
  1. Title: Design of privacy-preserving and efficient mechanisms for handling heterogeneous biometric data in the context of Aadhaar

Role: Principal Investigator (PI)

Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India

File Number: SRG/2021/000051

Grant Amount: Rs. 15.08 lakhs

Duration: 2 years

  1. Title: Identifying privacy risks due to contact tracing during COVID-19 and their mitigation

Role: Principal Investigator (PI)

Funding Agency: Technology Innovation and Incubation Center (TIIC), ABV-IIITM Gwalior (under TIDE 2.0 Scheme)

File Number: TIIC/COVID-19/CFP/28

Grant Amount: Rs. 3.50 lakhs

Duration: 1 year