Wayne's World

Welcome to Wayne's more personal home page

This "world" is REALLY (and should always be) under construction.

....more like it was deconstructed!

Most things are worth learning, and many people are worth learning from. The only thing not worth learning is an bad attitude toward learning and maturing.

Are you a Dr. Who fan?

Japan also has some really good Sci-fi animation.....

Dr. Who

The Weasles: original cutting edge music.

To be reconstructed.

physics phun: (well, nobody's perfect)

to be reconstructed

Of course, there is also genuine serious fun:

Other interests

Science & Religion issues (various unverified links)

This is mostly science related issues from a Christian perspective. I have not had time to comment on most of them, and they are presented "as is". Some links are very old and may not work at all. The presence (or absense) of links is no reflection of my support for any of the views purported therein. This is "as is" without further ado.

Why am I here?

Does anyone really know? Perhaps here means "here in Japan". Or maybe it means "here sitting at this terminal hacking out this web page". Or maybe it is a genuine question about purpose.

I actually should say something about why I am here in Japan. I suppose one thing is the usual curiosity. I heard many opinions about Japan and Japanese, and the more I found myself having to listen to these opinions, the more I felt an obligation to find out for myself. It's a long term commitment. I realize there are limits, and I should address each matter in due time, but a vision cannot be particularly informed if it is based strictly on the uninformed opinions of others. So this may begin a different kind of journey. I don't know where it will go, but here goes.....A glimpse of Asia.(to be reconstructed)

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