08
Thesis Title: Cost-based Management of Virtual Machines for Distributed Environments
Name: Raghwendra Singh
Roll Number: 2021IS-09
Thesis Title: Attack Detection on Privacy and Anonymity in Blockchain
Name: Medhavi Srivastava
Roll Number: 2018IMT-050
Thesis Title: Achieving Object Indistinguishability in Video Frames Through Randomization of Trajectory
Name: Abhishek Pratap Singh
Roll Number: 2018IMT-007
Thesis Title: Fast Similarity Search in Large Scale Iris Recognition using Fine-tuned CNN and High-dimensional Hashing
Co-supervisor: Dr. Santosh Singh Rathore
Batch: 2020-2022
Name: Varesh Mishra
Roll Number: 2020IS-11
Thesis Title: Blockchain Consensus Design for IoT Devices with Network Sanitization
Name: Pratheesh Suresh
Roll Number: 2020IS-08
Thesis Title: Advanced Multi-layered Encrypted QR Codes Using Efficient Compression
Name: Anivesh Panjiyar
Roll Number: 2017IMT-011
Thesis Title: Defending against Code injection attack using Secure Design Pattern
Name: Amisha Sinha
Roll Number: 2017IMT-008
Thesis Title: Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure with Identity Management using Hyperledger Fabric
Name: Venkat Sai Swarup Bennabhaktula
Roll Number: 2017IMT-109
Thesis Title: Presentation Attack Detection in Iris Recognition using Convolutional Block Attention Mechanism
Co-supervisor: Dr. Vinal Patel
Batch: 2019-2021
Name: Joy Brahma
Roll Number: 2019IS-05
Thesis Title: Preserving contextual privacy for smart home IoT devices with Dynamic Traffic Shaping
Name: Radha Madhu Seekar Vedula
Roll Number: 2019IS-12
Thesis Title: Distance preserving encoding of Biometric features using Space-Filling Curves
Name: Shaswata Kirtania
Roll Number: 2019IS-09
Thesis Title: Locating Best Bits in noisy iris features via Hidden Markov Model
Name: Aditya Sirvya
Roll Number: 2019IS-14
Thesis Title: Investigation of DoS attacks over Blockchain networks
Name: Sanya Verma
Roll Number: 2016IPG-092
Thesis Title: Robust identification of Deep Fake faces
Name: Himanshu Choudhary
Roll Number: 2019IS-03
Thesis Title: Automatic Speaker Verification using GFCC as a prominent feature
Co-supervisor: Dr. Vinal Patel
Name: Akash Dubey
Roll Number: 2019IS-01
Thesis Title: Optimization of Parameters in Wireless Sensor Networks using Metaheuristic approach based on Type-2 Fuzzy Logic
Co-supervisor: Dr. Jeevaraj S
Batch: 2018-2020
Name: Saurabh Mishra
Roll Number: 2018IS-12
Thesis Title: Design of ARX based lightweight cipher for application in IoT
Name: K Narain
Roll Number: 2018IS-05
Thesis Title: Privacy preservation of fingerprint templates via k-Anonymity
Name: Nishant Raj
Roll Number: 2015IPG-052
Thesis Title: Secure storage of biometric data over cloud using Shamir’s Secret Sharing
Name: Utkarsh Utsav
Roll Number: 2015IPG-103
Thesis Title: Design Of cancelable biometric template for face images based on Locality Sensitive Hashing
Name: Gaurav Yadav
Roll Number: 2015IPG-031
Thesis Title: Named Entity Recognition for weather domain texts in Hindi
Co-supervisor: Dr. Santosh Singh Rathore
Name: Abhinav Anand
Roll Number: 2015IPG-103
Thesis Title: Securing online multimedia contents using encryption
Co-supervisor: Dr. Santosh Singh Rathore
Name: Saloni Nanwate
Roll Number: 2018IS-11
Thesis Title: Similarity attack on cancelable biometrics using metaheuristic optimization