Copy Art

When I say "Copy Art", I just mean hand-drawn sketches that are made by trying to duplicate a reference image, without tracing of any kind. I can't say for sure what inspired me to do so much of it; other than I was bored at the time and it was rather fun to do. I felt like tracing was too mindless and was essentially "cheating", but I couldn't really draw anything of value myself, so I had to resort to copying. I thought of it as a way to practice too--if I copied enough of other people's art, then perhaps I would eventually learn some techniques that would help me in my own works...(of course, whether or not that ever actually happened is a whole other story...)

At the time that I did most of these I was very enamored with Kirby and Sasami, so those formed the basis of most of my material.

Summer 2003 - Kirby, various abilities

This was copied from various images featured in one (or maybe a couple) issues of Nintendo Power. The Fire Kirby actually looks really neat, and some of the other ones didn't turn out too bad either.

Summer 2003 - Coo, various abilities

Likewise, the source material here was Nintendo Power.

Summer 2003 - The Io Squad 2 (unfinished)

I was originally going to draw a bunch of characters here, like maybe 10 or so, but after the first 4 I wasn't really liking how things were going along too well. Kirby looks okay, and Ryoko actually looks pretty nice, but Tebriel (otherwise known as Ryu from Breath of Fire) was really, really hard to copy. I didn't actually like the source images I had for Tebriel, A-Ko, -or- Iczer-1. Don't ask me what the "Io Squad 2" is, I won't tell you (figure it out). Tebriel is actually the only new sketch here--I had done copies of all the other ones before already.

4/7/04 - Sasami waving and holding a box



I spent a lot of time on this one and it shows. I thought the original picture was really great, so I really wanted to do things right. For the most part, I did a decent job, although you can tell I didn't exactly get everything right. I was kind of running out of room on the page, too. =p

4/9/04 - Ryoko

4/12/04 - Ryoko winking




I did these two together...not much else to say. Some decent shading going on...

4/13/04 - Ryo-ohki



Really cute. I'm glad the shading came out on this one.

4/14/04 - Iczer-1



The source for this one didn't actually even look all that great. On top of that, it was a really -hard- picture to copy. The result looks kind of horrid. Can't win 'em all...

5/11/04 - A-Ko



A mediocre picture that turned out mediocre (what else would you expect?).

4/3/05 - Sasami as viewed in the ball-thing



Not perfect, but pretty decent. I like this picture.

4/3/05 - Sasami again



You can tell here that I'm not always that great at keeping everything straight and proportioned.

4/6/05 - Christmas Sasami



A small and easy picture. I'm not sure if I really captured the cutesy feel of the original.

4/5/05 - Classic Sasami pic



Ryo-ohki and part of her hair looks a little funny (can you see what I did wrong?), but other than that this one looks really nice!

4/5/05 - Kirby in various poses

I'm not entirely sure where this was copied from, but I bet it was another article in Nintendo Power.

4/14/05 - Sasami holding a pot



Again, I didn't get some of the proportions right, but it's not bad.

4/14/05 - Happy Sasami with Ryo-ohki



Another simple cutesy pic. I don't think I finished the ribbons on her shoes--that must have slipped my mind. Whoops!

5/16/06 - Sasami



Probably my best copy to date. Maybe her eye needs to be a little bit bigger. This looks really good, though.

5/13/11 - Safety

Just a really quick one I did in class based on a bookmark I use.

12/28/11 - Dejiko



Another quickie, this time in pen, and done from a cell phone background I was using at the time.