REVIMA (Virtual Reality for the simulation of assembly and maintainability processes)
2000-2002: Industrial project
REVIMA is a Virtual Reality tool used to study whether an aeronautic system, chiefly the engines, is designed so that it can be easily repaired or checked up. REVIMA is a tool designed to work just between the desing and the physical mock-up construction, aiding to discover maintainability issues earlier and thus saving money by reducing the amount of physical mock-ups required. The research involved in the project concerns two main areas: mechanical design (our haptic device called LHIfAM), and software development wich work together to achieve the goal of helping to discover possible maintainability issues. Both of them deal with important challenges since system maintenance simulation needs to be very close to reality.
Borro, D., García-Alonso, A., and Matey, L., "Approximation of Optimal Voxel Size for Collision Detection in Maintainability Simulations within Massive Virtual Environments", Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 13-23. January/March 2004. (pdf).
Amundarain, A., Borro, D., García-Alonso, A., Gil, J.J., Matey, L., and Savall, J., "Virtual Reality for Aircraft Engines Maintainability", Mécanique & Industries, Vol. 5, No. 2, Pp. 121-127. March/April, 2004. (pdf).
Borro, D., Savall, J., Amundarain, A., Gil, J.J., García-Alonso, A., and Matey, L., "A Large Haptic Device for Aircraft Engines Maintainability", IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 70-74. November/December 2004. (pdf).
Amundarain, A., Aguinaga, I., Borro, D., García-Alonso, A., and Matey, L., “Realidad Virtual para el Mantenimiento de Motores de Avión”, Revista Ingeniería Industrial, Año 2, No. 1, pp. 19-28. 2003. (pdf).
Amundarain, A., Aguinaga, I., Borro, D., García-Alonso, A., and Matey, L., "Realidad virtual para el mantenimiento de motores de avión", Proceedings of the Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica (CEIG'03), pp. 233-246. La Coruña, Spain. July 2-4, 2003. (pdf).
Amundarain, A., Borro, D., Matey, L., and García-Alonso, A., "Occlusion Culling for the Visualization of Aeronautical Engines Digital Mock-ups", Proceedings of the Virtual Concept'03, pp. 135-142. Biarritz, France. November 5-7, 2003. (pdf).
Savall, J., Borro, D., Gil, J.J., and Matey, L., "Description of a Haptic System for Virtual Maintainability in Aeronautics", Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 2887-2892. EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. September 30 - October 4, 2002. (pdf).
Amundarain, A., Borro, D., García-Alonso, A., Gil, J.J., Matey, L. and Savall, J., "Virtual Reality for Aircraft Engines Maintainability", Proceedings of Virtual Concept 2002, pp. 60-65. Biarritz, France. October 9-10, 2002. (pdf, video).
Savall, J., Borro, D., Amundarain, A., Martín, J., Gil, J.J., and Matey, L., "LHIfAM - Large Haptic Interface for Aeronautics Maintainability", Video Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'04). New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. April 26 - May 01, 2004. (pdf, video).
Video 01: Visual (Youtube link)
Video 02: Complete system (Youtube link)