
Your Hash ambassadors have been Hashing - and supporting the Hashing community - for many years.  We run, or have run, with many of the local DC Hashes and are fully committed to promoting the camaraderie that we've experienced along the way. 

Each of the local kennels is providing a "Hash Ambassador" to work with the Full Moon Hash in putting on monthly runs.  Talk to your Ambassador to pitch your ideas for an upcoming Full Moon, or to find out how you can help your kennel plan your next FM trail!


DC FM H3 Ambassadors



10AM- Hangover (Monthly)

11:69AM- Hillbilly 

2PM- Over the Hump (Every other week) 

3PM- Baltimore Annapolis 

3PM- White House (Labor to Memorial) 



7PM- White House (Memorial to Labor) 



7PM- So Happy It’s Tuesday 



7PM- Over the Hump 


7PM- Everyday is Wednesday 



7PM-Charm City



10AM- Mount Vernon

11AM- Old Frederick

3:30PM- Fredericksburg Urban



DC Full Moon (Monthly)

DC Red Dress (Annual October)

Click to join DCFullmOOnH3
Click to join DCFullmOOnH3

 Click to get on our mailing list 

Click to e-mail the DC Full Moon H3

For directions to any hash, call 202-PUD-JAM-0  (202-783-5260)